#puppet misto au
rainbowratsstuff · 4 months
Puppet Misto? 🥺
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Here's a little comic of a scene I can imagine being in this AU
Hope you like it and thanks for being so patient with how long this took for me to get around to.
But I really do like this AU
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naturepointstheway · 2 years
Flufftober Day 18: Soulmates AU
Tugger and Mistoffelees eventually find they immediately recognise each other from first meeting when they see their fur markings that became the sign of their being soulmates through Jellicle Life after Jellicle Life after Jellicle Life.This travels through six of Mistoffelees’ nine lives.
Cats the Musical - Tuggoffelees - Soulmate AU - Rating: G.
Once upon a time, many centuries ago, when Tugger and Misto had passed on from their first Jellicle Life (they had fallen for each other, naturally), it seemed as if someone higher--perhaps the Everlasting Cat herself--had noticed how they had been so devoted to each other, and gave them the mark of soulmates so they could find each other again and again in their next eight Jellicle Lives.
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It was curious, but in his first life, Mistoffelees did not have the tiny bowtie marking on his throat, nor the curious markings on his face that would change from life to life--more spooky in some lives and more cute in others. Yet, even in his first Jellicle Life, Mistoffelees had his magic, would always have his magic, and his signature Conjuring Turn. Meanwhile, Tugger had been his Maine Coon self, mane and bushy tail and dramatics and all--but he had not his leopard-like spots on his chest in his first life. Oh he had the hips, he had the voice, he had his aura of charm that oozed from every bit of him, but he had not yet those curious spots.
That was about to change, once they crossed the Heaviside Layer into their second lives, as curious and magical as their first.
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Into his second life Mistoffelees’ magic went with him as loyal as ever, but with an edge of darkness, of being able to reach into the void, able to see ghosts flee from the peripherals of his vision. His shadow pressed on him, moved in darkness of its own accord; sometimes he touched a rock and it burned or scratched under his paws. His magic swelled inside him, large and powerful, and he could have unleashed its fullness, used it for terrible things, but he did not, for his heart was too kind to dream of such a thing. He was proud of his magic, and wasn’t afraid to show off, to put on an act, to bring puppets to life to entertain an Important Cat. He was a storyteller as much as Munkustrap was, regaling the deceivingly quiet life of the Gumbie Cat and the rambunctious chaos of Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer.
Naturally, as in their first lives, Mistoffelees and Tugger fell for each other; now the latter had his chest spots, a mark that would stay for the remainder of their lifetimes, just as Mistoffelees’ new bowtie marking on his throat and curious black markings around his eyes and mouth would too. That feeling of familiarity still lay dormant, sleeping, waiting to awake in a later life.
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Something...strange happened in the Heaviside Layer after the second life, and somehow, in his third life, Mistoffelees was not at all his past two selves. Now his personality had entirely turned upside-down, the inverse of who he had been before. Instead of the proud showman he had been the last two lives, now he was entirely mute, an outcast from the Jellicle tribe, no longer an intimate friend to Munkustrap, who was now harsh and sharp, his attitude around Mistoffelees like sandpaper instead of gentle, soft silk. Perhaps, in some unconscious part of his mind, Mistoffelees remembered his friendship with Munkustrap, for he always trailed after him, looked up to him like a child to an admired adult, no matter how harsh the Jellicle tribe’s protector acted toward him.
And for the first time in this life, when Mistoffelees had first met Tugger when they were kittens, something about his growing mane and bushy tail, and those curious leopard-like spots on his chest struck him as familiar. Like he had seen him before, and something had stirred deep in him, though he had still been too young to think about or name it.
In this life, for his part, no sooner had Tugger spotted the tiny bowtie marking on the other cat’s chest or the faint lines on his white face that would become bolder with time, a sense of deja vu had come over him so strong he’d stumbled mid-step. And he knew, somehow, that this kitten would be a part of his life from that day on til the end.
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Perhaps the muteness of his character had unsettled the Everlasting Cat, for when Mistoffelees slipped into his fourth life, he was no longer mute, but nor was he a showman--and yet, that was okay. Once again, he sung with pride, inviting everyone to the Jellicle Ball in his own voice, letting his magic fly around the stage, confident and strong in his own abilities. His relationship with Munkustrap wasn’t as one-sided as before, but nor was he entirely close and affectionate with him as he had been as a showman either. Mistoffelees wasn’t a storyteller anymore, that had all passed to Munkustrap, and would remain so for the rest of their lives. 
They’d had enough lives together now that both Tugger and Mistoffelees felt a strange deja vu when they saw the other for the first time. Before he’d even seen Tugger for the first time in this life, he already could imagine what he looked like, chest markings, mane, bushy tail, swagger and all. He could imagine that gorgeous baritone voice, his charming smile and laughter, and how when they teased each other, it felt like it had always been this way.
Always been this way.
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He had his old sass back, healthy and strong, in his fifth life, even if he wasn’t singing his own song or raising puppets to life or telling the kittens stories to calm or entertain them as Munkustrap did. Even better, in this life, now he was closer to the Munkustrap he had once known many lives ago when he had too been a storyteller. Munkustrap was gentle, attentive to the kittens, a calming presence, a brave fighter, and a very sweet lover with Demeter. His magical confidence brightened the day of all those who saw it--he could make lights blink, could turn the lights on or off, spin up a Conjuring Turn so fast that the smallest kittens got dizzy looking at him, and--
He was so much closer to himself, Mistoffelees found through his life, and he wasn’t sure why. But he was glad for it--his banter with Tugger was full of sass as it had once been, even if he didn’t dance much with him, that terrible bore who maybe hogged the spotlight a little too much.
When he first met Tugger, he knew he had seen him before--he recognised him instantly by his chest spots, and in his turn, Tugger confessed to him one day he knew it was Mistoffelees the first time they had met ever. Why?
It was the bowtie marking, Tugger had said, and your face.
And my sass, too, I’m sure, Mistoffelees had added silently.
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Mistoffelees’ personality was like a fluid through all these lives, never flowing the same way between two different times. His confidence (perhaps too much of it, Jellylorum would tsk), and his youth, and his awkwardness all tumbled together to become the young, sweet cat he would be in this life. Mostly, but not entirely, mute, he knew how to express with his face and his body. The glare over Bombalurina’s shoulder when she took his spotlight at the Ball, the embarrassment that radiated from him when he had thought he was going to tell a story about the Gumbie Cat (it was Munkustrap, one again, who thankfully didn’t call too much attention to his mistake), and the infectious confidence he exuded when Tugger had shown everyone his magical powers in a time of crisis.
Bowtie marking. Thick arched eyebrows and cute little black nose and whiskers.
Still the same.
Tugger’s chest spots, huge mane of fur, that charm, that swagger.
Still the same.
Again, and again, they would find each other, know who they were at first sight, and know, just know, who each other were and are.
They had met before time and time again, and knew they would met time and time again in their future lives.
And all because of a marking on their fur.
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My Cats Non-Replica Pt. 1
Here, for your viewing pleasure and no body’s request, I give you- My ideal Cats non-replica production. Now complete with drawings that make eyes bleed!  This is a part one so stay tuned and let me know what you think for 2! (Also this is long as fuck sooo)
Overture Okay, so this production is heavily based on my ragdoll au idea from very long ago. Basically, the production takes place in a little girl’s bedroom. During the overture, we see the girl who own’s the room in front of a curtain, playing with a rag doll version of Munkustrap. As the overture ends, the girl’s mother (double cast as Grizabella) moved onto stage and gestures for the girl to follow. So the girl sets her doll of Munkustrap on a chair and moves backstage. Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats So the curtain lifts revealing the set. We can see large window in the background (with functioning curtains). There’s several things around the room, a bookshelf, a toy chest, a lamp, a doll bed, a teapot, a fallen over hat, and a play tunnel.
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Next to the toy chest, there’s also a chair, a bigger replica of the one we saw in the overture. Slumped over on the chair is Munkustrap, sitting seemingly still until his cue. On his cue, he perks up, looking a cross between the usual cats make up and a rag doll. He gets up as many other cat/toys appear out of various corners of the room. Before singing ‘Are you blind when you’re born?’ Munkustrap looks to the window as the curtains open, revealing a large moon in the background. Prompting the Jellicle ball. The rest of the song continues as normal. (Because there aren’t changes, the naming of the cats progresses as normal) Invitation to the Jellicle Ball So this song continues normally, Victoria dancing her solo before Misto starting up the song. In this version, I imagine the little girl will be shortly going on a trip and is allowed to bring only one toy. The Jellicle choice is to decide who will go with her. The Heaviside layer in this case being the outside world. The Old Gumbie Cat To start off the night, Munkustrap begins singing the Old Gumbie Cat, this time however, rather then a car Jennyanydots enters through the toy chest. Misto going over and undoing the latches before lifting the lid with magic. Jennyanydots is half swaddled in a large, leopard print blanket thats extremely fluffy but limited in movement. During the Gumbie Trio’s first verse she has her normal interactions with ‘The mice’ on the side of the stage. In the background, the other cats are scattering toys and paper across the stage in chaos. During the Gumbie Trio’s second verse, Jenny turns around and is shocked at the mess the others have made. Ever orderly, she throws off her blanket to reveal a leopard spot dress and a tiger stripped apron. The tap number in this case being replaced with a choreographed clean up of the room. With Jenny’s ‘Cockroaches’ who are clothed with tissue paper wings, pipe cleaner antenna, and big glasses for eyes. Once the room is clean again Jenny thanks them and the song ends.
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The Rum Tum Tugger This one may be my favorite. So as Jenny’s number trails off she continues to move about the room and tidy things up. She goes up to a tipped over tea pot, preparing to put it upright before the lid is pushed off, causing her to jump in surprise. Out of the tea pot comes Rum Tum Tugger, a particularly fluffy rag doll. He looks very similar to his replica design with a few differences. His spots are more obvious and patchy looking, giving us the idea that he’s even worn and repaired with leopard cloth by the child’s mother. Around one leg his tied a pink ribbon and his ‘belt’ is actually a girl’s hairband he’s been dressed up with. He’s also wearing a black biker vest that most likely came from a doll of some sort. He runs around the room, riling up the others with his flirting and generally causing his usual chaos. In this world he’s extremely popular, being one of the owner’s favorite toys. Of course, all the fun stops abruptly as Grizabella appears, crawling out from behind the bookshelf. Grizabella the Glamour Cat
The cats quickly scatter as Grizabella approaches. She’s a beat up toy, ragged with stuffing sticking out in different places. She’s been chewed on by a couple dogs after venturing out of the room to try and find a different place. The scene mostly progresses as normal, everyone shying away from her, the kittens trying to get close but being warded off by the elder toys. Munkustrap shows no emotion but does gently gesture for Griz to leave before things get worse which she obliges, slowly walking away while her song is song behind her. Bustopher Jones
The mood quickly lifts as Bustopher Jones arrives! He’s a wind up toy, big because of all his fancy mechanics and not used very much thus looking extremely well taken care off. They all great him as normal, turning over a hat for him to sit on while presenting him with different plastic foods for him to eat. They even use a sock as a napkin for him. However the atmosphere of fun is broken quickly as the hear aggressive shouting in the background. (Which is the  distance voice of the girl’s older brother) they scream Macavity before running for the hills, hiding in various places in the room. Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer  As the stage empties, a large puppet theatre is wheeled out. We hear Rumpelteazer’s laughs before the theatre curtain opens, revealing two stringless puppets, Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer leap out of the puppet stage and begin their number doing a healthy mix of acrobatics and tearing around the bookshelf, tossing books around and making a show of stealing things like pens and one sock from a pair. Rumpelteazer is wearing a plastic bracelet as a necklace of sorts. They cause their usual mix of chaos before being found out by the rest of the tribe and chased onto the toy box for the next number.
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Old Deuteronomy  The next song begins as normal, cats pointing out they sense the Jellicle leader and Munkustrap beginning the song with Tugger and the others joining in later. Slowly, Old D enters the stage. He’s a large, cat themed baby blanket and was the girl’s first ever toy and is thus a ‘father’ to Munkustrap and Tugger. (Who are the girl’s favorites) He greets the tribe before sitting on the chair to observe the ball. The Aweful Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles Okay so this basically goes as normal so I won’t describe what happens so much as the designs. So the Pollicles are the toms. They wear dangly earrings hanging off their ears to imitate dog ears, dry erase marker caps on their hands to make their feet, and plastic baggies for their other feet. The Pekes are the queens. They wear socks with holes on their heads, and mittens and bags for their hands and feet. The poms merely have little pom pom hair ties fastened around their ears. Now the Rumpus Cat is the most interesting one here. He’ll be double cast as Admetus and is a nightlight. He has a big Cheshire cat light up mask and a light up chest plate as well with a big R on his chest. Other parts of him will ideally light up as well. 
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I’m going to skip a bit here, all the way to the second act as there wasn’t much of note during the Jellicle ball portion.
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