#punch out oc florentino Szell
enityscreation · 8 months
Here’s hell’s favorite star, Florentino!
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Yes the 2 arms suck. Also the reason he doesn’t have his facial hair is because I legit forgot it 💀
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dearest-painter · 2 years
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Made on PS paint,I clearly don’t know how to make mouths
More of Florentino
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enityscreation · 2 years
Florentino’s punishment
TW/CW:Abuse,being harmed,dead naming
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Blood was going down his thigh and he knew it but he deserved it. He talked back to dad,it’s his fault he’s bleeding. “Clean up that mess once you’ve learnt your lesson Flora” “Yes papi…” his father didn’t slam the door surprisingly but I didn’t close all the way. The bruise on his back hurt to much for him to lean against the back of the chair. Florentino sighed as he got up hissing silently in pain as the cut in his thigh was deep. He limped towards the disinfectants and started to clean his thigh. Slowly wrapping the cut he knew it was gonna be hard to get the blood out the wood,it always does. It’s his fault that the floors are bloody. It’s his fault he got cut. It’s his fault that he got his shirt bloody. It’s his fault he talked back to his father when he knew not to do that.
He finally finished cleaning and was tired,his father did say he could come out after he learnt his lesson and he did. Slowly and silently walking to his room not to wake his siblings and father he saw a picture frame. Him,Papi,Maddie,Marcus,Tony,and Mama all smiling brightly but Mama’s face was scribbled out because his papi did it out of rage when Mama ran away. He’s secretly met up with Mama and she treated him like the softest person ever. As if he was a porcelain doll. He was finally in his room as he shut the door silently he had one thought in his head.
‘It’s my fault that I’m hurt and bleeding. Papi just made me learn a lesson,he had to do that I could be a better daughter’
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enityscreation · 1 year
That one time Florentino and his siblings (minus Tony) lost his dad and was adopted by a whole damn bar and a baker gang
TW/CW:Like kidnapping in a way,Florentino’s dad,losing like three of your four kids,Mentions of alcohol,The bikers gang name is very stupid bc I made it randomly,there like seven in this so Florentino has only came out to two of his siblings.
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Maddie was holding Florentino’s hand and Marcus glaring at every adult that passed them. Florentino was softly crying while Maddie was trying to console him until a lady wearing a leather black jacket crouched down to their height looking very worried. Marcus got in front of his younger siblings holding his arms out,he wanted to make sure his siblings were safe.
She had curly black hair in a bun,ripped dark jeans,brown boots,fingerless gloves,a few accessories,and a reddish blackish top. “Are you three alright?” Marcus kept glaring while Florentino hid his face in Maddie’s chest while she suspiciously looked at the lady.
She raised her hands up. “I mean no harm..My names Clara. Can I know your names?” Marcus kept glaring at her but spoke up. “Im Marcus,this is my sister Maddie,and my brother Florentino! You call him Florentino even if he looks like a girl!” “I understand,where’s your father or mother?” “I don’t know! Papi is gone and we wanna find him” “Can I help you find him please?” “Yes please…” soon Clara got up with the Szell siblings following her.
Marcus held his siblings hands still while Florentino held Clara’s hand with his free one. “..you have a pretty shirt” “Why thank you! I like your dress as well” Florentino giggled and smiled as he did a tiny spin with his hips. Marcus calmed down after seeing his brother happy.
Maddie spoke up. “I’m hungry…can we get something to eat please” “me to” “…same..” Clara sighed as she looked down at the kids. “Of course,lets go meet my friends so we can get you something to eat” “thank you!” Clara just nodded as she walked towards a group of men and a few girls. “Guys! Can we feed these kids real quick,I wanna make sure their fed before bringing them to their father”
“Uh…sure? But isn’t this like..kidnapping?” “Maybe but come on we don’t wanna starve these kids!” Soon one of them sighed. “Alright…there’s a bar nearby that allow kids so let’s go feed them there” “So the kids at the bar see drunk adults?” “Not really,no one really gets drunk there as the bartender literally makes sure no one is drunk after an accident”
Clara had now picked up Maddie as her feet hurt. Marcus held Florentino’s hand as Florentino smiled and skipped following the nice strangers and Clara to go eat. Marcus was still on guard ready to attack.
“Ayo bud! Can we have three hamburg-“ “can I only have fries please?” “Of course,I meant two hamburgers and just fries with apple juice please!” “Of course! Do you kids wanna color” Florentino’s eyes shun bright so did Maddie’s so the bartender gave them coloring pages and colored pencils. Marcus watch his siblings color,he was very content with this.
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dearest-painter · 2 years
Questions? I'll give you a ton!
Whats Florentino's favorite thing to wear?
How does he like to spend time with his Bf?
What was his first date like?
His favorite color?
Whats his favorite love language?
Is he a extrovert, introvert, or ambivert?
Whats his personality type?
(I'm sorry if any of these questions are weird.)
Holy shit I just checked my inbox! Sorry for the wait but here’s the answers!
Florentino’s favorite thing to wear is oversized hoodies because of the fact it lets him get away with sneaking stuff in the house
Florentino likes to watch movies or take turns rambling about what they’ve learnt or like when he spends time with Von Kaiser
His first date with Von Kaiser was a book store date. They both chose a book for each other that they thought was absolutely terrible in a funny way and tell each other the funny shit they found
His favorite color has to be soft light green
His love language is gift giving as he’s not the best with words but loves showing love through his gifts
He’s ambitious
And honestly his personality type idk
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dearest-painter · 2 years
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enityscreation · 2 years
Florentino’s Christmas
TW/CW:Self harm with a cigarette,sleeping in the snow,implied starvation and no sleep,dark thoughts
“Why don’t you let me help” “no it’s fine” it always was fine as it was his responsibility to take care of things as if he didn’t he would be useless,dad made sure to teach that to Florentino at a young age. Florentino always refeused help even if he looked like he was about to pass out as he didn’t want to be useless while the others were being more useful then him. “Please,you look like a skeleton” “don’t I always do?” “Yes and that’s the problem Florentino!” Florentino didn’t care and just out with the rest of the food. As soon as he slipped away he couldn’t help but light a cigarette and take a hit only to feel like he’s dying,he then delighted the cigarette on his skin. Always made him warm. Florentino was sleepy so he just laid in the snow falling asleep as he was to tired to care about life anymore
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dearest-painter · 2 years
I know this is such a random question, (lol)
But what is Florentinos favorite food or hobby?
Florentino’s hobby like his favorite one is him knitting,sewing,or baking! They all comfort him and help him feel relax plus they remind him of his Mama! He always smiles whenever he remembers him and his mama doing that(she’s alive!!)
His favorite food? Now that’s tricky as he cannot pick one but anything his boyfriend Von Kaiser makes! He loves every dish Von makes and always ask for seconds,he loves his boyfriends cooking!
Thank you for asking!! If you have more questions of my ocs and it can be any tell me please!
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dearest-painter · 2 years
Can I ask for some yandere Florentino Szell headcanons please? Only if you want to of course.
My baby boy? OF COURSE HOMIE!! Also it’s platonic because my man dating
Tw/Cw:yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusivo relationship,delusional behavior,
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•He’s delusional because of all the abuse he had in the past. He fully believes that he’s doing the right thing and protecting you
•He isn’t into kidnapping and honestly will persuade you to move into his house. He’d probably be able to manipulate you into signing adoption papers so that he can play dad
•Harmless and doesn’t do punishment but he does do time outs. He makes people commit suicide because in his eyes he didn’t do anything wrong they did it voluntary
•Treats you like a 5-10 year old out of his delusions and doesn’t realize it
•I suggest not trying to escape because of you do he’ll snap and actually do physical punishment and he won’t be kind
•He let’s you have a lot of freedom as long as you behave and don’t escape because he doesn’t want you to feel trapped like he did with his dad
•Will gladly call you any preferred name and pronouns that you like and will get you any clothes and binders you want
•He’s honestly the safest yandere to have as he just wants to play dad and you to be safe
“My child!”
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dearest-painter · 2 years
I’ve finally decided on my MAIN punch out oc other then Mass. His name is Florentino Szell.
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He’s a boxer and he’s Puerto Rican. He’s a trans man and has only done top surgery. He’s in love with mythology and his boxer name is just ‘inferno’ which makes sense as he accidentally sets things on fire. He’s unlabeled and he’s dating Von kaiser. He’s in the major circuit and is right after don(mother fucker beat his ass so bad they sent him to the hospital). He has a scar on his left side of his face because of some accident in highschool.
He’s a sweetheart and a teddy bear to everyone. His family was..not the best. His parents fought for custody forever. He dad neglected him and took his anger out on him while his mother treated him like a porcelain doll but she was to scared to move near them as she didn’t want to be harm again. He grew up being forced into a prayer room(like Carrie white) and his father forced him to go into it and don’t come out until he said so. He has 3 siblings that he cares a lot. He has attachments problems. He forgives others to easily and does anything for them just to make others happy. He’d do anything just for people to like him. Florentino is just a sweetheart and a teddy bear who wants everyone to be happy even if he must be in pain.
“I wish you well my friend!”
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