#pucca dandy
zalivoid · 2 years
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I love my little homos 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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Doodles, I like watching Pucca, it’s a cute show.
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eepop-stuffs · 2 months
Oh my god. I'm gonna rant. OK. So previously I was ranting about this to some people on discord (I sent the same rant to three different servers, it's your guys' turn)
So basically, in one of the various licensed Pucca games, there's a cutscene that reveals that Tobe killed Garu's father while Garu watched. However, this makes absolutely no sense given their canon ages and overall dynamic.
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Below is the big rant, prepare for me to speak absolute nonsense.
So according to the Pucca YouTube channel, Tobe is 16 and Garu is 12.
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In the cutscene, the VERY oldest Garu could be is about 6 or 7. Which would make Tobe about 10. I personally don't believe that bro would be doing allat at 10 years old given the fact he's regularly represented as utterly useless on his own (at least compared to Pucca and Garu combined, which is admittedly like comparing a housecat to a tiger). Assuming they're a little older than my prediction, placing the cutscene a little bit before the show, that would make it a little more plausable with Tobe being in his earlier teens (but honestly not by much).
But considering the Pucca lore is so generally fucked up due to the amount of retcons (Pucca being listed as 10 before being changed to 11 later on being a good example), let's assume that Tobe is at least a little bit younger than Garu's dad and Garu is a small child. Everything makes sense considering the timeline now, but that would leave their dynamic.
Their overall dynamic is the key reason this cutscene makes no fucking sense whatsoever and I personally choose to ignore it.
So, Tobe and Garu are more like frenemies than anything. For one, the only real reason that Garu seems to engage with Tobe's very non-specific "vengance" is his own ego. (In season one and two of the show, at least) it's evident that Garu fights Tobe half because of his friends and family and half out of spite.
Like, Garu just can't let him win. In the episode The Sooga Showdown (season 1 episode 19) where they all have to race around Sooga with one of Master Soo's ladies, we're given a good example of how much their rivalry is just one big dick measuring contest.
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Secondly, that nonspecific "vengance" Tobe wants seems more like Tobe was wronged. Which could just be his goofy ass POV of how things went, but that's sort of reaching given all the information we have.
In addition to all this, they are really just rivals. Like, when they aren't blinded by their little rivalry, they're shown to actually like each other's company. They don't seem to mind each other when they're forced to not be physically violent. If it wasn't for their egos, they'd probably be friends, probably have some sort of brotherly friendship. But they're both just little dillholes who can't take someone being better than them.
It's also important to note their rivalri is also toned down in season 3 for the point where Garu just seems to want to protect his friends and family, and Tobe just wants to beat his ass for no reason and make him miserable. There's not really any given reason for either of their behaviors because season 3 doesn't have much lore aside from the whole thing where Dandy is delulu about the Goh-Rong's """secret to martial arts""" and the stupid ass Dong King shit.
Tobe didn't kill Garu's dad, if he did their relationship would be much more volatile.
If anyone would like to prove me wrong, I would love to have such a conversation. I generally don't know ALL of the lore and don't trust the wiki for shit, so yeah.
I would also like to add that the yt channel can't really be trusted with any lore video posted within the past 4 or 5 months as of July 2024 since that channel is legitimately crumbling into dust. Some of the facts they give are a little cute, but for the bigger stuff I'd take it with a grain of salt unless it was stated somewhere before (like THIS video)
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I'm so done with this channel istg🌚
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Like gurl....gurl...
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eepop-artz · 18 days
Chapter 3 of my fanfic
Didn't link chapter 2 because I didn't make art for it, but I'm just gonna say fuck it from now on and just link and paste chapters when they're released.
I do plan on making art for this one in the future, but I'm on such a roll writing chapter 4 now that I'll probably have to just wait until I run out of steam to get started on it, lol.
Full Chapter below cut.
“What makes you say that?” Dandy mumbled, nearly inaudible. Pucca groaned as she grabbed a ginormous box to put the deliveries in. “You know I can barely hear you, right?”
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“I'm such a dumbass.” Pucca bonked her head on the kitchen wall.
Dandy only responded with a shrug. Pucca rolled her eyes and elaborated. “My first time actually having a conversation with Garu, and I embarrassed myself. Brought up the assassin vs. prostitute thing.” Dandy looked at her questioningly. “I thought it would be funny!” She hissed. “...But he just looked at me like I had three heads.”
“Maybe he did find it funny.” Dandy shrugged, picking up a potato to peel. Pucca shook her head in response, putting deliveries into the box. Dandy sighed, “You're not going to be able to speak with him the way you do with others right away.”
“I know that.” Pucca groaned. “That's why it's embarrassing.” She remarked mockingly, rolling her eyes to look at him.
“I'm trying to help you, here.” Dandy chuckled. “You're both speaking to each other for the first time. Not to mention, speaking to each other as different people than when you last met. You'll get it right eventually.”
“And if I don't?” Pucca shot back, grabbing the box.
“You will.” Dandy responded softly.
Pucca had gotten a lovely pair of earbuds for her birthday the day before, so she decided now would be the perfect time to test them out. She would only use one while doing deliveries, for the sake of her own spatial awareness. One earbud in, she attempted to drift into her fantasies as she raced across sooga, but she couldn't stop coming back to her earlier exchange with Garu. It was such a little thing, why was it bothering her? He probably forgot all about it, she thought to herself. One bad joke isn't gonna make him hate me, right?
Is it?
Pucca was completely lost in her thoughts when she suddenly heard someone yelling her name, stopping right in her tracks. It was very shrill. Like the type of soumd you would hear if you squeezed a hamster too hard. It kind of hurt her ear, actually. Who could possibly– It was Ring Ring. She turned to see where she was lurking.
"I saw what happened earlier." Ring Ring's presence made her jump, as she appeared to almost teleport in front of her. "You scare him away, again? Couldn't have been too hard. Every word out of your mouth is so-"
"What do you want, Ring Ring?" Pucca sighed, popping her knuckles as she rolled her eyes. "I just wanted to say hi~" Ring Ring smiled, her tone musical. "Ok....hi." Pucca waved at her weakly, her tone mocking as she put her hands back on the handlebars of her scooter, ready to leave.
"No!" Ring Ring shouted, grabbing onto the side of Pucca’s scooter.
"...No?" Pucca slowly turned to face Ring Ring, raising a brow.
"I- uh..." Ring Ring stuttered for a moment, taking her hand off the scooter before speaking again, having caught herself off guard somehow. "I was hoping to...hang out." She smiled nervously, clutching at a large silver bracelet on her wrist with her other hand.
"..And making fun of me is going to get me to hang out with you?" Pucca asked, her voice tinged with disbelief as she chuckled lightly.
"Ayo's flown and we all know he's the only person I could ever stand to talk to."
“...The only person who could ever stand to talk to me.” She mumbled to herself, half-wishing Pucca didn't hear.
"He finally got sick of you?" Pucca teased. She watched Ring Ring's expression become somber as she quietly crossed her arms, looking away. "...Oh." Pucca said quietly.
There was silence between them for a moment. Pucca felt a pang of sympathy, something she hadn't felt towards Ring Ring in years. Ring Ring was such an insufferable cunt, but she really had nobody else right now. Maybe we could hang out...just this once. To ease her...loneliness. Pucca thought to herself.
Pucca shrugged, "...We can hang out after I'm done with my deliveries-"
"Oh, thank you, Pucca! Maybe my sense of style will finally rub off on you." She skipped away, twirling into her flying saucer
“Well. That was. Interesting.” Pucca mumbled to herself, riding away.
The deliveries went as they usually did– quickly, with only the occasional hiccup. She recalled when she was younger, and Tobe or one of his ninjas would interrupt her. They'd try to get to Garu through her somehow. He hated my guts back then, how did anyone think that would work? She quietly chuckled to herself at their stupidity, although a little saddened by the fact Garu didn't exactly…enjoy her presence.
A few months after Pucca began speaking, Tobe had actually become a normal…ish….person. He was still a nuisance, but not as much as he used to be with his main target seemingly gone for good. Later on, he had also become…compassionate somehow.
Garu's departure really turned Sooga upside-down.
At first.
Eventually what was once “odd” became the new normal, and everyone would come to get used to it. It was horrible to think about, but most were actually better off without Garu around.
Best not to tell him that, Pucca thought to herself, not wanting to think about the possible reaction that would elicit.
Tobe's lair had become mostly dormant, his ninjas being on “standby” indefinitely. At this point, they were just a hoard of glorified roommates. After Garu left, Tobe began to develop a kinda-sorta relationship with Jing Jing, the chief of the vagabond ninjas.
They had both been laying on Tobe's bed when one of Tobe's ninjas burst into the room, causing Jing Jing to jump and flop onto the floor. Tobe looked over the edge of his bed, his eyes wide.
“...You okay?” He poked her on the shoulder, and she nodded before pulling herself up. Tobe's attention then turned to his ninja. “And what's with you?”
The ninja paused for a second, still catching his breath. “...Garu's back!”
Tobe’s expression was unreadable for a moment before a small, almost imperceptible smile crept onto his face as he narrowed his eyes. “It appears a new opportunity has arisen for my….vengance.” His voice was low, calculating. Jing Jing frowned, sensing where his thoughts were heading. “...Tobe. Are you serious?”
“How could I not be? This is what I've been waiting for!” Tobe stood on his bed, suddenly filled with purpose. “This time…things will be different.” He whispered to himself.
“W…well…what about us?” Jing Jing squeaked.
“What do you mean?” Tobe turned to her. “This isnt about us! This is about reclaiming what's mine! Finishing what I've started!” He bounced onto his knees, shaking his fist as he faced Jing Jing “Vengance as therapy! I don’t have to speak about any of the deeply personal and emasculating–” (he didn't quite really know what that word meant) “–things I spoke to you about ever again!” Tobe hissed, narrowing his eyes.
Jing Jing was at a loss for words, her mouth agape. “Was I just…some glorified therapist to you?” She crossed her arms.
Tobe momentarily snapped out of his vengance-fuelled trance, stammering as he turned away from Jing Jing. “Well….I mean a little-”
“We kissed the other day. With tongue.” Jing Jing whispered angrily. “Does all of that mean nothing to you??”
Tobe sat silently for a moment, battling between his vendetta and his feelings for Jing Jing. Without another word, he turned to his ninja. “Tell the others.”
The ninja nodded and hopped away, closing the door behind him. Tobe grabbed his slightly dusty ninja uniform out of his closet, ready to get back to the role he knew best.
“You've gotta be kidding me.” Jing Jing whispered to herself, as if she was pleading to some sort of ignorant god. “I'm leaving.”
Tobe paused, turning to Jing Jing again. “Wait! You could always join me!” he shouted, attempting to salvage the situation. Jing Jing ignored him and grabbed her scarf off his desk. “C’mon…remember when you used to do jobs for me?” Tobe reached to grab her arm, Jing Jing scooting away in response.
“That was when I thought…I had a chance with you.” She sniffled as she spoke. “I don't know why I did….now I see clearly that I never did, and never will. Not as long as your stupid obsession is in the way.” She pushed past him, trying to hold back the tears forming in her eyes.
“Jing Jing!”
“Fuck off, Tobe!” she slammed the door behind her while she left.
Ring Ring and Pucca had met up in front of the Goh-Rong after Pucca was done with her deliveries. Pucca had changed into a red tank top with “bebe” on the chest in rhinestones and white sweatpants before going out the front doors, however staying in her black converse. She was almost cosplaying what she believed someone who hangs out with Ring Ring would dress like.
“So…what did you plan on doing?” Pucca crossed her arms, immediately uncrossing them after feeling the sun's heat from the silver jewelry on her wrists, then resting her hands on the pockets of her sweatpants.
“Well, I just wanted to…do girl things!”
“...Considering we're both girls, I think anything that we do is a girl thing.” Pucca responded dryly.
Ring Ring smiled nervously for a moment. “...Right.” She clicked her tongue before continuing “Well, I mean things that are…considered for girls. Like shopping and…manicures.” She looked at Pucca's nails “You look like you need one.” She pointed. “I know a really good place!” She pulled Pucca into her UFO.
They both sat in silence for a minute, the sound oc Charli XCX vibrating the whole ship.
“...So why did you want to hang out with me?” Pucca asked, “I thought you hated me?”
Ring Ring sighed. “Well..I've just been…with my thoughts lately. I realized I don't really have any friends,” She sheepishly added “but my dad always says the closest people in your life next to your friends are your enemies, so I figured I'd…shoot my shot. Try and make myself some friends through my enemies.” She focused herself on flying her ship, trying to avoid looking at Pucca in any capacity.
Pucca crossed her legs and leaned forward. “Bullshit. Why are you actually doing this?”
“I'm being serious!” Ring Ring turned to Pucca. “People don't like me. But…when you…weren't avoiding me…you were nice to me. Hell, you invited me to a party that you only threw because I refused to invite you to my birthday.”
“...When we were 11.” Pucca added.
“I…It's just…I don't ever have people be nice to me just to be nice. When it happens once, it kind of sticks with you. Like a…really really stubborn lip stain.” She put her saucer on autopilot as she fully faced Pucca. “I'm…sorry. For everything.” She gave her a sincere smile, holding her hand out for a handshake.
Pucca hesitated before putting her hand in Ring Ring's. Ring Ring beamed, excitedly yoinking her hand and pulling her into a hug.
“Too close!” Pucca shouted, causing Ring Ring to push her away in response. “Sorry!” Ring Ring chuckled.
After they landed, Pucca was immediately assaulted by the scent of overpriced perfume. Looking out of the windows, she realized that they weren't even on Sooga anymore. Ring Ring snapped her fingers to get Pucca's attention.
“So are you a French tip kind of girl, or…?”
“Ring Ring, where are we?”
“Grotty's Salon.”
“Where's Grotty's Salon?”
“The mainland, not far from the coast. Just a 30-minute flight from Sooga.”
“Who's Grotty?”
“No clue, but their ladies are very good at intricate nails.” Ring Ring smiled.
“...Will I have to pay for this?” Pucca whispered.
“Oh, no no no, a set here probably costs more than your whole bedroom's worth of furniture.” Ring Ring whispered back. “I actually got my lip filler here.” She proclaimed pridefully.
“You have lip filler??”
“Didn't you notice? My lips were thinner before my 15th birthday.”
“I honestly didn't even realize you were gone that day.” Pucca shrugged. “Although the peaceful atmosphere should've been a dead giveaway.” She muttered to herself.
Ring Ring wooped as she gave the woman at the front her credit card.
Pucca looked around at the cushioned chairs, the very high ceiling, and the sparkling chandeliers. The walls had a light pink and lighter-pink striped wallpaper over them, with black trim. The ceiling was also painted black, and the floor had grey marble tile, with the occasional pink and black circular zebra print rug in front of most of the counters. It was at this point Pucca realized that both Ring Ring and her had at least one important thing in common: very tacky taste.
Ring Ring seemed to know everything about the place, spouting off about the history of this or that, celebrities that have stopped by, all the famous stylists she knows from there, ect. She seemed almost…genuine.
But, of course, it can't be this simple. They'd spent most of their lives hating each other, there had to be something else. Some sort of ulterior motive.
Or maybe it is just that simple, Pucca thought to herself, leaving her thoughts to the wayside as she entered a room behind two double doors. There were flowing vine murals all over the walls, and on one side, hundreds of nail polish colors.
Yeah, I'm….I'm probably just gonna get red, she thought to herself. She winced at the idea of possibly attempting to choose from a selection that large. She and Ring Ring were sat on two (possibly way too) cushioned chairs, Pucca immediately feeling as if she was sinking into the seat. Ring Ring pulled out a small notebook, pointing out something to one of the attendants.
Pucca took a moment to fully take in the surroundings. The lights were somewhat dim, and the ceiling was dark purple. There wasn't any other customers around, but there were plenty of attendants. There were various wire roses littered along the painted vines on the wall, each with a very ineffective light in n the center.
Ring Ring broke Pucca's focus. “So, I repeat, are you a French tip kind of girl?”
“What's a French tip, again?”
“Natural lookin’, white on the tips.”
“Oh. I think it's…elegant. A bit too plain for me, though.”
“I think I may go for a French tip today.” Ring Ring thought out loud. “But, you know, a long acrylic one.”
“I don't think I can get acrylics. I have work, after all.” Pucca remarked, looking at her plain nails.
“Well, you could always have the nail ladies sand them short. I never go too long, myself.” Ring Ring showed off her own nails, which were growing out quite a bit under the solid pink acrylics she already had on.
“Still a tad long for me.” Pucca studied Ring Ring's nails. “...but I guess I could go…a little bit long.”
Ring Ring clapped her hands together. “That's the spirit!”
Pucca smiled faintly, trying to shake off the doubt in her mind. Ring Ring had always been so competitive with her— could she really have changed that much? Her brain seemed to come back to the thought whenever Ring Ring spoke. It seemed so…out of character. As she looked around the lavish salon, she conceded to herself that even if this was some kind of setup, it wasn’t exactly the worst one to be caught in.
Pucca was given a book full of designs, each of which were numbered. Ring Ring leaned over and whispered, “You don't have to pick from the book, they also do custom designs.”
“I….think I'll just go with plain red.” Pucca whispered back. “This is a lot.”
“Oh! I could pick a design for you! I have excellent taste.” Ring Ring suggested.
Pucca was immediately skeptical of her suggestion, but upon further reflection, it seemed perfect. Acrylics are easy to take off with the right materials, and if Ring Ring chooses something ridiculous, it'll make her intentions clear.
“Alright.” Pucca shrugged. “But nothing too long, and nothing too…flashy.”
Ring Ring nodded in response and whispered to one of the nail technicians what she had in mind for Pucca's nails.
She turned back to Pucca. “You'll be the envy of everyone in Sooga. Well, maybe not Soo's maidens since the are so gorgeous, but you know…most people.” She shrugged
They sat in silence, relaxing in their chairs as their nails were being worked on.
“Have you ever thought of doing anything with your hair?” Ring Ring leaned over to Pucca. “The buns are cute, but…I barely ever see you experiment.” She whispered.
“Well, I mean. I got bangs.” Pucca shrugged. “I just like the whole…consistency thing.”
“Oh, I know. You're an avid outfit repeater.”
“Ring Ring, I only have so many clothes.”
“I know, and you can combine them so many different ways, but I only see the same exact silhouette and the same exact combinations over and over! It's painful. I don't know how anyone found you fashionable-” Ring Ring paused, looking over to Pucca's furrowed brows. “...No offense.” She chuckled sheepishly. “It's just….I have always tried very hard to look fashionable, and all I got was people telling me that I was ugly to my face. Dada was the only one who didn't, but he's…you know.” She shook her head. “Old”, she mouthed. “...But you just go on and live your life in the same exact plain old thing each day and somehow you're fit to be a model and a movie star.” She chuckled, her tone slightly angry.
“Maybe you try too hard?” Pucca looked over to Ring Ring. Ring Ring stayed focused on her nails. She gathered herself, taking a deep breath in. “Perhaps.”
She searched her mind for something to change the subject, when her situation with Dada reminded her of something.
“...So, what happened with Casano on your birthday?”
Pucca felt her whole body tense up. “He just…did something stupid, is all.” She groaned. “I think he may have been drunk. Why, did he tell you something?”
“No, he was just pissed. And now Fyah is talking about firing him, something about the company image.”
Pucca felt a pang of guilt. Casano was….a creep, to say the least. But he doesn't deserve to lose his job over that, right? It wasn't that bad, right? Maybe she was just overreacting in the first place. She didn't need to make a scene like that. But Casano wasn't even invited. And he's in his 20s. And a 20 year old shouldn't try kissing a 16 year old, it's common sense. So maybe she was justified…in shouting at him in front of practically everyone in Sooga.
She didn't really know how to feel about it. And she didn't feel like bringing it up to anyone to get a second opinion.
They spoke about other things, mostly gossiping about people Pucca would never meet, and people Ring Ring would never speak to. Surprisingly, either of them brought up Garu. As much as either of them wanted to, they figured it would either be too bothersome or too painful to bring up for the other.
Eventually, the technicians finished, and both girls admired their newly done nails. Ring Ring’s were, of course, the long French tip acrylics she had talked about, with just a hint of glitter at the edges. Pucca’s nails, by contrast, were shorter and painted a deep, glossy red— her favorite color— with a subtle gold accent on each ring finger. The red actually had little flakes of glitter inside, giving it a nice shimmer.
“I have excellent taste, I know.” Ring Ring studied her and Pucca's nails, putting their hands next to each other. Ring Ring took a quick photo of their hands together, studying it with a smile. “Oh my god, werk.” She grabbed a glass of lemonade off a tray next to her and took a sip, admiring their nails in the photo. “You sure you don't want to do anything else while we're here?”
Pucca shook her head, smiling. “I think I'm good, for now.” She chuckled.
“Well, just let me know when you're in the mood for a Makeover. I'm always up for it.” Ring Ring smiled as she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and gestured to her UFO. “We should get going before anyone gets worried that you're gone.”
On their way back, they saw two small boats heading towards Sooga, one of them far behind the other. They couldn't recognize who they were, but they hoped they didn't mean trouble.
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angeljessicasblog · 2 years
Happy valentine's
Nikki x Dandy as pucca and garu
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0 notes
iljojo1966 · 2 years
Dandy inspired moodboard
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zoruui · 5 years
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Watching the Pucca reboot is just me hoarding Ring Ring, Casano, and Dandy and thats iT
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kamozakitsuyu · 3 years
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(En)Repost. It's still drawing(=wip), but it's an enlarged version of the tentative icon.This Dandy inspired by the Tumblr default icon.
ポイピク: [https://poipiku.com/931804/4430383.html](https://poipiku.com/931804/4430383.html "ポイピク")
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dimmestmorn13 · 4 years
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"How long are you going to follow me?" 
"Until my Uncle or Ring Ring tell me to stop tailing you for their master plan to either take down Goh-Rong or get Garu." 
i havent watched pucca love recipe yet but these two caught my eye and now here we are
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433erosbound · 2 years
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avis-cff · 3 years
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Dandy's eyes doodle
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sooniaarten · 4 years
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When he’s your confidant, your friend, your assistant,your maid, your whore and the nephew of your dad’s minion...
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angeljessicasblog · 2 years
Happy valentine's
Nikki x Dandy as pucca and garu
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0 notes
prkert-underscore · 4 years
pucca artists give dandy fan art justice, so i'm just sitting here with terrible screenshots and my inability of art today, so take em
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151 notes · View notes
scarlett-v-the-fox · 4 years
Cards Against Pucca
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Part 3
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peachiekreme · 5 years
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I love this show and drawing this was super fun 😔💕✨
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