#public api
ahmetcadirci · 9 months
Teknolojinin hızla ilerlediği günümüzde, geliştiricilerin projelerini daha verimli bir şekilde tamamlamak ve özellikler eklemek için çeşitli API'ları kullanmaları yaygın hale gelmiştir. Bu noktada, bir geliştiricinin işini kolaylaştıracak ve projelerine değer katacak bir API listesi bulmak oldukça kıymetli bir kaynaktır. Bu yazıda, geliştiricilerin işlerini daha da kolaylaştıracak 1400'den fazla ücretsiz ve ücretli API'nın yer aldığı bir liste üzerine odaklanacağız.
API Nedir?
API (Application Programming Interface), yazılım uygulamalarının birbirleriyle etkileşimde bulunmalarını sağlayan bir arayüzdür. Geliştiricilere başka bir yazılımın özelliklerine erişim ve bu özellikleri kendi projelerinde kullanma imkanı sunar. Bu, geliştiricilere kendi projelerini daha hızlı ve verimli bir şekilde geliştirme şansı verir.
1400'den Fazla API:
Hazırlanan bu kapsamlı API listesi, geliştiricilere geniş bir yelpazede seçenekler sunuyor. Listede bulunan API'lar arasında ödeme işlemleri, veri analizi, yapay zeka, görsel tanıma ve daha birçok kategoriye ait API bulunmaktadır. Bu çeşitlilik, farklı projelerde çalışan geliştiriciler için uygun olan API'ları bulmayı kolaylaştırır.
Listedeki API'ların Çeşitliliği:
API listesi, hem yeni başlayan geliştiriciler hem de deneyimli profesyoneller için uygun seçeneklere sahiptir. Ücretsiz API'lar, bütçesi sınırlı olan geliştiriciler için mükemmel bir başlangıç noktası sağlarken, ücretli API'lar daha kapsamlı özelliklere erişmek isteyen geliştiriciler için idealdir.
API Listesinden Örnekler:
Bu kapsamlı API listesinden bazı örnekler şunlardır:
1. OpenWeatherMap API: Hava durumu verilerine erişim sağlayan bu API, geliştiricilere kullanıcıların konumlarına özel hava durumu bilgilerini entegre etme imkanı sunar.
2. Twilio API: Mesajlaşma ve çağrı servisleri sunan bu API, iletişim uygulamaları geliştirmek isteyen geliştiricilere geniş olanaklar sunar.
3. Google Maps API: Harita entegrasyonu için popüler bir tercih olan bu API, yerel veya küresel harita hizmetleri eklemek isteyen geliştiricilere çeşitli seçenekler sunar.
Bu API listesi, geliştiriciler için değerli bir kaynak oluşturuyor. Projelerini daha etkili bir şekilde geliştirmek isteyen her geliştirici, bu listeyi inceleyerek ihtiyaçlarına uygun API'ları keşfetmeli ve projelerine hız kazandırmalıdır.
Tüm Api listesine https://api.ahmetcadirci.com bağlantıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.
Unutmayın, doğru API'ları kullanmak projelerinizi daha güçlü ve etkili hale getirebilir!
Yazar: Ahmet Çadırcı
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
Fun bit of etiquette difference between Reddit and Tumblr is if someone misuses a word on Reddit (wrong "their", "peak"/"pique", whatever) it's common to see someone in the replies correct it and the OP will be like "oh thank you. edited my comment to fix grammar error"
If you do that on Tumblr you get mauled with teeth.
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dkettchen · 2 months
not me finding out that fandom wikis do not have an api (which is like a specialised ui for programmers that a lot of websites have where you can more directly access resources off the website with programming tools, f.e. if one piece wiki had one, you could tell your coding languages like "hey get all the strawhat pirates' names and heights off their character pages and put them in my database here please" and it would be able to get that info off the wiki for you) so I will have to learn web scraping to get data off there for visualising ship stats project I have planned for my data analysis portfolio instead now smh
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syndrossi · 2 months
GMT0+ people, I am sorry that AO3 has chosen to personally victimize you by not letting me schedule posting a chapter during hours friendly to you (which are very unfriendly to me).
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snarp · 1 year
I've been doing different and unrelated code for a while: has anyone at Tumblr open-sourced a version of the NPF-block-to-dashboard-HTML code?
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wait i didnt realize the profiles that were "lost" due to the api migration were back ;-;
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thakuryash9871 · 1 year
Twitter Restores Free API Access for Public Service Providers
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Twitter has announced a significant development by restoring free API access for public service providers. This move allows these organizations to harness the power of Twitter data and functionality without any financial barriers. Public service providers, such as government agencies, research institutions, and non-profit organizations, can now leverage the API to access real-time tweets, trends, user information, and other valuable data. This restoration of free API access promotes greater transparency, collaboration, and innovation within the public sector. By enabling public service providers to tap into Twitter's vast network, this initiative aims to facilitate the creation of impactful solutions and services that benefit society as a whole.
Read more about on Twitter Restores Free API Access for Public Service Providers
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tinkkles · 2 years
One of the things that makes me especially insane about the AI art situation is that there are like. Really really cool applications of it. Like procedurally generated art and stylized maps and cultural trends in procedural games. Every No Man's Sky world is full of AI art, they just made the generators and the training data themselves. But because people can't not be assholes there will never be any sort of ethical public AI art generator API bc people will use it to steal work smh smh smh we can't have cool things
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infydeva · 2 years
try public preview - microsoft identity Conditional access filters for apps
try public preview – microsoft identity Conditional access filters for apps
As part of Zero trust posture, protecting all apps is key. At present, policies explicitly list apps. Today Microsoft announced the public preview of filters for apps. This provides a new way to manage Conditional Access (CA) assignment for apps and workload identities at scale. With filters for apps, admins can tag applications with custom security attributes and apply Conditional Access…
View On WordPress
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newcodesociety · 7 days
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unculturedai · 3 months
Experiment #2.2 Doubling Down: Two Google Gemini AI Apps in 30 Days – My Journey
Hello everyone! 👋 Yesterday, I shared my pivot from my initial app idea due to a saturated market. This led me to explore new horizons with the Google Gemini API. Today, I’m thrilled to announce an even bolder challenge: developing two apps in the next 30 days! Two Apps, Two Purposes Public Project: Your Guide to AI App Development. My original concept, a goal-setting app, will continue…
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poojalate · 8 months
Mastering Seamless Integration: Unleashing the Potential of Cloud API Integration
In the era of cloud computing, the integration of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) has become the cornerstone of innovation and efficiency. Cloud API integration empowers businesses to seamlessly connect and communicate between different applications and services, fostering a cohesive and agile digital ecosystem. This article explores the transformative impact of cloud API integration and how it has become a linchpin for modern businesses.
1. The Power of Connectivity through Cloud API Integration:
Cloud API integration is at the heart of creating interconnected and collaborative digital landscapes. By enabling different applications and systems to communicate with each other, APIs break down silos and facilitate the flow of data, processes, and functionalities. This results in a more streamlined and efficient business environment, where information can be shared in real-time, driving productivity and innovation.
2. Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity:
The seamless integration of cloud APIs enhances efficiency by automating workflows and eliminating manual data transfers. By connecting disparate systems and applications, businesses can reduce redundancy, minimize errors, and accelerate processes. This newfound efficiency translates into increased productivity, allowing organizations to focus on strategic initiatives rather than grappling with time-consuming manual tasks.
3. Real-Time Data Synchronization:
Cloud API integration enables real-time data synchronization across different platforms. Whether it's customer information, sales data, or inventory updates, APIs ensure that information is consistently up-to-date across all integrated systems. This real-time synchronization not only improves accuracy but also provides a unified and current view of critical data, empowering businesses to make informed decisions swiftly.
4. Flexibility and Scalability:
One of the key advantages of cloud API integration is its flexibility and scalability. APIs allow businesses to adapt and scale their integrations based on evolving needs. As organizations grow or introduce new applications, cloud APIs provide the agility to connect and extend functionality seamlessly. This flexibility ensures that businesses can stay responsive in a dynamic and ever-changing digital landscape.
5. Security Measures in Cloud API Integration:
Security is a paramount concern in the realm of cloud API integration. Reputable cloud service providers implement robust security measures to protect data transmitted through APIs. Encryption protocols, authentication mechanisms, and access controls are crucial components of secure API integrations. Businesses can confidently leverage the benefits of cloud API integration while ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of their sensitive data.
6. Public Cloud Providers: Enablers of Seamless Integration:
Public cloud providers play a pivotal role in the success of cloud API integration. Leading providers offer a vast array of APIs that cater to different functionalities, services, and infrastructure components. Leveraging APIs provided by public cloud providers allows businesses to integrate seamlessly with popular cloud platforms, harnessing the full spectrum of capabilities offered by these providers.
Cloud API integration is the linchpin for businesses seeking to unlock the full potential of their digital ecosystems. The seamless connectivity, efficiency gains, real-time synchronization, and scalability provided by cloud API integration position organizations for sustained success in a competitive landscape. As businesses continue their journey of digital transformation, embracing cloud API integration is not just a strategic choice—it's a fundamental step towards building a connected and agile future.
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souldomclub · 10 months
REST into your communication • an architecture aiming for straightforward and clear communication between systems
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As I started to discuss my magazine idea with chat GPT, ot quickly turned out that there is more to REST than I thought. When pitching my idea of an online magazine called
The Rest Publication
it suggested me, that I should use REST API, for better results.
(I guess it already thought of it in an IT approach)
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it also interesting, coz I was suggested today in a meeting that I could do a platform for community spaces. Then this little misunderstanding shows me that there is something called 'REST API'. So I asked for it. I asked more info like this.
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and although it was interesting, I found it a bit too technical. But at the end the last sentence captivated me:
These APIs are stateless, meaning each request contains all necessary information to process it independently, without relying on prior interactions
what a beautiful sentence? isnt't it?
STATELESS - it says.
Wow, I mean what the fcuk is that actually?
I mean I know that there are states like states of mind and so on, but what could be a Stateless Rest API? That must be something else.
It felt like non-attachment. Which in the eastern philosophy refers to letting thins flow. Not to hold onto things stubbornly. Just go with the flow, move with ease. No expectations. Just love.
And so I see that in a web architecture context. So I decided to make a comparison of the Rest Publication idea and the REST APIs.
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and it said...
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so I told him that:
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I find it interesting that this architecture is named as REST, coz it feels like it would come from a state of relaxed calm as the name would suggest. And then it contains 'statelessness' as if the relaxed or meditated mind is stateless."
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and it turnes out that this architectural concept actually containes the qualities of non-attachment, autonomy, simplicity, reliability, scalability, efficiency, and independence.
Just like the whole Souldom concept does.
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authenticating07 · 1 year
Cutting Costs and Reducing Risks with Affordable ID Verification API
When it comes to business, cutting costs while maintaining high levels of security is a top priority. And with the rise of digital transactions and remote work, ID verification has become more important than ever. That's where Authenticate's Affordable Government Id Verification API comes in – providing an easy-to-integrate solution that not only saves you money but also reduces risks associated with identity fraud.
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The Government Id Verification API is a tool that allows you to verify the identity of any government employee, contractor, or grant recipient. With this API, you can quickly and easily identify whether employees are doing their job correctly and if grant recipients are abiding by federal requirements. Numerous benefits that come with using Authenticate’s Identity Verification API to verify the identities of your employees, customers, and/or partners. Perhaps most importantly, doing so can help to cut costs and reduce risks associated with fraudulent activity.
If you work with sensitive data, you know how important it is to verify the identities of the people who access it. But identity verification can be expensive and time-consuming, which is why many organizations put it off. Authenticate's Government ID Verification API Solutions can help you cut costs and reduce risks by providing an affordable way to verify the identities of your users.
With Authenticate's Id Verification API Solutions, you can quickly and easily verify the identities of your users with government-issued IDs. Our API allows you to match the information on an ID with the person's name, address, and other personal information. We also provide a Photo Id Verification API service so that you can confirm that the person presenting the ID is who they say they are. Authenticate's Government ID Verification API Solutions are fast, accurate, and affordable. We offer a pay-as-you-go pricing model so that you only pay for what you use. And our APIs are easy to integrate into your existing systems. For further information give us a call at +1 833-283-7439 or visit us at: https://authenticate.com/
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i havent rlly kept up with techno's dad but i saw his ign and just had to check
someone gave him youtube rank fkjhsdgk
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Xerces Society: Announcing The State Of The Bees Initiative: Our Plan To Study Every Wild Bee Species In The U.S.
This is really exciting news! For those unaware, the Xerces Society has been focusing on invertebrate conservation for over fifty years, and has pioneered a lot of the work to bring awareness to the devastating losses of not only insects but other terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates. It gets its name from the Xerces blue butterfly (Glaucopsyche xerces), the first North American butterfly driven to extinction by human activities.
Even if you haven't heard of the Xerces Society, you've probably come across various "Save the Bees!" campaigns. These frequently focus on the domesticated European honey bee (Apis mellifera), which, while it may be important to crop pollination in many parts of the world, is not a part of natural ecosystems in places like the Americas and Australia, and can be considered an invasive species at times. With the rise of colony collapse disorder (CCD) particularly after the turn of the 21st century, where entire domestic honeybee colonies would die off, the need to preserve bees began to gain wider public acknowledgement.
But what many people don't realize is that it is the thousands upon thousands of other native bee species worldwide that are in greater danger of extinction. They don't have armies of beekeepers giving them safe places to live and treating them for diseases and parasites. More importantly, where honey bees may visit a wide variety of plants, native bees often have a much narrower series of species they visit, and they are quite vulnerable to habitat loss. Most bees are not as social as honey bees and live solitary lives, unseen by the casual observer.
Invertebrates in general often suffer from a lack of conservation information, meaning that particularly vulnerable species may fly under the radar and risk going extinct without anyone realizing until it's too late. This ambitious program by the Xerces Society aims to solve that problem, at least for the 3,600+ species of bee in the United States. If they can assign a conservation status to each one, then that strengthens the argument toward protecting their wild habitats and working to increase their numbers. Hopefully it will also prompt more attention to other under-studied species that are in danger of going extinct simply because we don't know enough about them.
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