#psychick cross
disease · 8 months
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The theory that Toritsukas mother is dead is I think most possible of all since it may be connected to his powers, but maybe she isn’t. She just abandoned him right after giving birth and left him with his father, who wasn't a good parent either or just couldn’t care less about his child (or worse, he didn't want a "schizo" for a child) and dropped him off at the temple not so long after. So it gave Toritsuka a sense that he's so unlovable that even the only people who were supposed to love him unconditionaly, didn't. And he supresses it so so hard, and tries to find love so so bad but the only type of love he knows is sexual becouse he saw that on the internet but it just doesn’t ever work and it just confirms his believe that he'll never experience love of any kind.
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tilde44 · 1 month
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heinstress · 1 year
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cophene · 1 month
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✶. isn’t that a girl’s name?
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pairing : saiki k. x gn, gojo reader summary : because saiki can't seem to catch a break, his homeroom has gotten yet another transfer student. saiki can immediately tell there's something off about them, and that's before they reveal their so-called "six eyes" and "limitless" technique. notes : multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 2.4k+
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✶ . . .  SO, SAIKI, WHEN ARE YOU going to introduce me to the rest of your friends?”
You leaned against his locker as Saiki exchanged his indoor shoes for his outdoor ones. You smiled winningly at him, and the pink-haired psychic had the gall to slam his locker shut and leave. You huffed a sigh and ran to catch up to him.
Now that you and Saiki were allies, you felt like you could understand why so many people liked him. In your case, at least, it was the highlight of your day to piss him off. He was just so serious and uptight about everything. You could only do so much with your abilities without vapourizing half the planet, but Saiki seemed to have no shortage of cool powers. Why didn’t he do more with them? What kind of sap just wanted to live an average life when they were a psychic? 
If you were being honest yourself, Saiki’s frankness was refreshing. He wasn’t afraid of you or in awe of your Six Eyes. You had a healthy ego, but it was nice to talk to someone and feel at least a little normal. It made sense that the only person you could do that with was with someone whose powers rivalled your own. 
“Well I guess I already met Toritsuka and Aiura, but it’d be nice to meet them officially. I can’t figure out if Akechi is part of your group or not. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to talk to him either. I was kind of rude to him the last time—”
What do you want? Saiki snapped in your head. I might actually avoid Nendo and the others for once, and I don’t have any intention of getting caught up with you instead.
“Caught up?” you repeated coyly, smirking. “I didn’t take you for that kind of guy, Saiki.”
Please leave me alone. You torment me enough during class.
“That is impressive how you do that. You sound so pissed, but your face is completely blank. Do you play poker?”
No, because I can tell what everyone’s cards are. What do you want?
“I think they call themselves the Psychickers? Or the Psychic Kids or something? I want to meet them! They sound cool!”
Then go find them. I’m not affiliated with them whatsoever.
You slung an arm over Saiki’s shoulders and he was unable to hide his grimace. “Saiki. Your friends are my friends. They managed to figure out you’re psychic, right? I need to know whether they pose a threat to me.”
If you’re “The Strongest”, how could anyone pose a threat to you?
“Do you want me to use Blue on you again, Saiki?”
Do you want me to turn you into a statue?
“... Can you do that?”
Saiki only stared at you. Alright then. Noted.
“Please, Saiki?” you said. Six Eyes worked well as an ability, but it worked doubly well for puppy-dog eyes. “Just tell me where I can find them and I’ll get out of your hair. I won’t even tell them that you helped me.”
Saiki sighed. He stopped walking. You waited for him to say something, but he only pinched the bridge of his nose and then crossed his eyes.
You bit back a laugh. Enough time passed by that you started to wonder if this wasn’t one of Saiki’s abilities and he was just making fun of you.
You were about to poke Saiki’s cheek when his eyes snapped back into focus.
“You weren’t just making a face at me, were you—”
Saiki shoved past you and dove with the grace of an Olympic athlete into the hedges behind you. You didn’t have time to shout after him before two people nearly bowled you over. You leapt out of the way, turning off Limitless in the same instant.
“We just missed him!” Aiura shouted, gasping for breath. She was hauling Toritsuka along with her by the arm, and ignoring his snarled threats, called, “Saiki, we know you’re here! You need to help us! Something bad is going to happen!”
“Everything alright, guys?” You discreetly moved to cover Saiki’s hedge. They would find him eventually, but you said you wouldn’t snitch on him so you wouldn’t. He’d probably teleported away anyhow.
“Gojo!” Airua let go of Toritsuka and then surprised you by gripping your arms and staring into your face. Whatever she saw only made her look more determined. 
“I was right. It’s going to happen.”
“Like, between the two of us or …?”
“Toritsuka, you said Gojo’s guardian spirit has been on edge all day, right?”
Toritsuka rubbed his arm, wincing. “Yeah, but that could mean anything.”
“Show us. Hurry up, we don’t have all day.”
She slapped her hand on Toritsuka’s shoulder. You gingerly followed suit. You gaped as a beautiful woman came into view, her dark hair flowing like ink over her brocade coat. She looked at you, and then wrapped her hands around her head, drawing away in anguish.
“How long has she been following me around?” you asked, still staring at the woman. She disappeared when you took your hand off of Toritsuka’s shoulder.
“Likely your whole life. But that’s not important. What’s important is what your guardian is warning you about, and what I saw in my visions.”
“Get with the program, Gojo,” Airua said, snapping her fingers in your face. “You have abilities. We have abilities. So does the idiot hiding behind the hedges. No need to hide things from each other.”
Saiki slowly rose up from the hedges, his expression unreadable.
“How do you know I have abilities?” you asked.
“How could you not? Saiki was so on edge about you that we figured.”
You simpered at Saiki. “You were on edge about me? You shouldn’t have been.”
What is it now? Breaking a nail or losing your porno rags does not count as “something bad” happening.
Aiura and Toritsuka both sniffed indignantly and then glared at each other. 
“Differing values aside,” Aiura said. “We wouldn’t have gone looking for you unless it was something big.” She pointed at you. “A kidnapping is going to happen and you have to stop it.”
“Come again?”
Aiura threw his hands into the air. “There’s going to be this little kid who gets hauled off by this enormous, homeless brute! He throws Toritsuka aside and then starts on Saiki! You’re the only one who can stop him!”
You raised an eyebrow at Aiura. “And you know this, how?”
“Premonition. I can anticipate when something bad happens.”
“Ooh, does that mean you can tell my future?”
“Did you not hear anything I just told you?” Aiura cuffed you on the back of the head and you swore. “We need to stop that kidnapping!”
Good luck with that. I’m going home.
“Amazing plan. Me too,” Toritsuka said. He linked his arm through Saiki’s and the two began marching off.
“You’re integral to this plan,” Airua snarled, pulling the two boys back. “You can’t just leave.”
“Why do we have to be here if we’re just gonna get beat up? You said Gojo was going to fix everything. Well, here they are.”
“If you change too much, my premonition won’t mean anything. We’re all going to the park. Now.” She started hauling Toritsuka by the arm again and he whined, batting at her to release him.
Bemused, you trailed after them. Saiki did too, surprisingly.
Is Aiura serious about these premonitions?
She hasn’t been wrong before. She’s not one to step aside and let things happen either.
So what, did you summon these two by crossing your eyes?
No. My clairvoyance told me they were coming.
Clairvoyance? That’s actually cool.
Saiki side-eyed you. I wanted to go home. 
You don’t want to be a hero?
I’ve gotten more than enough of that from Hairo.
Once you got to the park, you all spread out to look for a kid who looked like they might get kidnapped.
So, Aiura can tell the future. What does Toritsuka do?
He’s a spirit medium, although that’s being generous.
So he can see ghosts all the time? That must be a pain in the ass.
Toritsuka is the pain in the ass. You wouldn’t believe the things he’s done after summoning spirits.
“Say, Aiura, don’t you think we kind of look like creeps lurking around here?” you asked, plopping down on a bench. Saiki joined you, letting out a tired sigh. A lot of the parents had discreetly pulled their children elsewhere, casting suspicious looks at Toritsuka.
“That kid should be here,” she muttered, putting her hands on her hips. “Toritsuka, why don’t you ask one of your spirits where he is?”
“Why don’t you just use your crystal ball?”
“It doesn’t work like that.”
“Well, neither do my spirits.”
“How would you know? All you use them for is for finding out what colour panties girls wear.”
“Do not.”
“Do too.”
“They’re like an old married couple,” you snickered. You linked your hands behind your head and leaned back, only to yelp with surprise when someone poked your back.
“I’m sorry to bother you, sir, but have you seen my dad?”
The kid behind you couldn’t have been more than five or six. He was wearing a baggy t-shirt and a humongous backpack, his hair sticking up in jagged black spikes. You couldn’t help thinking that he looked awfully tired for a kid. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were blind.”
You pulled down your glasses. “Blind? Who said I’m—”
“I’m sorry for bothering your grandpa,” the kid said to Saiki. “Have you seen my dad?”
“Who are you calling grandpa?!”
“You have white hair and you’re blind,” the kid said matter-of-factly.
“I’m still in high-school—”
“My dad has black hair and a scar right here.” The kid drew a thumb down the corner of his mouth. “He’s pretty big. Kind of scary-looking. Have you seen him?”
Saiki shook his head. The kid sighed, reshouldered his backpack, and moved off.
“Hey, kid! What’s your name?” you demanded, standing up.
The kid looked over his shoulder. “Dad said I shouldn’t talk to strangers.”
“Well, your dad should have told you not to call people ‘grandpa’, either.” 
Saiki shot you a look. You tried to swallow down your annoyance.
“Sorry. What I meant was, we can help you find your dad. I’m Gojo, and he’s Saiki. What’s your name?”
The kid looked down at his shoes. 
“My name is Megumi.”
“Isn’t that a girl’s name?”
Saiki and Megumi both glared at you. You raised your hands. “Alright, sorry. It’s nice to meet you, Megumi. The best way to do this is probably if you stay here while we try to find your dad. Would you be alright with staying with our other two friends? If we can’t find your dad, then we’ll take you to the police station and go from there.”
Megumi shrugged. “My dad didn’t go far, though. I think he’s at the store near here.”
Still, you rounded up Toritsuka and Aiura, the latter of which nearly shouted Toritsuka’s ear off upon seeing Megumi.
“It’s you!” she squealed, swinging Megumi around. “You’re the one from my vision! Aren’t you just adorable?”
“Put me down, lady,” Megumi grumbled. “You’re hurting me.”
Aiura set him down, ruffling his hair. You almost protested. His hair was already atrocious enough.
“What’s your dad’s name, Megumi?” you asked.
It took the kid a minute to remember. “Fushiguro Toji. He can be kinda scary. A lot of people run away from him.”
You scoffed. Like you were going to be scared of a middle-aged officer worker. “It takes a lot to scare me.”
“Sure, grandpa.”
Aiura interrupted before you could slap Megumi upside the head. 
“Listen, you two,” she said, drawing up between you and Saiki. “Be careful, alright? You could both be really hurt if things go wrong. We’ll keep Megumi safe on our end, but keep your eyes out for that homeless guy, alright? He’s big, strong, and won’t hesitate to kick your ass.”
“We’ve got this, Aiura. We’ll find Megumi’s dad no problem.”
“My premonitions have never been wrong before, but maybe this time will be the exception.” The serious look on Airua’s face lifted and she cocked a salute at you, winking. “Alright, good luck!”
You and Saiki went to the convenience store across the street. Truthfully, you weren’t worried about Megumi. Rudeness aside, he seemed like he had his head on straight, and if he wasn’t worried about his dad, you wouldn’t be either. Aiura was probably overreacting. You’d find Toji, return his kid, and no one would get kidnapped. Just another Tuesday afternoon.
You think Toji-san is gonna have the same bed head as his kid?
I think we don’t even know what he looks like. Not all parents look like their children.
You made a beeline towards the sweets aisle.
What are you doing?
I’m hungry. I haven’t had my after-school snack. Do you want something?
What about Fushiguro-san?
He can wait.
You slid your glasses into your hair and frowned. Hm, no coffee jelly today. That’s a shame. Cake roll it is, then.
You grabbed a few and then made your way to the register.
… Do you like coffee jelly?
Of course. It’s an elite snack. I can never find it, though.
Yes, I suppose it is.
You scanned the store as the cashier rang up your items. The cute cashier, who you winked at. A few students. An actual grandpa. In the back of the store, near the drinks, was a tired-looking office worker, rubbing a hand over his jaw as he perused his options.
That’s probably him right there. You thanked the cashier and threw a cake roll at Saiki before ripping one of them open. We’ll let him grab his drink, and then we can prepare for the tearful reunion. Biting into the roll, you nodded to yourself, then grinned. Strawberry. Score.
When you looked back, there was a dark look on Saiki’s face.
You good? Do you not like cake rolls?
Aiura was right when she said her premonitions are never wrong. This feels too easy. 
She probably misinterpreted it. 
It was like Saiki heard something you couldn’t. His head whipped around, and he stared outside of the convenience store, his mouth opening slightly.
Hey, what—
There was a low boom. A plume of dust rose from a distance away … right around where the park was.
You swallowed your bite of cake. “Oh shit.”
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transmascreplica · 4 months
people who bullied me for being weird on instagram that im mutuals with to continue the social contract: Umm who gonna match my freak
me drawing psychick cross on my foot: Meee
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c-40 · 2 years
A-T-2 362 Psychic TV - Just Drifting
Psychic TV was formed in 1981 by Genesis P-Orridge and Alex Fergusson from Alternative TV, Peter Christopherson joined after Throbbing Gristle disbanded. Force the Hand of Chance was their debut album and Just Drifting was subsequently released as a single. As I've mentioned before The Damned's Captain Sensible had had a number one record in the summer of 1982 with a cover of Happy Talk from the 1949 musical South Pacific. Cross-genre cover versions are common, they existed long before punk, Blood Sweat & Tears, The Beatles, Jobim, etc have been covered in every style of music, the practice is as old as popular music itself. In the UK the artist Jeremy Deller formalised cross-genre cover versions for Guardian readers who had been led to believe brass bands were 'cheesy'. Deller now told Guardian readers brass bands were of cultural significance akin to illegal raves... What Deller unleashed and Captain Sensible's Happy Talk have in common is novelty
Where am I going with this? Psychic TV's Just Drifting isn't a cover of a previously existing song but like the title of TG's 1979 album 20 Jazz Funk Greats it points at and cynically celebrates the banal. Do they love or loath ballads or is it a bit of both? Cover versions like the ones mentioned above are usually commercial rather than artistic endeavours, Psychic TV on the other hand are shady, Is it sincere or is it subversion? Like those kind of mind game confidence trick bollocks politicians are so fond of nowadays, I can't tell if this MP wants to properly fund the NHS or dismantle and it sell off! It's different from The Specials with their references Frank Pourcel/Klaus Wunderlich/James Last like motifs, Jerry Dammers uses the music which would have been found in many British homes (and now charity shops) and creates something new with it... Psychic TV is what you get if your parents listened to the Manson Family album when you were growing up at home. I've been avoiding reading a GPO's biography and Cosey Fanni Tutti's but I may have to. They claimed that listening to this record would transport you astral projection fashion to 'The Temple Ov Psychick Youth' (I wonder if anybody asked for their money back?) which would make Just Drifting a sort of gateway to The Temple Ov Psychick Youth, that goes well beyond a mere ballad, or does it? funny is what it is, contrarian consumerism
Early Psychic TV were called Holophonic recordings which adds another layer of intrigue and mystique or smoke and mirrors to the product, there's a big sticker on the sleeve of Just Drifting that reads "FIRST SINGLE TO INCLUDE HOLOPHONIC EFFECT." I'm sure content and the holophonics would have been conceived of as one thing http://www.acousticintegrity.com/acousticintegrity/Holophonics.html
From the back of the sleeve: "This is a Zuccarelli Holophonic TM recording made with the assistance of Mike King. This system gives 360 degree sound or Three Dimensional sound. For best effect place speakers opposite each other and sit in the middle, or use headphones. Close your eyes, play quite loud and try and read the pictures. Walk through the rooms of The Temple Ov Psychick Youth."
"If you sit with fear, a star too far, almost lost in this storm of life. A blazing ghost can become the host, and you breakthrough to the room of dreams."
Psychic TV also had ambitions of being a video-band that released product on VHS. Psychic Television put out First Transmission as a 4 hour 2xVHS boxset in 1982. Like the album and single it was an initiation
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reno-matago · 4 years
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“Une poussée dans la bonne direction, envers vous-même, envers votre propre intégrité, envers vos connexions personnelles  avec les eaux profondes de l’Esprit” 
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mwitchipoo · 5 years
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cora-comics · 5 years
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concept drawing for “Forest City”, a furry webcomic I’m working on with cyberpunk & occult themes
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mousey-toy · 2 years
its like very funny how a lot of slightly older ppl in this area ive run into seem to like really be into thee temple ov psychick youth.. the person who invited me out last night’s (gf?wife?) was telling me how she used to fw psychick tv and the other TG associated bands heavily in the early 2000s and one of their friends i met was involved with a documentary on TOPY and is friends w v. vale from re/search etc . a few other instances i can think of in the recent past.. very funny and also very epic im glad
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disease · 8 months
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seafloo · 5 years
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Psychic Cross
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funeralshawls · 5 years
i have VERY mixed feelings abt everything p-orridge was involved w but all i kno is that wh*te queers who call themselves ‘feral’ n shit abt 2 lose they minds
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This article reminded me of a chat w Gen once about Thee Psychick cross and its interpretation. Gen being a trickster was never interested in defining its meaning but instead enjoyed its value as a sort of Rorschach, drawing interpretation out of the viewer. One interpretation was the cross being made of 3 realms. The Angelic, the earthly and the demonic with humans in the middle realm.
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dogcunt · 4 years
keep ur head down king ur psychick cross tattoo looks like shit
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