#psy dherr
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love this animal: the cider
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asknoncanon · 1 year
Reading this makes me feel so bad for these charas :"") are there any reasons why theyre not canon or like will they be in the future?
OOC: fun fact thats not really that fun: every character in here currently (other than elle) is an actual character I made and then scrapped/replaced! They all have a real life reason for not being canon. They are, in order of appearence:
Navy: hypothetical satarry kid. never meant to be canon but might be one day if saturn and barry get together
Honey: gramrry kid, likely to happen one day, made for fun for a scrapped barrunigramturn au
Barley: made for fun to make comatcare versions of my two barruni kids. he cant exist because it would be weird if uni had a kid who looked almost exactly like a kid she already has. if doomi becomes canon in the after au, barley 2 wont be there
Capri: made to be noncanon from the get-go, designed just for funsies
Soup: scrapped melcyn kid who got replaced by psy dherr as the after au melcyn kid
Cam: scrapped melcyn kid who got replaced as barleys cool emo friend by gray v yard
Nate (hes abt to show up so hes included): was supposed to be barleys (after au) love interest because Purple and Green (hes green) he got redesigned into a background character in the after au (hes a rabbit there) hes here because the species and role change was enough for the two nates to be seperate characters. If he shows up he'll have a new name.
Holly (also abt the show up): was gonna be blaines best friend before i changed the story (there was gonna be an arc abt saturn being overprotective of blaine because saturn Hated Demons, but i felt it was way out of character for him to act this way and be totally obvious to the idea that Maybe His Boyfriend Was Lying abt all demons being Evil No Matter What.) If she shows up (likely) she wouldnt change much
OOC: tdlr is some of them (honey, holly and nate) have good chances to become canon, while others (capri barley and the melcyn kids) dont.
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