privilege-rpg · 4 days
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☆ FULL NAME: Dalton James Anderson ☆ GENDER: Cisman ☆ PRONOUNS: He/Him ☆ AGE: 25 (September 21st, 1999) ☆ TYPE: Full sibling; solo ☆ HOMETOWN: Dallas, Texas ☆ JOB: None ☆ SCHOOL: Sophomore, majoring in Musical Theatre; minoring in Music ☆ SEXUALITY: Homosexual ☆ FACECLAIM: Steven R. McQueen
TW: Anxiety & panic attacks
Dalton James Anderson, the fifth and final child to be born into the Anderson ‘limelight’. Of course, being the youngest Anderson has its benefits which saw Dalton, at least when younger, getting more attention just because of being the baby and the last born of the family, though that didn’t mean that he was off the hook of not living up to the standard of the Anderson name.
Unlike his siblings, Dalton struggled a lot with anxiety and panic attacks, and this was seen more during his adolescence part of life, where Dalton felt like he would never be able to achieve what his siblings had achieved and what his parents also wanted for him to achieve. Despite this, Dalton still had great passion for the art of theatre, and Musical Theatre was something that he held close to his heart, it was mostly the only thing that he was ever good at, that and computer science, but since his mother had pushed him towards the performance side, he had chosen the pathway of performance for his future career plan.
Even now with Dalton having a set path for his future career, Dalton still finds himself unsure about how his future will be, and those thoughts combined with his anxiety can sometimes see him suffer through panic attacks as he struggles to control his emotions at times. Although Dalton tries his best to do the best that he can, he tries not to let his demons get the better of him, and will sometimes hide his own emotions as he feels ashamed of not being as confident as he could be, or wants to be.
When Paula dela Cruz, an up and coming singer, met then C-list actor Max Anderson at an industry party, sparks flew instantly. With them both being busy trying to catch their respective big breaks, real love blossomed between the pair, and they did their best to make a long distance relationship work. When Max’s first leading role in an independent film became an instant cult classic, landing him his first Emmy and Oscar nominations, things started to escalate quickly for his career while Paula was still performing as an opening act for bigger artists. But regardless, she stuck by his side, which was why he ultimately proposed and then married the love of his life. They were barely married for a full year before they started growing their family. Her music career took the back seat as she raised the couple’s children, and over the years, she found herself feeling like a single mother with how little time Max was able to spend at home. As their children grew older and they spent less time together, both of them found other ways to be happy, even if it has landed them on TMZ from time to time.
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privilege-rpg · 5 days
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☆ FULL NAME: Blaine Devon Anderson ☆ GENDER: Cismale ☆ PRONOUNS: He/Him ☆ AGE: 29 (February 5th, 1995) ☆ TYPE: Full sibling; solo (open to twin) ☆ HOMETOWN: Dallas, Texas ☆ JOB: Vocal coach at PSU ☆ SCHOOL: PSU Alumni ☆ SEXUALITY: Homosexual ☆ FACECLAIM: Darren Criss
Pushover was the best way to describe Blaine Anderson, even as a small child. From a young age Blaine allowed himself to be ordered around not only by siblings, but by his parents and peers as well. He truly didn’t have much of an identity for himself until he hit middle school, and even then, he was very much the apple of his mother’s eye in that regard. Taking after her he enrolled in vocal lessons, working on his ability and serving to impress the woman. Despite this though, he was still very much doing it for himself. His mother may have instilled in him a passion for music, but it was up to him to continue it and make it flourish. 
A young Blaine became adept in many instruments, finding a hand at guitar, piano, drums, and even the trumpet as for a brief time he was in his high school’s band. It was at thirteen he told his mother that all he wanted was to have a successful career in music like she did, and from that point on all of his efforts were dedicated to it. Sleepless nights of vocal practice and keeping everyone in his house up with his incessant playing, all lead up to the all important moment of him possibly getting signed by a record label. He performed in various talent competitions in his high school career, and upon graduating, he knew exactly where he belonged.
Pacific State University was a haven for him, finding so many likeminded individuals that wanted what he did. The glory of being a world renowned star. Not only that but everyone here came from the same background he did, so there wasn’t any concern of someone not understanding. Blaine flourished at Pacific State, eventually earning a master’s in music theory and a bachelor’s in sound production. He knew upon graduating he wanted to dedicate at least some time to the institution from here on out, and luckily he earned a lucrative position there. He now works as a vocal coach for various musical arts students, helping them along with the degrees he’d already earned. He loves his position at his work and treats it like a dream job. Alongside this, Blaine has been working tirelessly to make his musical dreams come true, selling copies of the only work he has out currently - his ep. He’s been shopping it around to various record labels with no biters quite yet, but he’s still optimistic.
When Paula dela Cruz, an up and coming singer, met then C-list actor Max Anderson at an industry party, sparks flew instantly. With them both being busy trying to catch their respective big breaks, real love blossomed between the pair, and they did their best to make a long distance relationship work. When Max’s first leading role in an independent film became an instant cult classic, landing him his first Emmy and Oscar nominations, things started to escalate quickly for his career while Paula was still performing as an opening act for bigger artists. But regardless, she stuck by his side, which was why he ultimately proposed and then married the love of his life. They were barely married for a full year before they started growing their family. Her music career took the back seat as she raised the couple’s children, and over the years, she found herself feeling like a single mother with how little time Max was able to spend at home. As their children grew older and they spent less time together, both of them found other ways to be happy, even if it has landed them on TMZ from time to time.
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privilege-rpg · 5 days
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☆ FULL NAME: Cooper Jay Anderson ☆ GENDER: Cisman ☆ PRONOUNS: He/Him ☆ AGE: 32 (August 1st, 1992) ☆ TYPE: Half sibling; solo ☆ HOMETOWN: Dallas, Texas ☆ JOB: Struggling Actor ☆ SCHOOL: PSU Alumni ☆ SEXUALITY: Bisexual ☆ FACECLAIM: Manny Jacinto
tw: cheating, parental rejection, bribery 
Cooper Anderson was the product of a very short lived affair between Mo Yuan, a Chinese-American actor, and Paula Anderson. The affair and the result was kinda an open secret, but she never told Cooper who his real father was. Cooper showed an interest in acting as a young child, and he did a few commercials and guest starred on a few Disney shows/movies. Cooper loved it. He love the applause and the attention - something he felt he was missing from his dad who he felt never gave him any attention. His father worked a lot. But there was something different from the way his dad treated his siblings as him. It wasn’t until he was 15, when he found out the truth. He overheard his mom arguing with his dad, and the affair and his true father was brought up. He reached out to try to contact his father, but the man told him to never talk to him again. He was heartbroken by this, but never told anyone about the truth of his biological father. When he was 18, the truth came out. His biological father reached out to Cooper, asking for money. Cooper told him to get lost. Soon later, it was released to the press about the truth about Cooper’s true biological father.  Cooper tried to get acting roles after that, but Disney execs didn’t like the press and he soon found himself not acting. He found himself partying instead of doing his homework and almost flunked out of his senior year of high school until his mom paid the high school off and got him a tutor. He straightened up, barely passing High School.
When it got time for Cooper to go to college, he didn’t want go. His mom forced him and once again, Cooper really only got into PSU since of who his mom was. With a new so called freedom, Cooper found himself back to his old ways. He was partying again, sleeping his away around the college campus and auditioning for roles. He dropped out of college after he landed a role in a cheesy action movie that ended up being a flop. Cooper didn’t care, he finally was acting again. After a two years of nothing and pressure from his mom to do something with his life, he enrolled back into college and finished his degree in theatre arts. It surprised everyone that he graduated really, but he found it easy to do something when he was interested in the subject. Cooper struggled to book roles, and lived in his parents basement for a while. A few years later after graduation, he booked a commercial for fastest growing international credit rating website.The commercial was a success, with many people coming up to him singing the jingle. This lead to more commercials with the company. He hasn't booked much since, but now he's living at home, going on auditions whenever he can. 
When Paula dela Cruz, an up and coming singer, met then C-list actor Max Anderson at an industry party, sparks flew instantly. With them both being busy trying to catch their respective big breaks, real love blossomed between the pair, and they did their best to make a long distance relationship work. When Max’s first leading role in an independent film became an instant cult classic, landing him his first Emmy and Oscar nominations, things started to escalate quickly for his career while Paula was still performing as an opening act for bigger artists. But regardless, she stuck by his side, which was why he ultimately proposed and then married the love of his life. They were barely married for a full year before they started growing their family. Her music career took the back seat as she raised the couple’s children, and over the years, she found herself feeling like a single mother with how little time Max was able to spend at home. As their children grew older and they spent less time together, both of them found other ways to be happy, even if it has landed them on TMZ from time to time.
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privilege-rpg · 5 days
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☆ FULL NAME: Eva Celeste Anderson ☆ GENDER: Ciswoman ☆ PRONOUNS: She/Her ☆ AGE: 34 (June 19th, 1990) ☆ TYPE: Full sibling; solo ☆ HOMETOWN: Dallas, Texas ☆ JOB: Communications Professor @ PSU ☆ SCHOOL: PSU Alumni ☆ SEXUALITY: Bisexual ☆ FACECLAIM: Shay Mitchell
The first born is always special, there’s no debating that, but Eva Anderson was born different. From a very early age, she was well aware of how successful the Anderson name was, and boy, did she use it to her advantage. The second she learned how to walk and talk, she was demanding that people give her things or do what she said to do simply because Max Anderson was her father and they were wealthy. If she wanted something, she made sure her parents gave it to her. If she didn’t like something, she made sure everyone knew it. Bossing her younger siblings around came too easily for her, and she took pride in finding ways to blame them for things that she’d actually done. While Pia didn’t understand where her oldest learned to be such a tyrant, Max kept insisting that she’d grow out of it one day and they should just “let their kids be kids.” If only that had been true. 
Unlike some of her siblings or even other kids with talented parents, Eva never had any passion for the arts. Sure, she adores and respects both of her parents’ crafts, but performing wasn’t her calling and she was fine with it. What she did love was herself, so to speak. Knowing you look good is one thing, but flaunting it and profiting off of it was another. By the time she was a teenager, she’d started making a little bit of a name for herself thanks to her increasing YouTube following. Against her mother’s wishes, she was sneaking out to parties, drinking, experimenting with drugs and sexual partners, etc. The InfluEva lifestyle was turning her into a person her parents didn’t approve of or agree with, and by 18, Eva had been arrested for DUI, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct one too many times. Deciding to cut her off, both from their bank account and her own, the Andersons gave her only one option: go to college and get a degree.
That’s where Pacific State came in. She would have hated going to any other college, but being around other people with similar upbringings was actually perfect, and eye opening. While it took Eva a while to figure out what her calling was, she was surrounded by people that gave her ideas, both for a career and for her still active influencer lifestyle. In fact, documenting life on the inside of “Privilege State” really kicked things into high gear for her. She was being contacted by talent agencies for representation, being invited to BeautyCon as a panelist, and even serving as a brand ambassador for major beauty brands. That was how Eva decided she wanted to double major in Communication and Business Administration with a Marketing concentration, since she had already been doing both for her own brand anyways. It was truly the perfect decision, as she excelled in her studies, obtaining her Bachelors degrees first, and then her Masters in Communication Management. 
By the time she was finally done with school, Eva Anderson had retired from being an influencer and had accepted a position with United Talent Agency’s LA office. She started out as a low level marketing assistant, but she quickly grew in the ranks and after a few years with the company, she landed herself a role as the Media Sales Executive for their Creators. She adored her job, especially meeting with fresh talent and helping them grow their brands in record numbers, and Eva thrives off of making sure none of them go down the road she’d almost been on. She can be a little strict with her clients, and even more so with anyone wanting to partner with them, but her reputation (and her bank account) speak for themselves. 
As amazing as her career has been, Eva recently made the decision to leave UTA after a remarkable ten year stint with them and is returning to PSU as a Communications Professor. Since she had so much success, she wants to help other privileged students that want to follow in a similar path reach the same type of accolades. With her name and influence, Eva still has a bit of a social media following herself, which she plans to incorporate into her syllabus for her own students. After all, a hands-on approach to the field could truly shape the next set of PR reps, talent agents, social media managers, etc. She’s excited to see where this new career takes her, and if it fails, she does have a pretty comfortable cushion to fall back on.
When Paula dela Cruz, an up and coming singer, met then C-list actor Max Anderson at an industry party, sparks flew instantly. With them both being busy trying to catch their respective big breaks, real love blossomed between the pair, and they did their best to make a long distance relationship work. When Max’s first leading role in an independent film became an instant cult classic, landing him his first Emmy and Oscar nominations, things started to escalate quickly for his career while Paula was still performing as an opening act for bigger artists. But regardless, she stuck by his side, which was why he ultimately proposed and then married the love of his life. They were barely married for a full year before they started growing their family. Her music career took the back seat as she raised the couple’s children, and over the years, she found herself feeling like a single mother with how little time Max was able to spend at home. As their children grew older and they spent less time together, both of them found other ways to be happy, even if it has landed them on TMZ from time to time.
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