addycorcoran · 17 hours
i'll keep you company at night, and baby, i'm here to make this right ➝ ameline.
TAGGING ➝ Addy Corcoran, Amy Duval (@amyduval).
LOCATION ➝ Addy and Amy's bedroom.
TIME FRAME ➝ 9/16, late evening.
WARNINGS ➝ Does fluff count?
SUMMARY ➝ After their fight, Addy pouts and they make up. Short and sweet thread. Very good, very healthy, very not worrisome behavior.
Before Amy had gone off to their room, she grabbed her laptop so she could continue working on the emails that she had to go through. She had ventured out at sometime (thankfully, not running into Addy just yet) to pour herself another drink. Now in pajamas, she was curled up in bed and slowly sipping on her drink as she scrolled through the emails. They were never ending and gave her an absolute headache. Amy sighed, not able to pay attention to what was actually in the emails, due to her mind wandering to where Addy possibly could be. Sure, she'd walked away in the middle of an argument, but she still wanted to sleep in the same bed as her. Amy put something from Netflix on, and just laid back and stared at it, not really paying attention. The anger from earlier had completely ebbed away, and had turned into sadness. She had really been looking forward to tonight, and at this point, she'd figured they'd be in bed together completely naked.
Addy hadn’t wanted to just let Amy walk away, but she knew when to give up, when fighting further was pointless, so she’d sat in the living room for a while, doing nothing productive and simply worrying about their rapidly worsening relationship. Eventually, not wanting to disturb Amy who she figured needed some space, she’d taken herself off to Emmy’s bathroom, where she’d showered then changed into a pair of Emmy’s pajamas. She’d momentarily considered sleeping in Emmy’s bed, but ultimately decided she didn’t want to not be with Amy, so long hair still wet, she made her way to her and Amy’s bedroom, cautiously and quietly letting herself in in case Amy was asleep. Seeing that she was, in fact, awake, Addy quietly closed the door, then offered Amy a small smile as she approached the bed. “Hey,” she greeted softly, cautiously. “I thought you’d be asleep.” Opting for Amy’s side of the bed rather than her own, she perched on the edge of the mattress right beside her. “I’m sorry for being an asshole. Can I still sleep in here with you?”
Amy’s eyes flickered up towards the door when Addy finally strolled in, albeit quietly. Her girlfriend’s soft smile tugged at her heartstrings, and the anger she had felt earlier nearly disippated. As Addy set on the bed next to her, Amy shut her laptop and moved it to her bedside table. “Hi,” Amy murmured as she reached out to cup Addy’s face in her palm. Even in the low light of her bedside lamp, she was heartbreakingly gorgeous. “Of course you can. You’d have to do something really awful for me to say no to you sleeping in the same bed as me.” Amy dropped her hand, and then motioned for Addy to come closer.
This probably wasn't a healthy way of working through things, but as Amy's hand touched her cheek and Addy tilted her face into the warmth of her palm, she hoped this could be it, that they could be okay again and sweep the rest of the evening under the rug the way they often did. "I mean, it was pretty awful," she mumbled, scooting closer with Amy's direction. "I really am sorry, Amy. Even more so because you don't feel like you're a priority. You are. You're my biggest priority."
Amy sighed and nodded. She genuinely didn't feel like Addy's number one priority. A part of her wanted to tell her that perhaps she wasn't, but Addy was coming to her and apologizing. "I really missed you tonight," she told Addy, reaching out and grabbing her girlfriend's hand, intertwining their fingers. "And I felt stupid and embarrassed. Which one of my least favorite things to feel, as you know. But..." She sighed again, and then chewed on her lip. With Addy, she'd admit she was wrong. Only with Addy. "I should've texted you or called you to see what was going on. It's a two way street, and I just sat here. I should have communicated with you."
“I missed you too,” Addy responded with a slight pout, her fingers easily lacing through Amy’s. Sure, things were kind of shitty between them lately, but there was no denying that, like their intertwined fingers, they just fit. The thought had crossed her mind, while stewing alone in the living room, that Amy hadn’t called or texted, and that something could’ve been wrong and Amy hadn’t even cared to find out, but she pushed it down with the realization that it was selfish, that it was her who had messed up today, so she quickly shook her head. “No. You did nothing wrong, okay? It was on me.” Keeping her hand in Amy’s, Addy eyed her for a moment, before shifting her body until she was sitting on top of Amy, straddling her lower stomach. With her free hand, she reached out to cup Amy’s cheek the way Amy had with hers only moments before, then leaned in until she could press a soft kiss to her lips. “Let’s just be okay again, okay?” She murmured against her mouth. “I miss you.”
Amy sighed happily against Addy's mouth, all the thoughts from earlier a distant thought. "I miss you.." She whispered, wrapping one arm around Addy's neck and settling her free hand on her hip. She could get lost in Addy - the feel of her, the taste of her, just... her. Amy kissed her then, letting it linger for a moment before she started to move her lips against Addy's. Even after all of this time, her kisses left her light headed. She pulled away, pressing her forehead against Addy's. "I love you, Addy." The words were soft and a way of saying I forgive you without actually saying the words.
Again, it really wasn’t healthy, but in moments like this, all of the bad in their relationship just melted away, and Addy found herself all consumed by Amy, by her lips and her hands, the feeling of her skin beneath her fingertips, which Addy stroked soothingly where they rested against Amy’s cheek. She moved with Amy, losing herself in their kiss, so much that once they parted she felt a little breathless. Forehead pressing back against Amy’s, Addy’s eyes closed as she allowed the moment to sweep around them, and a small, contented smile painted itself across her lips at the weight those three little words held. “I love you too, Amy. More than you know.”
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privilege-rpg · 4 days
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☆ FULL NAME: Amélie Renée Duval ☆ GENDER: Ciswoman ☆ PRONOUNS: She/Her ☆ AGE: 34 (January 18th, 1990) ☆ TYPE: Full sibling; solo (open to twin) ☆ HOMETOWN: San Francisco, California ☆ JOB: In-house counsel @ PSU; Lawyer ☆ SCHOOL: PSU Alumni ☆ SEXUALITY: Lesbian ☆ FACECLAIM: Meghann Fahy
Amélie Duval grew up in a household where her parents’ work always came first. No matter how hard she tried, it never seemed like enough to get Alexander or Elodie’s attention. They were always too busy making movies, walking red carpets, or giving interviews. As a kid, Amélie thought if she could just be perfect, maybe they’d finally notice her. She’d bring home straight A’s, ace every test, and go above and beyond in every school project, hoping that one day they’d be proud. But the reality was, they didn’t care. Her parents left the raising of their children to the nannies and housekeepers, and Amélie was left to figure things out on her own.
By the time she got to high school, Amélie realized that no matter what she did, their focus would always be on their careers. It hurt, but it didn’t stop her from being a hard worker. She set her sights on something bigger than just getting their approval. She enrolled at PSU and double-majored in political science and criminal justice. It was during college that her love for the law started to grow. What began as a way to prove herself became something she genuinely cared about. Law school only reinforced her determination, and by the time she graduated, Amélie was certain of her path. She took a job as in-house counsel at PSU, staying connected to the university that had shaped her. She also began giving guest lectures in the law program, finding joy in teaching.
Amélie met Addy during this time, and for the first time in a long while, she felt like someone truly saw her. The two of them clicked immediately, and their relationship was everything Amélie had ever hoped for—stable, loving, and supportive. Things were great for a long time, but over the past six months, cracks have started to show. Amélie has been throwing herself into her work, and it’s been hard for her to separate her job from her personal life. The stress has led to constant fighting between her and Addy, something Amélie never thought would happen. She loves Addy deeply, but she doesn’t know how to stop the distance that’s growing between them.
Amélie doesn’t want to lose Addy, but she’s struggling to find balance. She’s poured so much into her career, just like her parents, but she doesn’t want to end up like them—cold, distant, and too focused on work to care about the people she loves. She’s trying to juggle everything: the pressures of her job, her responsibilities, and her relationship. It’s not easy, but Amélie is determined to make it work, even if it means figuring out a way to change.
Alexander Duval is an award-winning director renowned for his visionary films, many of which feature his wife, Elodie Duval, a globally famous actress. Together, they form a powerful duo in the film industry, with Elodie starring in most Alexander’s critically acclaimed work. However, their relentless pursuit of success has come at the cost of their family life. As negligent parents, they have largely left the upbringing of their children to a rotating staff of nannies and maids, prioritizing their careers over the responsibilities of raising a family.
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