#psmd is the one i have more ideas for in terms of changes and themes... but gti is also one id like to delve more into
vaugarde · 13 days
kinda wanna switch my creative attention from starfall to something else tbh. feel like ive been in a stump with it for a pretty long while and i keep going over the same scenes in my head rather than getting ideas for new ones.
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forffax · 3 years
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TY FESS!!! :]
1. Favorite game(s) in the series?
definitely explorers of sky, but super is a close second! the rescue team remake and gates are also very close to my heart sgdhzgs (pmd.... good)
2. Do you prefer the 2D or 3D games (in terms of style or the games in general)?
2D for sure! The sprites were so good and had so much charm.... although I do love the watercolor texture they put over the 3D models in the rescue team remake! I hope they do smthn similar if they ever remake explorers vdhgds
3. Which final boss and/or final dungeon do you like the most (whether from a narrative or gameplay perspective)?
mmmm my gut response is to say either temporal tower and primal dialga or the tree of life and dark matter... both had such intense energies as u climbed to the top, knowing that it was just u and ur partner left to keep the world from falling into ruin (or being thrown into the sun, in super's case sgdhsgs)! The dungeon themes in both also having two sections was so so cool to me, with a driving powerful theme in the first half and a calmer, more subdued theme as u got closer and closer to the top..... man.
4. What were your hero characters like before being turned into Pokemon? What did they look like and how were their lives? Do they ever recover any of their memories?
dvdbxvzvzhs I will admit. most of my hero characters are self inserts,, there's also one thats just an older oc but he got sucked into the pmd world (so did his bf, unbeknownst to both of them) dvdjshs
my psmd hero though was a cyndaquil named Felix, (and iirc super's whole thing was that ur hero and parter both had been reborn to finish the job of defeating dark matter) so he was probably just a fairly normal human teen (who kept getting reincarnated w/o his knowledge, just at the wrong times) who very suddenly got yoinked back to the pmd world (finally the right time to save the world)!
5. Which Pokemon from Gen 7-8 would you consider potential hero/partner starter options, outside of the regular Starter Pokemon?
hm! definitely rockruff, alolan meowth, and alolan vulpix from Gen 7, and probably nickit and yamper or wooloo from Gen 8! Applin would be cool too I think sghdgs
9. Are there any soundtracks you think are underrated or overlooked, or are there unused tracks you wish were in the game?
Am I allowed to say the entire gates ost bc. The entire gates ost. I know ppl don't like gates much (and I have some complaints abt it as well) but the ost RULES.
Also really like Mt. Horn from pmd2, and Fire Mounain Volcano from super!
10. Which ending do you like the most?
SUPER'S GUT PUNCH SWITCH HURTS SO GOOD.... every previous game is like "oh your hero can't stay in this world/has to dissappear" and even in game your character is preparing for that eventuality when suddenly nope! There goes your partner, disappearing into a ball of light and floating off into the sky </3 made me bawl when I got to it the first time
11. Any headcanons that take place after the games that you want to share?
I always love the idea of ur hero and partner becoming veteran explorers and helping/teaching new adventurers, particularly if they form a guild!
Also I think that for pmd2, dialga allows (infrequent) visits between the future trio and your hero/partner :] it wasn't goodbye forever!
12. If you could change one thing about your favorite game(s), what would it be?
FASTER TEXT SPEED FOR GATES PLEASE.... that's like the number one reason I don't replay it more zgdjdhzs... also expanded post game/better pacing for super would've made it probably my fav pmd game ever ngl
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