#pseudo princess pt10
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Pseudo Princess Pt.10
Kindred Spirit
Pairing: King!Steve x Reader Word Count: 5,960
Warnings: smut, angst, fluff, language, yummy Thor
A/N: Okay, as I said before, I’m a little sick right now so I didn’t go back to edit almost at all. Please excuse the mistakes. I will come back and edit at some point but I’m just so unfocused right now. Hopefully this makes sense. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work. xoxo
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Day 3
“-well, and I’m not sure what to do with you. If I were a good friend, I would take you back. I’m sure Steve is missing his wife.”
You’re groggy, weak. Your head aches! Your stomach really hurts too. It groans loudly with the smell of freshly cooked rabbit. The burn of black oak saturates the air but through it cuts a small hint of charge. Like the few moments after a lightning strike.
“Why would his wife run away?” The voice ponders, paying you no mind as you groan. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you weren’t happy. No one who’s happy runs away from home.”
What is he babbling about?
“Are you finally waking up little bird?” He asks, his voice is rich. Not just deep.
Even though he’s clearly sitting a bit of distance away from you, you can feel his tone in your chest.
You look around, focusing on the spot you’re lying in and see you’ve been wrapped in a bright red cloak. Your head is resting on a small bag stuffed with something lumpy but soft.
The sky is purple, shifting into velvet black. Had you slept the day away?
“Are you hungry?” The stranger asks.
At the question you look at him and find him bathed in firelight. He’s still as beautiful as the first moment you saw him and you’re slightly shocked to find that you hadn’t dreamt him up.
Your head is only slightly clearer. You need food and water.
“Here.” He holds out a large leaf with small pieces of freshly roasted rabbit meat.
The smell is intoxicating, and your stomach reaches out and takes the food.
“Eat it slowly. If you haven’t eaten in a while you may-”
You scarf down the last piece. Swallow, then hold out the leaf, eyes pleading for more.
“-make yourself…sick…more?” He checks.
You nod, then wait as he places a few more pieces on the leaf.
“In half an hour I will give you more.” He says, but you’re so busy eating that you don’t care.
“Why are you here? Did you really run away from Steve?” He wonders.
You swallow, licking your fingers as you finish another piece.
“How do you know his Majesty? Why does everyone call him by his first name?” You ask, upset.
So many secrets. Or…really just one. But it’s big enough!
“Oh.” The stranger says, blinks in surprise, then clears his throat. “Forgive me. My name is Thor. Son of-”
“Son of Odin.” You say slowly, mouth dropping open in awe. “You’re an Asgardian. A King. The God of Thunder.”
“You’ve heard of me!” Thor says excitedly, smiling wide, eyes crinkling at the corners.
You nod slowly as he reaches between his legs and produces a fancy looking waterskin. It’s big and it sloshes, wet and tempting.
He holds it out to you and this time you crawl closer to close some distance, moving to sit beside him as you throw the cap open and take a long drink.
You immediately spit it out, coughing loudly as you hack against the bitter flavor. It hits the back of your throat and you taste barley and honey, but you can’t get past the sharp bite to appreciate the flavor.
You’re too busy coughing, passing the skin back to Thor as he chuckles and takes it.
“Oh. That must be the beer.” He says, humor in his tenor. “Here. This one is the water.”
He holds out a second waterskin, just as large, just as slushy and you uncap it but take a careful sniff before you drink.
Thor laughs again. “I’m sorry, little bird. I really didn’t mean to hand you the wrong one. But this will make Sif happy. She’ll be happy to know that her beer is mighty.”
You drink water until your stomach hurts. You outright refuse to hand the skin back to Thor and instead hold it on your lap, staring at the dancing flames of his campfire.
“Do you feel a little better?” He asks.
“Yes.” You swallow, licking your chapped lips. “Thank you.”
“How long had it been since you ate?” He wonders, putting a piece of rabbit in his mouth.
He chews slowly, savoring the plain taste of the meat. It isn’t seasoned.
“A few days.”
“That’s not good for you.” He states, looking over to give you a quick once over. “Don’t worry, I’ll escort you home and then we’ll get a doctor to take a look at you.”
“I’m not going back.” You state, sure, determined.
“Is that wise?” He looks you over again, lingering on your pretty shoes that were not made for the length of trek you’ve taken through such rough terrain.
You adjust your skirt to hide them and his eyes roam back over you until he meets your eyes.
“You are Queen of Broklin. They will be looking for you. You’re important, little bird.” He smiles kindly.
“Let them look.” You sigh. “Why do you keep calling me that?”
“Because you’re just like a little bird. Escaping the hardships of your gilded cage, as they say.” His smile is knowing. As if he knows a lot about gilded cages.
He probably does. He’s King of Asgard, after all.
“The castle wasn’t a cage.” You frown, hating the taint his words give the happier aspects of your life there.
It wasn’t all bad. You’d had Nat—what have I done?—and Peter—will he blame himself?—and Bucky and Sam. You had friends.
“I lived a good life in the castle. I had great friends and I wanted for nothing.” You assure him.
“Oh?” If your life there was so great, why run?” He challenges, posing a valid question.
Despite all the love of your friends, their support and comfort. One large hole stands in the castle, in your bed, in your heart.
You haven’t thought it in ages, hoping to distance yourself from the way you’d felt but clearly it hadn’t worked. Hearing him say that marrying you was a mistake was just as painful even without you using his name.
“His Majesty does not love me.” You look down at your feet, intent on hiding the depths of your hurt. “He told me he wished he had not married me…”
You don’t succeed at hiding your feelings.
When you look at the God, he’s watching you as all traces of his easy smile vanish. He narrows his eyes a little, considering you for a moment.
“I’m sorry.” He nods. “I haven’t spoken to Steve since Margaret died, and he was a wreck when it happened. When I heard the news of his remarriage, I had hoped that perhaps it meant that at last he’d found a way to live on. To be happy. I’m sad that is not the case.”
There’s that name again.
“Can you not-I…I know that I shouldn’t hate someone who’s dead, but I find it harder and harder to hear her name.” You feel like a complete jerk for feeling such animosity for a woman you’d never met. A woman who by all accounts had been good and kind. But she’s been such an obstacle for you. Always there even though she’s long gone. “Please, don’t say her name.”
You beg, picking at the bottom of the waterskin in your lap.
Thor goes silent. For a few minutes, the two of you sit as the world breathes around you. The breeze picks up and you draw the large red cloak—no, it’s a cape of sorts—closer to shield against the slightly chillier wind. The fire crackles and finally Thor breathes in.
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to find something to do until you want to return home.” He smiles at you, offering more rabbit.
“You’ll stay with me?” You ask, uncertain of his intentions but feeling a little comfort at least that he seems to know Steve. “Why?”
“It is my duty to keep you safe as a fellow sovereign and because it’s the right thing to do. Also, my friends would never forgive me if I left you out here alone. No. I will wait until you’re ready. Then I will escort you home.” He nods, happy to see you eat.
“What if I’m never ready to go back?” You check, wondering if he’ll force you.
“For your own good, for the good of Broklin, I hope you will be ready. Soon. I know Steve and he may not be himself at the moment, but he would rather suffer for you than have you struggle out here on your own. He’s a good man. I’m sorry that you have found him now, when he’s still not recovered.
“But I don’t think I’ll have to worry. You’ll want to go back soon.” He says with confidence.
“How do you know?” You ask him, curious as to this unwavering belief that he’s right.
“You love him. It’s as clear as the stars above our head. You’re angry. And hurt. I don’t blame you.”
“Maybe that’s why I’ll stay away?” You counter. “When he means nothing to me, then I’ll go back. Then I can accept who I need to be, and I won’t have to hide how I feel.”
“Then I will stay by your side until you no longer love him.” Thor promises, and with another smile from him, you feel yourself relax at least knowing that you won’t be alone.
Day 10
“Why can’t I catch one?!” You growl, flinging your snare onto the ground in frustration.
One week is how long you’ve been moving along with Thor. A week of late-night chats. Sleeping by warm fires and getting to know the God of Thunder.
He has a brother. Loki. Adopted. God of Mischief who Thor has left in charge of Asgard for now. He’d divulged his own troubles with love, and it seems he finds himself in a similar situation to your own, only his is more depressing.
He chuckles as he moves towards you, wide heavy steps as he moves over large rocks and tall grass.
“You’re so stubborn.” He says.
“I am not.” You argue.
He laugh then sits on large boulder before gesturing you towards him.
You make your way to him, picking up your snare as you go, shoving your skirt aside.
You’re still in the dress you’d escaped in only it’s in tatters and you’ve placed a leather skirt over the smoother silk and linen. You’ve washed it once and bathed since Thor found you albeit in a cold river and damn, do you miss your hot baths.
Thor reaches out and waits for your snare. You place it in his hand and move to lean beside him against the boulder. Around your shoulders is his red cape. He’s forced you to keep wearing it because it’s colder here now that you’re closer to the sea again.
“Look.” He spreads your snare wider, adjusting the loop of the wire you’d been working with. “You’re making them too small. The rabbits here are bigger than the ones back in Malibia. Give me your hands.”
You hold them open and watch him place the wire around them, showing you the size of the loop that you need to make.
“This feels too big.” You argue.
“Stubborn woman.” He chortles.
“I’m sorry!” You fuss.
He laughs. “It does not matter anyway; I’ve caught enough for the both of us. Go set this one and let’s go back to camp.”
“Okay.” You sigh, moving to set your snare down.
When you’re satisfied with its placement you move towards him but gasp as your thin shoe tears against the side of a jagged rock.
“Ow…” You whisper and Thor is at your side, hands hover around you without knowing what’s wrong.
“What? What is it? Where?” He demands, an almost panic in his voice.
You reach out and brace yourself on his shoulder as you lift your foot to look at the small cut. Nothing serious. Just a scratch.
“My shoe.” You say, and Thor leans down to look at the tear.
“You need better shoes.” He declares, then without waiting for your response, he sweeps your legs out from under you with one arm and supports your back with the other as he lifts you off the ground.
“Thor!” You complain, startled by being carried so suddenly.
Instinct prompts you to reach up and wrap your arms around his neck but as you come to your senses you move them down to his shoulders.
He says nothing and carries you back to camp.
Day 17
“So, you don’t know when she’s coming back?” Thor looks a little sad as he sits beside you, picking at blades of grass between his legs, his right propped up with his elbow resting on it while his left hand does its fidgeting.
“No. I’m sure if she intends to stay away, she’ll send word.” Thor nods, looking at you to smile wide. It’s forced but not ingenuine. He really just tries to take it all in stride.
You see a lot of yourself in Thor. Although he was born into his crown, you can see the weight that it settles on his shoulders. He’s unsure of it, like you are. And like you he’s just as lost in love.
“Does your Lady Jane have a long history with her past fiancé? I would assume that they were together a long time.” You probe, wanting to understand your new friend more.
“They were together for a long time. Blake proposed but did not really want to get married so, they broke off their engagement and then I met her while she was in Asgard studying the stars. We have the best account of the skies and she entranced me with her wit and intelligence.” Thor nods.
“No doubt she’s pretty too?” You smile at him.
“Beautiful.” He smiles.
“How long were you two-?”
“It’s been about two years since we established a courtship. I proposed after a few months. But Jane is unsure of the life I can offer her.” You look away as he speaks now, knowing what Jane must be feeling.
“It’s scary.” You tell him, knowing that it won’t alleviate his pain but maybe you can offer some sort of understanding between them? “Having all this new responsibility?”
“One that you have shirked.” He teases, leaning to nudge you with his shoulder.
You smile, shake your head, and bite your lip.
“Yes.” You agree. “And I feel really…I shouldn’t have left like that.”
Thor’s smile is gone when you look up at him again.
“I don’t blame you. Steve should not have said what he said. I understand his grief and I can’t hold it against him, but I’m sorry that he’s hurt you. You do not deserve that, little bird.” Thor reaches over and places his hand over yours, you quickly turn yours over to lace your fingers through his.
You’ve been finding comfort in Thor like this for several days. He seems to need the physical reassurance as much as you do.
A soft touch.
A connection.
You settle in against his arm, tucking yourself into his side underneath it and he sighs heavily. Both of you heartbroken and uncertain of your futures.
“It can’t have been all bad though, right? You said that he came to you every night?” He hesitates for a moment but then speaks with confidence. A light teasing. “That must have been fun.”
Laughter from you is not what he’d expected.
You lift your head and throw it back as you let the sad bit of humor die, then put your head back against his large bicep.
“Why is that funny?” He asks, genuinely confused but still slightly smiling at the sound of your laughter.
“Why would sleeping with his Majesty be fun?” You chuckle once more then turn to look up at him.
He’s staring at you, brow furrowed in confusion.
You sit up, a little worried, and shift so that you can see his face better.
“What?” You ask, suddenly concerned.
“Why would it not be fun?” He asks, frown lines creasing his handsome tanned face.
“Is it…” You swallow, nervous now for another reason.
Suddenly your mind is in a frenzy wondering if everything you thought about his Majesty liking your body at the very least, is a lie. You’ve been lying to yourself. You’re doing something wrong. Maybe that’s why his Majesty hasn’t warmed to you?
“Is it supposed to be fun?” Your startled expression makes Thor’s soften.
“Y/N…” He begins, swallowing hard before he turns towards the fire and after a moment, he shifts his entire body to face you. He takes both of your hands in his and slowly makes circles with his thumbs along your skin. “You may find this a bit-I know that I shouldn’t ask but I’m going to and if you do not wish to answer me than you don’t have to but please know that I only ask out of concern for you.
“Has Steve never made you feel good in bed?” He asks, his cheeks tinting pink as he does.
This question is just as uncomfortable for him to ask as it is for you to hear it.
You consider telling him that it’s none of his business. That you’ve only known him for a little half a month so how dare he ask you this very personal question?
But his eyes, those electric and piercing blues, tell you that he’s genuine in his concern. Also, you really want to know if maybe you’re doing something wrong yourself. If you can fix things with his Majesty…
You begin to shake your head, moving it to the right then hesitate, but finish shaking it as you answer his question with a timid. “No. Never.”
That’s a lie…there was those moments…right before on your wedding night…
“Wait, he did-I liked the way his hands felt just before we consummated our marriage. I liked how he felt…” Your ears are burning as you admit these things to him, things you haven’t even told Nat. “On top of me. His weight?”
“Is that all?” He asks.
“I was a virgin when we married.” You explain. “I knew that the first time would be difficult.”
“Difficult how?” Thor is frowning again.
You don’t want to say it. You know that it wasn’t normal. You know that he’ll judge his Majesty for it…but maybe he can help you?
“I think things were overwhelming of him that first night. I think maybe he missed…missed her and he’s so clearly not over her so doing that with me might have-”
“Y/N…” Thor says a bit more sternly. “What happened on your wedding night?”
You look away from his face, down at his wide chest and recount the night for him.
His Majesty had been quick. He’d wanted it over with. This you realize now. He’d wanted to be done with that part of the day and he’d been rough in his haste. You know that he didn’t mean to do it. You still know that his apology late that night had been sincere. He’d hurt you and he’d regretted it.
You also know now that it’s because he’s very much in love with Margaret still that he’s hurt you over and over again since then. Not physically. Never physically anymore, he could never do that to you after that first night, but he has hurt you. All for her.
By the time you’re done, Thor’s hands are shaking. He tries to hide his upset from you by releasing your hands and turning away, but you can see the tension in his shoulders.
“And has it been like that every night since then?” He checks, looking down at his fist clenched tight.
“No.” You hurry to reassure him. Scooting closer to try and look at his face. “No. His Majesty apologize for what happened that very night. He left me alone for a week while I recovered and when he returned from his trip, he told me that if I wanted him to stop that I need only say so. That he would not touch me until I was ready.
“But he needs an heir, so I did my duty. I…He’s been kinder. Gentler. It-It doesn’t feel good, but it doesn’t hurt. It…it doesn’t feel like anything really. One time I thought that he might kiss me but-”
“He hasn’t kissed you yet?!” Thor demands, turning to look at you with raging blue eyes. They almost seem to glow.
“I know he doesn’t love me. Why would he kiss me?” You ask him, confused by his anger.
“Am I possibly doing something wrong? Is there something that I need to do for it to be better?” You ask of him and he turns sorrowful eyes on you, aghast at your question. “I’m sorry, I don’t…I have no experience in things of this nature. I don’t know if-”
“You have done nothing wrong, little bird.” Thor turns to face you again. “You are…”
He swallows hard and it looks like he’s warring with himself.
“You are perfect.” He declares and you feel your neck burn.
“I’m not-”
“You are. I don’t know what keeps my stupid friend from seeing that, but he is wrong. You deserve to be cherished and I’m sorry that he has not given you that. If I were free…if my love were not otherwise already-” He hesitates but then leans in fast and kisses your lips before you can protest.
It catches you off guard and you let him kiss you only because your body is still trying to make a connection to your brain.
His lips are warm…no, hot. Like fire. They’re wet and soft and his eyes are closed.
They’re not his Majesty’s lips—and you find yourself a little foolish for wishing they were—but they feel good pressed against your own.
He pulls back and quickly runs his thumb across your lips, massaging them lightly.
“If you were not already married and if I did not love Jane…I would claim you as my own and give you the world, little bird.” He declares and your heart is thumping wildly in your chest.
He pulls you in against his chest and hugs you until you fall asleep.
Day 27
You wander back from the water, moving to where Thor waits with an and his knife out as he slices it then eats a piece. You’re in a new nightdress. A simple one, shorter than the ones you wear at the castle, and more cheaply made too.
Thor had left you for a few hours early in the morning to get supplies from a village and he’d come back to tell you that the search for you is still ongoing. You’d been silent for most of the day, caught up in your guilt at leaving.
How worried would Nat be? Nat who’s been nothing but kind? You’re also very worried about Peter. Your own personal guard. What can this possibly be doing to him?
With him, Thor had brought new clothes for you, a simple dress made of wool in dark blue. Your hair freshly washed and now braided at the front to keep it back and out of your face you move to take the dress from him.
He has refused to leave your side lately and you’re not exactly sure why but he’s more protective than usual. His eyes wary. His anger, after admitting to him that you have yet to receive any kind of pleasure from his Majesty, has only intensified since you told him.
He hasn’t brought it up, but you know that’s what it’s about. He hasn’t kissed you again either which you’re grateful for. Not that you didn’t like it. You did. Very much. More than you should.
Thor feels like a second half. Like he knows you and how you’re feeling and what you want.
He knows you love his Majesty even if you know you shouldn’t.
“All done?” He asks, looking up at you as you move towards him trying your best to cover yourself as the wet from your bath in the river has made your nightdress stick to your skin.
“Yes.” You reach out for your dress and it only takes him a second to realize what you want before he clears his throat and hands it over.
His cheeks are flushed again, bright red as he avoids looking directly at you.
Slipping the dress over your head, you turn around to have him help you lace it up. The heat of his breath wafts against your exposed neck as you scoop your hair over your shoulder to give him access to the back.
He’s standing so close; his body heat is raising goosebumps on your skin.
You hear him swallow hard, and your mouth dries up.
“There.” He says, reaching over to pull your hair back into place.
“Thank you.”
“My pleasure.”
The two of you are being stupidly polite right now and you know that it’s because of this ridiculous tension you’re feeling. At moments when things are quiet, like now, when the world almost feels like it’s fallen away…the pull you feel towards this massive God-man and his beautiful blonde hair and beard…his stiff muscles and golden skin…it’s strong.
You wonder if it’s wrong to want him in these moments. You’re married. You, despite your better judgement, love your husband. But the way Thor makes you feel as if you aren’t alone is intoxicating and you want to be nearer.
Despite the power that radiates off of him, his size, and the way you can see that if he wanted to, he could crush your skull with his bare hands, he’s soft and gentle. He makes you feel safe.
You toss and turn, sighing every few minutes as you try and sleep. The fire a few feet away casts the world outside your little circle in dark shadows, as orange light dances along the inside.
Thor will still be awake. Keeping watch.
You turn one final time towards his usual spot and nearly panic when you see it empty.
“Tho-?” You begin, but a large calloused hand around your ankle draws your eye.
You look down at your feet to find Thor on his knees, left hand around your ankle, right on the other side of your leg.
There’s a sorrow in his eyes, a fire in the pupil, like desire. It steals your breath as he runs his left hand up along your right leg, pushing your dress up as he goes.
You lay back, staring down at him as you swallow and relish the way his finger tickle their way up along your skin.
“Let me show you.” He whispers, voice trembling in your chest, your core heating up and embarrassingly slick.
You’re self-conscious as he reaches it, sliding up along your body so that he can look down into your eyes as his hand teeters closer to your slit.
“Thor…” You hesitate, wariness in your voice.
Then he touches you, a single finger running up along your cunt. You can feel his digit slip along your folds until he’s pressing at your clit and you’re not sure what it is you’re feeling but you gasp and reach down to grab his wrist.
“Thor…” You plead, confused and startled.
“It’s alright.” He assures you and he brings that finger down and pushes it inside you.
You gasp again, shutting your eyes as you throw your head back, overcome with sensations that feel wild and uncontrollable.
You keep trying to catch your breath, to control the way his finger makes your thighs weak, but you can’t.
He pumps his finger slowly, watching your face as you open your eyes again and your mouth pops open in a silent cry.
“It can feel good.” He promises, showing you with his hand.
He adds a second finger and you whimper quietly, so quietly it’s hardly a sound. He presses his thumb against your clit again as he works his fingers, the sound of wet is loud and your ears burn in embarrassment.
Thor kisses you, meeting your lips with a quiet fervor, tongue sliding into your mouth quickly but just as quickly it’s gone, and you’re left gasping after him as he slides back down along your body and flips your skirt up and over his head.
He settles between your legs and you make to sit up, panicked by where he’s going.
You’re too wet down there! It’s gross. What is he doing?
“Thor!” You cry out, not in pleasure but in fear.
You feel the rough prickly hair of his beard against your thigh first and you’re so scared of where he’s going that you sit up fully, but your legs are spread wide for him as his shoulders keep you from closing them.
“Thor…” You plead, as his beard scratches the fold of your bottom. His nose tickles against your clit and your panic reaches its peak as you grab the back of his shirt to pull him away because you’re gross down there all wet, but he licks you and you moan.
He spreads your pussy lips with his fingers and guzzles you up, a sloppy open mouth kiss pressed to your cunt as he settles his mouth over your mound and his tongue laps at your clit.
Your body is shaking, weak from the shock of how euphoric your body feels.
You’re bathed in golden bliss and you didn’t even know it could feel this way. You didn’t know that a man with his mouth where Thor’s is was something that you could want.
This mass of muscle between your legs, licking up your juices and moaning with pleasure at the way you scratch into his back has opened your eyes and for a moment you feel happy.
Happy that this is possible. Happy that you’re not broken and what those girls back home had said about the way that a man could make them feel was real.
Through the pleasure however, a darkness settles over you. Sorrow wraps its skeletal hand around your heart and overpowers all physical wants.
Even though Thor’s powerful tongue is making your body tremble, your hips are starting to buzz and you can feel a build up of pressure in your cunt, you push him back. Before that pressure can crest, before you can feel where this build up can lead, you have to stop him. You deny your body the bliss it’s moving towards.
You don’t want this. You do...but...
��Stop.” You beg him, sobbing.
When had you started crying?
Instantly Thor is up, pulling your dress down as he moves to lay beside you, hovering as he checks you over with his hands and his eyes.
“Did I hurt you?” He asks, “I can be a bit enthusiastic.”
But you shake your head, tears still streaming down your cheeks. You look at him and see your arousal on his beard, shiny and heady in its scent.
Thor caresses your cheek, worried, but not disappointed.
“What is it, little bird?” He wonders, wiping a tear away.
But how can you put it into words? How can you explain to him the devastation you feel when you think about the fact that you’ve been sleeping with his Majesty for six months and not once has it ever come to feeling like it just did with Thor?
How do you explain to him that all you can think about, all you want, is for Steve to make you feel like this? You want to feel him want you. You want to feel this kind of passion.
He seems to understand without you needing to explain because he takes his hand and goes back to adjusting your dress over your legs.
He reaches for a small rag from his bag nearby and wipes his mouth before he settles in beside you and kisses your temple then pulls you tight against his chest as you continue to cry.
“I’m s-sorry.” You sob, nestling into his chest.
“Don’t be, little bird. You have nothing to apologize for.” He kisses your head again and gives you one final squeeze. “Sleep.”
Day 32
“Be careful, Y/N. These rocks are wet.” Thor shouts towards you.
The two of you have been walking since the night that neither of you will talk about. You still hold his hand and you still sleep beside him, nestled in his arms, but he hasn’t tried to touch you again.
Things are not awkward though and you attribute that to his generosity and the way he seems to put you at ease.
The trees are starting to look familiar, dark oaks and tawny birch, nestled against the jade green of Broklin castle’s border forest.
You realize now, with Thor as your guide, that you’d been running in circles those first three days. Which is a stupid and silly mistake for you to make as you know better, but you blame it on the distraught state that you’d been in when you’d left the castle.
Now that you’re almost back, you’re eager to be there. See your friends and apologize for the stress you must be causing them.
“How much longer?” You wonder, stopping to look ahead, balanced precariously on the sloping tops of two large stones.
“Not long.” He promises. “Not long.”
The way he repeats it, sadly as if he regrets the short time the two of you have left together, makes you sad too.
You turn to look at him, licking your lips as you consider the consequences of what you want to tell him.
“If…if I wasn’t already married.” You say, loud enough for him to hear.
He stops walking, hand on his knee as he balances, eyes on you wrapped up in his bright red cape.
“If I didn’t love his Majesty…I would have been lucky to have you as a partner.” You admit, smiling at him kindly. “I feel as if I’ve known you for ages even though it’s only been a short time.”
Thor smiles, blue eyes twinkling fondly. “I know what you mean.”
“You deserve the world too, Thor. And I’m sure that Jane will come to her senses soon. I could write to her. Tell her about our adventures in the woods?” You offer, teasing him but also meaning it.
She should know that someone will love Thor the way he deserves if she lets him slip through her fingers. Any service as sovereign is well worth his love in your opinion.
“Thank you.” He booms. “I might have to take you up on that.”
As he begins to walk, you turn to move on too but find your vision obscured by a large silver sword swinging towards your face.
You duck quickly, years of dodging hits from the rougher men in your village finally paying off.
As you duck however, your foot slips and you go crashing to the ground.
The rocks you’d been standing hit painfully as you land on them. One against your side, one against your head. You roll to your right to rest between the rocks as a loud grunt from Thor finds your ears sounding muffled from the blow to your head.
You look around, blinking against the haze that you can feel coming and see a stunning spark of blue-white electricity. Like lightning only horizontal and coming from the direction Thor had been standing.
You see a figure in low-profile black leather armor take the hit and fly into the air, sword flying up into the sky and landing with a muted clang several feet away.
Thor’s face comes into view just as your vision begins to blacken.
He says your name, but you blink and don’t open your eyes again.
#king!steve x reader#king!steve rogers x reader#steve rogers x reader#steve x reader#marvel fanfiction#king!steve x reader fic#king!steve x reader fanfic#king!steve x reader fanfiction#king!steve x you#king!steve x y/n#king!steve rogers x reader fanfiction#king!steve rogers x reader fanfic#king!steve rogers x reader fic#king!steve rogers x you#king!steve rogers x y/n#marvel au#medieval au#medieval fantasy au#steve rogers x you#pseudo princess pt10#pseudo princess#shreddedparchment
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HOLY FUCKING SHIIIIT! sorry for swearing lol ok, WOW. So. Much. To. Say.
Well isnt Thor just the fucking cutest ray of sunshine ever! You honestly write him so well. So spot on. I cant even...
I love his little nickname for her. And that whole bit about sex... well, damn. My heart was in my mouth the whole time. The anticipation!!! And then when they finally start she makes him stop????! YOU ARE KILLING ME WOMAN! but it was so perfect and definitely in keeping with her character.
And then that ending!!! I really am gonna have to go to sleep now but when I wake up in the morning I am gonna read the next part and then I'll find out who ambushed them! I cant wait!!! ❤❤❤
You are amazing, this fic is amazing! Damn girl, I am sorry it has taken me so long to get round to actually reading this. I really do love it though and I have missed your writing so much. It literally makes me so happy ❤❤❤
Also, the dresses you use are stunning! I want to own them all 😍❤
Pseudo Princess Pt.10
Kindred Spirit
Pairing: King!Steve x Reader Word Count: 5,960
Warnings: smut, angst, fluff, language, yummy Thor
A/N: Okay, as I said before, I’m a little sick right now so I didn’t go back to edit almost at all. Please excuse the mistakes. I will come back and edit at some point but I’m just so unfocused right now. Hopefully this makes sense. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work. xoxo
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Pseudo Princess Pt.10
Kindred Spirit
Pairing: King!Steve x Reader Word Count: 5,960
Warnings: smut, angst, fluff, language, yummy Thor
A/N: Okay, as I said before, I’m a little sick right now so I didn’t go back to edit almost at all. Please excuse the mistakes. I will come back and edit at some point but I’m just so unfocused right now. Hopefully this makes sense. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work. xoxo
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