#psa:the CPS and the Revolution Tribunal were not the same
amateurvoltaire · 4 months
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Today in "The French Revolution is a continuous WTF moment," I present to you an aspiring cannibal. Yes, I'm not joking.
On the 6th Thermidor Year II (July 24, 1794), the Revolutionary tribunal sentenced Françoise-Camille de Béranger, ci-devant Duchess of Beauvillier, to death. Her crime? She was accused of wanting to grill Robespierre's heart and eat it.
I really, really hope she meant it metaphorically.
For those wondering why Robespierre was paranoid, this is a prime example. People literally threatened to eat him!
Now, multiply the crazy by thousands, add insane working hours, poor health, constant stress, and two assassination attempts, and it's frankly surprising Robespierre even lived to see the 9th of Thermidor.
So, what happened to Françoise-Camille de Béranger? She claimed to be pregnant at the time, which postponed her execution. While in the Hospice of the Bishopric, she wrote a petition to the Convention, explaining her dire situation. She mentioned she was a mother of three children, one of whom was still unborn, and that her husband had already been executed. This petition eventually reached the Committee of Legislation, and the Thermidorians released her from custody. Source: G. Laurent Annales historiques de la Révolution française,1924
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