#psa: we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming
mrdrhenwardhykle · 1 year
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Officer Stone vs Pom Pom
Apologies to all for the interruption of your regularly scheduled Friday comic. I am Power Officer Stone; police officer against all things considered electronically cheating, stealing, and occasionally-bugged. Due to numerous complaints and reports, me and my team have been investigating that have led us to this very program you are currently viewing.
As of 12 weeks ago, scrapped mascot character taking the form of a young girl named... "Pom Pom"-*ahem*, has been sited on numerous occasions harassing, taunting, attacking, killing, or kidnapping other game protagonists; most being able to be considered as 'mascots' as well. It's unknown where Ms.Pom has originated from, but a few files of concept art and sprites have been recently archived, which are giving us an idea to where exactly this criminal came from. We will be following that trail as soon as we can. Though, it is not in our main interest to involve ourselves in NPC problems and complaints, we have finally decided to put an end to the endless calls by taking action. Ms.Pom was caught in the act, and has been detained as of now. Alongside the attack, Ms.Pom's appearance also somehow caused the targeted world to rain-unscripted. That last note is still unclarified.
Ms.Pom's punishment will be decided- depending on what she pleads- in court in two weeks time. Please attend or share with the following numbers if you have any more information on the current case."
THE END!!! (of volume 1.)
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There should be a volume summary w/ links soon :)
Yep! It's the end of this volume. I think I'm going to take a break next week and then start it up after. Thank you guys for your support so far!
Character context (Pom Pom and Stone)
Pom Pom:
Pom Pom is a virus/glitch formed by the scrapped side-scrolling arcade game from the early 90's “Pom-Pom Panic”. Pom Pom (the main character of Pom Pom Panic) for whatever reason gained sentience halfway during the game’s development. The game was cancelled halfway because the publishing company thought it was too bizarre of a concept and mascot character to gain interest. Pom Pom heard of the news and took it way too personally, as she literally cannot fathom why someone would think she’s ‘bizarre’-even to the point of getting ‘axed’. Prompted by the ‘poor judgement’ Pom Pom went rouge-breaking from her game to ‘axe’ any ‘approved’ game mascots/characters she thought could count as ‘bizarre’ like her.
Power Officer Stone:
Stone is the amalgamation of a couple things, exactly what people aren't sure of, but it's safely assumed that he's a mix between scrapped virtual PSA mascots, an antivirus/piracy program, and the anti drug campaigns they used to put in arcade games. Stone is the embodiment of anti piracy screens and uses all of his time to prevent virtual crimes and viruses. He also can duplicate himself and multitask. However, because of his frustrations against the fact that he can't really punish pirates in real life, he often bounces the punishment to the closest playable character. For that, he's infamous amongst most virtual realms.
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jackalopescruff · 1 year
we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for an important PSA:
"Bark, bark, woof awroo arf and such"
Thank you this has been a Test of the emergency SPS (silly pupbby system)
Im doing my part :3
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sunfloweroni · 3 months
We interrupt this program for an exciting PSA::::Guess who's going to huluween this year
This fucking guy😎
Any who we now go back to your regularly scheduled program
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keithmartist · 9 months
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We interrupt your regularly scheduled program for a PSA.
This time of year can be tough for many people. We all go through hardships, and they can often be magnified during the holiday season.
If you are dealing with some things, and you aren't quite ready to be the social person family and friends tend to expect you to be this time of year, it's okay to back away to mend. They may not understand what you are going through, but hopefully they will respect your decision.
But understand you are not alone. There are people in your life who care for you, and are constantly praying for you! ❤
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irnqueen · 5 years
much like the posts i made back in october/november, i have been putting this off for a little while.
i’m not dead, i haven’t lose muse for pep. i have a lot going on in my life right now, and because of trigger warning reasons, i won’t get into it here because i want as many people to see this as possible. if you would like to know the whole story, please feel free to reach out -- it isn’t a secret and in fact, talking about it helps me deal with it.
the parts that i can get into are: i recently started a new job (that i really like so far!) and i’m trying to get back into dating. both of these combined at once with the holidays quickly approaching has created some stress, among other things i’ve got going on.
i’ve decided that i’m gonna put pep on hiatus for a bit, until things die down and i can get into the rhythm of my new life. i know for sure i will be back after the new year, but i may come back sometime between christmas and new year’s depending on how things are going on my end.
while i’m on my hiatus, please feel free to message me for my disco handle. i’ve been a little slow there as well, but i’ve missed writing pep, so i’m going to try to start off slow with some easy stuff on disco.
to summarize: i’ll be on hiatus until the new year. please feel free to message me for my disco handle if you want to write while i’m off tumblr. 
i love you all and miss you all very much.
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lukissed · 6 years
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((This hasn’t been a huge issue here (between my following very few KH blogs and my own inactivity here), but I’ve wanted to put this out there since the game released. Better safe than sorry!
Please please please tag your KH3 spoilers with the following;
shield thine eyes Rowan! 
I got the regular spoiler tags set up to blacklist too, but an extra measure is always a good one, right? 
Love, Rowan ♥))
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swansongcd · 4 years
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tags and face reveal
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reginaimmortuos · 5 years
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Tag Dump! Mun Edition
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onlyhereforangst · 4 years
We interrupt this program for a special announcement: I love your WWRs. They are fascinating and insightful. Thank you. Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming. ~Léa
We interrupt this morning for a PSA: Léa is AMAZING. No seriously thank you immensely for your kind words, this brought such a huge smile to my face when I read it & I’ve been going through a rough patch right now. This was so greatly appreciated ❤️ just for you I promise I’ll get my WWR for 18x06 out today 😘 Now back to your morning coffee scrolling.
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ask-extra-size-hero · 5 years
Random question for Alfred. How do you deal with stretch marks? Like how do you feel better about them-- I have stretch marks on my thighs and I'm kinda self conscious about them
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We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming due to a very important PSA.
Alfred: Though I don't feel bad about them anymore, I know that a bunch of people do. Stretch marks can't really be prevented, nor removed so if you make fun of someone who has them you're lowkey a huge jerk. And either way pleasing strangers shouldn't be your priority. What could I say? You do you. Make yourself proud and take care of yourself...
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fakereboot · 5 years
[Neitherworld Public Radio is not liable for any injuries, maimings, or second deaths caused by the following PSA. No responsibility shall befall any Neitherworld Public Radio workers for any mishaps involving one Beetlejuice Shoggoth nor one Billie ‘Bill’ Gorgon.]
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delilah-grace · 5 years
Hello friends, family, and other dear loved ones. We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for a small PSA-slash-reminder that “Eye to Eye” by Powerline, written for the 1995 Disney hit “A Goofy Movie”, is - to this day - still fire. That is all, carry on with your day. And also just don’t try to fight me on this, cause we all know I’m right.
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swampy-pete · 6 years
we interrupt this psa to apologise profusely as this is a good christian site and will not tolerate such crude and foul language.
we will now return you fine folk back to your regularly scheduled program
*family reunion by blink-182 blasts out nearly shattering televisions tuned in to this channel*
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marshaltrahearne · 7 years
we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this very important PSA
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irnqueen · 5 years
in a move that surprises absolutely no one --
given the fact that most, if not all, of my threads are from october/november of last year, i will be dropping most of my threads. i think there are a handful that i’d want to continue if the other person does too.
if we were in the midst of doing something you really wanted to finish and yours was not one of the ones i selected, please feel free to message me. i can’t guarantee i’ll say yes because i want to start off slow so i don’t get overwhelmed again, but i do promise that i will, at the very least, consider keeping the thread.
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alexoftime · 6 years
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you an important news bulletin. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! Thank you very much. Your patience has been appreciated. We now return to your regularly scheduled program.
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