#ps lineup goes hard make sure you check everyone out
wavernot4love · 1 year
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pinoyrella · 4 years
“A Love So Beautiful” Chapter 7
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Chapter 7: Two Days and One Night
FT: Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio, Yachi Hitoka, Fukurodani + Nekoma + Nohebi
TW: Mild Language + Minor Injuries (Kuroo get a lil booboo, Yaku ankle go brrr)
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst, Coming of Age + Slow Burn
- This chapter contains fluff, comedy and drama.
WORD COUNT: 5,000+
“A LOVE SO BEAUTIFUL” Masterlist 🌸
A/N: HIIIII omg how r u guys 🥺 i was having a hard time figuring out how to... do this chapter, but i hope you enjoy! pls forgive me for the cringe and cheesiness of everything i fken swear im trying but i- ToT call me macaroni bc i be cheesy 🙈
PS: This chapter is taking place during the Cats vs. Owls OVA that comes after season 3! (and also a few minutes of s3 ep10)... I’m trying my best to line up the story w the actual series ToT, so it’s currently ur first year - spring time! Cherry blossom season is coming!!!🌸
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A warm Friday afternoon.
“What do you guys think of this design?” Yachi asks as she passes a paper over to you and Tsukishima as Yamaguchi leans in from her side. You drop your pen to your notebook before picking up the small flyer, bringing it closer to the three of you.
“This looks great Yachi! What’s it for?” She stands immediately, her hands clenched into a fist while her eyes shine with excitement. “It’s a rough sketch for the volleyball club’s poster!” “Whoa, that’s so cool! So this is what a manager’s job is?” She nods as you hand the flyer back, smiling to your friend; happy that she’s having fun and enjoying her job.
“Hey” The four of you turn your heads, watching as Kageyama makes his way through the door. “AAAAAAAHHHHHH!” The sound of a familiar scream comes down the hallway.
The four of you watch as Hinata shoves past Kageyama, nearly knocking him over. “HEY!” Kageyama begins to charge until noticing the presence of his classmates. He lets out a low grumble before following the orange boy, making his way to you.
“GUYS!” Hinata jumps excitedly, looking between the four of you. “Look!” He pulls his phone out, facing it to you guys, completely ignoring Kageyama next to him. “What is it?” Yachi asks, confused. Hinata takes his phone back and realizes his photo gallery is on-screen. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi hide a snicker before he immediately changes it to his text messages, bringing the phone back to you guys.
On his screen shows the flyer for “Japan’s National Tournament, Tokyo Area Qualifiers”. The five of you look up to him in confusion as he continues, “Let’s go!”
And this is where you found yourself, a suitcase in hand as you make your way to your seat on the Shinkansen. You try to lift your suitcase above to the compartment, but the weight of the baggage slips past your grasp. You brace yourself for impact before you open your eyes to see it in the compartment above you. Feeling a presence to your left, you turn to find Kageyama.
“Let me help you from now on” he says softly, his hand resting on the back of a seat as one is holding onto the strap of his backpack. You immediately take a step back before thanking him, making your way to sit beside Yachi.
Just behind Kageyama is Hinata, following Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, as well as other passengers. Tsukishima, obviously unamused onto why there’s a hold up “Hey King, could you hurry up?” Kageyama realizes there’s a line of people behind him, immediately sitting in the seat to the front of you.
Hinata throws his luggage above before plopping down to the side of Kageyama, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima following.
The announcement for the bullet train begins, and you soon fall into a quiet slumber, your head resting against Yachi.
“Y/n, Yachi-san… Yachi! Y/N!” You are awakened to Yamaguchi’s voice “Wake up idiot, we’re here” You turn to find Tsukishima’s face just inches away from yours. Surprised, you jump, bumping your head against Yachi’s, waking you both up.
“Ah!” You both yelp, holding onto your heads. Kageyama turns from his seat to the sound of your cry, only to find Tsukishima’s face close to yours. “Tsukki!” You hiss before apologizing to Yachi.
“Come on guys, let’s go” Yamaguchi begins removing your luggages from the compartment above, as the six of you make your way off the train. Moving through the crowd of people towards the station.
“Are we there yet?” You yawn, still exhausted, before bumping into Tsukishima’s back. “We’re here, open your eyes idiot.” You slowly open your eyes, looking up to the building in front of you. “It looks so cozy” Yachi compliments as the six of you make your way inside. “Akaashi and Bokuto-san sent me this address, one of their teammates’ relatives owns this place!” Hinata says. “No wonder you’re able to provide a place for all of us to stay for the night” Tsukishima replies, before noticing you were no longer behind him.
The sound of a huff causes him to turn around. As he turns, he sees you struggling to move your luggage above the doorstep. Sighing, he makes his way to you, but Kageyama rushes past him, helping and assisting you instead. The carpet had stuck to the wheel of your suitcase.
Tsukishima’s eyes widened in shock by the sudden movement of his teammate, before rolling his eyes, turning his attention back to his other friends.
“Thanks Tobio!” You thank as he gives another smile. “I told you, let me help you from now on” He says, tapping the right of your shoulder; before the two of you walk after your group.
Hinata and Yamaguchi make their way to the register, collecting the room key as the six of you make your way to your room.
Yamaguchi inserts the key, twisting it before Hinata opens the door, jumping right in. “TA DA!” He cheers, the five of you walking in, Tsukishima yet again, unamused.
“This room is insanely big” You comment as you settle your suitcase to the side.
“It’s going to be like a sleepover!” Hinata exclaims, Yamaguchi turning his head. “Oh, you’re right Hinata!” “Thank god it’s only for one night.” Tsukishima bluntly adds, before exploring the cupboards.
Hinata then brings his wrist up to check the time. “AH!” “What?!” The five of you turn in concern for your friend’s sudden outburst. “We have to hurry!”
The sound of shoes squeaking against the floor echo throughout the building along with balls.
“Wow, so this is the Sumida City Gymnasium?” You walk ahead of your friends, looking around before turning to face them. “It’s so much bigger than the one in Sendai!” “Well, this is Tokyo” Tsukishima replies, Yamaguchi giving a sheepish smile, before the sound of squabbling catches your attention.
“WHAT WAS THAT?!” “Stop it Yamamoto, don’t let that snake bastard get to you.” The man in green smiles, pointing his finger to the calmer guy in red. “You always have that hair, are you sure you’re not lying about your height? Are you actually 180 cm-” “HUH?! I’d never do something so petty!”
You watch as the three go at it, before someone from the red team’s group notices you guys. “Shoyo?” One says quietly as he makes his way over to you guys.
“Kenma-san!” Hinata runs over, meeting Kenma half way as the five of you follow. You hear Kageyama mumbling. “Nekoma’s setter… Nekoma’s setter… Nekoma’s setter…”
“You made it” Kenma says before Hinata nods. “Bokuto-san sent me the flyer! Akaashi-san’s teammate gave us a place to stay, and it fell into our weekend, I didn’t want to miss it!” Kenma nods before turning to face you and the others, feeling chills down the spine of his back when making eye contact with Kageyama.
“Hey, it’s skinny!” Tsukishima jolts, as Nekoma’s team follows their captain, making their way to your group and Kenma. “Long time no see, don’t tell me you’ve grown taller” “Kuroo-san” You watch the two, before the one named Kuroo turns to you. “I haven’t seen you before” He leans down, closer to your height. Tsukishima watches as he does so, feeling a bit irritated. “Hmm”
You become flustered, unable to move as his face comes closer to yours, before you feel someone pull you behind. Kageyama stands in between you two, having you to his back, silently staring at the taller senior. Everyone is surprised by Kageyama’s action, especially Kuroo before eyeing back up to his regular level as he smiles down at him.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare your friend” Kageyama ignores him, turning to face you and whispering “Are you okay?” Kuroo is left shocked by being ignored, and his teammates snicker behind him.
“I- I-” You stutter, still flustered before another player, much calmer and collected from Nekoma, approaches you. The tall figure gives you a sincere apology for his captain’s behavior. “I’m sorry about that, our captain can be a little…” He turns to look back to Kuroo, before looking to you. “A little bitch” A much shorter boy with strawberry blonde hair joins in, Kenma letting out a snort.
“HUH?! YAKU- if anyone’s a little bitch it's your short ass, Mr. 165 cm.” “165.2 CM DICKWAD!” You watch as the two seniors get into a catfight before another player walks into the situation. “Kuroo-san!” Said man turns his attention to his teammate. “The girls’ game will be done soon”
Kuroo responds with an “alright” before collecting his team together. “Be sure to cheer us on, kitten~” He winks to you before bidding your friends a farewell, walking off.
Your team makes their way up the bleachers, listening to the announcer announce Fukurodani and Nekoma’s match. You watch as a very muscular man throws his jacket in the air, only for his teammate to catch it. “BOKUTO-SAN!” Hinata cheers besides you.
The crowd from Fukurodani’s side begins to chant, before Nekoma is announced. You turn your attention to a much shorter girl with a megaphone. “Go, go Nekoma! Push it, push it Nekoma!” “Great job Cheer Captain Akane!”
The bell goes off as both teams make it to their sides, the lineup and game beginning.
Watching as Fukurodani takes the first serve, you turn to see the excitement in both Hinata and Kageyama’s eyes.
Turning your attention back to the court, Akaashi proceeds to set the ball to Bokuto. Your eyes sparkle as you see how high the man can jump, then the sound of him smashing the ball, as it hit’s Kuroo’s palm, causing it to fly up.
You don't realize the direction it’s flying too, your eyes widening as the ball comes directly your way. You bring your palms up at the perfect time, catching the volleyball immediately in your hands. You stare at it in shock as all eyes turn to you.
“HEY! HEY! HEY!!!” Bokuto cheers along with his school, getting the point.
The game continues, Fukurodani taking the lead. “Holy crap, Bokuto is a beast” You watch as the millionth spike he hit touches the ground of Nekoma’s side. “Right?! He’s so cool! Hinata exclaims before you both turn to the court, only to notice a sudden change in Bokuto’s mood, after Kuroo blocks his spike.
The crowd goes silent, and you turn to Hinata making a face of confusion.
Bokuto’s attitude changes completely, causing a break to be issued, Akaashi giving the man a pep talk.
The break ends, and they are back to the game. You notice Bokuto’s attitude had gone back to his original state, as he becomes happy to spike yet again.
“It must have been Akaashi-san who brought Bokuto-san backup.” Tsukishima comments, crossing his arms as he becomes invested into the game. You turn to smile at him, not knowing he was actually watching.
The gym goes quiet, the final set, and Bokuto’s team is winning. Nekoma is under pressure before Bokuto sends one final spike down, earning the final win for Fukurodani.
Nekoma falls in defeat, you feel remorse along with Hinata for them, knowing Hinata really hoped to play against them at Nationals.
The six of you walk out of the gym. “So… Nekoma isn’t going to Nationals?” You ask, feeling stupid for asking such a question, before Yamaguchi speaks. “No, not unless they lose this next match.” “What?” “For Tokyo, unlike Miyagi, they have two Representative slots open, while a third for venue sponsorship.” He explains as you tilt your head, still confused. “Dumbass” Tsukishima jokingly insults, flicking your forehead. “There are four teams playing here, only one of those four won’t be able to go to Nationals. The other three, will be going. If Nekoma wins the next match against the other team, they will be going to Nationals” Tsukishima explains in a much easier way. “Ah! Thanks Tsukki!” You thank him, not even realizing he had called you a dumbass.
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go cheer them on!” You exclaim, the five cheering after you. “Yeah!”
“Do you even know where the next match is being held?” You stop to turn, looking at Tsukishima. “Nope!” You say with a smile.
You follow as Yamaguchi leads you to another court, on the other side of the venue.
As you make your way past the gates, you stop with Yachi, the delicious scent of food surrounding the air. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima turn to see you too, before looking at each other. “Do you guys want to get food before the game starts?” You look up to your two friends, pleading with puppy eyes before Tsukishima sighs.
“Hinata, Kageyama!” Yamaguchi calls his friends ahead of them. The two stop to turn as you run up to them. “Do you guys want anything from the stalls?” You ask. “You guys can go find the seats! I can take care of everything myself!” You state, as Tsukishima looks to you. “By yourself? You have two hands. Two hands. You barely even know how to use them, and there’s six of us. There’s no way you can gather food for everyone, and make it back in one piece.” The blonde bean pole says, before you give him a pout.
“I’ll go with you boss.” Kageyama butts in, standing to your side as he ruffles your hair. “Tobio! Stop doing that” You laugh as you fix your hair before looking back to Tsukishima. “That settles it! Now go, get us seats!” You shoo your friends away before walking away with Kageyama, missing the glare Tsukishima gives Kageyama.
Standing in front of a takoyaki stall, you order the biggest plate, before noticing Kageyama to the stall besides you. Paying for your order and taking the ticket, you make your way to Kageyama as he pays for something.
“What did you get?!” You ask him in excitement. He jumps in surprise by your sudden presence before looking down to you, bringing the item he had brought up to your view. You stare as it dangles from his fingertips, a cute trinket in the shape of a strawberry milk carton. You blink before he grabs the ends of your bag, bringing it up to his level.
You watch in confusion as he is attaching it to your bag’s zipper, before speaking.
“It’s for you” He looks to meet you eyes as he gently drops your bag, letting it hang off your arm again. You stare at him, before looking down to it, then back up to him. “What? Tobio-” “It just reminded me of you.” He says giving a soft smile before taking the ticket from your hand and walking back to the takoyaki stall.
You watch as he walks off, looking down to the keychain with a small smile, really grateful for a friend like him.
Making your way into the gym, you scan to find Yamaguchi waving for you. “Kageyama- Y/n! Over here!” You make your way to them, Kageyama follows with the box of takoyaki in his hands. Handing out the sticks, you push Kageyama to be in the middle, then opening the lid to the box.
“It smells so good!” Hinata exclaims as he’s about to poke his stick into a ball. “Thank you y/n!” Yamaguchi and Yachi say in sync, as you make your way to Tsukishima, handing him a stick before he declines. “Are you not hungry?” “Not really” He bluntly replies, you pout again before turning back to the others, stabbing your stick into a ball.
Then turning your attention back to the court, seeing the game between Nekoma and Nohebi has already begun.
“Lev! Stop flailing your arms around! I can’t dig the damn ball!” Yaku yells, scolding the taller boy. “But Yaku-san, you’ll still get the ball no matter what!” He snaps back frustrated. You watch as the Yaku scratches the back of his head, taking it as a compliment. Kuroo gives him a look of annoyance before resuming back to their positions.
The game between the two continues, Nohebi taking the lead as Nekoma fights back. Just as Nohebi’s captain is about to spike, Lev jumps, sending it flying upwards. “One touch!” He yells, as Yamamoto runs after to hit it, then causing it to fly further away. “Shit!”
Just as the ball makes it into the audience, you watch as Yaku catches up to it, sending it back to the court. “WOW!” You cheer for him, impressed by his quick reflexes. Turning your attention towards the ball, you watch as Nohebi tries to keep the ball from touching the floor. Their captain, sending it flying up towards the net, before Lev jumps again, immediately smashing the ball back down to their side of the court.
The gym cheers as Lev turns to Yaku in excitement. Your eyes follow his, only to see Yamamoto assisting Yaku. “He fell-” Yamaguchi says. “He landed on someone’s foot as he was trying to get the ball.” You look at Yamaguchi before back down at Yaku limping. Yaku turns to apologize to the guest before facing the court. “I’m fine!” He yells, taking a step and immediately feeling a shock of pain course through him.
Just as he falls, Yamamoto catches him as their coach makes their way to them. “Shibayama!”
“I hope Yaku-san’s going to be okay” Yachi adds as the match continues. You watch as the coach tends to Yaku’s wound, before going back to the game.
Nekoma struggles, getting used to Shibayama now on court. Nohebi is still in the lead and the gym watches in anticipation.
Shibayama visibly looks calmer, adjusting himself before Daisho spikes the ball towards him. You hold your breath until Shibayama is able to stop the ball, sending it up before Kuroo smashes it back down to Nohebi’s side of the court.
“All right!” Nekoma cheers as you give out a sigh of relief. “You seem really invested into the game” You turn and notice Tsukishima looking down towards you. “Well, it’s really interesting…” You blush, stabbing another ball and plopping it into your mouth.
Nekoma begins catching up, getting used to the new player on the court, very close to winning the set.
The whistle blows, a new player making his way onto the court.
“A pinch server” You overhear behind you. “Didn’t that guy dislocate his thumb in the last match?” Turning your attention back to the court, you watch just as the ball barely hits the net. Kuroo and Nobuyaki catch it, before Fukunaga sends it to the other side. You watch the ball, thinking it would make it in before the whistle blows once again. “Out!” The pinch server yells.
“Out? No way!” Hinata cries. Bringing your hand up to your chin, “He blocked it”. Your friends turn to you, as you continue. “I saw the ball, it was in the court, but the pinch server guy, he extended his fists to block the referee from seeing it.” “Whoa…” “Talk about conniving” Tsukishima adds, before taking the stick in your hand, stabbing a ball and bringing it up into his mouth.
You turn to look up at him, watching as he puts the same stick you had placed on your lips to his. ‘Indirect kiss’ You think, bringing your palms up to cover your face, letting out an internal scream.
“Y/n-chan!” Yachi faces you. Kageyama and Hinata turn to look at you, then to Tsukishima, before Tsukishima looks back to them shrugging his shoulders as he focuses back on the game.
“Shibayama!” You watch the captain make his way off the court. “Wait- What happened to Kuroo-san?” “I think he busted his fingernail” “Ouch....” Turning your attention to the scoreboard, Nekoma is a point away from winning the game, to have their captain subbed out at a time like this is a big risk.
Daisho jumps, aiming for Lev before switching to Shibayama. Fortunately, the boy is able to receive it, sending it to Yamamoto before he aims to smash it. The ball then touching the Nohebi’s middle blocker’s hands before flying up, and far from the court. You watch as Daisho attempts to chase after it, only for it to fall, finally touching the floor. The match has ended.
“Thanks for the game!” The teams exchange before Yaku meets with his team, eyes filled with tears as he hugs them.
You watch as Kenma looks up to the stands, finding Hinata and giving him a nod. You turn to your friend, watching the smile spread throughout his face. He can’t wait to play against them at Nationals.
Walking out of the venue, you look up to notice as it’s night time already.
“I didn’t even think it was so dark outside already” You comment, Kageyama turning his head to you, watching the moon shine in your eyes. “We better get going before” Yamaguchi states, leading the way back to the cozy inn.
“Ah!” You let out, dipping into the onsen besides Yachi. “This feels so good!” Your cheeks redden from the temperature in the room. “This is so relaxing, I’m so happy we were all able to come together, traveling is so much fun, especially with your friends” Yachi replies before you give her a smirk. “And especially without your parents!”
The two of you share a laugh as the boys prepare the futons.
“One, two, three, four...” Yamaguchi counts. “I think we’re missing two more futons.” “Really?” Hinata recounts the futons. “Oh, I’ll go ask for more!” “I’ll come with you Hinata!” Yamaguchi exits the room with Hinata, unintentionally leaving Kageyama and Tsukishima together.
The two not even realizing they were the only ones left in the room, turn to face each other, then turning around to scan the room, only to notice Yamaguchi and Hinata are no longer with them. The tension is intense and super awkward.
They separate, going to opposite sides of the room.
As Tsukishima is about to place his headphones on, he feels a stare from behind him. Turning to see Kageyama staring at him. “What?”
Kageyama turns away immediately. “N-n… Kni.. Knife… N...” “Huh?” “Nothing!” “You should have said it clearly the first time.” Tsukishima glares back before you walk in with Yachi.
“Oh? Where are Yamaguchi and Hinata?” You ask. “Right behind ya! Excuse us” Yamaguchi replies, as Hinata runs in, dropping the futons down. “I told you I could have helped carry one.” Yamaguchi sighs before helping spread the last two futons out.
You turn your attention back to Kageyama, who is in the corner of the room. Making your way over, you squat to him. “Why are you so far away from us Tobio?” Kageyama snaps his head, coming face to face with you. He immediately stands, flustered from the close contact, before you rise up with him, giggling. All while Tsukishima hears your giggles through his headphones.
As night falls, you lay on your futon, your eyes shut as the sound of rustling keeps you awake.
“Hinata?” You whisper. The rustling stops, as he turns around facing you. “Yeah?” “You okay?” You ask in concern. “I can’t really sleep, did you bring your stationery pouch?” He replies quietly. “Ah” As you reach over to your bag to grab the pouch for him, the lights turn on, waking everyone up.
“Ugh-” “What happened?” “Hinata, what the hell” Tsukishima puts his glasses on, looking up slowly to the boy standing in the middle of the room, facing the five of you.
“Lets play a game!”
“A game?” The three question as Kageyama is still asleep in his futon.
And this is where you found yourselves, gathered in a circle around the kotatsu.
Hinata makes his way around, handing each person a slip of paper as your pens are spread across the middle of the kotatsu.
“Okay, now everyone grab a pen!” You all grab a pen, waiting for the boy’s instructions.
“In this game, we are going to write down a confession. Then, we are going to fold it, place it in the center of the table, mix it around, and we are all going to take one script!” He says as he plops back down to his seat in excitement. “What are we, 8? This is so stupid” Tsukishima comments before removing the cap of the pen, wanting to get this over with.
Intrigued, you take your pen, resting it above the slip of paper thinking of what to say. You try your best to sneak a peek from your friends’ slips, but you are all spread out a little too far. You put the pen to your chin before your eyes wander to Tsukishima, an idea finally popping to mind.
‘I really like someone in this group, but please keep it a secret.’ You write before folding your paper, being the first to drop it in the center of the table. Tsukishima glances up, giving a low smile seeing you excited, even for such a silly game.
Just as everyone drops their slip on the center of the table, Hinata jumps, swooping the papers up into his hand, and shaking them around if he were rolling dice, before bringing his cupped hands around, asking for everyone to grab a script.
You take one from his palm, waiting for the next instruction. Once Hinata makes his way to everyone, a single slip in his hands he begins. “Ready? Okay, let’s open them!”
You all begin to slowly open your scripts, reading what is written. You freeze as you read yours.
‘I’m in love with Y/n.’
You feel your soul leave your body, immediately looking around between the group of your friends, then to Tsukishima as he keeps his eyes on his.
“Yay! We’re done, okay goodnight” Hinata says before jumping back into the covers of his futon, immediately turning and falling asleep.
The five of you look at the boy in disbelief, before heading to bed.
You toss and turn in your futon, unable to fall asleep. Slowly getting up, you make your way out to the balcony, shutting the sliding door quietly as you lean on the railing.
Letting out a huff, you gaze up into the sky, resting your head against your arm, not noticing the door sliding open and close.
“What are you going?” You jump, turning around to see Tsukishima standing with his hands in the pockets of his team jacket. Letting out a sigh, you pout as he makes his way over besides you, leaning his back against the railing.
“Don’t scare me like that!” You quietly scold him before turning yourself to the night sky, missing the small smile he gave.
“I couldn’t sleep” You admit, as you rest your chin on your arm again. “That makes two of us” He replies, turning to lean on the railing with you, facing the night sky. “What happened?” You look at him before answering. “Nothing much really, I’m just overthinking.”
Tsukishima stays silent, the guilt still eating him up from the time he had brought you to tears during the Spring Interhigh Finals. Were you just as bothered by this as he was? Has it been keeping you awake restless at night? Did he really do this to you? He wishes, if he could promise to never hurt you again, he wouldn’t waste a second to commit.
But really, you were thinking of the confession you received on the script. You don’t realize how quiet Tsukishima’s been before you ask him. “Why are you still awake?” He looks to you immediately, staring into your eyes before shrugging. “I just felt off” “Off? What’s wrong Tsukki?” You ask concerned. He lets out a sigh, before standing up completely, facing you.
You watch as he gazes down at your features, confused as he takes his hands out from his pockets.
“I’m sorry y/n” He begins, looking straight into your eyes. The look he gives you, is a look of absolute sincerity. You tilt your head, still confused, as you were about to respond he continues. ���I’m really sorry about what happened during the Spring Interhigh Finals, in the infirmary.” Your eyes widening, remembering that day.
“I…” He continues, and you listen. “I didn’t mean anything I said. I was very frustrated with the game, and how useless I felt when I had to leave because I let myself get hurt during the match… It’s still honestly, not an excuse to take everything out on you. But after seeing-” He stops himself, his eyes turning away as he was just about to admit his final outburst was due to seeing you in Kageyama’s jersey.
“After seeing?” You question still looking up to him. “After seeing… you… in Kageyama’s jersey…” He mumbles the end as he takes a deep breath looking back to you, completely flustered. You blink, looking down, registering what he just said. ‘After seeing me copy a jerky?’
He takes a step closer to you, “It was the last straw, and I allowed my harsh emotions to drown you.” You turn your attention back to him. “You didn’t deserve that. Especially when you were there for me. When you came to support me, and the team. And, I know it doesn’t look like it at most times, maybe all the time, but, I appreciate you so much. I’m very fortunate to have you in my life, even after so long.” You look up to him. “I’m really sorry y/n.” He finishes, his gaze stuck to you as he awaits your response.
You blink once more, eyes tearing as you give a warm smile. These are one of those very rare moments with Tsukishima you have come to treasure deeply. “I forgive you Tsukishima Kei.”
His eyes widen as his body comes closer, his arms wrapping around you unconsciously. You still, surprised by his action. Before exhaling calmly as you feel the warmth from him around you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you cling to him. Your face pressed into his jacket, mumbling something.
“Huh?” Tsukishima pulls away, his arms still wrapped around you as he looks at you in confusion. “What did you say?” “Can you make me a promise, Tsukki?” He stares, waiting for your request. “Can you promise to never hurt me again?” Not even taking a second to think. “I promise, pipsqueak.”
“You get three strikes, this is your first one” You give a final cheeky smile before muffling your face back into his sweater as he lets out a sigh of relief, placing a hand to the back of your head, bringing his chin to rest above it.
He promises to himself as he holds you close, a smile warming his face.
‘And it will be the last.’
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A/N #2: WAAAA!!! thank you so much again for reading💞 im sorry if tsukki seems a little off, i wanna think tsukki is actually v soft when it comes to emotional and sentimental situations.. at least w the ppl he doesnt mind showing that side to, u kno what i mean?
ohh!!! i also have one more or 2 exciting news!!!
i have another series wip on the way! once im able to get the prologue and at least plan the next 5 chapters, it’ll be posted!! im so excited bc i love osamu sm pls.. oops i said his name 😳
i also plan for another series but, im still debating whether or not to write it bc, as u can see, i cant write angst for shit let alone write in general how r u guys still here ASDFGHJKL😭
anyways, i hope to see you in the next chapter!! thank you so much for putting up with my bad grammar and english, i love uuu guys 💖
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i will now go back to my excessive amount of homework and studying to do, let us pray for my dumbass, amen.😔🙏🏼
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TAGLIST: @cvlliesstuff , @strawberries-en-cream , @beanst0ck , @kimiiiiiiiiii, @lucyheartfilias-wife , @lanatheawesome , @owlnymph​ . 
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“A LOVE SO BEAUTIFUL” Masterlist 🌸
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Week 2 Preview
The draft excitement is gone. Week one butterflies are over. The nervous Mondays, heartbreaks, second guessing, and frustrations are in full effect. Week two is about to begin and for some of you, it could mean your whole season. It’s time to see who is going to be a contender and who’s still sleeping at 3am Wednesday mornings.
But first, let’s talk about the elephant in the room... A blow out? A tough stubborn quarterback, a star wide receiver ready to make the team his, a stud workhorse running back, traded away the guy who didn’t want to be on the team, poised for a big statement, ready to take back the AFC North, and this is what happens? Punched in the mouth and blown out by 30 with the world watching?! I mean, how embarrassing for Shawn. It must really suck being a Steelers fan.
With that out of the way, let’s take a look at this week’s matchups. You’re either 1-0 or 0-1 so it’s still anyone’s year, but if you want the throne. You gotta come take it.  
#10 She Diggs My Cobb vs. #12 The Injured Reserve
First up, is Bennett vs Casey. I think I speak for all of us when I say, welcome home Bennett! Glad to have you around more, although sure seems it’s came with more snow fall? Weather and nose bleeds aside, happy to have you. Casey, you have a home I think, I know you have a puppy, and possibly are dating your brother? Not sure how it works, but we don’t judge here in 2019.
As far as the matchup, both these guys always have strong drafts and stacked teams. Casey could have a secret weapon in action L Jackson and I’d have to imagine OBJ has a big game on Monday night. Bennett should expect the normal big numbers from Kamara who we all know pained him to draft and a bounce back game out of the bad man Rodgers. This one will come down to if Mixon can give it a go, without him and losing T Coleman, Casey maybe be left shorthanded. If he plays, I think Cholly has the edge. Based off current line ups, which these two guys combined have seen a lot of, Casey takes it.
The Injured Reserve > She Diggs My Cobb
#9 Christian McCuri’s vs. #8 Rooney Tunes
Moving on to Sam and Shawn. Not much Christian about team Mecuri besides his RB, lord knows his weekends aren’t. But gotta give credit where credit is due. Sam is never an easy win and always on his game throughout the season. Every week, along with his Freshly deliveries, he gives himself a chance to win.  Shawn has put together a strong squad this year. He either breaks into the playoffs or into his home after losing his keys again.
Sam turns to his new waiver wire adds instead of David Montgomery, and hopes CMC can repeat another monster week. Hard to tell which players are weekly studs or if he’s going to be shooting off trade proposals next week. Shawn, lead by his beloved Steelers and Kelce, should put up numbers every week and I don’t think this one is any different. I like Sam’s players matchups a little better but I think Shawn puts him into an 0-2 hole..
Rooney Tunes > Christian McCuri’s
#1 Butker in the Cooper vs. #4 Tony Time
Next up is Dom vs Tony. I’ve already received a trade offer from Dom typing this, and assume by the time I’m done there will be another. But this is fantasy season and that’s what he does. He’s also leaving us here to rot but that’s fine. West cost Browns games are going to be so fun when we come stay for each one. Tony’s team has already been bitten by the injury bug. Hopefully he can fight diversity and sneak out another championship (consolation) but its going to take some savvy roster moves.
Dom might have the most well-rounded team and I would love to see them go at it when TJ was full strength, and then play fantasy football because I really like his team too. If Tony’s RBs can have big performances again he may have a shot but I can’t help to think Dom takes his bye week and moves to 2-0. Tony’s fight against SJWs wages on as he moves to 1-1 because everyone is equal.
Butker in the Cooper > Tony Time
#11 Kickers & Defense vs. #3 Mahomies Chubbie
For this next match up between Chad and Solden, picture this scenario. It’s Thursday at Park Place Tech. For Chad, it just hits different. Filling his snooter tube, prepping the DMs, and confirming his weekend plans, which he’s had since Monday after checking the weather report. For Solden, it means family parties, double dates, and baby clothes shopping, he can never be too prepared nor can he wait.  
They are destined to meet in the fantasy world, their paths ever so different in the real. There is no friendship when playing each other. As they approach the breakfast line at work, Chad pushes by Solden with a “watch it bro bro”, he’s not bigger than me Solden tells himself. He tries to stay calm but only ends up sweating through his shirt. Solden knows who the better team is, but his drive to best Chad in what he loves most only fuels his fire. They ride the same elevator up, both leave their headphones in. Solden turns his music up, Chad goes even louder. They each take turns trying to drown out the other. The girl stuck in there with them grows uncomfortable, although the lil Yachty/Chase Rice mash up is surprisingly not bad, she gets out as fast as she can. Chad thinks about going after her, after all she wasn’t bad, but stands his ground. Now is no time to give up alpha status. The doors close and up they go.
Back at their desks, Chad sets his lineup and admires his team, no way he could lose this one. He’s already looking ahead to his next matchup. Bad luck couldn’t strike again, could it?  But to Solden, this isn’t just a fantasy anymore. No way he’s bigger than me he keeps repeating in his head. There’s no playing ROK on his phone all day, this day he stands up to the fantasy bullies. No more giving him crap about his drafting or how bad his players are. Not this day, this day… he fights. Wheeling and dealing trades (good ones), making free agent pickups, and doing his research on who to start, he’s ready, ready to claim his spot among the fantasy elite. Solden is ready to catch Chad and the rest of us all off guard. He’s about to start his season long run. Turns out all he needed was a little push.
Kickers & Defense > Mahomies Chubbie
#5 JuJu Kachoo vs. #2 jared donovans’s Team
Your defending champion, yes champion until unseated vs Jared. While our on sand chemistry is off the charts, there is no love or handshakes in fantasy. Jared decided to I guess read up on drafting this year? He put together a very nice team and looks to be in the hunt all season. After putting up the second highest total last week I can only hope he comes back down to earth. D Watson looks to be the real deal all year and his RBs are solid. I can’t see Arob being a weekly thing but what do I know? I’m only the reigning champion. I think my receivers give me the edge in this one, but I’d give up a Crowder donut if it meant the Browns won. Jar may live down the street but ill be living in his head all weekend. Look for Gronk to come out of retirement and seal this victory for me. Did I mention I’m writing this from the champions lounge?
JuJu Kachoo > jared donovan’s Team
#6 Under the Influwentz vs. #7 My Quads Are Danger6
My game of the week! Newcomer Jon may be the oldest member we have but that baby face is as smooth as his team. He talked the talk and walked the walk come draft time. His team is one of the stronger in this league should they stay healthy. Last week may have been a loss but no one was keeping up with Dom that time around. I expect Jon to be a tough draw for whoever he goes against. This matchup is filled with stud RBs and is sure to rack up some points.
Doug is just being Doug. Dude does this shit every year. Shows up in muni to take his annual photo with us then disappears into the grayness. Guy always drafts some studs and puts up numbers all season long. With a stacked RB roster, he’s going to be hard to beat each week, but I think Baker bounces back in huge way and helps Jon bring home his first win in the LOAD. Barkley and Ekeler will be too much to handle and Doug will have to go back to the drawing board.
My Quads Are Danger6 > Under the Influwentz
 That’s all I have for us this week. Best of luck to everyone. Let’s hope our boys give us something to be happy about on Monday before we all lose our minds. We need it. For our sanity. Plz.
 PS: Not to be a tattletale or pot stirrer… but someone changed their name while I was writing this and I can’t go back and retype it and his initials are Anthony Caito and he should be fined even though he doesn’t believe in the rules and that’s it.
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