#ps i spent way too much time on the locket so i hope someone enjoys it
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utkinhome · 2 years ago
Hi! Can I have a canon drawing of myself? I’m kin with Ralsei, and my design in my universe was similar to the one in the canon, expect my outfit was more blue-ish green, I had a few pockets, and instead of a heart on the front I had a heart shaped locket, kinda like Asriel and Chara’s. Thank you so much!
Howdy hello! Here you go. My apologies on the tardiness, but i hope you like it. The blue-green is such a nice change of color.
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i included the sketch for this, as i really enjoy the face i did
-🌼 mod chara🌼
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charlie-and-yoshi-rp-hell · 5 years ago
Episode 48: Recovery
The two halves are finally back together. Now the boys need some time to relax and renew their bond.
(PS: Sorry for being inactive for almost a year now. Life got in the way and I was busy finishing my Bachelor´s degree, and had to fight off depression. I´ll try to upload a bit more frequently. A huuuge thank you goes out to the followers who are still here. <3 )
Yoshi Raven: Of course the ghost tried attacking him but it was over in a few seconds. Arthur watched them fuse back together, he heard their screams but he didn´t dare getting closer - he might end fused with Lewis and he wasn´t sure if that´d be healthy.
But when he was one person again and dropped on the floor, Arthur rushed to him and sat down next to him, a worried look on his face. He sensed that there was just one end to their connection and not two - the spell had worked.
He looked at Vivi, smiling happily. "Thank you so much, Viv. Thank you."
Arthur looked back at Lewis, gently touching the locket and sending some energy.
"... Lew? Can you hear me?"
Charlie McCarthey: Upon further inspection, Lewis' ghost form was breathing. After about 6 breaths or so, that slowed and stopped. After that, the anchor responded, pulsing orange wearily as if responding to Art's question.
"He's going to need rest after this, Arthur." Mystery commented softly, walking up to Lewis' other side and nudging his hand a little with his nose. Lewis grunted tiredly and rolled over onto his side, still lying on the ground.
Yoshi Raven: "I know, Mystery. I can see that." he mumbled and gently hugged Lewis.
"Welcome back, cotton candy. I missed you. Come on, you´ll go sleep now." Arthur whispered while helping him get up on his feet.
"Are you okay? How do you feel, Lew?" he asked, hugging him again. Yes, he had enjoyed having two of him but just one now was even better. Much, much better.
Charlie McCarthey: Lewis stood on shaky legs, shaking his skull until his fiery pomadour flickered back into shape.
"I'm okay... dizzy. A little confused."
"That's a common side effect, the book says." Vivi assured, and Lewis nodded absently, finally seeming to notice Arthur's skinny arms wrapped around him.
"Hey.... are you okay?" He asked, the events of the previous hour catching up to him. Lewis immediately started to look guilty.
Yoshi Raven: "... yeah, I guess. I´m glad you´re back together. Now, let´s move you in the bed, you need to rest. We can talk later."
Arthur gently pulled him to the bed and made him sit down, then walked back to Vivi and hugged her, not saying anything. He also petted Mystery´s head.
"Thanks, you two. I´ll make a nice breakfast tomorrow but I guess we all need some rest now."
Charlie McCarthey: "Of course, Artie." Vivi pecked him on the cheek, and did the same to the still exhausted looking ghost. Lew grunted sleepily, and leaned back on his palms.
"You don't sound okay." Lewis muttered as he shifted into his human guise. It was worth the power it took. He felt a little better when he looked... human.
"Art. I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."
Yoshi Raven: The mechanic got back to Lewis and before he could finish his apology, he just kissed him.
"I know, Lewis. I know." Arthur mumbled, sounding tired. He leaned against him, enjoying the warmth of his body. Yes, it was his Lewis for real.
"It wasn´t your fault. I was too selfish, we should´ve reversed the spell earlier. But... I liked having two of you. It was new and interesting but I risked everyone´s safety. I knew ghosts are possessive of the one they love but you still have your... let´s say human conscience that keeps you from doing bad things. Your ghost half didn´t have this anymore. So please, don´t blame yourself. I´m the one who should apologize."
Charlie McCarthey: "Artie, no. Hey, you're allowed to want things, buddy. You didn't know the ghost side would go downhill that badly and that fast, huh? No one could have been prepared for that." Lewis soothed, pulling Arthur into his arms.
"You weren't selfish, maybe poor judgement but we were sort of keeping you busy." He chuckled.
Yoshi Raven: That last statement made him blush slightly and he leaned against him.
"Let´s say all of us were idiots. We don´t need a discussion right now. I´m tired, and you need sleep too." Arthur grinned and poked Lewis, then moved out of his hug and lied down on the bed.
"Come on, I want my single heatpad back" he purred, patting on the matress next to him.
Charlie McCarthey: "Agreed." Lewis smiled, lying down next to Arthur. He folded himself carefully and curled an arm around the mechanic's waist.
"Your heating pad is right here." He assured, the anchor pulsed warmly.
Yoshi Raven: He moved as close as possible, snuggling against him.
"Don´t you dare getting up before I wake up. Got it?" he asked, putting the sheet over them and kissing Lewis again, grinning.
Charlie McCarthey: That was all the coaxing Lewis needed.
"I won't." He soothed, eyes crinkling in amusement as Arthur wiggled down under the sheets more.
He curled around Arthur's smaller body and it felt like he lost awareness the second his head hit the pillow. For a long, long time, Lewis body stayed 'off' and he simply focused on healing.
Yoshi Raven: Arthur was sleeping for a long time, too. Now that there was more room for him, he could finally move around in his sleep again without hitting against another body.
He woke up very slowly the next day, looking at Lewis. When he turned around, there was no one else, no second Lewis. Good. He looked back at Lewis and touched his cheek gently, caressing there. If he was still too tired, he wouldn´t wake up but if he was fine, well. Arthur let him choose and still showed some affection.
Charlie McCarthey: For once, Lewis was the late riser. He was pretty much out of it for a soild hour or so after Art woke up, and spent this time lying on his side, still and quiet and wrapped around Arthur. Eventually though, his body started forcing itself back to 'awake' mode, and the ghost's eyelids flickered. He buried his nose in the pillow and groaned, tightening his hold on what he presumed to be Arthur.
That took...more out of him than expected. He needed to get training with Mystery, and soon.
Yoshi Raven: He didn´t do much more and let him rest but as soon as Lewis started waking up, Arthur placed small kisses all over his face. "Hey... Lew, sleepyhead. Come on, get up. You can´t get all the rest you need at once ~ " he whispered but when there was no reaction, Arthur wiggled out of his hold and sat down on him. "I´ll stay here until you get me down, cotton candy."
Charlie McCarthey: Lewis pitched a snort over his shoulder and calmly raised an arm. His palm met Art's waist and with out a word he pushed him off his body and--gently, mind you--onto the mattress. And off Art toppled into a pillow limbs and pillows.
But Lew lifted his head to see this, grinning at his other half.
"Mighta worked if you weighed more, buddy." He suggested breezily as he rolled onto his back and stretched.
Yoshi Raven: "Eh, next time I´m gonna put the van in here and onto you" he giggled, "And yes, believe me I´ll make it work."
He shoved the pillows away and sat up, looking at him a bit worried.
"How do you feel? Better? Still tired? Any aftereffects of the spells?" Arthur asked, tousling his hair a bit. He wondered if the behaviour of the "evil" ghost half would affect him for some time - he hoped not, though.
Charlie McCarthey: "Well, a little bit of a headache. I think that's from the joining. Two minds and all, you know. But, no side effect, I don't think?" Lewis frowned, giving himself a mental once over. "Yeah, I think I'm alright." He smiled warmly to reassure Artie, pulling him over his lap to kiss him good morning.
"C'mon. Want breakfast?" Oh Lew. Still determined to take care of others first. Especially when it comes to food.
Yoshi Raven: Arthur sighed, glad that he wasn´t suffering more than a headache. This would fade away. But then he wasn´t thinking about his own health and he had to give Lewis a warning glare. "I do want breakfast but I´m gonna make it. You be a good ghost and sit in the kitchen without helping. Got it?"
He moved from his lap and to the door, waving at him to follow.
Charlie McCarthey: Lewis grumbled, but it was a lighthearted one. He got up and trotted after Arthur like a puppy, snapping his fingers for his deadbeats.
"Well at least let them give ya a hand." He said, the nest of purple bodies cooing and trilling as they swarmed their master, clearly relieved there were only one of him now. They had been confused of to obey, and had taken to hiding the past few days.
Yoshi Raven: "Of course I´ll let them help. I have missed these cuties." Arthur petted every Deadbeats head when he was surrounded by their tiny warm bodies. He entered the kitchen and gave them tasks to do while he started making pancakes. Of course he made sure Lewis was sitting on a chair and not secretly wandering and helping.
"By the way, I haven´t seen our 'cat' for a long time.... Gear? Come here boy!" he called, looking for the two coloured small ghost.
Charlie McCarthey: "I think he was hiding out with the rest of them--yep, here he comes."
Gear glanced at Lewis warily, but upon deciding this was in fact the one and only Lewis there was, chirruped and beelined for Arthur.
Lewis sighed. "I don't blame him for being skittish of me... my memories of a ghost aren't exactly friendly ones." He muttered guiltily.
Yoshi Raven: Arthur let Gear land on his shoulder and petted him gently.
"Well I don´t know what your ghost half did when he wasn´t close to me, but I can imagine. But as I said, it wasn´t your fault. A ghost that´s just focused on... owning someone would hate every creature that was disturbing him."
He started baking the pancakes and had to stop Gear from stealing the finished ones.
"You know... it wasn´t the possessive behaviour that scared me. It was that the ghost half wasn´t listening to what I wanted anymore. Well, and that he tried taking over against my will. I know that you would never do that, and that´s why I´m calm. I know I can trust you and I´m sure Gear and the others will notice you´re back to being nice." Arthur smiled at Lewis, giving Gear a smaller pancake.
Charlie McCarthey: Lewis was quiet for a while, watching his whole world stand there cooking and feeding bits of pancake to the orange deadbeat. It... really made him happy. So, so happy, to be a part of the world still and to be allowed to exist with Arthur. He reached out mentally, that strong magenta aura curling protective tendrils of power around the smaller, chipped orange one on the other end of the bond.
His gaze was warm and soft as he observed the two, and though ghosts can't cry, his eyes still looked watery.
"Yeah. Yeah, you can trust me Art." He stood, feeling the urge to close the distance so he could hug Arthur from behind and bury his face in the crook of Arthur's neck, nuzzling him basically.
"I promise. I'm yours." Saying I love you, while useful, meant less than this statement.
To a ghost, there was no better way to say you loved someone than by promising yourself--and all the power that came with you.
Yoshi Raven: Arthur sensed the warm, protecting blanket around his soul and it made him smile. This was what he was used to. A gently, warm soul on the other end of their connection.
"I´m yours too, Lewis."
He placed the finished pancakes on three plates and let the deadbeats move them on the table so he could hug the ghost. Arthur put his arms around him, face buried in his chest and staying like this. After all the wild nights, both of them needed a lot of hugs, kisses and affection.
Charlie McCarthey: Their relationship was built on so much more than just sex--even if the sex was damn good. This stuff--the hugging and kissing and just general cuddlin--was super important too, especially to the ghost who needed the stable connection to keep himself... human. Arthur kept him sane, kept him protective and needed.
He hugged his other half tight, giving a little laugh at the way Artie burrowed against him.
"Comfy, there?" He joked happily, rubbing Arthur's shoulder with a hand in an absentminded manner.
Yoshi Raven: "Yep. If I wasn´t hungry, I´d stay like this for the next few hours." he giggled and looked up at the tall ghost.
"Besides, the smell of the food will soon bring our two other dorks in here and we better get out of their way. I don´t need foot prints all over me."
Arthur slowly let go of him and sat down on his chair.
"Soo, what are we gonna do if there´s no mission for us? Do you have ideas or plans?" he asked while taking the first bite.
Charlie McCarthey: Lewis laughed at Art's comment about the chowhounds.
Sitting down at the table, he made sure Arthur got plenty of food for himself while Gear wiggled into Arthur's lap and looked cute for scraps.
"Hmm, if we don't have a case... you wanna go flying again?" He asked with a tiny grin, his amused look saying he knew what the answer was going to be.
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