#prussia is ROMANOS silly little kitty cat
rice-ballin · 2 months
prumano sketch i cooked up
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i’ll probably color it tmrw since that’s when i get access to my markers lol
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asktheaxispowers · 4 years
Have you checked the basement? It sounds like there's something down there
*Faint crashing noises*
Italy- What’s that? Is there a monster in your basement Germany?
Romano- Don’t be silly, dumbass! It’s probably the kitten we lost!
Germany- Let’s just go and get it.
------ In the basement ------
Prussia- The awesome me has found the kitten! It’s hiding behind a stack of boxes. Wait, how did it even get there? The space is too small, I can’t reach. Japan, your small. You try.
Japan- Of course. Cats are very flexible, that must be how it got back there. Wait, is that a gold key?
Germany- Hmm, it looks old. And it’s large and heavy. That’s strange, I don’t remember having anything with a lock that might look like this.
Romano- Whatever, you dumb potato eaters. We got the kitten, lets go.
Italy- Oh, are you okay, little kitty cat? Its okay, you’ll be alright with us. She must have been scared!
Prussia- West, Blackie’s digging holes in the garden again! Dammit, that’s so not awesome!
Germany- Ugh, okay. Wait, look what he’s digging up! It looks like a wooden box.
Japan- Do you think we should dig the rest of it out? I must admit, I am very curious as to what this box may contain.
Italy- Ooh, maybe it has something to do with the key in the basement! That always happens in books and movies.
Romano- Not everything in life comes out of one of those romance novels you read, idiota. But fine, lets get it out of the ground.
Prussia- I have awesomely brought us a shovel! Let’s see what’s inside this weird box.
Germany- It’s locked.
Japan- Yes, but don’t the markings look remarkablely similar to the ones on the key we found? I have it in my pocket, let us try to open it.
Romano- Hey, it’s just a book! Did we serious go through all that for a book? Lets go inside, I want pasta.
Italy- Fratello, wait! Look, it’s glowing. This book must be magic!
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