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Ziarul de Valcea : Iată cum încearcă polițiștii să-l salveze pe Neagoie, VÂNĂTORUL cu apucături criminale!
Un jurnalist îi umilește pe așa-zișii anchetatori !
În atenția comandantului Inspectoratului Județean de Poliție Vâlcea, Bogdan Berechet: ancheta în cazul rănirii unui om în localitatea Ionești de către primarul Constantin Neagoie este realizată total neprofesionist de lucrătorii de poliție, care au omis aspecte IMPORTANTE în ancheta de la fața locului, tocmai pentru a-l scoate nevinovat pe edilul milionar în euro. Șeful IPJ Vâlcea este un om corect, avem deplină încredere că va dispune anchetarea PE BUNE a acestui caz! Tânărul nostru coleg, jurnalistul Alin Barbu (publipro.ro), împreună cu doi vânători și susținuți de oameni ai legii INCORUPTIBILI, au aflat informații care, cu totul întâmplător, au fost omise de anchetatori:
Iată ce scrie Alin Barbu: Am fost primii care au scris cum, în urmă cu circa doi ani, Neagoie împuşca cu o cruzime de inimaginat câinele patronului ziarelor City şi Curierul de Râmnic, Silviu Popescu, pentru cât a scris adevărurile despre acest individ. Iată că a venit timpul să scriem cum Neagoie a ajuns să împuște o fiinţă umană. Şi totul, aşa cum foarte bine scria colegul nostru Tiberiu Pârnău, patronul Ziarului de Vâlcea, graţie faptului că procurorii şi toţi oamenii legi, fie sunt incompetenţi fie, noi am merge mai departe şi i-am numi chiar corupţi. Spunem acestor lucruri pe nume atât de dur, deoarece oamenii legii au dat publicităţii un comunicat de presă nu numai evaziv, dar cu informaţii total false despre acest incident care a fost la o microfracţiune de secundă distanţă de o adevărată tragedie, începând cu ora la care a fost împuşcat omul, continuând cu faptul că vânătoarea a fost organizată legal şi, bomboana de pe coliva justiţiei vâlcene: se încearcă chiar muşamalizarea cazului, mergându-se chiar până la a se face verificări la locuinţa victimei, pentru că aceasta este bănuită că la momentul la care a fost împuşcată, se afla la furat de lemne. „La data de 25 ianuarie a.c., ora 20.00, poliţiştii au fost sesizaţi cu privire la faptul că, pe raza fondului cinegetic nr. 35 Scundu, la o acţiune de vânătoare organizată legal, a fost executat un foc de armă, fiind rănită accidental o persoană care se afla în zonă. La faţa locului s-au deplasat poliţişti din cadrul Biroului Arme Explozivi şi Substanţe Periculoase care au stabilit că, jurul orei 17.00, 2 persoane se aflau pe raza fondului de vânătoare nr. 35 Scundu şi, întrucât în punctul iniţial de aşteptare nu a apărut vânat, cei doi bărbaţi împreună cu o a treia persoană, s-au deplasat spre un alt punct de aşteptare, situat pe raza aceluiaşi fond cinegetic. Astfel, aceştia, deplasându-se pe DC 102, în direcţia de deplasare a localităţilor Ioneşti-Scundu, au observat un exemplar de porc mistreţ, moment în care primarul din Ionesti, Constantin Neagoie, a executat un foc de armă rănind accidental la nivelul piciorului stâng, un bărbat de 43 de ani din localitatea Orleşti. Bărbatul rănit a fost preluat de către o ambulanţă şi transportat la Spitalul Judeţean Rm. Vâlcea, unde i s-a stabilit diagnosticul preliminar de plagă prin împuşcare coapsă stângă, acesta rămânând sub supraveghere medicală.”, se arăta în respectivul comunicat de presă. Oameni legii susţin, chiar prin gura şefului de post de la Prundeni, Nicolae Borţa, cum că s-au făcut verificări la faţa locului, că s-ar fi recuperat şi tubul cartuşului tras de Neagoie şi care ar fi rănit victima. „Am mers la locul faptei, chiar folosindu-ne de jeep-ul domnului Neagoie, căci oricum noi nu aveam cu ce intra acolo! Nu pot să vă spun prea multe din dosar, în primul rând pentru că există o anchetă în desfăşurare şi, în al doilea rând, pentru că de caz se ocupă Biroul de Arme de la Râmnicu Vâlcea, dar ştiu că şi tubul cartuşului a fost recuperat.”.
Să ne ierte Dzeu, dar ce tub a fost recuperat? Sunteţi sigur, domnule Borţa, că nu a fost recuperat tubul de la vreun cartuş aruncat intenţionat de Neagoie ca să arate că el este nevinovat şi că de fapt ar fi fost la pândă, aşa cum ar permite o vânătoare organizată legal, poe timp de noapte, însoţit şi de organele competente, iar nu în două persoane, decât şoferul şi cu el? Este vorba despre un cartuş tip Magnum Winchester, de calibrul 30,62, cu defragmentare… Menţionăm că, aşa cum se vede şi din imaginile de la faţa locului, noi, cei de la PRO ExpreS, care nu suntem anchetatori de meserie, am mers totuşi la locul faptei şi am luat imagini, am studiat urmele cauciucurilor jeepului lui Neagoie şi am făcut măsurători, luând şi imaginile pe care le puteţi vedea cu toţii mai jos, fiind foarte uşor de depistat faptul că Neagoie minte şi că, în realitate, a folosit o carabină dotată cu un dispozitiv cu termoviziune, dispozitiv total interzis la vânătoare şi o să vă explicăm şi de ce este interzis: pentru că acest dispozitiv nu îi permite celui care îl foloseşte să şi vadă în ce trage. Efectiv, vânătorul care foloseşte un astfel de dispozitiv trage la întâmplare, în nişte urme de căldură, fără a şti dacă respectivele urme de căldură sunt generate de o sursă de foc, un corp uman sau un animal. Mai mult, tubul cartuşului era încă la locul faptei, vineri, 27 ianuarie 2017, atunci când noi am efectuat o anchetă jurnalistică la faţa locului. Traiectoria glonţului a fost următoarea: S-a tras de la o distanţă de circa 400 metri, de pe partea stângă a drumului comunal 102, din direcţia Scundu- Ioneşti. Glonţul a traversat asfaltul de pe acest drum comunal, un teren agricol, pârâul Nisipoasa şi liziera de pe ambele margini ale acestui pârâu, precum şi încă un alt teren agricol, pentru ca, la final, ricoşând din coaja unui salcâm cu patru braţe (foto) aflat la poalele unui deal, a nimerit în piciorul stâng al orleşteanului Dan Sârbu, zis Vaţi, în vârstă de 43 de ani, tată a trei copii şi un reputat om de afaceri. Este foarte important de reţinut aspectul că omul era un prosper om de afaceri, deoarece de aici rezultă încercarea de muşamalizare a cazului de către oamenii legii corupţi din judeţul Vâlcea care, cel mai probabil, bucurându-se la banii primarului Neagoie, au apărut peste noapte cu varianta că cetăţeanul orleştean împuşcat de Neagoie se afla atunci la furat de lemne. Un om cu o astfel de situaţie materială, nu are nevoie de lemne furate. Mai mult, chiar dacă ar fi fost aşa, pădurea respectivă nu se află înscrisă în Regimul Silvic, fiind vorba mai mult de lăstărişuri decât de copaci, fapt pentru care nu s-ar putea reţine fapta respectivă în sarcina nimănui, chiar dacă, prin absurd, Dan Sârbu, ar fi făcut aşa ceva. În realitate, omul îşi căuta câinele dispărut de acasă. Ce ne doare pe noi şi solicităm public să se ia măsuri în acest sens, este dacă angajaţii Biroului Arme al IPJ Vâlcea caută să pedepsească tot victima, deşi dosarul întocmit de ei nu este unul de furt de lemne, ci unul de uz de armă letală fără drept şi vătămare corporală din culpă. Căci acestea sunt, cu exactitate, capetele de acuzare pentru care este cercetat acum baronul din Ioneşti, Constantin Neagoe. De asemenea, vă mai aducem la cunoştinţă faptul că anchetatorii trustului de presă PRO ExpreS au găsit la faţa locului şi tubul adevărat al cartuşului tras de Neagoie, cu care a fost rănit orleşteanul Dan Sârbu şi, în funcţie de locul unde l-am găsit şi urmele pneurilor jeepului edilului-şef din Ioneşti, am stabilit traiectoria expusă mai sus a golnţului ce putea produce moarte de om la graniţa dintre comunele Scundu şi Ioneşti. Fotografiile chiar vorbesc de la sine.
Oripilaţi de cele văzute la faţa locului, după ce ni s-a făcut rău efectiv de la balta de sânge văzută acolo (vezi foto), am mers glonţ la şeful de post din Prundeni, Nicolae Borţa. I-am arătat fotografiile, l-am rugat să ne însoţească sau să facă ce trebuie să facă un om al legii, să cheme reprezentanţii Biroului de Arme, să constate ce este cu tubul respectiv de cartuş pozat de noi, iar acesta s-a arătat mai interesat să afle cum am ajuns noi acolo decât să-şi facă datoria: „Bă, du-te dracului! Cum ajunsăşi, mă, şi acolo?”, asta ne-a spus Borţa şi a fugit la alt caz!… O altă dovadă că se încearcă muşamalizarea cazului lui Neagoie!
Mai mult, unul dintre lacheii lui Neagoie, Dan Dumitru, în timp ce conducea microbuzul şcolar prin zona Foteşti, dându-şi seama că am fost la faţa locului, şi-a pus mâinile în cap şi era pe punctul de a pierde controlul microbuzului şcolar plin cu copii, dându-şi seama ce repercursiuni va avea ancheta noastră la adresa „baronului” său, Constantin Neagoie, probabil şi acesta participând la evenimentele din seara aceea. Întrebăm public pe anchetatorii de la Biroul Arme al IPJ Vâlcea, unde sunt urmele mistreţului în apropiere de locul producerii nedoritului eveniment, căci Neagoie spune că a tras de aproape, nu cum am arătat noi şi că i s-a părut că a văzut un mistreţ. Dacă s-ar fi făcut fie şi o reconstituire măcar superficială, tot s-ar fi constatat că Neagoie minte că a crezut că trage într-un mistreţ, deoarece, pe zăpadă, nu se observă nici o urmă de vreun vânat… Dacă există nelămuriri, suntem dispuşi să fim contactaţi de anchetatori şi să îi însoţim la faţa locului, să ne arate şi nouă unde sunt urmele aşa-zisului mistreţ. De asemenea, pentru că ştim că oamenii legii nu au luat suficiente probe de la faţa locului, ne oferim să le punem la dispoziţie imaginile făcute de noi. Apoi, vrem să ştim de ce se minte în comunicatul de presă că nenorocirea s-ar fi întâmplat în jurul orei 17.00, după ce telefonic, joi, 26 ianuarie a.c., înlocuitoarea responsabilului de relaţii cu presa al IPJ Vâlcea, Gabriel Popescu, ne-a spus că totul se întâmplase între orele 15.00-16.00. Menţionăm că noi am plecat din Drăgăşani cu unul din microbuzele firmei Matdan, la ora 20.00. În jurul orelor 20.40, în apropiere de oraşul Băbeni, am văzut Jeep-ul lui Neagoie tras pe dreapta, un echipaj de poliţie şi o salvare trasă pe partea stângă din direcţia de mers amintită. Nu ştiam atunci ce se întâmplase. Am luat legătura telefonic cu victima, Dan Sârbu, iar acesta ne-a spus toată povestea, menţionând că încă nu a dat declaraţii în faţa anchetatorilor, dar că aceasta va fi declaraţia pe care o va da, căci altceva chiar nu are ce să spună: „Îmi căutam câinele prin zonă, împreună cu un alt bărbat. Am auzit că a oprit o maşină, în dreptul stupinei primarului din Scundu, Titi Blejan, pe DC 102. Nu am dat importanţă. Dintr-odată însă, am zărit nişte puncte roşii pe mine. Mi-am dat seama că vin de la laserul unei arme de vânătoare şi m-am ascuns de pe copacul cu pricina. Nu am avut timp să îmi trag perfect şi piciorul stâng după copac, dar şi de aveam timp nu cred că reuşeam, căci în acel picior mă sprijineam ca să nu cad. Am auzit foc de armă şi într-o fracţiune de secundă, am fost lovit de glonţ. Nu ştiu dacă a ricoşat din ceva sau dacă m-a lovit direct. Am aflat după că am avut şansa vieţii, căci chiar a ricoşat din copac. Medicii de aici, de la Bucureşti, mi-au comunicat însă că mai erau doi milimetri şi mi-ar fi atins artera femurală. Ştiţi ce înseamnă asta: muream pe loc. A venit cu maşina până aproape de mine. A întors şi a trimis persoana cu care se afla în maşină, zicându-i „Ia vezi mă, ce e. Căprior sau mistreţ?”. A venit cu lanterna la mine şi când m-a văzut jos, am simţit că i-a luat minţile. S-a întors la Neagoie şi de două ori i-a repetat acestuia, căci nu îi venea să creadă: „Şefu’, e om!”. El a întrebat „Cum?” Şi respectivul i-a repetat a doua oară: „Şefu, e om împuşcat!”. S-a coborât din maşină şi a mers să se convingă. A dat cu spatele până lângă mine, m-au suit în maşină şi, la ora 20.20 a sunat la 112, a anunţat, iar ambulanţa m-a luat de undeva din Băbeni.”, spune victima, Dan Sârbu. Practic, noi ştim că apelurile la 112 sunt înregistrate. Ca atare, este foarte uşor de stabilit ora producerii evenimentului. De aici, venim şi întrebăm cum poate fi legală o vânătoare pe timp de noapte, aşa cum se menţionează în comunicatul IPJ, anume că totul s-a petrecut în cadrul unei vânători organizate legal.
Mai vă informăm şi că am luat legătura cu toţi paznicii fondului de vânătoare cu pricina. Nici Sorin Tudor, nici Sorin Văduva nu se mai încumetă să meargă cu Neagoie, ultimul chiar spunându-ne că el s-a săturat de avaria lui Neagoie. Omul i-a spus că are copii şi nevastă şi nu stă să îi facă lui hatârul noapte de noapte. Singurul care se mai încumetă este acest Cosmin Enescu despre care am aflat că oricum este de văzut mai mult prin conacul primarului Neagoie, decât pe la el pe acasă, prestându-i diferite lucrări la pensiunea din pădure construită ilegal de primarul Neagoie, respectiva construcţie făcând la rându-i obiectul unui dosar penal aflat pe rol la ora actuală. Căci aici este o altă problemnă ce necesită atenţie: Neagoie chiar a luat-o razna, făcând crize dacă jeep-urile nu funcţionează cum trebuie într-o seară, el fixând chiar şi o normă de vânat fără de care nu pleacă din pădure noapte de noapte. Soţia lui Neagoie, Geta Neagoie, a rămas să locuiască la Râmnicu Vâlcea, iar el stă la Ioneşti tocmai pentru că a luat-o razna şi nu se poate abţine de la vânătoare… Se cade ca atare să ne punem şi întrebarea: de ce se omoară Neagoie atât de tare să vâneze seară de seară, fixând chiar şi norme de pradă? Ce destinaţie oare ia acest vânat? Ce jocuri murdare şi afaceri ilicite mai face Neagoie şi în acest domeniu de activitate?
Sperăm că Servicul de Arme şi Muniţii din cadrul IPJ Vâlcea dispune de oameni competenţi care să nu se lase nici păcăliţi, nici cumpăraţi de către un om căruia trebuiau să îi fie ridicate armele de vânătoare definitiv şi irevocabil, încă de acum doi ani, de când a împuşcat câinele ziaristului Silviu Popescu care, pe bună dreptate, consemna atunci faptul că mâine poimâine, primarul Neagoie va împuşca şi oameni, dacă a avut o inimă atât de haină încât să împuşte un căţeluş de casă. Iată, stimaţi anchetatori, că de ce ne era frică nu am scăpat: Neagoie chiar a fost la un pas de uciderea unui om şi opinia publică, oripilată, consideră c ă acest lucru ar fi putut fi evitat, dacă baronul din Ioneşti ar fi fost pedepsit de prima dată!
#apucaturi criminale#constantin neagoie#cosmin enescu#incearca politistii#ionestimusamalizarea cazului#nicolae borta#prundeni#ramnicu valcea#seful de post#valcea#vanatorul#victima dan sarbu#ziarul de valcea
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Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.co/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
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Percheziţii la o primărie din Vâlcea şi alte zeci de locaţii, într-un dosar de corupţie
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Cod galben de ceață în mai multe zone din țară
Administrația Națională de Meteorologie a emis o avertizare nowcasting, cod galben de ceață, în vigoare marți dimineață, până la ora 8.00.
Vizează zona joasă a județului Timiș și este ceață care determină reducerea vizibilității local sub 200 de metri și izolat sub 50 de metri. Sunt anunțate și depuneri înghețate.
Un cod galben de ceață este în vigoare până la 09.00 și în județele Ilfov, Ialomița (în localitățile Urziceni, Căzănești, Fierbinți-Târg, Adâncata, Albești, Alexeni, Andrășești, Armășești, Axintele, Balaciu, Bărbulești, Bărcănești, Borănești, Buești, Ciocârlia, Ciochina, Cocora, Colelia, Coșereni, Drăgoești, Dridu, Gârbovi, Gheorghe Doja, Grindu, Ion Roată, Jilavele, Maia, Manasia, Miloșești, Moldoveni, Movilița, Munteni-Buzău, Perieți, Rădulești, Reviga, Roșiori, Sălcioara, Sărățeni, Sfântu Gheorghe, Sinești și Valea Măcrișului), județul Teleorman, zona joasă a județului Prahova, în județul Călărași (localitățile Budești, Fundulea, Lehliu Gară, Oltenița, Alexandru Odobescu, Belciugatele, Căscioarele, Chirnogi, Chiselet, Ciocănești, Crivăț, Curcani, Dor Mărunt, Dorobanțu, Dragoș Vodă, Frăsinet, Frumușani, Fundeni, Gălbinași, Grădiștea, Gurbănești, Ileana, Independența, Lehliu, Luica, Lupșanu, Mânăstirea, Mitreni, Nana, Nicolae Bălcescu, Plătărești, Radovanu, Sărulești, Sohatu, Șoldanu, Spanțov, Tămădău Mare, Ulmeni, Ulmu, Vâlcelele, Valea Argovei, Vasilați și Vlad Țepeș), zona joasă a județul Dâmboviţa, județul Giurgiu, județul Olt (în localitățile Drăgănești-Olt, Piatra-Olt, Scornicești, Slatina, Băbiciu, Bălteni, Brâncoveni, Brebeni, Cilieni, Coteana, Crâmpoia, Cungrea, Curtișoara, Dăneasa, Dobrosloveni, Dobroteasa, Fălcoiu, Fărcașele, Găneasa, Gârcov, Giuvărăști, Gostavățu, Grădinari, Ipotesti, Izbiceni, Izvoarele, Leleasca, Mărunței, Mihăești, Milcov, Movileni, Oporelu, Osica de Sus, Perieți, Pleșoiu, Poboru, Priseaca, Radomirești, Rusănești, Sâmburești, Scărișoara, Schitu, Seaca, Șerbănești, Slătioara, Sprâncenata, Stoenești, Stoicănești, Strejești, Teslui, Tia Mare, Traian, Vâlcele, Valea Mare, Verguleasa, Vitomirești și Vulturești) și județul Vâlcea (localitățile Râmnicu Vâlcea, Băile Olănești, Brezoi, Călimănești, Drăgășani, Ocnele Mari, Berislăvești, Boișoara, Budești, Bujoreni, Bunești, Câineni, Dăești, Dănicei, Drăgoești, Galicea, Golești, Ionești, Mihăești, Milcoiu, Muereasca, Nicolae Bălcescu, Olanu, Orlești, Păusești-Măglași, Perișani, Prundeni, Racovița, Runcu, Sălătrucel, Ștefănești, Stoilești, Titești, Vlădești și Voicești).
În aceste zone ceaţa determină scăderea vizibilităţii local sub 200 de metri şi izolat sub 50 de metri.
http://ift.tt/2gtKVJc http://ift.tt/2BbYuoQ
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Vâlcea - O mamă îşi folosea copii la vânzarea drogurilor
Procurorii DIICOT şi ofiţeri de poliţie judiciară au efectuat luni 16 percheziţii domiciliare pe raza municipiului Râmnicu Vâlcea şi în localităţile Prundeni, Ioneşti şi Milcoiu, în cadrul unei acţiuni de destructurare a unei grupări de traficanţi de droguri. Potrivit unui comunicat al DIICOT, începând cu anul 2015, pe raza judeţului Vâlcea, s-a constituit o grupare specializată în cultivarea şi comercializarea de canabis. Cultura de canabis a fost dezvoltată într-o casă din localitatea Prundeni, judeţul Vâlcea. Gruparea era coordonată de o persoană de sex feminin, care şi-a atras în activitatea infracţională proprii copii (doi băieţi, dintre care unul minor), în sensul folosirii acestora pentru vânzarea drogurilor. Destinatarii drogurilor erau în principal tineri de pe raza judeţului Vâlcea. De asemenea, la distribuirea drogurilor femeia a apelat şi la alte persoane. Cu ocazia percheziţiilor au fost identificate peste 7 kg de canabis, două pistoale şi 86 cartuşe, deţinute de liderul grupării fără documente legale, peste 70.000 lei, o cultură de canabis cu 120 de plante în diferite stadii de dezvoltare vegetativă, precum şi multiple instalaţii de lumină şi căldură (radiatoare, ventilatoare). La sediul DIICOT – Biroul Teritorial Vâlcea vor fi aduse 14 persoane la audieri. La acţiune au participat şi ofiţeri de poliţie judiciară din cadrul Brigăzii de Combatere a Criminalităţii Organizate Piteşti, precum şi jandarmi. AGERPRES
Sursa articol jurnalul.ro
, sursa articol http://blogville.ro/valcea-o-mama-isi-folosea-copii-la-vanzarea-drogurilor/
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Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on https://restartenergy.co/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
0 notes
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.info/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
0 notes
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.info/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
0 notes
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.co/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
0 notes
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.info/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
0 notes
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on https://restartenergy.co/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
0 notes
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.co/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
0 notes
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.co/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
0 notes
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.info/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
0 notes
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on https://restartenergy.co/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
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Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
New Post has been published on http://restartenergy.co/restart-energy-acquires-six-solar-parks-as-the-romanian-bison-rises/
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks, as The Romanian Bison Rises
The Romanian Bison Rises
The Great Recession hit globally on the tail-end of 2007 and continued ravaging the world economy until around 2013.
The effects were varied in scale and in their timing, but few places in the interconnected global markets were left unscathed and world-wide GDP plummeted, in many places by more than 10%.
Even areas that still experienced positive growth, had to cut down on predicted estimates, as the effects of both the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and especially the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, bloomed into the greatest recession since the Great Depression of 1930. Many countries are still feeling the effects, but the global market has stabilized.
Today, years after the Great Recession ended, Europe is back on its feet, but the surprise is that Eastern Europe has not only adapted, but is thriving!
Romanian, Polish and Czech GDP growth has surpassed even that of Germany, consistently, since 2014 (source: Eurostat). Analysts term this a “Goldilocks moment”, yet it’s been going on for years now — a combined effect of high GDP growth, well-managed inflation, and low unemployment.
In fact, in 2017, Romania’s 7.0% GDP growth actually managed tooutpace China’s!
One could say that the Romanian Bison awoke and charged past the Chinese Dragon in 2017.
The European bison (Bison bonasus), locally known as ‘zimbru’, has been a Romanian national symbol since medieval times and has only recently come back from the brink of extinction — much like how Romana’s GDP came back from the depths of a -7.1% depression in 2009, due to the Global Recession, to a majestic 7% growth in 2017. Both are headed towards a bright future.
This bright future is not only evidenced by Romania’s GDP growth surpassing that of China’s, but is also underpinned by Romania’s economy showing consistent and ever-increasing growth within the past 4 years:
3.1% in 2014
3.9% in 2015
4.8% in 2016
7.0% in 2017
This is an extremely positive and promising statistic, that will fuel ever-increasing investments in both the region and in Romania in particular.
Restart Energy Acquires Six Solar Parks
As a company headquartered in Romania, Restart Energy is proud to see such positive changes happening in our home market, so much so that we decided to take advantage of the strong bull market climate, to use a cryptology term, and invest in our power production capabilities.
Two weeks ago, our CEO Armand Doru Domuță (right side) signed off on the pre-agreement to start the acquisition process for six photovoltaic (PV) power stations, located in three separate parts of the country: Izvorul (Dâmbovița County), Prundeni (Vâlcea County), Broșteni (Dambovita County), and in Tureni (Cluj County).
Combined, the six solar parks have a production capacity of 47,327,634 kWh per year, significantly boosting our own power production capacity — all of which is in renewable energy production.
The timing of this acquisition is particularly relevant, as we enter the Spring and Summer seasons, where PV power stations can run at peak capacity.
This acquisition also ties in very well with our Watt Predict software — an innovative AI learning software designed for superior solar energy forecasting. It is a system that is able to estimate electricity production for the next day. This reduces costs and thus significantly decreases the invoices issued by institutions responsible for the imbalances of PV systems, by providing a forecasting service with high accuracy and financial accessibility.
This extra energy will be a boon to our company, as just this year — and we’re only nine weeks into said year — we’ve grown by a further 5,000 customers, on top of our pre-existing 30,000 clients. As such, strong growing demand within our home market will further accelerate our growth and likely lead to more acquisitions this year.
On a closing note, as the fastest growing private energy supplier in the EU, having grown by 1700% since our company’s start, Restart Energy is proud to have contributed to Romania’s strong international performance and is looking forward to contributing yet more in the months and years to come.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and it’s impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the virtual storage and trade of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. They come pre-charged with 0.11 kWh and get monthly free energy from a special community energy fund that is charged with 1–5% of total grid power — this energy is transferred by producers and suppliers in a special community energy fund in exchange for access to the RED platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
#Blockchain#Energy#Franchise#Franchising#Green Energy#Mwat Token#Red Mwat Token#Renewable Energy#Restart Energy#Restart Energy Democracy#Token Sale
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