nb-hedgewolf · 1 year
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Nine meets The Blue Blur incident, 1 universe shattered, several people divided into limited aspects of their identity, more at 7.
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toelessbastard · 5 months
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semiotomatics · 9 months
genuinely starting to think i would rather be homeless than have to continue dealing w my insurance :/
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web99vip-provit · 2 months
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shopycatch · 1 year
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thenightmarestudio · 11 days
Propaganda... I mean-
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Talking about my friends selfish critter au
Anyways selfish critter au Kickin Chicken x Dogday is actually goated. Yeah yeah I know Kickin was being problematic in the last comic part and half of ya hate em now but thats what we have Dogday for! Kickin clearly care about Dogday and Dogday could do a lot of good for em. In the same way Kickin could do a lot for Dogday whos naivity is a problem. Kicken is there to counter that. They balence each other out and provite something the other need more of. The ship is good okay? i didnt draw Salu for nothing >:(
The ship is the best and you all cant change my mind u-u You could join the ship train though... We have cookies :) Also whats the ship name for these two??? I dont know much about smiling critters okay. Im only here because of ego critters and to support my friends other work :,)
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thequietkid-moonie · 4 months
Little sibling of the gods is curious about humans
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[ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Records of Ragnarok ]
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A cute silly prompt that has been wandering around my head for a while now, hope you enjoy it!!
and forgive me if I did some mistaken while writing it, I was excited and messy
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Is well known that gods are above humans, the humans are their creations and they most worship the gods, asking from favor and forgiveness is how the humans are related with the gods
As a god can be natural to be curious about the humans since, even if they don't like it they are important part of the god's life, even so get to know about the humans is quite dificult since most gods don't really think high of them, some even think that they are just a waste
For being one of the youngest gods it would be undestandable your curiosity, still that doesn't make it less irritable for some of the gods, however since you are the little sibling of some of the most respected gods on the Valhalla they don't really dare to tell you to go away whenever you go around asking the other gods about the humans, most of them just try to respectful tell you that they don't have anything to say about humans and that your inmense curiousity about them is just a waste of time, other gods, more bold ones, express how much they think the humans are nothing but a waste of space, they are brutal and idiotic, there are just a few gods that actually has a few good things to say about the humans (or at least something that isn't complete despise)
The better answers you'll probably able to find it actually close to your family, Hermes find quite amusing your curiosity about the humans and at some point will aproach to you and offer you all the information he can provide, he will tell all he knows about the humans until your heart is content, and he actually gives you the information in a neutral way, whenever he give you his opinion about the topic he makes clear that is his opinion and not exactly a fact
Other one that will be more willing to share his information is Buddha, even if he is consider a god and lives in the Vallhala he will always think more on the humans, so if you ask him he is also willing to tell you all he can about the human life from first hand experience, he doesn't mind sharing his knowledge, specially if is with someone so eager to learn; although, in the process he end up teaching you a few things about his philosophy, it was bring to the conversation so naturally that even him didn't notice (but he will just laugh at it)
But, honestly, those two are just motivate by mischievous intentions, they wanted to help you of course, you were so eager to learn about humans that it was almost adorable, but just as they thought your curiosity was amusing they also thought about how amusing could be the reaction of your older brothers when they know that their little baby and pride wants to know about the humans, it was an oportunity to mess with the gods that they couldn't miss
Other god that were willing to share a more hearthed stories about humans is Heracles, he was once human and become stronger and even a god for them, so he is completely willing to talk to you about them, but he talks with so much love and pride that it will probably just end up boosting your own curiosity for the humans
It doesn't matter if you try to hide your curiosity about humans of your older brothers, soon or later they will know, it can take them just a moment or even years, but at the end they will find out, it only takes one of them to find out for the other two to get to know too, and they aren't going to be happy about it. You'll have to deal with their sermons once they know but each one react and tells you diferent things, Zeus tries to talk to you in a pacific way and tries to convince you that humans aren't worthy your time, there are a lot of other things you can do or that gods can provite you with, greater things than the humans, still he can be quite intimidating if you insist that you want to see and learn about the humans; Poseidon is direct and even is mad at you, he tells you right away that humans aren't worthy of your time, you are a god and his sibling! you must only get related with those that have the same level or are worthy of you, he even express that he is quite disappointed by this but will let it pass this time, just concentrate on something that is actually useful; compared to the others, Hades doesn't really think that bad about the humans, he does hold some respect for them and doesn't find that bad your curiosity, as your older brother he wants to support you but he also has to look after you, so he suggest that you don't put all your time and energy on the humans and do other things, learn things that can be beneficial for you, he is thinking on your future and well-being
Despite your brother's opinion you still are free to do as you please, so if you want you are free to continue learning about the humans, even if they aren't happy they won't be able to do much, even if Zeus and Poseidon will want to force you to change they won't really want to hurt you or anything (and with Hades support there is nothing much they can do about it)
In your position it would be incredibly risky and reckless to give another step and go to actually visit the human world, but if you still want to do it Buddha and Heracles will be completely willing to help you reach the human world (Hermes will risk too much if he accept to teach you how to go, but he will indirectly guide you towards who actually can help you with it)
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voidwritesstuff · 8 months
Long way to the truth.
Cw: mentions of ptsd,survivors guilt, trauma relating to war.
Summary: a series that details Lucas Cole's journey from Florida to Washington in search of the truth behind a goverment conspiracy.
->Fandom: in sound mind.
->Chapter one: Florida/georgia
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This is,by far,not the weirdest of things hes done in his 55 Years of life. Now,packing all his stuff into his van, that was the current bane of his existence.
The whole van is crammed with Gear,his own personal stuff and a few provitions for the trip until he makes It to the Next town over.
He closes the vans back door and gets into the drivers Seat. Soon the engine comes to life with a roar, theres that familiar rumble and slight shake of the van as it slowly pulls back from the drive way.
When Lucas cole thinks his life doesnt get any weirder, fate proves Him wrong.
But theres a certain freedom in leaving his old home town, the old memories, good and bad. He watches the Homes become a lot less crowded and the fields starting to roll on each side of the road.
Its there where he finally decides to turn on the radio, up until now hes been going over his plan for this crazy journey he had planned,his eyes flickering from the map laid on the passengers Seat to the road.
A mild static fills the air as he fiddles with the radio, muttering curses under his breath the longer he struggles with it.
--C'mon y'goddamn fuckin'--He finally relents and low key decks the radio,making it finally come to life-- there we go,that wasnt so hard,was it?-- he asked to the radio.
If people didnt Belive he already lost it,that wouldve been the final nail in the coffin.
"Born on the plains
A farmer's sons and brothers the same
Raised on promises
We'd stay that way
As boys, we believed
Summers at the sea, we were free
To become men of good will
Side by side"
The radio plays as he Keeps Driving, its going to be a Loong journey to Washington. So, he gets comfy in his drivers Seat and pats the steering wheel to the rythm of the song.
"And we were soldiers then
Our bodies in the sand
And like that sand through our hands
Go our grandest plans
And just to see your face for one moment
I'd cross the ocean again
The end
Is not the end"
Lucas purses his lips,okay maybe thats a wrong song to start off his journey. But he can brave it through,he thinks.
Already, his body hurts just a little, his knees Sting and his back is killing him. He sighs and lowers the sun visor, his eyes set on the old Polaroid taped there.
The picture makes his heart wrench, he sees his younger self, a boy barely out of high school with a hopeful shine in his eyes and ready to take on the world. And beside him,theres an older Man looking down at him with a fatherly smile and a calm gaze.
"And I'll be by your side
On the other side
I'll be by your side
On the other side
And through the cloud of death
We find our way back home
And though I hold your hand
All must go alone
And when you see the face of our Maker
You don't have to be ashamed
He knows
The promises we made"
He misses him,every damn day, sometimes he wishes it was him six feet down. But he knows he has to Keep going,for alphonso,for his Friends, but its hard, hes been dragging his trauma for a solid 30 Years.
"And I'll be by your side
On the other side
I'll be by your side
On the other side"
--im gettin' there,brother-- he promised while looking at Alphonso on the picture-- 'm getting there
By sunset he reaches a small town in the border between Georgia and Alabama. He sits there Parked on the parking lot of a waffle house, a relieved sigh escapes his lips when he gets out of the van.
Lucas stretches out his sore muscles and puts on his green flannel as the wind starts to pick up a little. He grabs his bag,keys and wallet before locking up the van and making his way to the Waffle house.
The Sky above is a beautiful mix of pinks and purples,dark blue pushes from the west accompanied by the stars, the cold breeze blows past his curly black hair and he clings on to his flannel just a little tighter.
I Theres a few people there at the restaurant and he joins the line,just looking at the people pass by. He always feels so awkward in these situations, Like EVERYBODY is staring at him.
He doesnt know Wether thats the paranoia or what. But he tries his best to ignore that with the help of his walk Man, he puts on the headphones and lets his hair loose to hide his face a little.
As if the world was pulling his leg, the first song to play is "paranoid" by black sabbath, and he scowls a little and skips to the Next song (despite knowing its going to eat up the battery of cassete tapes player)
The Next song to play does satisfy him enough,he taps the cassete player to the rythm of "Knocking on heavens door" as the line gets shorter and shorter.
When his time to order comes,he pushes back one of the headphones and orders what he wants. He stutters a little and doesnt make eye contact for the life of him, but the cashier doesnt mind.
--Ah dont worry about it-- Said the cashier,handing Him his ticket-- we get all sorts of characters in here
Lucas sets his eyes on the cashier,20-30s with dark skin and honey eyes, curly hair wrapped in a yellow headwrap with a net encasing the hairbun atop her head. He smiles a little,clearing his throat-- Good to know,thanks. Ill uh- take the food to go
Soon he gets his food and goes back to his van to eat,crowded spaces made him paranoid.
Hes writing down on his diary when he sees the cashier that took his order. Shes walking past his van,his eyes flicker to the dark Sky and he decides to talk.
--Hey,need a ride?--He asked, setting the pen down on the fold of his Journal. Already feeling like a creep for even asking
The cashier looks at him with a deer in headlights look, she blinks a few times and looks at him,and his white van.
--I- I look- I know how im lookin' right now but its dark and this is kinda the middle of nowhere and its been gettin' dangerous- plus its gettin' cold
She chuckles and walks up to him-- fine,I could use a ride. Thanks
--Ill- ill finish my dinner and ill drive you home-- he replied, face a little Darker as blush sets in-- thanks for not calling the cops on me
--you dont give me kidnapper vibes-- She replied-- kidnappers dont stand there looking like a fish outta water while waiting for their order
Lucas can help but snort at the comment-- I know Im awkward as shit, im not the one to go out in public
--what about this then?--She knocks on the van.
--ah,visiting an ol' friend in Washington-- he replied,drinking from his water bottle
--You gon' drive from here to Washington?!-- she asked,eyes wide.
At this,he cant help but chuckle-- im drivin' all the way from Florida
--jesus christ Man,couldnt you get on a plane?
That wouldve been the reasonable thing to do, but then again when was the last time he was anything close to reasonable? -- imma move there too for the time being, so I gotta take me stuff with me-- he pats the dashboard fondly.
She decided to not question him anymore and just wait. Silence fills the air with the dancing static from the radio that cant pick up a signal here in the middle of semi nowhere.
He eyes fall on the dangling dogtags that hang from his neck as he writes and eats his food. Her gaze softens and she says-- you couldve used your veterans discount, its 10-25% off
Lucas takes a moment to register her words-- huh? What? -- she gestures at the dog tags and he feels flustered, he tucks them back underneath his tank top-- oh right,Well maybe Next time
--My uncle was a soldier too-- she added, warmth in her voice-- he served in world war two
--oh-- he says, scratching the back of his neck-- I uh served in Vietnam
He notices the clear widening of her eyes and he purses his lips-- thank you for your service --She says, not sure how to phrase the pity she feels-- heard things in the vietcong got hard, im so sorry
--Its been thirty somethin' years-- he doesnt know wether he says that to reassure her or to reprimand himself-- but..thanks. M-most of us get f-Forgotten by the goverment, so I 'ppreciate it
--yeah I know the feel-- Indigo agreed, leaning on the white van-- had to take it to court for them to cover my uncles medication, it Fucking sucked.
Lucas finished up his food just as she said that, he throws the wrappers and things like that in a small trashbag. --Im sorry,that musta' been pretty stressfull
--It was-- she agreed,to then ask-- you done?
He nodded and moved to face the driver's Seat.--Ill Open the passenger Door,come on in-- he closes the door on his side and leans over to Open the passenger door.
--Im uh- Indigo by the way--Indigo hops in and gets comfy on the Seat,then as she closes her door she looks behind her and says-- Radioman?
--im lucas- and Yeah,what gave it away-- he asks sarcastivally, a smirk on his lips-- couldnt be the stupid ammount of radio equipment I have back there
She laughs and it makes him flinch,when was the last time he made someone laugh like that? When was the last time he had a moment anything close to spending time with a friend?
God,it really has been thirty something years,hasnt it?
--Couldnt possibly be that of course!-- she agreed as he pulled into the road.
Indigo tells him where to go between short conversations about the military and the war. The road is pretty dark and though theres a few streetlights,he has to turn on the high beams.
--aint no way I was lettin' you walk back home when the streets look like this-- he told her, turning to where she had told him.
She giggles, nodding in agreement-- you seem like a sweet guy, Lucas. Thanks
He shrugged it off,not looking away from the road as the few lights shone on his face,the shadows cast by those lights show off his features, he was handsome in that rugged way-- s'nuthin'
--few people would actually offer up a ride to someone they dont know--she adds-- seriously,youre a really good guy
Lucas purses his lips and relents, he nodds just as he stops Infront of her house-- well,thanks. Be carefull
Indigo nodded and hopped off the van-- you too
He doesnt leave until shes inside her home,however he does get noticed by a Man around or a little more than his age,looking a lot like Indigo.
The Man salutes him after Indigo told him something, Lucas nodds and salutes him back with an endeared warmth in his chest and clear respect in his eyes. And then Lucas gets ready to retake the highway that he was previously on.
In his mind,he replays the conversation he had with Indigo about the military, and it hurts him to imagine all his fellow soldiers that got discarded Like trash by the goverment, it wasnt fair and it made his blood Boil.
"They are fucking over people, people who fought for them and their stupid fucking wars" he thinks,gripping the steering wheel,his eyes on the dark road ahead.
Above him,the stars twinkle and the moon shines. Theres a cold breeze that accompanies the passing clouds,scarce as they are, and the silence of the Rolling fields Is a little bit disturbing but also....oddly cozy.
It reminds him of his youth, going to the lake to fish or sit there and watch the world go by, the forest and general swampness that comes with Florida. And it also dawns on him that hes making his state's sterotype proud because who else would drive from Florida to Washington chasing a 30 Year old mystery frequency that was involved in a goverment conspiracy.
He can just see the headlines
"Ex army Florida Man drives for a week Straight to Washington, blows off the lid of a 30 Year old goverment conspiracy".
It makes him chuckle a little, he would pay good money to see his family's and neighborgs face if that headline ever comes to reality. He would get a good kick out of it for sure.
By 1 a.m. he pulls to the side of the road,he was in a small town but he would rather sleep in his van than stay awake one more minute.
Passing his hands across his face, he grabs his Journal and finishes writing the entry he started before Driving Indigo home
"First day of the journey. Been Driving for nine hours now, made a few stops for snacks and stretching out.
Been thinkin About what ill find in Washington, more information I suppose but the specifics are wracking my nerves.
What the hell could be hidden in there? Laboratories? Human testing? Why bring Alpha Romeo back from retirement? What changed? Was there a breakthrough?.
How Many lives were sacrificed for testing? Do any of those involved feel any remorse?.
Hell,what im going to do once I get there? What am I going to do if I get the information I need? Go to the media? The newspapers? Would they treat me like a lunatic like everyone before?.JESUS CHRIST.
On a sidenote.
It was nice to talk to indigo, been the first time in a good while since I felt like I was talking with a friend. I had fun- and it was nice to know im not alone, that fellow soldiers also lived what I lived.
But then again,how Many have seen what I did?"
He sighs and sets down the pen, to then get into his sleeping bag Nestled between his things and ontop of a few bags with softer contents. With his rifle and combat Knife nearby, he closes his eyes and hopes that at least he gets some rest.
Under his breath,as he slowly gives into slumber, he mutters-- I pray for you Alphonso,as I do every night.
That your soul May be at peaceful rest,that you watch over your brothers
Here amongst the living where you should be
If it were not for dire mistakes and unfortunate circumstances
I beg for your forgiveness and your help,friend.
Give me strength to overcome...--slowly,his mind gives into the exhaustion,a sentiment of peace settles on his chest,body relaxing and slowly falling asleep
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greedygluttons · 2 months
Hello gang. I have been busy. But in about a week I will be able to properly get back to proviting you all. Feel free to send requests in the meantime. Yummers
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darlingdeer21 · 9 months
The blood bag isn't poisoned it's just a human finds Moon Eclipse attractive (Is stella jealous?)
Moon Eclipse doesn't find himself attractive, so for him it's kinda a compliment.
Donor Protection is provited by donated blood by the organization itself, and Moon Eclipse doesn't need special gifts from fans. Cheking the blood bag for poison is just a precaution. Stella has nothing with it.
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moonlight-tmd · 11 months
and I love the answer I got! I just team prime acting like a family on holidays X3
and yes, they are defo in their most family feels during holidays; christmas, valentines, halloween, thanksgiving, new years, 4th of july, you name it. (if there's more american holidays that are popular and not named here then sorry, i'm not american)
I'd assume their favorite is christmas- Optimus gets to bake lots of goods for his found-family team. Bulkhead is defo in on decoration, he loves these- he also loves building with snow- he makes Sari a snow castle every year. Ratchet has the excuse to lay back with work and spend time with these fools he loves, heck he may even behave less like a grump and more like a jolly grandpa. Prowl loves how the atmosphere becomes so sparkwarming and welcome. Everywehre you go there's kindness. Sari loves giving them gifts- they themselves try to follow up by making something for her. They don't really need gifts from one another, spending time together like that is enough. Bee's favorite holiday is still halloween, but christmas is close after. It's the time he can openly show his affection and appreciation towards his friends. He's the one that will make gifts for everyone no matter what- he did a painting on their first christmas and everyone loves it. Other gifts are more personalized like little gadgets and funny things he made from scraps- he gave Prowl a makeshift musicbox once and Prowl plays it whenever he's trying to meditate, it has a calm melody in it. Other times he buys them little upgrades or stuff ot decor their rooms/cabins with- like his little fuzz-cubes.
And yeh, i just sounded like a hypocrite to my first sentence with this XD
For clarification- I still love halloween but i hate that they put out decor for sale in september. Like dude, it's literally 4 months away. What are you doing.
Oh and in addition to Bee and christmas- or winter season in general; he defo gets in on charity work n stuff to provite a shelter for homeless and food for the poor. Bulkhead helps and they fix up some unused warehouses to be shelters all year round and not just when it's cold. I like the idea of Bee helping everyone, no matter how mean and sassy he can be most of the time. if he sees someone stuggling while he drives, he'll stop, help them, and carry on with his day.
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vadarys · 3 months
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His   mother   had   only   agreed   to   give   him   leave   to   secured   lands.   Considering   he   had   to   leave   Winterfell   in   haste   after   the   raven   arrived,   he   figure   he   would   have   to   return   and   make   himself   useful.   Vermax   had   grown   in   size   too,   and   with   him   he   brought   some   provisions   for   the   North   and   perhaps   clothes   for   more   than   a   day   of   stay.   Business   was   left   unanswered   and   he   breathes   happily   when   he   is   not   to   see   Cregan   at   the   Wall.   He   is   almost   tempted   to   prove   the   lord   wrong   and   fly   Vermax   over   the   Wall   but   his   dragon   seems   more   interested   in   seeking   warmth   in   the   castle   rather   than   the   Wall.    @cregn
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"Lord   Cregan."   He   speaks   once   Vermax   lands   on   the   courtyard   of   Winterfell,   he   sees   that   it   had   been   emptied   to   leave   room   for   the   dragon   and   he   smiles   at   the   gesture.   People   seem   more   intrigued   now   than   scared   which   was   good.   "I   believe   we   still   have   plenty   of   thinks   to   talk   about   after   my   departure."   He   speaks   atop   his   dragon   and   Vermax   seems   to   shake   the   cold   wind   with   one   of   his   wings.   "⸻   lykirī,   vermax.   demās."   he   speaks   to   the   dragon   once   he   dismounts,   eyes   back   to   look   at   Cregan,   who   like   the   wind,   seems   to   have   changed.   "I   brought   provitions   and   propositions.   they   say   your   crypts   are   big   enough   to   let   vermax   rest   there."   he   is   planning   to   stay   for   a   while   after   all.   
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fenanmuhammad · 3 months
Tentang Proses dan Waktu
Segala sesuatu butuh proses, dan proses butuh waktu serta kesabaran. Sabar dalam berproses, untuk menuai hasil di masa depan.
Begitupun bisnis, membutuhkan proses dan kesabaran dalam merintis. Maka perlu untuk belajar menikmati proses, memahami ketidakpastian, kesabaran atas waktu, dan improvement dari waktu-kewaktu
Karena, bagaimanamungkin akan sampai bila tak pernah memulai untuk melangkah. Semua perjalanan panjang tentunya dimulai dari satu langkah kecil yg istiqomah. Maka melangkah lah biarpun hanya langkah kecil yg santai tak apa asal istiqomah.
Lalu untuk hasilnya? Ah aku tidak tahu. Apakah di masa depan bisnis agency ku yg udah berjalan lebih dari 5 tahun ini masih tetap provit, tambah besar, ataukah malah gulung tikar. Dan kemudian pivot ke sektor usaha lain, bisnis lain, atau malah balik lagi jadi karyawan ataupun dosen? Ah aku tidak tahu. Yang aku tahu, aku lakukan usaha dan doa terbaik. Kemudian selebihnya aku serahkan pada takdir Tuhan, pada sifat maha pengasih dan maha penyayang-Nya Tuhan dalam mekanisme aturan semesta-Nya.
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openingrandomdoors · 4 months
The older I become, the more I think that the difference between a good and the bad adult, is the question of "Do you have a hobby?".
Because, older generation that has a hobby, no matter how small, are simply, well, better.
And those without a hobby... or with the hobby of "watching TV once in a while", fill up the hole in their lives, that hobby would fill, with unhealthy obsession with other people. What they wear, how they look, what they do, how fast, how slow, etc.
"Bad" adults, without hobbies don't understand what It's like focused on a small task that is there for your enjoyment, nor do they understand the joy in living, unless It's related to neighbours talking about how great you are.
Those kinds of adults are parents that stop their kids from having fun, and control both their clothing styles, and the way they place things in their own rooms. They are teachers that expects every single student to act like the smartest and most obedient soldier ever. They are superiors at your job, that care only about profit, and their "reputation", which mostly means showing off to the boss, and not giving customers what they need.
"Good" adults, with hobbies, are mostly extrenlmely chill, they know what It's like to focus on something and grow as a person, not just as a worker for provit, and so they are more willing to listen. They are willing to learn, since, thet themself want to become better at something, they know not in the past, but in the present what growth, and learning, are for a person.
Good adults, I think, are those that have a hobby, that makes them grow, that makes them sometimes get tired, or sad, or happy, they have a thing that makes them alive, basically.
Every time an adult seemed impossible to talk to, fhey were either drunk, or they had no hobbies, and filled up that hole with correcting everything around to their own liking.
Overall, no matter how true my thought is, I truly think that Hobbies safe you from being a bad person.
And you don't have to be good at them, you can be terrible, aweful, strange, bad even, and It will still safe you.
Just take it slow, and grow. Hobby will help you, it will.
0 notes
market-sample-reports · 5 months
Papaya Extract Market Size, Competitors Strategy, Regional Analysis and Industry Growth by Forecast to 2031
The latest “ Papaya Extract Market  Forecast | Share and Size - 2031” report by The Insight Partners offers a detailed analysis of prime factors that impact the market growth such as key market players, current market developments, and pivotal trends. The report includes an in-depth study of key determinants of the global market including drivers, challenges, restraints, and upcoming opportunities.
This market report is ideal for businesses opting to enter or excel in the Papaya Extract market. This strategic market forecast not only makes businesses aware of present market scenarios but also presents future market forecasts. These insights profoundly cover Papaya Extract market size, share, growth, and projected revenue in the forecast duration.
The Papaya Extract market report encompasses driving factors of the market coupled with prime obstacles and restraining factors that hamper the Papaya Extract market growth. The report helps existing manufacturers and entry-level companies devise strategies to battle challenges and leverage lucrative opportunities to gain a foothold in the global market.
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The Papaya Extract market report offers an in-depth analysis of the various prime market players that are active in the market. Moreover, it provides their thorough financial analysis, business strategies, SWOT profile, business overview, and recently launched products & services. In addition, the report offers recent market developments such as market expansion, mergers & acquisitions, and partnerships & collaborations. The prime market players observed in the report are Companies Guangdng DCIN Chemical Technology ,The Garden of Naturalsolution ,Croda ,Lipotec S.A.U. ,Lucas Meyer Cosmetics ,Provital Group ,Greentech ,Rahn AG ,Xi'an B-Thriving I/E ,TALENT HEALTHCARE
On the Basis of Type this market is categorized further into-
Capsules and Tablets
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Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
Specialty Stores
Online Retail
The report offers an in-depth study of every segment, which helps market players and stakeholders understand the fastest-growing segments with maximum Papaya Extract market share and highest-grossing segments in the market.
The Papaya Extract market is analyzed across the globe and highlights several factors that affect the performance of the market across the key regions –
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World
The Papaya Extract market research offers revenue forecasts for every year coupled with sales growth of the market. The forecasts are provided by skilled analysts and after an in-depth analysis of the Papaya Extract market trends. These forecasts are essential for gaining investment insights into the prospects of any industry.
Author’s Bio:
Akash Khilare
Senior Market Research Expert at The Insight Partners
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buketsukaya · 8 months
İyi akşamlar arkadaşlar protez kol ya da bacak ihtiyacı olan var ise doğal görünümlü ve oldukça uzuvlarla uyumlu protezler için size verdiğim bu siteyi mutlaka inceleyin
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