#prove it 🤨 tf you mean
fortheloveofwbb · 2 months
sigh I just went to cait’s insta and scroll through her pics w c*nnor and just got so upset and disgusted I can’t do this right now 😖
also the recent post for his bday and jada comments “I love you guys” and he replies with “prove it” gtfo disgusting!!! 🤮
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luckykiwiii101 · 10 months
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Stop accepting that you “failed” to enter the void state. Would a void master fail to enter/wake up in the void state?! Uhm…i think NOT!!
Every time you decide that you are going to enter the void state, and you don’t end up entering or waking up in it, you acknowledge that and you accept it?! BUT WHY!!! All of your persistence that you did to enter the void state, and when it comes to it and you end up “failing”, you start to reset your whole mind into a state of failure.
BUT FAILURE DOES NOT EXIST!!! If you do not accept that you failed, then you did not fail.
Stop resetting your mind into being someone who cannot enter the void after you “attempt” to.
Bloody hell, don’t even identify with the word “attempting” because it implies failure. Failure does not exist.
From now on, every time you wake up from your slumber, you woke up in the void. Because you always do. You always wake up in the void consciously.
From now on, everytime you affirm for the void, you enter instantly and effortlessly.
There is no “Ill try again tomorrow”. What do you mean “try”? Try what? That’s like saying “I’ll try to take a shit tomorrow.” You KNOW you are going to take a shit because you ALWAYS do. There’s no exception. You aren’t an exception. You aren’t a failure. You are a walking success.
You are chasing the void whilst running from it. How does that make sense my guy?!🤨
+ How can you even chase what’s inside you. Are you going to start running after your heart forcing it to pump blood in you?! Tf?! Ridiculous innit.
Now identify with success, because that is what you are.
You are a star, but there are millions of the stars in the sky that have the same ability as you. It is natural.
Now stop being like Pearl and trying to convince people that you are a star, and go convince yourself by proving it to yourself.
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(Lmao can u tell i’m british from this post? Not ethnically british though. I don’t acc speak like that irl icl 💀 It’s just funny)
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dragons-library · 2 months
The cruel prince rants:
Oriana knows what’s up, maybe not what’s going on but her semi hugging Jude after interrupting her meeting with Dain 🤨she knows that mf is bad news.
(I don’t really know but tf you mean stab yourself to prove you’re loyal?)
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raptorladylover6969 · 1 month
VERY passionate rant under the cut
One thing I hate about Jurassic World youtube channels is when it comes to theorizing abt characters, THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO ACTUALLY AND PROPERLY ANALYZE. It’s like they never payed attention in english class 😭 esp when it comes to The Handler, because yes offence, just saying, their “character analysis” videos are absolute shit. I was yapping abt this early with @koi-fish-boy
What I mean is, instead of coming up with new theories, these “theorists” just take already existing theories, slap it into a video, add some other info that is not even considered a character analysis but just info thats RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES. The other worst part is, they never show any evidence to support their theories, they don’t make connections. They just go like “Oh The Handler blah blah creepy lady blah blah whats her deal? Blah oh shes probably part raptor or a clone blah blah blah k like and subscribe” GET OUT- 🗣️🗣️💥💥‼️‼️
I could debunk some of these theories right now even I am feeling THAT petty. “Brooklynn clone?” They don’t have the same facial structure, The Handler is 10x more paler, Brooklynn has a button nose while The Handler’s is straight, and have you taken into consideration that other blue eyed white ppl with freckles exist????? Brooklynn isnt the only white chick that exists 💀 “Dino x human hybrid?” this idea for a plot has been scrapped long ago. And even if she was a dino hybrid, she HAS to retain dino like features, like scales, vertical pupils, dino vocals, sharp teeth. NO, her having big eyes and pale skin DOES NOT = DINOSAUR FEATURES. Theres millions of people with big eyes and who are also sickly pale. “But she doesnt blink!” Yes tf she does I have the timestamps to prove it, she actually blinks A LOT considering the little screentime she has. “Robot??” We see her display humane emotions such as empathy in the final episode (I mean this theory itself has already been scrapped by countless ppl so 😼)
The problem here is that ppl dont reeeeealllllyyyy ANALYZE a character, they just observe the surface, find a couple of things here and there, and call it a day. They don’t use all of their senses when looking into a character, they only document what the naked eye can see. That is NOT what analyzation is about. Character analyzation is about digging DEEPER into the character, putting yourself in their POV, in their shoes, reading their facial expressions, their body language, spending hours playing back the same clips over and over again just to find new info, taking note of the dramatic lighting changes, the ambience, making connections, USING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS TO UNBOX THE MYSTERYS OF SAID CHARACTER. Cmon guys did we learn nothing from Brooklynn??🤨🤨 like no joke me and @koi-fish-boy spent hours rewatching scenes with The Handler and found a BUNCH OF COOL NEW SHIT THAT NO ONE HASNT EVEN TALKED ABT YET.
People dont also seem to have enough balls to connect neuroscience to their theories, which is strange because incorporating psychology and the human brain, or any kind of science to a character analysis can rlly help with coming up with new theories. Why do you think MatPat’s theories were so good and interesting? It’s because he makes CONNECTIONS. He incorporates math, history, folklore, religion, and science into ALL OF HIS THEORIES. HE PUTS WORK INTO THEM. HE THINKS CRITICALLY.
All theories are valid, even the far-fetched ones, thats the whole point of a theory, its supposed to be crazy, but actually putting in the work to find evidence to support your theory WILL STRENGTHEN IT, and make it 100x more interesting. You can’t just introduce a theory without evidence to back it up, there needs to be at least 1 reason to even consider your theory plausible. Like the clone theory, I’m not entirely against it cuz cloning IS a thing in the JW universe, like that theory makes the most sense cuz its happened before, so why not again? I still think its absolutely crap, but I’ll admit, it makes sense. Why? Cause theres evidence to back it up.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🤗
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slickchickchocolatier · 3 months
nah dont need to improve or work on anything✋ thats what „anon” is for: u let people know sbout your thoughts but no one can judge u about it so u just feel free or something. u having a problem about me being a writer and a psych major is ridiculous. i told u everything what was on my mind and u act like an old lady. the “knowing better” one.
also i dont need to work on my wnglosh grammar and spelling as its 1. not my first language 2. im typing on a phone. who tf writes greammsticslly correct and pays attention to the spelling if its not official or to someone important🤨 yk there are slangs right. yk people ise them right. yk it affects the grammar right. literally type in every language i know this way. normal thing. typing on paper is waaaay different😄👍
most importantly: hope u already know not to act cocky with those emojis as the grammar and spelling point was.. stupid. YOU, no… WE are on the internet, dont forget that. fun fact: most people on the internet are not scared to say whats on their mind AND dont care about the way they type 😙
well as of now everything is out of my mind. dont know if it will change soon tho😇
Ooooooh goody! A roast fest! I’ll be honest, I didn’t read a single thing you said out of that word salad you sent in but I did catch on the flaring insults (again) and that lame excuse about your atrocious grammar and spelling. So then I guess it’s my turn now 😈
The more you harass people, the more you’re exposing to be a non-factor in anyone’s life.
All of your unsubstantiated insults are just proving that you’re more than likely, a minor. Or you act like one.
Your attitude justifies why people look down on you.
Your pettiness reflects your mental imbalance.
Your lack of coherency proves you have no driven force for hard work and responsibility.
You are entitled yet you have nothing that is singularly your own.
You’re selfish.
You’re blinded by a naive sense of narcissistic values that you try to cover up, but end up failing. That whole piece from the last ask where you wrote something along the lines of “liek i kNow i was rooD but u saID u was exited.” That was a lousy attempt. At least try and be more witty about it, otherwise embrace the fact that you are a terrible person.
My guess is you don’t have a penny to your name, you have a poor work ethic, and you lack moral integrity.
I dont have a problem with your education or your hobby. In fact, I don’t have a problem at all. You’re the one the problem (several of them).
You’re more than likely lonely.
You seek attention and that’s what you’re doing right now. Luckily for you, I don’t mind showing you some.
The fact that you won’t adjust your character to become better and more open minded makes it obvious you won’t get far in life.
You act as if you have an additional chromosome. Idgaf if that’s too mean. I say it how I see it. Prove me wrong if you don’t like it. (A challenge I actually would hope that you accept).
I foresee a life without any love for you because you’re going to be too eager to allow good things to come naturally. You demand too much without any consideration of those around you. (I mean shit, look at how you started this whole thing.)
You lack discipline.
You’re probably lazy. (It shows. Since you’re majoring in psychology, you should be able to see it without me explaining it…or do you?)
You strike me as the type who is similar to the boy who cried wolf.
You’re unappreciative.
You have some deep self esteem issues (my guess. Again it shows.)
You lack clarity and consistency in everything that you do.
You have no one and that’s why you’re here making a fuss out of literally nothing.
You’re one sided.
You’re narrow minded.
You lack ingenuity.
Seems like you make claims that expresses a huge essence of contradiction and false pretenses. You’re a writer too? Yet you don’t care about your spelling or grammar? How ironic.
I type in different languages and I fail to see your logic behind typing on a phone versus on paper. There’s literally no difference. Work on your thesis and get back to me.
You play the victim card.
You think nothing is truly your fault and that your personality is perfect.
You (and I mean solely you based off our interaction) use emojis as a method of expression because you’re too emotionally imbalanced. You’re also conscientious because you’re not taken very seriously (as much as I would like to pity you, if you’re anything irl like the way you are on tumblr, it’s kind of self inflicted at this point.)
The list goes on. Can you tell I’m having so much fun? I love doing psych evals on people. But as much as I love utilizing my intuitional sense to provide you all that, I really think you should just stop visiting my page and reevaluate your development. You’re obviously young (and stupid) but that’s an easy fix. I really don’t wish anything against you, I like to help make people better, not making them worse.
So what do you say anon? You wanna keep going or do you wanna stop acting childish and either move on or just be cordial? By being friendly with those that have a lot to offer, you actually become a better person you know? But the ball is in your court now. Be wise about it. My readers deserve something better than your dumb and unreadable asks.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
"he really knew how to speak sensually without ever being creepy or vulgar"
The love bombing is one thing but if this happens I'd say the person is quite experienced lmao coz think about it the majority of men here seem to be into vulgar, sexual jokes right in the beginning idk what they're trying to prove but its the biggest turn off to me. (atleast what I noticed in India)
Then you have a guy who doesn't do that but still sounds sexy suspicious!!! Because ofc usne iss desh ka pani piya hai 😃
Also I'm a dog lover but if he looks like a boxer he probably is a boxer 😂🤪
he never said anything about banging me or anything which Ik it's bare minimum but hamare desh ke ladke toh 🤧standards karab kar diya pura ka pura
He sent me Raja Ravi Varma paintings I reminded him of 😭😭😭 and there are some sensual ones (like a lady lying down on a couch with a saree ??? loosely draped??) but that's what I mean, he was poetic and sensual, he only complimented my beauty, never made creepy sex related comments and I guess it's the Mercury + Venus influence because he was soooo smooth and spoke so beautifully ngl 😍✨
I still don't feel like he's a major asshole or anything, he doesn't give me bad person vibes but I also definitely think he's a bit of a womanizer, not in a fuckboy way, he's kinda shy and introverted for that but in a "I'll drool over any hot girl" type of way.
I went through his following and 90% of them are those IG models which made me feel super 🤨but most of them follow him back??? 💀💀 so i was like ?? I guess he's friends with manyyy attractive women 🤨But yeah he likes to look at women for sure and it kind of gave me the ick because my ideal type of man has an IG account that has 3 posts, 500 followers, 200 following (no IG models, bikini models etc only people he knows irl 🤪)
He just acted too good to be true. Who TF sends your own pictures to you and says "I want to wake up next to this every day for the rest of my life" DAYYYS after we start talking 💀💀💀 yeah we've known each other for 10yrs (more like "known of" and HE knew ME but I didn't know him) but still??? Like his love bombing was too intense to be ignored??? Main itni bhi stupid nahi hoon ,, no one is going to find saccha pyaar like this 🤧 so fast
I meant boxer like WWE types 😭not the dog 😭but this is kutta behaviour only
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boosaot · 5 months
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From an outsider’s perspective these two r the gayest mfers around like you’re fuckin kidding me rn
(vv These two *sighs* (not a lot to say ngl) vv)
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I chuckled
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(CLOCKED HIS ASS) A little extreme to start killing people to prove that you aren’t weak Inwoo but 🤷(oh Dongsik u silly goose)
We see how cold and untrusting Inwoo’s father is (I mean for good reason cuz he tried to kill his younger bro when they were young). HOWEVER,, tf was Inwoo’s father on like ???? Toxic parenting much like damn,,
I think Inwoo looks for love in the form of acceptance (because he never had it when growing up) and it shows in his earlier interactions with Dongsik imo,, especially at the bar. He was so desperate to have someone like him and when he finally thought he found it he was so invested in it,,
(^^ kinda incoherent sorry,, have headache ^^)
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“I like everything else about you,,”🤨🫵🏳️‍🌈
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egokillr · 2 years
nothing is personal
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everyone is you pushed out
meaning, people can literally only act on your assumptions
so, that means that nothing anyone (or yourself) says about you actually means anything about who you are. you are whatever you decide to be, but there is no fixed self.
i realized in my own life that i used to worry about the things other people might say/ have said about me. but recently i’ve been like hold tf up 🤨 if this is all coming from my past assumptions then why should i question my own worthiness or waste my energy thinking of what someone says about me? the only thing that really matters is what i believe about me… i always used to think there was a reason for why people treated me the way they used to but it’s literally just nothing but my past thoughts. and bruh i swear i know abt all of this stuff too its just like when i noticed how much i was worrying abt it and stopped avoiding it, it all came together; nothing is meant to be personal. and that realization just opened me up to a whole new version of myself. in that moment like 90% of my worries were just proved to be pointless.
on the topic of this point, i wanted to share a Buddhist philosophy that i learned about a few months ago. i just found an article on this and oml, it’s actually so interesting.
as i mentioned earlier; there is no fixed self. the idea that there is a fixed self comes with an entirely different perspective. maybe that you have to “find yourself” or maybe you just feel associated with all of your past identifications. the belief that there is no one fixed self pertains to being the observance behind what is known as “self.”
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( this is a great way to look at self concept as well )
i’m gonna add some more ss from this article bc its actual gold
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let me just say, this article blew my mind when i first saw it. this all just relates to loa and specifically self concept so much… reading stuff like this honestly makes me realize how powerless my problems are. everything just makes sense now. i am the only judge of me.
also if this confuses you, take it with a grain of salt. this is just one of my philosophical loa povs :)
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aphrodite1288 · 2 years
‘But about Ji/ni and Ji it's more than just cakes. It's a lot of other couple items.’ LMFAOOOO their so called couple items arent even coupling?? Just bc of some bears and gucci (she’s a model ffs) and bucket hat?? Jxk or kxk are even more convincing than those forced theories. You lot are so annoying atp i hope ji will just deactivate his sns cuz ppl just cant get off his ass always ALWAYS trying to relate him to every breathing women out there. And Who tf even started this whole thing cuz i never heard of it outside this app and why are we entertaining them 🤨🤨🤨
First of all you have a point. And I'm here saying the same thing so please calm down.
Secondly why did you share only half of the meaning of the sentence I wrote. I clearly said "it's STUPID"
That's what I wrote please copy it all. Not just half of it to lure readers. Down 👇⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Finally it's all over internet twitter and Instagram even curious cat and Quora you'll find ppl talking about Ji/ni and Ji dating rumors since 2020.It's a famous Ship and everyone is convinced by it like they believe a 100% they're dating. Every erigom would confirm this to you guys especially that Ji/ni always deleted posts and stories where she hints of her dating Ji and when she gets spammed with Erigoms and shippers saying she is indeed proving to then she is dating Ji, she immediately deletes her stories and posts where she posts hints of her being with Ji like a lot of other dates where she is eating with someone filming her and going on dates holding hands and she never shows the guy with her but she hints with couple clothes Ji wore before and we see him before wearing them but once she is spammed by shippers saying she is dating Ji and hinting at it, she immediately denies and replies to fans'comments and days she doesn't know him even though she was hinting with all her might at her dating him.
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Same ugly boots. The problem is she always posts the same day as Ji. As if she was on a date with him. We talked about her and another Models who's been obsessing over him and hinting of them dating Ji. But I don't know she Can be doing just what S/M is telling her to do. Since her mom works for S/M and she also is under S/M indirectly. So if she wants more attention and more brand deals she has to do what $M tells her. Or she can be just an obsessive fan. But all I know is that she is a nice gir.
I don't know if she's obsessed since she is an Exol since debut and she's been Ji And Jongdae's fan since debut, she always attended Exo concerts since debut and her mom is an actress under SM so she Always brought her tickets for free to all Exo schedules. And she had been after ji and Jongdae since forever. . So it's not only on this app that you see this. I think you should use your SNS better and a little more. You're clearly not aware of what's going on since 2020 (but the rumors reached its peak in early 2022)
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