ari-safari · 7 years
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I can dig it. Arms are slowly but surely getting back into shape! . . . #armgains #getfit #icantwaittogetagymmembership #proteinproteinprotein
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lpdoesstuff · 6 years
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Okay guys, I started ‘prepping’ about a month ago. Since I’ve gotten into camping & hiking, you can only carry certain foods with you while camping without electricity. So I made a ‘pantry’ of long term shelf life foods. You never know when you may be trapped (flooded in, other natural disasters, zombie apocalypse 😂, etc.) in and need a backup. I actually use the items in my Prepper pantry, and just replace it when used. So what’s the purpose of this post? Be prepared. Whether it be for camping trips or the apocalypse, okay. And Martin seems to enjoy it too! 😂🐈#coolstorybro #proteinproteinprotein #andlotsofsodium
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waldtochter · 12 years
Agh! Nutrition...
Hoping to hit ~ 200g protein each day for muscle retention. Been feeling really exhausted and sleepy lately. Feeling good about getting up early today (4:30am), such a no-brainer, but putting it in another room (the alarm) totally made the difference. I also had a great sleep without the cellphone in another room. Removed the temptation of fiddling with it all night or worry over work e-mails.
Lately I had NO MOTIVATION in the early morning to do anything, but internet surf. Finally went for a jog about 8:20am and was able to jog the ENTIRE time with no calf soreness/ burning. Getting excited to be able to actually run ALL OUT. Sometimes I break into a run, but not very often. Hoping that taking Hammer Nutrition Ener-Gel before runs will help me be able to go for longer and/ or harder. I was hoping that taking Lipo 6 Black Hers UC in the mornings would put some pep in my step, but the effects are wearing-off. Now I'm drinking yerba mate, taking Lipo 6, and taking Ener-gel. Worried I'm freaking-out my adrenal glands and my kidneys with the nitrogen load from all the protein. 
Going to try and organize my sleep schedule to include longer sessions and try and nap more often. See if that helps my week of exhaustion. I have this inkling that it's ...
My Lady Business having its Lady Times...
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waldtochter · 12 years
My belly is full of hungry beasts...
Wake-up Snack: Apple Pie Larabar, protein smoothie, 1L water sipped
Breakfast: Oatmeal with flax-meal, coconut butter, agave syrup, 1 scoop whey protein powder, 1L water sipped
Snack: Cherry Pie Larabar, Green Tea
Protein thus far... ~70g
Upon waking up fiercely hungry....
Once I've eaten...
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