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Não é fake news! Se vc conheci alguém q precisa desse atendimento, avise, informe. Estive pesquisando esse Instituto, as referência e comentários são de: "incrível fantástico bárbaro maravilhoso super recomendo..." Vale a pena tentar!👍 #protad (em Instituto de Psiquiatria - IPq HCFMUSP) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Tda1UjyTSPTBe4d9Y0hmRhy5sJ-wfrV5lcQI0/?igshid=1u3mkwyjn2e8b
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I guess it’s as good a time as any to introduce you to whom i’d like to be my DA4 protag - a dwarf named Kalista, Kali for friends, chakram wielding rogue!
#kalista#da4#da4 protad#dragon age#.jpg#me.txt#art#digital art#fanart#videogames#dfjahefiuj THAT HAIR TOOK ME HOURS BOIS#my art
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-adic vs -sex
Some people are uncomfortable with the word s3x (seks), others just want a monolexic label. Here are some alternatives, based on dyadic given that the problem was with its prefix, not the suffix:
Prot(o)sex – protadic
Var(i)sex – variadic/varadic
Par(a)sex – paradic
Endosex – endadic
Perisex – periadic
Juxtasex – juxtadic
Intersex – interadic
Altersex – alteradic
Cissex – cisadic
Ultersex – ulteradic/ultradic
Citersex – citradic/citeradic
Ipsosex – ipsadic/ipsoadic
Transsex – transadic/tranadic/trannadic
Intrasex – intradic
(Am)bissex – (am)biadic
Polyssex – polyadic/poliadic
Multissex – multiadic
Plur(i)sex – pluradic/pluriadic
Extersex – exteradic/extradic
Infrasex/infersex – infradic/inferadic
Altsex – altadic
Teresex – teradic/nulladic/nuladic
Duosex/duasex – duadic/duoadic
Diversex – diveradic/divradic
Phantasex – phantadic/fantadic
Binisex – binadic/biniadic
Peransex – peradic/peranadic/perandic
Trissex/trisex – triadic/teradic
Liberasex – liberadic/libradic
Sexflux – fluxadic/flexadic
Sexfluix – fluixadic/fliuxadic/flinadic
Metasex – metadic
Isosex – isadic/isoadic
Vaguesex – vaguadic
Apasex – apadic/cassadic
Faunasex – faunadic
Florasex/florsex – floradic
Xenosex/xensex – xenadic
Sexpunk – punkadic/punxadic
Neutersex – neutradic/neuteradic
Antersex/iltersex – iltradic/antradic/anteradic/ilteradic
Mythosex – mythadic/mitadic/mytadic/mytholadic/mitoladic
Monstersex/teratosex – monstradic/monsteradic/teratadic
Apothisex – apotiadic/apotadic/apothadic/apothiadic
Assex/ansex/asex – anadic/unadic/aydic/ayadic/aiadic
Nbysex – enbadic/enbyadic/enbiadic/nbadic/nbyadic/nbadic/nonbadic/nbiadic
Pansex – omnadic/onadic/omniadic/oniadic/panadic/pandic
Sexqueer/queersex/cuirsex/kuirsex/kweersex – queeradic/cuiradic/kuiradic/kweeradic
Astersex/astrosex/astrasex – astradic/asteradic
Amplussex/amplisex – ampladic/amplusadic/ampliadic
Grayasex/greyasex – greyadic/grayadic/gradic/graydic/greydic/grisadic
Othersex – oteradic/oradic/outradic/outeradic/outheradic/otheradic/eladic/eliadic/outhradic/othradic
Demissex/hemisex/semisex – semiadic/semadic/demiadic/demadic/hemadic/hemiadic
Obviously a lot of these were unreleased/not fully coined yet.
#nonby#sexadic#seksadic#varsex#parsex#pluransex#plurangenital#plursex#intersex#altersex#inaltersex#alintersex#alterintersex#interaltersex#inter#alter#sex spectrum#endosex#perisex#dyadic#dyad#protad#altradic#nbsex#nbisex#terms
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PROTAD® Professionals of Training and Development
PROTAD®全寫為Professionals of Training and Development,是一個「培訓及發展」專業培訓的標誌。本計劃的宗旨是提昇「培訓及發展專業人員」的額外技能,透過多元化課程,讓在職同工持續進修,保持良好的狀態,藉以提昇工作質素,應付行業中不同的變化。
Keywords: 企業培訓, 企業培訓師, 培訓師, 企業教練, 生涯規劃, 生涯規劃師, 生涯規劃導師, 生涯規劃課程, 社工培訓, 教師培訓
Social Media: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4EaF099ZpvBWge7-Rf81Zw
Contact Email ID: [email protected]
Phone Number +852 5494 0492
Website: https://protad.hk/
Address : 香港九龍觀塘興業街4號10樓
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So I was feeling alittle down about the way black girls are protade. I know nobody is perfect but it seems like black girls are the only ones who take fire. Anyways, I know some little black girl or maybe black women out there is feeling the way I feel so.. to you My beautiful Queen or Princess.. I give you this poem. I hope it brightens your day and put this beautiful smile on your face like it did mines. I love you ❤️ It’s written by Me.
Hey Black Girl,
What if I told you that you were beautiful?
What if I told you that you could be anything and everything, you wanted to be?
What if I told you that your skin shines in the dark and that your smile brightens up the night sky?
What if I told you that your tears were made of Gold, for every tear you cry is pure royalty?
What if I told you that I loved you?
What if I told you that regardless of what social media says.. I’ll never trade you.
What if I told you that I’ll protect you from the world and it’s bias opinions.
What if I tell you that your body.. gave birth to a whole nation.
What if I told you that your hair is strong like steel and thick like a stack of Bills.
Hey Black Girl, I know you’ve been crying.
I see you.
Hey Black girl, I know you hate your skin
But it’s beautiful.
Hey black girl, I know you’re scared
But I got you.
Hey black girl, You are unique.
From the different hair dos to the multiple attitudes.
From the tough font, to the soft interior.
The boldness of your smile, the softness of your hair, the melanin of your skin is something beautiful.
Hey black girl, God created you to be different.
Hey Black girl, god didn’t make a mistake.
From the brightest shade to the darkest tone, You are perfect.
You don’t have to change yourself to be seen.
You don’t have to do too much to be heard.
From the moment you step in the room,
You have them bothered.
Maybe it’s the way you hold your head.
Maybe it’s the way you stare.
Hey Black Girl, they gone judge you.
Never let their opinions get to you.
Hey black girl wear your hair how ever you want to.
Hey black girl, it’s me and you against the world & I got you.
Hey Black girl, I hope you always remember that I love you .
Hey Black Girl.
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@DiplomaciacMX: #DiplomaciaCulturalMX @EmbaMexSerbia shares the Serbian translation of the book "The Marriage of Red Fish", by Guadalupe Nettel. This effort is thanks to PROTAD del México, the Ágora publishing house and its director, Nenad Saponja, as well as the translator Ana Markovic. https://t.co/KABAnhdRrk
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[email protected] Veja também #protad (em Instituto de Psiquiatria - IPq HCFMUSP) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8RUjobDHYU6Aq-nr9_kxR-ZW5SUvipdq6koQg0/?igshid=1wlu1xhyq11f4
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