just-antithings · 3 years
(@/proship-hyouga) I recently reblogged a post saying how Yu-Gi-Oh GX was a successful sequel to Duel Monsters, agreeing with the previous reblogger and being nice, and then I immediately get a response saying "ew who invited a proshipper" like??? Your blog was recommended to me by Tumblr??? And you stated nothing about proship dni in your bio??? How was I suppose to know???
Antis just expect you to be psychic and know that they don't want anything to do with you
every damn time
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sarunohadaki · 3 years
(@proship-hyouga) "Am I going crazy? Would I even know? Am I right back where I started fourteen years ago?" For Abel (Hero) and Bianca for Dragon Quest 5 :) (idk if you've played dq5 but I wanted to suggest it just to try)
(Two things: No, I have never played dq 5, and I chose to interpret these lyrics very literally and not in the context of the song, otherwise this feels too fluffy. Soo, with that out of the way, here it is. Established relationship, post-canon: )
Abel could not remember the last time he had had a moment to himself.
There might have been a time a decade or so ago where he could sit down without feeling an ache in his back or an annoying voice in his ear, and today he woke to one of those things absent.
Actually, something else was absent, too.
His wife.
The space in bed was empty next to him.
He sat up and looked down, and then rubbed his eyes and stood.
The curtains were already pulled apart, allowing bright streaks of morning light into their bedroom. Their children weren’t home, instead spending the weekend at a friend’s house.
It had been a long time since Abel had been left alone.
He padded into the kitchen, which was surprisingly spotless.
There was nothing eerie about that standalone fact, but when paired with the persistent absence of Bianca, it sent a chill down his spine.
Abel didn’t speak, otherwise he might have shouted through the house to get her attention. Instead, he turned toward the sink and set toward making himself a sandwich.
In the middle, he heard a loud bang and looked toward the entrance, where the wooden door shook.
Before Abel had time to think twice, another bang shook the house and a glint of metal peeked out of the door.
An… axe? This early in the fucking morning?
Abel sprang across the room toward the nearest wall, where a miracle sword hung. He armed himself with it and then glanced down to realize he had forgotten to put on trousers, revealing striped boxers instead.
He’d have to worry about that later.
The axe cleaved through the door again, and splintered wood exploded into the living room. Abel reached for the door handle and swung it open, revealing a person in a metal king helm and full armor. Their face was lowered, obscuring the features, as they lunged forward.
The assailant’s axe met Abel’s sword and he grunted, teeth gritting together. His bare feet dragged against the stones as the stranger pushed against him.
He wanted to order them to say what they wanted, and if they were the one who had done something to his wife.
Instead, his train of thought was derailed again when they pushed him flat onto his back. Agh, seemed he’d gotten rusty after too long without proper fighting practice.
He struggled against the legs he found rapidly straddling his sides.
Before Abel could bring his sword up again, his assailant reached for the helm and pulled it off.
Abel gaped.
Bianca’s golden hair fanned out in front of her. She dropped the axe on the floor and Abel sighed deeply, his hands going to her waist.
She laughed and leaned forward, pressing her hands against his chest. “You should have seen your face!”
Abel shook his head. He brought his hands together. “You terrified me,” he signed.
“Sorry, love,” Bianca said. "Good morning though! I thought I'd surprise you on our day alone together."
She pecked him on the nose and then stood again.
Sometimes, Bianca just brought something out of him. All their years together melted away, and it felt like they were children again, playing the same outlandish games together. Even when Bianca did something absolutely ludicrous, Abel couldn’t help but laugh, especially at this. That must have been the biggest fright he’d had in fourteen years.
“Ready for breakfast?” Bianca asked, undoing the breastplate she had strapped to her torso.
Abel nodded, following her back into the kitchen.
(From this ask game!)
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hiiragikiraifanblog · 3 years
You just started out but I'm loving the content on your blog already, the art is very nice! ^^ I love seeing all the Hiiragi Kirai fanworks I can! (@/proship-hyouga)
My apologies for responding a bit late- but, thank you so much, for your support! I think it'll be fun to continue working on this blog, so, I'm very glad you like what I've made so far. (Also, nice profile picture!)
I hope you have a wonderful day!
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