#prophy cups
manthri · 2 months
Prophy cups are used for polishing and removal of heavy stains. It is smooth, soft, with high torque gear to perform, will not skip or over heat and is long lasting. Prophy brushes are made with high quality soft nylon bristles and provide excellent skin removal and adaptability to tooth surfaces.
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anywaychina · 8 days
ANYWAY Vantage One Rainbow RA Prophy Cups – Bright Assorted Colors, Latex-Free, Pack of 100
Features: - Bright & Fun Assorted Colors - Latex-Free - Webbed for Enhanced Performance - RA Latch for Secure Fit - Available in White, Blue, Pink, Green, Yellow, and Red - Pack of 100 Specification: - Type: RA Latch Prophy Cups - Material: Latex-Free - Colors: White, Blue, Pink, Green, Yellow, Red - Pack Size: 100 Pcs - Application: Dental Prophylaxis Read the full article
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How Can Improper Maintenance Of Teeth Harm You?
Teeth are perhaps the most used and most important parts of your body, and ensuring proper maintenance becomes absolutely necessary. Without proper care, you might gradually ruin your teeth health until there is no coming back. Bad dental health can have several repercussions on your daily life, and no one would want that.
With time and improper maintenance, plaque accumulates on your teeth. This includes a soft yet sticky layer of food, saliva, and bacteria, which gets harder to take off with time. There can also be cases in which hard tartar deposits can be seen. Whatever the case is, the continual growth of plaque and tartar is not a good thing and should be immediately attended to.
Tartar growth can create the perfect conditions for bacteria growth in your gums, and that is never a good thing. Your body tries to rectify any negative effects by continually bathing your teeth with saliva. The saliva consists of calcium and certain other substances that can help.
While this is quite beneficial for the overall health of your teeth, it also means that there will be calcium deposits on your teeth over time. While most of the time, this is tooth coloured, in some cases, it might even turn brown or black. Further in this article, you will learn about processes that can help you eradicate these issues.
Procedures Used To Enhance Your Teeth’s Look and Health
There are mainly two processes that the dental community commonly refers clients with such problems too, scaling and polishing Singapore. Here is a detailed explanation of what each procedure entails and how it can help you.
This is a rather simplistic process and aims at removing calculus and plaque deposits. It uses certain specialised tools to ensure that your teeth are not harmed in the process. For starters, it will use an ultrasonic scaler.
This tool uses vibrations to loosen the tartar stuck to your teeth or in between them. Once it is loosened, a high-velocity water spray is used to wash away the debris. The high pitch buzzing noise often synonymous with a dental clinic is usually the scaler.
Polishing is the second step of the process and fine-tunes the results you finally see. It helps remove any kind of coffee or tobacco stains. This leaves your teeth smooth and shiny, inhibiting bacteria from sticking to them. Polishing uses Prophylaxis paste, which is a specially made toothpaste for the procedure, and soft rubber cups that spin.
The paste is scooped into the cup and spun around inside your mouth on the teeth. Apart from that, there is another way of polishing, called prophy jet polishing. This uses sodium hydrogen carbonate powder with water and air spraying your teeth at high pressure. It helps remove stains and other soft debris from your teeth.
Whether you want a rigorous cleaning after getting off your dental braces in Singapore, or just getting ready for an esteemed get-together, these processes will surely help.
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forestraydentists · 2 years
Tooth polishing
Tooth polishing is done to smooth the surfaces of teeth and restorations. The purpose of polishing is to remove extrinsic stains, remove dental plaque accumulation, increase aesthetics and to reduce corrosion of metallic restorations. Tooth polishing has little therapeutic value and is usually done as a cosmetic procedure after debridement and before fluoride application. Common practice is to use a prophy cup—a small motorized rubber cup—along with an abrasive polishing compound.
Originally published here: https://forestray.dentist/kb/tooth-polishing/
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alkestrijaya · 3 years
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blitzendoggo · 2 years
Can’t Sleep
Goodbid gets home from a contract and finds an insomniac Glib.
Glib/Mr. Goodbid (1614 words)
It was late and all Goodbid wants to do is get in bed and sleep for the next three days. The walk is silent, the only sounds being the click of his shoes against the concrete and the distant rumbling of Riftreach's night life. The moon looms high in the sky, bathing everything in a pale light. To Goodbid, this feels like home, like peace. He grew up in the always alive streets of Riftreach, so returning to the city after a long contract always feels nostalgic.
He walks as quietly as he can up the stairs to the apartment complex he lives in with the others. In the back of his mind, the memory of accidentally waking up S.G. plays on repeat. The scolding he got was on par with his ma's which was impressive. Goodbid still wonders how Callisto and Prophis managed to get an entire apartment complex floor remodeled into four homes for the Team to live in. Prophis assured them it was legal, and Callisto assured them that their questions would go unanswered.
He slowly shuts the door behind him as he enters the hallway that connects their apartments. He walks slowly and quietly to his apartment and was about to open the door when he hears Glib shout, "Son of a Bitch!"
His eyes snap to the door next to his. Glib has no reason to be awake right now. It is well past midnight, and the others are clearly asleep.
Goodbid stares at the door for a moment before shaking his head. His hand tightens around the knob as he decides that Glib is probably just getting a midnight snack. His eyes dart back to Glib's door before looking back to his. It's probably nothing. He opens his door barely an inch before he hears quiet swearing coming from Glib's home. Silently scolding himself for being a southern gentleman, he snaps his briefcase to his belt and walks to Glib's door.
He raps quietly on the wood and listens as the swears subsides and quiet footsteps approach the door. It opens slightly and a little frog head peaks around the corner. He looks angry, more so than Glib normally does, but the hostile look almost immediately fades and is replaced by thinly veiled confusion. He opens the door fully and stares at Goodbid for a long moment.
"Bid? Wh't're you doin' here?" He asks, voice rough from unuse.
"I just got home and I heard ya yellin'. I wa' comin' here to check on you," Goodbid says, suddenly feeling like he's overreacted.
Glib blinks slowly at him before cocking his head to the side. "I yelled?"
"Yeah, I'm surprised S.G. didn't misty step over here and slap you," Goodbid jokes. Glib is blank faced for a moment too long before a weak grin crosses his face. He laughs loopily and doesn't say anything like Goodbid expects him to. He just stares tiredly at the businessman, swaying slightly on his feet. Goodbid's eyebrows scrunch; Glib isn't acting right. "Is everything okay?" He leans to the side and looks into Glib's apartment. He scans the area for a threat, or something that is controlling Glib, but he finds nothing. The kitchen light is on and Goodbid can see glass shards glinting in the light that hangs overhead.
"Yeah, I just- uh- well I dropped a cup," Glib says.
Goodbid nods understandingly. "What're ya doin' up anyway?"
Glib suddenly looks shifty. "I just- uh- fuck- I just haven't been sleeping- not sleeping well," Glib stammers out.
Goodbid looks him over and can tell he's lying. "Not sleeping well or not sleeping at all?" Goodbid pressures knowing that Glib is more likely to be honest while he's tired.
Glib looks like a kid that's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I sleep," Glib says quietly. Goodbid cocks an eyebrow. "I slept for like an hour," Glib offers. Goodbid crosses his arms across his chest. "I slept for like an hour three days ago."
Goodbid's jaw almost drops.
"Glib," he scolds under his breath. He pushes himself into Glib's apartment, who barely resists. It's messy, more than normal, but not quiet depression hole yet. He shuts the door behind him and shakes his head at Glib. "I've been gone for three days!"
"I know," Glib says, still looking like a child who's in trouble.
"Why haven't you been sleeping?" Goodbid asks, dropping his scolding tone and replacing it with genuine concern.
"I've been anxious," Glib says dismissively. "I'm not used to living in the city yet, so I just been jittery."
Goodbid nods. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Goodbid asks, not wanting to overstep.
Glib looks a little sheepish, but Goodbid knows that a tired Glib -especially one that hasn't slept in three days- is a weak Glib.
"Come on, Glib, you can ask anything of me," Goodbid says sweetly. Glib mutters something too quietly for the businessman to hear. "What?" Goodbid asks, leaning down a little to hear him better.
"I said, 'could you stay with me' asshole!" Glib snaps, his normal anger flaring up momentarily before disappearing again. It should be unnerving to see Glib flip through emotions like he's trying on hats, but Goodbid can tell its just the frog's way of expressing his exhaustion.
Goodbid straightens back up before nodding. "Of course, Glib," he says quietly as he unclips his briefcase and drops it next to the door. He toes off his shoes, leaving them next to his briefcase, and takes off his suit jacket. He throws his jacket over one of Glib's chairs before turning back to Glib. "Alright, what do you need me to do?"
"Can you just lay with me for a little bit?" Glib asks uncharacteristically shy. "I used to sleep in my parent's room when I would get like this, even when I was a teenager and couldn't really fit in their bed anymore. I sleep better with people around," he explains, nervously picking at his cloak that hangs loosely off his shoulders. "My anxiety hasn't acted up like this since- well- before I was not whatever this abomination is," Glib says hotly, gesturing up and down at himself.
Goodbid tsks at him. "You're no abomination, Glib! You're one of the coolest people I know!" Goodbid says honestly, if not a little cheesy.
Glib looks at him before shaking his head. "Just follow me," he grumbles quietly. Goodbid, deciding to pick his battles, shakes his head and follows behind the little frog man. They make a pit stop in the kitchen doorway so Goodbid can use his mending cantrip to fix the broken cup before they continue into Glib's room. His room is messier than the rest of the house, but Glib doesn't seem to really notice. Goodbid files that away as something to deal with later as Glib leads him to his bed.
When Callisto and Prophis gave them these houses they informed everyone that all the fabric was Glib proof and offered to do the same enchantment to all of their clothing. Goodbid has never been happier that he accepted that offer as he strips down into his undershirt. He briefly contemplates sleeping in his underwear before deciding to go and get his PJ bottoms out of his briefcase. He quietly excuses himself and leaves for the hall. He was gone for no longer than five minutes -long enough to walk into the hall, change, and walk back- but in that brief time, Glib seems to have spiraled.
He is sitting on the bed, rocking back and forth, knees drawn to his chest. His hands keep clenching and unclenching the furs of his bed. His eyes are wide and unfocused, obviously in the middle of an extreme panic attack, but he is aware enough to track Goodbid's movement as he enters the room.
Goodbid approaches him slowly, not wanting to startle him. "Glib?" he asks softly.
"I don't know why I thought you were leaving," he says quickly, his voice tight, obviously trying not to cry. "You said you were getting pants, but I thought you would leave me."
"Why wouldn't you leave? No one wants to be around me," he breathes out before drawing in a too thin breath. "I'm mean, rude, and unluckily." He lets out a shuttering breath, tears gathering in his eyes, threatening to spill. "I've nearly gotten us killed. Maybe Ggarok should've just killed me instead, maybe that would make everything better."
Goodbid has no clue who Ggarok is, but he has obviously tried to hurt Glib at some point. Goodbid puts that on the list of things to deal with later. He takes Glib's hands in order to draw him back to the present. "Glib," he says soothingly. "I'm not leaving." He slowly sits on the bed. He easily picks Glib up and puts him in his lap before wrapping them in the large furs. Glib has never been one to let his emotions show, other than anger, so seeing him mid-panic attack was very odd to Goodbid. He tucks the frog tighter to his chest and slowly lays them down. Glib cries silently for a few minutes before he curls himself tighter into Goodbid, and it takes even longer for Glib to fall asleep.
Goodbid stays awake until he is sure that Glib is asleep before drifting off himself. Tomorrow, he will ask who Ggarok is -he doesn't have any other contracts lined up for right now, so why not do a job for a friend?- and help Glib straighten up his room, but for right now he just wants Glib to get some good sleep.
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Top three oral hygiene tools professionals use!!
Daily teeth cleaning at home isn't enough to keep your oral hygiene in top shape. You should have professional preventive treatment about twice per year. And if you're nervous because it seems like everything happens during an appointment - well, then don't worry!
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Knowing the names of common tools seen in typical cleanings can make this time go by faster so that when they come around again, all will be right.
So, let's talk about dental cleaning tools kit accessories used by professionals.
1. Mirror:
The mirror is the most important dental tool for both dentists and hygienists. It would be nearly impossible to examine your teeth or gum tissue in-depth without this device.
However, not all mirrors have been created equally! There's a wide range from which you can choose when looking out into stores; some offer high-tech surfaces such as rhodium-plated metal tubes that help avoid distortion due.
2. Scaler:
The scaler is small hand-held metal equipment of a dental hygiene tool kit that scrapes plaque and calculus (tartar) from teeth.
It has two ends - one pointy to clean above the gumline, while another blunt reaches below it without harming your gums!
3. Polisher:
After the dental hygienist has removed all of your plaque and tartar, he/she will polish each tooth to make sure it's as white and shiny as possible.
The most commonly used polishers are prophy angles (small rubber cups fitted onto low-speed rotary electric tools), which buff away uneven areas on teeth. Thus, leaving them smooth for healthy gum tissue attaching itself better with their surface area exposed by scaling procedures: ultrasonic scaler; hand sander/scaler combo tool that lets you do both jobs at once!
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mylondondentist · 3 years
Teeth Cleaning before and after by Daher Dental
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A dental cleaning carried out by a Teeth Cleaning Dentist or any other professional in dentistry is a 30-to 60-minute procedure that is essential to keep the teeth and gums healthy. Because of dental anxieties and phobias, many people might be hesitant to undergo a dental cleaning or avoid it altogether, which could negatively affect their teeth. A thorough understanding of the procedures to be expected when getting teeth cleaned by dental offices can ensure that patients are comfortable and have a pleasant experience.
The procedure for cleaning the teeth
Although the specific teeth cleaning before and after methods employed may differ between offices and dental hygienists, they generally adhere to a similar procedure.
The next step is to polish the teeth and remove any stains with the handheld electric tool equipped with the prophy cup made of rubber with a hard-to-clean toothpaste known as prophylaxis paste. Patients should expect to feel a pulsing motion in their teeth during this procedure stage—the Hygienist flosses the patient's teeth to eliminate any remaining plaque or paste.
Certain dental practices include fluoride treatments in the tooth cleaning procedure. Patients often get to pick which flavor of fluoride gel they prefer. The gel is placed in a mouthpiece that the patient wears for about a minute.
Does a dental cleaning hurt?
Though most patients experience only minor discomfort and pain while getting the teeth cleaned a few reasons that could cause more pain
Sensitivity to dental pain due to gum disease, inflammation, or tooth decay
For long periods, it is challenging to keep up with cleanings
Jaw pain caused by problems with the temporomandibular ligament
teeth cleaning  benefits
Patients must communicate any discomfort to the Hygienist. The Hygienist often may let the patient rest or try an alternative method to ease any pain.
Gritty cleansing toothpaste
Once your teeth are free of tartar, your Hygienist will scrub the teeth with a powerful electric brush, which creates a loud grinding sound. Although it can sound frightening, it's an excellent way to achieve a deep clean and eliminate the tartar from the scaler.
Professional cleaning uses toothpaste that tastes and smells similar to regular toothpaste, although you can choose between different flavors. It has the consistency of a coarse powder that gently cleans your teeth. If an expert polishing your teeth does, it is considered safe to be done twice per year. Be gentle when you brush your teeth at home since you'll wear away the enamel.
Other steps that could be taken.
dental hygienists
Dental cleanings for professionals are scheduled two times a year, and X-rays usually occur once per year. But, depending on the findings of your dentist or dental dentist observing in your patient's mouth, they could perform other examinations at the time of your visit. For youngsters, dentists may suggest molar sealants to avoid cavities in difficult areas to clean.
No matter if you require additional actions to take or not. The main thing is to go back to your dentist for regular teeth cleanings to avoid issues altogether. When you understand what's happening beforehand, you'll be more comfortable and may even enjoy these appointments.
While undergoing a dental cleaning may feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable for patients, the most common dental issues like gum disease or tooth decay may be more painful and require more dental treatment in the long term. Regularly flossing and brushing your teeth can prevent vast quantities of tartar and plaque from accumulating on the teeth. But, having an expert cleaning performed every two years is crucial to remove all accumulation.
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furryblizzardpuppy · 3 years
The teeth cleaning procedure
While the exact cleaning procedures used might vary from office to office, most dental hygienists follow a similar routine.
1.Teeth and gum examination
Before beginning the cleaning process, the hygienist uses a small concave mirror to check the patient’s mouth for any signs of oral problems, such as inflamed gums, plaque and tartar buildup, or dark spots on the teeth. This helps the hygienist know what to focus on during the cleaning.
Using a small hooked tool called a scaler, the hygienist removes any plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth, near the gum line and in between the teeth. Depending on how much buildup is present, either a manual or ultrasonic scaler is used. A manual scaler feels like scraping on the teeth while the ultrasonic scaler uses gentle vibration and water for removing large deposits.
3.Polishing and flossing
Next, the hygienist polishes the teeth and removes any stains using a handheld electric tool with a rubber prophy cup attached and a gritty toothpaste called prophylaxis paste. Patients can expect to feel a slow grinding motion on the teeth during this step in the process. The hygienist then flosses the patient’s teeth to remove any remaining plaque and paste.
Some dental offices include fluoride treatment in the teeth cleaning process. Often, patients can choose what flavor fluoride gel they like. This gel is then placed inside a mouthpiece that the patient must wear for approximately a minute.
Book an appointment with the best Manhattan beach dental clinic for a dental deep cleaning procedure and get yourself a sparkling white smile.
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manthri · 1 year
Prophy Cups White
Prophy cups are used for polishing and removal of heavy stains. It is smooth, soft, with high torque gear to perform, will not skip or over heat and is long lasting. Prophy brushes are made with high quality soft nylon bristles and provide excellent skin removal and adaptability to tooth surfaces.
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Our growing Dental Supplies section covers a wide range of every day dental supply products and dental equipment. We offer dental supplies at discounted prices. Our goal is to provide your organization with high quality products at low prices. Our low prices help your practice put more money into providing the highest patient care.  
In the Dental Supplies category, we have many essential products like:Disposable Micro applicators Brushes, Dental Bristles Latch Flat Polishing Polisher Prophy Brushes, Nylon Latch Flat Polishing Polisher Prohpy Cups, Mandrel for Dental Lab jewelry beauty Polishing Shank, Stainless Steel Dental Impression Trays, Impression Tray Side Quadrant Upper, Bur Burs Holder / Bur Block Blocks, Dental Orthodontic MBT buccal tube bands and more.
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amshrihari · 4 years
Dental Air Polishing Unit Market, By Product Type (Table Top Air Polishing Unit and Hand Held Air Polishing Unit (Cord and Cordless), By Application (Periodontitis, Whitening, Cleaning, and Others), By End User (Hospitals, Dental Clinics, and Others), and by Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa) - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2020 - 2027
Press Release :  Dental Air Polishing Unit Market
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Dental air polishing unit is an alternate method for rubber cup polishing, which is used for removing stains from the surface of the teeth. Dental air polishers clean teeth by spraying air polishing powder’s slurry such as sodium bicarbonate, glycine, calcium sodium phosphosilicate, and calcium carbonate. According to the patient’s dental needs, different powders are used such as glycine powder is used for patient with sensitive teeth.
The dental air polishers are used for reducing biofilm, plaque, and stains on teeth. The important advantage of dental air polishing unit over rubber cup polishing is that it reduces operator’s fatigue while cleaning. Clinicians when using air polisher, without application of pressure, can clean the teeth in deep cavities and grooves of the teeth, which is not obtained by using rubber cup polishing.
Global Dental Air Polishing Unit Market - Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID – 19) Pandemic
The COVID – 19 pandemic is expected to decrease growth of the global dental air polishing unit market over the forecast period. According to the new regulations imposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 28, 2020, patients who require urgent dental procedure will be allowed for the treatment in dental clinics. These patients will first be counselled through teledentistry, followed by testing for COVID – 19. Moreover, CDC has also updated the rules and regulations required for dental clinic setup during the COVID – 19 pandemic, where ventilation, social distancing, and sterilization of equipment as well as the clinic are some of the important points highlighted, in order to prevent the dentist as well as the patients from getting infected with coronavirus infection.
Figure 1: Global Dental Air Polishing Unit Market Share (%) Analysis, By Product Type, 2020
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Increasing prevalence of dental problems is expected to drive growth of the global dental air polishing unit market over the forecast period
Rising dental problems among the population is expected to drive growth of the dental air polishing unit market over the forecast period. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 2020, it is estimated that in 2019, 2.3 billion people were suffering from caries of permanent teeth and more than 530 million children suffered from caries of primary teeth, globally. According to the same source, dental caries occur due to the formation of plaque on the surface of the teeth. Plaque has the capacity to convert free sugars, either artificial or natural, consumed by the person into acids, which destroys the teeth over time. Other reasons such as unhealthy diet, tobacco use, excess alcohol consumption, and poor oral hygiene leads to various dental issues such as cavities, gum disease (gingivitis), periodontitis, sensitive teeth, and others. For instance, according to World Health Organization, 2020, approximately 8 million people die every year due to consumption of tobacco. According to CDC, in 2019, in the U.S., approximately 34.2 million people were smoking cigarettes. Therefore, increasing number of smokers, tobacco consumers etc. are expected to boost the global dental air polishing unit market growth over the forecast period.
Increasing product launches by key players is expected to drive the global dental air polishing unit market growth over the forecast period
Market players are focused on adoption of organic growth strategies such as product launch to strengthen their position in the dental air polishing unit market over the forecast period. For instance, in August 2019, KaVo Kerr launched a fully upgraded version of PROPHY flex 4 portable dental air polishing device for stain removal, bacterial plaque removal, and enamel cleaning, which can be used for supra and sub gingival areas.
Global Dental Air Polishing Unit Market – Restraints
Lack of awareness and knowledge about the benefits of government health policies among the population is expected to restrain the global dental air polishing market growth over the forecast period. For instance, according to National Institute of Dental Craniofacial Research, and National Institute of Health (NIH), 2019, approximately 50% of the children within the age group 3 – 17 years with Medicaid policy had dental appointment in the previous year. Furthermore, 31.3% people having Medicaid services were unaware of their dental benefits and 37.7 % of the people were having false knowledge about the benefits of Medicaid.  
According to the same source, only 38% of the dentists accepted Medicaid policy, while the rest of the professionals were reluctant to accept, as the Medicare pays half the amount as compared to the private insurance.
Global Dental Air Polishing Unit Market – Regional Analysis
On the basis of region, the global dental air polishing unit market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.
North America is expected to hold a dominant position in the global dental air polishing unit market over the forecast period, owing to the unhealthy lifestyle adopted by the U.S. population. For instance, according to the CDC, 2018 and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2017, in the U.S., on an average, around 84.8 million adults consume fast food or junk food on a daily basis. Fast food has high amount of calories, sugar, fats, and salt, which when consumed in large amount leads to oral diseases, type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity. Thus, increased consumption of sugar may lead to increased incidence of oral disorders, which is expected to spur the dental air polishing unit market growth.
Asia Pacific region is an emerging dental air polishing unit market over the forecast period, owing to increasing prevalence of oral problems among the population in this region. For instance, according to National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2019, Asia Pacific accounts for 60% of the world population. Therefore, there is large amount of oral health problem cases being reported in this region as compared to the entire world.
Furthermore, according to the Indian Dental Association (IDA), 2019, in India, 9 out of 10 adults are suffering from major oral health problems and more than 76% of adults are having cavities or are developing cavities. According to the same source, out of the total number of adults who brush daily once, 95% of them have oral problems and 83% have cavities or are at a risk of developing them. Moreover, according to the study conducted by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2020, it has been observed that an average of 20.2 teeth are decayed, lost or were filled till the person reaches the age above 50 years.
Figure 2: Global Dental Air Polishing Unit Market Value (US$ Mn) & Y-o-Y Growth (%), 2019 - 2027
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Global Dental Air Polishing Unit Market – Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in the global dental air polishing unit market include KaVo Dental GmbH, Deldent, NSK Ltd., W&H Ltd., Dentsply Sirona, EMS Dental, Hu-Friedy, ACTEON Group, Mectron s.p.a., LM-Dental, TPC Advanced Technology, Inc., MICRON Technology Inc., and MK-dent GmbH.
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blitzendoggo · 2 years
Order Chaos
Glib works at a coffee shop and Goodbid comes in at the same time to order the same drink. Goodbid is also ridiculously handsome and shows Glib some human decency so obviously Glib has to fall in love with the businessman he knows nothing about.
Glib/Goodbid Coffee Shop!AU (2291 words)
Order Chaos, named after its most popular drink, the Chaos (a monstrosity of a drink that is mostly white with swirling colors and enough caffeine to trigger a heart attack in the elderly) sits in a very convenient spot for many people. It is close enough to the dorms that it is barely out of the way to most college students, and it is very close to many of the local upscale businesses, meaning that a strange mix of college kids and businessmen frequent Order Chaos. The side effect of this is that the door almost never stays closed and the lobby is never empty.
To new employees, this is extremely overwhelming, causing Order Chaos to have an unusually high turnover rate.
When Glib saw the ridiculously high amount of money the baristas were making, he nearly choked. Apparently, Callisto -one of the three business owners, and the one who handles things like people and PR- had decided that the best way to keep staff was to basically pay them to put up with the insane amount of stress. Aldor -the one who runs the business side of everything- had protested the high amount, but Prophis -the creative input for the entire business- had managed to talk him into trying it out. And it had worked, kind of anyway.
Around the same time Glib had started working there, two other people begun. S.G. -a changeling with an awful habit of gaslighting customers into thinking that their drink was indeed what they had ordered when S.G. had messed it up horribly- and Canyon -a tabaxi man that is so nonchalant, he has gotten in trouble for being careless many, many times- both of whom get along fine with Glib. They tease him about being short, and Glib counters that at least he can make drinks right (most of the time).
Together they have been working at Order Chaos for just over a year now, and about two months ago a strange businessman started coming. On the weekdays, he comes at about 8:30 am, but on the weekends its always nine o'clock before he shows up. Glib isn't too sure about anything he knows about the man, other than his schedule. He knows his name is Goodbid and he works with contracts. S.G. is certain that he is a lawyer while Canyon has only met the man once. Canyon works almost exclusively evening shifts.
One thing Glib is certain of is that the man is ridiculously handsome. He is over twice Glib's height (not that impressive when you remember Glib is three-foot-tall) and always dressed in a perfect three-piece business suit, all of his suits also match his briefcase which Glib has never seen him without. His hair is always in the same slicked back style and his mustache looks like it walked right out of an old western movie. And do not get Glib started on his southern accent. The first time Glib heard it, he nearly killed over, and the reaction has not lessened in the two months, it has simply gotten easier to control.
Mr. Goodbid also consistently gets the same order.
"I'd like a cup of half Chaos and half black coffee with two pumps of hazelnut flavoring, please," he'd say with a practiced gentleman's smile, which Glib was certain that if his heart was beating, that smile alone would have been enough to stop it.
Glib always works mornings, mostly because he's a vampire and it's like working closing shift for him, and also no one else wants to. It took him less than a week to memorize Goodbid's drink order and Glib would already punch it into the computer before Goodbid had even finished talking.
It took about two weeks for Glib to memorize Goodbid's schedule.
By week three, Glib would already have Goodbid's drink ready and wrung up before the mustached man stepped into the shop.
"One cup of half chaos, half black coffee, with two pumps of hazelnut?" Glib asked when Goodbid came through the door.
He looked shocked for a moment before he grinned at Glib. "Am I that predictable?"
"Yeah, you've ordered the same thing every day for the last two weeks," Glib said flippantly as he handed Goodbid his drink. "That will be-"
"5.50?" Goodbid asked as he held out the money.
"Yeah," Glib said with a soft smile. Most customers are mean or degrading to him, something about a frogperson working in a coffee shop makes people uncomfortable, so Mr. Goodbid being nice to him was odd but very welcomed.
Cut to a little over a month later, where they have had this interaction daily, where Glib is standing on his step stool waiting on Goodbid to come in. His drink is sitting made next to Glib's hand, and said frog is starting to get a little worried. Its nearly 8:45 and Goodbid has never been this late before.
At about 8:50, Goodbid busts through the door, panting heavily. His normally pristine suit is a little wrinkled and his mustache looks like it could use some work.
"Rough morning?" Glib asks as he hands Goodbid his cup.
"Like you wouldn't believe," Goodbid says as he gives Glib the payment. "My alarm went off an hour later than it should have, and now I've missed breakfast."
"Oh? Here," Glib says as he grabs one of the breakfast muffins off the counter and hands it to Goodbid. "It's a hazelnut and cinnamon muffin, seems like something you'd like."
Goodbid's eyes light up. "That sounds wonderful," Goodbid says as he takes the muffin. "How much do I owe ya?"
"Nothing," Glib says with a wave of his hand, "you look like you need something to keep going."
"You are far too kind to me, Glib," Goodbid says with a chuckle as he bites into the muffin. "That is so good," Goodbid groans. "Now you gotta tell me how much it is, because I'm getting one of these with my coffee."
Glib laughs. "It's 1.50," Glib says shaking his head. He smiles for a moment before glancing at the clock on the wall. "You should probably get going, Mr. Goodbid, I think you're running late," Glib reminds him with a coy smile.
"Ah shit!" Goodbid yelps as he spins on his heels and runs towards the door. "Thank you!" he yells over his shoulder as he flies out the door and down the sidewalk.
Glib doubles over laughing for a full minute before pulling himself back together.
"When did you tell him your name?" S.G. asks as she comes up behind him. They do stock in the morning while Glib works the counter. Callisto made it this way after S.G. tiredly gaslit too many people and someone actually complained about it.
"What are you talking about?" Glib asks as he makes the next person's order.
"I mean," S.G. says in his classic "you're being stupid" tone, "that he called you Glib."
Glib pauses for a moment before shrugging. "I memorized his order and have talked to him every day for the last two months, maybe he just looked at my name tag."
"Or maybe he's crushing on you," S.G. suggests teasingly.
"I doubt that," Glib says dismissively. He learned a long time ago to not pay attention to S.G. and her insane ideas. Besides why would Goodbid pay him any mind? He's just the barista at Order Chaos that memorized his order and jokes with him in the morning. "I think he is just a nice customer who has a very regular schedule."
"Oh sure, ruin all of my fun," S.G. says grumpily.
Over the next month, Goodbid shows up at his regular times and is always delighted to see his coffee and his muffin waiting for him.
"I don't know how you always look so happy," Glib says one morning as Goodbid takes his goodies. "It is too early for anyone to be happy; I should know, I work in a coffee shop."
Goodbid laughs before shaking his head. "I'm always in a good mood, Glib." He flashes the frog his signature grin. "And it never hurts to be grateful."
"Okay, Bid," Glib says with a roll of his eyes. "You can continue to be weird."
Goodbid doesn't say anything else as he leaves the store with a smile and a wink thrown at Glib.
The next few days pass as normal until one day, Goodbid doesn't show up. Glib can't get over the anxious feeling in his gut as he keeps watching the door, trying to will Goodbid to walk through.
"Glib," Canyon says. Today is one of the rare days that Canyon is working morning shift. He looks like he rolled out of bed and walked here, which knowing Canyon, he very well might have. "Some one's calling for you on the store line."
Glib looks at him strangely before walking over to the phone and picking it up.
"Hello?" He asks suspiciously.
"Glib!" A familiar voice says cheerfully before coughing. "Hey, sorry, I won't be there today or tomorrow," Goodbid explains.
"Why what's wrong?"
"I caught a nasty cold," Goodbid explains before sneezing and Glib winces through the phone. "I just wanted to call so you wouldn't worry."
"Oh," Glib says and tries desperately to push the warm fuzzy feeling that settled in his chest away. "That's, uh, very kind of you."
"What can I say? I'm a southern gentleman," Goodbid says, and Glib swears he can hear the smile through the phone.
"That you are, Goodbid, that you are," Glib says with a fond smile. "You should probably go back to sleep," Glib says after a moment.
"Yeah, probably," Goodbid laments.
"Good night, I hope you feel better," Glib says softly.
"Thank you and good night." Glib hangs up the phone and has to stop to think for a moment.
Goodbid called him while he was sick to tell him not to worry. He really is a good guy. And just like that, the small crush he was harboring for the monopoly man, was suddenly a very large, fuzzy feeling that Glib could not ignore.
Just as Goodbid said, he wasn't there the next day, but he returned the day after that.
"Glad to see you didn't die," Glib says as he hands Goodbid his coffee and muffin.
"It was a close call," Goodbid says gravely before he grins at Glib. "But the promise of coffee kept me goin'."
"I'm sure it did," Glib says with a laugh. "I'm not sure how you drink that stuff, that should be enough to induce a heart attack."
"I drink a lot of caffeine," Goodbid says dismissively.
The next week continues as normal until on a Friday Goodbid says, "oh, before I forget. I won't be here this weekend. I'm going on a business trip."
"Oh, okay," Glib says before pausing for a moment. "Where to?"
"Parian," Goodbid says with a sigh.
"Sounds fun," Glib says trying to cheer Goodbid up.
"Normally it would be, but my client is kinda a jerk," Goodbid explains with a defeated shrug. "But a contract's a contract and I gotta go up there."
"That sucks," Glib says empathetically. "I've never been."
"Really? Not even for the Victora festival?" Goodbid asks looking shocked.
"Nope, I'm kind of really unlucky so a festival that celebrates winning is kinda..." Glib trails off. "Ya know."
"Yeah, I do," Goodbid says with a small grin. "I'll have to get ya up there at some point."
"Yeah, that would be fun," Glib says.
Goodbid pauses for a moment before asking, "do you have anything going on this weekend?"
"No, I'm probably just gonna order take out and watch movies," Glib says with a dismissive shrug.
"Well, would you like to go with me to Parian?" Goodbid asks with a hopeful smile.
"Uh," Glib says as his brain short-circuits. Was Goodbid really offering to take him to Parian? This feels suspiciously like Goodbid asking him out, but why would he do that? Glib is just the barista at a coffee shop and he is some upscale businessman! It doesn't feel like a trap, but Glib is a chronic over worrier-
"You don't gotta!" Goodbid says hurriedly. "I don't mean to try and force you into a position to-"
"Yeah, I'd love to, it sounds like a lot of fun," Glib cuts him off.
"Really?" Goodbid asks lighting up like a kid on Christmas.
"Yeah, I'll need to call off, but I've covered enough of the other's shifts for it to not be an issue," Glib says with a smile.
"Great! Uh, when I go talk to my client, I'll have to leave you in the hotel room, but other than that I can give you a tour of the city!" Goodbid says with a cartoonishly large smile. "And if you like the city, maybe we can go back for the festival."
Goodbid nods to himself and turns to leave.
"Wait!" Glib yells before Goodbid can get to the door. "I don't have any way to contact you," Glib explains with a sheepish smile.
Goodbid makes an 'o' face before reaching into his breast pocket and pulling out a business card. In the center in a clean white font, it says "Mister Goodbid" and under it in a smaller font "Professional Hitman".
Glib's eyes go wide as he flips the card over. On the back it simply says a number.
"If my job bothers you, we can call it off-"
"S.G. and Canyon owe me ten dollars," Glib says like a cat who got the cream. "And like hell am I backing out now, Mama didn't raise no bitch."
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aura9uk-blog · 5 years
Chemfil Superior and Dental Scalers for Sale in UK
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Best ChemFil Superior is a quick setting glass-ionomer therapeutic material comprising of a mix of aluminosilicate glass and polyacrylic corrosive. The powder is blended with refined water to create a filling material which holds fast to dentine and veneer delivering firmly fixed, solid and tasteful restorations.In all classes of pit this might be kept to the base required for caries evacuation. Arrangement of mechanical maintenance isn't required aside from when reclamation is at risk to be exposed to high uprooting powers.
Surface tidiness is principal for the improvement of bond. Clean naturally cut finish and dentine with water splash and air-dry. Where no pit readiness is fundamental, clean the tooth surface with elastic cup and pumice or a prophy glue.
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How Dental Scalers Work?
A dental scaler works dependent on ultrasound. New advancements presentation permits coordinating scalers activity with a wide range of particular gear. Tips incorporated into the unit are outfitted with an assortment of dynamometric keys, just as connectors.  Buy now, dental scalers for sale.
Units' utilitarian abilities likewise assume working in water mode. Water is provided in a self-governing mode. Subsequently, either water or medications can be used during periodontological and endodontological strategies. Most models are deliberately furnished with holders for fluid stockpiling and utilization.
The gadgets are outfitted with tips for teeth cleaning. They are utilized for delicate cleaning from plaque. In prosthetics, crowns and prosthetic extensions are cleaned with a scaler before solidifying. The gadgets are likewise utilized when working with porcelain aspects or fillings.
Dental scalers, additionally called curettes, are instruments used to expel tartar from teeth during periodontal consideration. There are an assortment of states of dental curette, for example, with the Gracey curette and the sickle scaler, that are required by the various tooth surfaces.
A Best dental scalers for sale may require an edge with a specific edge and a shank of a specific shape to give the best possible use. Dental curettes might be of the hand scaler type, or they might be a dental ultrasonic scaler, which vibrates at a recurrence that expels stains, plaque and analytics and makes little air rises in a procedure called cavitation. The microscopic organisms in pockets along the gum line can't make due within the sight of air, and the air pockets help separate bacterial cells and pulverize them. An expert dental scaler apparatus set may require a scope of hardware to suit explicit cleaning applications, and may have both hand and ultrasonic dental scaler sets.
Our Contact Address: 11 Queens Way, Feltham, London, England, United Kingdom - TW137NP Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: https://www.aura9.co.uk Phone: +44 7847247068 Fax: +44 8452991496
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wheatondentist · 5 years
White or brown spot Microabrasion treatment
White or brown spot Microabrasion treatment
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Microabrasion treatment for brown spot or white spot on front tooth
  Step by step to treat a brown spot or white spot on a front tooth using microabrasion.
Microabrasion for white spot lesions
Rubber dam with OraSeal Caulking behind rubber dam
Minor mechanical microabrasion with bur (optional)
Opalustre 60 seconds prophy cup with pumice medium to hard pressure
Rinse- Eval-Repeat as…
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teethpolishing · 5 years
Polishing Teeth - Procedure and Benefits
Polishing is frequently the final stage of dental cleaning and scaling, along with certain other processes. This method removes stains and polishes and smooths the tooth or surface.
What exactly is polishing?
teeth polishing often serves as the last step of dental procedures such as cleaning and scaling (deep root cleaning), or restorative processes such as replacement of a crown. Some stains are removed, as it polishes and smooths the surface of restoration or the tooth.
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What is the procedure for polishing?
As a final touch, the dentist or hygienist polishes the patient's teeth after the routine cleaning, scaling and planning procedure. Your dentist may polish any additional restorations installed, such as a crown or composite. Your dentist will utilize either a prophy jet polisher or a rubber cup polisher. Polishing paste is contained in this cup, which is positioned against the surface of the tooth on a rotating handpiece. You could compare this to gently power sanding and buffing your teeth.
The prophy jet - so named because it uses baking soda and a jet of water - acts like a power washer to smooth and polish teeth. Both processes work very well to remove some stains and leave the teeth with a polished, smooth look.
Should I consider getting my teeth polished?
Although polishing is not unusual and can help some cases, it isn't required with customary cleaning. Your dentist will answer any questions you have about when and why he recommends tooth polishing.
Polishing takes out fluoride-rich outer layers of your enamel to avoid occurrence of tooth decay. Your qualified dentist in New Jersey will perform polishing only to surfaces that bear visible stains. Structures that do not have stains do not need polishing. Your teeth's coronal surfaces is polished using rubber cups, abrasive, brushes, dental tape, and porte polishers. This dental prophylaxis procedure removes supragingival deposits. The polishing paste used by pro dentists has smaller particle sizes than the area or composite that needs polishing. Larger polisher particle sizes than the composite area tend to roughen the surface. Polishing uses zirconium silicate paste for polishing and stain removal. You have the best materials, procedure, and services when you come to us for dental care!
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