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kurtmustdie · 1 year ago
How many genders are there
(Idk if you can tell I started running out of time towards the end oops)
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starrynightarchive · 1 year ago
so you're trying to tell me that dazai- "suicide song"- osamu didn't have marina as his top artist on spotify even once. are you hearing yourself.
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halfmortals · 8 months ago
Michio stood in the pantry at the Heliade house, surrounded by nearly stacked shelves of snacks and ingredients. He peeked his head out, a playful smile on his face. "Okay, so which flavor of instant ramen did you want to try?" He offered, holding up two of the packages for his friend to see. "Original, Cheese, or I actually have one called 'Lovely Hot', if you're feeling adventurous." He prompted.
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lopez-richter-fangirl · 4 days ago
It’s so hard keeping a secret from your best friend*
*Lauren Lopez
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zeebreezin · 9 months ago
Why do I have so many OCs that dress boring. Like. This isn’t just a FL thing. In TTRPGs and other things my characters always lack drip. What does this say 🤔
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alpinearts · 11 months ago
loser cringefail "adam" proph cant smile on command
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trashydemigodmess · 2 years ago
Rae had the door to the shop wide open, hoping the fresh air would get the dusty smell out. It was nothing but a shell of a place; Blank, white walls and cobwebs in the corners. Music was playing from her phone, perched precariously on a small step ladder while Rae was on her knees, scrubbing at the dirty floor. She caught something in the corner of her eye and turned. If it was a stranger she would've let it go, but since it was someone she knew, she leaned back and raised her eyebrows, "If you're just gonna stand there and stare can you at least hand me that mop in the corner?"
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beebberbb · 4 months ago
gonna draw this soon maybe but! I think ralsei would have a really hard time recognizing he has feelings for or even really making opinions on other darkners. I think it's so easy for him to develop a close bond with Susie and a crush on Kris because he's Allowed to. I mean hes meant to work with them as foretold in the prophecy? Of course he's going to feel the most comfortable with getting close with them, its what he's meant to do. He's spent his whole(?) life idolizing Kris & Susie via the prophecy, they're the heroes, they're His heroes. I also think that ralsei acts kinda politely distant with people who are not Kris and susie, like yeah berdly's a jerk for most of chapter 2, but Noelle joins the party at one point and he has little to say to her. Outside of lancer and like. Maybe queen given that she dressed him up as a little butler, and she's moving into ralseis castle we don't see him have interest in any darkners really. Now here comes the capsei, I think Cap'n would be the one to fall first & be extremely daunted by the fact that he has feelings for the prince of the town he's living in but this is mr "I like your antennas" talking so we all know he's bold enough to say some stupid pick up line, but k_k & sweet (mostly k_k) would have to give the guy a lot of pep talks before he tries anything. And when Cap'n does I think it'd catch ralsei really off guard, he's so neutral on most darkners, so he really doesn't know what to make of it. He wouldn't decline, but idk if he'd say yes either, he'd want to reread the prophecy to see if he missed anything. I think he'd want to go out with Cap'n but ralseis been so gungho on following the prophecy it's hard to discern his wants anymore.
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halfgclden · 2 years ago
Tide pools were the best. Jade had a discovery journal, a camera, a pouch for sea glass and other trinkets (this time he’d found a ring in the foam, covered in algae- how long had it been there, then!?), and of course, a plethora of pockets to store them in. He jumped over a pool onto a rock, miscalculated how slick it was from the seaweed covering it, and slid into the low tide. They scampered out, their leg scratched up from the barnacles but all four limbs still intact, and waved down some passerby. “Ahoy! Have you found anything today? I’d love to trade some wares.” She grinned and patted a couple of her pockets to show off the treasures she’d discovered on this trip alone. 
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thestarstho · 2 years ago
I need Teenagers by MCR in the Percy Jackson series I need it I need it
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hvlfwygod · 8 months ago
"Ugh, I'm such an idiot." Malia dropped her bag on the lounge chair and crouched over to scan the ground. It was pretty busy at the hot tubs, but what was the likelihood someone had already come by and taken a sparkly trinket? Malia groaned again when she thought about those odds, how long ago she'd left it behind. That outburst drew the attention of the closest occupied pool, which was enough for her to walk over and loop them into her problem. "Did you see a bracelet around this area? Looks, um, expensive? I was here like, forty-five minutes ago and this is the only place I could have left it."
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caboosie · 9 months ago
2hat if you were trying to stay up until 10 to semi-fix ur sleep schedule and were using dungeon lfg carries to not be so tired but god said "watch this" and all the lfgs dissappeared forever
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dcmidivine · 1 year ago
Rear view mirror, check. Parking brake off, check. Looking forward through the windshield? Maybe she missed that part for a few seconds. The song that came on when her truck started up was just so not the vibe, and that seemed a more immediate problem than the vague possibility someone would decide to jaywalk in front of her car while she pulled out of the parking spot. Which they did.
Slamming on the breaks seconds before she could hit them, Devin winced when she could hear her passenger slam against the front of their seatbelt at the sudden stop. "Fuck, sorry. In my defense, I haven't been behind the wheel in like, over a fucking year.
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halfmortals · 8 months ago
River knelt in the woods, the shrine he made for Pan adorned with offerings of a few drachma, mulberry wine, and a simple cake covered in honey and sugar. The air was thick with the scent of earth and summer air as he whispered his reverence. Suddenly, a rustling sound behind him broke the silence. He rised from his knees quickly and turned around in a fluid motion. "Who's there?" he called out, his voice steady to hide his nerves.
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godlyborn · 2 years ago
Teddy had nothing but a suitcase as he crossed the borders into New Athens, on a hunt for his goal to find the heliad house. It couldn't be in a tough spot at all. He caught sight of someone, "Hi!" he exclaimed, approaching the other in his normal bubbly attitude. "You wouldn't happen to know where I can find the heliad house, would you?" he asked. "I'm trying to get there before I'm spotted, I'm trying to surprise my sibling."
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puppysdog · 2 years ago
im so excited i get to do a drug tomorrow
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