#property problem solution in uk
centrally-unplanned · 3 months
I find myself interested in how ineffective integration was for Ireland vis a vis the UK in the 19th century. Certainly after 1832 voting reforms and the 1829 repeal of the ban on Catholics serving in parliament (UK-wide but ofc hitting Ireland the hardest), the Irish were at more-or-less equal footing as the English or Scots when it came to voting rights and the legal system (I think most people don't know this! They think the Irish couldn't vote in the 19th century!) And it wasn't even an "on paper" deal for voting rights, Irish were active in government (they even had Irish PMs, though ofc Protestant), by the latter half of the 19th century economic regulations were equalized, and they got within a hair's breadth of Home Rule before some munitinous unionists and WW1 got in the way. Despite the rep a lot of countries have gigantic ethnic minorities, and liberalism/equal franchise is actually pretty decent solution to that problem. Why didn't ~100 years of representation in the House of Commons, in the era when "nation building" was at its peak, not work?
From what I can tell, timing is of course part of it. At a simple level, World War One was such a nationalist godsend; it created the "radicalism cascade", a weakened center and domino revolutions inspiring everyone with a cause with a sort of temporal Schelling Point. Without it, would the 1912 Home Rule have just been implemented in due time, and Ireland would be like Scotland today? At a more structural level, the timing was particularly rough because WW1 was the tail end of the age of religion in Europe. So much of the conflict was over Protestant vs Catholic, and after WW2 if Ireland was united under one home rule government in the UK it's hard to imagine the secularizing age powering so much conflict. Had they "held on" a few more decades you could see it calming down.
I think those are true enough but you do gotta dig down to another level. "Protestant" wasn't really just a religion in Ireland - it was the Protestant Ascendancy, a ruling class of combined English settlers and converted Irish who, during the imperial era before the 19th century, built an entirely separate ruling class in Ireland. And it was a deep ruling class - Catholics were barred from voting in even the Dublin local parliament, they were banned from being judges or lawyers, inheritance law was rigged to privilege Protestant sons while converting away from the Anglican church came with property confiscations. Depending on what counts, at its peak in the 18th century up to 30% of the country had opportunistically converted, in a system rigged top to bottom against the Catholics.
Imagine for a second India was given representation in the House of Commons and given self-rule. Just ignore the distance and demography issues for now, this obviously wouldn't actually work, instead think about what that transition would look like. The British "Indian Civil Service" would have to be dismantled...which was like 10k brits vs over 100k Indians. Actual british military officers in the country in the 19th century was less than 100k - and it was a rotating duty, they didn't all live there. Dismantling that really isn't that hard! Those people just go home. The core that ruled was deeply integrated into the country, but it was tiny - the vast majority of India was ruled by Indians, in the name of the Crown. They would just...keep going but now be in parliament.
That was impossible in Ireland. Britain had actually launched one of the most intensive cultural conversion programs of a foreign nation around in the 17th and 18th centuries, it was nowhere close to the "light imperial touch" of elsewhere. But it never...worked. Instead it just built this gigantic ruling class, deeply enmeshed in both Ireland and England, completely dependent on that superiority economically, but seen as outsiders by the Catholic Irish majority. "Protestant & Catholic" is at least half a gigantic class war. And in the 19th century the UK brought "laissez faire liberalism" to Ireland and was like "look, we are equal now!" after two+ centuries of rigging the system. It was literally the "kicking out the ladder after climbing up" equality meme.
This was why Home Rule was so bitterly contested, why Protestant Anglo-Irish officers threatened to mutiny in 1912 if it was implemented. They understood that the first acts of Home Rule were going to be, essentially, reparations. Which the Irish almost surely deserved. But Imperial, Liberal, 19th Century UK was not going to give reparations to the fucking Irish, it was not ready to dismantle its dejure and defacto aristocrats in that way - or at least not until it was too late, some land reform for example did begin in 1903. Scotland didn't need it, Wales was too weak to fight it, but Ireland was in the sweet spot of being weak enough to be oppressed but strong enough to oppose it and fight back once the culture changed.
Or at least that is my current read, this is a low-confidence post. Curious to learn more!
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mariacallous · 3 months
Some Fortune 500 companies have begun testing software that can spot a deepfake of a real person in a live video call, following a spate of scams involving fraudulent job seekers who take a signing bonus and run.
The detection technology comes courtesy of GetReal Labs, a new company founded by Hany Farid, a UC-Berkeley professor and renowned authority on deepfakes and image and video manipulation.
GetReal Labs has developed a suite of tools for spotting images, audio, and video that are generated or manipulated either with artificial intelligence or manual methods. The company’s software can analyze the face in a video call and spot clues that may indicate it has been artificially generated and swapped onto the body of a real person.
“These aren’t hypothetical attacks, we’ve been hearing about it more and more,” Farid says. “In some cases, it seems they're trying to get intellectual property, infiltrating the company. In other cases, it seems purely financial, they just take the signing bonus.”
The FBI issued a warning in 2022 about deepfake job hunters who assume a real person’s identity during video calls. UK-based design and engineering firm Arup lost $25 million to a deepfake scammer posing as the company’s CFO. Romance scammers have also adopted the technology, swindling unsuspecting victims out of their savings.
Impersonating a real person on a live video feed is just one example of the kind of reality-melting trickery now possible thanks to AI. Large language models can convincingly mimic a real person in online chat, while short videos can be generated by tools like OpenAI’s Sora. Impressive AI advances in recent years have made deepfakery more convincing and more accessible. Free software makes it easy to hone deepfakery skills, and easily accessible AI tools can turn text prompts into realistic-looking photographs and videos.
But impersonating a person in a live video is a relatively new frontier. Creating this type of a deepfake typically involves using a mix of machine learning and face-tracking algorithms to seamlessly stitch a fake face onto a real one, allowing an interloper to control what an illicit likeness appears to say and do on screen.
Farid gave WIRED a demo of GetReal Labs’ technology. When shown a photograph of a corporate boardroom, the software analyzes the metadata associated with the image for signs that it has been modified. Several major AI companies including OpenAI, Google, and Meta now add digital signatures to AI-generated images, providing a solid way to confirm their inauthenticity. However, not all tools provide such stamps, and open source image generators can be configured not to. Metadata can also be easily manipulated.
GetReal Labs also uses several AI models, trained to distinguish between real and fake images and video, to flag likely forgeries. Other tools, a mix of AI and traditional forensics, help a user scrutinize an image for visual and physical discrepancies, for example highlighting shadows that point in different directions despite having the same light source, or that do not appear to match the object that cast them.
Lines drawn on different objects shown in perspective will also reveal if they converge on a common vanishing point, as would be the case in a real image.
Other startups that promise to flag deepfakes rely heavily on AI, but Farid says manual forensic analysis will also be crucial to flagging media manipulation. “Anybody who tells you that the solution to this problem is to just train an AI model is either a fool or a liar,” he says.
The need for a reality check extends beyond Fortune 500 firms. Deepfakes and manipulated media are already a major problem in the world of politics, an area Farid hopes his company’s technology could do real good. The WIRED Elections Project is tracking deepfakes used to boost or trash political candidates in elections in India, Indonesia, South Africa, and elsewhere. In the United States, a fake Joe Biden robocall was deployed last January in an effort to dissuade people from turning out to vote in the New Hampshire Presidential primary. Election-related “cheapfake” videos, edited in misleading ways, have gone viral of late, while a Russian disinformation unit has promoted an AI-manipulated clip disparaging Joe Biden.
Vincent Conitzer, a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and coauthor of the book Moral AI, expects AI fakery to become more pervasive and more pernicious. That means, he says, there will be growing demand for tools designed to counter them.
“It is an arms race,” Conitzer says. “Even if you have something that right now is very effective at catching deepfakes, there's no guarantee that it will be effective at catching the next generation. A successful detector might even be used to train the next generation of deepfakes to evade that detector.”
GetReal Labs agrees it will be a constant battle to keep up with deepfakery. Ted Schlein, a cofounder of GetReal Labs and a veteran of the computer security industry, says it may not be long before everyone is confronted with some form of deepfake deception, as cybercrooks become more conversant with the technology and dream up ingenious new scams. He adds that manipulated media is a top topic of concern for many chief security officers. “Disinformation is the new malware,” Schlein says.
With significant potential to poison political discourse, Farid notes that media manipulation can be considered a more challenging problem. “I can reset my computer or buy a new one,” he says. “But the poisoning of the human mind is an existential threat to our democracy.”
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voidami · 11 months
Palestine History and resources.
I didn't add absolutely everything I could have because it would of been too much, just a generalization and resources to help anyone needing to learn or give resources to. feel free to discus, critique or add anything you find relevant.
Prior to the 19th century the region of Palestine experienced 401 years of relative peace from 1517-1917. And everything prior to that is largely irrelevant to the modern issue.
Late 19th Century:
In the 1880s, the community of Palestinian Jews, known as the Yishuv, amounted to three percent of the total population. In contrast to the Zionist Jews who would arrive in Palestine later, the original Yishuv did not aspire to build a modern Jewish state in Palestine.
From 1882 onward, thousands of Eastern European and Russian Jews began settling in Palestine; pushed by the anti-Semitic persecution and pogroms they were facing in the Russian Empire, and the appeal of Zionism.
After the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire (1517-1914), the British occupied Palestine as part of the secret Sykes-Picot treaty of 1916 between Britain and France to divvy up the Middle East for imperial interests.
1895-onward- Theodor Herzl: Herzl, an Austrian journalist, is considered the father of modern Zionism. He advocated for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Argentina, Uganda or ultimately Palestine, with what he called transfer (ethnic displacement). On the surface he was doing this to address rising anti-Semitism in Europe but with further reading of his intentions it was more a selfish power grab through a colonial settler project with little concern for "the Jewish question" other than what it could do for him. E.G." I could accept a mass request from the little Jews to lead them out only if all the governments concerned asked me to, promised me their sympathetic cooperation, and gave me guarantees for the peaceful completion of the enormous task, just as I would give them guarantees for an exodus without economic ill-effects. (I don’t know whether I should have this printed in Roman type)." -One such example among many.
In his Diary everything is painted out in detail of his attempts to get huge loans and what he plans to do with the power he gains.
Theodor Herzl, wrote: "We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country. The property-owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly. June 12th 1895 Diary Entry"
Herzl was suggesting that two possible Zionist solutions to the problem of a Palestinian majority living in Palestine — separation and transfer — were not necessarily alternatives but rather could be mutually reinforcing. Not only that: he believed, if they were used together, the process of ethnic cleansing could be made to appear voluntary, the choice of the victims. It may be that this was both his most enduring legacy and his major innovation to settler colonialism.
The Complete Diaries Of Theodor Herzl - https://archive.org/stream/TheCompleteDiariesOfTheodorHerzl_201606/TheCompleteDiariesOfTheodorHerzlEngVolume1_OCR_djvu.txt
Early 20th Century: Balfour Declaration (1917): Written in 1917 by then UK foreign secretary, Lord Arthur Balfour, the Declaration signed away the land of Palestine to the Zionist colonial project. By giving their support to Zionist goals in Palestine, the British hoped they could shore up support among the significant Jewish populations in the US and Russia for the Allied effort during WWI. They also believed the Balfour Declaration would secure their control over Palestine after the war.
Between 1922 and 1935, the Jewish population rose from nine percent to nearly 27 percent of the total population, displacing tens of thousands of Palestinian tenants from their lands as Zionists bought land from absentee landlords. Leading Arab and Palestinian intellectuals openly warned against the motifs of the Zionist movement in the press as early as 1908. With the Nazi seizure of power in Germany between 1933 and 1936, 30,000 to 60,000 European Jews arrived on the shores of Palestine.
In 1936, Palestinian Arabs launched a large-scale uprising against the British and their support for Zionist settler-colonialism, known as the Arab Revolt. The British authorities crushed the revolt, which lasted until 1939, violently; they destroyed at least 2,000 Palestinian homes, put 9,000 Palestinians in concentration camps and subjected them to violent interrogation, including torture, and deported 200 Palestinian nationalist leaders. In 1944, several Zionist armed groups declared war on Britain for trying to put limits on Jewish immigration to Palestine at a time when Jews were fleeing the Holocaust. The Zionist paramilitary organizations launched a number of attacks against the British – the most notable of which was the King David Hotel bombing in 1946 where the British administrative headquarters were housed; 91 people were killed in the attack.
In early 1947, the British government announced it would be handing over the disaster it had created in Palestine to the United Nations and ending its colonial project there. On November 29, 1947, the UN adopted Resolution 181, recommending the partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states.
Quotes: Before May 15, some of the most infamous massacres had already been committed; the Baldat al-Sheikh massacre on December 31, 1947, killing up to 70 Palestinians; the Sa’sa’ massacre on February 14, 1948, when 16 houses were blown up and 60 people lost their lives; and the Deir Yassin massacre on April 9, 1948, when about 110 Palestinian men, women and children were slaughtered.
August 1937, "transfer" was a major subject of discussion at the Twentieth Zionist Congress in Zurich, Switzerland. Alluding to the systematic dispossession of Palestinian peasants (fellahin) that Zionist organizations had been engaged in for years, David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel's first prime minister in 1948, stated: " You are no doubt aware of the [Jewish National Fund's] activity in this respect. Now a transfer of a completely different scope will have to be carried out. In many parts of the country new settlement will not be possible without transferring the Arab fellahin." He concluded: "Jewish power [in Palestine], which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out this transfer on a large scale."
In June 1938, Ben-Gurion told a meeting of the Jewish Agency: "I support compulsory transfer. I don't see anything immoral in it."
In December 1940, Joseph Weitz, director of the Jewish National Fund's Lands Department, which was tasked with acquiring land for the Zionist enterprise in Palestine, wrote in his diary: There is no way besides transferring the Arabs from here to the neighboring countries, and to transfer all of them, save perhaps for [the Arabs of] Bethlehem, Nazareth and Old Jerusalem. Not one village must be left, not one [bedouin] tribe. And only after this transfer will the country be able to absorb millions of our brothers and the Jewish problem will cease to exist. There is no other solution.
1948 Arab-Israeli War (Plan Dalet & Nakba (Catastrophe) ):Creation of Israel: Israel declared independence, leading to a war with surrounding Arab states. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled, leading to mass displacement and refugee crisis.
Details of Plan Dalet On March 10, 1948, Zionist political and military leaders, including Ben-Gurion, met in Tel Aviv and formally adopted Plan Dalet (or Plan D). The operational military orders specified which Palestinian population centers should be targeted and laid out in detail a blueprint for their forcible depopulation and destruction. It called for: Mounting operations against enemy population centers located inside or near our defensive system in order to prevent them from being used as bases by an active armed force. These operations can be divided into the following categories: Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population must be expelled outside the borders of the state. The Haganah (soon to be Israeli army) launched military operations under Plan Dalet at the beginning of April 1948. Although attacks by Zionist forces against Palestinian population centers actually began a few days after the UN Partition Plan was passed on November 29, 1947, with the adoption of Plan Dalet expulsions accelerated and became systematic, marking a new phase in the conflict in which Zionist and then Israeli forces went on "the offensive," in the words of Israeli historian Benny Morris. Following Israel's establishment on May 14, 1948, the new Israeli government set up an unofficial body, the "Transfer Committee," to oversee the destruction of Palestinian towns and villages or their re-population with Jews, and to prevent displaced Palestinians from returning to their homes. In a report presented to Ben-Gurion in June 1948, the three-man committee, which included the JNF's Weitz, called for the "destruction of villages as much as possible during military operations."
Further reading: https://imeu.org/article/plan-dalet
By the time the state of Israel was declared on May 14, 1948, more than 200 Palestinian villages had already been emptied as people fled in fear or were forcibly expelled by Zionist forces, and approximately 175,000 Palestinians had been made refugees. By 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians had been made refugees, losing their land, homes and other belongings in what became known as the "Nakba" ("catastrophe"). Their flight was accelerated by massacres such as the one that took place on April 9, 1948, at Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, where approximately 100 Palestinian men, women, and children were murdered by Zionist paramilitaries. Today, refugees displaced during Israel's creation and their descendants number approximately 7.1 million people. Some 400 Palestinian towns and villages, including vibrant urban centers, were systematically destroyed or taken over by Israeli. Most of them were demolished to prevent the return of their Palestinian residents, now refugees outside of what would become Israel's internationally recognized borders, or internally displaced inside of them.
Further reading: https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2017/5/23/the-nakba-did-not-start-or-end-in-1948 https://www.aljazeera.com/program/featured-documentaries/2013/5/29/al-nakba/ https://imeu.org/article/the-nakba-and-palestine-refugees-imeu-questions-and-answers https://www.vox.com/videos/2023/5/15/23723947/palestine-nakba-may-15-protests-israel
Post-1948 Period:
“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp99
1967- Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, and Golan Heights after the 1967 Six-Day War. Jewish settlements were established in these territories, leading to ongoing tensions and disputes.
1973- Yom Kippur War
1987- Hamas formed.
Peace Process and Oslo Accords (1990s):Peace Attempts: Several peace negotiations took place between Israel and Palestine, leading to the Oslo Accords in 1993, which established limited Palestinian self-rule in parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Early 21st Century: Second Intifada (2000-2005): A period of intensified Israeli-Palestinian violence and unrest, leading to significant loss of life on both sides.
In 2004, Giaora Eiland, who still is, incidentally, in the inner circle of Benjamin Netanyahu right now as I speak. He described Gaza as, quote, “a huge concentration camp.” That's Gaza.
September 2005- Israel completed implementation of its Disengagement Plan from the Gaza Strip, which included dismantling all the settlements there, evacuating the settlers to Israel and withdrawing the military. After the plan was fully implemented, Israel issued an order declaring the end of its military rule in the Gaza Strip, indicating it was no longer responsible for the safety and well-being of the population in Gaza. But the territory remained under blockade, leading to economic hardship and conflict.
Here was an election in the West Bank in Gaza, parliamentary elections. Those elections were urged on the Palestinian people by the US administration was that now forgotten moment in the Bush administration called “democracy promotion.” And part of this package called “democracy promotion” was the Palestinians were supposed to participate in those wonderful democratic experiences. And Hamas was urged to participate in those elections, and it reversed itself. Hitherto, it opposed participating in any elections in the occupied territories, because those elections were a consequence of the Oslo Accord. And since Hamas opposed the Oslo Accord, it opposed participating in the elections. But it reversed itself. It ran in a civilian political party. And, much to the surprise of Hamas and everybody else, it won the election. Those were, according to former US President Jimmy Carter, “completely fair and honest elections,” and Hamas won. What did the US and Israel do? It immediately imposed a brutal blockade on Gaza, which brought economic life in Gaza to a standstill. - Norman Finkelstein
*When Hamas was elected, it repeatedly sent out peace feelers to try and resolve the conflict with Israel. It presented on its own, or as speaking for itself, the terms of the international consensus for resolving a conflict, namely two states on the June 1967 border.
June 2007- After Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip, Israel further tightened its control of the crossings and rarely allowed Palestinians to enter or leave Gaza, or to import or export goods. Three months after the Hamas takeover, in response to the continued firing of Qassam rockets at Israel, Israel’s security cabinet declared the Gaza Strip a hostile entity and adopted collective punitive measures, including cutting back electricity and fuel supply to Gaza
June 2008 there was a ceasefire arranged between Israel and Hamas. The ceasefire held, it held in June, it held in July, it held in August, it held in September, it held in October, and it held the first four days in November. And then November 4th came along, that was election day. when everybody's attention was riveted on the presidential election and the first black president being elected in our country's history. And Israel used that moment -- when all the cameras were diverted from it -- it used that moment to attack Hamas in Gaza and broke the ceasefire. Go and read what Amnesty International said.
Operation Cast Lead- Dec 27, 2008 – Jan 18, 2009 https://imeu.org/article/operation-cast-lead
Operation Pillar of Defense- Nov 13, 2012 – Nov 21, 2012
After Operation Cast Lead, there was a slight relaxing of the brutal blockade of Gaza. The Gaza economy did show some signs of recovery. And there was also money starting to pour in from Qatar. The head of state of Turkey, Erdoğan, was planning on a visit to Gaza. And this annoyed Israel because Gaza was not supposed to prosper. So what did they do? The record is clear. They assassinated a senior Hamas official Ahmad Jabari and six others. Shortly afterwards, Israel pounded the Gaza Strip with another 20 air strikes, killing five more people, two of them children, Hamas health minister Mufid Mukhalalati said in a televised press conference at Gaza City’s Shifa hospital.
Operation Protective Edge-
2,200 Palestinians killed, of whom 550 were children. They demolished 18,000 homes.
2018- Gaza March to return Massacre May 14th
On May 14th 2018 The Palestinian people of Gaza were in continuing peaceful marches Up to the walls imprisoning them with hopes that the apartheid regime of Israel would have some humanity and hear their plea with a right to return, to be given basic human rights as they had been doing since March 30th 2018. Instead of being shown humanity IDF soldiers began an especially discriminatory attack on the peaceful protestors. The causalities for that day alone stood at 2700 injured, including 1,359 from live ammunition and 235 Children. The dead included six children under the age of 18, among them a 15-year-old girl, and a medic and at least 52 adults. The toll increased exponentially through the course of the multiple week protest with numbers in 12,000 plus victims range 1000 of which children and hundreds of medics and journalists in appropriate identifying garb.
Many IDF soldiers have gone on record to brag about their statistics in competition with each other It is callous and bitter but I'll provide a link to some accounts of this .
Further, Shireen Abu Akleh an American-Palestinian journalist was wearing full reporter protective gear and was intentionally sniped in the neck killing her, they then lied about it and admitted to it a significant amount of time later. At her funeral the procession was subject to pogroms by Israeli police not even giving her peace in death.
Recent Events:
The amount of atrocities are too numerous to list them all here but i would like to list some from September of 2023 at least.
September 2023-
September 5th- Israeli forces killed two Palestinians, including one child, in two operations that involved the exchange of fire in Tulkarm and Jericho. September 9th-Israeli forces killed a Palestinian child in Hebron. September 13th- Five Palestinian were killed in the Gaza Strip as an explosive device went off near Israel’s perimeter fence. On 16 and 17 September, large groups of Israelis, including settlers, entered the Old City of Jerusalem during the Jewish New Year. Israeli authorities deployed police officers and restricted Palestinian movement in and out of the Old City, during which they physically assaulted and injured an elderly Palestinian man and arrested at least two others. On 17 September, Israeli forces restricted Palestinian access to the Al Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem, allowing entry only to those over the age of 50 for the dawn prayers. That morning, about 400 Israelis, including settlers, accessed the compound accompanied by Israeli police, who evacuated Palestinian worshipers to secure the entry of Israelis. On 16 September, settlers stabbed a Palestinian man in the back and threw stones and bottles at Palestinian houses in Tel Rumeida neighborhood of Hebron city, in the Israeli-controlled H2 area.
Prior to October for 2023 Israeli forces killed 181 Palestinians in the West Bank or Israel, exceeding the yearly death toll by Israeli forces in the West Bank since 2005. During the reporting period in September, 173 Palestinians, including at least 58 children, were injured by Israeli forces across the West Bank, including 11 who were hit by live ammunition. Since the beginning of the year, 769 Palestinians have been injured by live ammunition by Israeli forces in the West Bank, nearing the double of the number in the equivalent period in 2022 (460). Over 1,100 Palestinian herders from 28 communities have been displaced since 2022, citing settler violence and shrinking access to grazing land.
More here: https://www.ochaopt.org/poc/5-18-september-2023
October 2023-
October 1st- injury of several Palestinians in a number of attacks by Israeli occupation forces and settlers across the occupied West Bank.
October 4th- Israeli troops killed three Palestinian in West Bank. One of which the IDF said it opened fire at a man who threw a block at an Israeli vehicle. Palestinian health officials said a 19 year old Palestinian man was shot in the chest and killed. The army said Israeli settlers also vandalized Palestinian property. No further details were immediately released. October 5th- Israeli forces killed two Palestinians and wounded dozens more while suffering five injuries as they raided several areas in the occupied West Bank October 6th- Labib Dumaidi, 19, was shot in the heart by an Israeli settler in west bank. October 7th- Hamas launches an attack 1,400 Israelis were killed in the assault, and more than 240 were taken hostage. Israel's immediate response before even tending to the attack is to start bombing Gaza indiscriminately. Multiple survivors and hostage testimony tell Israeli solders opened fire on Israeli citizens and Hamas in hannibal directive. Israel claims 40 babies beheaded and the claim gets parroted all the way up to the president of the united states without a substantiated evidence, another addition in an ocean of lies. Due to the fog of war I'm only writing about statistics here on out.
After math.
Week one- 7,473 U.S. bombs were dropped on Afghanistan in 2019. 6,000 Israeli bombs have been dropped on Gaza in 6 days. 2,383 Palestinians killed half children 9,714 wounded, while in the West Bank, 54 were recorded dead and 1,100 wounded 1.1 Million Displaced.
One Month-
10,000 Palestinians killed 70% children. 25,000 injuries. 1.5 Million Displaced.
War Crimes- Numerous including Genocide, collective punishment, Use of white phosphorus during the offensive and many more…
The UN Genocide Convention lists five acts that fall under the definition of Genocide. Israel is currently perpetrating three of these in Gaza: “1. Killing members of the group. 2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. 3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated with intent to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
Recent Quotes-
Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.” Isaac Herzog - "It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. This rhetoric about civilians supposedly not being involved is absolutely untrue" Benjamin Natanyahu - "We will turn Gaza into an island of ruins." Daniel Hagari - "We are dropping hundreds of tons of bombs on Gaza. The focus is on destruction, not accuracy." Ariel Kallner - "Now there is only one goal: Nakba. A Nakba in Gaza that will dwarf the Nakba of 1948." Benjamin Nantanyahu - “They are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,” Netanyahu said in Hebrew. He then added: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.” In the Hebrew Bible, particularly in the Book of 1 Samuel, there is a command attributed to God that King Saul is supposed to destroy the Amalekites entirely, sparing nothing and no one. The exact verse, from 1 Samuel 15:3 (New International Version), states:
"Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."
This command, often referred to as the "ban" or "herem" in biblical studies, was a severe form of religious sanction where everything associated with the enemy was devoted to destruction.
Further reading:
The Gun And The Olive Branch- David Hirst https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.131536/2015.131536.The-Gun-And-The-Olive-Branch_djvu.txt The Question of Palestine-Edward Said https://archive.org/details/questionofpalest0000said Ten Myths About Israel By Ilan Pappe https://archive.org/details/ten-myths-about-israel-by-ilan-pappe-2017
Documentaries, Films, and Video Essays:
Jenin, Jenin (2002) https://vimeo.com/499672067 Born in Gaza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZpp8JLkwBw Edward Said - Reflections on Exile and Other Essays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EvoZ7vgu0A Norman Finkelstein on Israel's BRUTAL Assault On Gaza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m36CUGA1Ucw&list=PLG9vw8QqgiV86CdFlCcHiSmfKwDytOATJ&index=10 Jews Against Zionism: Rabbi Speaking the Truth About Palestine & Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSEtuckDbpk&list=PLG9vw8QqgiV86CdFlCcHiSmfKwDytOATJ&index=16 Norman Finkelstein RESPONDS to Bernie Sanders statement OPPOSING GAZA CEASEFIRE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R49v3K29mM&list=FLUORSml2RTXRf2S9zsXpbOw
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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The Bottom Line
The effectiveness of our actions cannot be measured in the same terms we measure the decline of our ecosystems. Life, and especially living resistance, is so much more than actions taken to influence a scientists’ interpretation of climate meta data and feedback loops. Measuring our efforts by their effectiveness on the scales of dominant society is falling for the same ‘return on investment’ paradigm that has allowed the looting of our habitats.
As long as we do not see our struggles as the continuation of an age-old fight against domination and state coercion [R.F. – see 23 Theses Concerning Revolt], we will be setting forth on half measures leaving the old powers alive underneath the surface, which has only led to an intensification of authoritarianism, ecological degradation and now climate crisis.
Decentralized organizing, non-hierarchical networks and joyful resistance have been and will be the most effective tools to fight the builders of this ecocidal world and to live a life free of oppression. We don’t need political parties or professional leaders to pacify these struggles. We need to support them, help them grow and connect, and show how they already contain the solutions to the interrelated problems of ecological collapse, poverty, and exploitation.
Situations of desperation and perceived emergency create opportunities for authoritarians to increase their power [R.F. – see ‘The Difference Between “Just Coping” & “Not Coping at All”’], and mislead efforts of decentralized movements towards tech-fixes that accelerate neo-colonial extractivism. If people have a desire to attempt to appropriate the state to create more favorable policy conditions for land defenders and ecosystems or become lawyers, this is understandable. The battle against ecological and climate catastrophe already exists, the problem is there are few actually fighting it and taking this battle seriously.
If you are reading this, you are the resistance to ecological catastrophe and the authoritarianism that put the world in this desperate situation.
...“Just as we
refuse to be ruled,
we refuse to rule
over anyone else”...
(Peter Gelderloos)
[1] medium.com/@fulalas/from-dispersion-to-apathy-how-technology-makes-us-lonely-1d489ee6004f
[2] Hickel J. (2020) Less is more: How degrowth will save the world, London: Random House.
[3] versobooks.com/blogs/4450-it-is-time-to-try-out-an-ecological-leninism-interview-with-andreas-malm
[4] researchgate.net/publication/328887527_Contemporary_Questions_on_Eco-terrorism_with_Michael_Loadenthal
[5] Leslie Pickering (2003) Earth Liberation Front 1997–2002
[6] kersplebedeb.com/posts/ecological-leninism-friend-or-foe
[7] Anonymous. (2018) Against the World Builders. Black Seed #6 : 84–108.
[8] youtu.be/8LSQLBFQruo?t=1675
[9] portal.research.lu.se/ws/files/96341244/HM_DAC.pdf
[10] reuters.com/article/us-usa-energy-carbon-capture-idUSKCN2523K8
[11] ecostandard.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/CCS-false-solution-food-water-action-europe.pdf
[12] cleantechnica.com/2019/06/12/best-carbon-capture-facility-in-world-emits-25-times-more-co2-than-sequestered
[13] Andreas Malm, (2020) Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency – War Communism in the Twenty-First Century, p. 89
[14] ibid.
[15] Fairhead, James, Melissa Leach, and Ian Scoones. 2012. “Green Grabbing: a new appropriation of Nature?”
[16] Duffy, Rosaleen. 2016. “War, by Conservation.” Geoforum 69 (1): 238–248.
[17] Kelly, Alice. 2013. “Property and Negotiation in Waza National Park.” Land Deal Politics Initiative (LDPI), UK.
[18] Gelderloos P. (2017) Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation, Oakland: AK Press. theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-worshipping-power
[19] Dunlap A. (2020) The Politics of Ecocide, Genocide and Megaprojects: Interrogating Natural Resource Extraction, Identity and the Normalization of Erasure.
[20] euobserver.com/nordic/150287
[21] offshore-energy.biz/saipem-lays-more-than-100km-of-baltic-pipe-pipeline
[22] energinet.dk/Anlaeg-og-projekter/Projektliste/Groen-gas-Lolland-Falster
[23] tv2east.dk/guldborgsund/sukkerfabrikker-udleder-naestmest-co2-i-danmark-er-gas-eller-el-loesningen
[24] canfor.com/sustainability-report/environment/canadian-boreal-forest-agreement
[25] totalenergies.com/media/news/press-releases/total-acquires-maersk-oil-for-7-45-billion-dollars-in-share-and-debt-transaction
[26] greenpeace.org/usa/maersk-stands-up-for-the-oceans
[27] Shiva V. (2002 [1989]) Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development, Carolyn Merchants (1983) The Death of Nature, Sullivan S. (2010) ‘Ecosystem service commodities’ – a new imperial ecology? Implications for animist immanent ecologies, with Deleuze and Guattari.
[28] marxists.org/archive/ruhle/1939/ruhle01.htm
[29] marx.libcom.org/library/russian-revolution-communist-party-alexander-berkman
[30] P. Gelderloos (2010) Worshipping Power
[31] Scott JC. (2017) Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States, New Haven: Yale University Press. Gelderloos P. (2017) Worshiping Power.
[32] A. Dunlap (2020) Compost the Colony: Exploring Anarchist Decolonization, see theanarchistlibrary.org/library/alexander-dunlap-compost-the-colony-exploring-anarchist-decolonization
[33] theguardian.com/environment/2021/jul/16/climate-scientists-shocked-by-scale-of-floods-in-germany
[34] grist.org/protest/dakota-access-pipeline-activists-property-destruction grist.org/protest/dakota-access-pipeline-activists-property-destruction [R.F. It turns out that Ruby has turned snitch, and is cooperating with cops and investigators.]
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As much as I would love for Jang Uk to have married Mu-deok/Cho Yeong, if they married Jang Uk would always be that weird guy who married his maid and, more importantly, Mu-deok would always be out of place socially as a maid who became part of the nobility. People would look down on her and exclude her. Which, as much as I dislike hierarchical systems, is unfair because she is a legitimate member of the nobility.
If Cho Yeong hadn't been stolen by Jin Mu, it is clear that Jang Gang was intending to do something for her. We are told the punishment for sorcery extends to descendents, but at least she might have her property/wealth that wasn't destroyed and I have a feeling the Jang family would have raised her, especially since Jang Gang knows the truth about what happened to her father.
Anyway, by making Jin Bu-yeon (Cho Yeong) an unquestioned member of the nobility, she is actually better restored to what she lost because of Jin Mu than it was possible for her as Mu-deok.
I guess the other solution would be if Mu-deok was acknowledged as Bu-yeon before she died. Though there seems to have been magical problems with that solution.
Anyway, to sum up, I'm happy that Cho Yeong gets her status back because in the society she lived in it matters a lot.
(also, Cho Yeong being raised by the Jang family would be a fun AU, but no I have enough projects)
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bokafix · 7 months
London's Top 5 Plumbing Emergencies and the Solutions to Get Them Sorted!
Tired of madly searching for "emergency plumber near me" or "London plumber" whenever a plumbing issue happens? We’ve got the solution for you.
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Even with a plumber booked and en route, waiting for them to arrive can feel like an eternity when you're facing a burst pipe or a clogged drain. It's an anxious race against time as you try to minimise the damage and keep your cool. Fortunately, we've got some tips up our sleeves to help you hold your pipes while you wait for your local Fixer to come to the rescue. 
Don't let plumbing problems dampen your day! Let's dive into the top 5 plumbing emergencies in London and learn how to keep things under control until your plumber arrives.  
Burst Pipes: From Drips to Disasters
Picture this: water gushing out of a burst pipe, flooding your home, and turning it into an impromptu swimming pool. It's not a pretty sight, but keep calm! If you can safely access your main water supply, shut it off to minimise further damage. Use buckets or towels to contain the water, and mop up excess water to prevent slips and falls. Our skilled plumbers specialise in emergency repairs and will arrive equipped with the right tools to fix that burst pipe and prevent further water damage to your property.
Blocked Drains: Bye-bye, Drain Drama
Blocked drains can be like unwanted visitors who show up at the most inconvenient times, causing slow drainage, odd odours, and even flooding. According to a 2019 study in the UK, 48% of people said they put oil and fat down their kitchen sink, which is one of the main reasons for drain blockage.
While you wait for the plumber to arrive, try using a plunger to clear the blockage. Avoid using chemical drain cleaners, as they can damage your pipes. Our experienced plumbers will arrive with specialised tools and pressure techniques to unclog those drains, leaving you with smoothly flowing water once again.
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Leaking Taps: Drip, Drip, No More!
Leaking taps can be irritating, wasteful, and even damaging to your property. According to Wired, London loses more than half a billion litres of water to leaks every day. In the meantime, you can try turning off the water supply to the affected tap and placing a towel or bucket underneath to catch the dripping water. Our certified plumbers will diagnose the cause of the leak and fix or replace any needed components, putting an end to that annoying drip-drip and restoring it to function perfectly.
Toilet Clogs: The Dreaded Blockade
A nightmare for any homeowner: a clogged toilet that refuses to flush. According to Water UK, people flushing wet wipes down the toilet account for 75% of drain blockages in the UK. So, next time, don’t forget to #BinTheWipe.
Also, bear in mind that a single faulty toilet could leak more than 400 litres of water in a single day. While you wait for the plumber, avoid flushing multiple times, as it may cause the toilet to overflow. Instead of panic flushing (don’t worry, we’ve all been there), try using a plunger to loosen the blockage. Our expert local plumbers are equipped with the right tools and skills to tackle that dreaded blockade.
Water Heater Issues: No More Cold Showers!
Stepping into a cold shower on a chilly London morning is not a pleasant thought. Before anything, check if the pilot light on your water heater is lit. If it's not, try relighting it following the manufacturer's instructions. If that doesn't work, avoid tampering with the water heater further and use the Bokafix app to instantly book a certified gas engineer. 
If you're unsure whether your boiler needs replacing or just fixing, make sure to check out our blog post ‘Is Your Boiler Ready for Replacement? The 7 Common Warning Signs’, you may find it useful. Once at your house, our qualified local Fixer will correct the issue, ensuring you have hot water flowing again in no time. 
What To Do in Each Emergency
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Plumbing emergencies may be stressful, but Bokafix is here to make things easier! In just a few moments, you can book qualified plumbers or gas engineers who can tackle Londoners' most common plumbing emergencies with expertise and efficiency.   
So, say goodbye to the "emergency plumber near me" search. Download Bokafix today and bid farewell to plumbing troubles….help is just a few taps away! 
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the-romantic-lady · 1 year
I don't really like that they want to focus on the causes they are passionate about, it's way too activist for me. It's like the vegan people who go to grocery stores and dump milk on the floor. Or the stop oil lunatics who block the road and people can't get to hospitals. The energy is exactly the same "the cause I am passionate is important everything else doesn't matter".
TBH the causes they are passionate about are very elitist causes. Yes yearly years is important but there's very little some parents can do. People are living in a col crisis, both parents have to work sometimes more than they wish, and have their children in childcare for more time of the day than they wish. They can't spend as many time with their kids as they would like, they have work, sometimes commute, they have housework. Sometimes it's just not feasible even if they wanted to. Then in comes someone who is the privileged of the privileged. Who has 3 homes, none of which she paid for. Who has house staff, a full time nanny and barely works, to lecture people about how much the early years of your kid is important and how you should focus so much energy and time that you just don't have on that. Without actually offering any practical solution might I add.
Then we have the mental health one. Yes mental health is important, but how talking about how important it is help anyone? Like so many people that I know would like to go to therapy but can't afford it. Or if they live in a country that does have a public healthcare it's incredibly hard to get a therapist because the line of people already wanting is too big, there's never enough professionals to meet the demands. People could not heat their homes this winter, the food is more expensive by the day, the cost of property is going up so much that people can't afford to have housing. For anyone this is horrible for mental health, working yourself to the bone and you still can't have your basic needs met, and if you can there's not much left for anything else. You feel like you get stuck and nothing you ever do is going to help. What are they doing to help people have a better life so their mental health improves? Yep, nothing.
Then we have the climate change thing. Yes Earthshot is an amazing idea, I loved how it focused on getting solutions to the problems. But like the first step to help the issue is REDUCE. And I'm not one to say people shouldn't fly, but there are things that are just unnecessary. The Queen went to Sandringham by train, but William is always going by helicopter. If it was safe and good enough for the Queen, why isn't for him as well? It's very hard to take anything he says about how important is for us to care about climate change, when he can't even give up one of his luxuries that serves no purpose. This is not a trip to a vacation once in a while, or a work trip that is necessary.
What it bugs me the most is that even if Earthshot does provide solution for the problem it focuses on, their initiatives in general do absolutely nothing concrete to help anyone in the UK. It's not like the Edinburgh Awards or The Prince's Trust that actually offer things to the community. They help young people, small businesses, what do W&K foundation do besides help themselves learn and talk about things?
On top of that, they feel like they are too good for the boring engagements, it's not enough impact to their taste. Like bitch what impact your lectures have? If it helped anyone you would have stopped talking about mental health, it's been years and you are in the exact same place.
Cutting a ribbon is not below them. And they should do it. This should be their main job. The UK is not paying their security bill so they can follow their passion, it's for them to serve them, they are glorified public servants they should serve the community not just worry about their own interests. How many activists receive public funded security just to follow their passion? Yeah no one, because that's not what the job is about.
I don't agree with this completely. I do think they need to stop thinking of themselves as activists but the public complaining is part of the problem. Their pre-2017 engagements were considered blank and not big projects. So they went this direction which I am not a fan of.
I do see the importance of their causes though. Early Years is important in a time when children will be raised by daycares and technology. Part of her earlier work has been to spend time with them, take them to nature, and socializing with other parents. The unfortunate truth is that many parents don't value this anymore. It's not about how many homes, nannies or money you have. My parents were pretty much always poor and that didn't stop my mother from giving her all to us sisters. It's because she understood the importance of raising children, giving them time and attention among other things. On the other hand, I have family that have children whose children go from school to daycare to a day home. Society is disregarding the family and the upbringing of children and we can't look away. Early years emphasizes this once more to slow down for children and I stand behind the message.
I am less interested in climate change and all but I think the solutions and award system is good. Although you do have a point with the lack of focus on Britain. But William is supposedly launching a homelessness initiative so I hope that is promising and a cause I care more about.
There needs to be a balance. There is nothing wrong with Catherine visiting schools and nurseries but then she should work more to do other things. They need to expand but their current projects are not bad imo.
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Thanks for that answer and yes I had asked in reference to one of your posts about social class in our current economy. I have a friend who keeps saying she's poor but she has a stable office job in lower management, goes on holiday overseas once a year for two weeks, has nice clothes and all apple products, doesn't have debt but says she considers herself "working class" because she can't afford a house even with a decent salary and lives an hour away from the city? It even made me confused. Is that just the reality that millenians and gen z will have to adapt to? What class are we? The lines are so blurred.
Firstly, I think there's a difference between "poor" and working class. You can be working class in the UK, and really quite well off, in my opinion. A lot of being working class is cultural, and based around community and family as well as just your individual socio-economic status.
I do think, traditionally, owning property is one of the cornerstones of being middle class, and certainly feeling like you're trapped in a situation where you can't afford to buy isn't something that's typical of being "middle class"- although equally for many middle earners who are a single income household it is the reality. And I think that goes double if your parents aren't homeowners, so there's no prospect of an inheritance, either.
I also think it's unfair to judge how well off someone feels, just because they own certain things (which are a one off purchase and may be presents as well) or go on holiday once a year- I don't think either of those things preclude being working class.
That said, I don't consider those in management working class, and if you apply marxist class analysis, they're definitely not. Arguably, once you hold the ability to hire and fire others, you cross a line into something else, and as an anarchist, I actively choose to avoid holding jobs where I would have that power.
But I do think the lines are very blurred here, and I don't think it's fair to criticise someone for saying they feel poor if they are renting. Private renting is very stressful and insecure, and if you see no way out of it, it really can get you down. Plus, your friend likely feels like she has to keep up to £1000 if not more available at any time, in case her landlord chooses to evict her and she has to put a deposit down on somewhere else, etc.
I think the idea of class based on socio-economic status is difficult for millennials and Gen Z, but for me a lot of it is around family and the culture you grew up in. If someone grew up working class and their family are still very working class, their experience of life will be different to someone ostensibly in the same circumstances, but who grew up middle class.
(and often it's the difference between having family who can bail you out, and you bailing out family, which is a whole separate post).
I'd also add that this winter, a lot of the middle class who've previously been "managing" or "comfortable" will end up feeling quite squeezed, and if someone is, for example, genuinely worried about losing their home, I don't think it's helpful to say "oh actually you're not poor". It's more helpful to try and offer solidarity and educate them about why we face the problems we are facing.
Undoubtedly, your friend would benefit from secure housing- so instead of judging what they say about their finances and class status, why not talk to them about housing solutions other than the current fucked up system?
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qeeper0 · 10 days
Quick Solutions for Emergency Boiler Repair
Boilers are essential for maintaining a comfortable and warm home, especially during colder months. When a boiler breaks down unexpectedly, it can quickly become a stressful and inconvenient situation. This is when emergency boiler repair services come to the rescue. In this article, we’ll discuss the common boiler issues, what to do in an emergency, and how to choose the best emergency boiler repair service.
Common Boiler Issues That Require Immediate Repair
Several issues can cause a boiler to malfunction. Knowing the most common ones can help you identify problems early and seek the necessary repairs promptly.
No Heat or Hot Water: This is the most obvious sign of a boiler problem. If the boiler isn’t producing heat or hot water, it could be due to a faulty thermostat, low pressure, a malfunctioning valve, or a broken diaphragm.
Strange Noises: Banging, whistling, or gurgling noises often indicate air in the system, low water pressure, or an underlying mechanical issue. Ignoring these noises can lead to more significant problems and potential damage to the boiler.
Leaks and Drips: Any sign of leakage should be addressed immediately. It could indicate issues with the internal components, such as a broken seal, corroded pipes, or a pressure valve fault. A leaking boiler can cause water damage to your property and should be repaired without delay.
Pilot Light Goes Out: The pilot light in older boilers sometimes goes out. This can be due to a faulty thermocouple or a draught blowing the light out. It’s important to get a professional to inspect and repair the issue.
Boiler Keeps Switching Off: If your boiler frequently shuts off, it could be due to low water pressure, a faulty thermostat, or issues with the circulation pump. This problem needs immediate attention to prevent a complete breakdown.
What to Do in an Emergency
When your boiler fails, the first step is to ensure everyone’s safety. Switch off the boiler and turn off the gas supply if you suspect a gas leak. Ventilate the area and avoid using electrical appliances until the issue is resolved.
Next, check if simple fixes like resetting the boiler or adjusting the thermostat solve the problem. However, do not attempt to carry out complex repairs yourself, as Boiler Service London are intricate systems requiring professional expertise.
How to Choose an Emergency Boiler Repair Service
Selecting a reliable emergency boiler repair service is crucial to ensure the job is done safely and efficiently. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:
Certifications and Qualifications: Always choose a service provider that employs certified and licensed engineers. In the UK, for example, engineers should be Gas Safe registered, ensuring they have the training and qualifications to work safely on gas appliances.
Availability: Emergencies can happen at any time, so look for a repair service that offers 24/7 availability. This ensures that help is available whenever you need it.
Quick Response Time: An effective emergency repair service should respond promptly to your call. They should also provide a clear estimate of their arrival time to address your issue as quickly as possible.
Experience: Choose a company with a strong track record and positive customer reviews. Experienced technicians can diagnose problems faster and recommend the most effective solutions.
Transparent Pricing: A reputable service provider will provide a clear and upfront pricing structure, including any call-out fees, to avoid surprises when the bill arrives.
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legalmaxims321 · 12 days
Legal Maxims - Legal Advice in Dubai
Legal Maxims is renowned for offering superior legal services that are flexible, practical, and affordable. Our team of consultants and lawyers brings global knowledge combined with sharp business acumen and a passion for solving problems. We take immense pride in delivering exceptional services to meet the diverse needs of our clients.
With a direct presence in the UAE, UK, and India, and a global reach in over 80 countries through our associate offices, Legal Maxims Group ensures that our expertise is accessible worldwide. We provide a wide range of services, including drafting and registering wills, Intellectual Property services (Trademark, Patent, and Copyright), Auditing & Accounting, HR Services, Business Setup & Company Incorporation, Liquidation Services, Document Attestation & Verification, Due Diligence, and Business Restructuring.
For those in need of legal advice Dubai, Legal Maxims is your trusted partner for reliable and expert legal solutions.
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cdroofingma222 · 17 days
The Water And Fire Damage Repair Company
Skilled Maintenance and Repair Services for Buildings When individuals are attempting to recover and rebuild after a disaster, our services may be helpful Water Damage Ceiling Repair Edinburgh Seemingly, relatives of those killed in the terrible flames that shook Edinburgh and the neighboring regions have reached out to the proper authorities.
The successful maintenance took place in Edinburgh, UK. Repairs Necessary After Water Damage We can clean up the area, fix the ceiling, and even help with insurance paperwork thanks to our gear. Fixing the water damage is of utmost importance in this situation.  Issues such as water damage or collapsed ceilings will now be promptly addressed. Because we are dependable, insurance companies put their faith in our property restoration services. With a history spanning nearly three decades, we are among the world's oldest organizations.
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lessening potential fire hazards This harm Apologizing and expressing regret We are ready to assist any Edinburgh citizen who may want assistance with post-fire cleanup, restoration, or repairs. Rural central Scotland and the Highlands The primary objectives following the fire were damage assessment and repair. This also includes repairing any damage that may have occurred and cleaning up after the fire. The restoration and repair services we offer are reliable in the event of a fire. Have faith in our experienced staff to manage any size insurance claim.
Getting a smokey flavor was really challenging.
Those in Edinburgh are not the only ones who can use these services; everyone in central Scotland can. Nobody can manage the cleanup or insurance claims like us after a calamity strikes Edinburgh. Our satisfaction with the restoration coverage is high. Repair experts can work with any insurance company. Numerous dangers can compromise homes and businesses. It is prudent to employ experts if problems arise that are covered by your insurance. There is no cost for the estimate, and our experts are available 24/7 to respond to your inquiries.
In order to finish the flood restoration procedure, damaged objects must be replaced.
Do you need assistance repairing the water damage? Is the unexpected flooding in central Scotland causing your organization to get more done than usual? Is it crucial to restore? How does Edinburgh's water damage insurance handle repairs? Would you like us to do anything else to help you? We assist flood victims in restoring their homes, and one of our specializations is mending ceilings Smoke Damage Repair Edinburgh One of the many services offered is ceiling restoration following water damage. Such buildings have many different potential commercial and residential purposes. There is no cost for the estimate, and our experts are available 24/7 to respond to your inquiries.
In case of an emergency, we assure you that we will react promptly. Reliability of Electronic Resources Locate a Reliable Fire Damage Repair Service by Following These Steps Our clients rely on us to assist them in drying out their homes and businesses following a disaster. Respected people who can eliminate danger
Edinburgh and other large Scottish cities have emergency services that can respond to major catastrophes. They are reliable. Their competence extends to both of these areas. You can see them standing by, prepared to help you out. You can reach out to our support staff at any time, day or night. Whether it's a fire, flood, or some other kind of calamity, you can rely on our cleanup services. Our professional professionals and cutting-edge restoration technology will give your water-damaged goods a second chance. After a flood, the salvageable items are called "reconstruction debris." It is entirely feasible to restore any kind of water damage. We can help you find a fast and effective solution to your flooding problem, regardless of the reason, be it a broken pipe, a leaking roof, or an unusually high amount of precipitation. Our utmost concern is identifying practical and efficient solutions. Our utmost concern is assisting you.
Ensuring customer satisfaction is our top focus. Why? Why? Why? Why? We would much appreciate your feedback on the finished product. Any time you need us, our cleaning and repair services will be there to save the day. Thoroughly documenting damage and consistently contacting the insurance company expedites claim processing. Making a digital copy of the changed or removed structure Contact us without delay if your central Scotland or Edinburgh house experiences water or fire damage. Someone is always willing to help you out. Allow us to be of service to you. Priorities one If you need assistance cleaning up after a disaster, our restoration specialists are available 24/7 to aid you. Something transpired following your conversation with them. We assure you that we will promptly repair your beloved home, regardless of the severity of the damage.
Our trained staff can restore homes to their pre-disaster condition following disasters like fires or floods. If you require any additional support in the future, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Whenever you need any kind of help, feel free to reach out to our team. Rest assured, we will take care of everything. We won't think twice if you contact us right away. We must complete all tasks immediately. Our extensive restoration and repair services have helped customers with a wide variety of problems.
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integritycrr · 18 days
Choosing the Right Roofing Company in South East: A Guide by Integrity CRR
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When it comes to protecting your home or commercial building, the roof is your first line of defense. A sturdy, well-installed roof can safeguard your property from weather damage, improve energy efficiency, and even increase the value of your building. Whether you need a roof repair, replacement, or a brand-new installation, choosing the right roofing company is crucial to ensure quality, longevity, and peace of mind. Integrity CRR stands out as a trusted roofing company known for delivering reliable and high-quality roofing company in South East.
In this blog, we’ll explore what makes a great roofing company, what services you should expect, and why Integrity CRR is your best choice for roofing solutions in the Southeast.
Why Choose Integrity CRR for Your Roofing Needs in South East?
Choosing Integrity CRR for your roofing project means you’re choosing a company that values quality, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. Here’s why we’re the best choice for roofing services in the South East:
Experienced Team: Our team of skilled roofers has years of experience handling various roofing projects, from residential homes to large commercial buildings.
Local Expertise: We understand the unique needs of South East homeowners and businesses, and we tailor our services to meet the specific demands of the local climate.
Comprehensive Services: From installations and repairs to maintenance and emergency services, we offer a full range of roofing solutions to meet your needs.
Customer-Focused Approach: We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service and transparent communication throughout the project. We’re always available to answer your questions and ensure you’re satisfied with our work.
High-Quality Materials: We use only the best materials for our roofing projects, ensuring that your roof is built to last.
Why Choosing the Right Roofing Company Matters
Roofing is not a one-size-fits-all service. Every building is different, and the roofing needs of a residential home vary from those of a commercial property. Choosing the wrong roofing company can lead to substandard work, poor materials, and long-term issues such as leaks or premature roof failure. Here are some key reasons why selecting the right roofing company is critical:
1. Quality Workmanship
Roofing is a specialized trade that requires skill and experience. A well-trained, professional roofing team will ensure your roof is installed or repaired correctly, avoiding future problems like leaks, improper drainage, and structural damage.
2. Safety Standards
Roofing projects can be dangerous, especially when working at heights. A reputable roofing company will follow stringent safety protocols and provide the necessary safety equipment to protect both workers and occupants.
3. Compliance with Building Codes
In the UK, roofing projects must comply with local building codes and regulations. A professional roofing company will ensure your project meets all necessary legal requirements, avoiding fines or the need for costly repairs in the future.
4. Long-Term Cost Savings
While hiring a professional roofing company might seem more expensive upfront, it will save you money in the long run. A well-installed roof will last longer, require fewer repairs, and improve energy efficiency, lowering your heating and cooling costs.
What to Look for in a Roofing Company
With so many roofing company in South East, how do you know which one to choose? Here are the top factors to consider when hiring a roofing company:
1. Experience and Expertise
One of the most important factors to consider is the experience and expertise of the roofing company. Look for a company with a proven track record of successful projects and a team of skilled professionals who can handle various roofing types and materials.
At Integrity CRR, we have years of experience working on different types of roofs, including pitched, flat, and tiled roofs, as well as modern materials like EPDM and fiberglass. Our expertise extends to both residential and commercial roofing, ensuring that no project is too big or too small for us.
2. Local Knowledge
A roofing company that operates locally understands the unique weather conditions and environmental challenges of the region. This is crucial for selecting the right materials and ensuring your roof is built to withstand the local climate.
As a Southeast-based roofing company, Integrity CRR is well-versed in the typical weather patterns of the region. We choose materials and designs that will hold up against rain, wind, and seasonal temperature fluctuations, providing long-lasting protection for your property.
3. Reputation and Reviews
A good roofing company will have positive customer reviews and a solid reputation within the community. Check online reviews and ask for references to ensure the company you’re considering has a history of satisfied customers.
At Integrity CRR, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service and positive feedback. Many of our clients come from word-of-mouth referrals, and we’re happy to provide testimonials and examples of our previous work.
4. Warranty and Aftercare
Roofing is a significant investment, and you want to be sure that your new roof will stand the test of time. A reputable roofing company will offer a warranty on both materials and workmanship, ensuring that any issues are resolved without additional cost to you.
We stand by the quality of our work at Integrity CRR, offering warranties on all roofing installations and repairs. Our aftercare services ensure that any concerns you have after the project is completed are promptly addressed.
5. Insurance and Certifications
Make sure that the roofing company you hire is fully insured and holds the necessary certifications. This not only protects you from liability in case of accidents but also guarantees that the company follows industry standards and best practices.
Integrity CRR is fully licensed and insured, giving you peace of mind that your project will be completed safely and professionally.
Roofing Services Offered by Integrity CRR
At Integrity CRR, we offer a comprehensive range of roofing services to meet the needs of our clients in the South East. Whether you need minor repairs or a full roof replacement, we’ve got you covered. Here’s an overview of our key services:
1. Roof Installation
Whether you’re building a new home or commercial building, we provide expert roof installation services tailored to your design, budget, and material preferences. Our team works with a wide range of roofing materials, including:
Tiled roofs
Slate roofs
Asphalt shingle roofs
Metal roofs
Flat roofs (including EPDM, fiberglass, and felt)
2. Roof Repairs
A damaged roof can lead to a host of problems, from water leaks to mold growth and structural damage. At Integrity CRR, we offer fast and reliable roof repair services to address issues such as:
Broken or missing tiles
Leaks and water damage
Damaged flashing
Gutter and drainage issues
Storm damage repairs
3. Roof Maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential to prolonging the life of your roof. We offer maintenance services that include inspections, cleaning, and minor repairs to keep your roof in excellent condition and prevent costly issues down the line.
4. Roof Replacement
If your roof is beyond repair or has reached the end of its lifespan, our team can provide a full roof replacement. We will assess your current roof, recommend the best replacement options, and ensure the installation is completed to the highest standards.
5. Flat Roofing Solutions
Flat roofs require specialized knowledge and materials to ensure they remain watertight and durable. We offer flat roofing installation and repair services using high-quality materials such as EPDM, fiberglass and felt.
6. Emergency Roofing Services
Roofing emergencies can happen at any time, often when you least expect it. Our emergency roofing services provide prompt response and repair for urgent issues, ensuring your property is protected from further damage.
Your roof is a vital part of your home or building, and choosing the right roofing company is essential to ensuring it provides the protection and longevity you need. At Integrity CRR, we combine expertise, local knowledge, and high-quality materials to deliver the best roofing company in South East. Whether you need a simple repair or a full roof replacement, we’re here to help.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can protect your property with top-tier roofing solutions!
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How to Get Rid of Mice: Effective Rodent Control in Belfast
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Mice are more than just a nuisance; they can pose health risks, damage property, and make living conditions uncomfortable. If you’re dealing with a mouse problem in Belfast, it’s essential to tackle it with effective rodent control methods. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to get rid of mice, along with information on pest control services from Pest Control & Proofing and answers to frequently asked questions.
Understanding the Mouse Problem
Mice are small, adaptable rodents that thrive in various environments, including homes and businesses. They are often drawn to food sources, shelter, and warmth. Common signs of a mouse infestation include:
Droppings: Small, dark pellets found in areas where mice are active.
Gnaw Marks: Evidence of mice chewing on wires, furniture, or food packages.
Nests: Shredded materials or nests hidden in dark, undisturbed areas.
Noises: Scratching or squeaking sounds, especially at night.
Effective Methods for Mouse Control in the UK
1. Seal Entry Points
Mice can enter through tiny gaps and cracks. Inspect your property before searching for an answer to How to get rid of Mice for potential entry points and seal them with materials such as:
Steel wool
Expanding foam
Pay special attention to areas around pipes, vents, and doors.
2. Maintain Cleanliness
Mice are attracted to food and clutter. To minimize their appeal:
Keep food stored in airtight containers.
Clean up crumbs and spills immediately.
Regularly dispose of garbage and keep bins tightly sealed.
3. Use Traps and Baits
There are several types of traps and baits available:
Snap Traps: Quick and effective, but handle with care.
Glue Traps: Useful for catching mice, but can be considered inhumane.
Live Traps: Capture mice alive for relocation, though they require frequent checking.
Poison Baits: Effective but must be used cautiously to avoid risks to children and pets.
4. Employ Natural Deterrents
Certain natural deterrents can help repel mice:
Peppermint Oil: Mice dislike the strong scent.
Ultrasonic Repellents: Emit sound frequencies that mice find unpleasant.
5. Seek Professional Pest Control Services
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Pest Control Services from Pest Control & Proofing
Pest Control & Proofing is a reputable provider of pest control services in Belfast. They offer comprehensive solutions for mouse control, including:
Inspection: Thorough assessment of your property to identify entry points and areas of infestation.
Treatment: Implementation of effective pest control measures, including traps, baits, and proofing techniques.
Proofing: Sealing entry points and advising on preventive measures to avoid future infestations.
Follow-Up: Regular check-ups to ensure the problem has been resolved and to prevent reoccurrence.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I know if I have a mouse infestation?
Look for signs such as droppings, gnaw marks, nests, and unusual noises. A professional inspection can confirm the presence of mice and help you take control of your household through rodent control in Belfast.
2. Are the traps used by Pest Control & Proofing safe?
Yes, Pest Control & Proofing uses safe and effective traps and baits. They follow industry standards to ensure that traps are used responsibly, minimizing risks to children and pets.
3. How long does it take to get rid of mice?
The duration can vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the methods used. Typically, it can take a few weeks to fully address and resolve a mouse problem, including follow-up inspections and preventive measures.
4. Can I prevent mice from entering my home?
Yes, preventive measures include sealing entry points, maintaining cleanliness, and using deterrents. Regular inspections by professionals can also help identify potential vulnerabilities before they become problems.
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ukrgroupsblog · 1 month
Finding Construction Jobs in London: Your Comprehensive Guide
If you've ever considered a career in construction, London is an exciting place to start. With its ever-evolving skyline and constant influx of projects, the city is a hotspot for construction jobs. From towering skyscrapers to infrastructure upgrades, there's always something happening. In this guide, we'll navigate the landscape of construction jobs in London, providing tips and insights to help you land your dream role.
Why London is a Prime Location for Construction Jobs
London's construction industry is booming, making it an attractive destination for job seekers. Why? Picture London as a giant construction site, constantly under renovation and expansion. The city's growth demands a wide range of construction professionals, from architects to site managers.
Key Reasons London Stands Out:
High Volume of Projects: London is home to numerous large-scale construction projects.
Diverse Opportunities: There’s a range of roles available, from residential to commercial and public sector projects.
Competitive Salaries: London often offers higher salaries compared to other UK cities due to the high cost of living.
Types of Construction Jobs Available in London
The London construction job market is as diverse as the city itself. Here are some common roles you might encounter:
Site Manager: Oversees construction sites, ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget.
Quantity Surveyor: Manages costs and budgets, ensuring financial efficiency.
Bricklayer: Specializes in laying bricks and other materials.
Electrician: Handles electrical installations and repairs.
Project Manager: Coordinates all aspects of construction projects, from planning to execution.
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How to Find Construction Jobs in London
Finding the right job can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some practical steps:
Online Job Boards: Websites like Indeed, Monster, and Reed are great places to start.
Recruitment Agencies: Specialized agencies focus on construction jobs and can match you with the right roles.
Networking: Attend industry events and connect with professionals in the field.
Company Websites: Check the careers pages of construction companies based in London.
Top Recruitment Agencies for Construction Jobs
Recruitment agencies can be invaluable in finding construction roles. Here are some top agencies in London:
Hays Construction: Known for its extensive network and expertise in construction recruitment.
Randstad CPE: Offers a range of construction roles and has a strong presence in London.
Michael Page: Specializes in construction and property recruitment, with a focus on high-profile roles.
Essential Skills for Construction Jobs
To excel in construction roles, certain skills are crucial:
Technical Skills: Depending on the role, skills in areas like bricklaying, electrical work, or project management are essential.
Problem-Solving: Ability to handle unexpected issues and find solutions quickly.
Communication: Effective communication with team members and stakeholders is key.
Attention to Detail: Ensuring that work is carried out accurately and to high standards.
Preparing Your CV and Cover Letter
A well-crafted CV and cover letter can make a significant difference. Here’s how to make yours stand out:
Tailor Your CV: Highlight relevant experience and skills related to the construction role.
Showcase Achievements: Include specific accomplishments and quantify them where possible (e.g., "Managed a £5 million project").
Professional Formatting: Use a clear, professional format that is easy to read.
Craft a Strong Cover Letter: Address it to the hiring manager and explain why you’re a great fit for the role.
Interview Tips for Construction Roles
Ace your construction job interview with these tips:
Prepare for Technical Questions: Be ready to discuss specific skills and knowledge related to the role.
Showcase Your Experience: Use examples from past projects to demonstrate your expertise.
Understand the Company: Research the company and its projects to show genuine interest.
Ask Questions: Prepare insightful questions about the role and company to show your engagement.
Salary Expectations in the London Construction Sector
Salaries in London’s construction sector can vary widely based on role, experience, and project size:
Site Manager: Typically earns between £45,000 and £65,000 per year.
Quantity Surveyor: Ranges from £40,000 to £55,000 annually.
Electrician: Can earn from £30,000 to £45,000, depending on experience.
Project Manager: Often sees salaries between £50,000 and £75,000.
Understanding Health and Safety Regulations
Health and safety are paramount in construction. Familiarize yourself with:
HSE Guidelines: Follow Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines for construction.
Risk Assessments: Conduct and review risk assessments regularly.
Safety Training: Ensure you have the necessary training and certifications.
Advancing Your Career in Construction
To move up the career ladder, consider:
Further Education: Pursue additional qualifications or certifications.
Specializations: Develop expertise in a niche area of construction.
Networking: Build connections within the industry to open new opportunities.
Success Stories in London’s Construction Sector
Success stories can inspire and motivate. For instance, a small construction firm in London may have started with a single project and grown into a leading company, thanks to strategic hiring and effective project management.
Challenges in the Construction Job Market
Be aware of challenges such as:
Skill Shortages: Finding qualified candidates can be difficult.
Economic Fluctuations: Economic downturns can impact job availability.
Regulatory Changes: Keeping up with changing regulations can be challenging.
Future Trends in Construction Jobs
Looking ahead, trends to watch include:
Green Building: Increasing demand for sustainable construction practices.
Technology Integration: Use of new technologies like BIM (Building Information Modeling).
Increased Demand: Growth in urban development projects driving job creation.
With its vibrant construction jobs London offers a multitude of opportunities for those seeking a career in this field. By understanding the job market, preparing effectively, and staying informed about industry trends, you can position yourself for success in one of the world's most dynamic construction landscapes.
1. What types of construction jobs are available in London?
London offers a range of construction jobs, including site managers, quantity surveyors, bricklayers, electricians, and project managers.
2. How can I find construction jobs in London?
You can find construction jobs by using online job boards, contacting recruitment agencies, networking, and checking company websites.
3. What are the salary expectations for construction jobs in London?
Salaries vary depending on the role, with site managers earning between £45,000 and £65,000, and electricians making £30,000 to £45,000.
4. What should I include in my CV and cover letter for construction jobs?
Tailor your CV to highlight relevant experience, showcase achievements, and use a professional format. Craft a cover letter addressing why you’re a great fit for the role.
5. What are some common challenges in the London construction job market?
Common challenges include skill shortages, economic fluctuations, and keeping up with regulatory changes.
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alexander-clifford · 1 month
Unleashing Innovation: The Role of R&D in Startups and Small Businesses
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In today’s competitive world, startups and small businesses must innovate to survive and grow. Research and development (R&D) is at the heart of this innovation, helping companies create new products, improve existing ones, and find solutions to industry challenges. However, funding these R&D activities can be a major hurdle.
Government Support and R&D Tax Credits
The UK government offers valuable support to businesses through R&D tax credits. These credits are designed to ease the financial burden of innovation, allowing startups and small businesses to invest in their future without breaking the bank.
Why R&D Matters for Small Businesses
For small businesses, R&D isn’t just about creating new products; it’s also about staying ahead in a crowded marketplace. Investing in R&D helps small businesses:
Better meet customer needs
Adapt to market trends
Gain a competitive edge
This ability to innovate is crucial for small businesses that are often up against larger, more established companies.
The Importance of R&D for Startups
Startups thrive on innovation, whether they’re launching a new product, solving a unique problem, or disrupting an entire industry. R&D is a key part of this process, offering benefits like:
Turning ideas into reality
Protecting intellectual property
Testing market assumptions
However, the cost of R&D can be a significant challenge for startups.
Overcoming Financial Barriers with R&D Tax Credits
One of the biggest obstacles for startups and small businesses is finding the money to fund R&D. R&D tax credits are a lifeline, providing financial relief that supports ongoing innovation. These credits can be claimed by businesses that meet the criteria set by HMRC, making it easier to continue developing new ideas.
Adapting to Market Changes and Filling Skill Gaps
In a fast-changing market, startups and small businesses must be flexible. Using agile R&D methods, which involve breaking down projects into smaller, manageable tasks, can help companies respond quickly to changes and reduce risks.
Additionally, finding the right skills for R&D can be difficult. Businesses can address this by upskilling current employees or bringing in temporary experts to work on specific projects.
Measuring R&D Success
Measuring the success of R&D is crucial to ensure that it’s delivering value. This can be done by looking at outcomes like new product development, intellectual property protection, and market performance.
How R&D Tax Credits Support Innovation
R&D tax credits, funded by the UK government, can significantly reduce the cost of innovation. To be eligible, businesses must follow HMRC guidelines, which include aligning with their definition of R&D, calculating qualifying expenses, and providing necessary documentation.
For more information on how R&D tax credits can benefit your business, check out our detailed guide on Claiming R&D Tax Relief for Startups and Small Businesses.
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possumremoval3 · 1 month
Quick and Effective Possum Removal in Guildford
Possums are a common nuisance for homeowners in Guildford. These marsupials often make their way into attics, roofs, and even walls, leading to significant property damage and health risks. As much as they may look harmless, possums can cause serious disturbances. In this comprehensive guide, we provide quick and effective methods for possum removal to help you protect your property and ensure your peace of mind.
Why Possum Removal is Crucial in Guildford
Possums are drawn to human dwellings due to the availability of food and shelter. While they are relatively docile creatures, their presence in and around your property can cause several issues. Damage to property, including chewed electrical wiring, torn insulation, and damaged roof tiles, is common. Additionally, possums often carry diseases and parasites like fleas and ticks, which can affect both humans and pets.
The nocturnal nature of possums means they are most active at night, often creating noise disturbances when they move around in ceilings or attics. Therefore, it is critical to address possum infestations promptly to avoid extensive damage and potential health hazards.
Signs of Possum Infestation
Early detection of possum activity can help you mitigate damage and implement removal solutions efficiently. Here are some common signs that you might have a possum problem in your Guildford property:
Nocturnal Noises: Possums are active at night, and you may hear scratching, thumping, or scampering sounds in your attic, walls, or roof.
Foul Odors: Possums mark their territory with strong-smelling urine, and their droppings can produce a pungent odor.
Damage to Property: Look for damaged roof tiles, insulation pulled apart, and chewed wires.
Tracks and Droppings: Possum droppings resemble those of a medium-sized dog and may be found around your property, especially in dark and sheltered areas.
Once you've identified signs of possums, it’s important to take immediate action. The longer possums remain on your property, the more damage they can cause.
Effective Possum Removal Techniques
When it comes to possum removal in Guildford, there are several techniques that have proven to be effective. Here, we discuss some of the most reliable methods for quick and humane possum removal.
1. Blocking Entry Points
The first step in possum removal is to identify and block potential entry points. Possums typically enter homes through roof vents, loose tiles, or damaged areas in walls. Carefully inspect your property for any holes or openings that possums could use as access points. Once identified, seal these gaps using durable materials like metal mesh or steel wool. This method not only prevents future infestations but also encourages any existing possums to leave your property in search of an easier entry point.
2. Installing Possum Deterrents
There are several possum deterrents available that can help drive them away from your property without causing harm. Motion-activated lights or sprinklers can scare possums off by startling them when they enter certain areas. You can also install spikes or barriers along fences, roofs, or trees to make it difficult for possums to climb.
Natural deterrents like mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags can be placed in areas where possums are likely to frequent. However, these should be used cautiously, as they may also be harmful to pets and other wildlife.
3. Humane Trapping
In some cases, you may need to physically remove possums using humane traps. These traps allow you to capture the possum without harming it. Once captured, the possum should be relocated to a safe and suitable location, far from your property.
It is important to note that in Guildford, as well as other parts of the UK, possums are protected species. This means that you must adhere to local regulations when dealing with possum removal. Always contact local wildlife authorities for guidance on where and how to release the possum after trapping.
4. Professional Possum Removal Services
For many homeowners, the most efficient way to handle a possum problem is to hire professional pest control services. Pest control experts have the experience, equipment, and knowledge necessary to quickly and safely remove possums from your property. In addition, they can offer long-term prevention strategies to keep your home possum-free in the future.
Preventing Possums from Returning
Once you’ve successfully removed possums from your Guildford property, it’s important to take steps to ensure they don’t return. Prevention is key to avoiding future infestations and the damage that comes with them.
1. Secure Your Rubbish and Compost Bins
Possums are attracted to readily available food sources. Make sure your rubbish bins have tight-fitting lids and secure your compost piles to prevent possums from being drawn to your property.
2. Trim Trees and Shrubs
Possums often use trees and overhanging branches as a bridge to access your roof. Regularly trim trees and shrubs near your home to eliminate their access points. Keeping a clear perimeter around your home can also deter possums from seeking shelter.
3. Repair Damaged Roofs and Walls
Ensuring that your roof and walls are in good condition is critical for keeping possums out. Check your roof for loose tiles, holes, or gaps and repair them immediately. Make sure that vents and chimneys are properly covered with mesh to prevent possums from entering your home.
4. Use Possum-Repelling Plants
Certain plants, such as citrus, eucalyptus, and lavender, are known to repel possums. Planting these around the perimeter of your property can help deter possums from entering.
Legal Considerations for Possum Removal in Guildford
It’s important to note that possum removal is regulated by local wildlife laws in the UK. Possums are considered protected species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, and it is illegal to harm or kill them. Always opt for humane removal methods and consult with local authorities if you are unsure of the legal procedures for possum removal in your area.
If you are considering the use of traps or other forms of intervention, be sure to check the legal guidelines specific to Guildford. Failure to adhere to these regulations can result in fines or legal action.
Possum infestations in Guildford can be both frustrating and damaging. However, by understanding the signs of infestation and implementing the right possum removal techniques, you can effectively protect your property and ensure a safe, humane resolution to the problem.
While some homeowners may be able to handle possum removal on their own, professional pest control services offer a faster and more comprehensive solution. Whichever method you choose, remember to take steps to prevent possums from returning to avoid future infestations.
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