#proof that jun is dumbass number two!
On the topic of the ROs taking care of the MC, how about one who's very clumsy and constantly hurting themselves in accident? -Lyrah? I do use that in every account I make, be it for a game, site, or whatever. :P I guess I will go with that. (also, that may have already been asked too)
Don’t worry, this one hasn’t been asked yet (at least I don’t think so??)
Caiden can relate. They’re just the same since they tinker a lot with machines and are surprisingly clumsy at that, so I guess you both take care of each other when you hurt yourselves. Caiden is very caring and selfless too regarding you, so they’d probably take care of you whilst they forget they’re just the same. Take care of them too MC.
Jade is an absolute mom. They might not look like it, with their standoffish attitude, but they are possibly one of the biggest worriers in the group. Their constant need to check on everybody, especially you, and fully examining the body for injuries, is a total mom thing to do. Oh, and they are very overbearing, so you’d have to remind them to chill a bit, they are likely to not believe you when you say it’s nothing or you’re okay, as they want your condition to be absolutely 100%. Then Jade will give a lecture on how to be more careful.
Bo is an asshole, I said it here and I will continue to say it. They are very sweet when they want to be, but not being able to take things seriously is their motto. It’s expected that Bo will probably just make fun of you, laughing about how clumsy you are. But if you remind them that they actually hurt and that this is serious, Bo will eventually take care of you – mind you, with playful jabs. They are caring and extremely affectionate, so don’t let their tendency to think that everything is a joke drown that.
Tori is very similar to Jade considering mom mode. They will be mostly frustrated that you’re careless and clumsy, so they’d probably make you feel a little guilty, but they’re angry reprimand is from the root of worry at the depth of their stomach. They are extremely good at taking care of you, and while they’re telling you to be more careful and whatnot, they’re tending to your injuries with gentleness. What they’re saying doesn’t necessarily fit with what they’re doing.
Jay is an absolute sweetheart, and if it weren’t for their harden skin, they’d also be sporting a lot of injuries given how clumsy they can be. But above everything else, Jay is nothing but considerate and skilled at taking care of people’s health. They know mostly everything there is to know about tending to injuries, cuts, illness or anything in those lines. You can bet that Jay will be fussing over you until you’re okay (which is be rather quick due to Jay’s effectiveness), and there’s nothing you can really do about it.
Jun is quite terrible at knowing how to deal with situation. They may seem smart and wise, but truly they’re very clueless in affairs that they don’t have experience with, and since they’re literally water, you can tell that they don’t have any reason to know how to tend to injuries. But Jun is good at resolving other issues, such as clumsiness, so you might go through some “exercises” to try and be more careful. Jun is a good teacher at least, and they do care. Even if they know how to make it better at the moment, they can solve the long-term effects.
Thank you for the ask anon! If any of you are clumsy then you’re valid because honestly, we’re all wearing these weird meat bags so no one can fault us for not knowing how to walk around in them.
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writer-k-pop · 5 years
Black Widow - Prt 1
Description: Hoseok is the leader of the number one gang, BT, and everyone knows he has a knight of sorts. This knight sits in the shadows and keeps an eye on the leader and his men, never stepping in until necessary. All the lesser gangs know who you are but they don’t know who you are. You are a wicked shot, long and short range, a skilled knife fighter, and a silhouette without a name. By the underground network of whispers, you’re referred to as BT’s Black Widow. The number two gang decides to rebel and you are forced to finally show your face. Pairing: Hoseok x reader, this also focuses on reader’s friendship with Tae. Word Count: 2.9k Genre: Mafia/gang-esk, action Warnings: nothing too gory, swearing Masterlist Part 01 | Part 02 | Part 03 | Part 04 | Part 05 | Part 06 
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“They’re on our eastern border.” Namjoon says with a stern expression. “I have a feeling they won’t be there long. They never are.”
From my seat, I scan the room and the eight seated at the round table. The expressions are serious but not utterly grim. Which is about right for the situation at hand. In the small country we reside in, the gangs are ranked by power and size. BT has the top spot and Switch, the number two spot, have decided they want to rebel and attack us.
“Should we prepare for something on the West side?” Tae asks, folding his arms across his chest.
Hoseok shakes his head. “No. Not yet at least.”
“I don’t even get why they would even try.” Jin says incredulously, “I mean do they not know what happened to the last group that tried?”
The last group that tried to fight against BT was Rollers. It was the fight that got me caught up in this life.
“YOU?” Mother screams at my older brother, Min Jun. “That’s what you’ve been sneaking around for?! A gang?!”
I sit at the kitchen table with my hands folded in my lap and my dinner sitting half eaten in from of me. My mother at the stove and my brother at the other end near the door.
“Mother, please.” Min Jun pleads with my mother. “We’ll be able to take them but it’d be safer for you and (y/n) to leave town for a few days. Till the dust settles.”
Peeking at my mother, I see her eyes filled with an anger I have never seen in my lifetime. It’s almost like I can see her eyes physically turn red.
“Get. Out.” Mother demands and points her hand towards the door behind Min Jun.
“Mother-“ Min Jun begins before mother cuts him off.
“Get out of my house.” She repeats and turns her back to Min Jun.
“(y/n).” My brother whispers to me.
I hesitantly turn towards him and he waves me forward. Hopping off the chair, I walk over.
He grabs my shoulders and looks directly into my eyes. “You have good eyes. Use them.” He says before enveloping me into a hug. “Since mother won’t listen to me, please listen to me, (y/n). If it comes to it, join nobody but BT. They’ll protect you.”
A banging at the door makes my brother pull away abruptly.
“You brought them here?!” Mother screams at Min Jun, “How could you do that to us?!”
“(y/n), go into the bedroom closet and close the doors.” Min Jun says, giving you a little shove. “I love you, lil one.”
Before I can repeat the words back, there’s more banging on the door. This time louder and harsher, sending a wave of fear through my body. Without realizing it, my body is rushing it’s way to the bedroom closet.
It’s there that I sit through the gun fire, through the yells and the screams, and through the echoing footsteps of men as they search my home.
The closet doors open with a single swift move and standing above me are three men with their guns pointed at me. Yet, I’m not as scared as I was when my mother was yelling at Min Jun.
“Put the damn guns away. She’s a child. Can’t you dumbasses see that?” A voice says from behind the three men, and instantly their guns are lowered. The man steps forward and he kneels in front of me.
“You’re a strong little girl, aren’t you?” He asks, “Do these not scare you?” He pulls out his smaller gun and holds it in his hand.
I look over the gun in fascination and I am tempted to reach out and touch it.
“Which one are you?” I ask, in a small voice.
“That’s an odd question.” The man gives a lopsided smile, “Why do you ask?” 
“I have good eyes. Min Jun always said I do.” I say, and look the man square in the eyes, “He said I should join BT. So I want to be a member of BT and only BT.”
The man chuckles, “Well, if your brother did one thing right in his small, insignificant life, I’d say he did well.” The three men behind him chuckle along as he points to his badge over his heart and opens his arms. “We are BT. I’ll take you to you new home.”
I stumble into his arms and he leads me towards the door of my now old home. As we pass the kitchen, the man does his best to block my vision from the wreckage that lies everywhere but I can see pieces and bits.
The broken chairs, my dinner splattered everywhere, mother’s dishes shattered on the floor. But in the far corner of the room are the bodies of my mother and brother. Min Jun’s body lies in front of mother’s, his arm still wrapped protectively around her.
Two things. I decided then that my brother did two things right in his life.
The man turned out to be Hoseok’s predecessor. He had me trained to be what I am. The shadow with good eyes.
My thoughts are broken by a light tap on my shoulder.
“The patrol has returned.” Elise, my assistant, whispers while the others converse about the next steps. “They would like to speak with you.”
I nod to her and turn my attention to the round table. “Excuse me, gentlemen.” I catch their attention, “I have another meeting to attend to.”
Hoseok lays a hand on my arm, “Everything okay?” He asks with a twinge of worry in his voice.
“Yes. My patrol would like to speak to me, that’s all.” I explain before planting a small kiss to his cheek. (Did I mention we’re dating?)
He nods in approval, though I hardly need it. I push back from the table and head for the hallway with Elise trailing behind me.
“When did they get back?” I ask as the door to the round table room closes.
“A few minutes ago.” Elise answers.
“Did they say anything?” I probe.
“Other than they needed to speak with you immediately, no.” Elise responds.
I nod and we continue to walk in silence.
The two men outside of our meeting room nod at me before opening the doors to my women all seated with grim expressions etched into their faces.
“Ladies.” I greet them. “Tell me.”
“We went on the reconnaissance like you asked.” Yuqi begins, “Switch acts like they’re so big and powerful but there are SO many holes.”
“I don’t think they even know about most of them.” Kaelin mutters quietly.
“And what did you learn through these holes?” I ask, taking a seat at the head of the table.
“Half of us went exploring their tunnels and holes and the other half listened.” Soyou explains.
“Just tell me what you learned.” I say, getting slightly frustrated.
“We can’t be too sure but we think it has something to do with Taehyung.” Julie spits out quickly.
My brain is on full alert now. “What about Taehyung?” He’s been my best friend since practically my first day in BT.
“We can’t be too sure but they were reading through a file of someone from Geochang.” Lina says, pulling up the photos they took of the meeting onto the TV behind me. “They were talking about him as if he were close to the higher ups and something about wanting to exploit some secret about his younger years.”
I know he has a secret but one he hasn’t told anyone. Not even me. My eyes scan over the pictures for any solid proof that they are truly targeting Taehyung.
A picture catches my eye. “Wait, flip back one photo.” I instruct Lina.
When the picture pops up, I lean in close on the hands that hold a file. A photo paper clipped to the file pulls me in. The blue blurry mess on top of a blurred out face can only be one person in this entire organization.
“Fuck.” I mutter underneath my breath, cursing Tae for being willing to dye his hair blue.
I turn around and place both hands on the table, my breathing heavy. With the information still processing, I dismiss the meeting with the wave of a hand. Without a word, the girls file out of the room, leaving only Elise and I with the awful picture on the screen.
What secret could be so big that he wouldn’t say and that they would want to exploit?
“You can stop them, can’t you?” Elise breaks the silence.
As I look up at her, I can feel the fear bubble in the pit of my stomach. “I, I need to.” Is all I can manage to say.
Not knowing what else to do or say, I slam my fist into the table. “Fuck this. Fuck all of this.”
Blinking the frustration away and collecting myself, I clear the television of all photos and walk out of the room with Elise right next to me. I hand her the tablet with the pictures.
“Put these onto my computer and lock the file so none of the boys can see them.” I instruct her.
She nods, “And what about you? Where are you headed to?” She asks.
“I will be at the firing range, if you need me. I will most likely be a few hours.” There’s no point in lying to Elise. Although she’s my assistant, she’s trained to be a wiz at the whole tech world. She’d find me if I was anywhere in our building or near a camera.
Elise nods again, and turns down the next hallway while I continue straight. I open a door to a massive room as long as a football field with stalls lined up along the longer side. About half the stalls are filled with members of BT practicing their shots.
As I pass by, a few nod their heads to me which I reciprocate.
“Good evening.” The front desk clerk says as I approach.
“Evening.” I nod and fill out the shooter log.
“Any particular requests for the evening?” She asks, handing over goggles, ear plugs, and wrist bands.
I take the items and give her a wink, “Hit me with whatever you’ve got.”
“There’s a training group at the other end.” She nods her head to the left, “Show them how it’s done?”
I give her a knowing smile and step away from the desk. Out of the hundred stalls we have set up, #17 is and has always been my favorite and it’s usually kept unused for my visits. Today is no different.
This training class has 20 members, so there are trainees on either side of me as I step into the stall and set up my gun.
After I shove the earplugs in, I slide on the goggles and wristbands on before picking up my gun and loading it up with the range’s bullets. Planting my feet, I hit the green button and a red light at the rear of my stall glows, signaling to the others around me that I’m an active shooter.
Taking deep breaths, I focus on the 50 some feet in front of me. Parts of the floor begin to drop out and  dummy targets begin to pop up at an alarming rate.
Aiming towards the right, I grip the cold metal in my hand, waiting for the right second to fire. Just as the specific dummy descends back into the ground, I pull the trigger back and twist the gun ever so slightly. I don’t bother to look as it slices through the descending dummy and hits an ascending dummy close behind.
To my left, three dummies pop up in a row. In three rapid shots, all three have a new hole placed perfectly where a heart would be.
The cold metal of the gun begins to warm underneath my skin bringing with it a familiarity and comfort.
Another dummy drops down from the ceiling and his head is adorned with another hole not a second later.
Towards the back wall, a dummy rises up slowly with an apple balanced on top of its head.
Lining up my scope with the apple, I breathe in. Then in my exhale, I pull once for the apple, drop the gun a few millimeters, and immediately pull again. The apple explodes, splattering apple pieces everywhere. The second shot lands square between the blacked out eyes of the dummy  long before the last apple piece lands on the floor.
A buzzer sounds, telling me that the round is over. I replace the safety and set my gun down on the shelf. Pulling out the ear plugs, I run a hand through my hair, the recent events and discoveries crowding back into my brain.
“Fifty. Three. Feet.” A stunned voice says from behind me.
I turn around and am faced with 20 gaping faces and an instructor with a smirk on his face.
I chuckle as I realize they had watched me shoot. “You should see what I can do with other guns.”
“Class, meet (y/n).” The instructor introduces me and I nod towards the group.
“You’re the only female in the leader circle.” A girl near the edge says. “How did you do it?”
I smile, “Training and a steel exterior.”
“Can I ask one thing before you say we have to go?” A boy asks as their instructor opens his mouth to say something.
I nod, “Go for it.”
“How did you learn to shoot like that?” He asks, “Like with all the little tilts and such?”
“Practice.” I tell him honestly, “But it’s not something everyone can do. A little secret between you and I, the leader circle can’t even shoot like me.”
“Sick.” The same boy replies.
Before anyone else can ask anymore questions, the instructor ushers the trainees away.
I shake my head and smile at their impressed facial expressions before wiping it away and focusing on my gun once again.
Round after round, I shoot through my brain digesting the information it has learned. At the end of the 10th round, one of the ladies from the front desk knocks on my stall wall.
“Stressful day?” She asks.
“That obvious?” I ask, taking the goggles off.
“You’ve gone through ten rounds and we’re running out of steam behind the desk.” She says honestly.
I nod. “Don’t run anymore. I’m good on the plays.”
She nods and walks away without another word.
I check my phone. Only a few messages from the guys in the group chat so nothing important. Sliding it back into my pocket, I prep to just shoot when another knock on the stall wall delays me.
“Elise said you’d be here.” Hoseok’s voice breaks through the earplugs.
I pull them out and face him, trying to hide the fact that Switch is after one of his best friends. “And the assistant gives me away.” I say sarcastically.
���It’s two in the morning. You should be in bed.” Hoseok scolds me, taking a few steps forward.
“I won’t be able to sleep.” I tell him looking back towards the apple pieces still lying on the floor.
“But you know I can’t sleep without you and I’d really like to go to bed.” He pouts, coming to stand next to me, his shoulder brushing mine.
“I know.” I say defeated, grabbing my gun to place it back against my hip. “How did the rest of your meeting go?”
“Our meeting.” He corrects me as we walk out of the stall and towards the front desk. “And it went well. We discussed possible plans but I’ll fill you in on those tomorrow. Tae went off on some, quote, really cool perch, unquote, for you to stake out on.”
I laugh and sign out of the log. “Sounds like Tae. Though I’m sure it’s a good one. Most of my favorites he picked out.”
“I’ve always been envious of that particular skill of his.” Hoseok says thoughtfully, grabbing my hand as we walk out of the range. “He always knows where you like to be.”
“But the less you know about where I am and what I’m doing, the better.” I say, looking up at his face.
“I know but I still wish I could pick out just one.” Hoseok says, a pout playing on his lips.
“Maybe someday soon.” I tell him and his pout turns into a small smile.
“How did your meeting go?” He suddenly asks.
“Oh, uh, fine. The girls just wanted to see if we were going ahead with anything yet.” I lie.
“Liar.” Hoseok mumbles.
I pull back and look at him.
“You’re lying. I caught Elise locking a file on your computer and she seemed nervous when telling me you were at the range.” Hoseok explains, a satisfied smirk on his face knowing he’s cornered me. “You may be able to hide things, but your assistant is less skilled in the area, my love.”
I sigh, “I sent my girls out on a reconnaissance mission to see if they could gather anything on Switch and what their planning.”
“And?” He probes.
“They found holes, lots of holes, in their exterior.” I continue, unsure if I can say what they really found.
“Just tell me, please.” Hoseok begs, “We’ll solve it together but I need to know what it is.” He says and opens the door to his bedroom.
I stand in the open doorway, twisting my fingers into a knot.
Raising my eyes to meet his, I take a deep breath.
“They want Tae.”
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