#promotional videos
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Honkai: Star Rail | Penacony Travel Promotion Cartoon: Tick-Tock! Come Dream With Us!
Voiceover: EN | JP | CN | KR
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Version 4.6 New Area Showcase | Nostoi Region & Sea of Bygone Eras
[Video ID: A shot of Paimon waving in the village on Petrichor, followed by various shots of the scenery and wildlife in Remuria, the Sea of Bygone Eras. End ID]
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posthumanwanderings · 7 months
[ Nintendo GameCube Electronics Boutique UK Promo (2002) ]
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genshinresource · 1 year
Genshin Impact KR x Galaxy Store Collab: Galaxy S23 Accessory (Genshin Edition) Promotional Video
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tamapalace · 11 months
Bandai Namco US Uploads Several Tamagotchi Uni Promotional Videos
Promotional Video 1 - Join the Tamaverse!
Looks like Bandai Namco US has uploaded som new Tamagotchi Uni promotional videos onto their YouTube channel. We’ve reached out to Bandai Namco US about these, and they’ve informed us that these videos help promote the Tamagotchi Uni in various ways and will be featured in various locations. However these are not quite the Tamagotchi Uni television commercial. We’ll keep our eyes peeled!
Promotional Video 2 - Enter the Tamaverse: Discover the Exciting World of Tamagotchi Uni!
Promotional Video 3 - Purchase Your Tamagotchi Uni Today!
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mysweetgeo · 2 years
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23 November 1965
The Beatles ‘fish and chips’ promotional video was shot on November 23 1965 as an alternate video for I Feel Fine. It was the only video of the ten shot on the same day that was not sold to any television shows due to the fact that Brian Epstein was unhappy with the results. Promotional videos for Help!, Day Tripper, We Can Work It Out, and Ticket To Ride were also filmed on this day.
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creativesplashpune · 10 days
3D Animation Studio in Pune, India
The same old boring informative visuals or informative content will definitely not make people stand up and notice your brand or your industry. Don’t you agree?
Well, to catch the attention of the people or the customers and hold it for long time you need to take a few extra steps and think out of the box serve the purpose. They not only make the information look great but also have the potential of making the audience notice your brand. In the field of marketing, retaining the customers of a brand is very vital. Industrial animation helps the businesses in this area as well.
We provide great industrial animation services and create videos that cover all the nuances of your industry. We are one of the best 3D industrial animation providing companies in Pune. Get in touch with us!
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yaraaltrospace · 3 months
Seeing all the PVs of animes... the animation improvement is noticeable! Still, I pray none of these people are currently suffering like MAPPA's staff...
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lorphic · 8 months
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Why Lorphic Digital Marketing Agency is the Perfect Choice for Your Business
In today's highly competitive online space, digital marketing has become more important than ever. Every business, regardless of the industry, must have a strong online presence to remain relevant and competitive. One of the best ways to achieve this is by partnering with a reputable digital marketing agency like Lorphic. We are a professional team of experts who help businesses achieve their digital marketing goals. In this blog post, we will discuss why Lorphic is the perfect choice for your business.
Expertise in Digital Marketing
Lorphic is a digital marketing agency that offers a wide range of digital marketing services, including SEO, PPC, social media marketing, web design, and development. Our team comprises experts who specialize in different areas of digital marketing, and we all work together to ensure that our clients receive the best possible outcomes. We have experience working with businesses of all sizes, and we understand how to navigate the complexities of digital marketing.
Customized Strategies for Each Client
At Lorphic, we acknowledge that each business is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to digital marketing. For this reason, we craft custom strategies for each of our clients. We take the time to understand our clients' businesses, goals, target audience, and competition, among other factors, before recommending a plan. This approach ensures that our clients receive targeted and effective digital marketing solutions that yield tangible results.
Use of Latest Technologies
The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving, and it's essential to keep up with the latest technologies and trends to remain competitive. At Lorphic, we stay up-to-date with the latest digital marketing technologies and trends and incorporate them into our clients' strategies. We use advanced analytics tools to track and measure the performance of our campaigns, allowing us to adjust our strategies on the fly for optimal outcomes.
Exceptional Customer Service
At Lorphic, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service to our clients. We believe that strong communication is essential in digital marketing, and we keep our clients updated on the progress of their campaigns through regular reports and meetings. We are always available to answer our clients' questions, and we aim to address their concerns promptly.
Proven Track Record
Lorphic has an excellent track record of delivering successful digital marketing campaigns for our clients. We have worked with businesses across different industries and helped them achieve their digital marketing goals. Our clients have reported increased website traffic, higher search engine rankings, improved brand recognition, and increased revenue, among other benefits. Our portfolio speaks for itself, and we are confident in our ability to help businesses achieve digital marketing success.
In conclusion, Lorphic Digital Marketing Agency is the perfect choice for your business if you're looking for effective and customized digital marketing solutions. We have the expertise, experience, and tools to help businesses achieve their goals and remain competitive in today's digital landscape. We combine our technical know-how and creative flair to craft digital marketing strategies that yield tangible results. If you're ready to take your business to the next level, contact us today and let us help you achieve digital marketing success.
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ghostbsuter · 8 days
To cover up the happenings of amity park, Danny comes up with a GENIUS idea (shut up Sam).
The small videos and pictures of him and the ghosts that managed to escape their city were dangerous if a hero were to look into their business.
With Tucker and Sam, they created a 'behind the scenes'.
(The video starts with Phantom. He's chasing something– someone, building's sweep past as the two duke it out midair.
That is, until someone yells.
The background is taken away, leaving behind a green screen. Phantom and the ghost, now recognised as Ember Mclain, hang midair, dangling.
The camera zooms in on Phantom, as he slips off his white wig and scratches his scalp.
"Danny! Stop taking off the wig!" Someone yells off screen, to which Damny rolls his eyes to, screaming back a "but it's scratchy!".
The video stops there.)
They did NOT expect the amount of views this would get.
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cobelpro123 · 9 months
Miami Business Promotional Videos
If you're seeking captivating promotional videos in Miami for your business, Cobelo Productions is your local partner. Our team knows the ins and outs of the Miami market, and we're here to craft videos that truly resonate with your audience. Let's create videos that capture the essence of your business and the spirit of this fantastic city. Consult with us today.
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Honkai: Star Rail KR x Galaxy S24+ Accessory - Silver Wolf Edition Collab Promotional Video
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12078905 · 3 months
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Gojo Satoru, the people's princess the strongest sorcerer of the modern era 🤍
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genshinresource · 9 months
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Genshin Impact Version 4.1 Promotional Video: Feel the Impact
Voiceover: EN | JP | KR
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creativesplashpune · 11 days
The Power of Music in Videos and Its Profound Emotional Impact
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Introduction: In the art of storytelling through videos, there exists a silent yet omnipotent ally – music. At Creative Splash, we recognize the profound impact that music can have in enhancing the emotional resonance of visual narratives. Join us as we embark on a melodic journey, exploring the transformative role of music in videos and its ability to evoke emotions that linger in the hearts of the audience.
1. Setting the Tone: The Alchemy of Mood: Music is the alchemist of mood, setting the emotional tone from the very first note. Delve into how carefully selected music can transport viewers into the desired emotional space. From uplifting melodies to haunting compositions, witness how the right soundtrack becomes the soul of the visual narrative.
2. Elevating Storytelling: A Symphony of Emotions: Explore the symbiotic relationship between visuals and music, where each note enhances the storytelling experience. Learn how a well-chosen soundtrack can elevate the emotional impact of a narrative, intensifying joy, sorrow, suspense, or triumph. Witness how the marriage of music and visuals creates a symphony of emotions that resonates deeply.
3. The Psychology of Sound: Tapping into Emotions: Uncover the psychology behind the power of music to evoke emotions. Delve into how different musical elements – tempo, pitch, and instrumentation – trigger specific emotional responses. Understand how composers and video creators strategically leverage these elements to craft an emotional journey that mirrors the intended narrative.
4. Unforgettable Moments: Music as a Memory Marker: Reflect on the memorable moments in your favourite videos. Chances are, the music played a pivotal role in etching those scenes into your memory. Explore how the right musical accompaniment can transform a scene into an unforgettable moment, creating a lasting impression on the audience.
5. Crafting Emotional Arcs: Syncing Sound and Story: Discover the art of synchronizing music with the emotional arcs of a video. From building anticipation with crescendos to creating moments of quiet reflection with subtle melodies, understand how the pacing of music aligns with the narrative’s emotional journey. Witness how this synchronization creates a seamless and immersive viewer experience.
6. Genre Dynamics: Tailoring Emotions to Music: Different genres of music carry distinct emotional signatures. Explore how the choice of musical genre can profoundly impact the viewer’s emotional experience. From the timeless elegance of classical compositions to the raw energy of rock, delve into the nuances of genre dynamics in video production.
7. Licensing and Original Composition: Crafting a Unique Sonic Identity: Understand the importance of licensing existing music or commissioning original compositions for videos. Explore how the choice between familiar tunes and bespoke scores contributes to the creation of a unique sonic identity for a brand or project. Witness the transformative impact of music crafted specifically to complement the visual narrative.
In the realm of video production, music emerges as a silent storyteller, adding depth, emotion, and resonance to every frame. At Creative Splash, we embrace the power of music as an indispensable tool for enhancing the emotional impact of our visual narratives. As you embark on your creative endeavours, remember the transformative influence that a carefully curated soundtrack can have – for in the harmonious marriage of visuals and music, lies the true magic of cinematic storytelling.
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mizgnomer · 4 months
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A David-Ruffling-His-Hair collection (Part Thirteen)
See also:  hair ruffles tag
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