#promise im cooking up JACK MARSTON
sleepyelliee · 6 months
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poker face.
before you continue!
GN READER, contains violence, cussing, catholic guilt, READER IS NOT RELIGIOUS, implied death, robbery, killing, arson, brief mentions of property and starvation, implied grief, implied trauma, racism, sexism. Loosely proofread, lmk if I'm missing a label. no 'y/n' just 'you.' flirtations towards reader, reader is an adult.
this is not a jack story ! this is actually for one of my friends, @creamqueen, everything that is mentioned below belongs to them - drawings, personality, etc. you should definitely check her out, she is such a sweet girl and her art is actually god-blessed.
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"Damn it! you fucking bitch!"
It wasn't uncommon hearing the gang that you recently joined cuss each other out whenever they played poker, blackjack, or finger fillet. Almost every morning you would wake up to the sound of bill or micah smashing their fists into the wood of the table couple feet away from you whenever they lost a game.
You rub your eyes, an attempt to wake up faster but only met with the glimpse of the sun shining before you, causing a reflection of the past two months that you ponder on for some moment - how somehow your mansion and luxurious life got taken away from you, all the golds and diamonds you would pour on yourself vanish to complete ashes as it all got burned down. Now, you were sleeping on the ground with a flimsy tent giving you a sense of protection, or trying to as you are now stuck in a gang of outlaws or low-life men - your father would claim.
You knew the reason why you were living from all riches and luxury to hiding out from the law with a group of men and women, something your mother won't condone, nor wanted for you but she decided to marry a liar who scams people.
Everything eventually catches up one day, and it was sadly you - loosing everything due to your fathers past actions with his....clients, per se. A part of you thought about reporting it to the law but either way, your family reputation would drop and yours would too. You knew the outcome behind it, and your fate is running from the law and trying to get along with killers.
As you pull yourself up from the rocky ground that was covered with a thin blanket that was supposed to ease off some of the back pain seems to be lacking its job with all the pain you feel in the back, every morming.
After two months of riding with these folks, you thought only a couple of them were decent - hosea, charles and young lenny along with the women. You believed arthur, john, dutch and breanna were cold-heartless killers, afterall you seen them shoot people between the eyes without any hesitance or doubt when they do it. Personally, you never seen micah or bill kill someone like that, but those two individuals were equally infuriating to deal with.
You were already used to the teasing comments about being a "rich-snob" from almost all the gang members, the only man who was...okay was javier - a mexican man who seems to be going through some guilt of some kind, you thought he was trying to seek salvation when you first met him but those thoughts quickly faded away as you observed the gang more and more.
You noticed how Javier and Breanna have some type of chemistry, perhaps it was due to the racism they faced, guilt...or that damn scarasm that they always give you whenever you walked past them.
Breanna wasnt the worse gang member out there, she was good at a lot of things, killing people - that thought made you scoff. She was a sharp shooter, a money maker due to how she manages to win every single poker game you've watched, and the scars on her face and littered across her body didn't make her less imidating then they did.
You walked towards the table where majority the gang members were crowded, you were ready to be called some petty name again before breanna catches your attention with her name calling.
"hey, c'mere. let me show you how to play or do you think that pretty head of yours is too good to learn?" She snickered, reaching out a hand towards you to pull you down on the wooden stool next to her. You could feel all the gang members eyes turn to look at you, some snickering in the background which caused you to eyeroll.
Breanna continues, "Seems like Bill over here wants to play with a rich snob like you, honey." You already know how this would end, your money getting drained and the constant sarcastic comments escaping that curly heads lips. Breanna turns her head toward Bill giving him a scoff as she reached over the table to retrieve the cards back again, shuffling them for a moment before handing it to you.
You were unsure how to play poker, nor any card games but you were taken back when you felt her hand reach over to pull you closer to her stool, a method of her trying to coach you as you played with the man in front of you.
As you began to start playing, quite unsure with the actions you were currently doing and just hoping for the best, you can already hear that curly heads whispers in your ear as she guides you. Every single word was a way for you to decode an cheat more and more - Breanna prayed you would have at least enough common sense to follow her up in each direction, or she might as well but a bullet into your head - that thought makes her snicker and now she was secretly planning to tease you with that.
Sometimes you didn't appreciate her sarcasm and she knows it, which is all the furthermore she continues to do it.
Soon enough, the game began to close up and she gave you a further instruction, leading to you completely draining out bill's wallets. The man stood up and banged his money onto the table, walking away as a grumble escaped his throats.
Your gaze turned to Breanna, seeing her flash a shit-eating grin. You knew that now that is going to be her latest tease with the rest of the gang members - the rookie of the gang won against bill !
You don't know how you managed to be the latest victim of her sarcasm to somehow eventually becoming one of her favorites. She spoke about her relationships with molly and you asked if she was a heterosexual - causing you to get the lecture of her life that she isn't ...."one of them" , she would claim.
Breanna was surprising open about Javier and their whole chemistry. You asked if it was because of guilt, and she didn't hesitate to answer "yes." She spoke about how america is cruel and harsh, indicating that you got it lucky. She spoke about how work unfair, hard and the best thing she could've done was run with the gang.
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heyy!! sorry if this was bad or short, I tried my best to write her since her character completion is complicated, but I hope you enjoyed !!
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