#prolonged asting
Remarkable Health Benefits of Long-Term Fasting from Personal Experience
Here’s why I fast for ten days at the end of each year. Life Lessons As the year draws to a close, I share this story while in a fasted state: my body is rich in β-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) with ideal glucose levels. This condition gives me a serene and contented feeling, mental sharpness, and a beautiful lightness of being. As my family joyfully celebrates the New Year amidst bustling streets,…
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astelys · 1 month
How do you feel?
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This is my headcanon to the fact that Ford felt and saw ABSOLUTLY everything that was happening around him. He wasn't just a golden statue. He was sealed. It was like a prolonged sleep paralysis, a claustrophobic attack.
My telegram: AstelyS
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waters-and-the-wilde · 5 months
hehe scenario. jupeter coming out the other side of All That with a bit of 'wow you're just straight up a bit codependent but maybe that's actually the best-case scenario for you right now carry on fellas'
oh they've Had Their Talk in the aftermath, and, okay, it's agreed that they are Not Doing Romance because Nureyev needs Time To Grieve and it would be better to Take The Pressure Off Of Being In A Relationship and they will Reevaluate when Nureyev's had a chance to be a guy who doesn't have to worry about where his next meal is coming from. but also Like Hell is Juno just going to Leave Him Alone after all this. and the result is that they spend the Big Crash just. completely unhinged about each other. Nureyev's shot past 'feeling vulnerable around Juno scares the shit out of him' and well into 'raw nerves and gaping wounds and compound trauma and feeling vulnerable about literally anything and everything all the time and being around Juno is integral to not spiraling into the abandonment hell vortex'. meanwhile Juno's like 'holy shit Nureyev is letting me be there for him. this is already incredible progress'
u think they were insufferable on the Carte Blanche well. on the Carte Blanche Nureyev was still working on things like trusting Juno enough to let him back in at all and he Had An Image To Maintain and lots of Private Stuff to Deal With and Juno was still figuring out how not to be a prickly ass all the time and 'when is it appropriate to give your bf his space when your default mode is to Investigate Shit' and none of that is a going concern right now
'sometimes you gotta be a little bit mentally ill to handle the mental illness' they have so much separation anxiety and they are clipping their carabiners together. hooking pinky fingers and following each other when one needs to do something in the next room. where's Nureyev? sitting in Juno's lap again. his ass is experiencing 'nervous system doesn't know how to respond to the sudden removal of constant crushing dread and just goes fucking haywire at unpredictable intervals'. he gets random-ass panic attacks and there's only so much the breathing exercises and the grounding exercises and self-soothing techniques can do compared to 'Juno is here and he's fine and he's safe and he is more than happily providing prolonged physical contact' to get him to calm down on a physiological level
meanwhile Juno's like 'i chased this idiot across half the galaxy because he wouldn't ask for help and had to deal with him being all stone-faced and cold about it, do I look like i mind that he's clingy now? a lady does not need his personal space at this time. a lady is living for this. a lady is also maybe feeling clingy have u considered that'
everyone who isn't rita (idek who. melee? the other vivopolis refugees??) is assuming they are just getting a very bad grade in taking it slow and are barely humoring them about it. and neither bothers with denying the boyfriend allegations but it's not bc it's true it's they're just. too exhausted to get defensive about it
rita: and i mean they ain't actually smooching too loud in the kitchen or whatever
melee probably: he just came out of Juno's room wearing Juno's shirt
juno: he's a thief that's his shirt now
(12 hours earlier:)
nureyev: (shows up to juno's room at 3am) im sorry for waking you i had nightmares about [the bomb/the carte blanche raid/dokana capturing you] i just needed to see that you were alive and make sure im in the reality timeline and then i will go back to-
juno: get in loser we're watching bad cops
rita: hi mista' n do you want some of this blanket
nureyev: that's very kind but im afraid im
juno: yeah hold up he's like really sweaty im gonna get him a clean shirt
nureyev: you really don't need to-
juno: how are you even still standing up when you're shaking like that
nureyev: that is. an excellent question
juno: anyway welcome to the club i fired rita like an hour ago bc i had nightmares about her dying on the asteroid
rita: i had one where i was gettin chased by this big stompy plant monster with lotsa teeth and i had to distract it by throwing all my snacks behind me and then i was outta snacks and then i was up getting more snacks when mista' steel fired me
rita: you know i think only reason i ain't got separation anxiety about mista' steel is because we spent all that time in the ruby together while we were chasin' after you and that gets a gal over it real fast
juno: thanks rita :P
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madforhoran · 10 months
Sorry that I'm just a rando wandering onto ur blog but the asc ast people are so wild
Do you think they realize you can have your hot dominant vampire fantasies AND have him still actually love tav... while he's still a spawn. Do They Know.
(they clearly don't)
Also I find it funny that these ppl are saying the same shit about spawn astarion that he (at his most vulnerable moments as a spawn, or all the time as ascended) thinks of himself as a spawn. That he's weak.
Like the whole point is that he's NOT weak... He has toxic ideas about power and strength from his prolonged trauma and abuse... Keep up people!
you're absolutely correct, dear nonny.
if they think they getting some kind of dom/sub relationship there in ascendant path - newsflash, you're not, because a dom would never treat sub like they're less (if you want a healthy dom/sub, look no further than iron bull x dorian or iron bull x mc in dragon age inquisition)
and yeah, they're indeed saying the same shit he was so insecure about the whole time - that he's worthless, pathetic, weak...while they romanced him through the entire game. so why did you then if you thought all of that?
logic = zero
Astarion's story has two paths:
affirm his fears, insecurities, affirm the world sucks so you need to take it under control (your lover included) to feel safe
empower him mentally, show him he's enough the way he is, that he doesn't have to be scared
both are valid but it's clear as day which one is the healthy one
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lavampira · 1 year
it’s so funny leveling AST because while I’m starting to get the hang of healing with it, and it’s a very fun job, I’m also constantly somewhere between [prolonged internal screaming] and Hoo Boy I Would Rather Be Tanking This Right Now
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missdivalicious · 11 months
3 Day Water Fasting 
3 Day water fasting.I usually do an extended fast 2 to 3 times a year and in between I do intermittent fasting with a limited eating window.I am documenting my 3 days of #waterfasting. Ive been fasting for years and did my first extended fast about 6 years ago before I went fully plant based. 
If you are healthy with no medical conditions you can fast on your own but if you have other issues there’s various places that have medical doctors where you can fast to help treat certain illnesses and medical conditions.  Theres also retreats where you can go to to fast. Theres so many benefits to doing prolonged fasting. I found fasting improved my  skin, hyperpigmentation, baobab powder African baobab is very high in Vitamin C which is great at reducing hyperpigmentation, hydrates, and brightens the skin. #Fasting  also helps with weight, slowing the ageing process and boosts brain performance. 
asting helps to burn fat through #ketosis. This is when your body burns stored fat as its primary power source.  Tis is great for weight loss and balancing blood sugar levels. Fasting puts the body under mild stress, which makes our cells adapt by enhancing their ability to cope. Fasting increases #autophagy, your body's cellular recycling system.When you are fasting your immune system also gets rid of the immune cells that are damaged and old and those get recycled and your stem cells get activated during the fast. Other research shows that fasting certain immune system markers that fight cancers actually increase when we are fasting Dr. Valter Longo, an NIH-funded longevity researcher at the University of Southern California research found that doing chemotherapy alongside fasting gives greater benefit in many cases than just doing chemotherapy alone All of the fasting health benefits I’ve mentioned are backed by science. Please do your own research and also have look at the studies I’ve listed in the description box.
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medtalksblog · 24 days
SGOT and SGPT: Indicators of Liver Health
By: Mrs Mayuri Mathur
Liver function tests, such as SGOT (serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase) and SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase), play a crucial role in assessing liver health. Elevated levels of SGOT and SGPT can indicate liver damage or disease, making it essential to understand these markers and their implications for overall health.
Liver function tests are blood examinations used to identify the underlying cause of symptoms and monitor liver health or damage. They assess the levels of specific enzymes and proteins in the bloodstream.
Some tests evaluate the liver's ability to perform its normal functions, such as producing proteins and eliminating bilirubin, a waste product found in blood. Other tests measure enzymes released by liver cells in response to injury or illness.
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Liver function tests include:
Alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) are enzymes found in the liver that indicate liver cell damage when elevated. 
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels may rise due to liver damage or bone disease. 
Albumin and total protein levels assess liver protein synthesis; low levels indicate liver disease or other conditions. 
Bilirubin levels indicate liver function and may rise due to liver disease or bile duct blockage. 
Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) levels indicate liver or bile duct damage, while L-lactate dehydrogenase (LD) levels rise with liver damage. 
Prothrombin time (PT) assesses blood clotting ability, often prolonged in liver disease or due to certain medications.
What are SGOT and SGPT?
SGOT (AST - Aspartate Aminotransferase) and SGPT (ALT - Alanine Aminotransferase)are important indicators of liver function. These enzymes are found in various tissues throughout the body, with the highest concentrations in the liver. When liver cells are damaged or destroyed, these enzymes are released into the bloodstream, causing their levels to rise in blood tests. The elevated levels of these enzymes may be indicative of:
Liver Diseases: Conditions like hepatitis (viral or alcoholic), cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, and liver cancer can cause elevated SGOT and SGPT levels.
Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol intake can lead to liver inflammation and damage, increasing SGOT and SGPT levels.
Medications: Some medications, such as certain antibiotics, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and pain relievers, can elevate liver enzymes.
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome: Conditions associated with insulin resistance, like obesity and metabolic syndrome, can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), elevating liver enzymes.
Liver Damage Progression: Persistently elevated SGOT and SGPT levels may indicate ongoing liver damage, potentially progressing to more severe conditions like cirrhosis or liver failure.
Cardiovascular Risk: Elevated SGOT levels have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular events, indicating broader health implications beyond liver health.
Dangerous Levels of SGOT and SGPT
An SGOT to SGPT ratio exceeding 2 strongly suggests the presence of alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis. The ratio of SGOT to SGPT shows a significant increase in patients diagnosed with alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis (2.85 +/- 0.2) compared to those with postnecrotic cirrhosis (1.74 +/- 0.2), chronic hepatitis (1.3 +/- 0.17), obstructive jaundice (0.81 +/- 0.06), and viral hepatitis (0.74 +/- 0.07).
Regular monitoring of SGOT and SGPT levels is crucial for early detection and management of liver diseases. Elevated levels can indicate ongoing liver damage, prompting further investigation and treatment to prevent complications.
Educational and Healthcare Interventions: 
Educational and healthcare interventions for managing SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT) levels focus on promoting liver health through education, lifestyle changes, and medical management. Here's a comprehensive approach:
Education on Liver Function: It is crucial to understand the roles of SGOT and SGPT in liver function. Educate patients on how these enzymes reflect liver health and why monitoring their levels is essential.
Healthy Lifestyle Guidance: Provide dietary recommendations emphasizing a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit saturated fats, sugars, and processed foods. Encourage portion control and regular meal times.
Medication Review: Review medications and supplements to identify any that may affect liver function. Adjust or monitor dosages as necessary under medical supervision.
Screening and Monitoring: Establish protocols for regular liver function tests to monitor SGOT and SGPT levels. This allows early detection of liver abnormalities and timely intervention.
Treatment of Underlying Conditions: Address underlying conditions such as viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease, or autoimmune disorders promptly. Tailor treatment plans to manage these conditions effectively.
Health Promotion: Promote overall health and well-being through stress management techniques, adequate hydration, and regular physical activity. These practices support liver function and overall health.
Patient Empowerment: Empower patients with knowledge and resources to take an active role in managing their liver health. Provide educational materials, support groups, and access to healthcare professionals for ongoing guidance.
Collaborative Care Approach: Foster collaboration between healthcare providers, specialists, dietitians, and mental health professionals to offer comprehensive care. This approach ensures holistic management of SGOT and SGPT levels.
Lifestyle Tips for Managing SGOT and SGPT Levels:
Healthy Diet: Consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Limit saturated fats, sugars, and processed foods. Drink plenty of water to help flush toxins from your body and support overall liver function.
Limit Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can elevate SGOT and SGPT levels. If you drink, do so in moderation or avoid alcohol altogether.
Weight Management: Maintain a healthy weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet. Obesity can contribute to fatty liver disease, leading to elevated liver enzymes.
Medication Management: Some medications can increase SGOT and SGPT levels. Always take medicines as prescribed and inform your healthcare provider of any ongoing supplements or over-the-counter drugs.
Avoid Toxins: Minimize exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals that can harm the liver. Use protective gear if working with chemicals.
Monitor health Regularly: Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can help monitor liver function. Discuss any concerns about SGOT and SGPT levels and follow recommended screening guidelines.
Healthy Habits: Quit smoking if you smoke, as it can worsen liver health. Stress-reduction techniques like yoga or meditation can be incorporated to manage stress, which can impact liver function.
Follow Medical Advice: Follow your healthcare provider's recommendations for managing SGOT and SGPT levels, including any necessary medications, lifestyle changes, or dietary adjustments.
Understanding the significance of liver function tests encourages proactive healthcare behaviors. Medical and healthcare education and disease awareness empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and promotes early detection of liver disorders, facilitates prompt intervention, and ultimately improves outcomes by preventing complications associated with liver disease.
Adopting proactive and preventive strategies can help manage and prevent elevated SGOT and SGPT levels, promoting better liver health and overall well-being. Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice based on your specific health needs.
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dreamweardesigns · 3 months
Growing splendor Sustainably: green art tasks
In a world more and more aware of environmental problems, the artwork community has embraced the undertaking of creating beauty sustainable. Green artwork initiatives aren't only useful for the environment but also encourage creativity through the usage of materials that might be regularly unnoticed. This article explores the concepts of green art, and numerous sustainable substances, and presents ideas for responsibilities that combine artistry with environmental focuss
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The idea of green artwork
Eco-friendly art makes a specialty of sustainability and minimizing the environmental impact of art creation. This includes using recycled, upcycled, and natural materials, reducing w
Aste, and retaining off dangerous chemical compounds. The intention is to create paintings this is adorable and sustainable, selling a deeper reference to nature and galvanizing others to think about their environmental footprint.
More Detail
Sustainable substances
1. Recycled Paper: as an alternative to buying new paper, artists can use paper made from recycled materials. This helps reduce deforestation and saves power.
2. Natural Pigments: Dyes and paints may be crafted from herbal resources like plants, minerals, or even insects, preserving the toxic chemical substances found in lots of business products.
3. Observed gadgets: items that would otherwise be discarded, together with bottle caps, vintage magazines, or material scraps, can be repurposed into artwork.
4. Biodegradable Glue and Tape: the use of adhesives that spoil down simply reduces the prolonged-term environmental impact of painting tasks.
Art Workventure thoughts
1. Recycled college: collect antique magazines, newspapers, and unique paper substances to create a college. This task no longer best repurposes paper waste however also allows a huge range of inventive expression. By way of the use of cutting and layering unique textures and colorings, artists can create specific and compelling compositions.
2. Nature Sculptures: Use natural substances like twigs, stones, leaves, and flowers to create sculptures. The materials can be amassed in your environment without causing harm to the surroundings. Nature sculptures can range from easy arrangements to more complex designs, reflecting the splendor of the natural global.
Three. Eco-Prints: Eco-printing involves using flowers, leaves, and flora to create prints on cloth or paper. Using the way of setting plant materials on the ground and using warm temperatures, the herbal pigments switch to the medium, developing stunning, natural styles. This technique is not only the simplest sustainable but also produces precise and touchy designs.
Four Upcycled jewelry: vintage earrings, buttons, and unique small gadgets can be upcycled into new, stylish pieces. With the useful resource of mixing precise elements, you can create one-of-a-type add-ons that reflect your style even as decreasing waste.
5. Mostly through the combination of those cited natural pigments with a binder kind gum Arabic or egg yolk consequences in inexperienced paints that can be used for several painting initiatives.
Sed artwork:
Create your paints with the use of plant-primarily based pigments. As an example, beetroot can pr, produce a rich purple color, at the same time as turmeric yields a vibrant yellow.
6. Bottle Cap Mosaics: accumulate caps of bottles and use them to make colorful mosaics. This task not only recycles plastic waste but also encourages innovative questioning and problem-fixing as you lay and gather your artwork.
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Inexperienced art initiatives offer a meaningful manner to mix creativity with sustainability. Using recycled, upcycled, and herbal materials, artists can reduce their environmental results whilst producing lovely and galvanizing works of paintings. The tasks not only highlight the importance of environmental recognition but also exhibit that creative expression and ecological responsibility can go hand in hand. Whether you're an experienced artist or a newbie, eco-friendly art gives countless possibilities to create beauty sustainably and inspire others to do the same.
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eurekapathlab12 · 5 months
Importance of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Liver Function Tests in Dombivli
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Liver Function Tests (LFTs) are a group of blood tests that are commonly performed to assess the health and function of the liver. The liver is a vital organ responsible for numerous metabolic functions, including detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion.
Liver Function Test in Dombivli typically measure various enzymes, proteins, and substances in the blood that can indicate how well the liver is functioning. These tests may include:
Alanine transaminase (ALT) and Aspartate transaminase (AST): These enzymes are released into the bloodstream when liver cells are damaged. Elevated levels of ALT and AST may indicate liver injury or disease.
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP): ALP is an enzyme found in the liver, bile ducts, and bones. Elevated ALP levels may suggest liver or bone disease.
Bilirubin: Bilirubin is a waste product produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. High levels of bilirubin can indicate liver disease or problems with bile ducts.
Albumin and Total Protein: These tests measure the levels of proteins produced by the liver. Low levels may indicate liver damage or disease.
Prothrombin Time (PT) and International Normalized Ratio (INR): These tests measure how long it takes for blood to clot. Liver disease can affect blood clotting factors produced by the liver, leading to prolonged PT and increased INR.
Liver Function Tests are often performed as part of routine health screenings, to monitor liver function in individuals with known liver disease, or to diagnose liver conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or fatty liver disease.
It's important to note that while Liver Function Tests can provide valuable information about liver health, they are not diagnostic of specific liver conditions. Further testing, such as imaging studies or liver biopsy, may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis.
Liver Function Tests play a crucial role in assessing liver health and detecting potential liver problems early, allowing for timely intervention and management.
Are you feeling fatigued, experiencing muscle weakness, or noticing a lack of concentration? These could be signs of underlying health issues, and getting tested for essential vitamins and liver function can provide valuable insights into your well-being. At our clinic in Dombivli, we understand the importance of proactive healthcare, which is why we offer comprehensive Vitamin B12 tests, Vitamin D tests, and Liver Function tests.
When it comes to maintaining optimal health, knowledge is key. Our Vitamin B12 Test in Dombivli helps identify any deficiencies in this crucial nutrient. Vitamin B12 is essential for nerve function, red blood cell production, and DNA synthesis. Deficiencies can lead to fatigue, weakness, and neurological problems. With our precise testing methods, you can ensure your body is getting the necessary levels of Vitamin B12 for overall vitality.
Similarly, our Vitamin D Test in Dombivli is vital for assessing your body's Vitamin D levels. Known as the "sunshine vitamin," Vitamin D plays a crucial role in bone health, immune function, and mood regulation. Living in urban areas like Dombivli can sometimes limit sun exposure, leading to Vitamin D deficiencies. Our accurate tests provide insights into your Vitamin D status, allowing you to take appropriate steps to maintain optimal levels and support your overall health.
But it's not just about vitamins; liver function is equally important for overall well-being. Our Liver Function Test in Dombivli evaluates the health of your liver by measuring various enzymes and proteins in the blood. The liver performs essential functions like detoxification, metabolism, and nutrient storage. An unhealthy liver can lead to a range of problems, including fatigue, jaundice, and digestive issues. By regularly monitoring your liver function, you can take proactive steps to maintain liver health and prevent potential complications.
At our clinic, we prioritize your health and well-being. Our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced medical professionals ensure accurate results and personalized care. Whether you're experiencing symptoms or simply want to stay proactive about your health, our tests provide valuable insights that empower you to make informed decisions.
Booking a Vitamin B12 test, Vitamin D test, or Liver Function test in Dombivli is easy and convenient. Simply schedule an appointment at our clinic, and our friendly staff will guide you through the process. We understand that health concerns can be worrying, which is why we strive to make your testing experience comfortable and stress-free.
Investing in your health today can lead to a happier and more fulfilling tomorrow. Don't wait until symptoms arise; take control of your well-being with our comprehensive tests. Whether you're looking to optimize your vitamin levels or ensure your liver is functioning optimally, we're here to support you every step of the way.
Prioritize your health and schedule your Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, or Liver Function test in Dombivli today. Your body will thank you for it.
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astroofing · 1 year
Transform Your Roof with AST Roofing Solar Consulting: Premier Home Roof Repair Company in Fairfax, VA
AST Roofing Solar Consulting LLC is the trusted name in home roof repair in Fairfax, VA. Our skilled team specializes in asphalt shingle roof repair and replacement, ensuring your roof stays durable and weather-resistant. We also offer expertise in cedar shake roofing, clay roof tiles, and slate roofing, providing a wide range of options to suit your style and needs. Our services extend to roof gutter installation and repair, roof inspections, and roof installation for both residential and commercial properties. With our standing seam metal roofing, we deliver superior quality and energy efficiency. Count on us for storm damage and hail damage roof repair, as well as routine roof maintenance to prolong the lifespan of your roof. Trust AST Roofing Solar Consulting LLC for all your roofing needs.
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nursingscience · 1 year
HELLP syndrome
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is an acronym that stands for Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets. It is a serious medical condition that can occur during pregnancy, typically in the third trimester. HELLP syndrome is considered a variant or complication of preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure and damage to organs, particularly the liver and kidneys.
Here's a breakdown of each component of the acronym:
Hemolysis: Hemolysis refers to the breakdown or destruction of red blood cells. In HELLP syndrome, red blood cells are damaged, leading to a decrease in their count and function. This can result in anemia and related symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath.
Elevated Liver enzymes: In HELLP syndrome, liver enzymes, including alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), become elevated. This indicates liver damage or dysfunction. Elevated liver enzymes can cause symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Low Platelets: Platelets are small blood cells involved in clotting. In HELLP syndrome, platelet count decreases, leading to thrombocytopenia. This can result in abnormal bleeding or difficulty with blood clotting, leading to symptoms such as easy bruising, bleeding gums, or prolonged bleeding.
HELLP syndrome is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. It can pose risks to both the mother and the fetus. Treatment may involve close monitoring, blood transfusions, medication to manage blood pressure, and potentially early delivery of the baby.
It's important for pregnant individuals to seek regular prenatal care and promptly report any concerning symptoms to their healthcare provider to detect and manage conditions like preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome.
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rpvlix · 2 years
What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert? - Ken, Kym, sol
Detailed questions
Ken admires a strong sense of self, somebody that knows who they are and what they want and does their best to move towards their goals. Also admires creative thinkers and problem solvers, or anyone that raises more questions than they do answers. Doesn't like folks that accept things at face value or just parrot back things they've been told.
I suppose he's thought every now and then that it might be nice to be a little stronger, physically or emotionally. But it's not interesting enough or important enough to bother with, really. Just an inconvenience sometimes.
I think he is the only sibling (besides maybe Ast or Andras) that would even know what email or messaging is. He has 40,000+ unread emails and other messages go unread for days. The odds of him replying to an electronic communication are still far higher than the odds of him replying to a letter, though. He will misplace that shit the second it is in his hands.
The thing about being the god of energy is that technically, he shouldn't have to sleep ever. That's not true, but in his head, it is. He's always been terrible about sleeping properly. Caffeine and sugar do not do much for him, the way his body produces and processes energies is just not affected by them. The generator in him keeps making energy to keep him awake as long as it can, but even a well oiled machine has to be rebooted every now and then, right? He is not a well oiled machine. He stays up until he crashes, sleeps until he wakes, and does it all again.
Kym admires mostly physical traits. Strength, flexibility, agility, but also quick thinking, unique solutions to common problems (so long as the solution gets better results than the standard), level headedness, confidence. Certainly admires someone capable of keeping her on her toes, either physically or intellectually (though she'll act like its annoying, really its a lot of fun).
There aren't many talents she wishes for that she hasn't already put in the work to achieve.
She does not require any of these primitive forms of communication. Telepathic messages are her preferred way to get things done. A message can be directed at her without her consciously having to tap into someone's mind to extract it. Side effect of needing to process prayers.
Her body is a temple. Nothing enters that is not medically necessary or part of her strict dietary regimen. However, she also has a bad habit of pushing herself past her limits. Often she's rather overtired before she even realizes its time for another rest, and then of course she has business to finish before she shuts down for a few weeks, prolonging the process.
Sol admires curiosity, dedication, compassion, compromise... Many such things. As well as physical capabilities, of course. A nice display of strength or agility is impressive but not as much as a kind and open heart. People that think outside of the box.
Sol does envy those that are able to cut loose and sort of feel themselves. Despite his efforts she remains sort of rigid and stoic. It is just not in his nature to do anything else, and she's accepted that much.
Letters are quite nice. He hasn't really got anyone to correspond with, but the process of getting and responding to a letter is enjoyable. Meditative, almost. It's nice to have time to explore her own thoughts and distill them before expressing them on a page. Anything instantaneous would be... Irritating. A little stressful. You would probably only get very brief replies from Sol. 'Ok.' As a response to a long message. A week after you sent it.
She drinks tea. Not for the caffeine, just for the flavor, really. He's tried coffee, it's alright. Perhaps there's a blend out there for her taste, but she prefers to stick to the teas whose flavors are familiar. Doesn't care for sugary foods, things in this verse are often far too sweet anyway. Sol has no issues with staying awake nor insomnia. Under regular circumstances, she sleeps with no issues. However, circumstances are not always regular.
Sleep disturbance is a common response to stress, thankfully he only needs to sleep once every few years in this timescale.
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joellavine · 2 years
Tests for the liver
You may utilize a variety of hepatology tests to establish whether or not you have a liver issue. Additionally, they may be used to measure the bile acid levels in your blood. They may also measure the prothrombin time concentration in your blood. These tests may also be used to detect liver disease cirrhosis, which can take place.
Cirrhosis has several causes, such as chronic hepatitis, parasite infections, and liver illness brought on by alcohol: a dangerous and often fatal disorder, cirrhosis. Bile cannot flow because it interferes with the liver's operating ability. Additionally, problems including liver cancer and liver failure may result.
Tests in hepatology are used to identify cirrhosis. These include imaging scans and blood testing. Cirrhosis cannot be cured. But an early diagnosis and course of therapy may lessen its impact.
Inflammation and liver damage leads to cirrhosis. Hepatitis B or C, viral hepatitis, or genetic liver conditions such as alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency may all cause it.
Serum bile acid levels have become a key marker for liver damage and illness. They may be used as a diagnostic test to identify liver damage, liver disease, and liver failure.
The liver produces serum bile acids from cholesterol. They go via the enterohepatic circulation and are recycled back into the blood. The effectiveness of enterohepatic circulation is often reflected in the bile acid concentrations of healthy people. They can distinguish between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and chronic viral hepatitis, two liver illnesses similarly affecting them (NAFLD).
Clinicians are researching serum bile acids because they may be used as an alternative biomarker of liver function. According to certain research, they may be more sensitive than liver function tests.
Hepatology uses the prothrombin time test to measure the activity of procoagulant clotting factors. One of the various tests available is to ascertain a person's liver's health. It is a quick blood test that often only lasts a few minutes. Before surgery or to check for liver disease, it may be performed.
The length of time it takes for a blood sample to clot is measured in this hepatology test. A variety of variables influences this time. Prothrombin, factor V, and fibrinogen are a few of these substances. A prolonged prothrombin time may be a sign of liver disease or another disorder that makes blood clot more often.
The presence of bile acids is a key sign of liver disease. Increased bile acid levels are a symptom of liver damage, such as cirrhosis or hepatitis.
Serum and urine fluid may both be tested for bile acid content. These are accessible as individual bile acids and overall bile acid concentrations. These data may be compared to typical liver function testing for a diagnosis.
Patients with metabolic and structural liver disorders have greater serum bile acid concentrations than healthy individuals. Individuals with inherited or acquired portosystemic vascular shunts may also be high. The hepatic clearance of bile acids keeps the levels in check.
Evaluation of liver function may benefit from hepatology testing for liver enzymes. They are used to determine the presence of hepatitis or cholestasis, diagnose liver disease, and keep tabs on liver function. It's critical to comprehend the process and significance of liver testing. Additionally, they are risk-free and often have no negative long-term adverse effects.
A series of blood tests known as a liver panel are performed to assess liver function. These examinations may be carried out in a lab or at the patient's doctor's office. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), bilirubin, and albumin levels are among them. Frequently, the test findings are communicated in an electronic report.
Blood tests, called liver function tests, assess the levels of certain proteins and enzymes. They may be used to both detect and diagnose liver conditions. They are also used to check on treatment success for certain disorders.
The most widely used liver function tests are designed to evaluate the condition of the liver. However, the illness cannot be directly determined by these tests. Additional tests could be requested to confirm the diagnosis if a patient's liver function test results are discovered to be abnormal.
These tests may be carried out at a clinic or a hospital. They often need a modest quantity of blood taken. The sample is subsequently sent to a lab for evaluation. Frequently, the findings are accessible within a few days.
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ryehouses · 3 years
Um, for POVs how about Noora? Or Noora/Fennec?? Or Fennec anything really. Also, those Tatooine constellation words. I’d LOVE to read those!!!!! I love your worldbuilding and am a HUGE sucker for stars. AST is 100% Star Wars, it reads like SW, feels like SW, and it just incredible. I hope you know how much joy it brings to so many people 🥹💙
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(this is also gonna be my last POV answer for this week; if you sent in an ask and didn't see a response, it's not because it won't be answered! i'm gonna be focusing on the next ast chapter this week, and will return to POV requests in a bit! thank you all so much for your responses -- you've all made my week!!)
in which noora puts the pieces together.
“Oh, Mother of Mountains,” Noora swore, sitting bolt upright. Fennec, who’d had an arm slung across Noora’s hips and her face tucked very prettily into the curve on Noora’s shoulder, let out an inarticulate groan.
“Sorry, dear,” said Noora, distracted. She stared off out the window, where the suns were rising over the Great Dune Sea. “It’s just – they’re fucking, aren’t they?”
Fennec made another inarticulate noise, obviously disgruntled, and managed to peel her face away from the bed. She’d fallen asleep without taking her braids out, which was how Noora knew Fennec really had been tired, last night, when she’d taken Noora into her bed instead of going back to Mos Eisley to visit Noora’s.
Not that Noora minded spending the night in Fennec’s bed – Fennec’s rooms were still pretty impersonal, even though she’d lived in them for months, but her bed was soft and her rooms were warm and the view was pretty good.
Fennec seemed to prefer Noora’s little house in the Quarter, though. She’d never said as much outright, but Noora could tell. She’d seen the little smell Fenn had gotten on her face, the other night, when she’d rummaged around for some clean clothes to wear and found that Noora’d bought a bunch of comfortable black clothes in Fenn’s size.
“Who’s fucking?” said Fennec, blinking blearily. Her braids were fuzzed with sleep and her cheek was red where it had been pressed against Noora’s shoulder.
Noora felt a little bad, now. Fennec rarely slept, but she’d been stone unconscious just a minute ago. Noora’d been awake for a while – the first light of the suns always woke her up, no matter how long she’d been up the night before – and had been lying very still, trying to prolong Fennec’s rest, when she had, unfortunately, fit the pieces of the holopuzzle together.
But Noora had put the pieces together, and if she didn’t tell Fennec about it, Noora thought that she might explode.
“Din and the boss,” Noora said. She watched Fennec’s expression expectantly. “Right?”
Fennec was a consummate professional. She’d always been that way. Her face gave nothing away.
Ah, Noora thought, looking at Fennec. But her eyes –
There was a flicker there, in the dark eyes that Noora loved so much.
Noora grinned. “Oh, good,” she said, happily.
Fennec raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that,” said Noora, leaning back against her bed, satisfaction making her lekku twitch. “That was bothering me.”
“What was bothering you?” Fennec asked, waking up a little. She took her arm off Noora’s hips and dragged it over her eyes, wiping away some of her sleep. Noora softened. Waking up in the same bed as Fennec might not surprise Noora some time in the future, but here, now, it was a surprise every time.
They made a pretty scene in bed together, Noora and Fennec. Noora hadn’t fallen into bed with Fennec for that reason – Noora liked to make pretty scenes, of course, because she’d been a dancer for most of her life and making things beautiful had been most of Noora’s job – but it was true all the same.
Noora was naked, still, wrapped in a bed sheet, and she knew how nice she looked hat way, her blue skin glowing in the early morning light, white tattoos curling over her lekku and her shoulders and her hips, the small of her back. Fennec had been a force of nature last night, relentless in the best way, and Noora’s inner thighs still bore those bruises. She was deliciously sore.
Fennec never took her clothes off, not all the way. She didn’t like exposing her prosthetics to open air. But she was beautiful too, all black hair and bright, clever eyes, and Noora liked the way they looked together.
Back to the point, though, Noora thought, because she knew that if she started to think about just how pretty Noora and Fenenc looked together, she and Fennec would lose track of the conversation entirely.
“Why Din and the boss have been acting so strangely,” Noora admitted, circling back to her original point. She stretched luxuriously and swept her lekku off her shoulders, rolling her shoulders. Fennec made an appreciative sound.
“Din always acts strangely,” Fennec muttered.
Noora rolled her eyes. That was true, a little. It wasn’t that Din – Din Djarin, Mando to most of Boba Fett’s court and Din only when the three of them, Noora and Fennec and Din, were having breakfast together – meant to be strange, but he kind of was. Noora’d never met anyone who managed to be both so fierce and so shy at the same time.
“He’s been stranger than usual,” Noora countered. And he had been. Din paced around the throne room now, when before he’d just leaned against the wall. He was snappish and withdrawn at breakfast, even when Noora’d ordered him some extra-strong red tea, and he hadn’t been getting a lot of sleep, the last few days.
Well, thought Noora. None of us have, not really. Not since the raid.
Noora could count on one hand how many nights she’d actually slept through, since the raid. She kept waking up in a jolt, expecting to find Gorga the Hutt himself in her bedroom, a chain in his hands, or worse – sometimes Noora woke up and thought she’d dreamed all of this, had dreamed Boba’s return to Tatooine and the warmth of Fennec’s hands, had dreamed up her freedom and her happiness and the careful life Noora’d been building ever since Boba shot Bib Fortuna and set Noora free. She woke up some times expecting to go and dance before Jabba again, praying to any spirits who’d still hear her that she wouldn’t fall into the rancor’s cage.
They were all worn thin, everyone who lived or worked at the palace. Din had reason to be tired, maybe. But his behavior in the throne room last night – the endless pacing, the looks he’d kept shooting the boss while the boss had been on his throne, kark, the way the boss had come up to Din when Noora’d pulled him off the floor and tried to settle him with a drink –
“Good for Din,” Noora murmured.
Fennec snorted.
“What?” Noora asked, arching an eyebrow. Her lekku twitched. “I assume you’ve known all along?”
“Not… all along,” Fennec conceded, her lips twitching up into a faint smile. “But I’ve known for a while, yeah. Djarin’s got a terrible sabacc face, and Boba pines when he’s away.”
“Oh, does he?” Noora asked, interested. “The boss? Pining?”
Boba Fett didn’t seem like the type to pine. Noora remembered him a little, from the old days. He had watched the dancers with Jabba a time or two. Boba Fett was a man who knew how to get what he wanted.
“It’s awful,” Fennec confirmed, smiling. “Not that Djarin’s any better.”
“No,” said Noora, smiling back. “I bet he’s just as bad.”
But then she remembered Din’s mood over the last few days – withdrawn, silent and strange, his kind face pinched with unhappiness even over scrambled junda bird eggs and bladeback bacon – and sobered.
“They weren’t fighting, were they?”
“I couldn’t say,” said Fennec, with just enough warning in her tone for Noora to leave it alone.
“It’s their business,” Noora admitted. But she rallied, brightening again, when she remembered how nervous the boss had sounded, last night, when he’d asked Din to come up to his rooms. “But I bet they’re reconciled now.”
Even though the boss’s rooms were only one floor above Fennec’s – and Din’s one floor below – everything in the palace was made from solid red sandstone. Noora would’ve have heard a bomb go off up there, let alone the boss and Din reconciling.
“I couldn’t say,” Fennec repeated. Her tone was a little sly, though. “But I could make an educated guess.”
Noora laughed. “Well,” she said. “Good.”
It was good. Noora was happy for them. She didn’t know if there was more to it than just sex or not – it was hard to tell with the boss, and Noora rather thought that if she asked Din outright, he might flee the system – but it was good that they were letting off some of their restlessness. It was good that they were taking care of each other.
“Mm,” Fennec agreed. She still hadn’t made a move to get out of bed, which was a little surprising, honestly; Fennec, like Noora, wasn’t one for a lazy morning in bed. Not when there was work to do, and there was always work to do here in Boba Fett’s palace. Noora had a bar to restock and a squadron of cleaning droids to marshal. She had a tapestry, finished just yesterday to hang over that awful scar behind Boba’s throne. She had a hundred things to do and a hundred more things to supervise, since Boba Fett was decently good at running a criminal enterprise but terrible at managing a palace.
But Fennec was warm beside her.
“Freykka,” Noora said, lightly. Fennec lifted an eyebrow again. “I know it’s their business, but, in your opinion, as the master of Boba Fett’s spies and his guards and honestly most of his empire – ” Fennec lifted her other eyebrow, obviously pleased “ – what are the chances that Din and the boss are gonna be awhile, before they get up?”
“Mm,” Fennec said again, reaching up to run one delicate finger down the length of one of Noora’s lekku, smiling when Noora shivered, her whole body bending towards the touch. Fennec leaned in closer. Her breath was warm against the curve of Noora’s cheek.
“I would say,” Fennec murmured, her hand falling again to Noora’s hip, “that there’s a pretty good chance they’re going to be a while. There’s no court this morning.”
“Good,” Noora murmured back, turning to catch Fennec’s mouth in a kiss. Fennec let her, which thrilled Noora every time. “If there’s no court, we’ll have to find some way to fill the time.”
Fennec’s hand left Noora’s hip. Skimmed across the top of her thigh. “I have a few ideas,” she said, and Noora laughed.
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bitemescftly · 3 years
OPEN STARTER  ;; my muse has been ti*d up to become ( sac*ifice / free *se toy / punish*ment / etc ) and your muse gets to enjoy it. possible connections: a go.d / d*.mon / mon.st*r, a stranger on the street, a wanderer in the woods, tab*oo connections welcome, age gaps welcome.  list of all kinks here ||  please don’t like my starters unless you plan on replying!
tw: d*b / n*n
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       “Mhm!” Her gasps and groans of discomfort and surprise were barely heard through the piece of cloth that had been pushed into her mouth, jaw sore from the prolonged torture. Droplets of saliva trickling down her chin and dripping to her rather full br*.asts, drenching the thin fabric of a cardigan that she was wearing - the only layer of clothing given to her before she had been tied up in the rather hum *liating position. The silen*ing g*g wasn’t the only toy she had been provided with, a slim b*t.t plu.g’s jeweled handle glistening between pale cheeks of her behind. Anna couldn’t look around, couldn’t see much through the bl*ndf.old made from a scrap of fabric that was tied around her head. She was left completely for the mercy of whoever found her, and to her greatest horror she realised rather quickly that the situation had her dripping wet. The insides of her pale thighs glistening in the ju*ces her p*ss.y was producing the entire time, the smell of the arous.ual luring in anyone nearby and filling her with anxiety and fear at the idea of what her fate would be. “Argh.” The brunette grunted when a new sound rang through the air around her, footsteps coming closer, someone nearing her - spiking her adrenaline levels and making her trash and buckle when hands grasped her waist “—hghrr.”
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makeuptips- · 5 years
A Smart Guide to Primers: What to Use and Why
Perfect base makeup often involves a consistent skin tone and smooth finish. Layered between your moisturiser and foundation, primer is designed to do this by ‘filling in’ your skin’s pores to reduce the build up of oil and to create a more even surface on which foundation can sit. Primers are also frequented for their ability to ‘lock’ foundation in place, so you’re less likely to experience transfer throughout the day. You’ll notice they can come with other perks, such as a tint to mask discolouration, illuminating particles for a lasting glow, and nutrients to simultaneously heal and protect the skin’s external and internal layers.
Carol Mackie, Senior Global Artist for MAC says that while all skin types will benefit from primer use, oilier skin types in particular “are more prone to make up wearing off more quickly so a primer will prolong the wear of foundation.” The same goes for hotter climates, where primers are key to ensuring your foundation won’t slide with sweat.
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TIP: Ensure sunscreen is applied underneath your primer and thoroughly absorbed – safety first!
Consider primer application prior to your foundation much like stretching ahead of a jog – skipping step one usually means problems for step two. Wearing a primer will allow your foundation to work to its full potential, however choosing any primer off the shelf could be remiss. When cooking, mixing oil with water simply doesn’t work. The liquids are different in build and remain separate even when spun together. The same principle can be seen for oil and water-based cosmetics. While hard to measure definitively, your safest bet is to marry like-for-like base products for the most even, long-lasting foundation finish.
TIP: Primer needn’t be applied across the whole face, says Mackie. For those with combination skin types, best apply primer along the oiliest areas of the face only, avoiding dry spots where primer isn’t necessary.
Make Up For Ever boasts a range of primers that can be layered, depending on your desired end result. The brand’s Makeup For Ever Step 1 Mattifying Primer is numbered one of eleven in this range, and is best worn alone as it doesn’t contain silicones. Instead, it contains silica that is a naturally occurring property that, like its synthetic sister silicone, is able to absorb moisture.
Other primer products that fit this bill include Too Faced’s Hangover Primer a lightweight primer that feels divine on the skin, MAC’s Prep + Prime Natural Radiance that contains illuminating vitamins E and C, and cruelty-free brand BECCA’s First Light Priming Filter. For a totally silicone and toxin-free option, try little-known brand Vapour Organic Beauty’s Status Soft Focus Skin Perfecting Primer, which is ideal for those keen on exploring an all-natural, water-based solution.
TIP: “Apply with a brush rather than your fingertips to avoid any natural oils in your fingers, and the brush will allow primer to glide on evenly!” Mackie suggests.
The same is often said for silicone-based products that act similarly to oils in that they are both stagnant. In other words, silicones and oils alike won’t penetrate the skin like water, but rather rest in our pores to create an even slate on which a foundation can sit and latch onto. These products work best for those with mature skin because such additives provide an exceptionally plump finish younger skins don’t need. Dimethicone, for example, is commonly used and acts as a conditioning solution for the skin, delivering a velvety, smooth finish while retaining water.
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For the perfect everyday primer which hydrates the skin, helps foundation glide on smoothly, and increases wear (and works with a variety of different foundation formulas) you can’t go past Marc Jacobs’ Beauty Under(Cover) Perfecting Coconut Face Primer. Its smooth, lightweight, water-based formula works for all skintypes and won’t aggravate sensitive skin.
Smashbox PhotoFinish Foundation Primer and BareMinerals’ Prime Time Original Foundation Primer are transparent gels that glide on and leave an invisible, powdery-matte veil. La Mer’s The Hydrating Illuminator does a beautiful job at delivering to its name. Work it overtime as a cream highlighter on top of your foundation, too. Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer is a fantastic all-rounder primer that truly doesn’t budge and will fill you with confidence on a night out of dancing, it’s especially great for ultra oily skin!
Sisley has an exceptional track record of delivering effective skin and makeup products. The verdict is no different when it comes to their Sisley Instant Correct Color Correcting Primer. As one of two shades available, Just Lavender offsets dull pale skin and red undertones, while simultaneously softening fine lines. For a fraction of the cost, Rimmel’s Insta CC Primers are also worth a try and like Sisley’s, its liquid is creamy and blendable, unlike the thick, pigmented colour-correctors we’ve trialed in the past.
Napoleon Perdis’ Auto Pilot Brightening Skin Primer, housed in a distinguishable pink tube, is also a decent all-rounder that soaks into skin leaving a dewy, hydrated playing field on which to apply your foundation of choice. We found it worked well under a variety of foundation types. If a two-in-one primer-foundation product excites you, have a go of Dermalogica’s Skinperfect Primer SPF 30. It’s been a beauty cabinet staple for years, and works wonders on minimal make-up days. You’ll reap the benefits of a broad-spectrum protectant, long-lasting tint, and airbrushed finish in one.
TIP: Post-application, allow your primer to sit and soak into the skin before adding your foundation; a good 60 seconds should do the trick.
Shop This Post:
Makeup For Ever Step 1 Mattifying Primer
Too Faced’s Hangover Primer
MAC’s Prep + Prime Natural Radiance
BECCA’s First Light Priming Filter
Vapour Organic Beauty’s Status Soft Focus Skin Perfecting Primer
Marc Jacobs’ Beauty Under(Cover) Perfecting Coconut Face Primer
Smashbox PhotoFinish Foundation Primer
BareMinerals’ Prime Time Original Foundation Primer
La Mer’s The Hydrating Illuminator
Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer
Sisley Instant Correct Color Correcting Primer
Rimmel’s Insta CC Primers
Napoleon Perdis’ Auto Pilot Brightening Skin Primer
Dermalogica’s Skinperfect Primer SPF 30
  Story by: Hannah Gay
Photography by: Evangeline Sarney
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