#prof chaos is playing matchmaker
kennysdeadbody · 1 year
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K2Week Day 3: Confined
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
So, welcome to my master list. It will be updated every few days. Gifs are not mine, they belong to their creator!
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Dean Winchester
Ripped at every edge - Dean x Neutral!Reader. After a hunt gone wrong, Sam and Dean fight. As soon as Sam leaves the room you have to pick up the broken pieces of Dean Winchester. Based on ‘Colors’ by Halsey.
Two little letters - Dean x Fem!Reader. With Dean’s help you manage to escape an abusive and unhealthy relationship. You live a happy life until your past catches up with you. A chain of unfortunate coincidences leads to a heartbroken Dean. Will you be able to save your relationship? (requested)
Stitches - Dean x Fem!Reader. Y/N is in love with Dean, unbeknownst to him. During a hunt he saves her and risks his own life. He nearly died and now you have a grumpy, on the floor bleeding hunter sitting on your bed and you are just about to explode. (requested)
Sweet as marshmallows - Dean x Male!Reader. Things get heated between you and the elder hunter after a dangerous Wendigo hunt. (requested)
Icarus - Dean x Reader. You‘re an unworried person who is always optimistic and such a sharp contrast to your secret crush Dean. You have to show Dean that he mustn’t carry the world‘s pain on his own shoulders. Sometimes you just gotta live a little. Skinny dipping is the solution.
Verity - Dean x Neu!Reader. During her last breath, the witch had taken revenge. Things get interesting when Dean’s hit by a truth spell. Unfortunately, it is not easy to hide a secret if you always have to tell the truth. But that doesn't explain why Dean is avoiding you all the time, does it?
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Sam Winchester
You’re a hooker, sweetheart - Sam x Reader. You’ve always had a thing for the younger Winchester brother. Ever since you first met Sam and his cute smile. But you were always too afraid of confessing your crush to him. One day he hooks up with a random girl after a hunt. That’s when you’re having it! You’re tired of suppressing. What will Sam have to say? (requested)
Suspirium - Prof!Sam x Fem!Reader. You’re in your last year of your Classics and Modern Languages studies and you’re majoring in Latin and English. Then you get assigned to a different Latin teacher. And damn, he loves his subject. Too bad that he’s also hot. What is just a childish crush soon develops into something way more complicated.
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That’s the thing with nightmares - Cas x Neutral!Reader. Sweet Castiel comforts you after a terrible nightmare which leads to lots of cuddles.
Heavenly touch - Cas x Fem!Reader. You’re in your last year of high school. But nothing goes according to plan. While your older brothers are hunting demons down you have to attend school in whatever forsaken town they drag you to. You are bullied because you have no boyfriend, no sexual experience and you not even have had your first kiss yet. Dean doesn’t get your problem and Castiel is curious. That won’t end well.
Forget me not - Cas x Fem!Reader series. Cas was your guardian angel and best friend. He protected from everything that tried to harm you as a child. But a terrible accident caused him losing you. Years later, you’re still determined to find your guardian angel again. What happens when you meet him under unexpected circumstances?
Glooming hearts - Cas x Fem!Reader. The one time Dean plays matchmaker for his socially awkward friend and an angel who is just as worse. It’s funny and maybe he gets a lot more involved than he wanted to. Both  have no experience with dating and Dean likes watching how the chaos he caused envolves around him. What could possibly go wrong? (requested)
Conversations in the dark - Cas x Neu!Reader. Nothing’s real if it happens in the dark. That’s what your mother told you about nightmares. But you’re hunter and you know that nightmares exist in the daylight, too. Your relationship with Cas isn’t always easy. However, in moments of doubt it’s good you have each other. Because that’s all that really matters.
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Other SPN characters
Another love - John x Fem!Reader. You had a wonderful thing with John Winchester. One night he leaves without coming back. 
Beware of the daddy - John x Fem!Reader. The reader gets drunk in a bar and doesn’t want to be alone at night so she is searching for an one-night stand. She finds a good-looking guy, but suddenly she ends up in a dicey situation. John comes to the rescue. (requested)
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SPN Actors
Lullabies - Jensen x Fem!Reader. Jared x Fem!Reader. You're pregnant. Every couple would be happy to hear these news. Don't get me wrong, you're happy. Only problem is you have no idea who the father is... It‘s either Jensen Ackles' baby or the one of Jared Padalecki. The two men don't know about the big news yet. How will they react? Part 2 here. (requested)
Adorkably - Jensen x Neu!Reader. After you had a stunt accident on the Supernatural set, your leg is broken and you have to stay in bed while being on some high painkillers. Good thing, Jensen takes care of you. Well, in his own dork way anyways… (requested)
Nightcrawler - Jensen x Neu!Reader. Jensen and you never got along well. But when a stunt accident almost caused him losing you, everything changes. What will Jensen have to say if you wake up? (requested)
Cloudbursts - Jared x Neu!Reader. You were determined to do it. You never told anyone about your fear and you wouldn’t let it bring you down to your knees now! Not in front of all these people! Well, the anxiety attacks were an obstacle you didn’t think of... (requested)
Rock 'n' Roll, baby - Jensen x Male!Reader. Jensen has always been such a flirt. There has always been a chemistry between you that neither of you can deny. But no-one makes the next step. What is only a flirt for fun soon turns out to be more. (requested)
Love and hair - Jensen x Daughter!Reader x Jared. Part 2 to Lullabies. Set 18 years in the future. Reader wants to know who her biological dad is. (requested)
An apple a day - Doctor!Jensen x Fem!Reader. You were just having a bad day, that’s it. I mean, dislocating an arm while carrying cartons into your new apartment? That could happen to everyone. But intentionally miss three vaccination appointments? That could only happen to you. If only the doctor wasn't so cute... (requested)
Skies are different in Vancouver - Jensen x Neu!Reader. You have a hard time while your finance is in Vancouver for three months. However, you know that Jensen will always return to you in the end. (requested)
Hot as hell heaven - Misha x Neu!Reader. Filming can be quite dangerous sometimes. Good thing you have your personal doctor. (requested)
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jungshookz · 5 years
Ramenboy!tae who works at a lil ramen joint and ur dragged there by Jungkook who loves to abuse Tae’s employee discount and wow they have a competition — eat this massive bowl of ramen in ten minutes and get free ramen for a month and u cannot lose to this heathen known as Jungkook and now u’ve made an awful first impression on Tae and ur mortified but he’s just impressed~ and high key thinks ur cute and now Jungkook needs to play matchmaker in the most disastrous way possible (cue chaos) 🔥anon
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→ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
→ genre: nonidol!au, ramenboy!tae, comedy, tiny pinch of fluff, jungkook is an idiot and you might be one too because you just ate a gigantic bowl of ramen 
→ wordcount: 3.8k 
→ note: i’m sorry this took so lonG! u sent this in a while ago but i saved it in my notes because it’s.,, so cute,., this is less about taehyung and more about kook and y/n competing with each other lol!!!! my stomach exploded just thinking about eating five pounds worth of ramen idk how y/n did it 
(gif isn’t mine!) (also i was ecstAtic when i found this gif!!!! how pErfeCt)
this has quite possibly been one of the worst weeks in your entire life
you don’t know how it’s happened but on every single day of the week something has gone wrong for you
monday - your alarm didn’t go off so you accidentally skipped two veRy important lectures that were crucial for the finals
tuesday - your alarm diD go off but when you got to your first class (on time!) you didn’t realise that your prof sent out an email in the morning saying that there was a room switch for the day and the room was in a building located all the way on the oTHER end of campus so you basically missed out on half that lecture
wednesday - you have a big gap between classes on wednesdays so usually you just hang out and study in the library buT when you got there someone had taken your favourite spot so you were forced to go to the really, really quiet study area (no one’s allowed to make a peep otherwise ya get the booT) and when you stepped in you stumbled over someone’s laptop charger that was plugged into the wall and literally fell the floor in less than a millisecond with a big SMAK and everyone in that room looked like they wanted to rip your head off (especially the owner of the laptop charger)
thursday - you ordered a chocolate almond milk and banana smoothie because you wanted to treat yourself but somehow they fucked up your order and it tasted like they threw oranges into your smoothie instead of bananas and by the time you decided you wanted to go back and demAnd that they fix your order the line was like a hundred feet long so you were forced to throw out your $10 smoothie
friday - todAY,., you got your grades back for your midterms and uh.,,. all i’m going to say is u might want to spend a little more time studying and a little less time on tumblr
you’re just glad it’s finally friday because you are going to hibernate in your room over the weekend to recover from everything
you were going to head straight back to the apartment after classes today but jungkook insisted that you guys hang out today!!! even though you basically see each other every day!!!!
unfortunately you’re just not in the mood to do anything because you’re grumpy and tired
also it’s that time of the month
so like
you really reALLY aren’t in the mood to do anything
but of course
because it’s jungkook
he didn’t give you a choice (he dropped to his knees and literally just started sCREAMING until you said you would hang out with him and then he hopped back up onto his feet and was like heehee oki!! let’s go, friend!!!! as he wasn’t just screeching a lung out in the middle of the schoolyard a second ago)
and this is where he decides to take you
a dinky ramen joint in the city
“why couldn’t we just have gone to watch a movie?” you groan and flop your head back “also we had lunch like two hours ago-“
“and your point is??” jungkook scoffs as he flips through the menu
“if we eat now it’s going to ruin our appetite for dinner and thaT’s going to throw everything off course- hey quit iT” jungkook reaches back blindly to whack your face gently to shut you up
ur a great person and he likes u a lot but you need to relax ur asshole sometimes (he literally said that to you within the first week of knowing you and when you gawked and responded with ‘my asshole is SO relaxed and loOSE right now!!!!!!’ in the middle of the cafeteria he knew that this friendship was meant to be)
“listen, i was craving ramen and i always come here because i know one of the guys who works here so i always get a discount…” jungkook trails off as he continues looking through the menu “okay, i know what i want!”
“okay give me a second to- woAh-“ jungkook drags you into the restaurant before you get a chance to look at the options
this place is a lot bigger than it looks
spacious booths on both sides with obscenely red leather seats
square tables scattered around the place
it seems like it’s doing pretty well in terms of business because almost all of the tables are full
“jungkook!” both you and kook turn at the source of the sound
who is
who is tHAT
floppy, soft brown hair peeking out from behind a red bandana
a little blue apron wrapped around his tapered waist
a stained white v-neck (it looks vEry good on him and usually u hate v-necks on guys)
and his smile is very.,,. boxy?
your eyes widen when he approaches you two
you immediately duck behind jungkook and pray to god that you look somewhat presentable
you look down at your outfit
jeans and a cute little flowery blouse
okay!!! not bad!!! hopefully your eyeliner hasn’t moved from your eyes to your chin tho
“hey, man!” they do one of those bro-hug things and he gives jungkook a couple pats on the pack
even his hand is hot
“table for one, as per usual?”
oh my god
and that voiCE?
silky smooth is the only way to describe it
“i actually brought someone with me this time! this is y/n.” jungkook points behind him and you poke your head out a little
taehyung tilts his head to get a better look at you and he offers you a warm smile
your heart skips a beat and you feel your cheeks grow warm
“ah, so this is a date?”
“taehyung, please.” jungkook scoffs and pauses “…my standards are higher.”
“hEy-“ you scowl and smack his arm before moving out from behind jungkook
you turn to face taehyung and you smile shyly “hi”
he sticks his hand out for you to shake and you take it graciously
he gives you a firm shake
“hi! i’m taehyung but you can call me tae if you’d like. any friend of jungkook’s is a friend of mine!” he grins and grabs two menus from the front before leading you guys to a booth in the back
you slide in on one side and jungkook slides in on the other side
taehyung hands each of you a menu
“i’ll be back with some water and to take your orders in a couple minutes!”
“okay, thank you!” you chirp and let your eyes linger for a couple seconds as taehyung walks off to wait on another table
jungkook narrows his eyes at you for a brief second
veRy interesting
“ah, let’s see what’s good…” jungkook hums and opens up the menu while stroking his chin
what a dork
“you literally jusT checked out the menu outside-“  
“hey. look at this!” jungkook pulls a flyer out of the menu before flipping it over to show you
he wiggles his eyebrows
you squint and lean forward to read the small text
you should’ve brought your reading glasses with u
“the big bowl challenge… finish a five pound bowl of ramen in ten minutes and get free ramen for a month-“ your eyes widen and you pull away as if jungkook just zaPPed you “are you insane?! five pounds???”
“it wouldn’t hurt to try!!! if you finish the bowl, it’s free!!! and free ramen for a month?!” jungkook points to the flyer again
“well, you go ahead and enjoy filling yourself up, i’m just going to get a normal sized bowl of ramen.” you scoff and shake your head as you flip through the menu
their new spicy ramen looks pretty good
you might go for that one
ooH and it comes with a side of dumplings for $2 extra
“you just don’t wanna do it because you know you’re going to lose.” jungkook sighs and leans back against the booth and casually flips through his menu
you drop your menu and gawk at him “wha- lose?? trust me, if we were to compete, you would be the loser here.”
“all bark, no bite…”
you clench your jaw in frustration and let out a huff
jungkook knows how competitive you are and he knows exactly which buttons to press to get you to fall for his tricks every single time
he’s so sneAKy
“c’mon, let’s do it together! i know how to make things more interesting. not only will we be racing against the clock - we will also be racing against each other.”
that doEs make things more interesting
“what happens if i beat you?” you raise a brow and put the menu down
your spicy ramen and dumplings can wait for next time
“mm… i’ll buy you smoothies for a week. and if i win, you have to do my laundry for a week.”
oh groSS
you don’t want to do jungkook’s laundry
he has spiderman boxers with holes in them n stinky socks
but those smoothies are expensive
and really yummy
are you reALLY going to force yourself to consume a five pound bowl of ramen just to shove it in jungkook’s face
also,…,., do you really want taehyung to sEE you consume a five pound bowl of ramen
“-and i will be partaking in your ramen competition.” you snap out of it when you realise jungkook’s already ordering for you guys “and we’re alsO going to compete against each other to see who can finish their bowl the fastest!”
you can’t really change your mind now
you’re not a coWARD
you sit up a little straighter before propping your chin up on your palm and reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind ur ear
hopefully u look cute under this dim lighting
“oh, really?” taehyung looks between the both of you before scribbling it down on his soup-stained notepad “my money’s on y/n.”
“you’re a traitor.” jungkook responds immediately and slaps his menu shut “y/n’s going down and she’s going to do my laundry for a week.”
taehyung gasps lightly before shaking his head and tuning to look at you “god y/n.,., you better win because one time jungkook left a pair of socks at my place and i swear to god i was this close to moving out because of the stench… i don’t want anyone having to go through the pain of-”
“okAY okay don’t u have a job to do???” jungkook scowls and hands his menu to tae and you do the same
“i will return shortly with two monstrous bowls of ramen!” taehyung chirps and heads off towards the kitchen
you let out a little sigh before leaning back against the booth
jungkook clears his throat
“what… was that?”
“what are you talking about?”
“y’know, the-“ jungkook starts giggling like a maniac and reaches up to pretend to tuck hair behind his ears over and over again “that!”
“i have no idea what you’re talking about. also, just out of curiousity-“ you take a small sip of water, “how do you know taehyung?”
jungkook pokes his tongue into his cheek before leaning back and crossing his arms
“why do you ask?”
“i told u it was out of curiosity” you respond innocently and shrug
“we’re in the same literature class. he’s a pretty nice guy!” jungkook nods before going quiet “.,,.,.he’s also a pretty single guy.”
you give him a pointed look “don’t do that.”
“what?? you were curious and i answered your question!”
“i’m terminating this conversation.” you roll your eyes and cross your arms
jungkook hums and leans over to check out the little boxes of extra toppings on the side
pretty standard stuff
extra green onion.,.some ginger.,,. salt, pepper, chilli powder
“you ever think about how long it takes for people to shred green onion into these thin little-“
“how long have you known him for?”
jungkook’s shoulders droop
obviously this conversation has been resurrected from your termination
“ah… almost a year?” he shrugs and peeks into the little pot of shredded green onions
you gawk at him and lean forward
“…and you didn’t think to introduce me to him until now-“
“i thought you weren’t interested.” jungkook slaps the ceramic lid back onto the pot
“i’m just making conversation”
“i juSt tried to make conversation about green onions and you completely shut that down-“
“also, going back to my point, i never even asked you if he was single or not, all i asked you was how-“
“but if you were to ask me if he was single or not then i would respond with, yes, y/n, taehyung is very single and i’m sure-“
“alrighty, here we go!” you immediately shut up and give jungkook a warning look when taehyung appears at your table carrying two trays propped up on his shoulders
you swallow thickly when you see his biceps flex slightly
Yes To All Of That.
taehyung sets your bowl down in front of you carefully as to not have any soup splash out-
oh god
this bowl is.,., it’s a loT bigger than you thought it would be
there are like four boiled eggs in here
a tiny mountain of shredded green onion
six pieces of seaweed
ten thin slices of pork
you reach up and tie your hair up into a ponytail
ya gotta put the hair up when it’s time to get down n dirty
“get ready to lose, y/l/n” jungkook grins and rubs his hands together in anticipation
“in your wildest dreams, jeon.” you snap back immediately and pick your chopsticks up
“since you guys are competing, i brought two timers for you“ taehyung plops two little clocks down in between the two of you and you make sure to smile politely at him before looking back at your bowl
you don’t mean to brush him off but you’re tryINg to figure out the most strategic way to finish a bowl of ramen this big
and so it goes
the next ten minutes of your life will be the most important ten minutes in your entire life
here’s your game plan:
eat aLL the toppings first to get them out of the way
just go hAM on the slurping
use your chopsticks to really shovel and paCK the noodles into your mouth
if necessary don’t even chew!!!! just swALLOW
and then at the end chug down the broth because by the time you finish the noodles the broth will have cooled down a little bit
jungkook’s game plan is just to eat and enjoy himself
he doesn’t care whether he beats you or not
he just wants to see you shovelling food into your mouth like a maniac in front of his friend that he’s pretty sure you’re vERy attracted to
evil??? only a little bit
“alright, you two ready?” taehyung keeps his fingers hovered over the start button on each timer “in 3, 2, 1… go!”
you immediately slurp up a giaNT spoonful of noodles and regret that decision almost instantly because hOT HOT HOT
it doesn’t matter
you gotta do whatever it takes to win
whATEVER it takes babY
okay jungkook was originally going to just enjoy himself but his competitive streak has officially kicked in so now he’s slurping up the noodles just as quickly as you are
side note
the broth is actually really good
and the eggs are cooked to perfection
and the noodles are also cooked to perfection
perfEctly chewy and perfectly slurpable
you definitely see yourself coming back here and it’s noT just because that taehyung boy is cute okay
speaking of taehyung
he is vEry impressed with your progress so far
most of the people he’s seen do this challenge have struggled a bit at the start but you seem to be doing just fine
jungkook’s noodles keep slipping from his chopsticks and taehyung laughs lightly when some of the broth splashes onto his face
he wonders why jungkook’s never mentioned his cute friend that he’s realising he might be slightly attracted to even though he literally only knows your name
u cute
u real cute
“you’re eating like an animAL-“
“says the one shovelling noodles into her mouth!”
“at least i-“
you and kook simultaneously bicker anD eat and taehyung snorts when you threaten to shove a spoonful of chilli powder uP his- [statement redacted]
you pause for a split second when you see jungkook literally swaLLow half an egg
good god
wat dat mouf do
swallow half a boiled egg apparently
“tiME” you smack your hand against your timer and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand because you feel yourself dribbling a little bit
let’s see
nine minutes and thirty eight seconds
not bad!! for a FIVE pound bowl of ramen
jungkook slurps up the last of his serving and whacks the timer
nine minutes and fifty two seconds
close call
jungkook drops his chopsticks into the bow and pats his chest a couple times before wincing in discomfort “the noodles are stiLL going down the hatch”
“alright, that’s ti- oh.” taehyung rounds the corner and hits the side button on his watch “you’re both done!”
“yep, we’re both done..” you smile weakly
you don’t know if you can ever eat another bowl of ramen again
you don’t know if you can look at boiled eggs the same way without imagining one sliding down jungkook’s throat
“congratulations, you two!” taehyung peeks into both of your bowls to make sure there’s nothing left “you’re both the noodle champions!” he stacks your bowls together and picks them up “i’ll be back with your prize t-shirts!!”
great.,,. you’re both nooDle champions.,,. but at what coST
o god
and taehyung just witnessed you inhale a five pound serving of ramen 
his first memory of you.,,.is seeing you shovel like five pieces of pork into your mouth while glaring at jungkook 
“i think i’m pregnant.” you groan and lie down on your back
you sit up a little to look at kook “and i think it’s yours.”
jungkook glances back over at you “if it’s a boy, we name it ramen. if it’s a girl, we name it ramena.” he slouches back against the booth and stares into space “i have something to tell you too”
“i’m definitely pregnant and it’s definitely yours.” he rubs a hand over his bloated tummy and lets out a louD belch and you groan quietly
“you’re repulsive”
“i’m carrying your child, how dare you speak to a pregnant man like that?” jungkook sits up quickly but immediately regrets it
he lets out another belch and you whine before throwing a balled up napkin at him
u can smell it from here
“oh, god. the baby’s coming.”
“if you puke it all out you’re immediately disqualified-“
“i don’t caRE the bABY’S COMING-“ jungkook slides out of the booth and you can’t help but laugh at the sight of him sprinting to the washroom
you stop laughing when you feel the ramen coming up a little bit but you swallow it down because there’s no way you’re losing after that baTTle
“where’s kook?” you jump and immediately sit up  
you point to the washroom “he’s about to give birth to a ramen baby through his mouth”
“…huh” taehyung kisses his teeth “well, do you want your picture up on the wall?” he shakes the polaroid camera and your eyes widen in mild panic
heCk no you don’t want your picture up on the wall
“oh, god no. i do not want anyone knowing that i ate a five pound bowl of ramen in less than ten minutes.” you snort and shake your head
taehyung laughs lightly before pointing to himself “but i know that you ate a five pound bowl of ramen in less than ten minutes.”
“mm, that’s true.” you purse your lips before sticking your pinky out “pinky promise you won’t tell?”
taehyung grins and sets the camera down so that he can wrap his pinky around yours
he stands up a little straighter and clears his throat
“i promise,” he presses a hand to his chest, “i, kim taehyung, will not tell anyone that you, y/n y/l/n, successfully consumed a five pound bowl of ramen in less than ten minutes-“
“…if?” your brows knit together in confusion
if whAT
“if you give me your number.”
you have to admit that was kind of smooth
and unexpected
but a nice kind of unexpected
you snort and feel the apples of your cheeks growing warm 
you clear your own throat before sliding out of the booth and getting up
taehyung stands up straighter as you press your own hand to your chest “i, y/n y/l/n, will happily give you, kim taehyung my number if you don’t tell anyone that i successfully consumed a five pound bowl of ramen in less than ten minutes.”
keep in mind the two of you still have your pinkies locked together
taehyung nods firmly and lets go of your hand
“your country thanks you.” he salutes and you can’t help but giggle when his right eye drops in a wink  
you feel your heart go all warm and gushy
and it’s noT from the heartburn
okay wait
it might be a little from the heartburn  
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
drabble tag
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