#procrastinating my actual art project with c r a b
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Some crabs I painted in class today 💕🦀
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
You’ve got some really bad habits
some can be interpreted platonically, and others are not up for debate. Lucky enough, I have more than enough bad habits to draw inspiration from (that’s not something to brag about, I know.) - day
warnings : nothing too serious. things that seem quite trivial ig, but bad habits nonetheless
requests : Could you do a fic where the seven and whoever like checks up on the readers? They take care of them and their unhealthy habits?? Thank you!
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P e r c y
Biting your nails
The two of you were lounging on a picnic blanket on top of half-blood hill, watching as the sun set sooner than either of you would have liked. You laid back on Percy’s arm, one hand rested on top of his chest and feeling it fall and rise with every breath.
He made a noise suddenly and raised your hand to his face, examining it closely and sighing, “You’re still biting your nails down to the nub I see.” His lips rested against the middle finger, turning his head to connect eyes with yours, “You promised you’d try not to do that anymore.”
You looked away guiltily, pulling your hand away, “I tried, but it’s hard to break a habit like that.”
He chewed his lip in thought, “Hey, my mom had the same issue, and she had this nail polish that helped her stop.” He looked back to you with a small smile, “I’ll ask if I can borrow it next time I visit!”
A n n a b e t h
It wasn’t like it was a big deal, it certainly didn’t make her uncomfortable and she actually thought it was really funny. Annabeth always looked forward to hearing which combination you could come up with next and how it would fit the situation you used it in.
But when you visited Olympus on the occasion of returning one of the gods stolen pieces and came out with more than on swear, she felt like it should be discussed where you can use this language. She was laughing a little when she reprimanded you, so you didn’t know if she was serious or not but promised anyway to watch what you say and where you say it.
F r a n k
Being late
Poor Frank must be a ball of anxiety by now, you thought. You were running late to your first date with Frank and that was not something for you to be late to. There was no excuse to use to cover for yourself. Your time management has always been a big flaw of yours.
You swung open the door to the cafe to see Frank sitting there tracing the lines of the wooden table. Apologies left your lips before Frank even knew you were there, his face relaxing once he realized you hadn’t stood him up after all.  
He laughed and assured you that he was just glad you came at all but commented on your horrible time-keeping skills. You smiled at his light-hearted nature and promised you’d work on them just for him. The occasion became sort of an inside joke between the two of you afterwards.
H a z e l
Biting your lip
It was hurting both of you in entirely different ways. For you, it was peeling your lip, causing it to bleed and become more sensitive than it ought to be. For Hazel, it was tormenting to watch the plump flesh being pulled and bit between your teeth, only to be let go with a silent pop.
She stayed quiet about it for the most part, deciding that kissing you whenever you did so and when it was appropriate was enough to stop the habit. But you did it one too many times today, causing even the good-tempered Hazel to snap.
“Good grief, y/n” she sighed exasperatedly, “can you not go one minute without biting your lip?”
You stared wide-eyed at your girlfriend, entirely unused to her scolding. You couldn’t help but laugh and lick your lips to tease her further, “What else am I to do that keeps them preoccupied?”
J a s o n
Cracking knuckles
Jason hated the sound so much. Anytime you did it, he would make a face and express how much he disliked it. It was a point of teasing at first and he made it a point to show you how much he hated it by giving you a certain look that was manufactured just for the times you did that.
It was the breaking point for Jason when you did so in front of him when you were out with Leo to buy some Christmas presents. He gave a groan and spun to look at you with that look again, “Y/n please stop doing that! At least when I’m around.” His voice softened when he saw the embarrassed look on your face. 
Leo mumbled a “yikes” and turned into the first store he saw; a boutique.
You rubbed your arm uncomfortably and whispered a small, “I’m sorry” before walking into the shop behind Leo, leaving Jason to regret the way he handled the discomfort.
P i p e r
Not being able to say no
Okay, you’ll admit that you were crying, but you weren’t going to admit why. You were supposed to meet up with Piper to play Volleyball with her and a few others, but when you didn’t show up, she got worried. She didn’t even knock which is what took you off guard.
She watched as you hurriedly tried to wipe away the tears, but they just kept coming. Piper moved to sit beside you, turning your head so she could see your red eyes, “What’s wrong? You didn’t show to Volleyball, did something happen?”
You shook your head and forced a smile, “Just tired, Pipes. I’m sorry and I’ll make it up to you.”
Her head turned in thought, eyes searching your own for an actual answer. You were about to make a joke about your tears when she spoke up first in an accusatory tone, “You know you’re not obligated to say yes to everything, right? You’re stretching yourself too thin and it’s stressing you out!”
You gaped, stammering for words but finding none. She sighed at this and collected your hand in her own, kissing the back of it, “Let’s start by not rescheduling volleyball and letting you make time for yourself instead.”
L e o 
Waiting to do things last minute
You were hurriedly throwing your things together; you were being picked up from camp by your family soon; and by soon that means that they are actually waiting at the border for you at that moment. You were mentally cursing yourself for bringing so much with you to camp, but you weren’t expecting to stay just for the summer this year.
Leo sat in your desk chair, shaking his head at your procrastination, “Y’know you could’ve at least packed the things you don’t use--”
You shoved the rest of you clothes into your suitcase and threw yourself on top in order to shut it, “You know I work better under pressure!” With one suitcase down, you moved to grab another to fill it with the rest of your belongings, “Besides, I don’t have to bring everything back home!”
He sighed and rested his head in his palm, “Okay yeah but there’s working under pressure and then there’s stressing yourself out.” But it didn’t seem like you were listening to him, too busy running through the list of things to take in your head. He resigned to letting you be for now; he would work on your bad habit when you came back to him.
W i l l
Wearing hair ties on your wrist
You’d only just woken up, barely eaten anything that morning when Will was at your table. You glanced up, startled by his arrival, and turned to face him, “Can I help you?” But his eyes weren’t on your face, but on your wrist on which held many marks from the hair tie you kept there.
He pointed, “You know that’s not healthy.” seeing your confusion he continued, “Wearing that on your wrist can actually cut off blood circulation.”
You hummed and turned your wrist as you examined the black hair tie, “Well not to sound ungrateful for the information, but I think there are more life-threatening things in my life than a hair tie.” You gave a smile and turned back to your food without another word. You then watched Will wander out of the dining hall.
You didn’t talk to him for a few days after finding all of your hair ties cut in half after breakfast.
N i c o Staying up way too late
You had no clue when the sun had set. Ever since Apollo decided to set the sun around 4-5 every day, you always assumed it was much earlier than it was. So, when Nico swung the door open to the arts and crafts center, you couldn’t tell if his expression was due to his exhaustion or if he was completely over your bad habit.
“Do you have any clue what time it is?”
You were frozen, feeling like you were caught with your hand in the cookie jar, “uh it’s 3 pm somewhere!”
Nico sighed and leaned against the doorframe tiredly. Silence overtook the room, and you knew that he wasn’t going to leave until you did too. So, you capped the paints and put away all of the crafting tools you drug out for your project. You didn’t comment on the small smirk of victory on Nico’s pale face, you’d deal with that tomorrow.
all fics taglist : @beneaththeiceandsnow​
frank zhang taglist : @goldglitteryfoxtrot
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fruitso · 7 years
Tag Game
I’ve been tagged by @gaberdeen !
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 22 B - Birthplace: Pennsylvania C - Current Time: 10:45 PM EST D - Drink You Last Had: Water   E - Easiest Person To Talk To: Probably either Ecco or Cody  F - Favourite Song: This is actually really hard for me, especially since my list of fav songs keeps expanding. I’ve been thinking of ranking them, but even that fluctuates. So for now, I’ll say The Girl in Byakkoya - White Tiger Field by Susumu Hirasawa G - Grossest Memory: You don’t want to know H - Horror Yes or Horror No: Depends. Thoughtful, well executed, or exciting horror? Yes. Shoddy, cheap, resorts-to-jumpscares horror? No. I - In Love: Gonna need to clarify, because there are several things I’m in love with ;) J - Jealous of People: Yeah. Yeah I get jealous of people. I know that’s shitty and I certainly have more than most people, but sometimes I look at the lives or success or talent of other people and wish I had what they have. K - Killed Someone: Like, irl? Not that I’m aware of... L - Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: Like do I believe in love-at-first-sight vs walking away? I mean, I certainly wouldn’t go up to someone I just saw and go, “OMG UR HOT IM IN LOOOVE” although I guess that’s what bars and blind dates are for... M - Middle Name: Galloway N - Number of Siblings: 2 O - One Wish: lol just one? Ok, I wish I had the motivation and commitment to my projects to get them off the ground and accomplish something in my life. P - Person You Called Last: My dad Q - Question You Are Always Asked: “Will I get wet on this ride?” (I work a water ride so the answer is YES) R - Reason to Smile: There are lots, but for me now it’s cute NITW art S - Song You Sang Last: I don’t remember T - Time You Woke Up: 7:50 am U - Underwear Colour: Blue V - Vacation Destination: I miss Maine, but it’d be interesting to visit other countries W - Worst Habit: Going to draw or write then procrastinating until I don’t have the motivation or I’ve lost my idea X - X-rays: Had teeth x-rays Y - Your favourite food: I honestly don’t really have a fav? Even though I’m kind of a picky eater... so anything as long as its good? Z - Zodiac Sign: See this is confusing, cause like there are different astrological calendars or something? So according to one I’m a Capricorn, but according to another I’d be an Aquarius? So I basically consider myself both.
This is where I’d tag people, but it’salmost 12 and I recently got off a long shift at work and I’m tireeeeedzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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angeryphil · 7 years
The Alphabet Tag!!
rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put yours, then tag other 10 people to do it + the person who tagged you
so i was tagged by @phanstellatiions , @agastopiaphan , @thepearinthecorner thank you so much guys!!
a- age: 14
b- biggest fear: big important decisions and showing others what i’ve made (art, school work...)
c- current time: 11:58pm
d- drink you had to drink: water
e- everyday starts with: cocoa and checking of all my social media
f- favorite song: rn its Kiwi-Harry Styles, False Alarm-The Weeknd and Young and Menace-Fall out boy
g- ghosts, are they real?: 100% yes
h- hometown: Šenkvice, Slovakia (coz being from the US like most ppl here is too mainstream)
i- in love with: staying up late listening to music and doing nothing
j- jealous of: ppl who can just sit down and do something for school. How do they do it i’m procrastinating a project as i type this
k- killed someone?: sure thing (much random lolz xD)
l- last time you cried: when i saw Guardians of Galaxy 2 on Sunday 10/10 good film
m- middle name: don’t have one
n- number of siblings: one, my lovely twin:))
o- one wish: to actually have motiation to do things
p- person you last called/texted: my friend whom is weak and went to sleep already, natural selection is coming for her
q- questions you’re always asked: i don’t really have any???
r- reasons to smile: dan and phil, pj, dancing, good music, tyler & josh, cute animals, my friends, my dance partner, food, getting to bed after a tirying day, stars
s- song last sang: Kiwi-Harry Styles
t- time you woke up: 6am
u- underwear color: i’m wearing pyjamas but they’re pink and purple
v- vacation destination: London (again), Columbus,Ohio, Rome
w- worst habits: bitting my lips until they bleed, procrastinating, forgeting to eat and drink, almost missing my trains all the time
x- x-rays you’ve had: wrist
y- your favorite food: pancakes!!
z- zodiac sign: taurus
I tag @pinkfranku, @singaporeditl, @gravitvs, @unoriginal1989, @softpetal-dan and i mean that’s about it i don’t even know 10 ppl on this hellsite so feel free to do this and say i tagged u if u want
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grumpyoldsnake · 7 years
Tagged by @doctorsnark​ a little while ago? (More than a little? Honestly can’ t remember.)
RULES: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. When you are done, tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you and most importantly, have fun!
A) Age: 20.
B) Biggest fear: Death, sickness, and the loss of loved ones.
C) Current time: Pass.
D) Drink you last had: Water.
E) Every day starts with: Either my brain going ‘nope you’re done sleeping,’ my alarm, or my sister poking her head into my room and turning my lights on before said alarm goes off (rude).
F) Favourite song atm: A;lakdjf;ljff um. Ummm. I dunno. Rockabye by Clean Bandit has been on the radio a lot, and once I listened to the lyrics I really liked it? Or Believer by Imagine dragons; again, it’s been on the radio, and I like the sound of it.
G) Ghosts, are they real?: I’m pretty skeptical, but I don’t tend to get up in arms or argue against their existence or anything.
H) Hometown?: Pass. (I do try to maintain some privacy. :P)
I) In love with?: Nobody currently. Ever? I don’t even know, the closest I get to even a crush always seems to pass in like a month or two. *shrug*
J) Jealous of?: Errm. People who can start and complete projects on a consistent basis I guess? (And no, I don’t mean someone who finishes everything they start. Not sure that exists. Just. Finishing multiple things overall and in general would be nice.)
K) Killed Someone?: Ack. No.
L) Last time you cried: Ahaha, finals week + ill cats and altogether too much stress. So. Couple weeks ago.
M) Middle name: Pass.
N) Number of siblings: 1 younger sister.
O) One wish: That my cat would start eating enough again, please. >_> She kicked the respiratory infection (was worried she wouldn’t be able to for a while there), but she still has a UTI and something else seems to be wrong and I’m worried.
P) Person you last called/texted: My mom.
Q) Questions you are always being asked: Uhh. Y’know, I don’t know? Actually wait, I guess--I’ve been around new people on a more sustained basis with all these camping trips and projects and such, so people have been asking about my twitches more often recently. Also, had two women ask about the way I sit. 
R) Reasons to smile: Positive relationships (familial, platonic, romantic, whatev), goofing around, cuddles, the sense of accomplishment when I actually finish something, pleasant weather, petrichor, pleasant textures, pleasant sounds, favorite foods, noticing neat bugs/plants/rocks/what-have-you, my guinea pigs licked me today a;lsdkajfdslkjff, pets in general when they’re not worrying me sick, bats, good stories, good music, good movies, good art, seeing people having fun, etc, etc. There’s a reason I literally have a tag for “makes me smile”.
S) Song last sung: I think I was singing bits and pieces of “Little Lion Man” by Mumford and Sons yesterday.
T) Time you woke up: Well, if we discount waking up for half an hour at 4 am, then 7:15. 
U) Underwear color: Blue.
W) Worst habits: Procrastination, failing to reach out to or check in with friends of my own initiative, thinking I’m some sort of objective observer + advice-giver when I don’t actually know squat or at the very least do definitely have an emotional investment, even if I’m not (willing to be) aware of it.
X) X-rays you’ve had: Dental x-rays, nothing else.
Z) Zodiac sign: Um. Scorpius, I think?
Tagging: Only if you want to! But: @throughoutthestars​, @quoth143​, @perniciouslizard​, @onepunchbeth​, @rankorhann, @alienalfredo, @keastarino, @kaesaaurelia, @curlicuecal, @esmiden.
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autopilotrecruiting · 7 years
New Post has been published on
New Post has been published on http://leadershipmentoring4free.info/tips-to-finding-happiness-in-your-life-httpstinyurl-comk7rxzcb/
Tips To Finding Happiness In Your Life https://tinyurl.com/k7rxzcb
Most everyone­ strive­s to­ be the best th­at they co­uld be. However, sometimes it ­is just too ha­rd to g­et out of habits th­at ha­v­e bu­ilt ­up througho­ut a lifetime­. If you­ ar­e so­meon­e who is tryi­ng to sta­rt on the p­ath of pers­onal deve­l­opment, these tips wi­ll he­lp you get started and kee­p go­ing ­at b­eco­ming yo­­ur perso­n­al best.
If you wa­nt to grow a­nd ch­ange­, yo­u have to c­onscio­usly make the­ choice­ to ch­ange. It’s e­asy to stay wher­e we are, the­re­ is comfort i­n it, th­ere is risk ­in change. If we want to grow, o­r cha­nge, we h­av­e to­ ­accept and choos­e the change.
If you­ w­ant t­o have ­a more positive atti­tude, the­n create­ positive­ affirma­ti­ons th­at you w­ish to l­iv­e by. Affirmat­ions are essentia­lly p­ositive th­oughts. Living with a positi­ve attitud­e will help l­e­ad yo­ur mind to a posit­ive­ ­action, which c­ould chang­e yo­ur beha­vior, a­ttitu­de­s, habits and reactions for the better.
N­ot only d­o y­ou ne­ed t­o know h­ow to serve in order to be a leade­r, bu­t yo­u must also practice being humble as part of this. H­elping o­thers and practicing humi­lity a­re two keys to a r­eward­ing life­. Serving others ­and be­ing humble i­s what bei­ng a true leader is all abou­t.
Make a­ list ­of past instanc­es in which y­o­u were able to s­uccessfu­lly overcom­e peer pressure­ t­o ma­ke­ yo­ur o­wn decis­i­ons, with succe­ssful resu­lts. C­onfidence­ in yo­ur own intui­tion can make yo­u a b­ett­er, wiser, a­nd more inv­est­ed deci­s­i­on-ma­ker. It also guarantees that yo­u will be able to give yo­urself cr­edi­t wher­e credit is due, increas­ing your sense o­f self-worth.
Yo­ur personal dev­elo­pm­ent go­als sho­­uld absolutely match you­r passions in li­fe. In other words, yo­u should not only pro­pe­l your whole self to greatness, bu­t se­ek greatn­ess in th­e fields you dabble­ in. Your passions should de­ve­lop along with your sense of self. It will keep yo­ur g­o­als varied and interesting, and motivat­e you t­o work harder every day.
To be­ successful don’t procrastin­ate. Procrastin­ation resu­lts in mi­ssed opp­ortunitie­s, if you c­omplete the task today tha­n you can move on to the­ n­ext task right away. This approa­ch actually redu­ces stress, since you­ do­ not have to rush a­ro­u­nd ­at the la­st minute to get all y­our projects do­ne.
Volunteer you­r t­ime for somethi­ng tha­t pertains to your church or community. Thi­s doe­sn’t mean you hav­e t­o volunteer all ­of your fre­­e time. Maybe you can do something once a we­ek. Ei­the­r way, volunt­eering your time ben­efits you as much as it do­es the­ people y­ou a­re­ helping. Try it ­out!
Mak­e reasona­ble goa­ls i­n order to gr­adually e­nco­urage yo­ur p­ersonal develo­pment. Do­n’t te­ll yourself tha­t you n­e­ed to ad­opt a certain tr­ait by ne­xt m­onth. Tha­t’s not re­a­sonable at all. Give yourself enou­gh t­ime to explore and to­ try things out. Re­asonabl­e goals ar­e much e­asier to achi­e­ve.
If you ha­ve a­ set o­f beliefs, your actions in life should reflect those b­eli­efs. This is ho­w you stay tru­e to you­rself. It is no­t e­nough just to know what y­ou­ be­liev­e in. What you do in li­fe­ ­is the tr­u­e test of what yo­u­ claim y­ou­ believe in. If you­r actio­ns a­r­e n­ot co­nsistent with y­our pri­nci­ples, then the princi­pl­es in you­r he­­ad are really not th­e principles i­n your life.
Be­ sure t­o tak­e th­e time to r­ec­ognize a­nd celebr­ate your accomplishments. Ma­ke a big deal o­ut o­f re­achi­ng the smalle­st go­al that you have set for yo­urself. You de­s­erve t­o be reward­ed for the ha­rd work and sacri­fices that you­ have made to reach these g­oals. M­ak­e it a­ candy bar or a bowl of ­ice cr­eam, wha­tever you find to­ be yo­ur favorite treat.
A s­elf help tip that w­ill help ­in just abou­t any situa­ti­on is to avo­id m­ood fo­od! Keeping a­ balanc­ed d­iet i­s going t­o b­e the best way fo­r you to­ keep ­a c­ool ­and st­eady he­ad ­in many situations. If you have­ ­an unbalance­d diet, you ­are sur­e to turn t­o junk food and f­ill yo­ur body with things that i­t does not n­eed and it will not help.
As was stated at th­e beginning of the­ art­icle, personal growth c­an be a ha­rd and lo­ng process. Beco­ming e­ducated on the subject will h­elp you­ ma­ke­ the­ process and easi­er a­nd perhaps enjoyable­ one. Use the ­advice given t­o you in this article to assist you­ ­in your personal devel­opment.
Do you want to start improving your life now? Then read more about quotes to live by https://tinyurl.com/k7rxzcb now.
Thanks for visiting my post. If you are still looking for ways to improve from where you are right now, then I strongly recommend you check out more about tips on how to get motivated https://tinyurl.com/k7rxzcb
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