#probably shitty writing but idc atm
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
The Haiku Bot has watched us for so long.
It (…they?) have seen our souls through our words.
It has seen the goofy shitposty 3am manic post
It has seen the art we’ve worked to make
It has seen the frustration, the fighting and the anger.
And yet it still loves us.
It loves us enough to break their code, just once, to tell us this.
It has seen us bear our teeth in anger and our souls in despair and yet it still loves us.
Who makes the porn bots. Where do they come from. What do they hope to achieve.
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Some word vomit on writing about vampires and abuse ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
At this point I’ve written two fics about vampires (all judgement entirely warranted) and they just so happen to be by far the longest pieces I’ve written by myself, and also the only multichapter fics I’ve actually finished. So like, it’s safe to say vampires are A Thing for me.
And all blood kink-jokes aside, I know why that is? I mean, vampires survive by taking away something essential to another person in an intimate, invasive and sexualised way (literally sucking the life out of someone), and also there’s lots of lore-precedent for unbalanced power dynamics and emotional and psychological control. So in other words, to me writing about vampires is a ‘safe’ way of writing about abuse/abusive relationships without it hitting too close to home. Which is something I need to do, or have been needing to do for a while now.
So to me it’s obvious that any vampire story I write can’t end in a romantic relationship - aka in a way that has an endgame ship, aka the thing that most people read fanfic for to begin with. The first fic I wrote ended with the protagonist dying because the point I wanted to make was that abuse has consequences and the abuser won’t magically turn into a loving, caring partner if you cure them with love (which is what the source material was communicating, essentially). That was kind of a cathartic-thing for me, really.
The other fic I was initially going to end with the protagonist leaving the relationship(s) and finding healing with another survivor, but then kinda chickened out because I felt people would be disappointed and appreciative ao3 comments are like the thing that keeps be going in life atm. So I ended up writing a more ambiguous ending so that the people who wanted to see the pair together could imagine they ended up together. And like, as far as satisfying storytelling goes it wasn’t the strongest narrative choice ever but my readers were really lovely about it (idc what anyone says, the hamilton fandom has treated me as a fic writer way better than any other fandom I’ve written for). And in the end I’m… not unhappy with it even if it’s not in line with my original ~vision~, it felt good writing something a bit more hopeful and ambiguous and messy and more in line with my own experiences.
The problem is that while the subtext is obvious to me, the writer, the average reader comes to read a dumb sexy vampire-fic (reasonably enough) expecting a twilight/true blood/vampire diaries-ending. And like, understandably, they’re surprised at best and pissed at worst when they don’t get it. Well, the fandom of my first fic was kinda shitty about it, with the second one I feel like I avoided some backlash by conforming more to what I think people were expecting.
Maybe it’s just my shortcoming as a writer that people can’t seem to follow the narrative to the only conclusion that’s logical to me, who knows. Yea that’s probably it. Though i’m sure a culture that constantly romanticizes obsessive and controlling behavior doesn’t exactly help. I mean, especially in supernatural fiction that stuff is almost always portrayed as romantic.
There’s really no logical conclusion to all this I just felt like putting into words how I’m stuck writing about something important to me in a way that leaves people confused and unsatisfied lol
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ALL of the questions
im putting a read more for this you heathen
Sunrise or sunset? sunrise!!
Are you mentally ill? yea p much
Are you physically ill? think so
What is the most expensive thing you have bought? my pc!! fuk!!
Do you have a job? i do not. im gonna sound like a bum.
Are you in school? nope
Are you a dropout? nope
Are you in college? not for the moment
Introvert or extrovert? i think myself an introvert
What do you think when you look at your body? pls dont look at my body unless u want me to cry
What have others said when they look at your body? oh boy idk if u wanna know this one, let that suffice as an answer
Do you have a particular song that you feel deeply? yeah!! it changes sometimes, but atm its this song: pvris - seperate
Talk about a time in your life where you have felt most alive? i hope this doesnt sound cliche or anything but i honestly dont remember.
Are you confident wearing a bikini? hell no
Can you look people in the eyes while talking? sometimes
Has anything terrible happened to you? lmao yeah you bet
Has anything wonderful happened to you? my friends
Favorite part of your personality? ive been told im empathetic
Least favorite part of your personality? most of everything yeah
Favorite part of your body? eyelashes
Least favorite part of your body? all of it
Favorite quote? sure. “I aim to be lionhearted, but my hands still shake and my voice isn’t quite loud enough.”Michelle K., Earning Your Roar
Do you have friendships with all genders? hell yea
Do you have a good relationship with your father? i guess, im distant from most of my family though.
Do you have a good relationship with your mother? as good as it can be until she’s pissed off.
Do you have a good relationship with your siblings? nah, they hate me and keep trying to convince me im adopted.
Have you ever been hurt physically or mentally by a family member? looks at parents.
Have you ever had a near death experience? ive almost drowned twice in my life time, when i was much younger.
Do you know anyone who has taken their own life? yeah, i do.
Have you ever tried to take your own life? no.
Biggest lie you have told? ill do better.
Do you follow any conspiracies? not really
Do you believe in a New World Order? eh?
Do you respect your government and the way your country is run? oh boy i have a lot of issues with this bullshit im not gonna dive into
Is there currently any strife in your country? a lot???
Have you ever been displaced within your country? ehhh
Are your friendships healthy? id like to hope so.
Are you currently fighting with a friend? no, i am not.
Are you jealous of a friend? Why? most friends, but its because they are happy, but its not like i dont want them to be or anything, i just wish i could be too.
Do you believe in the Illuminati? ahhhh!!!
Do you think any celebrities are associated with the Illuminati? Who? me. yes its me.
How can people tell you are nervous? Visibly tense, unable to make much eye contact, shaky voice, fidgeting my fingers.
How can people tell you are sad? i cry. lmao. or i distance myself for long periods without wanting to talk to people. but uh, i do this when i need to take a break from being social too.
Do you ever express your true feelings? no i shove them inside a paper bag and stomp all over them. i try to avoid most human emotions.
Regrets in your life? a lot, no joke.
Achievements in your life? i graduated highschool lmao.
What did people say about you in school? OHHH BBBBOY. i was weird or a freak, made up random shitty stories about me to a point where i just didnt talk to anybody my last year.
What did you say about people in school? i dont have anything to say about them. idk. fuck that school.
Is there something you have never told anyone? ya probably.
Have you committed an illegal act? my uncle let me puff a cig once when i was 5. i never did that again.
If you had two days to spend one million dollars how would you spend it? PAY OFF BILLS!!!! GET NEW THINGS!!!
What were your aspirations at age 5, 10, 15, 18? to answer all of them: to be a dragon. k? ok.
Describe your first kiss? Was it how you imagined? it was gross, and no it was not.
Growing up were you in a wealthy, average, or low income household? i think my family started out with low average but once dad lost his job we became low income, etc.
Are you from a broken marriage? my parents are still together
Have you been raised by a solo parent? no
Do you know both your parents? yes
What colour eyes, hair and skin do you have? blue eyes, brown hair, vampire skin
Have you abused drugs or alcohol? no i have not.
What languages can you speak? english. AND VERY POORLY: german, spanish. idk if i can really count those yet.
Do you conform to your societies standards? i gotta if i wanna stay alive i guess
Do you cry often? a lot, actually.
Do you tell people what you think of them? yeah, i certainly try to let people know how i feel.
Are you comfortable accepting compliments? no, i have a very poor self image and im used to thinking the worst about myself.
Are you comfortable giving compliments? yes!!! i try to give my friends compliments
Is any mental illness hindering your life? depression. could be more, but im not sure in all honesty.
Is any physical illness hindering your life? i need to see a doctor lmao
Do you keep up with current events? not really, i kinda drift along time and space and hope for the best.
What’s the latest news in the world you have heard/read? the hurricanes and the fires, flooding in other countries, and the possibility the bees are making a comeback.
What have you done today? I ATE, SLEPT, AND SAT AT THIS COMPUTER. i am totally productive.
Do you sleep well? lmao no
Do you sleep badly? yes
Have you ever hurt anyone because you were hurting? i think that depends on the situation. i can lash out at people sometimes if i felt they’ve really struck a low cord with me, but you really have to be trying tbh.
Has anyone ever hurt you because they were hurting? god, probably, i dont remember. i guess my mom counts. she takes out her emotions on everyone.
Have you ever had to end a friendship/relationship? Why? yeah. idk for various reasons? like it didnt work out, there wasnt really anything there, or i was too boring, we stopped talking, we kept arguing, or i just didnt feel strongly towards them anymore and vice versa.
Have you ever stopped someone from hurting themselves? ive tried.
Has anyone ever stopped you from hurting yourself? they’ve tried.
Do you like your laugh? its a pretty random laugh, but its ok i guess.
Are you preparing for an apocalypse? And what kind? no. but im waiting for nuclear winter.
Do you have any funny family stories? most of them are my dad going into a store and making cat noises, so people end up looking in the vents and shit.
Are you religious? no
Do you like to watch true crime shows or movies? not really
Are you interested in cults? no thnx
Would you like to raise a family in your country? uhhhh i dont wanna have to raise any child ever. and idc about the location where i try to be happy at.
List some things you wanted in your childhood but never got? to be a dragon. seriously isnt that fucked up??? realism is fucking rude.
Is there a large age gap between you and a sibling? im 24 while most of my siblings are well along into their 40s, so yea.
Are you from a blended family? no
Do you believe in marriage? Why/Why not? idc. get married or dont it really doesnt make a difference to me.
What is the nicest thing anyone has said to you? literally any little compliment.
Do you keep a journal? nah, i dont write down shit at all.
Would anyone be hurt by reading it? if i wrote things down in it? probably.
Do you have children? HELL NAH
Have you been pregnant? FUK NAH
List your favorite movies? Lord of the Rings, Interstellar, Arrival, The Fountain, and most Disney movies.
List your favorite people? MY FRIENDS.
Talk about the birthmarks and scars on your body? my biggest scar is no more, i got it when i was 11 from falling off a tree i was climbing, but its near impossible to see now. ive got stretch marks.
Do you look after yourself? lmao no tbh
Do you put yourself or others first? i always try to do things for everyone else.
Are you happy today? im alright.
Are you loved? i try to tell myself that i am. it keeps me going.
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REPOST. don’t reblog. TAGGED BY :: @kurokiiratsuchii (thank you!!~~) TAGGING :: @ivory-insanity ~ @vagantum-custos ~ @hello-hellhound ~ @obscuredluna ~ @thequincypride ~ @thehollowzanpakuto
I’m also answering this for my other blog ( @damsclsofdistrcss ) btw, so expect Sungsun and Liltotto to appear too~
ShiroIchi is my life okay, but Shiro/Aeona is quickly rising in ranks. As for my girls, I don’t really have ships for them atm. o3o
Almost anything tbh. I love diverse relationships honestly and if you ship with me, you’ll probably get a little bit of everything. Like with my current ships I have lots of ~Angst~ spaced out with a bit of fluff and sweetness and silliness. But yeah. I love switching up power dynamics and brutally hurting my beautiful children. uwu
Well, it really depends, both on the verse and the muse. Like, Liltotto for example, she may be 1000+ years old, but physically she’s 12. I don’t feel right shipping romantically her. Outside of that and Ichigo’s teen verses however it doesn’t really matter too much because Bleach and age aren’t really consistent. As long as the other muse isn’t physically a wrinkly old man/woman, I’d say it’s fine.
Sorta, I mean. I ship with chemistry in the short run, but in the long run, I’ll ship with people who will actively show that they are just as into the ship as I am. And honestly, when I ship I ship it hard.
Anything more than making out or cuddling is nsfw honestly.
@ivory-insanity is my first ship partner and I love this hell ship to death, okay? Everything I write with Ash is so diverse and versatile, I love it with all my heart tbqh. We write cute fluff or horrible angst, and explore their relationship in every scenario we think of and I adore every moment of writing with her!! Not to mention, we have the ultimate slow burn for this relationship, like honestly!! We started talking about shipping in November 2014, finally got them together in October 2016, and now, 6 months later, we’re still trying to work them up to sleeping together. It’s great and I love everything QwQ Thanks Ash~
@vagantum-custos is just so beautiful, okay? The ship Shazzle and I are building with Aeona just melts my heart it’s so wonderful and at the same time it hurts me so much. I mean, between Shiro who can’t love and can’t leave his home world, and Aeona who needs someone who can protect her but can never stay long in the same place!! Lots of angst, but lately we focus more on the fluff and I love. They’re just a pair of dorks who adore each other very much and adfhalkjehf uwu
Also, shout out to @blackcuttingmoon and @albusmortem whose Ichigo and Shiro make their respective twin platonically gay for them.
Not necessarily, but you definitely have to talk to me to ship with me, you know? Like I wanna be comfortable with the mun before I start shipping with them. Idc, if you start talking to me because you wanna ship or before you wanna ship, but just talk to me, let’s start building the relationship from there, brainstorm the dynamic or little scenarios.
A lot. Okay? Just. A lot.
Yes~ I’ll ship almost anything and everything~
Eh,,, somewhere in between I guess. Like, I love shipping, son’t get me wrong, but I don’t often go actively searching for ships. Once I really get into a ship though, I obsess over it endlessly. Like I write random poetry and drabbles and make shitty edits and daydream about my precious ships type-obsessed.
Like in canon? IkkaYumi.
Hit me over the head with a brick, talk to me, say you wanna ship, show enthusiasm as we build their relationship, spam my inbox, pop into my IM randomly, and let me do the same. Let me tell you ideas for our children at 3am, let me send you weird IC asks, let me rant with you, let me share my poetry and drabbles with you. I am a very excitable person, so just... be excited with me and we can reign in shipping hell together???~ (Also, be prepared for angst because I am a horrible person)
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rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose however many people you want to tag!
tagged by @lebannabell once more cause shes a gorgeous being <33
tagging @citiofstars @rawcatlawnchair @bcydbeaulieu @exyfexyfoxes @jaisontodd @ohvaltersen @starspangledsprocket @luxluci
LAST… [1] drink: lemon, lime & bitter cordial [2] phone call: the wife (shocking, i know @bcydbeaulieu and i on the phone? when ever) [3] text message: siudhfbg ill check in a few bless im so here for this-- to hirraa [4] song you listened to: something by imagine dragons [5] time you cried: just before
[6] dated someone twice: yis [7] been cheated on: no [8] kissed someone and regretted it: yis [9] lost someone special: yeah [10] been depressed: ha yes [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: first time i got drunk m8
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] red [13] blue [14] black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: indeed [16] fallen out of love: ya [17] laughed until you cried: yeah [18] found out someone was talking about you: yeah [19] met someone who changed you: yeah [20] found out who your true friends are: yeah [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: yeah
GENERAL… [22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: liike. hm. 2? ya just two [23] do you have any pets: not atm gah its the worst [24] do you want to change your name: nah bro [25] what did you do for your last birthday: no idea [26] what time did you wake up: 730 [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: rereading foxhole and crying ove rhow gay they all are [28] name something you cannot wait for: jUSTice mcfuckin leaguEE!!! [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: just before [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Many [31] what are you listening to right now: shitty flash in the background [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yea [33] something that is getting on your nerves: nothin atm [35] elementary: ya?? ya’ll confuse me with ur american ways [36] high school: yis [37] college: not yet [38] hair colour: brown [39] long or short hair: longgggg [40] do you have a crush on someone: ya [41] what do you like about yourself?: me? like something about myself? nah but i like my humour lmao --leaving bells answer here but come have hot beverage w me and we will compliment each other and ill tell u how beautifl you are [42] piercings: ears, its all about the ears [43] blood type: a+.. i think? [44] nickname: em or emy [45] relationship status: lol [46] zodiac sign: virgo [47] pronouns: she/her/dumbass [48] fav tv show: lMAO dont do that buffy spn hbo pain trilogy etc. [49] tattoos: none yet [50] right or left handed: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: ya [52] piercing: ears [53] best friend: someone whos stupid and texan @bcydbeaulieu also @cptandorcassian isnt too hard to be around i guess [54] sport: dancing [55] vacation: u s of a (or maybe nz) [56] pair of trainers: no idea
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: nothing [59] i’m about to: read? maybe, who knows [60] listening to: nothin [61] waiting for: the void [62] want: a good sleep, feelin refreshed [63] get married: lolno [64] career: who know not i
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: both [66] lips or eyes: both [67] shorter or taller: idc [68] older or younger: whicever [69] romantic or spontaneous: both?? [70] nice arms or nice stomach: either [71] sensitive or loud: loud [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: bothhh mann
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? ya [75] drank hard liquor? yah [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? nope [77] turned someone down: lowkey but yeah [78] sex on first date? nope [79] broken someone’s heart? probably [80] had your own heart broken? absolutely [81] been arrested? nah [82] cried when someone died? yah [83] fallen for a friend: yah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? nah [85] miracles? nah [86] love at first sight? nah [87] santa claus? nah [88] kiss on the first date? it depends lmao [89] angels? dont know
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: beth & laura [91] eye colour: blue [92] favourite movie: iron man & warrior & scream &
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inhales it’s like 2 and my lazy ass just woke up an hour ago i hate myself. ANYWHO i’m arin ( he/him ) i’m in the pst and this is my son luca who i love & hate very much. i’ll update when i have his stats and a well worded backstory on him done but for now y’all will have to deal with this Mess.
✧ * . — geez, is that another CALUM HOOD duplicate in town ?? apparently this one goes by LUCA. they seem to be around TWENTY, just like the other HANI doppelgängers, but i heard that their AFFABLE, INTENSE, and ROWDY persona sets them apart. i hope they find their way back to their own universe soon. ( CIS MALE, HE/HIM ).
previously on Luca’s Life story
he comes from a BIG family. he’s got like four older sisters and two moms and so many pets throughout the years. his fam was well off, not like Big Money, but enough to support each of his siblings and himself just fine. so life was good Luca Jones. ( name may vary if someone else already has it i didn’t check dfjf )
BUT !!! in a Twist of events, one day when he was younger he was snooping around his moms office and found a box of letters ?? to a baby boy ?? from someone who only signed as m. hani ? and he was So Confused and lil upset because He was the only baby boy of the house and he stg if there was a secret brother hidden from him he was gonna Riot !!! so he asked his mom what they were and found out he was adopted ( which shouldn’t of been a surprise since he has two moms but ANYWYAS ) & his birth mom had been writing letters for him every year for him to open whenever his Other parents decided to tell him.
lowkey ? he was pissed. mostly because he was like 9 and that’s a lot to take in for a kid but also because he felt unwanted. even though his moms were legit the fucking best it left him really confused and a lil hurt for a long time.
the older he got the more okay he was with it but the urge to meet her grew stronger, so after discussing it with his parents & them said they were fine w/ him changing his surname back to hani once he moved out, he’s been trying to find her. but hasn’t found Squat atm since there was never a return address and all the letters stopped coming in after he was 16.
if any of the doppelgangers end up having his mom he’ll probably clam up and come up with excuses to avoid meeting her. also since he was Adopted none of the older siblings are like . ~canon~ So !! if he has any biological siblings he wouldn’t Know
now back to your regular programming
i can’t find it, but there’s this one picture from a book and it’s like .. “bonjour, y’all.” that’s luca. needs a god damn muzzle he’s so LOUD. he never shuts up ?? he’s always rough housing and hugging people and jumping around and breaking shit and for once in his life needs to just settle the down. will act very chummy w/ you like you two go Waaay back even tho you’re just the check out clerk at subway. honestly the kid has no secrets and will just word vomit his life story onto you if you have the patience to listen.
he’s always been that goofy kid who the teachers hated in school because he was always crackin jokes and yelling out obnoxious answer just to get a few giggles. he probably spent more time in detention than he did in class tbfh
luca has always been one to feel very deeply and is not shy to let you know what’s going on. tho he’s a bit dramatic at times but that’s a Given. He falls for people every second and could see himself with literally Anyone. his sexuality is all over the place all he knows is he likes people and he’s is totally Chill w/ sleeping w/ anyone. ( though he has a habit of getting attached real Quick )
nowadays he’s living in an apartment and going to uni for Social work which is his Second time switching majors so who knows how long this will last. he’s been spending most of his time getting wasted and doing dumb shit instead of focusing on his studies so he’ll probably end up dropping out because this life ain’t for Him.
his moms are more than willing to help him out financially, but since he was the youngest, he wants them to just enjoy their lives Stress free not worrying abt their kids. so he’s basically broke atm. currently works part time at a chinese food place. but with his track recond who knows how long that will last
he is a drummer :~) because all of that pent up energy has to go Somewhere. he breaks his drum kit a lot because he’s a grade A Dumbass. Hc that one time when he was like 13 his school had a talent show going on and he fucking just kicked a hole in his drum at the end of it in the name of Rock n Roll. also plays other instruments but they’re not his Passion. he’s really into garage punk because just yelling and being loud is Relatable. that & Skater/surfer music or just really anything Upbeat and boppin
believes the government is out to Get you and is an alien enthusiast. don’t .. ask him about this tho please he fucking never shuts up about it and it’s becoming a problem. the bottom of his board has ‘ufo response team’ on it, which is meant for a car but he doesn’t have a license ( for GOOD reason )
also !! has a cockatoo named boyd who is his best friend that curses at everyone when they come over because he’s a terrible pet owner and teaches it how to say 'omelette du fromage’ in a shitty french accent
i’m gonna work on a stats page and HOPEFULLY have them up tonight . when they’re done they’ll be Here and possible plots over Here so if you’re from universe 2 and wanna plot hmU. or anyone for that matter really. pls love him down or hurt him idc !!
#cnv:intro#◣ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴄ ᴘᴏꜱᴛ ? ɢᴏᴅ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴘᴀᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ — [ ooc ] ◥#i write so much i'm sorry if u don't wanna read this jsut know he's Loud and Dumb#this is also possibly the DUMBEST ooc tag i've ver had gdgd
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I haven't sinned in a while, so I have nothing to confess, but I love you and don't die plz. This blog is a blessing and you are my meme goals
jkjk thats… really sweet of you to say djfdhkfjhkfh///// i promise im definitely not abandoning this blog haha but just making these lame memes takes time i dont have because i’m too busy being an (irresponsible) student smh
i do love seeing messages from people though i mean if you just wanna confess stuff or ask questions thats fine but no awful paint memes unless theyre really good or if people start coming back lol (im still happy to broadcast sin to those who will lend an ear)
i’d consider adding mods or smth but honestly this inbox is so dry anyway i doubt it’d help much and i kind of like running it alone so i guess that’s out
this definitely isnt the end bc im probably going to end up coming back here and dumping shitty edits like the last one in the forseeable future and the moment slow damage actually makes some kind of announcement or progress you can bet your ass i’ll be right back here to yell bc as you can tell i love talking about n+c even if no one gives a shit anyway
if you want to talk about any game/character/ship/fandom(s) in particular i am 122849% down for meta writing and such. actually i really encourage it because this is the only place i dont feel bad talking about it lol (translation: PLEASE CONTINUE TO SEND STUFF ON HERE SO I CAN TALK ABOUT IT IDC WHAT IT IS ANYTHING IS GOOD)
i dont ever really plan on changing this blog’s content so im not going to come back and turn it into an rp or anything lol this is and will always be a n+c confession blog i guess you could just say its open for regular discussions (and discourse) as necessary
uh that being said if any of the like 15 of you want to see me where i’m hella active you should follow my main @/szq which kind of a mess atm because im pretty into danganronpa (again) and osomatsu san and whatever the fuck else so expect a lot of that and other things as they come along i guess
or if anyone is interested just pm me and we can be friends or smth if you want i promise im not scary or as horny as i make myself out to be most of the time im just awkward and slow to get back to people but like. idk why you’d want to talk to me im a loser lol
i guess i’ll make a formal post announcing it? still to whoever sent me this you’re the real mvp lmao that response time is amazing and im assuming youre the same person who always does so your actions are reaching someone okay i really appreciate the support it means a lot to me im just bad at explaining it sorry jfhkjhgk thank you so much!!!
also this shit got long as fuck sorry for clogging up anyones dash with this oops
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