#probably not but I wasn’t going to Nico di Angelo them about their soulmate connection.
notebooknonbinary · 2 years
I have a migraine today so might not be on much, and didn’t manage to finish ch6 of AtTitW for soulmate day (since it’s kinda my soulmate series) so instead have a choppy deleted scene from chapter two!
Thank you @bylerweek2023 for putting all this together, it’s been tremendously fun and wonderful💖
It’s something to research. There’s something comforting about Will and Mike sitting together, mostly in silence, flipping through novels and textbooks. When these occasions happen, it tends to eventually evolve into cuddling. Neither of them can find it in them to mind.
“There’s a footnote in the Star Trek movie novel,” Mike offers at one point. “‘The human concept of 'friend' is most nearly duplicated in Vulcan thought by the term 't'hy'la' which can also mean 'brother' and 'lover'.’”
Will smirks at him. “Is that about Kirk and Spock?”
Will runs in and slams a book on the desk. Mike jumps in his seat and then laughs. Will is beaming. “I found something!”
“Plato talks about how, in Greek Mythology, there were humans who were once beings that had two heads, four arms, and four legs. And there were something like three genders—man, woman, and androgynous. I think corresponding to, gay, lesbian, and straight. But the gods were angry at their hubris, or something, and decided to cut these humans in two. Forcing them to spend their lives searching for their other halves.”
It’s not exactly like their situation, but it’s close enough that they decide to stop searching. The idea that even so far back people thought gay people could be in love—could be soulmates, brings them both comfort.
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