#probably my fault for not using his birthyear instead of his age. fucks sake
i3utterflyeffect · 2 months
For the selkie sticks au
How old was Alan when he became a cursor and how old was he when SC came in to existence?
I had to do some math for this (it turns out some of my earlier math was extremely wrong OOPS!!!! this is what happens when my ass does math) but it looks like he would have been roughly 17 when he got trapped?
as for when SC appeared i'm not entirely sure, but I could see a lot of the events of S1 happening in a much shorter period of time, and I know they would have showed up earlier than in canon, so... could be anywhere from 21-24????????? chosen would be trapped for approx. 3 years i think rather than 4, and uhhhhhh. for context i think he'd be abt 26 in canon???????????
idk i did my math wrong initially and it threw off my whole timeline :( sorry anon
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