#probably bc i was a weeb i don't even remember lol
popatochisssp · 2 months
Stupid question, are you french?, or do you originally speak french?, because sometimes you say "au lieu" "C'est la vie" "naïve"
Not a stupid question, but the only French I know are the handful of words and phrases English has stolen in its humorous attempt at pretending to be its own language instead of several languages in a trenchcoat!
I've got some friends who speak French so I could probably hassle one of them if I ever needed to, though that's not really the same as speaking it myself 😂
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
tag game from @cadriona~~ 15 questions for 15 mutuals
1. are you named after anyone? uhhh my middle name comes from like, One of my white ancestors, though i don't remember the exact tracing of the bloodline rn
2. when was the last time you cried? honestly not sure, but i feel like it was not terribly long ago. less than a month ago, i think; i can be a crybaby sometimes
3. do you have kids? legally no; biologically also no; but emotionally? the number is fathomless.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? i don't feel like i'm a terribly sarcastic person, but many other people disagree. just today one of the kids at work asked me why i use sarcasm a lot! i think at this point my habit of "saying ridiculous things with full sincerity and then expecting people to understand that its sheer absurdity means it's a joke (but still actually doing said ridiculous thing if people call it a bluff)" is just hard for people to parse in general, but since i just roll with whatever they think i'm being, it's not a big deal.
5. what sports do you play/have played? this question is so funny bc recently i've been joking that i'm the only non-jock at my workplace, but my coworker in aquatics tried to rope me into lifeguarding for the summer when he found out i could swim, and i did marching band in high school. oh, and i took a fencing course in uni before plague.
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? their jacket, then their hair. if you change both of these things at once i might have trouble recognizing you.
7. eye color? brown. you know how dominant genes are.
8. scary movies or happy endings? for the most part happy endings, but if you're too saccharine about the beginning and middle then i'm going to wish you gave me a scary movie instead.
9. any special talents? i can do calligraphy with italic / oblique pen tips (think gothic blackletter, even tho gothic is probably one of my shittiest hands); i can burp at will still; i can touch type at around 92 wpm (certified)
10. where were you born? in a hospital <3
11. what are your hobbies? good lord that's a doozy these days. regularly i read n write fic (obviously), play genshin (still), study fandom (specifically the weeb sphere and its history), and code my shrine of cringe neocities. (and also sometimes stream any one of these things to friends) irregularly i watch youtube, keep a diary, read manga n watch anime, press flowers, do calligraphy, scanlate manga, typeset n bookbind fic (physically restrained by everyone from buying $500 worth of fonts bc Literally no one understands my font disease except other typesetters) mostly, but i have god knows how many other dormant hobbies (arranging music, editing fonts, edit videos, etc.) hiding in the cracks that i should probably just put on a resume by this point. you know how it is with adhd.
12. do you have any pets? not anymore, unless you count [pet] projects, in which case yes, the spreadsheet project abt fandom migrations in particular
13. how tall are you? abt 5'6", more specifically 166.4 cm.
14. favorite subject in school? chemistry, though i english/literature was a close second, and math (aside from geometry and statistics) is still beloved.
15. dream job? someday i'm gonna teach chemistry to a bunch of high school idiots, and i'm gonna love them all so fucking much, and i'm gonna be so fucking happy that i'm still alive.
tagging (if you want!!) @stardust-make-a-wish @reach-4-thesky @cece-0708 @yongnep @kanonavi @krackerka @isnt-it-pretty @yume-fanfare @aranarumei @italiantea and now staring at my mutuals list i have started to lose my nerve so i'll leave it at ten LOL but if you wanna do it too you can just say i tagged you ( •̀ ω •́ )y
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randomnameless · 2 years
not sure if you've ever talked about it but what also lowkey bothers me about the lolcalisation are the in-game songs (not just Edge of Yawn) Like Annette's and Felix's support never did it for me cause I didn't like her singing (not in the sense that it's a bad voice I just don't like it) but their support in japanese? Adorable, that I can get behind. Manu's and Gilbert's support? The melody just doesn't feel coherent, it doesn't feel like an actual song. I switch to japanese and "...oh my". Same with the song in Ferdinand's support (It starts great and very similar to the japanese song but then just goes somewhere). Most egregious is probably Rhea's lullaby after Billy got that minty-fresh look. Cherami has a great voice, no doubt but Inoue!Rhea's lullaby? Just wow
I'm by no means someone who has any idea about music (heck, I can't even read sheet music or play an instrument) and I realise that it's hard to localise songs for a different audience but still. Just curious about your opinion.
Omg Edge of Yawn
To be honest...
I'll out myself as a weeb, but I watch/hear more Japanese when I'm consuming media than English (tfw you don't live in an English speaking country, rather a country where it's not a main language, rather a country where using English words is frowned upon coucou les immortels ).
So while I still can't understand a thing, Japanese audio is more "normal" when I'm playing/chilling than English audio.
Localizing songs, puns and poems sounds like a hassle lol - but sometimes its just a matter of preferences!
I legit hate to hear Bernie in the jp version, in the global version her VA toned down the "squealing" tendencies! I also remember being pretty amazed at the Localised!Azura song.
Granted, is it me or JP!Manu is singing in the theme of the song of nabateans?
I have the same musical skills as you do lol, but it seemed familiar!
However, Localised!Manu doesn't sing on the same tune (I say localised hey bcs as pointed out, localizing songs seems really really complicated, I don't think they intended to change the meaning, so no lols here!). I totally agree with you on the Ferdie support, and while Leigh's performance is really breathtaking during the lap pillow scene (seriously she can sing so well!), Inoue's singing a lullaby!
As for the ost version... I still prefer Inoue's hahaha, but damn if Leigh isn't leaving Manu's VA and the others in the dust with this performance.
Here, have a YouTube comment under Inoue's version for the lol :
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I guess that YouTuber also has a degree in medieval history, thus knows English totes fits a "medieval" theme, because medieval only happened in Europe and all of Europe was speaking modern English while riding dragons!
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cinnamonest · 3 years
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I got these and more asks regarding the post from last night so I wanted to elaborate and explain some things, and also make another point about the anniversary thing and clarify for anyone confused. After this I promise I'll shut up about this lol sorry
1) yeah please do NOT come after the VAs for any of this, not even the actual developer side either is at fault. This is largely an issue with the PR and marketing and higher up people. It's really awful that some people are harassing people who have no responsibility here. And thanks to the original asker's reply, I feel like I'm really bad at conveying my thoughts so I tend to overexplain lol, but thanks that means a lot.
2) I have seen people confused on this so if you didn't already, you should know that this isn't just about the anniversary so much as the anniversary was a final straw. While Honkai has similar rewards/exchange for irl money as genshin, mihoyo itself has some of the worst in comparison to other gachas from other developers. Games like Arknights, Granblue, Azur Lane, Dragalia Lost, hell even a cutesy casual gacha app like LoveNikki have much better real money to game currency ratios, huge anniversaries where they give out tons of free shit, and much more generous systems (such as Arknights giving free 10 pulls with a lot of events/new characters/etc). All despite being smaller, less profitable games. There's major glaring issues with the game that have gone unresolved for a long time despite people asking over and over to change it. It's a combination of the rewards, general stuff, and mihoyo's refusal to solve certain issues for a long time that has people upset.
In any industry, any company is going to be held to the standards set by the mainstream industry, which is what is happening here. It is natural to hold a company to it's competitors for comparison and expect them to match standards, especially when the company that is lacking is the richer one and could easily meet the standards if they were willing to.
This is especially true for people who put money into the game. Due to the nature of gachas/online games, companies that produce these games are usually very adamant on rewarding players because whales/P2Ws, people who buy welkin and similar stuff, etc keep the game alive. When they do not match the standard of the industry, those people will feel unappreciated and go elsewhere eventually, which means they will not be able to afford much progress, then even F2Ps won't have content, and the game will burn out.
3) I probably should have clarified this last post but, I know review-bombing does seem like a kinda shitty tactic at first and I get that, but the reason people are doing that now is because mihoyo has completely ignored people complaining for months normally, and even now has started to censor and ban people, deleted critical posts, etc. Basically it's clear that mihoyo will just ban and censor criticism until people do something that actually forces them to listen, hence review bombing. Banning/censoring criticism is a really, really bad move for any company, historically speaking, it's insulting to players who keep the company afloat and results in losses. The review bombing + a lot of people uninstalled the app apparently + people who usually pay refusing to do so anymore, all of that hits them to where they can't afford to ignore it when people do it en masse. Because it will cost them money/players.
What people are kinda really upset about, even more than rewards itself, is just the silence and censorship on their end, which is more frustrating than the lack of rewards itself. I did have some sympathy for them up until they started censoring and deleting criticism on their site. At that point they're doing this to themselves by doing that.
4) Also, notably, this has worked with plenty of other game devs. You may remember the disaster that was Fallout 76. Bethesda also responded poorly at first, but spamming bad reviews and horrible coverage for Fallout 76 got Bethesda's attention, and they went the whole nine yards formally acknowledging the complaints and more or less apologizing to the whole world of players at E3 and even gave refunds, which is a very surprisingly humble thing for a company of their level of fame to do. The situation calmed down because people felt listened to, and while Fallout 76 was kinda a lost cause and didn't get fixed, the idea is that the refunds/open and honest communication restored the consumer base's relationship to Bethesda. That was a big blow, but Bethesda was willing to take that hit to maintain the sense of communication and mutual respect/value between players and devs.
In contrast, with mihoyo, what most people have been trying to beg/bargain for for an anniversary rewards is a free permanent banner 5 star, which would cost mihoyo essentially literally nothing.
So far they have responded by banning people for literal years on hoyolab, deleting posts, banning people from various social platforms etc, for criticism. Even putting whether or not that's ok aside, it's very unusual and not how game companies usually handle these things, and can only end badly for them.
Also mihoyo has had time to fix this -- it's not like Fallout 76 where they released the game and then the backlash came very suddenly and they had to scramble to prepare a response/plan and needed time. People have been complaining about these rewards for well over a week, so they could have easily fixed it by now if they had any intention of listening to people's complaints, especially considering the proposed fix of a single free permanent 5 star would be very simple and quick to implement.
5) also? it's extra unfortunate and really a marketing team issue bc they could have *profited* from giving more, if they opened rewards to new players as most gachas do. Genshin is incredibly popular right now, to the extent that a lot of people in the gaming/weeb sphere who don't play it, but still know of it, and even know a bit about it.
If you were someone who had never played genshin but had been considering downloading it for a long time, but just kept putting it off or forgetting, and heard "hey join now and you get free Diluc/Keqing," that would have convinced a lot of people to go ahead and join, and they would inevitably get sucked into the game and bring mhy profit. So it's a little strange imo that they chose not to do that, it would have been beneficial to them.
6) also, be aware that the glider we're now getting was supposed to be paid originally. Releasing it free now is damage control. It's also, well, a glider. Again, while it is pretty, it's paltry in comparison to the industry norm and does not have much use to most people.
Finally, criticizing all of this/the game/mihoyo does not mean people hate the game. I do see some people lashing out in defense of mihoyo and I get that bc they produce something we all really like. I really really do not want to see genshin become "that one game that was super popular for a year or so and then died" -- that's why people want improvements, because if improvements aren't made, that's where it's headed. What people are asking for right now is stuff that is very easily in mihoyo's capability and would not cost them much of anything. It would be one thing to ask them for something that would cut their profits or take time to develop, but that's not what's happening. People are asking for very little in the scope of their capabilities/the norm.
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0tivez · 3 years
I wish my body would stop going into fight or flight mode every time it hears Shibuya. Somethings we cant change Ig 😭
I picture baby Megumi as the grumpiest baby, always with a frown, but in a cute way. Definitely glaring at gojo through the mirror as he uses a shitton of hair gel to make his hair all spiky
I love reze so much I hope she isn't [spoiler] ya know?? that scene with denji waiting at the cafe SO CLOSS YET SO FAR I- I need to continue reading it, I just don't- I know it will break my heart
OH I also just remembered!!! I watched the first 4 episodes of Tokyo revengers and Im only watching for the op bc I hate the animation and the sound effects 😁 the voice acting is good so far tho! but the animation I just- it scares takes me out of what im watching bc it looks off
I LOVE YOUR COSTUME IDEA!!! I love Freddie in the I want to break free video, he's so cool. fun fact! queen was my top Spotify artists for 2, or it might've been 3 I don't remember very well, years! I still like their music but I don't listen to them as often :/ I dunno why, I think I just switched genres 🤷‍♀️ I think, even people thought you were a weeb, they'd think youre the coolest, most mysterious cold blooded sexy weeb to ever exist 😌 also, kobeni is so sweet, she's very funny <3
LMFAO I have no idea what an enneagram type is BUT I agree. I just googled giyuu and he looks very Megumi. you think the three of them would get along?? I have mixed thoughts right now. I feel like there would be a weird tension between Aki and Megumi; like a I don't know if I like you but I kinda do.
I- the holy trinity is gonna make me scream LMFAO I don't know much about va's but Takahiro Sakurai's voice is 👀 I love voice acting. I don't do it well but I would love to learn ngl. ive seen a bunch of tiktoks of a group of vas saying lines from animes and they all sound so cool :D
ilym! <3
A lot of people mention how there's no, or most of the time, villains that do evil things just for the sake of being evil, but bc they believe they are right in away and I honestly would love to see the current jjk mc's as evil from the other side's perspective; thats a very interesting idea! thanks for sharing that pov! I would also like to objectively analyse toji, and a bunch of other characters, but I am a biased whore so I won't even try <3
AND A TOJI SPINOFF?? I wish gege had Tumblr so he could see this >:( actually, do you think gege has a Tumblr?? imagine him just lurking and reading- shivers ANYWAY I would sell my kidneys for it. I wanna see a detailed retelling of his life growing up as part of the zen'in clan up until he left. Maybe how he met Megumi's mom as well ugh- I need that
HIDDEN INVENTORY IS ENDING ME EVERYTIME I THINK ABOUT IT. Gege make gojo keep suffering 2k22. I feel like I make fun of gojo a lot bc of toji trauma but it also makes me sad everything he had to go through TT if gojo was on Tumblr he'd probably filter the tag 'cw toji' im sorry im gonna shut up
OH BC I TOTALLY GET THE CLASS THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR CAREER ITS INFURIATING I think that was one of the things that made me depressed as well, I just felt useless and like I was doing nothing for my life bc I was kinda forced to study a career I didn't enjoy by my parents lol
Guess ill start sending Tuesdays ask so my ethereal presence makes things better 😌 im joking. but not a more serious note I hope your Tuesdays get better; I know they will eventually even if they feel like a pain in the ass right now, im rooting for you :D
thanks for asking! so the search is going like shit. Looking back at what I wrote this is also a bit of a vent :,)
im so confused bc okay, so after I dropped out of college I started applying to college for theatre bc it was what I wanted to do at the time. After sending and doing a couple of auditions 3 out of the 4 colleges I applied to reached out to tell me that even though they thoroughly enjoyed my performance, I would not be eligible for a second round. I think that their rejection--which some people have told me to not look at it that way bc "they didn't reject you, you just didn't get in" WHAT DO YOU CALL IT THEN (this is also probably bc Spanish has more words to explain rejection than English ig??)--just depressed me a bit? like I kinda stopped caring about stuff and started to avoid anything to do with my future, talking about college and career paths and such. the rejection from the first college really led me to not care much about the second audition so I can see how I did myself dirty there. I had high hopes and when I didn't meet them I kinda crashed.
I don't know if I wanna continue with theatre, I don't think I do for a lot of nuanced reasons that im still scared of sharing. Im not really passionate about acting either, but sometimes its hard if im not passionate about it bc I didn't get in or bc im truly not passionate about it. don't get me wrong, I like acting and putting on plays bc I think its fun but I wouldn't kill for it, you know??
other than that, I don't have a lot of careers in mind. I know I like artsy things ig? like baking and drawing and writing, so my safest choice is to follow a path in there. I also looked at a very cool business program that included the acquisition of Japanese language and I really liked that! I think Japanese is a beautiful language and ive always wanted to learn. Plan z is going back to the college I dropped out of and continue where I left it ig (degree in communication); my mom is very keen on this one. I feel like I sound like a spoiled brat and im sorry if I came off this way, it was not my intention to do so.
I feel nice after writing all that lmfao, I hope it wasn't too much of a bother oof
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE TUMBLR, it a messy platform but its been my home for forever <3 the costumization aspect- I could spend hours upon hours here just changing fonts and adding symbols and just tweaking details here and there.
I would love to share my fic! let me send the link through another ask :D
Writing long responses is a pain on mobile TT specially bc Tumblr would sometimes glitch bc the mobile app is hell. I remember reading a fanfic a while ago and in the middle of it the app just shut down and I lost it and I never found it again LMFAO its happened way too many times for me to feel any sort of pain, im numb towards any of the attacks from the Tumblr mobile app lol.
ANYWAY! I always look forward to your responses! You're very fun to interact with :D and don't worry! you don't have to apologise <3
This was a really long ask im sorry LMFAO TT but I hope you have a good weekend! im writing this on Thursday so its close to the weekend LOL
-🥳 anon
okay 🥳 i will smack you if you apologize again hereby i announce you're banned from apologizing
megumi is just scary without even trying lol imagine gojo's reaction to megumi being a bully bully in middle school 😭 OR imagine gojo telling megumi to smack those asses KLAEWFLKMAFL MY HEART
reze is best girl. we were robbed
right?? the animation is BAD. apparently, it's the same studio that did 2016 berserk sooo yeaah. the story didn't do much for me either, but i can at least say that it gets better after i think 14th episode? it gets hectic
aah i used to love queen too! i kinda changed genres, but i used to listen to innuendo religiously lol they were such a cool band
thank you! i think being a weeb is cooler than it used to be, and like i'm not ashamed of it or anything LMAOO cause one episode of evangelion will smack them in the head. but also like- EVERYONE watches attack on titan
i translate the last season of aot weekly and my dad asked for the link to it, so they could check it out. i sent him the link, and while talking to his friend he mentions it and his friend- who is like 50 and a military officer- says "oh yeah that show is awesome!" 😭 i'll rewatch it with them this summer!! they don't know that yet tho. i might need to tell them to just squeeze themselves a little bit and wait for the third season. i told my dad that they compare aot to game of thrones, and they really like got sooooo
enneagram is that XwX ones! all of them are istj's and 1w9's if i remember correctly, personality database is down rn. i feel like they would like each other, but not really fond of. all of them seem to like upbright, cheery people (itadori, tanjiro, denji and power) so they would be good coworkers, not friends lol
the va lore is so big that i can't even follow it lol. they are cool tho, i sometimes see tiktoks of them too! i love their commentary too! va's are usually very into their characters- gojo's va being an exception
he definitely lurks in the shadows of tumblr. i mean, the man got in disguise and watched jjk 0 to see people's reaction lol. i wonder if he knows how loved satosugu as a ship is </3
i believe to the civilians, sorcerers are devils. especially now. we might actually see that pov post culling game. it would be fun to have an aot-esque turn of events
no cause talking to you DOES make me feel better <3 i'm going on an EVEN more hectic week and god hold me back cause by the end of sunday, i will be ready to smack a bitch. i can't believe how things can be even worse every week. i also can't believe how school became this hard ONLY on my second semester ever like last semester was hard but NOT LIKE THIS
yeah i get that. i mean, if you're not super into theater or see yourself in that path, no need to tire yourself. it's so hard to find a career at this early age tbh. hopefully, you can find something you would enjoy int he long term. tho, plan z sounds great too! comm is, from what ive heard, a fun field.
and no, you don't sound spoiled and fuck anyone that would think so. it's your future, you should be picky. it's your right to do so.
ALSO i read your fic and IT WAS SO GOOD???!?!?!? PLEASE WRITE MORE???? like the way you described the environment, gojo and reader was just chef's kiss. i wasn't sure if i should post that other ask, so i wanted to write here <3 you're such an amazing writer, please feed us more
have a great week! kissies :*
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