#pro writer brain go brrrrrrr for these idiots so much
daincrediblegg · 3 years
I dunno if that unpopular opinion of yours is actually unpopular (can't imagine it is),but man did you absolutely knock it out of the park. You put it perfectly and are 1000% correct and now I'm gonna die craving it. (Also your Sim!Midge is hecka cute,if you also plan on making a Lenny one,pls share with the class,lol)
I mean I have no idea if it is or not either honestly (I mostly said that out of committing to the bit honestly) like I've seen a lot of think pieces on how it's gonna go- and it's all very mixed. But I figured I'd throw my two cents in because I mean honestly like... that's the thing about this show. It's a love letter to first-wave feminism whilst not excluding femininity- and in that way it's anachronistically WAY ahead of its time. Like... I think about how Midge started: She thought she had it all, and yet none of the things she has are really FOR HER. They're for others. For the society that expects her to want these things. But then she finds something that's HERS. All hers. And she loves it and is good at it. It doesn't change the fact that she still cares deeply for other people- we've seen it time and time again in how she handles and tackles things and becomes fast friends with so many people- even people who don't seem to particularly like her (Suzie, the B. Altmans girls, Shy Baldwin, everyone at The Wolfard). And by not just being herself but pursuing her OWN desires as well she becomes better. She makes OTHER PEOPLE better, too. But being burned for being kind also makes her stubborn and jaded too (Joel,Sophie, Shy). To the point it makes her kind of lose her sense of direction and what she REALLY wants. And it's something that the people closest to her (Joel, Suzie) can't even fix.
And his niche in the narrative is so special because he's her champion. Not for the money she'll make from working to get famous like Suzie is. Lenny is the symbol of the PASSION of the thing. Which is where it really counts- both for her and for him. In this- he's her equal. He WANTS her to be successful because he in turn loves what she says- he even seems to be just as much a fangirl of her as she is of HIM. And yet at the same time, they are the BIGGEST challenge to each other's personalities yet. Lenny doesn't WANT to be fixed- as Midge tends to do. Midge doesn't want to be trapped by what other men want for her again. Which is why the Carnegie scene strikes me so much- it's very similar to other arguments she's had particularly with Joel- but the thing that's different at the HEART of Lenny's argument is that he's fighting for his love of what SHE does. Not out of the chronically bruised ego that Joel had. Lenny does it because he loves what she does and knows she loves what she does too and he's hoping that she can have a better shot than he's had- can do BETTER than him. He doesn't want her to get kicked out of clubs for what she says. He doesn't want her to have to play at a strip club to be able to say what she wants to say. He doesn't want her to have the kind of career that can't get her booked when she should be getting booked because she has important things to say and she SHOULD be heard. But she has to meet him half-way on that. And Midge hasn't been able to do that with anyone else. Not with Suzie when she's brought it up, not with Joel.
So if Lenny is the one who can get through her stubborn streak and meet him half-way a little, when she has NOT been able to do that with literally ANYONE ELSE who has tried to do the same thing... then it only stands to reason that- for some GORGEOUS narrative symmetry... Lenny should face the same treatment. In the final act of this thing. meet HER half way and letting someone actually give a shit about him for REAL. She doesn't want to fix him. He doesn't want to be fixed. All right. But maybe figuring out that he wants to keep her around he'll wise up a little. Have his own little Gordon Ford moment. She'll never haul him off to the catskills, weekly luncheons with the in-laws, picket fence and a cul-de-sac because that's not who EITHER of them are at this point. But maybe give the guy something a little less bleak as a result of her being in his life. LET HIM BE THE EQUAL THAT SHE'S DESERVED THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME OUT OF A GUY LET HER BE THE PORT HE CAN GO TO IN A STORM AND LET THEM GET BY TOGETHER AND NOT ALONE. And I don't care if they leave his imminent demise in or not. Hell I'd be down for some open endedness about it- make him changed somehow but leave us to wonder where its gonna lead him. But they can't axe him explicitly by the end. Even if it's historically accurate. It'd be too big of a waste of symmetry to just let him die in the final act- that'd put Midge off the path completely. But this show has always been idealistic in the hopes that everything is gonna work out for the best one way or another despite it being rough. And you know what? I think it would be just sexy if they give that to this guy who irl was certainly gone WAY before his time. And sue me, but I'm gonna put my chips down on that.
... also yeah lmao ofc I intend to make Lenny and by extension the WHOLE Weissman clan WHO DO YOU THINK I AM!!!!
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