#pro hero miruko
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lady-delamort · 9 months ago
Hawks and Fuyumi holding hands: “We're a couple now!”
Miruko and Natsuo who had seen their dense and uncomfortable flirtations, their longing glances, the clear desire that they had had for a while, their nights of insecurities where they told them that maybe it was their imagination and the other people's pain that it caused them to see them act so clumsy like teenagers in love with their first struggling to take a step: “FINALLY!”
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epickiya722 · 2 years ago
An AU where Miruko was the one to go undercover to infiltrate the Paranormal Liberation Front. Like that? That would be an absolute riot.
I'll tell you one thing, the Commission wouldn't even have a say in it.
She just wakes up one morning and goes "I feel like breaking into a secret ring of people and tearing it from the inside out". And that what she does.
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fatkish · 10 months ago
Hey!!!! Could i please an thank you req headcanons for pro heroes and their kid telling them they like another hero over them??? i just think itd be rlly cute haha
Pro Heroes x Child Reader: Asking Their kid who Their Favorite Hero is
When she asked you who your favorite hero was you happily shouted Present Mic. Although she kinda sweatdropped at the thought of Hizashi, she smiled and still agreed that he’s a good hero.
All Might:
When reporters asked you who your favorite hero was, since All Might is your dad, you happily replied with Endeavor. When asked why, you replied with fire is super cool and he make bad guys pee their pants cause he’s scary. All Might had to hide his frown and cried later that night. Endeavor who has caught the tail end of the interview, laughed at it
Sir Nighteye:
When he asked who your favorite hero was you replied with Gang Orca. This started a long Argument between the both of you on who’s better, All Might or Gang Orca.
He isn’t really the type to care about this kind of thing but when you replied with Fatgum, he wasn’t expecting that. You told him that he’s your favorite because Fatgum is cute and squishy looking.
When he asked you who your favorite hero was, expecting you to say daddy, he was shocked when you said Edgeshot. He regrets asking since you started to argue with him on why Edgeshot is cooler than him.
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him it was Mirko since she kicks butt. He laughed and happily agreed seeing you excitedly reenact her fights
Present Mic:
When he had you on his radio show he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him it was Nighteye since he’s smart. If he wasn’t on air at the time he would’ve been crying and explaining to you that your dad’s smart too
When you told Aizawa that your favorite hero was Present Mic, the only reaction you could see was a slight eye twitch, but you giggled and then told him it was a joke and that he’s your favorite since he doesn’t need his quirk to beat a villain. Plus he’s your dad so that automatically makes him the best. He just smiled and gave you a hug and kissed your forehead
Best Jeanist:
When he asked you who you’re favorite hero was you told him you don’t really have a favorite since you think heroes are kinda lame. You told him you liked Nedzu since he could probably bring humanity to their knees. He became kinda worried about you after that answer.
When you told her your favorite hero was Ryukyu because dragons are cool. She smirked and said that she thinks Ryukyu is cool too and asked if you wanted her to arrange a meeting so you could meet your Idol. You screamed in delight and hugged your mom’s leg begging her to do it.
Gang Orca:
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you replied with Black Manta. He sweat dropped and told you that 1.) he’s not real and 2.) he’s a villain. You looked at him with a straight face and said he’s cool like your dad. He’s now a little worried about you
When Edgeshot asked you who your favorite Hero was you replied with Itachi Uchiha. He looked you dead in the eye and said that Itachi isn’t real. You then began to explain how Itachi is a better ninja than your dad. Edgeshot listened and was happy that you admired a good person and at least you didn’t favor villains
Kamui Woods:
When he asked you who your favorite hero was you told him Deadpool and Spider-Man. When he told you they aren’t real you told him he didn’t ask for whether they were real or not. You told him you like how they’re funny and that you want to be like Spider-Man.
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myheromedia · 1 year ago
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Mirko & Hawks
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rumisgf · 8 months ago
the mha equivalent of kendrick lamar dropping meet the grahams was dabi’s broadcast on live tv. everybody was in shambles and there had to have been so much endeavour discourse all over social media.
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munchcorner · 9 months ago
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whoisglory · 1 year ago
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omniiro · 1 year ago
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kimono bun
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First round of pro-hero costume criticism per @thoughtfulraven ’s request
Part 2
Part 3
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riverlili · 2 years ago
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"if you're gonna die, then die after you've achieve your goal"
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epickiya722 · 2 years ago
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How dare they not animate this!
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fatkish · 10 months ago
Hiii Could you do a fluff head cannon with all the mha pro heroes (aizawa,present mic,all might,mirko, And midnight) like little moments with child reader
Pro Heroes x Child Reader:
(Platonic) Fluff HC’s
Snuggles with the reader all the time
Probably bought a matching sleeping bag for the reader
Has secretly put up their drawings in his office at school
Lets the reader sleep with him when they can’t sleep or have a nightmare
Will go through the house and make sure no villains or monsters are hiding before bedtime
Reads story books at bedtime or tells the reader stories about uncle Mic or his students
Would definitely have pajama parties
Would help the reader build blanket and pillow forts in the living room and sleeps in them
Helps the reader as best he can with their homework
Most definitely has dance parties or plays music videos games
Bought the reader one of the children’s karaoke machines and cheers the reader on now matter how bad their singing is
Loves playing hide and seek with the reader
If the kid likes to dress up whenever they play then he’ll definitely help and tries to make the reader look like a mini him
Definitely bought the reader instruments like a toy keyboard or drums to let them explore music and see if they like it
Makes up the weirdest and silly stories for the reader’s bedtime
Helps the reader with their homework by making a game of it or making it entertaining
Has pictures and drawings from the reader all over his desk and office
All might:
Dad jokes 100%. Will tell all kinds of them no matter how lame or stupid they are
Plays pretend and has the reader be the hero who defeats the evil tickle monster
Tries to cook food with the reader like baking cookies or making their own homemade pizza. Has had to try to keep the reader from eating all the ingredients when they were younger
Carries the reader on his shoulders and will toss them in the air
Definitely tries to introduce foreign foods to the reader such as classic American dishes like an American hotdog or apple pie
Tells the reader stories of his hero days when he was younger or his experiences overseas as bedtime stories
Helps the reader understand their homework and shows them how to do it before letting them try if they’re struggling
Let’s the reader wear his shirts since they’re so big on reader and he thinks it’s cute
Proudly shows pictures and the reader’s drawings to his coworkers
Definitely cheers on the reader whenever they play Heroes and villains
Will definitely give actual advice on how to fight a villain
Has morning yoga sessions with the reader to help them increase their flexibility
Would most likely play wrestle with the child
Reader has a bunch or Mirko merch and has all the limited edition items thanks to Mirko
Recounts stories of the villains she fought that day as bedtime stories or makes some up
Tries to help the reader with their homework and will hire a tutor or ask another pro to help them if possible
Definitely has the reader’s drawings in her office and proudly displays them for all to see
Probably has a trampoline and teaches the reader how to do cool jumps
Loves going shopping for clothes with reader
Will definitely play heroes and villains with the child and be the villain
Would also pretend to be a civilian in need of saving
Helps reader design their ‘hero’ costume
If the child can’t sleep then she’ll use her quirk to help them sleep
Will read story books to the reader and tuck them in at bedtime
Helps the reader with their homework by referencing the problems to things they already know or that they like, for example: with math, Midnight will use visual references like pieces of candy to help the reader understand addition and subtraction
Has bought so many stuffed animals for the reader, their room is basically filled with them
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myheromedia · 2 years ago
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MHA x Sweets Paradise Japan
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thispersonisbusy · 2 months ago
Y'all... READ THIS
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stellapuffs · 1 year ago
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I decided to do this bc I was bored 😑 happy with how it looks tho
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creative-crybaby · 2 years ago
My Hero Academia Masterlist
🤍=SFW   💛/💜=NSFW   🖤=Dark Content
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Pro Heroes
Takami Keigo (Hawks)
💛 Phantom Limbs
💛 Turning Tables
💛 Make Love to the Camera
Usagiyama Rumi (Miruko)
💛 Slow and Steady (Wins the Race)
💛 Greener Grass
Todoroki Touya (Dabi)
Nothing yet
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