#privilege check ✔️ but also
lemonlovemeanslove · 3 months
Oh anxiety and sexism get me out of here light a fire under my ass I'll even join the hustle culture I'll give up my natural inclination anything anything to get out of here out of this hellhole
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r0semultiverse · 6 years
Hello all of you lovely beings of the universe! 💜 I have an announcement to make! *grabs megaphone* 📢 Ahem!
Okay, yes this thing is on (I think, I’ve never actually used one)!
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We have just reached 400 followers here on tumblr and if that isn’t a cause for celebration, I don’t know what is! 🎉
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These next 3 paragraphs are just a thought dump and also an update about things with the community and channel! 😊 Feel free to skip the tiny text with rainbow flag paragraph markers 💜
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I hope to pass on a legacy for newer generations incoming and upcoming generations in the future. When you observe a lot of how the world and humanity works, your mind can bring you to disappointment and constant anxiety. Whether you fear death or wish for it’s sweet embrace, this community is somewhere you can enjoy yourself and be safe. There’s no escaping politics when your own physical safety is involved and I like to spread the info around that we don’t get to hear about in news media. We need to stay awake and aware of the monsters and humanity around us. As serious as I am about wanting to exist safely and also wanting to save net neutrality, I’m also being serious when I tell you that you can come to me or any of our mods, admins, etc. (still a work in progress) for advice or just to have someone to make conversation with.
We will respond when we get the chance to/have the energy to as currently everyone on the BCZK team are university students and sometimes we have days where we “just can’t even” as they say. We all have those days and we all have each other’s backs. We have your backs too if any of you ever need any support or just someone to vent to, we got you fam!✔️ That emoji is a check mark ✅ (as is that one) in case you can’t see it. We are kind of like a giant platonic family with various different relationships all mixed in. We spread the love of companionship in it’s many forms and will even be doing podcasts and live streams as future endeavors!
Some podcasts talking about things like relationships, communicating, and how to deal with jealousy in a manner that won’t cause unnecessary discourse. Other podcasts will be on why it’s #blacklivesmatter rather than #alllivesmatter, why #ACAB (without all of us mysteriously turning up missing 👀), and why Centricism and the celebrities that partake in it are problematic and inherently oppressive to less privileged peoples. Let’s just say that the government doesn’t like those that do their own research and show the public what the news media doesn’t, so; some stuff will only be covered off YouTube or reblogged on here (not sure what platforms would be better for more heavy stuff, but feel free to give recommendations). We support antifascism/Antifa, black bloc groups, BAMN (By Any Means Necessary), and other anti-fascist groups that are helping to make the world a better place and show the bougie scum that we won’t stand for their bs 🔥 share all that info that the corporations and governments across the world don’t want getting out ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜✊🏾 Anyway that’s enough rambling out of me~ 😊
Hmm if I had a quote that I’d say to describe this community it’d have to be... 🤔 ah, I got one!💡
“Learn, stay woke, have fun”
-BenCatZenKur, 2018
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Beings of the universe I do need to address something important, I’m all about this 🔥hype🔥, but I don’t know what to do with it. I’ve got finals up until the 5th at midnight and I’ll probably be sleeping for most of the day on the 6th because Deadline Hell is Sleep Deprivation Hell. My desktop computer needs the dust cleaned out of it badly, so; nothing too CPU or DISK heavy if we manage to stream or something like that. I’ll finally have time to look into how to fix my desktop now that finals are over, but please understand that fixing my desktop could take a few hours and I’ve never messed around inside this thing... ever. 😱
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That being said, give me celebration ideas that you have or have seen others do because we celebrate every part of this community from the instagram followers/twitch followers (my least used platforms as of May 2018) to the YouTube subscribers/Tumblr followers (most used platforms currently) and everyone in between!
Everyone 👏🏻 in 👏🏻 this 👏🏻 community 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 valid 👏🏻
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If you wish to support a couple of non-binary trans creatives Let’s Players and their friends, be sure to click the links below to our social media accounts and give a follow/subscribe if you like what you see here or elsewhere. The bigger our following, the higher chance for our content and posts to be in people’s recommendations! 💜 Every bit of support helps! 😁
| Youtube | Twitch | DeviantArt | Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr | 
Warframe IGN: BenCatZenKur
I hope all you lovely beings of the universe have the best morning, day, night, or lost concept of time that you can! Expect another deep dive, thought dump, and emotional journey when we reach another milestone! Stay awesome!~ 😘 💋
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