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fuckyeahmhawkefenris · 7 months ago
Hello from 2016 when this could be posted freely and people were not afraid to reblog it. Wonder if it'll get busted
psst @perlen-gold!
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30 days OTP NSChallenge
Day 25: With toys
I’m gonna count the combination of magic and lyrium tats as such.
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800phonepod · 2 years ago
Acoustic Phone Booths: The Key to Unlock Your Business Potential
Unlock your business potential with acoustic phone booths. Enhance privacy, focus, and collaboration. Discover the benefits now!
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perlen-gold · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday
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🥰 Reviving the ancient and time-honored tradition of "WIP Wednesday" tonight!
✨Tagging @saintstars @gracefallingart @gauntletgirlie @melkor-did-nothing-wrong @sauron-kraut @althanair @privatebooth @just-an-elf-with-the-socks @trash-ainu @winds-of-zephyr416 @barbex @midnightprelude @aidanthecryptid @spaaacecarrots @teine-mallaichte @pinkfadespirit @spicywarl0ck @kaerwrites and @glowing-blue-feathermage ✨
...and everyone else who wants to play! ✨
💜As always, NO pressure and, since it's quite late already, NO need to play today, just play tomorrow or next Wednesday!
❤️ Tonight, I'm sharing a little Angbang WIP ❤️
It was not what I had intended for him when I called him to my side. I say I called him, and it amuses him greatly, you see. Like the master hunter calling the bird of prey to return upon his outflung arm. In truth, I did call him for him. What came to me was not he but an answering cry, like birds in high-arching flight screeching and hunting for and finding one another.
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luchael · 1 month ago
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Am I obsessed with @privatebooth ‘s long haired Fenris? Yes.
Am I devastated there’s no mod option? You bet I am.
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chrissydeath · 8 months ago
Get to know your mutuals
Tag Nine People You'd Like to Know Better,
tagged by @privatebooth (Thx ya so much 😳✨️)
tagging: @ whoever wants, cause I just returned from a deep hiatus/slumber here
Last song - Jyrki69 "call of the night" & 2Shadows "Boulevard of broken dreams"
Favorite colors - dark ones, like night blue/marine or wine red and in combination with black
Currently watching - JuJutsu Kaisen, What we do in the Shadows and gaming streams
Spicy/savory/sweet - more savory and sweet than spicy. I'm weak 🤣
Relationship status - forever alone
Current obsessions - Baldur's Gate 3 and the pair ship of Geto&Gojo (from JJK) 😌
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perlen-gold · 2 months ago
AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!! I'm completely stunned!!!!!!
Omg 🤯 I can't believe this, can't believe I got tagged in this!!!! 🥰
Thank you so much @just-an-elf-with-the-socks @melkor-did-nothing-wrong @peiorestbonitasmea @trash-ainu and @winds-of-zephyr416 !!!!
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Tagging my lovely mutuals, their blogs and other adorable blogs that bring me joy and lighten up my days 💞💖💓💕 (no particular order!)
@saintstars @gauntletgirlie @trash-ainu @winds-of-zephyr416 @gracefallingart @fuckyeahmhawkefenris @spicywarl0ck @barbex @melkor-did-nothing-wrong @melkorwashere @melkors-defense-attorney @aidanthecryptid @just-an-elf-with-the-socks @sauron-kraut @glowing-blue-feathermage @teine-mallaichte @thorkidorki @krabat-art @privatebooth @elronds-library @jiangwanyeehaw @monamoni @ales-art @thunderfrosty @theangrykimchi @wroniec @mostvaliantandmostpround @rabentanz @yoannlossel @daily-smol-silm @midnottart and many, many, many more! 💖💖
Thank you all for your lovely contributions, thoughts, writing, fanarts or being simply AWESOME!!!!
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positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
@h0neysugarfree @blueberrylovv @bequiteanddriveeeeeee @cherri-bomb-bomb @eg0mechan1c @fatrexicisback
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tryvyalsynnes · 6 years ago
privatebooth reblogged your post and added: “Dear Artists and Writers of Fenris: Fenris wields a two-handed...”
And now I feel like a cat whose nose was rubbed...
This has been bugging me for a long time. The post wasn't directed at you. I was more thinking of fanfics I’ve read where the weapon was reduced and why some fanfic authors justify doing it; because despite what happens in DA2 Fenris can’t have his weapon because he is an elf, is small and slight, and because they think greatswords don’t exist. I admit I snapped when I saw his sword in your render (I’d like to add that a sword which is going to be used would never be placed point first into the ground. This dulls edges and points and was never done).
Other than the way you treat weapons, I live for your renders, I find them very beautiful. They are realistic in other ways and I love them. If you want to change how you represent them because of what I wrote, I would be very happy (ecstatic), but it’s also ok if you don’t. I appreciate dealing with weapons would be awkward and that they’re not your main focus.
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fuckyeahmhawkefenris · 6 years ago
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nicole-rene2113-blog · 6 years ago
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Never a dull moment with this girl! Especially when it’s her birthday. Happy Birthday again Paige! ♥️🎉♥️🎉♥️ #birthday #birthdaygirl #birthdaygirl🎂 #club #clubbing #dancing #themix #themixdowntown #privatebooth #alcohol #drinks #chaser #chasers #vodka #tequila #whiskey #modelo #hardliquor #beer #shots #birthdayshots #birthdaydrinks #friday #fridaymood #fridayvibes #fridaynight (at MiX Downtown) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoDiSJNlERs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19r335j9p18rz
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perlen-gold · 1 month ago
Thank you so much for tagging me @gauntletgirlie !!!
Last song:
Last Book: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Last Movie: Oblivion
Last TV Show: Agatha Christie's Ms Marple & Heeramandi
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Savoury AND spicy ❤️‍🔥
Relationship Status: Single as a Pringle xP
Last Thing Googled: TVÖD (XD to help my sister checking her new salary at her new job)
Current Obsession: Sauron/Mairon, Angbang
Looking Forward To: Meeting my friends for a session of Vampires: The Masquerade (given that I'm healthy enough to do so ☺️ ) and learning a new drum solo choreography (I'm a belly dancer).
Also getting new, super-expensive strings for my violin!
Also finishing my current writing project (which will render me competely immobile with extreme anxiety once I'm ready to publish it!!!) So... I better not look forward to THAT.
Also teaching my fifth-graders all about coordinate systems and vectors to my seventh graders! (Look, I'm weird 😏)
Last Creative Project Worked On: Goldbound (Angbang fanfiction)
Tagging @gracefallingart @saintstars @sauron-kraut @just-an-elf-with-the-socks @melkor-did-nothing-wrong @winds-of-zephyr416 @silvergreyrain @privatebooth @jiangwanyeehaw @glowing-blue-feathermage @spicywarl0ck @trash-ainu and @cilil
10 things for 10 people you'd like to know better:
I also started a new post because these things really do get so long!
Thanks for tagging me @valar-did-me-wrong and @gingeragenda
Last Song:
Last Book: The Silmarillion (dipping in and out as research for my fanfic).
Last Movie: I honestly can’t remember 🫠
Last TV Show: The Traitors
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Savoury just pips it for me
Relationship Status: Married
Last Thing Googled: Wolverine running naked into a barn (was for a conversation I was having with a friend 🙈😂)
Current Obsession: Melkor, Adar, Gil-galad
Looking Forward To: My birthday
Last Creative Project Worked On: My fanfic
No pressure tags for @greenleaf4stuff, @iwanderbecauseimlost, @whenimaunicorn, @varda-starqueen, @strifes13, @small-carbon-lifeform, @marilynshamu, @perlen-gold, @gracefallingart, and @marshmellin (also anyone else who’d like to play).
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larryshem · 6 years ago
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"PRIVATE BOOTH DESIGN " --------------------------------------------- Every office deserves a private booth .... •• --------------------------------------------- www.larryshem.com •• ● ● ● #officedesign #larryshemltd #larrysheminteriors #larryshem #interiordesigner #design #interiordesign #officeinterior #officechair #leather #officebuilding #lagos #contemporary #commercial #moderndesign #naijainteriors #naijainteriordesigner #lagosdesigner #lagosdesigners #luxury #interioridea #privatebooth #privateboothstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/Bybd1S8FtXi/?igshid=9rfu4rlfwsmd
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perlen-gold · 2 months ago
Mood Board Tag
💗 Thank you SO much for the tag 💗 @gauntletgirlie (I love writing your username x3)
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This was fun <3
Tagging @saintstars @gracefallingart @melkor-did-nothing-wrong @sauron-kraut @althanair @privatebooth @just-an-elf-with-the-socks @trash-ainu @winds-of-zephyr416 @barbex @midnightprelude @aidanthecryptid @teine-mallaichte @pinkfadespirit @spicywarl0ck and @glowing-blue-feathermage
...and anyone else, of course, who feels like playing!
Have fun!!! 💗💗💗
Template below:
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fuckyeahmhawkefenris · 9 months ago
... -Carver. -Fenris. ... I'll wait downstairs
Since it happens after the "brotherly talk", and we now know that Carver has been aware of their relationship, the atmosphere is not quite as tense as originally thought, but they still don't really have much to say to each other XD
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Carver drops by, probably to warn his brother about more trouble and start the Legacy quest.
He didn't expect to interrupt an intimate moment, but younger siblings often show up at a bad time.
Sorry Carver, I truly didn't mean to make a joke at your expense. For a few days I just couldn't stop thinking about Carver and Fenris as in-laws. What would I give to see them interact in canon!
More importantly, imagine what it feels like to him, to see the two super tough guys he used to sorta look up to - his cool mage big brother and the magical fellow two-handed-sworder who rips out peoples hearts as a hobby - being disgustingly soft and vulnerable with each other. I think about it a lot!
Also I am mad about Fenris being completely unperturbed about other people witnessing his gentle side.
And Garrett is just happy to see his little brother!
Guess they ought to have some awkward tea time now.
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careful-knives · 8 months ago
Get to know your mutuals
tag 9 people you'd like to know better
I got tagged by @privatebooth <3 thank you!
Last song: Aerith's Theme - The Cetra from Final Fantasy VII Remake
Favorite colors: purple and black
Currently watching: yesterday I re-watched The Last Unicorn. Also Our Flag Means Death.
Spicy/Savory/Sweet - I assume it applies to foods and drinks, so I'm going with sweet.
Relationship status: in a friendmance, I guess?
Current obsessions: I feel like I either gain new ones or have old ones suddenly take over. I mean, who wouldn't like to live rent free? So, currently my oldest obsession that is trying to take over my life is Cloud and Aerith from ffvii, then we have Garret Hawke and Fenris from DAII that moved in in 2012, in 2018 they all had to squeeze for the multiple people from Mo Xiang Tong Xiu novels and since 2022 Stede and Ed from Our Flag Means Death decided to sneakily take the top floor.
No pressure tagging: @gentlebeardsbarngrill, @googoogojob, @iamadequate1, @celluloidbroomcloset, @asneakyfox, @krakenteacups, @veeagainsttheday,@daria-meoi,@anacrowley and also anyone who might like to do this
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ahpotiger · 10 years ago
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來Truss小酌讓你在宇宙的懷抱裡買醉#truss#universe#FlowerOfLife##stars#GraffitiArt#FightAgainstTheWorld #Bar#Pub#drunkard#PrivateBooth#NightLife#Taipei
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jackintheponeyofdiamonds · 10 years ago
privatebooth may i ask where did you got your fenris and hawke models? (mainly the naked ones e.e) 
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