#private investigator x vigilante
immortaladrien · 1 year
A private detective encountering an old colleague they always had a crush on as a rookie
okay this… but what if it’s the vigilante they’re investigating that turns out to be that old crush? :)
tws: corrupt governments, angst, tension, ambiguous ending
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The Vigilante had a mask on the entire time.
In all of the security camera footage, in all of the files; no one had ever been able to successfully capture their face. Voice. Nothing but a vague silhouette, usually shrouded in darkness at the very edge of CCTV footage.
This was the first time they’d slipped up.
In a daring escape from a group of officers, their disguise had slipped. Though they scrambled to retrieve it, their eyes were visible for a split second on the officer’s body camera.
Was that enough to figure out their secret identity? No, not to most people; but as the Private Investigator zoomed in on their face, they sucked in a sharp breath.
Those piercing blue eyes, double-lash line, perfectly plucked eyebrows…
“It’s you,” The Investigator whispered, slumping back in their seat. 2 long months of detective work, crime-scene chases, and sleepless nights… they’d all led to this.
They carefully shut their computer, glancing over their shoulder to ensure no one had seen the tape; the footage had been trusted to them exclusively, anyways. Perks of being the best in the field.
Please say I still have their phone number.
The nightclub seemed near-empty upon the Vigilante’s arrival. Despite their civilian attire, they still carefully scanned the premise before entering. Spared a glance at their phone.
PI: i’m here
With a hum, they stuck their phone into their pocket and approached the bar area, where an old friend awaited.
“Miss me that much?”
The Private Investigator practically jumped, whirling to stare at them. With a coy smile, the Vigilante slid into the seat next to them.
“I wasn’t sure you’d actually show.”
“Of course! Did you really think I’d stand up an old colleague like that?” They waved a bartender over with one hand, who dutifully approached. “Chardonnay, please. So, what’s this about?”
After clearing their throat, the PI mumbled their order and the bartender retreated to serve them. “Aren’t I allowed to want to see an old friend?”
“Sure, but you were far too shy to ever do that while we worked together. What’s changed? Someone boost your self-image?” Their counterpart choked, looking away. “I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. Even when you were a rookie, you showed potential. Someone needs to stroke your shockingly small ego.”
The Vigilante laughed a little at the glare they received, a grateful nod offered at the bartender as they served the drinks and left once more. The Private Investigator sipped their drink, a shade redder than before.
“Why’d you quit?” They finally managed, swallowing and keeping their eyes on their glass.
Weird question. “Personal reasons.”
“You loved your job.”
“I loved the idea of my job,” The Vigilante sighed. “I wanted to help people. There just came a point when I realized I was doing far more harm than good.” They spared a glance in their acquaintances’ direction, who’s darkening gaze was fixed on their drink. “Are you having issues with your job?”
That seemed to startle them out of their stupor, eyes snapping up. “No! No, everything is– that is to say, I’m the best in my field by now.”
“Better than me?” They teased, watching the PI redden.
“You’re not in the field anymore.”
“If I was, you’d probably have surpassed me by now.”
“Don’t– …Don’t say that. No I wouldn’t have.”
Quirking their eyebrow, The Vigilante studied their former friend. Something was wrong. The fidgeting. The way they worried their lip, looked away at any opportunity they could.
“What is going on with you?”
“No, seriously. What’s on your mind? The gears in your brain are turning so hard that I can practically see smoke coming from your ears.”
There’s a moments pause before the Private Investigator tightens the grip on their glass, jaw stiffening. “While you were on the job, did you ever find out something that you wish you didn’t?”
A hum. “Sure. I got into things the city was trying to keep under the rug. Stuff that made me sick. There was a point when I couldn’t keep quiet. They didn’t like that.”
“But anything about… What about something about someone you cared about?” Two doe eyes fixed on them, glancing through lashes.
Oh. That’s where this is going.
“I suppose so.” It was the Vigilantes turn to sip their drink, curiously peering back.
“What did you… do, with that information?”
They frowned. “What is this about?”
“Seriously, just- answer me?”
“I quit,” They replied bluntly, setting their drink down to cross their arms.
There was silence, and then a tiny nod. The Vigilante watched as the Detective pulled out their wallet, producing a small wad of money, and standing from the table.
They stood in turn. “Where are you going?”
“I have a lot to think about. Thank you for getting a drink with me.”
“There’s enough money there for both of us, plus tip. Take… take good care of yourself.”
With that, they were gone, leaving Vigilante sitting alone at the bar with half the mind to go after them.
Before they stood, they noticed a small tape under the wad of cash.
Police Bodycam Footage #2182: Confidential, Original Copy.
a/n: the way i could make a whole series out of this… they’re so… 😍 sorry for the cliffhanger! hope you enjoyed! @soggiestofsocks i went a different direction but thanks for listening to me panic
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ravenna-reid · 8 months
Whiskey, Sultry Tunes & Vigilantes
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Jason just needs to go to the most famous Jazz club in Gotham to gather intel then quickly leave, but a certain singer makes him stay longer than he anticipated... No warnings <3
I actually rlly like this one so pls lmk if you do too!
A magnetic violet blanketed the room from the lights that constantly streamed inside of the club, setting a soft, sensual mood. Guests sat before the stage, a few residing along the quiet bar. Subtle discussions and the clinks of scotch and wine glasses simmered in the air, along with the melancholic yet powerful tune that came from the band and their instruments. The sombre cello, the soulful piano, the triumphant trumpet.
And the famous Jazz singer of the club.
The Blue Room’s jewel. 
Sparkling diamonds hung from your ears and adorned your neck. Glistening eyeshadow, slick eyeliner and plump lips. A black silk dress hugged at your body and draped down to the floor, gloves the same colour running up above your elbows complimenting your dress. The wig you wore looked unbelievably real, the cherry red catching glints of the deep purple from the stage lights above as you sung the sultry tune. Men from across the city always came to watch you sing. Voice sweet like honey, smooth like whiskey, strong like thunder. All eyes were trained on you, and people either wanted to be you, or be with you. There was no inbetween.
Jason had merely heard the gossip about the Blue Room. About its perfect blues music and its reputation for the best served scotch and wine.
He’d also heard about the alluring singer that sang there almost every night.
But not being a fan of crowds or anywhere where parties were often thrown, he never went. Until tonight.
“And you’re sure Black Mask and Penguin are conspiring together in the private booths at this club?”
Dick had asked Jason earlier that week as they both went over their limited evidence on the case in the Batcave. 
“No, that’s why I’m going to go investigate.” Jason answered without looking up from the papers sprawled out in front of him. 
“It’d be a shame if it were true,” Dick sighed, “I love that place.”
“Of course you do.” Jason shook his head.
“Can I come?”
Leaving the bustling alleyway behind as he entered the club, the atmosphere around him immediately shifted. The rhythm and blues that so often enveloped the club filled his senses instantly. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes, the LED lights that set the mood for the performance, the sound of the band…
And her. 
One gloved hand holding her microphone, the other gently stretching out to the crowd as she lulled them with her song. Her voice, her words, her eyes…
A softness painted her expression, mixed with subtle confidence and a magnifying aura. Elegance. Strength. Heartbreak.
So much emotion in just one song. So much emotion lacing her angelic voice. 
Jason was irrevocably drawn to you. 
The sudden sound of bellowing laughter from a table in front of him drew Jason back into reality. And he was soon reminded that he was there for work, not for entertainment. 
Blood rushing and heart racing – which was actually ridiculous – Jason ignored you and turned down the side of the bar to the more secluded part of the club. Round, mahogany tables that were much larger than the ones before the stage were occupied by couples. The music became more drowned out at that end of the club, more suitable for those who were wanting a romantic date night. Further down though, along the wall and past the bar sat the four private booths. Two were open; a lit bulb in the centre and purple velvet couches on display. But the other two had their curtains drawn.
As Jason crept towards one of the closed booths, his ears fought to listen to your voice. His legs fought to drag him back to the stage. His eyes fought to steal glances of you. Coming to a halt at the first booth, he ripped the curtain back. Two lovers, one on the other's lap, immediately look up at Jason, mortification frozen on their faces. 
“Sorry, wrong booth.” He quickly said before hastily drawing the curtain closed. His cheeks became a rose red as he moved to the next booth. 
Green eyes, so horrifically mesmerised, found their way back to you again as he searched for your figure through the crowd, his eyes following your voice. It was coming to the end of the song, and just as you were hitting the high note, a silence fell over the room as people listened. Giving a subtle shake of his head, he pulled himself back together.
“Come on, Jason.”
Jason was just about to draw the curtain to the second booth open when –
Ears straining to re-hear what he thought he heard, Jason let go of the curtain and looked to his side. Muffled yells could be heard. Past the bar and bathrooms down a dimly lit corridor. A man in an ivory tuxedo, obviously custom made, gripped at the collar of a man in black before him. The man he was grabbing looked fearful as he desperately tried to talk his way out of the situation. But the man in the tuxedo was past practical discussions. He wanted something. And he didn’t want to have to wait any longer. Cheeks a violent red and the hair he had left a dishevelled mess, he finally let go of the man. 
Thunderous applause caught Jason completely off guard as his focus shifted back to you. 
You gave a small, polite bow to the audience, and when you looked back up out into the crowd, your smile instantly gleamed brighter than the lights and jewels that surrounded you. You took the air from Jason’s lungs. 
The band members behind you nodded their heads in appreciation to the crowd. Whistles filled the air alongside the applause. Someone threw a daisy onto the stage. Jason scoffed.
Daisies aren’t nearly pretty enough for her.
Looking back down the corridor to see what the men were doing now, his heart sank when he found they were gone. 
Ignoring his desire to look back at you one last time, worried you were finished for the night, Jason began down the corridor. Once he reached the end, there were two doors. One that he was sure led to the back of the building where the dumpsters and connecting alleyways sat. Another, however, looked like a small office. Thankfully, the door was slightly open. Jason peered through it to find the one who was just abused by the man in the tuxedo sitting at the desk, head in his hands. Stacks of paper were his only company, alongside framed pictures, certificates and awards for his business, posters of famous singers, and a shimmering gold plaque.
A plaque that read his name.
Jason took a mental note, but his eyes wandered as he wondered where the man in the ivory tuxedo went.
The man in black was sudden in his movement, sending a spike of anxiety through Jason’s chest. He quickly stood from his desk and went through another door in his office; a door that led to the dressing rooms. As Jason listened, he assumed the man was talking to and preparing the other singers that would soon take your place for the remainder of the night. Taking his chance, Jason quickly crept into his office and grabbed a few notes, envelopes, and folders from his desk. Slipping them into his jacket, he was gone in a blink of an eye as the man made his way back into the room. 
But performers were beginning to fill the back area, and Jason had to quickly leave. Walking back down where he came, he opened the back door and stepped outside.
The warm breeze instantly brushed through his raven black hair and against his skin. The dark, Gotham night sky stared down at him from above. Distant sounds of traffic filled the air. It was in no way better than the atmosphere inside of that club, but it was familiar. Comforting. 
Securing the documents he had obtained in the inner pockets of his jacket, Jason was ready to leave until something caught his eye. 
Silky gloved hands ran up and down your arms. Soft cherry red curls swayed against the skin of your back in the wind. 
Jason couldn’t believe it. It was you. It was actually you.
Your eyes were trained on the night sky above, searching for the stars that hid behind the clouds, and although Jason couldn't see your face, he could imagine the serene expression that was painted across it. 
What were you doing out here?
It didn’t matter. What mattered was that he got to see you one last time before he left. And suddenly all thoughts and questions centering around the man in black and the man in the ivory tuxedo vanished like mist.
He soon realised you hadn’t heard him come outside. He continued standing nimbly behind you. Fiddling with his fingers and feet rooted in the ground like trees. Heart beating faster than a hiccup. 
Say something. Say something. Say something. Say something.
“You shouldn’t be out here alone you know.”
Voice so soft, so gentle. You looked over your shoulder up at Jason, your eyes catching the light from the street lamp beside him.
Jason’s breath hitched.
Part Two Soon
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were-wolverine · 1 year
ummm okay so i’m gonna do a different post for each ship that i have a lot of recs for and then combine the rest basically
zukka/a:tla fic recs
https://archiveofourown.org/works/45209725/chapters/113734768 not zukka centered but it’s there, suki & zuko friendship, a personal fav of mine
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40467657/chapters/101379753 zukka, private investigator sokka, tea shop zuko
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38624070/chapters/96555618 zukka, young firelord zuko, zuko finds aang first, sokka & katara were imprisoned at the boiling rock, ambassador sokka
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36554995/chapters/91165651 iroh fakes zuko’s death and he is taken in/raised by the SWT, azula redemption, basically a zukka childhood friends to lovers au
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28206249/chapters/69118440 zukka, (temporary) ghost zuko, sokka gets haunted, marriage of convenience
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27547486/chapters/67374928 zuko saves sokka at the north pole, they travel the earth kingdom together and accidentally fall in love
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26098987/chapters/63484135 zukka, moon spirit blessed sokka, political delegate zuko
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22884811/chapters/54697360 zukka, zuko and yue arranged marriage, sokka teaches zuko abt the water tribe, slow burn
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25629370/chapters/62213413 zukka, zuko escapes after being burned, azula redemption, zuko joins the gaang early
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29683659 zukka soulmate au, insecurities on each others skin
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17637347/chapters/41588558 zukka soulmate au, boomerang & scar tattoo
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16593572/chapters/38887565 zukka soulmate au, first touch mark burns
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28124265/chapters/68909811 zukka, guy in the chair sokka and blue spirit zuko (vigilante au)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33894868/chapters/84278719 zukka vigilante au, hellhound and aero
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27234958 zukka superhero and journalist au
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24376396/chapters/58792420 zukka, early redemption, ba sing se, blue spirit zuko (be warned this is a rough one for angst and miscommunication/lying)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25260145 zukka, modern au, college, vampire au, fluff and humor
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28662066 zukka, hockey player sokka x figure skater zuko au, the olympics
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25097560 zukka, FBI agent zuko, engineer sokka, goofy, a fav of mine, crack and humor
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25414438 zuko!hades x sokka!persephone au
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19255837 zukka, trans ftm zuko, canon time period
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21116591/chapters/50249441 zuko gets thrown overboard and saved by the SWT fleet, dadkoda, the crew adopts zuko
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23832139/chapters/57268093 slow burn zuko adoption
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Hey there! Could I please request Furina, Clorinde, and Navia with an S/O who fancies themselves as something of a vigilante (secretly or not is up to you, I have no particular preference) and generally likes to play pretty fast and loose with the laws? Thanks, hope you have a great day!
Them with a vigilante reader
characters: Furina / Clorinde / Navia x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: slight(?) angst in Clorinde’s part, light spoilers for the 2nd Arc of the Archon quest in Navia’s part
a/n: I have no idea if you wanted this to be angsty or fluffy, since the reader turning out to be a vigilante has more than enough potential for soul crushing angst, especially in the Nation of Justice, so I played it safe and go with the fluffier option whenever possible, that being said the Clorinde one is a bit more angsty, I think. 
Also, I'm still trying to get a feel for the characters, so if I got some of their character traits wrong, then I'm really sorry
So I hope this matches what you envisioned, if not, tell me and I’ll try to write it again.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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While the main producer of Sinthe had been convicted and she finally got rid of her father’s undeserved epithet, Spina di Rosula’s work was not yet done. The biggest supplier may have been dealt with, but as long as there were still people making Mora from selling that substance, neither you nor Navia would rest, not after witnessing what it did to people’s lives.
Navia and you making for good partners shouldn’t have come as a big surprise for anyone. Both of you held an enmity for anyone related to the Sinthe-trade, neither of you held an unwavering trust towards the justice system and the both of you had known each other since long before she took up her fathers mantle. And while your operation wasn’t technically legal, considering how the Hydro Archons last encounters with Navia went, the state decided to turn a blind eye for as long as Spina di Rosula didn’t betray its new found reputation.
You couldn’t remember when the last time was that just the two of you got to eat together like this. For weeks your nights were short and full of investigating, and even when you got to close your eyes, your dreams were filled with the case. But now that most of the Sinthe dealers were locked up behind bars, Navia felt it was only right for the two of you to take some time off.
“Where are Silver and Melus?”, you couldn’t help but ask when you didn’t spot the two men. They were always by her side, no matter when and where she set off, something even more impressive considering Melus’ age.
“I sent them to take some time off, they deserved it. Well, that and I wanted to have some alone time with you”, she explained with a smile, grabbing the plate with her baking and handing it to you, causing you to grab a macron or two before returning the smile, your heavy eyes feeling just a little bit lighter.
“You seem tired, didn’t you say you’d try to fall asleep earlier?”, Navia noted upon seeing the circles under your eyes, causing you to wave it off.
“I did, but then I thought of something and before I knew it I was looking into something”, you tried to play it off, only for the Boss to frown.
“The biggest threat is dealt with, give it a break and get some good night sleep. Not sleeping much isn’t good for your health.”
“Okay mom”, you sarcastically responded, a playful smile growing on your lips. One Navia quickly matched.
“If you don’t stop playing with the reports so late at night, I’ll have to confiscate your toys”, she responded in kind, causing both of you to let out a few snickers before turning your attention to the food.
“Can you pass me the black tee?”, you eventually asked before pointing at the kettle, only for Navia to stop in the middle of her bite and glare at you.
“No. I wasn’t joking, you’re going to sleep early tonight. Even if I have to force you.”
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You were nothing more than a proactive private Investigator. A proactive private Investigator that followed the law, obviously. Vigilantes were criminals, criminals with good intentions, but criminals nonetheless and for the God of Justice’s closest companion, being a criminal was obviously out of the question. Because she would never protect and keep a criminal by her side. That would be ridiculous.
That was the deal, and what Furina made sure you'd remember.
Had this sort of secret been kept by anybody else, Furina might have considered it a twist worth listening to. It would have made for a trial she wouldn’t have been able to wait to attend. But why did it have to be you? Had the Archon found out about your secret earlier, you would be sitting behind bars since a long time ago. Nobody but the state, nobody but her, was allowed to determine whether someone was a criminal or not. 
But by the time you eventually confessed it to her, it was too late. Were it her feelings that made her choose to keep shut or the knowledge that having news that the all knowing God of Justice didn’t notice her closest companion’s secret identity would deliver a considerable hit in her both trustworthiness and popularity as an Archon was irrelevant. The only thing counting being that you remembered those three important rules.
“Hand them over to the Gardes at the earliest possible opportunity, deliver evidence that there’s a crime that justifies me arresting them without the legal clearance to do so and don’t be seen.” While it would have been a lie to say that your lackluster recitation didn’t annoy Furina in the slightest, the fact that you remembered them word-by-word was reassurance enough that you would do your best to follow them.
For anyone unfamiliar with the person behind their god’s confident facade, it would have been a surprise to see their Archon nervously pacing around the room, but for you it was hardly a rare occurrence. Whenever you gathered enough information about a suspect to be certain they were a serious criminal and the only step left was to make them face justice, she’d sit you down in her room before hammering those rules into your brain..
“Exactly, and you better remember each and every one of those. I may have kept our- your secret so far, but don’t even think for a second I’ll hesitate to throw you into the dungeons myself if I hear you as much as consider breaking one of them”, she tried her hardest to keep her composure, and although the thought of making a small jest crossed your mind, doubting the validity of her threat, it wouldn’t surprise you if anything but a 100% serious answer would be enough to make her pass out, and so you cleverly decided to shut up and nod.
“Good, I could see from the moment I first laid eyes on you that you weren’t a criminal, so rise and do what you have to do”, she continued to cling to the image of the well spoken, righteous Archon her citizens surely knew her as before just as quickly collapsing onto the same chair the moment the door closed behind you.
“Why do I keep doing this to myself???”
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While your family wasn’t wealthy enough to pay for you to get any kind of training, you were always a fascinated with sword fighting, so much so that the moment you finally saved enough to buy a good sword you asked Clorinde to teach you how to properly use it, something she saw no reason to refuse.
You had gotten a lot better since the first time the two of you trained, not nearly good enough to best her, but more than certainly enough to hold your ground against most enemies and threats in the wild. A part of her wanted to feel proud about her accomplishments as a teacher, but she couldn’t, not when she knew what you were using those acquired skills for.
Clorinde wasn’t blind. She knew something was going on the moment you started returning home in bruises and wounds from your “late-night walks”. At first she assumed some petty criminals must have started extorting you, but when you didn’t seem to be missing anything and she heard about a mysterious person apprehending criminals, it didn’t take her long to realize just what you were doing.
“What do you think of that ‘vigilante’ everyone is talking about?”, you asked while trying your best to block whatever attack she threw at you, your eyes landing on her for just a split second before fixating on her blade again. 
Well, you couldn’t be more direct. 
“I’m not sure. I know desiring justice is a noble trait, but if it’s justice they’re after, why not report the cases to the Gardes?”, she responded calmly, trying her best to keep her suspicions as hidden as possible.
“Maybe they don’t trust Fontaine’s law enforcement to do their job?”, you countered just as calmly, not averting your eyes from her weapon for even a split second.
“And what’s your opinion on the way the court does its sentencing? Just between the two of us”, her gaze left her own blade long ago, slowly but surely making their way down towards you.
“It’s certainly an entertaining spectacle”, you explained, only for her blade to suddenly change course and hit you in the chest. The only thing stopping it from sinking into you being the fact that it was a dull training sword. Before you knew it, Clorinde was silently staring you down, staring straight into your eyes and sending a shiver down your spine. Before finally speaking up once again.
“Then I hope they don’t get caught. The last thing I want to do is have to fight them in a real duel.”
If it took her, a duelist, nothing but a closer look to figure your secret out, it wouldn’t take a prosecutor long either. For your sake-, both of your sakes however, she hoped you’d manage to keep any suspicion away from you… at least long enough until she didn’t have to worry about you losing against her fellow champions. 
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pastel-nature · 2 years
Yandere!Damian Wayne x Reader
A/N: All characters in this fic have been properly aged up to 18+. Please forgive spelling or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.
TW: abusive behavior, stalking, breach of privacy, implied noncon at the end
You were a classmate and good friend of Damian for years. At first, you were oblivious to his romantic interest, and only saw him as a friend. However, the constant stream of praises, romantic assurances, and mountains of gifts opens your eyes to his true intent.
You were happy at first, who wouldn't? His gifts were personal and sentimental at first.
Over time it grew more and more lavish, you had grown more and more uncomfortable upon receiving them.
The line was drawn when he gifted you a diamond studded necklace that must have been worth a fortune.
When you confront him about it, he broke down and admit that his gifts and lavish presents are a desperate attempt to win your affection and prove his devotion. After all you would never like him without it.
That's not true! You said fervently, you valued him as a treasured friend even without all these gifts.
And so that is how you agreed to become his girlfriend.
And you were happy, for a while. You are his beloved, his habibti, his hayati. It means my life, he said. You are my life.
Damian became increasingly jealous and possessive of you -his hayati, and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep her for himself. He was convinced that they were meant to be together, and he became increasingly controlling and manipulative in an effort to keep you to himself.
Needless to say, he was obsessive and possessive.
Extreme jealousy when it comes to anyone who tries to get close to you.
The tendency to become violent or aggressive when he feels his relationship is threatened.
Willingness to do whatever it takes to protect this relationship, even if it means hurting others.
Manipulation and control became his love language.
Healthy boundary, privacy, and autonomy are thrown out of the window.
But despite his best efforts, you eventually broke up with him, citing his controlling and manipulative behavior as the reason for the split. Damian was devastated by the breakup, and he became even more obsessed. After all you are his hayati, his life.
He turned to his mother, Talia al Ghul, for help. She was aware of his yandere tendencies and did not see anything wrong with them. As a member of the League of Assassins, she sees Damian's willingness to protect his loved ones as a positive trait. She might even encourage his behavior, seeing it as a natural extension of his training and upbringing.
Skilled in the arts of deception and subterfuge, Talia helped Damian to plan and execute your kidnapping, providing him with the resources and knowledge he needed to hold you captive.
He did not even need to hire private investigators or other professionals to track you. You are smart but you are no genius-billionaire-vigilante smart. Damien managed to find you with several clicks from the comfort of batcave.
Instead, he will use his wealth to manipulate people around you. Made them bendy to his will and influence his hayati back to him willingly.
To fund his training and equipment, allowing him to become an even more formidable opponent if anyone were to threaten his relationship (his father, brothers, and sisters came to mind).
To buy or rent a safe house or other secure nests where both of you could live together, away from the influence of the outside world.
Eventually, you were kidnapped and taken to a secure location, held against your will. Damian was convinced that if he could just keep you with him and prove his love and devotion, you would eventually come to see things his way and they could be together forever. But you were terrified of him and the lengths he was willing to go to in order to maintain their relationship.
Damian might keep you in a hidden location at first, such as a remote cabin or underground bunker, where you would be isolated from the outside world. This would allow him to keep you close to him at all times, without having to worry about anything else.
Over time, with good behaviors and promises to never leave his side. Damian might move you to a location that is familiar, such as your own home or that condo near your work place or university. This allows him to maintain a sense of normalcy, while still being able to keep you under his control.
In some cases, Damian might even take his hayati to public places, such as malls, cafes, or restaurants. Places that would allow him to keep an eye on you at all times, while still maintaining the appearance of a normal relationship.
Damian might not see marriage as a necessary step in this relationship. Especially if it might rock the tranquil -and docile, relationship he has you in right now.
After all, what good is a piece of paper when he has his mother's special brew in hand? It is only fitting that you -his hayati, bear a new life soon.
Damian Wayne - Al Ghul learned from the best.
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Cooking Up Love, Chapter 1
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: T (Not expecting the rating to go up, but this is me we're talking about, so who knows, lol.)
Story Summary: You are a journalist working for the NY Bulletin when you get assigned to interview multi- Michelin star chef Matthew Murdock, co-owner of Daredevil, the hottest new restaurant in Hell's Kitchen. Unfortunately for you, however, Chef Murdock isn't exactly trusting of journalists. As you work to peel back the layers of the closed-off culinary genius, you find yourself becoming interested in more than just his cooking.
Chef Matthew Murdock is struggling to rebuild his culinary reputation after being burned by his former flame, renowned food critic Elektra Natchios. So naturally, when a journalist from the NY Bulletin comes around for an interview he isn't exactly welcoming... Until he finds himself starting to fall for you.
Can two hearts learn to trust one another or will your budding romance go up in flames?
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness (and speed that their relationship develops, lol), no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, more tags to come as the story develops
Word Count: ~900
A/N: Thank you to everyone for all the excitement over the teaser and I hope you enjoy my self-indulgent Hallmark rom-com chef AU!
And extra thanks to the ultra-talented @theradioactivespidergwen for the adorable divider she made for this! 🥰
Tag List: @yarrystyleeza @hailey-murdock
…And the secret to such a long life?
"Lots of love and laughter," Beth replied with a cheeky smile, "and just not giving a damn what other people think."
You nodded to yourself as you finished reading over your latest story for the New York Bulletin, the newspaper that you worked for. Perfect.
You sent it off to your editor, Mitchell Ellison, for final approval then looked up from your desk as you heard him call your name. "Yeah?"
"I've got a new assignment for you. Walk with me."
You scrambled up from your chair as Ellison passed by your desk, excited to hear what your next assignment was. "What is it?"
"I want you to interview the executive chef at this new restaurant that just opened. Apparently the chef is a big deal in the culinary world."
Your smile fell. You were hoping for a good investigative assignment this time, not another fluff piece. "But Kelsie covers the food and restaurant beat."
"Yeah, well, Kelsie is out sick with food poisoning -- and before you say anything, yes, I do realize the irony." Ellison sighed as the two of you entered his private office. "I really need you on this one -- apparently the chef doesn't usually do interviews but his business partner promised us an exclusive, and besides, you're the best reporter I've got. You'd really be saving my ass here."
You folded your arms and looked at Ellison pointedly. "If I'm the best reporter you've got, then you're gonna start paying me like it. I want a raise." 
Ellison narrowed his eyes at you. "What kind of raise are we talking about here?"
You did some quick mental math. "Twelve percent."
Ellison balked. "Twelve? Are you insane? We could maybe do six."
You shook your head. "Ten, plus I want to move to Lauren's old desk by the window."
After Ellison remained quiet, you shrugged. "You know, maybe I should call that person from the Times back about the position they offered me..."
You turned to leave.
Ellison groaned. "Okay, okay, wait, fine. You've got a deal."
You turned back and shook his hand. "Okay, so who am I interviewing?"
Ellison picked up a sheet of paper and handed it to you. "Guy's name is Matthew Murdock. He's the owner and executive chef of Daredevil, just opened up on 44th."
You scanned the name and address. "What's my deadline?"
"Two weeks -- we need it ready to run in the New York Restaurant week edition."
You nodded. That was pretty tight, but doable. "So when's the interview?"
Ellison coughed. "In 30 minutes."
You looked at him incredulously. "30 minutes? I have zero time to do any research or prepare any questions!"
Ellison shrugged. "If anyone can wing it, you can."
You shook your head and turned to exit his office once again. "You're lucky I'm so good, Ellison!"
You hurried back to your desk and typed "Matthew Murdock chef Daredevil NYC" into your search engine, eyebrows raising at the photograph that popped up. Chef Murdock stood in front of Daredevil, arms crossed and lips turned up into a smirk. He had dark, wavy hair and was wearing a red chef's coat with black trim and round sunglasses with red lenses. Damn, he's hot. 
You quickly made a few notes based on his (very brief) bio on the Daredevil website before dashing out of the office, praying that you would make it to the interview on time.
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"You did what?" Matt hissed as Foggy Nelson, his business partner and sous chef, stood in the doorway of his office.
"Scheduled you for an interview with the food writer from the Bulletin," Foggy replied. 
Matt shook his head. "You know I don't do interviews. Not with wannabe food bloggers, not with TV reporters, not with writers for culinary magazines, and certainly not with food critics for newspapers."
"I don't think she's actually a food critic, she just writes for the food section of the newspaper." Foggy huffed out a breath. "Come on, Matt, you know we need the publicity. The opening hasn't gone as well as we'd hoped and if we have too many more slow nights we're gonna already be in trouble."
Matt scowled. Unfortunately, Foggy was right -- business had been way slower than they had hoped in their first month of opening and a front-page interview with the Bulletin during Restaurant Week actually would be great publicity. "Then you do it."
"You're the culinary genius behind the food, I'm just your business partner and sous chef." Foggy sighed. "My point is that it's your name attached to all those Michelin stars, not mine."
"So what am I getting out of this?"
"The editor promised us the front page of the Restaurant Week kickoff edition."
Matt huffed out a breath. "I hate you so much right now, you know that, right?"
Foggy chuckled. "Thanks, Matty."
"When's the interview?" Matt wanted to do some research on the Bulletin's food writer before he sat down with her just to see if she actually understood the culinary world or if she was just a glorified 'foodie'.
"In 15 minutes."
"What?" Matt shook his head and got up to put his chef's coat on and get ready. This had better be worth it.
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 year
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Pet Names: HCs
Matt Murdock 😈
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Playing With Fire Masterlist Matt Murdock x Private Investigator!Wife
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Eyes and Ears Part 1 Matt Murdock x Fem! Reader | Eyes and Ears Part 2 | Eyes and Ears Part 3 *COMPLETE*
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Just a Blind Fool in Love
A Really Good Lawyer
Hot Mess
His Beloved
Rainy Day Attack
Cereal and self defense HCs
And It All Goes Downhill
I'm Not Daredevil
Nostalgia of Us
Vigilantes, blankets and personal furnaces
Can't Help It
Clint Barton 🎯 (Comics, not MCU)
California Hatin' Clint x Fem!Reader Part 1 2
Let's Be Hurt Together
Peter Quill 🎶
Cosmic Peter Quill x OC.
Headcanons for Cosmic
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Losing you Peter Quill x Reader
My Star Lord Peter Quill x Reader
Gone Peter Quill x @tinymintywolf OC
The Art of Stupidity (x fem!reader)
Vacation Turn'd Upside Down
In The Endgame
header by @saradika-graphics
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fallingfavourites · 2 years
okay okay hypotheticaly if i started writing for Criminal Minds what would you rather read
journalist reader x bau team
private investigator reader x bau team
mad woman by taylor swift inspired fic
a marvel (daredevil) crossover where reader is a vigilante/part of the team
all would most likely have either hotch, spencer or emily as the love interest but thats still undecided
please vote here or just let me know in the comments or in an ask i don't mind!!
also! sorry if this is annoying i just really need help deciding
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🤠🚓🏥👨‍🚒🐓Daily Heroes Fic Recs🐓👨‍🚒🏥🚓🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Arcticmonks, Dalearden, Hangmanbradshaw, Haridwar, Hey_its_me88, Magdarko, ToukoJalorda003, Trinipedia.
Ao3 Authors: Blueprint_After_Blueprint, Cryinginthebronco, Davidbyrne, Ginnydear, Haridwar, Iimpossible_things, Nightwrite24.
Ao3 Authors: Charlie_mou, Cricket22, Dandeliondick, Greenstuff, Levivi, Somebodytoundress, Theinsouciantknitter.
Ao3 Authors: Celescere, Haridwar, Infinitejaust, Miiichaaan.
Security Forces
Ao3 Authors: Haridwar, Heartsickhills, Trinipedia.
Animal Care
Ao3 Authors: ReformedTsundere, SunMonTue, ToukoJalorda003.
Spies & Secret Agents > Organised Crime > Vigilantes, Superheroes & Supervillains
you had me for a moment (blond haired, green eyed, speechless) by haridwar {M}
/Undercover cop!Bradshaw/
Bradley was Adam? Or, Adam was Bradley? Jake wasn’t sure which way around it was supposed to go as he tried to make sense of it in his head, but he had to guess that Adam was the fake identity considering the very real relationship Bradley had with Mav. or: working undercover is a lot easier when you don't have distractions like Jake showing up mid-assignment
An Offer He Can't Refuse by dalearden {_}
Detective Jake Seresin has been on the trail of the Layton gang for a long time. When he starts getting too close he finds himself drawn into their world to the point where he starts to question everything he thought he knew about who he is and what he does. The fact he's also undeniably attracted to one Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw only serves to further complicate matters.
Driven by desire by trinipedia {E}
Bradley is a closeted cop looking for a fun night of cybersex. (un)fortunately, his plans are thwarted by a beautiful, mouthy, out and proud stranger who won't have sex with a headless torso, not even online. Or: Bradley falls in lust with a stranger online just to meet him in person during a police op.
is it a crime to say i still need you? by hey_its_me88 {E}
And then Bob’s turning and looking at him, hand on Bradley’s shoulder. “Keep your mouth shut.” And it’s said so fast and so seriously, so completely unlike Bob- that Bradley does. Even when Bob rolls the window down and Bradley sees the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen on the other side. “Can I help you, officer?”
When Danger Comes Home (Don’t Ever let it Roost) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
/Undercover cop!Bradshaw/
Bradley adored his job, and it had been his dream to go into law enforcement as a kid. He had everything he’d ever wanted - except for a romantic partner, but he’d never even consider dragging them into his dangerous personal life. …Until he took a smuggling case involving Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, a known member of the city’s organized crime syndicate. Maybe he’d bitten off more than he could chew, this time.
you’re not fooling me (i can see) by magdarko {T}
/Private Investigator!Hangster/
When MI Private Investigations gets a new case from a mysterious client, Bradley must confront old fears and new uncertainties. Throw in a creepy old house on a moonlit night, and you’ve got all the makings of a mystery.
A switch has been flicked somewhere by arcticmonks {T}
/FBI Agent!Hangster/
You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. * FBI Agent Seresin gets a wake-up call while on an X-File assignment with his partner Agent Bradshaw.
the more you say, the less I know by hangmanbradshaw {_}
/Missing persons detective!Seresin/
A missing person's case brought Jake Seresin to the town of Achlyn, but it might not be what makes him stay. or Jake's a detective working a disappearance, Bradley runs the inn he's staying at in the coastal Maine town, and he's pretty sure the locals know something he doesn't, but he's never met a case he couldn't crack. He just wasn't expecting a complication like Bradley Bradshaw and his sad eyes.
I know exactly who you could be by haridwar {T}
Bradley works in the Roosevelt's medical centre and gets a front row seat for the joyful experience that is The Mission
eventually something you love by iimpossible_things {T}
Bradley Bradshaw is dead. Dead and in heaven. There is a bright light, and a beautiful, beautiful man smiling down at him. A golden man. With bright eyes (blue? green?) and a fucking, shiny halo. "Welcome back, Lieutenant Bradshaw. My name is Dr. Seresin, I took care of your surgery today. How are you feeling?" Fuck, heaven looks good. "Are — are you an angel?" 
cause I can’t help it if you look like an angel (can’t help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so) by cryinginthebronco {M}
“What’s wrong?” Jake gives his best friend a worried look, already getting up from his seat. Out of habit, he grabs his clipboard, ready to follow Javy wherever he needs him. “Do you have a moment to talk?” Javy asks, easing the clipboard out of Jake’s hands. Not understanding what’s going on, Jake only nods and lets him take it. “Okay, one second.” Javy gives him a tight smile and walks away, followed by Jake’s disoriented look. -or it was supposed to be a "someone is a little loopy after anesthesia" fic, but it spiraled into something a little bit longer
The likes of you. by Blueprint_After_Blueprint {G}
/Cardiologist!Seresin & Oncologist!Bradshaw/
Jacob S. Seresin had never planned to become a doctor. He was meant to become the greatest naval aviator in history but those plans were destroyed by a drunk driver. It is always hard to watch a 17 year old go through the loss of a limb, but it is even harder to tell that 17 year old that his parents were gone right after that 17 year old discovers that his leg is gone from knee down. Jake's new hospital seems great, but his department is seemingly in a full blown war with the Oncology department
elevated levels by ginnydear {E}
/Chief medical officer!Seresin/
A five year mission is a long time, especially when you're a first time captain.
Heartbeat by nightwrite24 {G}
Bradley's always getting injured. Jake's his doctor. Bradley's not very good at pretending he's not attracted to him.
what's it take to get your number? what's it take to bring you home? (you can take me hot to go) by davidbyrne {M}
Dr. Bradshaw scans Jake’s file, no doubt seeing the long list of previous visits, ranging from a fishing hook in his hand (an unfortunate accident) to when he collapsed from dehydration (he had an undiagnosed bout of bronchitis). He glances back at Jake, keeping his face tilted down. The whole thing shows Jake just how long the doctor’s eyelashes are. “Yes, I can see you have more tenure here than I do. Rest assured, Mr. Seresin. You’re in good hands.” Or 5 times jake asks his hot er doc out and 1 time he says yes
firefighter? I hardly know her! by levivi
baby you take my breath away {T}
In other words, Jake’s used to being a magnet for bad luck. It doesn’t surprise him in the slightest that the one time he takes the elevator instead of the stairs, it breaks down with only him inside. It doesn’t mean he’s not still pissed as fuck about it.
I take your breath away? {M}
“That’s one way to put it,” Rooster says and grins at him. Jake gives a small smile back before turning back to the ducks. “Those are cute.” Not as cute as you, Rooster’s about to say before he bites his tongue. He’s a hopeless flirt, ask anyone, but that’s almost too corny. “Yup. Fluffy.”
Firefighter Universe by dandeliondick {E}
/Firefighter!Bradshaw & Officer!Seresin/
Firefighter Calendars are a Good Idea, Roo.
Officer Jake 'Hangman' Seresin transferred two years ago and began his torment of firehouse 14 and specifically one Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw.
The firefighter calendar was a...really good idea, Roo.
The contents spilled into his lap and his breath caught in his chest at the sight of his soaked husband flexing along the cover of a…calendar? With greedy fingers he flipped to January, arousal flushing hot and quick in his stomach. Bradley was sprawled across a settee, his suspenders barely holding up his gear leaving a tantalizing view of… Jake swallowed heavily as he traced a fingertip over the baby blue lace panties that Bradley was undoubtedly wearing.
Melting by cricket22 {T}
"I don't go soft for anyone." "Except for the blond pilot.." "Shut up, Trace." When Bradley's parents dies and he grows distant from his godfather, he builds up walls. To protect himself from the pain and hurt when people he loves, leaves him. His friends once tried to let him be vulnerable, to let them know more about him, he just brushes it off with a quick "I'm doing just fine." They understand now that he would rather listen than talk. They expected him to open up little by little when he thinks it's time; What they didn't expect was for him to malfunction when a certain blond haired pilot entered his life. Jake Seresin, the one and only. When they first saw eachother, Bradley felt smoke filling his lungs up as he struggled to breathe properly, while Jake's eyes lit up as he recognized who Bradley was. Jake already knew a few things about Bradley that others didn't—all thanks to Maverick—and so, Bradley couldn't stop the walls from melting down as he starts to confide in Jake about his life. or, The clichè knight saving the damsel-in-distress, except it's firefighter Bradley Bradshaw saving fire prone Jake Seresin multiple times.
Romance Is Not Dead If You Keep It Just Yours by somebodytoundress {T}
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw drops his gear bag onto the bench in the locker room the moment he sees the worst person he has ever met pulling a t-shirt over his (stupidly well-sculpted) chest. The last name Seresin is in bold letters on the back and the LAFD symbol is prominent across the left breast and Bradley can’t believe his eyes. “Oh, this is fucking Christmas morning,” Hangman’s arrogance leaks through his voice once he gets his shirt on and can see just who is greeting him. “Good to see you, Roo, been a while. You look good.” Or, Jake "Hangman" Seresin happens to transfer to Rooster's station years after they graduated the academy together.
Fully Engulfed 'verse by theinsouciantknitter {E}
/Firefighter!Bradshaw & Dispatcher!Seresin/
Fully Engulfed
Jake has been a 911 dispatcher for six years - he's good at his job and he's good at life. He has one rule: he doesn't date responders. That all goes up in flames when new firefighter Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw arrives on scene. Jake just hopes he makes it out without getting burned.
Who Ya Gonna Call?
It’s not so much that Jake lost a bet. He did lose it, spectacularly. It’s just less that he lost and more that he threw the game, because the idea that’s been planted in his head is just too sweet to ignore. or... Jake dresses up as a cop for Halloween
Extra Hot by greenstuff {E}
Of course it’s Extra-Hot-Means-180 Degrees guy, in his absurdly tight black Las Vegas Fire and Rescue t-shirt with his abysmal personal mug that never fails to rub off a smudge of permanent marker onto Jake’s palm once it’s hot. And it’s always Jake’s palm because of course Las Vegas’ hottest man insists that only Jake makes his triple grande blonde latte (extra hot) correctly. Features flirting via coffee cup, hand holding, rock climbing, and a daring rescue.
ignition by charlie_mou {_}
In a reality where Mav had an adult, honest conversation with his kid instead of going behind his back, said kid didn’t run off and cut contact -- no, he decided to figure out if there was something he wanted to do aside from being a naval aviator. And thus, Fire Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw has been working at San Diego Fire Department for close to fourteen years when the Dagger Squad is assembled for a special detachment. Or, 5 times Jake crossed paths with Fire Lieutenant Bradshaw and 1 time he met Maverick's son
Acting on your best behavior by miiichaaan {E}
“You’re beautiful,” Jake whispered and stroked a finger over Bradley’s cheek. Bradley swallowed, his voice thick, “Wanna take this to bed?”
hanging on to ambiguity by haridwar {M}
an accident on the beach, a lifeguard to the rescue, and the repercussions of an unexpected reunion
31 Flavors and Counting by infinitejaust {G}
Jake has a terrible sweet tooth. He doesn’t indulge it much - you don’t get to have great abs and dessert every day. But there's something about that little concessions stand down the beach...
For the prompt: Meet-cute at the beach! Bradley works at an ice cream shop and meets lifeguard Jake.
an ocean between the waves by celescere {M}
There’s a shift in the air between them. It’s anticipation, he thinks, like the sky before a thunderstorm - that underlying thrum of electricity right before everything explodes, bright and white and brilliant.
And the thing is, Bradley fucking loves thunderstorms.(Or, Bradley is an LA County Lifeguard, Jake is not, and that brings about more troubles than either of them expect.)
Security Forces
Kind of the same way - TGM Edition by trinipedia {M}
/Head of Security!Seresin/
When Les Grossman, the US President, goes into a coma, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, a hot-headed and caring Temp Agency operator who by a staggering coincidence looks exactly like the President, finds himself stuck in the role indefinitely. The corrupt and manipulative Chief of Staff, Chester "Hammer" Cain, plans to use Pete to elevate himself to the White House, but he doesn't count on Pete enjoying himself in office, using his luck and friends to make the country a better place and falling in love with the President's personal assistant, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky.
you were almost too much for me by haridwar {T}
Jake’s ex works for his father and that complicates things when he heads back home after The Mission
Guard Dog With A Death Wish by heartsickhills {E}
Jake Seresin has built a life around self reliance, hyper independence, survival - trusting no one. Who knew all it would take is one fucked up encounter to get him saddled with 24/7, around the clock supervision in the form of one Bradley Bradshaw.
Animal Care
Paw in Paw by ReformedTsundere {T}
"Look, are you gonna help or not? Cause I didn't drive twenty minutes outside of town just to let this dog die, okay?" He knows he's not being exactly fair. It's fifteen minutes past nine, and he's pretty sure when he clicked on the clinic's navigation on google, it had said they were closing soon. But Bradley's also just come off a ten-hour shift, and the anxiety of having a potentially dying animal in his back seat as he'd broken one or three speeding laws wasn't improving his mood much.
Lions and Tigers and...Vultures? by ReformedTsundere {G}
/Big Cat Handler!Seresin & Raptor Handler!Bradshaw/
As much as he can admit to himself that it's interesting, being inside the different enclosures, it's also not something that's done lightly. Still… Bradley can see the excitement poorly masked in Jake's expression, he's heard the other man talk about his cats like they're common house pets, and he wants to share that with Bradley just a little. He already knows he's going to regret it before the 'alright' even crosses his lips.
Dust is Everlasting (And Love Even Moreso) by ToukoJalorda003
/Vet & Herbivore Handler!Bradshaw & Raptor Trainer!Seresin/
If Time Rewound to Dust (Love Would Endure Anyway) {M}
All Rooster had ever wanted was to work for Jurassic World - his godfather did, and for his whole life, it had been his dream. Now he finally had it, and he…wasn’t so sure how he felt about Hangman. The man was just too dangerous, too unpredictable, and Rooster feared it would end in disaster. …But disaster had found them anyway, and now it was starting to look like it was too late to accept Hangman’s offer for a date. Damn.
When Dust is all That Remains (Love is Eternally Present) {M}
After the events of the park’s catastrophic closing, Bradley just wanted to rest. Maybe take a nap and remind himself what he’d nearly had. But he couldn’t do that, because an active volcano was going to wipe out the remaining dinosaurs - including Jake’s raptors. …And if it was possible, he wasn’t going to let that happen. Maybe, while he was at it, he’d finally get that date, too.
With our pets, a house becomes our home by SunMonTue {E}
Jake adopts a puppy and then proceeds to fly across the country to take up a flight instructor position at Corpus Christi where Bradley is the vet (DVM) that Jake takes Brisket to once he arrives. Bradley asks him out. MeetCute.
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krisnb485 · 2 months
As the CEO of Villain!Explorers, I'm delighted to announce that me and the MHA AU crew have finished working on the Explorers for this AU.
MHA X Horizons AU:
The Explorers
The Explorers are a villain organization created by Gibeon Kuroshima, foundator of the Quirk Investigation Facility Exceed who was believed to have been quirkless and have died a century and a half ago. He was the sidekick of one of the first vigilantes of the quirk era, Lucius Sasaki, helping him understand his quirk better and even making some early Hero Gear items with his limited mechanics knowledge. Both him and Lucius saw the prime of All For One's empire, and became part of the resistance against him.
Lucius' quirk made him able to absorb people's souls to make spiritual links with them and have them aid him in battle by having them use their quirks. With this in mind, Lucius took the souls of six brave Heroes who trusted him with their lifes, all with the intention of defeating AFO and bringing the world to peace. However, both he and Gibeon underestimated the Symbol of Evil's overwhelming power, and Lucius died in battle.
When Gibeon was taking Lucius to a nearby graveyard to give him a proper burial, he touched his body, and at the moment he did, he felt something. The Six Heroes' souls were stuck in his friend's body, and they were in pain. And among all that pain, Gibeon was able to recognize vestiges of a familiar figure, his greatest treasure. He swore he would take Lucius back and help him reach his dream of a world full of light, a world which Gibeon would make sure they both ruled for eternity.
There was a problem though, how would he bring Lucius and the Heroes back to life? He theorized it had something to do with Lucius' quirk, so he decided to dedicate himself to studying quirks from now on, and founded the Quirk Investigation Facility Exceed. He gained wealth and fame and made great advancements in the area of quirk science. He found out that he did have a quirk; one that extended his lifespan twice a normal person's in exchange for physical prowess, and developed a pink mist from his own quirk that could extend his lifespan even further. He even bought a mansion for himself and got a butler named Hamber. a At 80 years old, Gibeon faked his death and left the business in hands of his son, with the son knowing his father was still alive.
Thanks to his public discoveries and his own private research in a hidden facility below Exceed which was connected to his mansion, Gibeon understood what he had to do. He needed to mix two quirks into one and put the new quirk into Lucius' body. The necessary factors were: a Lucius descendant's quirk that functioned by powering itself up with the power of others, and a quirk that could affect and take souls. That way, the remnants of Lucius and the Six Heroes would react and bring Lucius' soul back from the dead as a living dead, as himself but being under the control of Gibeon. With this power, Gibeon plans to submit heroes and villains' souls to make Lucius allmighty and create their wished utopia, a world of light with no darkness to be found.
And so, Gibeon starts working on the first factor of his plan. The soul affecting quirk. He makes the women of his family have children in quirk marriages for the purpose of giving birth to that child, and many decades later, he succeeds, and Amethio Kuroshima is born as his great(x2) Grandson.
He erased Amethio's parents off the map and tricked the young boy into thinking they abandoned him, turning him into a villain who wishes for revenge in a world that's wronged him. Along with that, Gibeon would recruit four persons; Spinel Asunama, an Exceed higher-up who found out about Gibeon's secret and offered himself to his cause; Sango Sakurai, a candy-addict criminal with no place to go to; Onyx Oba, a hero course dropout who wanted to eliminate the impure heroes that were tainting the idea of heroes; and Agate Agawa, an ex-martial artist whose entire dojo was killed with poison by an enemy dojo and swore to take vengeance on those who do wrong under a cover without any consequences.
These four people and Amethio would become the five Admins of the Explorers, with many other criminals with nowhere to go taking the place of grunts and Gibeon himself as the leader, with Hamber being his right hand. Knowing a young girl had been born in the Sasaki family with a special quirk, and that the girl had enrolled in UA with hopes of becoming a Hero, the Explorers were finally put into action.
The Admins are:
Amethio Kuroshima
Quirk: Soul Warrior.
Amethio has a specially powerful soul. He's able to manifest the power of his soul into the physical realm in the form of ghostly, purple flames which he can manipulate at will and function as an extension of his body. As an extra function, these flames are able to absorb lifeforce out of a person's body upon contact to power Amethio up or heal him. He can create walls and shields of flames for defense, use them as projectiles for long distance combat, boost his speed with them and mold them into the form of two fire swords to use for close quarters.
By covering himself in flames and "burning up his own soul", Amethio can enter a ghostly state in which he's invisible and can freely float around the air. He can go back to his physical form whenever he desires by covering himself in flames and "reigniting his soul". The only way of forcing him out of this state is to guess where he is and consciously hit him. When in this ghost form, Amethio is able to enter a person's spirit realm and directly interact with their soul there. He's able to directly kill and absorb a person's soul with his flames when in their spirit realm. He can only stay in ghost form in the physical world for 3 minutes; otherwise, he will be unable to become corporeal once more and his soul will quickly lose power until dying away.
Spinel Asunama
Quirk: All-Seeing Eyes.
Spinel has 9 eyes spread out throughout his body; four on his face, one on each of his wrists, one on the outside of each of the two small angel wings he has on his head and one on the back of his neck. These eyes all function as normal eyes; however, by closing off one eye and making physical contact with a non-living thing, Spinel can put an eye mark on that surface. By blindfolding himself with his head wings and looking on the inside of them, Spinel can look through each of the marks that he's placed, no matter where they are. He's also able to use the eye marks as gateways through space for him and his comrades to travel from one mark to the other.
Sango Sakurai
Quirk: Sweets Power
By consuming candies and drinks that have sugar, Sango can acquire a special ability for three minutes depending on what she ingested. The power of the ability depends on the amount of that specific candy/drink she ingests. The abilities are:
Pop Rocks: She can create explosions out of the tips of her fingers, as well as make candy granades and control their explosion timing.
Taffly: She can create and manipulate a sticky and moldable substance, useful for defense, mobility and setting up traps.
Pixie Sticks: These can allow Sango to move and react up to 10 times faster.
Toxic Waste: By ingesting this sour candy, Sango can become up to 10 times stronger and durable.
Gummy worms: She can manifest a 5 meter long, 1 meter wide giant gummy worm which she can ride and control. Normal ones are strong and durable, while sour ones are fast and can segregate a paralyzing poison from their skin.
Soda: Sango becomes able to emit high-pressured soda from her hands. Useful for mobility on the air and keeping enemies at range.
Energy Drink: by drinking an entire energy drink can, Sango enters a powered up state in which she becomes 20 faster and stronger, becoming even more hyperactive and aggressive than usual. Pixie Sticks and Toxic Wastes don't stack up with this effect, only going up to the energy drink's times 20. After the effect ends, Sango gets great headaches and becomes numb and weal for 24 hours.
Sango can only use up to three of these special effects at once, and is unable to cancel them immediately without the time counter reaching 0.
Onyx Oba
Quirk: Salt
Onyx can manipulate salt in his surroundings at will. He can make salt constructs for attack and defense, as well as transmute anything he touches with his hands into salt he can manipulate.
Agate Agawa
Quirk: Aura Arts
Agate is able to control and manipulate her Aura, the life energy of her body. She can utilize her Aura under four main principles, which are:
Envelop: By controlling and stabilizing her Aura flow, Agate can create a thin veil of Aura around her body. This veil works as protection for the mind and spirit, and the stable Aura flow extends her lifespan due to reducing waste of energy. She can also extend this veil of energy to objects to reinforce them with Aura as if they were part of her body.
Supress: By closing off her own Aura nodes, Agate completely nullifies her own Aura and hides it inside her body, erasing her presence and helping with recovering stamina.
Enhance: By amplifying her own Aura, Agate can power up her physical stats by reinforcing her body with said powered up Aura. She can reinforce specific parts of her body and direct the Aura throughout her own body at will, reinforcing the properties of certain parts of her body, such as the eyes to have a better sight or the ears to hear better.
Action: It is Agate's personal expression of her Aura to use it to accomplish a specific task. By developing this expression, she's been able to develop a set of special abilities which use her Aura in a way unique to herself. She can only use one of the two abilities at a time.
- Aura Arts: Style of the Six Limbs. By transmuting and manipulating her Aura connected to her body, she can create a second pair of arms made of Aura to add up to her Martial Arts style. When using this technique, Agate has access to less Aura for reinforcing her main body.
- Aura Arts: Style of the Steel Fist. Agate can conjure up two black gloves on her fists, which power up the impact of her punches by 10 times when she uses them. She's unable to open her hands when using these gloves, and she must not kill when using them in battle, or else she'll lose a lot of Aura from her body and become unable to use any of her Actions.
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amethystsong · 2 years
If you're still doing the wip game!!!
Hallmark Tree Farm
Have Your Cake And Eat It Too
Elegies!! I'm so sorry I didn't see this! Thanks for the ask!
Apron- Gen, Family Fluff
A holiday fic for my Uncle Jeanist series that is probably coming out soon because I am filled with baby Keigo feels after rereading the second fic where Keigo got adopted by Tsunagu! This one has baby Keigo inviting the Todofam over to make cut out cookies with him an Jeanist where Touya bullies Jeanist for the sock advent calender, puts way too much frosting on his cookies, Enji and Tsunagu have a gingerbread house competition, and Rei rocks some sweet mom jeans!
Hallmark Tree Farm-DabiKeigoTouya
Farmverse with the twins Touya and Dabi who have to defend Keigo's Christmas Tree farm from Gremlins and maybe Krampdaddy? And some sexy subby twin action later on in some holiday stockings probably and maybe some christmas light bondage.
Going to ramble for a bit because I'm legit so excited for this one.
Thief Takami injected Endeavor with Trigger as he was getting arrested and Enji nearly died, going to the hospital AFO/Garaki are connected to. Rather than spend time inflicting psychological trauma (too busy with little Tomura) they decide to "nerf" the Todorokis by telling Enji he has to give up being Endeavor or his heart will give out, and that he passed this genetic condition onto his children who will also die if they use their quirks extensively because of the extreme strain with the temperatures. He retires from being a hero, not wanting to die early like his own father, and Nedzu scoops him up. Touya comes to terms with things and becomes a private detective, Enji forbids all the kids from being heroes, but Shouto ignores him and joins UA hero course. Hawks is sent by the HPSC to pose as a part time teacher (teaches communications) (Enji does the older classes and teaches them how to run an agency/history) to spy on All Might and his rumored new protege. Enji's a dumbass teacher who doesn't realize his coworker is flirting with him and Touya wants to slip into a coma to avoid witnessing all this.
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too- TouKei Spy x Family Inspired
Pro Hero Twilight aka Touya Todoroki is asked to investigate a strange new housing development on a remote volcanic island that is suspected of engineering a new strain of Trigger and possible trafficking. But, in order to blend into suburbia he needs a family. He asks his best friend Keigo who owns his own bakery and moonlights as a vigilante called Mockingbird who totally hasn't been pining for him to pose as his husband and move in. On one of Keigo's vigilante missions he finds a recently orphaned owl heteromorph little girl who can read minds who was kidnapped by a shady business man. And well wouldn't you know it, they acquired a daughter now and can totally play house while investigating this suspicious suburbia.
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writing-house-of-m · 9 months
5, 12, 29
Forcing you to do ao3 wrapped now. Sorry, i don't make the rules 🤷🏼‍♀️
- the cookie
Thank you Cookie, for pre-empting me reblogging the ao3 wrapped ask game 😁
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
The responses to angst fics are always fun. The most fun were from 'Falling for you' I will always be proud of this pun 😂 I was very surprised with the amount of responses I got for this lol
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
I have quite a few and I haven't worked on most of them for a while which sucks:
Mob!R x Wanda Maximoff - which is a follow on from we could be heroes by the very talented @imagine-knowing-a-name
Private investigator!R x Wanda Maximoff - Based off the song Vigilante by Taylor Swift
Romanoff!R x Wanda Maximoff - this is an AU and is a very depressing one that no one asked for, Natasha is a cop (R's sister) and things go from bad to worse after a car accident (that's all I'm going to say about it)
R x Wanda Maximoff - another AU which is based on a song I was thinking of and then I mashed it up with two song requests I got. It starts off with them as teenagers in their final year of high school in Sokovia. They grow apart because R moves away and maybe they'll reunite. But who knows because I haven't got that far yet 😂
I probably have a bunch more but these are the more exciting ones
29. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I actually have a Yelena x Reader idea that I've been thinking of. And I think it needs to be written now more than ever. I'm hoping to start it soon
Thank you for the questions! 😊
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vntagetee-archive · 1 year
muse list.
*-primary +-secondary &-request only !-private
all too well (taylor swift's short film)
emily byrne. twenty-one. college student & aspiring author. heterosexual. fc: sadie sink. &
gloria. thirty-nine. administrative assistant at mattel. bisexual. fc: america ferrera. +
president barbie. thirty-eight. president of barbie land. asexual. fc: issa rae. *
weird barbie. thirty-nine. wanderer in barbie land. asexual. fc: kate mckinnon. *
the breakfast club
allison reynolds. eighteen. high school student. bisexual. fc: jenna ortega. +
the covenant (2006)
kate tunney. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: jessica lucas. +
sarah wenham. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: laura ramsey. +
the craft
bonnie harper. nineteen. witch, college student. pansexual. fc: neve campbell & india eisley +
nancy downs. nineteen. witch, college student. homosexual. fc: fairuza balk & sophie thatcher. *
the crow
shelly webster. twenty-six. waitress, aspiring artist. pansexual. fc: angelina jolie *
dc comics
barbara wilson. nineteen. batgirl. pansexual. fc: alicia silverstone. +
chase meridian. thirties to forties. criminal psychologist. heterosexual. fc: nicole kidman & suki waterhouse *
rachel dawes. twenties to forties. attorney. heterosexual. any interactions with older rachel will include au where she lived in tdk. fc: daisy edgar-jones & keri russell. *
ella tremaine. twenty-two. villager turned princess. heterosexual. fc: lily james. *
ursula. forties. evil half human, half octopus. asexual. fc: melissa mccarthy. *
don't worry darling
alice chambers. twenty-five. housewife, doctor. heterosexual. fc: florence pugh. +
halloween h20
john tate (strode). forties. art teacher, sculptor. heterosexual. fc: josh hartnett. *
i know what you did last summer
helen shivers. eighteen. aspiring actress. pansexual. fc: sarah michelle gellar. &
courtney shayne. eighteen. high school student. bisexual. fc: rose mcgowan & megan fox. +
lethal weapon
lorna cole. thirties. fbi agent. bisexual. fc: renee russo & jessica chastain. +
the menu
tyler ledford. thirty-three. tech bro, food connoisseur. heterosexual. fc: nicholas hoult. *
promising young woman
cassie thomas. thirty. barista, vigilante. bisexual. fc: carey mulligan. &
sidney prescott. eighteen to early-forties. heterosexual. fc: neve campbell & nina dobrev. +
tatum riley. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: rose mcgowan & billie lourd. +
teenage mutant ninja turles
april o'neil. twenty-eight. reporter. heterosexual. fc: emma stone. *
the texas chainsaw massacre
erin hardesty. eighteen. unemployed. heterosexual. fc: jessica beil. +
rose dewitt bukater. twenty-three. socialite. heterosexual. fc: kate winslet. +
bobby-lynne parker. twenties. porn actress. bisexual. fc: brittany snow. +
tv shows.
american horror story
brooke thompson. ahs 1984. twenty-four. vet tech student & final girl. heterosexual. fc: emma roberts. *
ruby mcdaniel. american horror stories / rubber (wo)man. twenty-one. ghost. lesbian. fc: kaia gerber. +
cordelia chase. twenty-one. angel investigations. heterosexual. fc: charisma carpenter. *
batman beyond
dana tan. twenty-one. college student, record store employee. heterosexual. fc: arden cho. +
buffy the vampire slayer
anya jenkins. appears nineteen. demon. bisexual. fc: emma caulfield. +
willow rosenberg. twenty-one. witch. homosexual. fc: alyson hannigan. +
dawson's creek
jen lindley. eighteen to twenty-one. radio show host. panromantic. fc: michelle williams. +
the mod squad
julie barnes. twenty-four. undercover cop. bisexual. fc: florence pugh. +
the musketeers
constance d'artagnan. twenty-five. assistant to queen anne. bisexual. fc: tamla kari. &
queen anne of austria. twenty-five. royal. heterosexual. fc: alexandra dowling. &
peaky blinders
ada shelby-thorne. twenty-six. shelby company limited employee. bisexual. fc: sophie rundle. *
lizzie stark-shelby. thirty-two. shelby company limited employee. heterosexual. fc: natasha o'keefe. +
power rangers
kimberly hart. nineteen. pink power ranger. bisexual. fc: kaia gerber. &
scooby doo
daphne blake. twenty-three. mystery inc. member. bisexual. fc: sarah michelle gellar. +
jess jordan. thirty-three. kendall roy's assistant. homosexual. fc: juliana canfield. *
rava roy. forty-two. management consultant. heterosexual. fc: natalie gold. +
the last of us
sarah miller. fourteen to thirty-three (main verse/au). survivor. bisexual. fc: alexandra shipp & nico parker. *
white collar
alex hunter. early-thirties. black market fence & thief. bisexual. fc: gloria votsis. +
elizabeth burke. mid-late thirties. event planner. heterosexual. fc: tiffani thiessen +
sara ellis. early-thirties. insurance investigator. bisexual. fc: hilarie burton +
the white lotus
daphne sullivan. thirty-three. stay at home mom. heterosexual. fc: meghann fahy. *
portia. twenty-seven. personal assistant. bisexual. fc: haley lu richardson. +
tanya mcquoid. sixty-one. trust fund baby, entrepreneur. heterosexual. fc: jennifer coolidge. +
the x-files
dana scully. thirties to forties. fbi agent. heterosexual. fc: gillian anderson. * on hiatus
dc comics.
martha wayne. forty. philanthropist. heterosexual. fc: rebecca hall. *
selina kyle. thirty-two. thief, catwoman. bisexual. fc: zoe kravitz. *
vicki vale. forty-one. journalist. bisexual. fc: jessica chastain & holland roden (reeves' batman only). *
ghost world.
enid coleslaw. eighteen to twenties. freelance artist. homosexual. fc: thora birch. *
blood & chocolate
vivian gandillon. nineteen. works at a chocolate store, werewolf. bisexual. fc: agnes bruckner & kathryn newton. *
gone girl
amy dunne. forty. writer. bisexual. fc: rosamund pike. +
ophelia. twenty-four. restaurant hostess. bisexual. fc: evan rachel wood. &
interview with a vampire
claudia. appears eighteen. vampire. pansexual. fc: anya taylor joy *
marion crane. thirty-one. secretary. heterosexual. fc: samara weaving. +
robin hood
lady marian. twenty-five. outlaw. bisexual. fc: alicia vikander. *
romeo & juliet
juliet capulet. twenty-two. fashion student. heterosexual. fc: kristine froseth. *
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empresskylo · 3 years
It's Raining Vengeance - Ch. 3
Ch 1 | Ch 2
Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Batman x Female!Reader Series Summary: (Based on The Batman 2022) It happened a while ago: the day you stumbled into the batman. And ever since, he seemed to pop up exactly when you needed him. You thought it was stupid to try and be his friend. He thought it was dangerous to let you in. Both of you did it anyway. Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1.2k+
series masterlist | main masterlist | AO3
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Days had gone by and you hadn’t heard anything from him.
Usually, you’d end up writing about a case that you’d have to investigate to really get the scoop. Of course, Batman would be somehow involved when you’d go out to dig up any information you could. He was always lurking over criminals and acting detective with the GCPD. So it was a common occurrence when you’d both run into one another.
Eventually, he stopped fighting you and just accepted your determination. He was usually irritated that you were getting yourself into these situations. You were only a journalist, you should be risking your life to get the intel.
You’d stumble upon him here and there while spying in the shadows, just as he did, and he learned to accept your determination even though he was annoyed at first. I mean, you were just another person he had to save at the end of the day. Yeah, that was another thing, you somehow always ended up in tricky situations that he’d have to rescue you from. You didn’t know when to stop, a dangerous vice to have—something he was all too familiar with.
But as time went on, your occasional meetings turned into something he had rather enjoyed—though he would never admit it.
It was strange to not hear from him for so long. It’s not like you knew him very well, or were even friends, but you always liked your couple encounters throughout the month. It gave you someone to bounce ideas off of on what you suspected. And he'd arrogantly tell you what he has found out, which was usually a lot more elaborate. (It’s not your fault you didn’t have his detective and combat skills)
After several weeks, you started to worry. You never really had the desire to seek out who Batman truly was without the costume, but with his absence, you wish you knew who he was so you could make sure he was okay.
If he wasn’t the bat, he could be anywhere and you would have no idea. You may have passed him on the street before and didn’t give him a second look.
You tapped your pen on your desk anxiously. You realized quickly that he was a private person. Most of your conversations felt one-sided. You’d go on and on and he’d say maybe two sentences. And he never talked about himself. He only wanted to talk about what you knew about the person he was after. You both worked as a team in that sense.
Sometimes he’d question you, but that was rare. One night you met him at the top of GCPD tower in stiletto boots and a mini skirt. He seemed apprehensive at first but eventually questioned your indecent outfit.
“What? I’m just wearing my usual weekend attire,” you teased. “If you must know, I was with some friends who were visiting from out of town when you signaled me.”
He had left it at that. You eyed him suspiciously but it was so damn hard to read him. That forsaken mask.
Your fingers hovered over your keyboard, do you dare try to figure out who he is? You knew that was something he would never want. But it’s his fault for not appearing for weeks!
You sighed, letting your hands fall onto your lap. It’s not like you’d get anywhere anyway. You didn’t even know where to begin. He really didn’t give you much to go on.
He was probably just caught up in vigilante duties. You weren’t exactly a priority. Honestly, you weren’t even sure if he liked you.
You shook your head and continued writing the article you were working on.
He sat on the rooftop, the rain drenching him. He wore a dark sweatshirt and pants, a ball cap, and a gator mask; his usual attire when he wasn’t the bat.
He spied through his binoculars and into your apartment. He knew it was wrong. And he wasn’t going to. I mean, why would he?
But as he was lurking in the shadows tonight, he ended up on your side of town. He absentmindedly climbed to the rooftop. He was just checking on you. Making sure you were doing okay.
It had been weeks since he’s seen you. Granted, that was his own fault. Instead of acting like a stalker, he could just find you like he always had.
But that last night he saw you when he carried you bloody and bruised, things had shifted between you two, at least for him. He hated how his body reacted to seeing you in pain. He had been too late. He had never been late before, and it ended with you almost getting—
No. He did make it. He saved you. But it was a close call.
When he felt his chest rumble at the sight of your disheveled state, he knew he had to distance himself. He was letting himself get too close.
And then, when he entered your apartment for the first time, your rain-soaked body laid out on your couch at his request, your legs exposed and shirt hiking up; he felt a tingle below the belt. Why did you have this effect on him? It was upsetting in so many ways. He had to get himself under control. You were just another Gotham journalist. He couldn’t save everyone, so why would you be any different. He had drilled that into his brain while he frantically tried to focus his mind on investigating the Drop market.
You were just another person. Just another person he couldn’t guarantee safety to. He didn’t care about you. He didn’t care about anyone, well, not directly anyway. He cared about Gotham and its people. He couldn’t let himself begin to be biased in who he did and didn’t protect.
He actually began to convince himself that he forgot about you, even with all the dreams he’s been having.
But tonight, seeing you cooking in your apartment, he felt an immense feeling of relief knowing you had been okay without him.
He watched you as you focused on stirring the pot on the stove. Your head shot up in alarm and you made your way over to your door. You opened it, letting a man inside, hugging him closely.
Bruce felt his hands tighten on his binoculars.
Who was he?
He was clearly someone you were fond of, whatever he was saying was making you laugh. You offered him a taste of the dish you were making and smiled when he nudged you.
You don’t care. Bruce told himself.
Why was this man able to make you smile and laugh like that so easily? And why was Bruce incapable of that?
Bruce let his hands fall, putting his binoculars into his backpack.
You were fine without him. You clearly were not distraught over his disappearance. This was a sign to stop obsessing over you. He just hasn’t had someone, let alone a stranger, act so kindly to him besides Alfred in so long. That’s how he rationalized it. He was just reacting to the sudden friendliness that he wasn’t used to. You were nothing special.
You were nothing to him at all.
Ch. 4
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rumpsalt · 3 years
Please tell me about your Plastic Man x Riddler crackship. Please, I never knew I needed this.
of course!
It originally stemmed from this pannel from the 2018 Plastic Man comics where Plas works at a strip club:
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So I, naturally figured "this is silly, what if I made them interact"
but then the more I looked into their characters I noticed the more that they kind of complimented one another, in personality and traits. them being two characters that were never really ever given substantial love interests that cared about them, I immediately latched onto the idea of the two of them. Superficially with this "complimentary" thing, I thought it was a funny coincidence that their suit colour schemes are complimentary. Red and green. Yellow and purple.
if we move on to the personalities/ story lines:
- both have been known to do detective work & with Eel's criminal background and Ed's skill for private investigator type jobs, it's a big potential bonding point
- sometimes Eel is easily impressed, or at least expresses awe more freely & Edward absolutely loves having his ego stroked, Eel would do that constantly
- in most "rehabilitation" comics with Ed, he's often babysat and not taken seriously, but Eel isn't someone that'd treat him that way
- both are eccentric in their actions & expressions of self and I think that'd blend nicely
- they both have generally pathetic love lives and I think it'd be funny to see them fumble around each other
- in most situations (the 2018 Plas comic mostly) Eel denies himself worthy of being with someone because of what he's done & who he was in the past, but with Eddie, he still may feel that way but it doesn't really matter because they've both done bad things and deserve one another & can potentially hold one another in line at least to an extent
- between Plastic Man's constant dumb jokes & puns and the Riddler's riddles I just feel like they'd click
- this one's kinda loose, but I feel like their relationship wouldn't be inhibiting at all to either of them, because Eel really wouldn't care what Eddie does unless people are getting hurt and Ed's (mostly) a fairly harmless villian + even if he's a "hero" Eel's more of a vigilante, and he's still greedy, and you know that if money's involved in something he's gonna end up stealing some just because that's who he is
- they're both clearly bisexual, come on
also to add, not really a reason I've come to ship them, but I have a little headcanon that Eel would buy Eddie a bunch of little puzzle and riddle books, like sudoku, crosswords, cryptograms & forensic mysteries and such, and Eddie really appreciates the gesture, but he flies through them like crazy
for the most part that's what I based them off of ! it's kinda hard to get my exact thoughts to words, and not all of them are there, but in general that's what it is!
I'm sorry it's so long & I infodumped so much, but, truly thank you for asking!! I appreciate it & I'm glad to hear you like it ! 😁👍
If you have any more questions, I'm open to answering/explaining :)
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moon-silvered · 2 years
Person of Interest
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Pairing: Jake Lockley x Reader
Wordcount: 5.5k
Summary: The reader is questioned by the Scotland Yard for their association with a person of interest, a Marc Spector, only they don’t know any Marc Spector. When shown a picture of Marc, they only recognize Jake Lockley.
Taglist: Reply/Ask to be added
Part 3 of the Fuck this Bitch in Particular Series
Now On Ao3
It takes six fucking months to heal your leg. In that time groceries were delivered once a week and your landlord has not once bothered you for rent. 
When you missed your rent for the first time, you avoided your landlord. Prayed he’d forgotten to come collect. But at the second time, and with the continued grocery deliveries, you know who the fuck to blame for his lack of harassment. Lockley.
Lockley’s not been around. Almost like he’s been avoiding you on purpose. Which is good. You are not ready for him to be that physically close to you again. 
You stopped busking, like he asked. But that left you strapped for cash. So you sold your shit - not the crutches of course. Just your books, comics, and collectibles you’ve had since you were a kid and lugged with you from the States to the Kingdom. Your shelves are bare now, but your bank is fat. The books you have left are for emergencies. Some of them first editions gifted to you by your parents before the move. Still, it leaves you with little to occupy your mind, so you spend a bit of time online - begrudgingly enjoying the spoils of being a rich vigilante’s plaything. Hmm, pop tarts and Jaffa cakes. A very ‘nutritious’ meal.
Lockley, or Moon Knight, as the rest of London knew him as, was the first thing you googled. 
Of course, you forgot safe search was off and you saw endless porn in the first six pages of image search. 
“Interesting.” You sip your water and open each one into a new tab for further study and science later. 
The next place you looked were tiktok videos of sightings. There was one post about his presence in Egypt a year ago. The videos are blurry though so you ignore those. 
There was a whole sub board on 4chan dedicated to discussing Moon Knight. Among other things. More tabs for science were added to your growing pile. 
You spend too long reading the Facebook discussions on his activities, his physique, and his potential identity. 
You absorb everything about his identity. No one ever mentions the name Lockley. Or any name for that matter. “Huh…”
There is a brief tangent about his connection to a local private investigator and concerned citizen by the name of Mr. Knight. Purely for the affinity for moon iconography. But discussions on that always seem to get shut down rather quickly. Weird. 
And then you stumble on the real person fiction. 
You stare at the depths of possibilities of human depravity in fantasy and click one link. One. 
One is enough to draw you in. 
The first one is not as bad as you feared. Most of its quite wholesome imaginings about being cared for and protected by Moon Knight. There’s loads of these, fluff as they call it. You find your first unrated one and close out of the window to stare at your wall. 
“Yeap, never going down that road again.”
You’re back within a day. Unsurprisingly you end up down the supers real person fiction rabbit hole. There was no escaping it, only brief breaks to eat and use the bathroom as you read about the late Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, and Captain American living in Stark Tower with the rest of the Avengers. 
It’s wholesome. And raunchy. And foul. And all entirely fictional and you have fifty bookmarks for later and are subscribed to ten fantastic authors. 
This becomes your life for six months. Between practicing your singing and keeping up your upper body strength, you read the depths of human depravity in fiction. 
You’re reading one such story the day you get your boot off. You’re told to keep off it still, to take it easy and to build strength, when you get a notification about a new Moon Knight sighting. He’s in Egypt again fighting alongside the Scarlet Scarab. You watch the blurry video, and admire the way they fight together. 
But there’s something really off. 
You’ve seen Lockley fight. You know how he moves. How he punches, how he takes blows and what makes him stagger.  None of what you see is like how Lockley fights. 
Oh sure he’s still taking every punch and kick, never once blocking. But the way he moves in the video, it’s conservative. 
The video then cuts to a zoomed in shot of Moon Knight and the Scarlet Scarab really close. Too close. 
“Oh they…” There’s an ugly jealous feeling in your chest when you recognize it for what it is. But it settles quickly. Makes sense he’d pick another vigilante. With enemies and being a target, a non vigilante would be in danger. “Well good for you, Moon Moon.” You almost close your laptop, but open a new browser and search up the Scarlet Scarab and you end up with more tabs for science. You’re jealous for a very different reason now. 
Eventually, you have the strength in your leg back and you go out to work again. Not busking, but back to bouncing at the club. 
You call the store where the groceries were coming from and tell them to stop sending them. The kid on the other end says they can’t stop someone else’s order. You demand politely , you swear, that it’s your address and you won’t accept it. They tell you to donate it if you don’t want it. You hang up the phone angrily because you could, but that means going out of your way to be charitable. And really you should just accept the free food but you hate owing Lockley and you already owe him a lot. 
The boss welcomes you with open arms. 
It’s almost relieving, until you find a lot of shit changes in six months. Money corrupts. And the place that you had meticulously made sure wasn’t connected to anything shady is teeming with it. 
Not to mention that you punch your boss in the face when he suggests if you just “dolled” up you could be a dancer instead of a bouncer with that rump of yours. 
You’re out of there fast and fish out the card Lockley left you. It’s just an address. You get there and see it’s called the Sonata. 
“Cute. Moon Puns.” You roll your eyes. You find the place is accessible by going down a staircase in an alley. You stop at the door however when another sign catches your eye, ‘Sonata, gentlemen’s club’. 
“Oh HELL NO.” You backtrack and stomp back up the stairs. “I told that fucker I ain’t a dancer. Fucki-pinche cabrón!”
You’re back in the park, busking because fuck that bitch in particular. It goes well, for a while. For three months actually. And then you get a blast from your past. 
You see him in the crowd. Right beside one of Scotland Yard’s finest was one Officer Nunez. 
You finish your set and pack up, saying goodbye to your fellow buskers you were playing with. You move as quick as you can with the crowd. He spots you and follows. Your name is shouted. 
“Hey! Come on, i just want to talk.” Nunez caught up to you but didn’t stop you. He kept pace. 
You kept your lips pressed tight, ignoring him. 
“Listen, this is Inspector Wallace.” Nunez asked. 
“Don’t care.” You don’t run. Running would attract attention, and who knows if running is considered suspicious here and thus grounds for arrest like it is in the states. Especially for people not light-complected. 
“He could really use your help.”
“You’re out of your jurisdiction, Nunez. You cannot compel me to do shit here.” You spit. 
“Actually!” Wallace called from three paces back. “We’ve got you on camera associating with a person of interest. That’s enough for questioning.”
Nunez smirks. “I might not have jurisdiction, but he does.”
Not again. You sigh. There was no fighting it. 
“Do I at least get to know who this person of interest is anyway? So I can stay far the fuck away from them?”
“We’ll talk about it.” Nunez offers and guides you to a car not far off. “Your place?”
“Fuck that. We go downtown.” You throw back. You don’t want to give Nunez any reason to search your flat, even if he was out of his jurisdiction, he had two eyes. 
Wallace sighs annoyed. “I’ll have to make a call.”
When you’re at the station, Nunez brings you a cup of coffee. You glare at it, then at him. “You have until I hear my lawyer ask for me.”
“Plenty of time.” Nunez smiles at Wallace who looked confused.
You grab the cup, take a sip, and wrinkle your nose. “Ah, coffee brewed by pigs. Still as shit as in the states.” You set the cup down, committed to drinking the rest of it and taking the cup with. So there was no DNA evidence left behind. 
“You think you’re funny?” Nunez asks as he sits opposite you. 
“Hilarious.” You deadpan. 
Wallace snickers and at a look from Nunez, explains. “She’s got the British humor down.”
“They.” Nunez and you speak at the same time. 
“Aww. Good to know you at least respect my person, just not my rights.” You snark. 
“Sorry, reflex. They got everyone in the bureau on these gender harassment courses.” Nunez rolled his eyes. “It’s like I’m brainwashed.” 
You ignore that last part and instead gulp. “Bureau?”
“Oh yeah, you haven’t heard.” He pulled at his badge and set it down on the table. “FBI Now.”
“ Great .” Not great. Not great. Really not great. 
“Can you confirm this is your current place of residence?” Wallace sets a paper down from a file he brought in. It had your exact address as stated on your ILR ID. 
“Are you aware then, there was a cult in your neighborhood last year?”
“Sorry what?” You lean forward confused. “A cult?”
“Going to take that as a no.” Wallace writes that down. “Were you familiar with Arthur Harrow?”
Wallace put a photo down of a man with long gray hair wearing what looked like red monk robes and holding a cane. 
You squint. “Looks familiar. Don’t know him. Probably saw him around.” You shrug. 
“He’s responsible for all the community renovations that happened in your neighborhood. Gardens, neighborhood watch, and shared resources.” Wallace explains. “A lot of community outreach.”
“A regular ole Black Panther Party, wouldn’t you agree?” Nunez added. 
“Fuck if I know. I don’t interact with my neighbors.” You shrug. “I’m a shut-in if I’m not working.” 
“Busking is working?” Nunez asks. 
“Better than whoring.” You joke. Nunez finds it funny, or pretends to. Sleazebag. 
“You’d make a lot more money doing that if you dolled yourself up a bit.” Nunez smiles with a lecherous look. 
“So they have you taking gender harassment but not sexual harassment courses? Way for the bureau to take a step forward and three back.” You huff.
“Can you stop?” Wallace asked Nunez. “That is inappropriate language for an officer of the law, especially to one of the King’s subjects.” 
“King’s subjects?” Nunez snorted. “Did you swear fealty to the King?” 
“Yes.” You throw back. 
“Look at that, joined the red coats.” Nunez sneered. “Traitor.”
“Thats enough.” Wallace growled and grabbed Nunez by the shoulder, dragging him to the corner. “Your language is sexist and abusive. Not to mention insulting to the crown.” 
“What is this good cop bad cop bullshit?” You ask.
“No. No.” Wallace turned back. “There should never be a bad cop.” 
“Relax Wallace, it’s what we do. This is old hat for dollface and I.”
“Call me dollface one more time.” You growl, gripping the coffee cup a little too tightly.
“Dollface.” Nunez said with a cruel grin. “What ya gonna do? Nothing. Not here.” Nunez then turned to Wallace. “Now would you relax. Besides, you’re asking the wrong kind of questions, Wally.” Nunez shifted forward. “It's not how they work.” 
“You said she- they’d be a good source of intelligence if they were in the area at the time of the murders.” Wallace eyed Nunez. “So far they don’t know Harrow and they didn’t even know there was a cult. We can’t keep them for long, they’re a protect-” 
“Ah for fuck’s sake. Fine. Give me a second.” Nunez shut him up, but you smirked. You knew how long they could keep you. He grabbed Wallace’s folder and pulled out a tiny mp3 player and hit play. A voice sounded. Some man was talking about praising Ammit, proselytizing. 
But it’s a voice you are familiar with, but one you chose to ignore several times. Even on the street. It triggers a memory. 
You were walking down the street late at night with your hands shoved in your pockets. People were out this late near the community center. Lining the sidewalks were crates of produce from the new communal garden in a previously empty and derelict lot. 
You remember some twat knocking on your door asking for a donation to fund it. You slammed the door on them, thinking they were trying to scam you. But then you walked by it weeks later. It was nice, but nice things never lasted in your experience. 
“We have hot meals, vegan options are available. You there, young man.” A long grey haired man with a cane paced near the entrance greeting everyone. They spotted you and approached. The sound of crunching glass hit your ears with each of his steps and you looked down at his his crocs. This dude was clearly crazy.
You gripped your knuckle dusters in your pockets. You had no qualms about decking an old crazy guy, religious or not. “Not a dude.” You grumbled.
“Oh. My apologies. Miss-”
“Not a chick either. Get lost.” You grumbled and made to move. 
“I’m sorry. Do you need a meal tonight, you look like you might need it.” He grabbed your wrist. 
You pushed him off. “Look whatever weird born again religious bullshit you’re peddling I want none of it. I got shit to do.” You turn away to get out of there.
He sighed. “I can’t help those who won’t ask for it.”
“I don’t need your help. Certainly not from someone who walks on glass.” You flip him off and power walk away. 
“It wasn’t the only time he tried to talk to me.” You tell Wallace. “But always the same thing, trying to get me into the Community Center for a meal. I never did because-” You pause remembering more. “Sonvabitch.”
Nunez smiles. “You hear anything interesting from the center?”
Wallace groaned. “If they didn’t enter the center, how could they have heard anything?” 
You look at Nunez and he doesn’t say anything at first, but chews the inside of his cheek before knocking on the table. “Cut the cameras.” 
“Cut them. You wanna know, cut them. This has to go off the record.” Nunez explains.
Wallace glares and then looks to you for confirmation. 
You cross your arms and tap your wrist. “Tick tock.” 
Wallace glowers but leaves the room. 
Nunez stares at you, mouthing numbers counting down. You widen your eyes. You tighten your jaw, flexing your facial muscles until your hearing is heightened. You could hear the rest of the station working, phone calls, keytones, typing, passwords and authentication codes and identity phrases. You ignore that for now and zeroed in on Wallace’s footsteps. Heard his request for the cameras to be cut. A button push. You limit your hearing to the room and the electricity cuts off from the cameras. You’re up out of the chair and backing up as Nunez lunges and grabs your hair by the root. He holds you in place. “Bitch.” He seethes. “You better fucking talk, or I swear I will make your sister’s life a living-fucking-hell soon as I’m back State-side.”
Tears prick at your eyes but you nod. When your gaze flicks to the door, he lets you go and you drop into your seat. 
Wallace looks between you two. Suspiciously he eyes Nunez but the bastard looked at him nonchalantly. “They’re cut.” 
“Good.” Nunez smiles and turns a fake smile at you. “Did you hear anything interesting from the center?”
Wallace scoffed, about to speak. 
“Define interesting.” You ground out. You want to make him work for it. 
Nunez’s knuckles cracked as his fists clenched on the table. “Did you hear any of Harrow’s conversations?” 
“Once.” You answer. “Once was enough.”
“Sorry, if you never entered the center how did you hear-” Wallace asked, confused.
Nunez sighed “Wally, just shut the fuck up for a sec okay. And listen .” Nunez stressed the word. “Use that fucking mick noggin of yours, yeah.” 
“I don’t appreciate that kind of language.” 
“Wallace. You want a lead on this guy or not?” Nunez turned back to you. “What did you hear? What happened that day?”
Nice to know Nunez barely changed. “You can check my work record at my last job, but I was off for a dislocated shoulder. No, I won’t tell you why. I was holed up in my flat and bored. No tv and I forgot to pay for my internet so I only had books. I started listening to my neighbors. Four people were fucking, six kids were playing some obnoxious chav music, and the center was popping. Lotta people, lining up. Arrow-”
“Harrow.” Wallace corrected.
“Whatever. Arrow was talking about scales being balanced or unbalanced, or some shit. Fuck if I know. Then I heard someone walk up to him, saying they were ready to be judged. There was some weird Arabic chanting from Arrow. And then…” you breathe deeply. “I heard their heart stop-”
“You heard their… heart stop?” Wallace asked, and looked to Nunez. But Nunez nodded as though this was normal. 
“What else-”
“Are we not going to address-” 
“Wally.” Nunez growled. 
Wallace grumbled. “Bloody Americans.” 
“I heard their last breath escape their lungs and their body hit the floor. It happened several more times. I don’t know how many bodies dropped, but more than remained standing and walking that’s for sure. Then a conversation about embalming and wrapping them up. I tuned out for that. Didn’t want to hear it.” You shudder. 
“So Harrow killed them.” Nunez asked. “And prepared them for burial.”
“Dunno if it was Arrow. And no clue about that. I wasn’t there, didn’t see. Only told you what I heard.” You cross your arms. “Do I get to know who the person of interest is now?”
“Hang on…” Wallace sits down. “Are you a mutant?”
“Woah woah woah, no one said anything about mutants. We don’t gotta use that word, it’s offensive. Jeez thought you Brits were all up and up on political correctness.” Nunez says with a grin. 
Wallace glares at Nunez, completely fed up with him. 
“I like to refer to dollface here as an unofficial informant with unique capabilities.”
“If they’re enhanced, they need to be registered.” 
“And if they’re registered, you’d never get approval to make use of them thanks to the Accords.” Nunez countered. 
“So this is what you do in the states? Hmm? Target enhanced minorities and force them to become what, police informants?” Wallace shakes his head. 
“Yeah and we get shit done.” 
“No, you commit crimes in the pursuit of justice. The ends do not justify the means.” 
You smirk. “And that’s why I’m here instead of back across the pond.” 
“We’re done here, Nunez.” Wallace growled and turned back to you. “I’m sorry we wasted your time and abused your god given rights.” Wallace frowns. “On behalf of the Yard, I deeply apologize for entertaining this lunatic’s ideas.”
“Pretty sure lunatic isn’t right.” Nunez grumbled.
“Shut up, you fucking yank.” Wallace growled. 
You decide to give Wallace a bone. “I’d check the apartments in a three block radius from the center. There’s a lot of empty ones with awful smells coming from them - no one’s complained because no one complains in Seven Sisters.” 
Wallace’s eyes widen. “Thanks.” 
Nunez was kicked out of the room while you accompanied Wallace to his desk. He rummaged around his folders for a different folder.
“So person of interest, how’s he connected to this Arrow mystery?” 
“He’s the last person we know that was caught on camera interacting with Harrow. We’ve been tracking him for a year, but he’s given us nothing when we brought him in.” 
“A year? You’ve been working on this case for a year?” 
“Evidence in the Alps, Egypt, and the states have recently surfaced. Bodies. A lot of bodies. All tied to land acquisitions under Harrow’s name.”
“So Arrow’s a serial killer?” 
“We’re not using that word.” Wallace explained. 
“Serial or Killer?” You ask. 
Wallace doesn’t answer. “Does the name Marc Spector ring a bell?” 
“Don’t know anyone by that name.” You genuinely shrug. 
“Maybe a picture will jog your memory.” He pulls out the folder he wanted and opened it. Pictures of a man in black leather and jeans and a cabbie hat entering a psychiatric hospital.
Your throat clogs up. Lockley?
Another picture of Lockley wheeling out Harrow and then kicking the wheelchair once Harrow is in his limo. 
Then there are pictures of Lockley entering a museum in clothes you’ve never seen him wear. 
And lastly, pictures of him in the park. Talking to you. Singing with you, helping you walk.
“Did he ever give you a name?” Wallace asks. 
“No.” You lie. You were a terrible liar. 
“So you just get into a stranger’s limo?” Another picture. 
“He offered to drive me home. I thought he was on break.” You lie again. Why are you lying for him?! You owe him nothing! 
“Uh-huh.” Wallace hums. “When’s the last time you saw him?” 
“I dunno… a year?” Nine months, two weeks, and eight days. Not that you were counting. 
“Well, if you have any information about him, we’d appreciate it.” Wallace holds out his card. “If you do come across him again, stay far away. He’s probably as dangerous as Harrow given it looks like he helped him escape the psychiatric hospital.”
“Sure.” You pocket the card. “Can I go?” 
Wallace gestured and you walked out. Nunez is watching you, chewing on a toothpick and glaring at you. He’s not going away anytime soon. 
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 The next week is filled with the Yard going in and out of buildings around your neighborhood. You listen from your bed, dusters under your pillow for quick access, and assorted weapons in your flat. You do not leave the flat. You even accept the grocery delivery again. 
You don’t even look at your laptop for a few days, feeling like the Yard might have bugged you. But you never entered Lockley’s name. They couldn’t connect Lockley to Moon Knight and thus Marc Spector. Marc Spector must be his legal name and Lockley a fake one he gave to any pretty thing he saved that he liked to fuck with. 
“Stupid.” You mutter at your reflection. He was in league with a potential serial killer?! 
The deal with your passage being paid to the UK was to lay low, to leave no criminal paper trail. If the Yard asked for you, answer honestly and give them nothing to be suspicious about. It was supposed to be a different life. But with the shitty hand you were dealt, you ended up back on the petty crime streak. Thankfully you were an adult now with an entire adolesence’s years worth of wisdom under your belt, you knew how to avoid the Yard - who were more to the books than the cops of the States. The problem was, you didn’t know how to avoid other criminals.
Another week goes by, and you crack. You look up Marc Spector online. You have a feeling you won’t find anything in the normal searches. So you do a little deep dive. You dig out your vpn, pull the curtains closed on every window and don the metaphorical black hat.  
One good thing about being in the Yard’s station was listening in on people putting their passwords and phone keytones. Phone calls with passwords spoken aloud and identity confirmations. It gave you access to their police databases. 
It doesn’t take you long.
“Marc Spector…born March 9th, 1987. In Chicago, Illinois to Elias and Wendy Spector. Jewish. Father’s a rabbi. Mother’s unspecified Latina.” You read the dossier. “Formerly military, went AWOL. Mercenary…ah shit.” 
You had his address and his listed phone number. You look up the number, it’s a burner phone. Okay that’s fine. That’s not suspicious. 
And then you see a marriage certificate .  
“Locks, what the fuck.” You’re seething. Why was he playing filth chicken with you and acting like a…sugar daddy when he was married? Fuck…was Lockley trying to make you his fucking mistress?!
You make a copy of everything, not wanting to go through it all right then and clean your tracks. You even rip out the RAM and harddrive. Finally taking a walk out you get replacements and run a neodymium magnet over your old ones and break it to pieces. 
Then you buy the long overdue new locks and a deadbolt. 
You shadow box and try not to think about the address you found. 
You looked it up on google.
You do sit ups until you’re ready to vomit and try not to plot your route to his address. 
It’s only a bus ride away.
You do push ups until you’re dripping with sweat and try not to think about the cheap fare. 
Even if you wanted to go, you heard the cops from the car parked on the other side of the street from your window. They were watching you. 
So you do nothing. Until your brain paired with the parabolic hearing you were blursed with picks up their pattern. It’s technically morning when one goes out to get food and the other takes a quick leak. 
Now’s your chance. 
You climb out your window to the roof and take a running jump to the next building. 
It’s been years since you’ve done this, so your knees ache when you land and roll. You scrape your hands. The first jump is always the hardest. But now that you’re moving, you keep going. 
You don’t have to be fast, you just have to move and keep low. You pick your way across roofs and then climb down to street level. With a hood and face mask up, you hop on the first bus taking you away from your flat. 
The building is tucked away. It’s big and has an elevator. You can’t hear anything over your own breathing as you ride it up to the fifth floor. You can’t even hear your steps as you walk the long hallway.
The door is in front of you. 
You falter when you have your fist raised, poised to knock. 
Would he even be home this late at night - almost morning? Moon Knight was rumored to be active only at night. 
Not even mentioning if it was wise to even be here. If Lockley really was connected to Harrow, then he’s working with a serial killer and cult leader. 
You step back. You needed to go. It was a mistake to come here. You turn to walk away when a shout from inside the flat makes you jump.
“Did we really need to spend the entire night patrolling?” That’s a North East London accent you hear. 
“We didn’t find any leads on the thieves, Steven.” The voice is very American. Somewhere from Illinois, maybe?
How many people did Lockley have with him? You listen past their bickering and hear one set of footsteps. No others. They didn't sound distorted with electricity like from a speaker so they had to be in the room with him. Were the other two just…sitting? 
“You’re not finding anything because you’re looking in the wrong places.” That’s Lockley. “If you let me talk to my contacts.”
“We’re not bringing Crawley in on this one, Jake.”
So his first name was Jake?
“Wasn’t going to, Marc.”
Marc? Wait… wasn’t Lockley’s name on his passport Marc? Did he have a friend named Marc too? What was going on?
“Right, like you have many more contacts?” Marc was unconvinced by something. 
“As a matter of fact I do.” Lockley was confident, as always. 
“Are you talking about that lovely waitress? Gena?” Steven seemed intrigued. 
“Leave Landers out of this. And no. Not her. She’s got enough problems with Ricky and Ray.” Lockley stated. “Just someone I know.”
“Who?” Marc. 
“No one you gotta worry about. But they mighta heard something already.”
“Oh? If it means no more all night patrols-“ Steven.
“Listen no. Steven. He’s not going. Remember he asked the new tour guide out.” Marc. 
“Aw come on!” Lockley sounds exasperated. “If Grant had the cojones, he’d do it himself! I was just trying to do you a solid and get you laid.”
“I don’t need you doing that for me. Especially when you keep asking them to steakhouses! I’m vegan, remember.” Steven huffs. “But if your contact can help-“
“It’s not going to. Why do you think he won’t tell us the name of this contact?” Marc cuts him off. “He’s just trying to weasel his way into fronting for longer.”
“I could just do it the hard way.”
“Or we can put you back.”
You listen closer, cutting off the sounds in the hallway, your own body, and focused on the bodies in the flat. Sound traveled from under the door, vibrations so subtle you had to be a dog or cat to hear normally. Not you though. 
It’s not what you hear that shocks you, but what you don’t hear. 
You don’t hear multiple heartbeats. Just one . 
You choke on your breath and cough. Slapping your hand over your mouth to silence it. But it’s too late. 
“Ya hear that?” Lockley. 
“I think someone’s-.” Grant says.
“Sh-sh…” Marc now. 
The heart beat gets closer. They were moving toward the door!
You correct your hearing and run for the stairs as the door opens. 
“Wait!” Marc yells but you’re already in the stairwell.
His footsteps follow you down the hall. You go for the roof access. 
Two blocks away a freight truck turned onto the street. If you could make it there you could clear more ground and go unnoticed. 
Your legs burn, knees aching as you jump the gap over alleyways, from fire escape to balcony to roof again. 
Whoever is following you is hot on your tail. You make the mistake of looking back and see Lockley. But is it Lockley? Is it actually? Or was it one of the voices he was talking to? 
A block to go, you almost slip and fall, but catch yourself and drop into a roll in the alleyway.
“Aww come on!” Not-Lockley’s voice filters in. Was it Marc? “Khonshu?!” 
Another name?! You don’t have time to unpack all that. 
You skid around a corner and see the truck. You run, grab the back of it and jumping up to push off while simultaneously keeping you attached. It drove off, and you looked behind again to see Not-Lockley nowhere on the street. But a flash of white on the rooftops moved at the same speed as the truck. 
“What the fuck.” 
It was Moon Knight. 
“No-no-no.” The truck drove under a bridge and you let go, running back the way it came and ducking into an alley. Hiding behind some bins - crouching low. You covered your mouth and listened for the footsteps and voices.
“Where did they go?” Marc asked.
“Haven’t the faintest. They just…” Steven.
“Disappeared.” Marc again. “Let’s double back.”
You do not move. Their footsteps get further away, their voices dying out. You stay only until you’re sure they are far away. Your hearing snaps back to your immediate area and you move. You’re not sure where to go so you wander. Eventually you end up at the park where you busk. You drop onto a bench and finally let what you heard process.
One body. Multiple different voices. A whole ass conversation between them. 
What were the options? 
On the weird side? Possessed. Demons. Mind control. Aliens?
And the mundie side? Some kinda mental Illness. Schizophrenia? You didn’t know, you’re not good with abnormal psychology.
And weird twist of fate.  It could be both. 
Probably both with the Moon Knight thing. 
None of the options sounded good. Not when paired with Lockley under suspicion of being accomplice to an international serial killer and cult leader. With that in mind, you lean toward demons. You’ve heard your fair share of supernatural stuff, all accidental. And you never got involved if there was direct danger to your person. You would not be the first to die in a horror movie. 
“Right…right.” You rub your face. ”Time to exit stage left.” 
You make your way back to your flat, sneaking in through the open window. You close and lock it. You close the curtain, and do the same to the other windows, bathing the flat in a comfortable darkness. 
A floorboard creaks behind you. And a hot breath ghosts over your ear. 
“Miss me?”
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