fletchasketch7893 · 3 months
Spoiler Alert for FAR: Lone Sails + FAR: Changing Tides
[Content Warnings: submechanophobia, thalassophobia] Side note: Both of the games have a 2.5D perspective, puzzle elements, a great sense of scale, child protagonists, and mechanical imagery. The music, taken from one of Little Nightmares' promotional trailers, seems like a perfect backing for two children who have to find each other. Also, the direction of some footage was rotated to give the general sense that the two were "approaching" each other as they traveled.
Games: FAR: Lone Sails + FAR: Changing Tides Music: "Prison Toys" by Tobias Lilja for Little Nightmares ( Personal Project. )
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umbralsun-blog · 7 years
gwyndolin: i need to stop looking at the young girls i meet as my surrogate daughters as a way to cope with my feelings of crushing guilt and inadequacy at not being able to protect yorshka
six: hi
gwyndolin: fuck
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lrishsoldier-blog · 7 years
@prisontoys liked for a starter!
When he really starts thinking about it, being lost in an unknown city can’t be all that bad, right? It’s crowded, noisy, filled with lights and stores galore. He hardly thinks about where he’s walking to--only knowing that some district Alpha was were he needed to be. Maybe.
At least he wants to believe his things are there, and all this is some elaborate training session overseen by superiors. It’s less.... Stressful.
Gods be thankful for his tics sometimes. Abruptly stopping in his steps in order to flinch a few and click his tongue has him noticing just how close he was to stepping on some small raincoat. Weren’t these part of some collection of dolls? He kneels--one last tense jolt from his shoulders being the end of his itch for the time being--looking to get a closer look at this odd doll.
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@prisontoys Oh, god. They had children in the city. Little kids, taken from their homes, and tossed into whatever danger was next. Rika couldn't remember if she saw any last time she "visited," but the sight shocked her all the same. (At least, she assumed it was a child. Smaller than her, and in a yellow rain coat, from what she could tell.) "Hello there," she said, as gently as she could. "Are you lost?"
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parkwatcher · 5 years
hey guys what should i do for my url
1. transmicolash (bloodborne)
2. prisontoys (little nightmares)
3. tallboys (dishonored)
4. keep the one i have atm (rdr2)
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Bold the ones that apply to your character:
adaptable | adventurous | affectionate | ambitious | artistic | athletic | assertive | beautiful | brave | charming | clever | compassionate | confident | considerate | cooperative (sort of) | courteous  | creative | curious | decisive | dependable | determined | diplomatic | easy-going | enthusiastic | fair | fashionable | forgiving | friendly | fun-loving | funny | generous | gentle | hard-working| heroic | honest | hopeful | humble | imaginative | incorruptible | intelligent | intuitive | inventive | jocular | leader | lively | loving | loyal | merciful | musical | observant | open-minded | optimistic | organized | outgoing | passionate | patient | playful | polite | popular (irl for obvious reasons) | practical | resourceful | self-assured | selfless | sensible | sincere | strong | studious | thoughtful | tough | versatile | warm-hearted | well-intentioned | wise | witty
Tagging: @prisontoys @pearlfectionate @whirlygem @buryyouinmysounds
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hyper-light · 7 years
Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your muse with to each question.
1. ANIMAL: shrike 2. COLOR(S): lime green, bright pink 3. MONTH: march, april 4. SONG: too many. the latest song is this 5. NUMBER: 4 6. DAY OR NIGHT: day 7. PLANT: fireweed 8. SMELL: ash, dust, cut grass, and sandalwood 9. GEMSTONE: diamond 10. SEASON: fall 11. PLACE: ruins, shipwrecks 12. FOOD: dried fruit, candy 13. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: aries 14. ELEMENT(S): light 15. DRINK: lemonade
TAGGED BY @prisontoys​
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xblackviolinx · 7 years
Tumblr media
Yeah ~ Vorbesteller zu sein ist dufte 🤓 Dadurch habe ich per Code von Amazon den Soundtrack von #LittleNightmares bekommen. Dieser heißt #PrisonToy bzw. #JanitorTheme und klingt wirklich schön ❤ Am Sonntag dann werd ich es auch endlich ausprobieren können und mal sehen ob ich einige KindheitsÄngste in mir wieder erkenne ^^
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umbralsun-blog · 7 years
👀 Why snakes? Why not something that can support a persons weight better like... a bear.
“For one thing, it was not my choice to be given serpents for legs... Serpents, where I am from, are an imperfect form of dragon, and it was a dragon that granted me my experimental new anatomy. I suppose he was going for something more impressive, but snakes were the best he could manage.”
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hairbeat-blog1 · 7 years
Is cannibalism just lik, a common theme in Sunny's series or is that just him?
It is a common theme in Toriko, though Sunny is notable for eating more people on-panel (1) then the rest of the protagonists.
A rundown:
Komatsu: 0 
Coco: 0
Zebra: Is implied to have eaten many people but never did so on-panel for as far as I read.
Toriko: Bit into and ate parts of his opponent in at least one fight.
Sunny: Just totally devoured a whole guy.
I think he’s allowed to get away with it because hair cannibalism is pretty clean and non-gory.
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Tagged by; @nautalass
Result: the realist
your archetype is the realist.
traits: practical, understanding, honest, brutal, logical, creator, intelligent, sensible, down-to-earth, reasonable
the realist is most commonly used to symbolize the highest possible outcome in a dire situation. they are the ones who have everything planned, and hand out reality checks as if they were pamphlets to those who need them--which, quite honestly, is everyone who isn't a realist. although they can be harsh (brutal truth over merciful), they are nurturers and care more than they let on. realists tend to do things that will lead to the best outcome, and use their knowledge of reading people to manipulate situations and problems in order to get out of a rock and a hard place.
fictional characters that are realists: hermione granger, dana scully, thorin oakenshield, lestrade (from sherlock), leia organa, willow rosenberg
other personality types that go with this: ravenclaw, horned serpent, poseidon, artemis
tagging; @pearlfectionate @prisontoys 
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umbralsun-blog · 7 years
bath headcanon
Gwyndolin used to have a very specific mixture of soap and oils she would put in her bathwater in order to keep her scales from flaking or her shed from getting stuck but she doesn’t have that in the city. Doesn’t stop her from dumping tons of stuff in there anyway. She likes to smell nice.
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umbralsun-blog · 7 years
⋀ stands, ☞ talks, ➔ walks
She tends to stand very straight, hands folded in front of her, head tilted down, because it’s an authoritative posture and she’s usually taller than whoever she’s addressing. However, despite having six of them, snakes are not properly made for bearing weight and she gets tired if she has to stand for a long time. Even though she’s gotten a lot of her strength back since she’s come to the city, and could probably make it from place to place walking, she still uses her chair often because it’s just more comfortable.
Gwyndolin’s voice is soft, androgynous and a little hoarse. She tends to keep an even tone and has a very slight, vaguely western European accent, though if she gets riled up she starts to sound a lot more Welsh like her dad. She’s fairly formal, but with nobody to impress per se, she avoids using the antiquated style of speech she used to when addressing humans in Anor Londo.
Walking is weird when you have snakes for legs. What remains of her original legs is the hips and upper thigh before it splits into serpents, so she can still sort of move her legs and take ‘steps’ by moving each trio of snakes at a time. She’s incapable of moving quickly or running though. Her gate is smooth and she seems to almost glide over the floor 
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umbralsun-blog · 7 years
5, 14, 15
What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
I would really love to thread with her dad, honestly, but that would require someone to make a Gwyn blog (unlikely) and characterize him in a way that’s not totally black or white (also unlikely). I think Gwyn is a really interesting, complex character but so much of the fandom either idolizes or demonizes him so I feel the chance of me finding an interpretation of him that treats him fairly is... low.
What is your ideal AU for your muse?
I’m not 100% sure what this question is asking but I’d love to explore my Ringed city verse some more. Or one where both her brother and sister stick around and help rule with her.
What plots/interactions leave you feeling protective of your muse?
Certainly the whole survived-Aldrich thread because it’s such a horrifically traumatic experience. Same with her getting to go through that in Citta though she’s managed to recover from it somewhat. It feels very unreal to her at this point and she’s coping by trying to rationalize it like a bad dream.
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hairbeat-blog1 · 7 years
▼, ♱, ♚, ♒
What is their greatest fear?
I wrote “his future” in the angst meme– to elaborate, he’s most frightened about being independent. It might be strange for someone who likes to be isolated as much as he does, or of his age, but he can’t help but associate “adult” responsibilities with abandonment.
What do they think awaits them after death?
He doesn’t believe in an afterlife, but can’t actually convince himself that he can just stop existing.
Do they consider themselves to be evil?
Not at all! Sunny’s the unit of measurement for goodness, in his mind. (Not the pinnacle of it, but a standard of it.)
If they could choose how to die, how would they want to go?
Sexy martyr.
He could also accept being eaten alive by a worthy opponent. Combinations of the two aren’t allowed.
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hairbeat-blog1 · 7 years
02, 03, 08, 34
What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? 
Humanity. He lowkey feels like a pet of society, at the service to the whims of people who don’t respect him and he doesn’t understand. He can’t really articulate this, and can’t confront it either because he doesn’t like to feel inhuman.
What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?
His face. He’s proud of his hair but there’s too much emotional baggage with that for it to be a 100% favorite.
What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw?
He’s just kind of.. amoral, and his standards of good and bad shift around to suit him. And he he’s never been convinced of this, and has no incentive to fix it either. 
Does your character have favorite foods?
He likes noodles and mushrooms. Live fish are a guilty pleasure… don’t tell anyone. 
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