ulvlord · 5 years
prismbursts replied to your post “starter call with roctiszaigaor…anyone else?”
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Transformed and bulked up, Zaiga still could not even get half of Muzaka power, much less the younger werewolf Dorant, his power rising too much like Muzaka. 
Were they sure...Muzaka only had one child?
 Sweat rivets down and Zaiga merely wipes himself with a towel, chest heaving. The remains of what used to be a large structure in this lot, destroyed. 
 “Maduke...apologies for appearance. Training... is harder for those with age like mine.”
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lwiica-archive · 5 years
@prismbursts, that starter I promised you like a week ago.
     crach was dead. crach an craite, her beloved husband’s nephew. he died, believing she was dead, hungering to avenge both her and eist tuirseach. she wished she could have made him aware of her survival earlier, much earlier... was she truly the lioness of cintra anymore, deserving of the title? she’s earned that title, fighting her battles and winning them. to hide behind a fake name, a fake identity... she felt like a rat, not a lion.
     the trip to skellige was long, and she spent it contemplating. asking herself, why didn’t she choose to visit the islands sooner... maybe if she did, she wouldn’t have to visit crach’s grave now. the man of honor and duty, the man who once called her mother. 
     upon entering the crypt, she froze. the thick, coppery red braid could only belong to one person.
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     “ cerys... “ she whispered, uncertain. would the girl - no - the young woman even recognise her? black hood hid most of her ashen gray hair, and the last time they’ve seen each other... how old was she back then? ten? 
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makerguideme · 5 years
@prismbursts LIKED FOR A STARTER. 
the streets of haven are bustling as EVER, crowded with the bodies of the faithful and the soldiers of the fledgling inquisition.  he turns to her, hands behind his back, with a look in his eye that borders on curious.  
‘so you do not believe, then, that you were chosen by the maker’s bride?’ he raises an eyebrow, though his words are FAR from accusatory.  ‘i must admit -- i find it SURPRISING you have as little faith in the divine as you do, given what has happened to you.’
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khxleesiofdrxgons · 5 years
❝ you’re wasting your time. ❞ (Ignes asdfg)
things that are hard to hear
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“Wasting my time by caring what this world turns into? I could care less, I will see it be fixed or die trying. I’m tired of seeing women and men suffer. I know humanity will always suffer but, I refuse to see it like that. There are good people out there and I will stand by their side and break the wheel of injustice. Whether or not you wish to be there to see it, that is up to you.” She answered with a bit of a stern tone to her voice. She was stubborn in her ways.
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apostitudes · 6 years
@prismbursts liked for a starter!
“... Hey, Inquisitor. You know a lot of things,” says Kieran, after a moment, tugging at Janna’s robes. “Mum won’t tell me anything about the temple in the forest, but everyone says you went there. Did you really see Cor... Corry-pee-us? They said he turned into a big n’ powerful dragon. And ate a lot of people.”
Morrigan spots them then, feels the heat rush to her cheeks.
”Kieran,” Morrigan coos with no hint of reproach, but perhaps with a bit of exhaustion. “It’s Corypheus.” He’d pestered Mother Giselle the other day with endless questions about history, Josephine about foreign relations, and Leliana with stories of their adventures. Though all of them had assured her that the boy was darling and not a lick of trouble, she would not have Janna suffer the same fate. “And I’ve already told you not to bother the Inquisitor when she’s working, haven’t I?”
”I’m not bothering her,” Kieran says with a pout. “I... don’t think I am.” He looks up at Janna, “Am I?”
Morrigan cannot resist a brief smile. “I should think you are.”
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aen-consilium · 6 years
(from Janna for caranthir lol) "I don't know whether your people know such a day... but here, this day is special to some people. To show their.. appreciation to people they hold dear. Well... I don't hold anyone dear... but still." She offered him a box with a red ribbon. "Today is as good a day as any to indulge in sweets. Think nothing of it... unless..."
     Caranthir wasn’t aware of how that event works. Even if they celebrated it in Tir Na Lia, he was always blind to anything romantic; probably a result of being rised by someone so deeply disappointed in love. Grey eyes examined box with curiosity, soon opening it - and first time in a while, a shadow of smile appeared on his lips. Ar-Feiniel had such weak heart for sweets.
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    ‘Thank you. Your hospitality is, indeed, so generous.’
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vintyvanora · 6 years
ruthlesspiety replied to your post:ruthlesspiety replied to your post: So yesterday I...
It had a great sense of humour throughout gameplay. Like they poke fun at their own game sometimes. It’s hilarious. Also the narration is fantastic. And the companion characters are well written – as well as NPCs. All NPCs serve a purpose, rather than to ‘crowd’ it out.
It looks pretty fun! I might have to pick it up too. Assuming Gamestop has it in stock. Or just get it on Amazon. Whichever is cheaper. 
prismbursts replied to your post: ruthlesspiety replied to your post: So yesterday I...
I adore the first Original Sin game and cannot wait to get my hands on OS 2!   
High praise all around!
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guiltsworn-a · 6 years
mistletoe from Ignes (ps: lean in for a kiss and get punched)
mistletoe time !
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         really, what was the point in putting mistletoe over the doorway to the undercroft ? vic had a real bone to pick with whoever did the decorating, exhausted by the mere sight of it as he delivered something or other to ignes. there was only a split moment of pondering when he saw it, but he could practically feel a glare coming from ignes, and something told him even thinking of it would land him a black eye. and rightfully so ! mistletoe seemed an odd tradition to him, but one many people seemed to follow incessantly. there would have to be an exception, this time. there were lines that were drawn, and kissing someone he barely knew, who didn’t seem at all interested, was one he wasn’t keen on crossing. no need to have a blackened eye for the holidays !
           so, he looked at the mistletoe, back to ignes, back up, and to her once more ; before shaking his head. ❝no. ❞ he handed her the delivery with those words, then raised a hand to give her a friendly pat on the cheek. ❝there ya’ go. that’s the most you’re gettin’ out of me. ❞gaze shifted back to the decoration once more, vic scowling up at it and batting at it once. ❝we ought to take these down, really. though … i’d like to see some orlesian noble stuck under it with the likes of varric, or someone.❞
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The Restricted Section ||Closed with prismbursts||
“Now’s the perfect time,” Ayalea whispered to her dorm mate. “Everyone’s asleep.”
She pulled the hood of her cloak over her head, hiding her stark white hair. It was an identifying factor during the day and would practically glow at night, giving away their position should someone stumble upon the two girls. After tucking her wand into her pocket, Ayalea placed her hands on her hips and gave a satisfied huff.
A grin, not quite evil but most certainly devious, crawled across her face. Breaking into forbidden rooms and areas in her family manor was exciting, but there was little repercussions when she was caught. Breaking into anything at Hogwarts would most certainly have consequences, and that made this endeavor much more thrilling.
“This will be fun!” 
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d5lead-blog · 6 years
prismbursts liked your post “starter call for anyone awake need more interaction. ”
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You didn’t think it was possible, but somehow, you met in the same situation. rogue agents downed by him and his breathing, turned ragged as a fire raged around them. It feels... nostalgic. 
 “Are you stalking me?” because clearly this is not coincidence anymore. 
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ulvlord · 5 years
"Do you ever think about what we did?" (Urokai @ Zarga )
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 “All the time, my dear friend.” but there is no regret in his actions because he did this for reasons no one will ever know. Urokai being dense as the noblesse in certain regards. 
 “But there is no regret.”
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mercysought · 6 years
❛ you demonstrated courage and goodness. ❜ || Cerys @ Anora!
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   “So I’m a skellige? I’d have never have guessed!” Anora laughs and snorts, blue eyes lifting to the red haired woman standing beside her. It was easier, easier to do so after having your stomach lined and warmed with multiple cups of ale. The blonde doubted that anything would be quite as easy as laughing had been in that moment as the future unfolded in front of them. Ships were starting to be prepared and they were on edge, perhaps even more so than they had been when they had been fighting the black ones. Anora had heard that they would be fighting the wild hunt, but then again those were stories. Stuff of legends. She was almost certain that they were just old and scared men, looking into the ocean’s foam and seeing ghosts. 
Anora places the cup, now empty, over the wooden table. Most of the rest of the men and women around them were sleeping. Sleeping or had already gone off from the room, she guessed that was the only reason why Cerys had allowed herself to say that out loud. That and both of them were pretty sauced. The blonde woman elbows the other gently, half hugging her shoulder and shaking her slightly “This is going to be fine, Cerys. You’ll see.” Anora inhales the air sharply feeling a mix of the humidity from a group of people closed off in a small inn with the fire and from the rain outside.
It smelled like home, and sometimes home could smell right down awful. Such was life, Anora guessed. Right hand moves to the side of her hair, feeling her braided hair harsh beneath her palm as she shuffles her body to the side, away from Cerys. Her hand moves again to the mug, lifting it briefly only to remember that it was empty “In a couple of weeks we’ll be making fun of Hjalmar because he... I don’t know...” she pauses, leaning over the table and pushing the mug aside “Lost his sword in mid fight and had it all along sticking out of some poor sod’s face?”
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shysweet-hellhound · 6 years
♤ Iskra in... the Hinterlands. The valley with the dragon :)
Party banter! || Accepting! || @prismbursts​
Iskra: Wow, look at that! 
Janna: We all see it.
Iskra: I sure do hope so! Look at that valley, carefully formed over millions of years by a river, hard at work, all that water going somewhere. It’s a marvel of nature at work. What will the maker think of next?
Iskra: Oh, and the dragon is pretty neat, too.
Iskra: Hello, look at that! Breakfast!
Iskra: You lot think I’m taking the piss, but I mean it. How many times have I told you that I took down a dragon once and ate like a king for a week!
Janna: Is that so?
Iskra: I’m just saying, if you want, I can go take care of this one for you. The orphans in the next village over will never go hungry again!
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khxleesiofdrxgons · 5 years
💃 from Ignes, who is a bad dancer but wants to dance anyway like an idiot
send a symbol from your muse to mine.   add  ↪  for a reverse from my muse to yours
💃    :   dance with my muse.
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“Ignes, if you think I’m going to make a fool of myself in front of you, then you’re going to have to try harder.” She laughed softly as she denied the others offer to dance with her. She wasn’t comfortable dancing since it had been so long since the last time she actually danced. She could hardly remember all the dances. All she knew were just ballroom dances to appease her parents as a young girl. Even then she hardly got to do much of it.
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apostitudes · 6 years
35. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
outwardly, morrigan claims she’s already fine the way she is and if she wanted to change she would have done so already. and sure. she seems to believe it enough.
she does entertain the idea of the little girl with the mirror, and fantasizes about the kind of woman she might have grown up to be before choking out that thought. as though she could have possibly changed that—and what a stupid thing to worry over, to boot!
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aen-consilium · 6 years
“You’ll find your place in this world.” || Janna @ Caranthir :)
Questions/Comments to be sent // ALWAYS damned open
     For a moment, grey eyes broke their perfect facade. Glass shattered and true emotions showed in his balls for a short moment. Those were words his heart long to hear yet not from her; not from someone who didn’t matter to him - not from someone who was nothing better than a dust to him.
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     ‘Of course. I like to believe so, lady Lucretia.’ Wors both false and true; spoken just to push uncomfortable topic away. To not think how much he lost himself without orders.
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