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ericsonclan ¡ 2 years ago
Babe, Wake Up, It’s Pride Month
Summary: Clementine gets a friendly call from Duck kicking off Pride Month.
Word Count: 924
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Clementine yawned as she started to make her way towards the bed. She was ready to get under the covers and watch the latest episode of Rupaul’s Drag Race with Louis. Her husband was currently completely absorbed in whatever was on his phone. He kept typing away while Clementine got into bed and kissed him on the cheek.
“Whatcha up to?”
“Getting the text ready for midnight.” Louis mumbled and before Clementine could say anything he spoke again. “It’s time! Send!” He whacked his thumb against his phone then went back to frantically typing. “Aasim, you’re next!”
Clementine’s lips parted, ready to ask what was on his mind when suddenly her phone started to ring. With a quick glance she saw who it was.
“Hey, Duck,”
“Happy Pride! How’s my favorite bi doing? Feeling gay? Because I sure do!” His voice blew up her phone, making Clementine hold it back from her ear.
“Hell yeah I’m feeling gay! And happy pride to you too,” She glanced over and saw the mountain of a text her husband was preparing. That’s why he was so glued to his phone. “So, you just calling to say ‘gay rights’ or are you wanting to party?”
“Seriously?!?! Hell yeah! Yo, Knox, wanna party at Clem and Louis’?”
Clementine could hear Duck’s partner say something but it was too quiet to tell what.
“Tell Oakley we won’t be too loud,” Clementine added.
“Okay, they said yes anyway but I’ll let them know! I gotta call one more person and then the pan squad will be there!”
Duck hung up without another word and Clementine shook her head. Oh yeah - maybe she should make a few more calls.
Violet grumbled as she kept hearing her phone ding with texts. She tried her best to ignore it and instead burrowed her face further into the crook of Prisha’s neck. She knew what those texts were gonna be. Pride celebrations could wait; all she wanted to do right now was be with her wife. Fate didn’t seem to agree with those plans though as there was a knock on their front door. Violet sighed but ignored it until it kept going and going.
“Mmm, what’s that sound?” Prisha mumbled as she tried to blink the sleep out of her eyes.
“It doesn’t matter. Whoever’s there is gonna go away,” But Violet was proven wrong when the knocking continued.
“I’ll go check who it is,” Prisha slipped out of bed before Violet could say otherwise and blindly wandered through the apartment. She double checked to make sure her pepper spray was within reach if worst came to worst. Unlocking the door, she opened it and was immediately surprised when colorful confetti of pinks, oranges and white hit her directly in the face.
“Happy Pride, ya gay!” Renata beamed at Prisha who looked completely exhausted and confused. Her feelings only deepened as Sophie popped her head into view.
“Whoa! Congrats on being gay!” Sophie blew into a rainbow party horn causing it to shoot out and whack Prisha in the forehead.
“Why are you two here at three in the morning?”
“Because it’s Pride Month! Now we gotta hurry - to the Everett household!’ Renata declared then was off like a shot with Sophie right behind. Prisha stood there for a moment then silently closed the door. It was too early in the morning to deal with this.
“Minnie, Min!”
Minnie heard her wife’s voice as she was shaken awake.
“Babe, wake up, it’s Pride month!”
Minnie groggily opened her eyes and saw Renata’s bright smile.
“Yay! You’re finally awake!’ Renata started to kiss all over Minnie’s face while the ginger started to wake up.”
“Ren, what time is it?” Minnie looked over at the clock and saw that it was five AM. Way earlier than Renata usually got up but not so much for her.
“Come on, we gotta go!” Renata pulled at Minnie who was still waking up.
“What? Where?”
“To the first of many celebrations!” Renata wiggled her eyebrows playfully then kept pulling her wife along. It took Minnie a while before she realized they were heading to her old family house. When she arrived she was met with a flurry of confetti to her face.
“WOOO! You’re gay!” Sophie grinned then disappeared back into the kitchen. Minnie followed behind Renata who was busy helping Tenn make colorful pride pancakes.
“Hey there, Firefly,” Walter walked over and gave his daughter a hug. “Happy pride,”
“Thanks,” Minnie was still a bit groggy. “Oh yeah, happy pride,” She watched as her dad let go of the hug and wandered back into the kitchen.
“Matthew, we’re gonna need some more coffee,”
“You got it!”
Minnie watched her family for a minute before she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Glancing down she saw that she had a ton of texts with the most recent being from James. As she opened it she finally registered what it said.
Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈 I hope you have a great start to the month. Also I was wondering if you wanted to join me on a walk later today. I found a great new hiking spot
Minnie smiled down at the message then sent one back.
Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈 and yeah sounds good
She clicked through all the messages and worked to reply to some when she heard her wife’s voice again.
“Minipie, come on, you gotta celebrate too!”
“Okay, okay,” Minnie smiled then put her phone away. She could tell this was gonna be a great Pride month.
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ericsonclan ¡ 4 years ago
Push up Pals
Summary: Prisha decides to work out for a bit to get muscles for Violet when suddenly she spots her friend, Oakley.
Word Count: 1684
Notes: Oakley is a mare which is short for Nightmare, a type of monster that usually visits humans while they sleep.
Read on AO3:
“Getting muscles?” Prisha glanced over at the flexing frankenstein who nodded enthusiastically.
“Yeah, the ladies love muscles!” Louis smiled brightly.
“Louis is right, muscles are hot,” Clementine leaned forward and smiled over at the vampire. Prisha glanced ahead for a moment, her grip on her pile of books tightening slightly.
“Clem loves my muscles,” Louis lifted up one of his arms and flexed again, sending a flirty wink to his girlfriend before he grew self conscious.
Clementine gave a soft laugh and let her heartbeat settle before speaking up. “I do,” The human’s answer made the frankenstein extremely flustered and he moved to awkwardly scratch the back of his neck but he had moved too fast. Within seconds his hand flew off with a loud popping noise and ended up hitting another monster square in the face.
“Ow, what the fuck!” Mitch grumbled as Louis’ hand landed on the hallway floor with a pathetic thud.
“Oops, sorry,” Louis gave a sheepish grin and picked up his hand.
“I can help you out,” Brody offered and helped the frankenstein twists and turn the hand back into place.
“Thanks!” Louis gave an appreciative look towards the selkie.
“So what made you lose your hand this time?” Mitch asked as he and Brody soon joined in walking down the school hallway with the others.
“He was trying to prove that Clementine loves his muscles,” Prisha stated simply as she continued to walk.
“That and we were trying to convince Prisha to start working out to impress Vi with her muscles,” Clementine smiled smugly when she saw that the vampire was getting flustered.
“Oh yeah, muscles are fucking sexy!” Mitch spoke up with a smile. “Brodes has some from practicing swimming in her human form for competitions.” Brody blushed at her boyfriend’s words and pulled the sealskin closer around her shoulders. “That's really sweet, Mitch.” She leaned over, getting on her tiptoes and kissing the minotaur who looked shocked by the romantic gesture before smiling. His tail gently curled around his leg and he reached from Brody’s hand and intertwined their fingers.
Brody smiled at the gesture.  “I agree with Mitch, muscles are very hot. Whenever I see Mitch’s arm muscles-” Brody paused her sentence and gave an embarrassed seal noise. Mitch laughed goodnaturedly to which Brody playfully whacked his arm before noticing the light blush on her boyfriend’s face.
“Alright, I see your points,” The vampire spoke and fidgeted with her braid for a moment. “I’ll work on getting muscles.”
“Yeah!” Louis high fived Clementine.
“But aren’t you a vampire? So shouldn’t you have super strength and shit?” Mitch’s question made Prisha glance back.
“That’s a myth. Something that was fabricated through tales and the media to make us look dangerous and fearsome. At most vampires have a twenty percent higher strength level than a human’s.”
“Another question - why the hell didn’t you get muscles over all the years you’ve been alive? Were you just lazy?” Mitch had a smug smirk on his face when he noticed the vampire’s annoyance.
“Mitch!” Brody scolded and looked up at the minotaur who flicked his tail this way and that before it went slightly limp.
“For your information I was strengthening the most important muscle of all: my brain.” Prisha huffed and walked forward. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With that the vampire strolled outside, her eyes scanning for one of her favorite trees to sit under its cool shade. Her fangs poked out when she spotted the tree and she immediately made her way over there. Sitting down, the vampire leaned her head against the bark of the tree and let out a small sigh. Luckily she had finished up her homework in study hall. Unluckily for her Violet had a basketball practice which meant that she couldn't hang out with her girlfriend.
Still she had something to pass the time. The vampire reached for her copy of Frankenstein that the Finer Things Club was currently reading. Flipping through the pages, Prisha got to the section she was reading. It really was fascinating reading this once more but this time personally knowing a frankenstein. To think that this was the way people viewed Louis’ kind was fascinating, comparing what the author thought of the monster versus what one was actually like.
Both the book and actual frankenstein had a childlike naivete to them. Prisha could still recall the early days with Louis and how little he knew of the outside world. It was quite remarkable how much he had learned and grown. The vampire quickly got back to the book and devoured the contents of it. It was a truly memorable read.
After a while Prisha was staring at the closed book having finished the entirety of it. Now what was she supposed to do? There was still a little less than an hour before Violet was done with practice. The vampire glanced at the dorms off in the near distance, She could go back to her dorm or… Her mind turned to the conversation she’d had with her friends earlier. A few push ups would be a good start to getting muscles.
With that thought and the image of Violet’s face when she saw Prisha’s muscles in mind, the vampire cleared a spot and began to do push ups. She got into a simple rhythm when suddenly she felt an extremely uneasy aura. Prisha recognized this aura and stopped her push ups to see Oakley standing a small distance away. The mare’s head was covered by the hood of their hoodie. The front was completely shut except they had opened it enough for their eyes to peer out. Their hazel eyes stared at the vampire.
“Oakley, you’re staring,” Prisha stated and resumed her push ups. Oakley was an odd monster but she knew they wouldn’t bother spreading the word about her trying to get muscles. Besides the ones who were the sort to tell the others already knew she was doing this for Violet.
The mare walked forward, their sunken eyes still staring at Prisha. The bags under Oakley’s eyes were prominent as they rummaged around in their pocket for some granola to munch on.
“Would you care for some company?” Prisha looked up at Oakley who had a blank expression on their face.
“Nervous. Want to sit on your back,” Oakley pointed at the vampire’s back.
Prisha paused for a moment. Oakley had a tendency to like to sit on people’s chests and backs. It helped calm down the mare - as they put it, their heart felt a fuzzy good. The vampire thought for a moment. The added weight would help her get muscles faster plus she could help her friend. “Alright, give me one moment,” Prisha repositioned her hands and gave a nod.
Oakley walked over and was about to get on when they froze. “Are you sweaty?”
The question made the vampire look towards the mare. “What? No! Vampires rarely sweat!” Prisha could see the disbelief in Oakley’s baggy hazel eyes. Slowly they opened up their hood then tossed it back revealing their brown hair. Unzipping the hoodie, they tossed it on Prisha’s back.
“I feel slightly insulted,” Prisha mumbled while Oakley sat criss cross on her back. Their overwhelming aura tempered down a bit. It was still unnerving but less so now. Oakley happily munched on granola as Prisha continued with her workout. This certainly was a challenge but one that Prisha wouldn’t back down from.
“Thank you,” Oakley said matter of factly while they looked up and watched the clouds. “Duck tells me I should say that when I sit on backs and stomachs.”
“You’re welcome,” Prisha tried to smile up at the mare.
A few moments passed. Oakley’s hair bounced lightly with the movement of the pushups. Prisha could see a small smile on their lips.
“Why are you doing pushups?” The mare asked while tossing some more granola in their mouth.
“For Violet. I was told muscles are hot,” Prisha tried to move back her braid as she continued her work out. “Why are you nervous today?”
“Date with Duck. Gonna be out in public.” Oakley’s aura grew more unnerving for a moment; their anxiety was rising. The vampire could sense this and decided to focus on happier topics.
“You seem quite fond of Duck,” Prisha’s statement made Oakley smile more.
“He’s my favorite,” Oakley began to talk more freely now, going on and on about their boyfriend. Prisha listened thoughtfully, adding some comments here and there while she worked out.
After a while Oakley’s aura had mellowed out and there was a more peaceful version of it around them. The two friends continued to talk casually about this and that. Prisha took breaks every now and again before starting back up again.
Soon the time had flown by and basketball practice was done.
“I see Violet,” Oakley commented and nearly fell off Prisha’s back due to her panicking.
It took a moment or two but soon Prisha had recomposed herself and was walking towards Violet to greet her. “Hey, Vi. How was basketball practice?” Prisha asked while intertwining her hand with her girlfriend’s and stealing a quick kiss.
The romantic gesture made the werewolf’s tail wag excitedly. “It was good.” Violet smiled up at her girlfriend before spotting the mare. “Hey, Oakley.”
“Hey.” Oakley stared for a little too long as they zipped up their hoodie before speaking up again. “Bye, I have a date.” The mare didn’t wait for a response and tossed the hood over their head before pulling on the strings to completely close it then left.
“Well, Oakley is odd as always.” Violet commented while she walked forward with Prisha.
“True, but I find them charming. An unusual yet good friend,” Prisha smiled as she watched the mare wander off, nearly bumping into different monsters as they walked away. “So, shall we grab some food?” The vampire smiled lovingly over at the werewolf.
“I’d like that.” Violet returned the smile and soon the two were off, talking happily as they made their way towards their food destination.
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