#princessknight my beloved coming in clutch w the real questions
U remember that scene where Sansa has her period and Shea is trying to hide it and then leaves to stop the other girl and Sandor is suddenly there. Sandor wasn’t the one who told the queen was he? I feel like he wouldn’t
So there’s a lot of approaches to this. Some people say that Sandor heard the scuffle, and thought Shea and Sansa were in trouble and that’s why he was there. Some people say he was there under Cersei’s orders to guard (spy), suspected something was afoot, was nosy and told Cersei. Some people say he was being creepy and perving on Sansa, and may or may not have told Cersei. Some people think it’s a mix of two or more of those things. for the record, i haven’t gotten to that part in the books yet, so if my reasoning is off bear with me.
But we’re not talking ab why Sandor was in her room. At least that’s not why I’m here. i’m here to be insufferable
short answer: no ofc he fucking didnt sandors not a snitch
My objective opinion? He might’ve, he might not have. My biased, personal thirsty slavering fan opinion? I don’t think Sandor told on Sansa, it was the other hand maid after Shea threatened her.
(What did Shea expect to happen? Shea doesn’t have any prominent power, all the staff is manipulated to bow to the royals. Shea nor the maid did anything wrong, per se, but like. girl.)
The reason I think Sandor told Cersei: How the scene was shot. I think the scene was shot to tell the audience it was Sandor who told Cersei, bc “Shea can threaten the maid but she can’t threaten Sandor”. ok ig, kinda lame, but ok ig. Also, this is book stuff but he was Cersei’s bodyguard before Joffreys. If not loyalty, there is history there, if that’s something you think matters to Sandor. But we’re not here to take every scene as gospel, we’re here to be insufferable about introspection.
Reasons why i think he didn’t: If Sandor wanted to get Sansa in trouble, he could’ve at multiple times (the name day lie, the almost push, etc) but instead did quite the opposite. Why would he start now?
It’s kind of his whole thing that he’s been quiet quitting at Kings Landing since the first ep. (good for him act ur wage king you do not get paid enough for this shit)
Since when does Sandor give a fuck about what the royals want? Joffrey wants to be bowed to and feared and not lied to and respected. But when Sansa lies to him, when Myrcella talks back to him (book stuff) who does Sandor support? Not Joffrey. Hell, Sandor gives joffrey more sass than any of the other guards and higher-ups. Joffrey and Cersei want people punished for insolence and treason, but when Sansa is literally caught in 4k trying to kill Joffrey, who interrupts her? Cersei wants to know when Sansa gets her period so she can marry Sansa to the abusive asshole she hates, and who sandor doesn’t like either. So why would Sandor suddenly be struck with this sense of loyalty to Cersei? “women get periods on weekends too? damn. i should really tell my boss ab this” hUh???? he gives advice to sansa abt laying low and doing just enough to get by, why would he suddenly be jonny-on-the-spot dropping the Glow calendar screenshots in the “work🙄” gc after all that? after ALL that???? somethings not adding up. especially not his paycheck he does not get paid enough for all that
Now. If Cersei asked him point blank “did sansa get her period yet 🤨🤨🤨” he wouldn’t lie to her if he knew, bc like it’s probably a trap he’s not gonna risk it.
regardless i think the reason why he didn’t tell cersei is entirely selfish: it was either to further fuck over the royals or bc he just genuinely cannot be bothered. eh, he also pities sansa, and knows this information essentially damns her further. he has a habit of trying to look out for her in tiny ways, ways that can’t get him in trouble. not telling cersei is another way he could do that, so it’s not like it would even be inconsistent with what we’ve seen.
“but kat, if the scene wasn’t there to tell you it was sandor who informed cersei, then why was the scene there at all?” bc his whole theme is “sandor could’ve but he didn’t”. he could’ve ratted out sansa multiple times, he could’ve helped joffrey and the royals more but he didn’t. he could’ve not helped arya, he could’ve not helped anyone, he could’ve stayed and been further traumatized at blackwater he could’ve done a LOT of things but he didn’t. I think this scene could be interpreted as another “he could’ve but he didn’t” scene. that would follow his trend, anyway.
or, yknow, an equally valid interpretation is sandor was being a nosy little fuck and was like “lmaoooo sansa HEY CERSEI girl guess what”
hhhhhh i’m so sorry this was so long. i’m a little insufferable abt things like this. thank you for the ask!!! YOU GET ME RAMBLING LIKE NOTHING ELSE UGH i’m so sorry 💌
@ everyone else: this is my opinion, it’s probably wrong, i’m probably misinterpreting. i am biased. i am not opposed and completely open to anyone who has a drastically different interpretation, let’s talk abt it in my dms if you wanna tell me! keep things friendly, i’ve noticed there’s some hostility revolving around this argument so omg my opinions are my dumb silly little opinions it’s all good here.
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