#princess kayuga
minhosimthings · 7 months
Finished my Studio Ghibli binge watch!! And I have watched:
Howl's Moving Castle, Arrietty, Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, My Neighbour Tororo, Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, The Castle in the sky, The wind rises, Grave of the Fireflies, The Boy and the Heron, From up on Poppy Hill, When Marnie was there, Tales from Earthsea and The tale of the Princess Kayuga!
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nimphontheshore · 1 year
In flight’s program !
Part I.
Hey baby, je sais que tu appréhendes le vol bien qu'il soit relativement court. On sera pas ensemble but that doesn't mean we can't actually be together. Ci-joint je te prépare un petit programme de voyage que je suis suivrai à la lettre as well. Évidement... You don't have to follow it, at all, mais si tu te sens seule, just know i can be right there, doing the exact same thing. Pour le film, je vais surement te demander which one you would rather before taking off.
Anyway ! Here we go. They will prolly give you food an hour after take off... Let's say around 8pm for example. Tu pourras mettre something as a background, iPad kid girlfriend... Around at 8:40, let's watch a movie together. Ma liste letterboxd peut aider pour check les bails présents sur netflix. Tv shows sont envisageables as well !
Some ideas : Ponyo (because you fell asleep last night. It’s so cute. I will like it) ; Spirited away ; Princess Kayuga ; L.A Confidential ! (I don’t know if they are downloadable, we will have to check).
After the movie, I want you to rest, but I have a little thing for you. (check part II, but read at that moment). Now that I've given you sweet words for my sweetest doll, I need you to have the sweetest dreams. Please, I need you to listen to some music. You dont have to listen to mine all the way, you prolly have your own songs to sleep ; but know I will be listening, I will be right with you : Here’s a three hours long playlist so you can sleep. I picked carefully, I really hope it can help. If you do listen, I will be too. Trying to sleep : https://spotify.link/SoFs2YEZHBb
I love you, have a safe flight. I miss you.
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rosaurasaurio · 4 years
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Quizá mi escena y trazo favorito de la adaptación de la leyenda de la Princesa Kayuga. ❤💔❤
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fernsehn · 6 years
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llycaons · 3 years
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yenni19 · 3 years
Chapter 10
Akamari is upset crying in her room, Souske knocks at the door
Souske(opening the door): can I come in?
Akamari: your in already so shut the door
Souske: I'm sorry....
Akamari: why did you throw a fit....what's your deal with Sarutobi anyway.....he did nothing to you...it was just a present
Souske: it's not what he did....its what he is to you...and because of his father
Akamari: I don't understand...
Souske: what if I told you that you and Sarutobi are related by blood in some way...how would you see the situation then?
Akamari: it wouldn't matter....
Souske: even if you and Sarutobi share the same father...how would you feel about him then?
Akamari: your lying...that's not true!
Souske hands her a picture of her mother and Kawaki in the hospital room holding thier child
Akamari(crying): no....this can be any other kid!...or....or.....
Souske: this is a picture a day before she died...your grandmother took this picture hours after giving birth
He hands her a small photo book, she flips through it,when she gets to the last picture it's her mother and Kawaki showing a tiny Akamari
Souske: now you know the truth....
Suddenly out of nowhere Souske gets sucker punched as he gets thrown and breaks the door
Souske(scared and coughs up blood): Akamari.....I'm......sorry.....I........didn't....want...to....upset....you....
Akamari(angry while activated byakugan): you and him both....are shitty excuses for parents....him for being a coward....but you....you are the shittiest.....for not coming to see me....now I know why
Souske(catching his breath): no Akamari....that's not true...you still are my daughter.....
Suddenly her gift starts to show red instead of gold causing things to turn to ash
Souske(pleading): Akamari.....please honey...let's calm down...
Akamari(laughing): sorry dad....but I no longer am calm....(screaming) I see red!
Suddenly the whole room is ash as she disappears, Sauske saves his son by teleporting him to the living room
Sauske: what the hell was that Souske...
Naruto(interrupting): it's begun hasn't it...Kayuga's gift is evolving inside Akamari
Souske: it's not the first time this happened....
Sakura: how long ago...how old was she?
Souske: it was was around the time Samari was little...Akamari was seven and they were playing....Akamari got tired of playing but Samari pestered her....and that's when I noticed the gift turning red causing a knife to fly directly across the room almost Stabbing Samari....ever since then I've been so terrified of a tragedy happening that I isolated myself from her and kept her occupied at all times...making sure she had no room for anger...but my biggest mistake was separating Samari from Akamari by sending her abroad just so she was not hurt by her own sister
Sauske: well we better find her....if not there's a chance she's not in this realm....we are gonna need Boruto and her father....
Sakura: but she might attack him....like she did Souske...
Naruto: we must take that chance....its the only way to bring Akamari back here....ready Sauske
Sauske: when ever you are....idiot
Akamari reappears but in a meadow, with a big tree in the middle, it's night as she looks around and sees tall grass with every wildflower in it. Fireflies in every direction lighting up the night like tiny stars
Akamari: where am I.....how did I get here...I really need to control my anger....(smacks her head) damn it why am I so temper mental....why the hell am I this way
She looks around and notices a cabin....she goes inside and sees its dusty....she cleans it
Akamari: this place must of been abandoned....for awhile....well its looks better now since I cleaned it (cracks her nuckles) well its time to start a fire....its getting cold
She starts chopping wood....and gets a fire going, she notices the book shelf with several books, and picks one out to read....within minutes she falls asleep
Back at the leaf village, the Uzumakis and Uchias including Kawaki and Sarutobi are trying to find Akamari
Sauske: there's no trace of her....anywhere
Sakura: maybe she's hiding somewhere we don't know about
Hinata: I just hope she's okay.....
Naruto: where can she be?
Boruto(running to his parents): it's been three hours...we have to call it a night...and start again in the morning
Kawaki(meeting up with Boruto): we can't she might be in trouble....who knows where she is
Sarutobi(running to meet up the Uzumakis): I looked as well...its like she disappeared leaving no trace I can't even sense her chakra signature anywhere
Four days pass, Akamari wakes up from a deep sleep, she finds a way out from the meadow heading back to the leaf village
Akamari(entering the village): man I'm starving...I'll probably go to the Ramen noodle shop...and order thier special
Suddenly as she's walking...Akamari notices surprised stares coming from the villagers
Akamari(confused): that's weird...why do they look like I was reincarnated or something
She goes to the ramen shop....as she enters inside....everyone is shocked and silent, she shrugs it off and orders her food, the waiter nervously hands it to her
Akamari(smiles): thank you
Waiter(nervosly): your welcome
Phara(sitting next to Akamari): you girl have a powerful gift dont you....its must be amazing to be the last Otsutsuki in your bloodline
Akamari(confused): I'm sorry...who are you?
Phara: my name is not important....but I must tell you something....on the twenty first year of your birthday you will give your life for the sake of humanity as the last Otsutsuki
Akamari: the last Otsutsuki....give my life...
Phara: yes your life....because your gift is rare and powerful you will be a target for those like you....they will stop at nothing to gain it...heed my words and from here on out be careful who you surround yourself with...life is precious
Akamari: but I'm not an Otsutsuki....
Phara: your father is Kawaki Madra holder of the karma.....your mother is Himawari Uzumaki daughter of the jinchuriki who held the ninetail fox and the bayakugan princess
Akamari(shocked): how do you know that....
Phara: I've been watching you my dear....my duty as a birther was to look after you...I'm the last one of my kind who still alive and holds the gift of the forseer which let's me know about catastrophic events
Akamari: but you look so young....how old are you?
Phara: four hundred and fifty years...
Akamari(spits and chokes on her soup): what....you....are....four hundred and fifty....years.....old?
Phara: yes I've was around even before clans turned into cities like this one...I've been and seen how ugly wars can be between Otsutsuki and humanity....you are the last of your bloodline....you will fulfill your duty in order to stop another war from happening....you are destined to be a fallen hero
Akamari(sad): a fallen hero....me....but I don't even train....
Phara: in time you will....you will pick a sensei that most thought to be dead...but don't worry he'll find you...and you will know
Akamari: who...?
Phara: he'll be a man missing a limb....with spiky white hair....a legendary sage who trained your grandfather Naruto...but be cautious he's not who he use to be...he's mean and strict...but I believe you can soften his hard shell
Akamari: wait a minute...the woman chaser that always got my grandfather in trouble....Jiraiya
Phara(smiling): so you know of him...but don't worry....he has lost the habit eversince he realized that he was at the brink of death....he even lost his will to write those repulsive make out tactics...now he just writes poems that are famously known around here...he even changed his name which is now Jerico Myzuki...a famous poet
Akamari(shocked): wait...are you saying my favorite poet of all time...is Jiraiya....Narutos sensei...the so called pervy sage...are you sure it's the same person....
Phara: yes....(getting up to leave) well I have to go I believe you have somewhere to go at this moment....Jerico is having a book signing today and you will miss it if you don't hurry
Akamari: but his book signing isn't four days from now at eleven thirty specifically
Phara(pointing at the calendar): but it's the eighteenth today and it's ten thirty
Akamari(shocked): omg I've been gone four days!...(pays for her food) thank you lady I got to go...I'll see you around
She arrives at the book signing....there are crowds of women waiting for the largest book store in the village to open for the book signing
Akamari(disappointed): damn if I knew there would be crowds of women here I would of came an hour early
Mianari(walking up to Akamari): are you here to get a signature from Jerico Myzuki?
Akamari: yeah why
Mianari: no reason.....I need to see if this was the right book store....there are two more but they are on the other side of town....I just stopped by to give my husband his lunch
Akamari(surprised): wait....are you Jerico Myzuki's wife....
Mianari: oh I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Mianari Myzuki wife of.....
Akamari(mesmerized): you were the famous singer who managed the group Starfall....which is my favorite group of all time...but it still upsets me till this day they disbanded about four years ago
Mianari: well it was a good fifteen years with them....but the group just wanted to do thier own things....I believe the main singer is a father of two beautiful little girls...and the guitarist is a pharmaceutical tech the other three became solo artists
Akamari(pointing at the crowd): um...one question...how will you get through the crowd of fangirls wanting your husband....
Suddenly Akamari notices the group move to one side of the book store. A large man in a black suit and silver hair walks past the crowd of scared girls and walks up to Mianari
Mianari: Izuke....there you are is my husband inside?
Izuke: yes he is (showing Mianari the way) he is waiting to have lunch with you before the signing miss
Mianari: oh great I thought I came too late (to Akamari) well it was nice getting to know you...hope to meet you again
Akamari(smiling): yeah I hope so too...and by the way Jerico is lucky to have a wife like you
Mianari: thank you well I'm off bye
Akamari(waving): bye...Mrs Myzuki
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floornostroszek · 5 years
intimacy is when you watch “the tale of the princess kayuga” together and then both cry a lot
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goblin-grimace · 4 years
2, 17, and 28 from that ask list!! :-)))
2: age-20
17: favorite food-pasta mmm
28: fav movie-The Tale of Princess Kayuga :,)
THANK U for participating <3
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cupidcore · 6 years
hey! please recommend me cute movies that might make me "good" cry!!
examples: the tale of princess kayuga (i think spelled her name wrong), moana, howls movie castle, bambi, brother bear
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asophiewannabe · 6 years
I finished short stories vol. 2 and I loved Princess Kayuga’s Lover and Casablanca Memory, but I was sadly disappointed by Parallel Sailor Moon!
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nthd-jen · 4 years
Watching any good shows/anime lately? If so, which?
Hmmm, not really any shows atm, but the most recent anime I watched was The Tale of Princess Kayuga, looks hand drawn, took a decade to make, studio Ghibli production.
It's based off one of the oldest folklore tales in Japan.
I want to continue watching Demon Slayer and AOT.
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twoothpa2te · 7 years
The Final Ghibli Movies Ranking
I don't know why I did this but I found seven different rankings of all 22 (counting Ocean Waves) Studio Ghibli movies, wrote down each respective ranking, removed the lowest rank from each as an outlier, averaged and ordered them and then decided to post them on the internet for The Bants™
So basically, here is the Official Final Be-All-And-End-All Judged-By-Multiple-Sources Idk-I-Think-It-Should-Be-Pretty-Accurate-This-Is-The-Average-Opinion-Of-Multiple-People-Who-Were-Trying-To-Be-Unbiased-I’d-Say-It’s-Pretty-Close Ranking Of Every Studio Ghibli Movie Ever.
Whisper Of The Heart
The Tale Of The Princess Kayuga
Princess Mononoke
Kiki’s Delivery Service
My Neighbour Totoro
Castle In The Sky
Porco Rosso
Spirited Away
Only Yesterday
Grave Of The Fireflies
Pom Poko
Nausicaä Of The Valley Of The Wind
The Wind Rises
The Cat Returns
Howl’s Moving Castle
When Marnie Was There
The Secret World Of Arrietty
My Neighbours The Yamadas
From Up On Poppy Hill
Ocean Waves
Tales From Earthsea
this is what i do in my spare time. anime maths
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smallrinilady · 9 years
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Can be found at http://rinipapercuts.etsy.com
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