#princes maita
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“Zorrino! You’re a prince now?”
“Well, I guess I will be once Maita and I are married! What about you, amigo Tintin?”
“I uh, got fired by my newspaper.”
I always wondered what the hell happened to Zorrino, they just let him stay in a hidden community they barely interacted with? Does he have any family outside? Any friends? Colleagues? He sells oranges, he must know some people. Will he ever be allowed to go outside ever again? Not to mention how much he’d have to adjust to. In the 1969 Belevision animated adaptation they gave Zorrino a love interest (Princess Maita) which partially explains his decision to stay in the Inca city.
I can’t help but feel his original community would notice him being missing too, like two white guys with firearms show up and return from the forest without him. yeah prisoners of the sun was pretty whack
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misspeppermint2003 · 1 year
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Laura from Underdogs (Argentina)
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Mirabel Madrigal from Disney's Encanto (Colombia)
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Jewel from Rio (Brazil)
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Inca Princess Maita from The Adventures of Tintin (Peru)
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Carla Veloso from Pixar's Cars 2 (Brazil)
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rcginald · 3 years
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               𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 ... 𝐇𝐑𝐇 𝐅𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐈 𝐙𝐔𝐋𝐔
                                             princess of zimbabwe
name : farai maita* zulu
age : 24-27
title : princess of zimbabwe
fc : GRETA ONIEOGOU, jamilla strand, alisha boe, any fitting fc.
family in the rp : reginald zulu ( brother ), keneilwe zulu ( cousin on mother’s side ), michael and aisling uí briúin ai ( cousins on father’s side )
other family : nylane zulu ( sister ), omari, anani, and myra zulu ( cousins on mother’s side )
rp : @highsocietyhq
helpful links : zulu family task , reggie’s intro
farai is the third child of queen nelisiwe of zimbabwe and king consort cillian (née prince of ireland) & the little sister to reginald and nylane, her twin siblings. she is spontaneity and wit, as opposed to the twins and their sage and reflective dispositions.
she can’t help but feel like an afterthought sometimes. in her younger years, it feels like she grappling at her siblings tails. they made their name in zimbabwe and she had no choice but to schlepp along as “the little sister.” but farai has her wits, and in the shadow finds her spark. troublesome, might be the word some will use. she’d prefer you find her entertaining. reggie and farai are alike in a lot of ways. the difference is reggie thinks a lot of things, but farai isn’t afraid to say them.
feel free to message me ( @rcginald ) if you’re looking to flesh ideas out !!
* first and middle are placeholder names !
( leonor de braganca ), the ( lucy boynton ) fc would like a ( roommate in genoa ( 2015-2017 ) [ 22-27 ] ) with ( any fc of color ). the mun ( doesn’t require ) you to contact them before applying. [ title utp ]
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sidem-imagines · 4 years
hello!! thank you so much for running this account ;;!!! i really appreciate it! may i request imagines for rui maita as a boyfriend in general...? ;w; thanks so much
Ooooh! My first ask for something that isn’t headcannons! I’m excited~ I apologise for how long it took me getting to this ask, as it is longer than my usual stuff but! I hope you enjoy it~
I’m putting it under the cut because, like I said, it’s a little bit long, so sorry for that in advance.
As a child you wondered what love might mean for you. You used to wonder would it be a prince or princess who whisked you away. Would there be a thousand failures or one success? Were soulmates real or just something people would say to make themselves feel better? However, you’ve grown now. You’re older, and you’ve matured. No longer are you young and naive. No longer do you have to dream of such concoctions. When you wake and see him sleeping beside you, you know exactly what love is. Rui is not what you would call a ‘graceful’ sleeper, with messy, vibrant bangs falling in his eyes; that immature grin that refuses to fade, even when he’s unconscious; his limbs sprawled across your shared bed at awkward angles. But you love him. You love him with every inch of your heart, and the gaze he gives you when sleepy eyes finally open assures you that he feels the same. Warm, amber eyes that are so, so full of adoration. He doesn’t say anything for a moment, just taking in the view of you, his beloved. In that moment, nothing else matters. It's you and him. Nothing else. The rest of the world fades into nothingness. The day's troubles can wait. 
Whilst you shower, you can hear him cooking breakfast for you. He always hums to himself whilst doing it; you can hear it from the bathroom. The sweet sounds of his singing just melt any negativity away. Everything is so much easier with him nearby. Once you’re cleaned and dried off, it’s all set out ready for you. He’s cooked your favourite for you, just like you knew he would. His constant affection is no longer surprising, but it’s no less unwelcome. He’s rambling a mile a minute about anything and everything. As bright as he is normally, he seems to glow even more when the two of you are together. He never seems to stop smiling, and in all honesty? You find yourself doing the same.
After the two of you are finished eating, he gives you a final kiss on your forehead, before heading back to your bedroom to get himself ready for the day. Needing something to keep your hands busy, you pick up your plates and start on the washing up. Best to not let it stack up, right? As you’re finishing it up, placing newly cleaned silverware in the drawer, there’s a sudden welcome weight around your waist. It’s a feeling you’re familiar with. The feeling of your boyfriend cuddling you from behind, his arms wrapped tightly around you with his head resting on your shoulder. “I love you.” He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, pressing a gentle kiss against your skin. He’s so much gentler than his usual bouncing, off the walls self during the mornings. You love that. You love all versions of him, but these soft moments just feel extra...personal.
He’s always so sappy when it comes to saying goodbyes in the morning. He insists on walking with you to the station, even though it slows down his journey to his work at 315Productions. He milks every second he gets to spend with you, and you don’t complain. Your hands are intertwined the entire way there, his thumb stroking soft circles into your skin. He claims that the hug on the platform will be your final one, but you know that’s not true. Just before you can step onto the train, he pulls you in for a brief kiss, before winking and letting you go. He’s just adorable. You can’t help but blush a little as the carriage trudges off. What would you do without him?
Half way through your day your phone vibrates in your pocket, and the message warms your heart. It's routine for him to send you some sort of encouragement  everyday, but you really needed it today. Your smile down at your phone screen, before holding it close to your heart, if only for a moment, before shooting a reply back to him. You place your device back in your pocket, before returning to your work. You can’t help but sigh in relief as you glance at the picture of the two of you that you keep on your desk, an anniversary present from him. Everything is okay, because he’s here. He’ll be waiting for you with open arms, you just know it.
He wraps you up in his arms as tight as can be as soon as you walk through the doors. “Welcome home!” He runs your hands through your hair and holds your face gently, before kissing your forehead lightly. “I missed you.” His voice still holds that chipper quality that makes him sound so unique, but something about his tone is more gentle, and filled to the brim with love and adoration. He thinks the world of you, that much is clear. Whether it's the look in his eyes whenever he sees you, or the thousands of gestures throughout the day, something just tells you that this is right. This is what it feels like to be loved
You spend the evening curled up on the sofa, re-watching old favourite shows and movies. You stay wrapped up in each other the entire time, his arm around your shoulders.. His embraces are always softer than anyone else’s, that bit sweeter. Occasionally, his hands reach up to comb your hair, but mostly they stay in one place, firm but reassuring. He wants you to know that he’s here for you. He wants nothing more than to be there for you until the end of time.
He’s the last thing you see as you close your eyes and settle into bed. He strokes your cheek a final time, planting a kiss on the back of your hand, before both of you fall into the domain of sleep. As a child you wondered what love might mean for you, but now you know. Rui Maita is your love, and no matter what else changes in your life, that one fact will remain constant. I hope you enjoyed!
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quell-tea-salon · 6 years
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THE IDOLM@STER SideM 3rdLIVE TOUR - GLORIOUS ST@GE Fukuoka (2018/3/25) event report
Cast: S.E.M, Cafe Parade, THE Kogado, Legenders, Mofumofuen, Beit (Pierre and Minori only; Kyoji (Ume-chan) was at Anime Japan).
This is going to be long and messy and full of CAPS. Cast members are referred to by their nicknames. The set list, if you don’t mind spoilers.
Where do I start? My heart is so full.
My day started like this: I was exhausted even before the concert because I had been in the queue for the merchandise booths for FIVE HOURS since 8:30am. There was SO many people, and no doubt many, like me, had traveled interstate or even from overseas. As Fukuoka’s concert was the only one held in West Japan I think that many fans from this side of the country would make the effort to come even if they didn’t have a ticket for the concert (anyone could visit the merch booths and there were cinemas nearby showing the live-viewing). Anyway, I was planning to buy the rubber wrist bands but they all sold out within the first hour. I had to keep changing my shopping list while checking twitter updates about stuff that had sold out, and by the time I reached the booths pretty much everything that I wanted was gone, save the official pamphlet and Fukuoka limited edition charm (in pic above). I’ve attended events before so I should have known what to expect, but I was still shaking my head in disbelief ^p^ On the bright side I made friends with the person who was in line next to me (a BeitP!) and after we were finally done with the booths we barely had time to grab lunch before the show started.
There was another long (but thankfully fast-moving) queue to enter the concert hall as staff did ID checks, then yet another line for the bathroom. By the time I made it back to my seat, it was 6 minutes to start time OTL Unfortunately I didn’t have much luck with seating this time; I was two thirds down the back of the hall and could barely see the ground level of the stage. ...And of course there was a tall dude a few rows in front of me blocking my view of the middle of the stage >_> I had to keep reminding myself that I was lucky just to be there. (Sitting in the back rows isn’t all bad though; more on that later.)
The show kicked off with the standard sponsors and messages from Yamamura on the main screen. Then the lights dimmed and the whole cast appeared on stage to perform Reason!! It took a while for it to set in that I was actually physically present at a concert and not watching a live-viewing T_T For today’s concert Totto (Hazama-sensei) covered Shugon’s (Teru) solo parts in the song. Later he introduced himself as the MC for today! While I was happy for him tbh I was also a little worried bc Totto can be fuwafuwa (fluffy.... if you get my drift), but I knew Yoshiki would support him. Thankfully Totto was a decent if mostly absent (lol) host, and even Enokiya, usually a salty tsundere, was surprisingly serious for the most part *Maita P’s everywhere clutching their chests* Furukawa and Shohei both said that they were happy to be here as Fukuoka/Kyuushu is their hometown. They both spoke a few lines (in-character) in the local dialects :D During Legenders’ turn Kasama-san shared a cute story about Fuumin - apparently it was Fuumin’s first time on a plane and after landing his ears felt weird so he said “I think I left my ears in the sky!” which Kasama-san thought was such a cute thing to say wwwwwwww Fuumin turned bright red... Koma-chan was just happy to be near the ocean ww (the convention hall was right along the water).
After the intro talk the lights dimmed again and as soon as we heard taiko drum beats we quickly set our pen lights to fluro pink - it was From Teacher to Future! S.E.M appeared in the ouendan cheer outfits and recited the lines from ep5 (as per Makuhari day 2) before striking the Pose of Passion as the crowd cheered :D Again, they shed the ouendan coats before singing. This time Cafepa were the background cheerleaders!! (Later, Enokiya said that he felt whoever was behind him (Asselin iirc) hit him with their pompom a couple of times ww)
Next was Mofumofuen with Welcome Happy Kira Park! THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SONGS TO DO CALLS WITH! It was sooo much fun and there were all so adorable T_T To this day I’m still in awe of Yano every time Nao’s voice comes out of his mouth lmao
Cafepa was up next with Cafe Parade! As a fan of Furukawa I was excited to finally get to see him live and he didn’t disappoint. Idk why but today he cranked up the seduction to 100 and his Asselin was.. ajfh;ajfk;ahk;s Asselin u ok why are you dripping sex appeal.......... this is not the Asselin that i know... Also i was wearing concert earplugs (bought a pair after realising that attending so many concerts was gradually damaging my ears; didn’t help that Japan’s concerts are RIDICULOUSLY LOUD) but I could still feel his insane vibrato through the ear plugs O______O But I digress. Cafepa are always rly fun to watch on stage as their performances tend to be dramatic and have a musical flair.
Legenders - Symphonic Brave. I was shaking bc MY OCEAN BOYS!!! It’s my least fave Legenders song but I’ve gradually warmed up to it after watching them perform it on LV a few times, and i rly do love the vocals. Combined with the visuals on the monitor this song makes you feel like you’re soaring through the sky and that anything is possible... Sadly Koma-chan wasn’t performing well today (I briefly wondered if he had a cold or something bc his voice was rly weak in both volume and control), but Kasama-san and Fuumin were amazing! I love the use of mic stands in this song T_T
Kogado - Tsuyoku Toutoki Kemonotachi. Each time they perform this song they do a brand new fight sequence during the bridge; usually Shohei is the one who comes up with the moves (with help from the dance instructors) but for Fukuoka, all three Kogado members worked together and performed a badass fight scene complete with explosive sound effects www
For the next song, a grand staircase decorated with red carpet unfolded on the main screen and Pierre appeared on the upper level of the stage. Mahou no Stair!!! (Yes!!!!!! We knew that Pierre and Minori were definitely singing their solos since they were unlikely to do any Beit songs without Kyoji, and it also happened to be the last day for Beit in the tour.) As Pierre made his way down the stairs towards the lower level of the stage, the steps lit up in red, mimicking the red carpet, while the staircase on screen shifted so it looked like Horieru was a prince gracefully descending upon the ballroom to join us for a dance ;______; Tbh I’m not fond of Pierre’s solo as it sounds rather flat (a pity considering Pierre has such a cute genki voice) but he was super cute and princely and melted every heart in the vicinity T_T At the end of the song he made a gesture like he was waving a magic wand to cast a spell (the main screen behind him showed a sparkly golden spiral) and when he moved aside to retreat from the stage MINORI APPEARED ON THE UPPER LEVEL HOLDING A BOUQUET T______________T Pierre had summoned Minori!!!!!!!!! We screaaaaamed omg Beit medley T______T
During Cherish Bouquet TakaP unleashed his sparkly princely charisma by 5000000% and killed a bunch of people (both girls and guys) in the audience [FANSERVICE INTENSIFIES] By the end of the song most of us were dead.... and when he held out the bouquet towards us (the camera) our SCREAMS lol istg ;;;;;;;;;;;;
Then both Pierre and Minori appeared on stage again wearing blue happi kimonos as the next song’s intro played AND WE LOST IT BC IT WAS FUN FUN FESTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEIT!!!!!!!! GROUP SONG!!!!!!! THEY’RE DOING BEIT SONGS AFTER ALL!!!!! T__________T AND FUNFUNFESTA IS MY #1 FAVOURITE SONG TO DO CALLS WITH omg i felt sooooooo spoiled at that moment...... There was so much to love about this part. Pierre usually dances with his Kaerre plush in this song but this time he was holding Kyoji’s pierre plush (the blue one!)  so Kyoji could perform with them ;___; And both Pierre and Minori were super generous with the fanservice! TakaP’s winks are so destructive >< During the catering part konamono was replaced with “Ramen!” (specialty dish of this region). THEN KOGADO BURST ONTO THE STAGE, ALL WEARING HAPPI KIMONOS AND CARRYING A MIKOSHI PALANQUIN djhfaglhgdfLJHGLFHJDSdf they were hopping and cheering and it was both hilarious and amazing to see Kogado like this......... Really there was so much happening, my heart could barely keep up ;;;;;;;
Shinonome was up next with Piece Montee. This whole sequence was really cute! During the song he mimicked making a cake, piping cream and taste-testing before finally being satisfied with his creation. A HUGE (like, human-sized) balloon art cake was wheeled out onto the stage. After Shinonome left the stage, the lights dimmed and Nao-kun appeared, admiring the cake which had a plate saying “Happy birthday Nao!” on it!!!! NAO-KUUUUUNNNNN THE BIRTHDAY BOY <3<33333
Nao was the cutest thing during Hop Step Hai, Ship T___T He kept admiring the cake and looked soooo happy... He even showed us his fluffy tail and i just jhdfkj;gf;KDF,lkl just, an angel ;;;;;;;;;;
Later during the talk segment, Yano thanked us for all the love, support, and birthday wishes, and said that while he’s feeling incredibly happy and blessed, he has no doubt that Nao is feeling even happier and at the top of the world. It was also Minori’s birthday around that time, so as a double birthday celebration they asked us producers for a favour. We all held up our pen lights in red to mimic candles on a birthday cake, and when Minori and Nao made the motion of blowing out the candles we turned off our pen lights all at the the same time. The hall and stage lights were completely dimmed for this and it was a really pretty sight T_T Happy birthday, Nao and Minori!!!!!!!!!!!
Then it was time for Mofu In The Park, another super fun song to call along to! ME ME! PYON PYON!! GAO GAO!!!!!!!!!!!! This was Mofu’s last day in the tour and they really gave it their all ;___;
So i was in disbelief already and my brain barely had a second to process that this song belongs to S.E.M and Jupiter before S.E.M APPEARED FROM THE SHADOWS ON AN ELEVATED TROLLEY DECORATED IN BRIGHT RAINBOW LIGHTS AND I JUST DIEEEEEDDDDDDDDD ajbgadjakhaf;l ok so i kinda expected a trolley to come out bc i noticed the staff running around and looking like they were securing the routes, but i wasn’t expecting it to be S.E.M, much less them singing this...sinfully sexy song ;_______; The trolley started from the left side of the stage and made its way around the perimeter of the concert hall, doing a left into the walkway RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE BLOCK OF SEATS WHERE I WAS (they were so close omg S.E.M!!!! BEFORE MY EYES!!!! crying forever) before ending its journey on the right side of the stage. As per tradition they were throwing rubber balls at the audience (sadly not in my direction ><). Jirou-chan and Rui were perfect idols and dishing out fanservice the entire time //// Hazama-san was amazing and beautiful and stoic ajhgfsaldgsl god i love SEM so much ;;;;;; As the trolley passed in front of me JIROU-CHAN POINTED AT ME!!!!!!!! At that moment i was actually grateful for getting a shitty seat at the back of the hall sobssss Jirouuuuuuuuuu ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I REALLY love this song but i have to admit i was barely paying attention to the singing because i was... distracted....... haha... Also this performance changes things for Shizuoka because if SEM did their collab song without Jupiter there’s a chance that DraSta will sing Etranger without Beit. Oh my god. I’m shaking just thinking about it. I’M JEALOUS OF EVERY SINGLE PERSON ATTENDING SHIZUOKA T_T pls say hi to my babies on my behalf.... Anyway, back to the concert.
Tbh i was already 1000000% satisfied with the concert after SEM’s performance lmao but the set list continued to blow my mind... One of the solos i was hoping to hear was Saki-chan’s Favourite ni Odorasete, AND THAT WAS THE NEXT SONG!!!!!!! I started out not rly liking Kobapyon’s voice for Saki-chan because he does this weird squeak that a lot of female seiyuu do too for cute moe characters, which ig kind of describes Saki-chan... But the more i learned about Saki-chan the more i started to like him (her? they? idk which pronoun Saki-chan prefers, pls do enlighten me if you know) and his solo is such a cute and catchy song T_T Kobapyon is srsly really cute in person as well.... just a bundle of angelic cuteness and ribbons tbh.... To top it off, the guest performers for this song were Minori and Pierre!!! Minori was at the top of the stairs and as Saki-chan approached he gave him a bouquet, which Saki-chan happily accepted. Then Minori held out his hand like a fking prince and held Saki-chan’s hand and escorted him down the stairs AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH (the crowd wouldn’t stop screaming ajkh;skjfg). At the bottom of the stairs was Pierre, sitting on a bench and reading a book (iirc). Saki-chan bade Minori farewell and approached the bench, and Pierre pulled out a handkerchief and set it on the bench for Saki-chan to sit on JKAHGLFHGLAHG WHO EVEN DOES THAT ANYMORE OH MY GOD T_______T Saki-chan danced with the both of them in turns and just looked like a beautiful princess with her princes... (I just remembered a tweet i saw about this... “Saki-chan with B(eit) LOL BURUZON CHIEMI REFERENCE) By this point the audience had died again from both jealousy (of Saki-chan) and just overall bliss from getting to witness this cute af performance. Compare this to last year when SEM were the ones escorting Saki-chan and got slapped in the face instead LOL. (When this was brought up during talk time Yoshiki was like “Oh, so it’s fine if it’s Takatsuka?” LMAOOO)
The CafePa medley kept going! Next up was Roll’s One Whole Wonderful. Roll is SO cute!!! TwT He mimed being surrounded by cakes and took a bite from all of them before breaking into the HAPPIEST smile, omg just precious ;;;;;;; Why is CafePa full of cuties ;;;;;;;;;;;; My heart was purified ;;;;;;;;; Then the rest of CafePa joined him on stage for Reversed Masquerade. I love this song more and more each time i see it. I especially the single-file march they do towards the end ;w; 
I started yelling again when the next song played because it was another one that i had been hoping to hear!! Amehiko’s Sweep Your Gloom!!!!!!! (Lol before the concert i was like “I’ll be happy if i get to hear this ONE song. And maybe these others too if i’m really lucky” and i got to hear pretty much all the songs on my list dhjgladhflajdh BLESSED) I love Amehiko’s smooth voice so, so much and this song, despite the serious and uplifting lyrics, sounds sexy af bc of Kasama-san’s voice //// To make the performance even more amazing (THIS KEEPS HAPPENING THROUGHOUT THE CONCERT ISTG WE ARE SO LUCKY) Rui and Jirou-chan joined the stage as the backup dancers and i wished that i had extra pairs of eyes to watch all my favourites doing the moody sensual dance T_T
As a LegeP i was still feeling giddy and happy AND THEN SORA APPEARED ON STAGE FOR FLOWING FREEDOM omggggggggg my heart >_____< I LOOOVE this song and Sora did such a great job performing it T_T Fuumin was even wearing red contacts to match Sora’s eyes and the text graphics on the main monitor was really stylish and well done, so much so that i found myself watching the graphics half the time. Next, rounding up the Legenders medley was Legacy of Spirit. Legenders’ starting point! This LegeP couldn’t have asked for more TwT (I guessed that they would save Chris’ solo for Shizuoka.)
Finally it was The Kogado’s turn again! They’ve performed RAY OF LIGHT at every appearance in the tour and it just gets better each time!! Just kickass in all aspects and I love Ren singing in a higher tone, esp that last note of the chorus *__*
Back to SEM with ∞ Possibilities! I’ve heard this song a million times but i’ll never get sick of it. We cheered each time Hazama-sensei hit that goosebumps-inducing note in “koeTEEEEEEE” ;____;
Next was yet another song on my wish list! Hazama-sensei’s Learning Message! Like everyone else I’m absolutely in love with Totto’s amazing vocals and the song’s technopop instrumentals are to die for. Imo this song’s key sounds a tad high for Hazama’s in-character vocal range but Totto never fails to deliver a strong vocal performance >< In true SEM tradition he had some weird dance moves haha (someone on twitter interpreted them as possible math symbols).
Beit took the stage again for Smile Engage!!!!! Ahhh THE representative Beit song T_T Horieru and TakaP were sparkly and charming as usual but tbh the vocals sounded a little thin without Kyoji...
SEM joined them on stage next for Eureka Diary. As with the previous songs i think Minori sang most of Kyoji’s lines? I have to admit that I don’t really like this song but it was great seeing Beit and SEM on stage together ;w;
We were in the last segment of the concert which followed the standard template - Beyond The Dream, costume change break/”Encore!” yelling time, then GLORIOUS RO@D, and lastly, DRIVE A LIVE. Iirc Jirou-chan sang Touma’s solo part in GloRoad? I was jealous of the people sitting in the front half of the hall as it was raining paper/foam stars with the Glorious St@ge logo. But more importantly I was ecstatic to be able to participate in yelling “WE ARE 315!!!!” during Drive A Live T_______T I’ve never felt closer to the im@s community and the 315 idols.....
I don’t remember much from the ending talk but I do recall SEM attempting to speak in the local dialects, a somewhat teary-eyed Murase addressing F-LAGS who were watching the LV, Beit & Mofu & Kogado expressing gratitude for the support they’ve received (last day for all these groups), and SEM blowing a synchronised kiss at the camera before disappearing from the stage right at the end akjgfa;kgjfas; *clutches heart*
This day will be a treasured memory of mine for years to come.... Ngl, because i didn’t have a great view from my seat at times I kinda wished that i could’ve split my body in two to watch the concert live and the LV at the same time. But SEM drove by in their rainbow limo trolley within metres of my seat and Jirou-chan shot me in the heart so there’s that.... And while it’s a shame that my main baes DraSta weren’t at Fukuoka, the amazing set list gave me everything else that i wanted, plus more. So much more T_______T Thank you, 315Pro. This P will keep working hard to support our idols!!
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noloveforned · 4 years
no love for ned on wlur – july 22nd, 2020 from 4-6pm
artist // track // album // label torres // too big for the glory hole // too big for the glory hole digital single // merge maita // coming up roses // coming up roses digital single // kill rock stars paint // tongue tied // spiritual vegas // mexican summer * zz ramirez and carrie keith // word back home // wayward love down a long dead road // wharf cat nick lowe // don't be nice to me // lay it on me ep // yep roc records clarence carter // your love lifted me // patches // atlantic the maxines // sweet nothing // burn it down cassette // girlsville haim // the steps // women in music pt. iii // columbia the beths // mars, the god of war // jump rope gazers // carpark * prince // i could never take the place of your man (1979 version) // sign o' the times (super deluxe) // warner terrorways // she's a mod // ak79 (expanded) compilation // flying nun rvg // little sharkie and the white pointer sisters // feral // fire margo price // gone to stay // that's how rumors get started // loma vista * screaming females // bad men // chalk tape cassette // don giovanni joanna sternberg // oh how self involved // songs for bail- a quarantine compilation // babe city alias ensemble // streets of derry // a splendour of heart // you've changed willie lane and wednesday knudsen // long time 'til tomorrow // long time 'til tomorrow // feeding tube loopsel // det som blir // loopsel 7" ep // mammas mysteriska jukebox gia margaret // apathy // mia gargaret // orindal ndabo zulu and umgidi ensemble featuring nduduzo makhathini and zöe modiga // ucu olum'nyama // queen nandi: the african symphony // mageba music john edwards and caroline kraabel // gloves off // day night // takuroku peter brötzmann, jay oliver and willi kellers featuring manfred schoof // in a state of undress // in a state of undress // fmp hupata! // urban heat island // microclimates cassette // astral spirits enchantment // if you're ready (here it comes) // once upon a dream // united artists berry blacc featuring angel bat dawid // george floyd // george floyd - single // rhythm lab blu and exile featuring jacinto rhines // the feeling // miles // fat beats starchild and the new romantic featuring nick hakim and le'asha // cool disco dan // forever // new romantic world * men i trust // all night (garage session) // forever live sessions // return to analog a.r. pinewood // i'm okay // no life // lost map traffic island sound // only if u want 2 // maximal electronics // under heat ali koehler // hackensack // saving for a custom van- a tribute to adam schlesinger // father/daughter * cool sounds // vice // vice digital single // hotel motel
* denotes music on wlur’s playlist
0 notes
cloudymir · 7 years
▪️ Get to know your followers ▪️
I was tagged by @kylasheaharkins and *inhales* BRO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE TAG
Name: Mai (lol its actually a nickname but I’m more comfortable with it)
Nickname: Maita, Flippy...
Height: 5′4 (163 cm)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Go-to SSB -SuperSmash Bros- Character: LINK fuck yeah
Fictional Character I’d Date: Yuri Katsuki, Armin Arlert, CHLOE PRICE, Tanaka Saeko (Tanaka’s sister in Haikyuu damn), Ryuko Matoi, Touka Kirishima, Dazai, Mei Misaki, Tamaki Suou, Viktor Nikiforov, Levi Ackerman, and probs like 50 more.
Favorite Band Or Artist: BTS, One Ok Rock, Day6, Mamamoo, Hollywood Undead, The Used, Set It Off, TOP...
How Many Blogs Do I Follow: 1,042 fck
Do I Get Asks on A regular Basis: lmao
Aesthetic: Lazy autum’s afternoons lying over a blanket on the floor with a soft light turned on listening to low music, alone with some tea, and just drawing or reading.
Relationship Status: Single and happy.
Favorite Greeting: If you are close to me I dont fucking greet at all so sorry for that.
Last Song I Listened To: ...japanese version of some disney songs (THEY ARE EASY TO LEARN FROM)
Favorite TV Show: ???I hardly ever see the TV and dude everything there is trash so I guess Adventure Time lmao.
First Fandom: Attack on Titan I guess?? as a kid I really never was into something deep. 
Hobbies: Lying on the floor, spacing out, writting and drawing shit, reading and include procastinating (like right now hahahgodoyourstuffmai).
Books I Am Currently Reading: Farenheit 451 aaaaand The Lord of The Rings for 2nd time.
Worst Thing To Have Graced My Taste-buds: Once I accidentally swallowed an insect does that count. 
I TAG @jakatzen @dollyjimin @kinktae @holtzywontdoitagain @zombie-in-the-closet @tamaki-suoh-the-princely-host @snaketxt @princessjindda 
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Produce SideM Week 2: Your Favorite Weekly Idol Power Ranking!
"Do you think you might find your dream here?"
When we first met the idols of 315 Productions, we asked them why they set aside their former careers and positions – surgeon, pilot, prince of a foreign country, flower shop clerk, schoolteacher – to become pop music idols.
"This is a place for people who are working hard to make their dreams come true," DRAMATIC STARS' Kaoru Sakuraba said.
"I had such a different lifestyle until recently and I doubted that I could be an idol," DRAMATIC STARS' Teru Tendou said. "We'll continue to meet different people, work on things we've never done or thought about, and go to places we know nothing about. Thinking about it just got me really excited."
"I hope our charm can be portrayed," Beit's Kyoji Takajo said.
"I would be lying if I said it's not hard," Jupiter's center, Touma Amagase, said. "But with where we are right now, we can prove all of our strengths."
Jupiter would know the pitfalls of becoming idols. Despite a strong debut with "Alice or Guilty," their mismanagement at the hands of 961 Productions caused the popular three-man idol group to leave one of the largest pop production companies in the country and forge their own path. Now, they have arrived at 315, ready to prove that their debut wasn't a fluke—and that they can once again top the charts.
In a world where success is hardly guaranteed, 17 boys wait to walk the cherry blossom road, eagerly anticipating a chance to show their abilities to you and win the hearts of anime fans worldwide. Who will rise to the top? Produce SideM begins now. It's showtime!
#1. Teru Tendou (DRAMATIC STARS)
Last week, this former lawyer won over many with his simple desire to make people smile. It takes a rare person to be convinced into a drastic career change at 28 years-old, and an even rarer one to draw up the contract for said new career himself. Despite personality clashes worthy of their sub-unit name, DRAMATIC STARS, the center position was never a surprise with Tendou on the team. Tendou leads his team, and the rest of 315, with passion and a desire to please.
"It was so great to see Tendou step up and help Jupiter with their concert!" one fan said. "I think he's such a leader and it really shows every week. The other boys already really really trust him."
"How are we supposed to do rankings every week when Teru is always best boy?" another added. It's a worthwhile question.
#2. Shouta Mitarai (Jupiter)
Making it to the top of the rankings without help of the center position takes talent. In Mitarai's case, he's also the cutest visual of the group with a necessary edge to his personality that can cut Jupiter center Touma Amagase down to size when needed. Mitarai was a pre-season favorite, his popularity carrying over from Jupiter's initial debut. Although Jupiter is in the unenviable position of rebuilding as a pre-established group, with Mitarai's "little devil" persona and impressive stage physicality, the three-man unit will be just fine.
"SHOUTA!!!!" was all one enthusiastic fan could say after Jupiter's concert this week.
"He's super cute, but also can be really harsh!" another said. "I think he's really the one that makes Jupiter what it is."
"He was SO CUTE last week when he was sleeping!" [name redacted] said.
#3. Michio Hazama (S.E.M)
Michio Hazama shot up the rankings this week, earning votes for his cool demeanor and idol analysis. Responsible for S.E.M's less-than-impressive roller skate attire this week, it's clear that Hazama is passionate about being an idol and taking the top spot, even when his methods from his math teacher days don't translate into the idol business as well as he would like. We here at Produce SideM definitely didn't see this coming, but after his unit interactions and screentime this week, it's not too much of a surprise.
"When he came out on roller skates, I lost it," a certain fan said, visibly shaking from excitement. "I can't wait to see where his crazy analysis takes S.E.M. next!"
#4. Touma Amagase (Jupiter)
Jupiter's leading man has dropped a bit in the rankings, replaced by the likes of DRAMATIC STARS center Teru Tendou. That being said, Amagase is the face of Jupiter and it's going to be difficult for the SideM newcomers to bump him out of the top five.
"I'm actually glad that Touma got less exposure this week," one viewer said. "I still love him, but want to see more of the newbies, and I feel like A-1's editing has definitely been favoring Jupiter and Touma. They didn't even give Tsubasa a mic last week!"
#5. Tsubasa Kashiwagi (DRAMATIC STARS)
In last week's extra un-cut footage, ex-pilot Tsubasa Kashiwagi admitted that he loves to fly economy class when he's not piloting a plane himself, simply to travel and meet people. This, coupled with his mediator-type personality, has garnered him a large fanbase in a short amount of time.
"Kyun, kyun, I wish my boyfriend was a pilot!" one head-in-the-clouds fan commented.
"He's so warm and level-headed," another added. "I want to cook him dinner and have him rate my food."
The Rest:
#6. Hokuto Ijuuin (Jupiter)
#7. Minori Watanabe (Beit)
#8. Jiro Yamashita (S.E.M)
#9. Pierre (Beit)
#10. Kaoru Sakuraba (DRAMATIC STARS)
#11. Rui Maita (S.E.M)
#12. Shiki Iseya (HighxJoker)
#13. Jun Fuyami (HighxJoker)
#14. Haruna Wakazato (HighxJoker)
#15. Kyoji Takajo (Beit)
#16. Hayato Akiyama (HighxJoker)
#17. Natsuki Sakaki (HighxJoker)
It was a rough week for HighxJoker, who didn't receive much attention from the A-1 editors outside of the occasional Shiki Iseya outburst. Who will you, as SideM producers, support next week on THE IDOLM@STER SideM? Show your support in the comments below!
Emily Rand is a writer who usually covers esports. You can find her personal anime ramblings at the blog Atelier Emily. 
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recentanimenews · 7 years
See Double With Latest "Idolm@ster SideM" Visual
Launched in 2014,  Idolm@ster SideM began the spin-off of the idol franchise with male characters, starring in a Cinderella Girls style mobage social game. With an anime adaptation on the way, and the THE IDOLM@STER Side 3rd Anniversary ST@RTING SIGNAL!!! 2017 event now scheduled for July 17th, a new visual of twin idols W has been previewed. 
  Meet Aoi Kyosuke (CV Yoshitaka Yamaya) and Aoi Yusuke (Takeru Kikuchi)
  Also planned for an appearance at the event...
of SEM: chemistry/science teacher Jiro Yamashita (so far voiced by Yoshiki Nakajima), English teacher Rui Maita (voiced by Junya Enoki), and math teacher Michio Hazama (voiced by Kento Itou).
      music club quintet High×Joker. 
  This includes Shiki Iseya (voiced by Shiki Iseya in the game), Hayato Akiyama (CV Shouya Chiba), Haruna Wakazato (CV Yuusuke Shirai ), Jun Fuyumi (CV Takuma Nagatsuka) and Natsuki Sakaki (CV Hiroshi Watanabe).
        Prince themed Beit with Kyoji Takajo (CV Yuichiro Umehara), Pierre (CV Shun Horie ), and Minori Watanabe (CV Tomohito Takatsuka).
   Dramatic Stars unit Teru Tendo (CV Shuugo Nakamura), Tsubasa Kashiwagi (CV Taku Yashiro ) and Kaoru Sakuraba (CV Yuuma Uchida)
  ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.
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