akimiya · 2 years
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Golden (2022) / Character: Adrien from my webtoon Villainess for Hire
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jigglypuff1994 · 4 months
The Treaty of Miraculous Nature - Ch 31 Execution
The day after the rebellions struck, Gabriel sat in his prison cell, rotting in the dungeons beneath the castle. Wrought-iron chains clasped around his wrists, neck and ankles, making it so he could only move a meter. There were no windows to peer out.
The rats kept him company, feasting on the meals he refused to touch. Even when Gabriel had the world at his feet, with fresh cuisine prepared by the castle's chef, he ate very little. Now? He could barely consume a bite of the putrid food without so much as heaving it back up. He was sure the pigs received better slop than whatever 'food' he was given. 
His back was against the wall both physically and metaphorically. He could feel the rigids of the stonework jutting out and piercing into his boney back, but he paid no mind. His only thoughts were of Emilie and his son.
Gabriel was grateful to have sent Adrien away before the traitors struck. He wondered where Adrien was and if he was safe. He hoped Adrien stayed away from Paris. He hoped he would never return home again. He couldn't bear to see him suffer. 
Gabriel had no communication with the other prisoners. He was kept away from anyone else; alone to ponder his thoughts and live out his remaining days. He was uncertain of how many days he had left. What fate is awaiting him? He hoped for a swift death for he and Emilie if the rebels secured all of France for themselves. He could stand tall knowing in his heart that he had done all he could for his family. He was blinded by his good faith in others. And for this, this inability to save his kingdom, he understood why he was locked away in this musty prison cell. This punishment is just.   
He was a fool. 
The guards holding him in his cell did not speak to him; they laughed at his expense, would kick over his plate of food or gave him a small punch in 'honor of Vent Rouge'. Vent Rouge...that's what Tomoe had called herself. Tomoe may not have the ability of see with her eyes, but Gabriel had been blind to not foresee this quiet storm erupting. 
There are few cruelties, but none so large as what the Tsurugis had done. Where did he go wrong? Were he and Emilie unaware of the dangers coming? Gabriel berated himself. His ancestors had been right, they should never have brought the Tsurugi's back into the fold. Once a backstabber, always a backstabber. It's in their blood. It cannot be helped no matter how many generations have passed. 
Gabriel heard footsteps and a cane walking toward his cell. Out of the shadows and into the dimly lit area, Queen Tomoe slowly glided toward him. A patient, disciplined woman was she. She might have been a charlatan in another lifetime. She certainly deceived Gabriel.
Standing in front of his cell, Queen Tomoe asked the guard to unlock his cell door. The guard unlocked his prison door; the metal slowly creaking open with a loud grinding sound. As the cells were not used often, the doors reflected a negligence in their tune.
WIth mirth lacing Tomoe's tongue, she spoke freely, "Oh, how the mighty have fallen." A small quirk of her lips; satisfaction in its finest form.  
He didn't want to give her the gratification. Instead, he smoothed his tone. "Forgive me, Tomoe, for not leaping for joy in your presence. I didn't expect you to grace me in my lowly cell." Gabriel mocked.
Tomoe clicked her tongue, holding her cane gracefully. Evenly, she said, "Yes, I'm full of surprises."
Gabriel gave a loud hum. His head hit the wall; he dared not look at her; the woman who took over his kingdom; tearing apart everything his family had built right under his nose. He could not grant the woman, who held contempt for a reason he would never understand, attention.
"Hmm. Perhaps I was not the only thing you misjudged." She provoked. 
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unefrenchtoast · 6 years
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okay I see, respect, and love the Princess!Marinette au but have you considered,,,,,
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littleslimeboy · 7 years
if any of you guys wanna chat or rp, hit me up on discord @princeadrien#1799
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jigglypuff1994 · 4 months
The Treaty of Miraculous Nature
Chapter 29: Reunited
Adrien snorted, cheekily stating, "Well, yes, I have to tell my parents who the future princess is going to be." Adjusting himself, he was able to lean his back against the tree and hold her tightly in his arms. "Believe it or not, my father was impressed and told me that I had his blessing of choosing whomever I wished."
Marinette was shocked with disbelief, gasping, "What?!"
Adrien chuckled dryly. "I know. I couldn't believe it either, but it's true. We have the Monarch's permission to marry if we wish to." This alone is what had motivated him to keep going. This very moment where he was able to declare himself to her; he was hers forever; his body and soul belonged to her.
Marinette blushed furiously from his words, waiting for him to continue.
Steadying himself, he dreamily spoke, "You're all I will ever want, Marinette. Your inner and outer beauty surpasses any eligible maiden in the kingdom - hell, in the entire world." Smiling softly, he stared at her wet face, brimming with tear stains and those big, blue eyes filled with adoration. "I need to let you know. Everything I have ever told you is true. I love you with every fiber of my being. I am truly and utterly lost without you by my side. I want to grow old with you. I want to have a family with you and sire as many heirs as we can." He waggled his eyebrows, causing a breathless laugh to bubble from her. Taking on a serious tone again, he declared, "I want to be there for you in sickness and in health. I want to be the one who gets the privilege of waking up next to you every morning and kissing you goodnight every evening. I care about your opinions. I want you to be cross with me when I am in the wrong. I want you to sit next to me on the throne. I want you to be my rock when the world's problems become too difficult to take on alone. I could never take another woman when I have the perfect woman by my side. You make up for everything I am not, and you balance me in ways no other person could. It's you and me against the world, remember?"
Marinette's mouth was open in exasperation, hanging onto every word he professed. Her hands gripped tightly onto his shirt, clinging to him as though she was afraid, he would disappear. The irony of this being that he would never leave her, not until she cast him aside.
Reverently, he spoke, "I loved you yesterday." He kissed her forehead. "I am enraptured by you today" He kissed her right cheek. "And I will forever worship you until the ends of time." He kissed her left cheek. "Until my last breath and beyond, I will cherish you." He kissed her nose." Pulling back, he scrutinized her mannerisms. If he pushed her too far, he needed to know. Marinette was enamored by his words. Showing no signs of discomfort from his declarations, he continued. "Even if you decided from this moment on that you would not want me, I would be disheartened but understanding. I would forever be grateful for the time we had together. I would hold onto the memories of us and respect your decision if you did not wish to have me. I love you enough to let you go if that is what you desire" His heart ached with the thought that she could still reject him. His lips trembled, taking a shaky breath as he spoke his last words he needed to say. "I'm overjoyed knowing that you're safe and happy once again. I can only hope that you would want to share your life with me." Nervously, he bit his bottom lip. "Will you do me the honor of accompanying me at my celebration and allow me to introduce you to the world as Marinette, the future princess of France?"
Marinette sobbed heavily, crying out "Yes! Yes, I accept." She pressed her lips to his in a fervent manner. Their lips dancing together.
Adrien brought his hand up and tangled it in her hair, holding her head in place. He couldn't believe his own ears. His mind screaming, 'She said yes. She said yes! She said yes!!' His head swam with warmth and love. He could only hope and pray to the gods that this was real. That she said yes and was here with him now. It felt too real to be a dream. Nothing, and he meant nothing, could compare to this feeling swirling within him. Every romantic tale he ever read could take a back seat to the overwhelming joy he felt knowing that his Marinette accepted his proposal.
Forgetting where they were in the company of another, the young woman with a royal purple dress cleared her throat, smiling knowingly at their tangled form. Asserting herself, she spoke, "You must be Prince Adrien."
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jigglypuff1994 · 5 months
The Treaty of Miraculous Nature - Chapter 28 Placating
These people were not a threat. Honestly, Nino was becoming weary of his friend. Nino sighed, looking away from Adrien.
Any man or woman would cower under the pressure of Adrien's demeanor.
Adrien nodded once in approval. Striding away from them, calling upon Nino to leave for the next town.
Adrien wasn't himself. Nino knew that.
When and if they found the girls, only the gods would be able to help those who took Marinette away from him.
If he and Adrien couldn't find the girls, Adrien might never recover from this.
There were tales of mad kings from time's past. Nino felt history was starting to repeat itself.
Adrien wasn't a madman. Adrien was...desperate and aching. This was the first time since Nino had known Adrien that he couldn't have something he wanted. He wanted Marinette home and safe. This is his way of doing all he can to ensure she would be. Nino knew Adrien blamed himself. It's why he's not thinking clearly.
It's why a doctor doesn't operate on people they love - love makes us irrational.
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jigglypuff1994 · 5 months
The Treaty of Miraculous Nature
Chapter 27 - Lucine
Marinette felt someone poking the middle of her forehead.
Stirring, she straightened up, opened her mouth and let out a yawn. Her shoulder had been slumped against a harder surface, and she felt an awful crick in her neck from the awkward positioning. Her mouth felt dry, and her eyes were caked with sleepy dust.
The tapping on her forehead persisted with another two finger bumps.
Marinette became increasingly annoyed, waving away the irritating taps. Scrunching her face into a grimace, she pried open her eyes into a squint, saving herself from the sunlight. Only to find her surroundings eerily darkened with no sounds accompanying her. Where am I?
She tried to remember what happened to her.
She and Aya were nabbed.
Chased by kidnappers.
Went into a spooky forest.
Kidnappers died mysteriously.
Fell asleep.
Jolting from her drowsiness, anxiety spread throughout her body. Her skin crawled. She peered into bright, vermillion eyes. She leaned back in fear from the unnerving sight before her. Marinette had never seen eyes so piercing before. Not to mention an uncommon colouring of the eyes. She felt the gaze of the eyes staring through to her soul.
There, knelt before Marinette was a woman no more than twenty years. Her raven hair was tied back in a corded silver hair bun cover. Her cheekbones lightly dusted with freckles on her pale complexion. She wore beautiful silver and diamond teardrop earrings, a choker style necklace with a large, silver and black pendant of a black cat, a gorgeous, modestly styled, Georgian royal purple dress, and silver gloves from her fingertips to the crook of her elbows. Her left gloved hand had a large onyx stone atop a silver band with small diamonds cascading around. Her right gloved hand pulled back from Marinette's face. She's beautiful. Where did she come from? Who is she?
After the initial shock wore off, Marinette had a recognition of the woman's features, yet could not seem to place where she had met her before.
The woman tilted her head, staring curiously at her. Drawling out, enunciating every syllable. "Interesting." Asking with a childlike wonder, "Are you alive?"
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jigglypuff1994 · 6 months
The Treaty of Miraculous Nature - Chapter 25
Vent Rouge
Well, tell us, King Gabriel! Who is this young lady?" Duchess Bourgeois insisted. "We cannot be kept waiting until then! Even my Chloe does not know. The prince has been tight-lipped about the entire affair." She gossiped.
Another court member, Viscountess Lavigne inquired, "Yes! We all would like to know. It is our right after all."
The crowd became restless as more courtiers demanded to know who the girl was.
Gabriel looked to his wife who seemed as reluctant as he did. She simply took her hand is his and gave him a supportive squeeze and a small nod.
It was time to face the music.
He let go of Emelie's hand and stood, presenting himself before his court. "Prince Adrien has spent many hours interviewing and getting to know many of the young ladies. He appreciates all of the candidates and gives his warm regards and apologies for not appearing in court today. Unfortunately, he had another obligation at this time. Other matters to attend to. No matter, we are here together in this important moment in history. We shall embark and gracefully wish the new couple a joyous occasion of marriage. The woman he will be marrying is--" He took a deep breath before continuing, a slight hesitation which led to Queen Tomoe quirking her lip slightly upward. "Mlle. Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
The courtiers clapped hesitantly, a confusion lacing their faces as they murmured among the crowd.
"Mademoiselle? Not Lady?" another courtier asked.
Gabriel sucked in his lips, humming.
Queen Emelie piped up, calmly explaining, "That is correct. The young woman is not of royal blood nor nobility."
There was silence encapsulating the room. The cheers long gone from the stiff atmosphere surrounding them now. Gabriel felt his veins go cold as the smiles quickly faded to disdain.
Queen Tomoe stood up from her chair with assistance from a guardsman. She walked over to the front of the room, standing before Emelie and Gabriel before turning her back, speaking, "Well, I believe this has been an intriguing turn of events. Don't we all agree?" She slowly turned her back, clacking her walker with each movement. "I think, like many of us have come to understand and agree upon, is that our monarchy is not keeping up with tradition. Their judgement is lacking, and they stand there and make fools of us. They mock us! Our people are dying from sickness, from famine, from lack of basic needs while the fat cats sit on the throne and do nothing."
He felt taken aback. 'What the hell is happening?' He glanced over at Emelie who had a similar look of horror on her face. Tsurugi was way out of line. How dare she stand there and speak of him and his reign this way?
She addressed the room again. "Let it be known! Our kingdom has been plagued for far too long by the black cat reign. It is now our chance to take back what is rightfully ours. First, by silencing them once and for all."
There was cheering surrounding the room, but it wasn't from the courtiers. The guards who Gabriel could not place one face of were erupting with a booming sound. A sound that one may associate with times of war, a battle cry.
Something is wrong.
Queen Tomoe raised her arm, shouting, "Vent Rouge demands retribution! Seize them ALL." She threw both arms out in a wild gesture toward the room.
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jigglypuff1994 · 6 months
The Treaty of Miraculous Nature - Chapter 24 Confrontation
He stood across from his friend. Weighing options back and forth. Should he tell him the truth? Should he lie? Should he only tell him about himself and leave Marinette out of it?
"There's only one way that I can go forward with this." He took out his knife and cut the palm of his hand. He extended the knife out to Nino to do the same. He took the knife and cut his palm.
"I, Sir Nino Lahiffe, declare I will not speak another word of this interaction as long as I shall live."
"I, Crown Prince Adrien Agreste, accept your declaration and will reveal my truths to you."
They shook their bloodied hands with one another, accepting and taking the blood oath.
Nino smirked. "Blood brothers?"
Adrien chuckled. "Blood brothers."
Asking again, Nino pressed, "So, what's with the glowing green light and costume change?"
Adrien's shoulders slumped, sighing, "Alright, I'll explain everything once we're on our way to rescue the girls. Is that okay?"
Nino smirked. "Fine with me, Blood Brother." He slapped his bloody hand against Adrien's back.
"Nino. Please tell me that was your uncut hand."
Nino grimaced. "Oops."
Adrien groaned. Some Blood Brother
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jigglypuff1994 · 7 months
The Treaty of Miraculous Nature
One popular myth is of jewels bestowed to wielders by the Goddess of the Forest of Enchantment. Over time, people have forgotten these tales, but remnants of the originals remain. Influential, rich, royal families have crests bearing the symbols of these jewels since their powers were legendary: peacock, black cat, dragon.
A great twenty-year war was fought between the three kingdoms: Northeast, Southern and Northwest. Some say that the Tsurugi’s (Northwest kingdom) never forgave the Agrestes (Southern kingdom) nor the Graham De Vanily’s (Northeast kingdom). The Tsurugi's lost the war and the Agrestes now rule all of France. Some believe the family lies dormant, waiting for the best time to strike to reclaim the throne and what has been lost. Yes, the Tsurugi’s were able to keep their lives, a small parcel of land and their titles, but this is not enough. Nothing can ever replace what has been lost after the Treaty was signed. The day will come to pass when they will be prepared to overthrow the Agreste kingdom and claim France under the Tsurugi name. That day is coming soon.
However, who has the jewels wielding the power of the gods? Shouldn't they be the rightful rulers of France?
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