#prince chamring
sadiiomane10 · 7 years
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lorisk21What a way to finish the year! This is Anfield 👊🏼🔴#YNWA #LK1
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allyourdarlingswans · 7 years
A Matching Set
Killian “helps” David on the farm.  A little humor for the Captain Charming June Group Prompt.  Beautiful aesthetic by @juliakaze.
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David had been tossing and turning all night.  By four a.m., he couldn’t take it any longer.  He had to know.  Grabbing the walkie-talkie from the nightstand, he crept downstairs.  “Hook, Hook,” he whispered into the device.  “Killian, wake up, this is urgent.”
 “What’s urgent, Dad?” came the sleepy disgruntled voice of his daughter through the speaker.
 “Oh, Emma,” he winced. He hadn’t expected to wake his daughter up.  “Is Killian there?”
 “No,” she mumbled in reply. “He’s usually out sailing at this time.”
 “At this time?  Without his walkie-talkie?” David forgot to keep his voice down and grimaced when he heard Neal whine upstairs.  
 “He likes to get out in the water before the fishing boats do,” she mumbled in reply.
 “And how am I going to reach him?”
 “Um, his cellphone?”
 “But these walkie-talkies are a matching set!”
 David only heard a thud on the other side in reply.
 David grabbed the walkie-talkie from his back pocket when he heard the telltale static.  “Hook, Hook, is that you?” he asked hopefully as he fumbled with the device.
 “Aye, mate, Emma said you had something urgent you wanted to speak about.”  He paused before adding uncertainly, “And I had to utilize the walking talking device to discuss it with you.”
 “Yes, these are a matching set!”
 “Aye,” he replied in the same uncertain tone.  
 David didn’t think Killian was usually this slow on the uptake but he didn’t have time to deal with the matter now.  There were more pressing issues to discuss.  “Meet me at the vegetable garden.”
 Killian was already standing by the vegetable garden by the time David had crested the hill with Neal in his arms.  And there it was again!  His son-in-law was giving the Charming vegetables the same disdainful look he had given them yesterday afternoon when David had been proudly showing off his new endeavor.
 “What’s the matter?” David cried out by way of greeting.
 Killian lifted his eyebrow in his father-in-law’s direction.  “What do you mean ‘what’s the matter’?  Did you not summon me here to discuss your urgent matter?”
 “It’s because of you.”
 “It’s because of me?” Killian repeated slowly.  “My apologies, mate, if I have inadvertently caused offense but –”
 “It’s your face that has offended me!”
 “Now, now, Dave, that’s rather rude,” the pirate replied, rocking back on his heels.  “And entirely impossible.  How can my face be offensive? Your daughter thinks-”
 David definitely didn’t want to go there.  “It’s the way that you look at my vegetable garden,” he interrupted.
 And there – there, it was again, that look as Killian side-eyed David’s vegetables like it was dirt beneath his feet.  Which, technically, it was but it was cultivated dirt. “Oh, is that what you would call this?” he asked almost too casually.
 “Well what would you call it, mate?” David bit out the last syllable.
 “A vegetable…patch,” Killian replied, his lips curling into a sneer.
 “A patch?” David looked down at his little plants and carefully ploughed rows of dirt.  It was a beauty in his opinion.
 “Aye, this spot of land is just an afterthought, Dave.”
 “Well, actually, Snow suggested I take a hand at this. She said it was pretty good, she even –”  
 But Killian was on a roll and hadn’t heard his mate.  “I mean, you are trying to grow spring vegetables in the summer season and plants meant for a different climate. What kind of farmer in Maine are you?  Why are your rows so…crooked?”
 “Your soil looks a bit dry. At what hour did you water your plants? Have you seen Happy’s heirloom tomatoes? They are spectacular.”
 “Spectacular,” Killian affirmed. “Everyone has been talking about them.”
 “How do I grow spectacular heirloom tomatoes?”
 “Only one way, mate. Research!”  Killian clapped Dave on the back and lead him to his truck. “To the library!”
 “These tomatoes are wonderful, Mom,” Emma said as she swiped another from the counter.
 “Oh, honey, you can thank your husband for that.”
 Emma frowned at her mother. “What do you mean?  Between Killian’s sailing trips with Henry and deputy duty, he doesn’t have much time to help on the farm.”
 “Oh, he’s helped plenty,” Snow smiled mysteriously.
 Before Emma could respond, her husband walked in with her father. “Dave, those fava beans are spectacular!  Even Aton will be jealous!”
 “Fava beans?  Who likes fava beans?” Emma murmured, scrunching her nose at the thought.
 Snow swatted at her daughter lightly. “I like fava beans.  Don’t ruin this for me,” she hissed under her breath.
 “And I got this book in the library for you on winter squash,” Killian was saying to David.  “It’s never too early to be prepared.”
 Killian handed his father-in-law another thick volume as he had done the past few weeks while “helping” David on the farm.  He patted his mate on the back before taking a seat next to his amused wife.  “What can I say, love? Your parents are a matching set but I know who I really need to keep happy in the relationship,” he said as he sent a wink to his mother-in-law.
 @flslp87 @whimsicallyenchantedrose   @hellomommanerd    @ladyciaramiggles  @ilovemesomekillianjones    @allyourdarlingswans    @laschatzi   @krustybunny    @winterbaby89    @charmingturkeysandwich    @captain-swan-coffee    @laughswaytoomuch   @gingerchangeling    @profoundlyfadedprincess    @ashar663   @spartanguard   @thesschesthair   @ihavelovedthestarstoofondly99  @snowbellewells  @hungrywhovianpotterheadfrom221b @revanmeetra87 @hollyethecurious
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Completely out of the blue, I know, but I'm curious and I need to know. What's your Shrek 3 reimagining?-Anon
Okay so I accidentally posted that question before giving the full answer so here it is! My Shrek the Third Rewrite!
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Be warned though this will be a doozy to read: Harold and Lillian go to the seaside bc the former thinks he's dying so they leave Fiona in Charge. By then she and Shrek already had the babies and Shrek is just trying hard not to let his fears consume him. Thinhs are going fine until the villains uprising starts. Fiona sends Shrek, Donkey Puss and the kids to Camelot to stay with her cousin while she and her Princesses handle things.
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At Camelot Artie is not a slacker but the quiet bookish type. He's into politics and diplomacy which clashes with the more physical Camelot ideals. He is shocked to see a family of ogres, a talking ass and a cat, show up at his school. Even more his cousin married that ogre. Because of his nonexistent relationship with his father (which was also the source of bullying as no one liked Uther and took their frustrations out on his kid) Artie struggles with trust issues.
With time and patience he and Shrek gets to know each other. Artie becomes comfortable with the idea of being related to ogres and learning of how bad the persecution was decided to do something about it to prove his worth as a person. So he agrees to help then take back FFW.
While all this going on Charming takes advantage of the situation by trying to be a hero (again); this time being aided by his recently revealed Father Bruce.
Now Bruce is your typical Dark Fantasy rougish protagonist who made it his mission to help Charming. He used to be a former Prince Charming so he knows the ropes though his past is still quite the secret. But Charming doesn't really care about all that he's just happy to see he has one living parent and support. He's so manly and badass and takes no shit from anyone and has lots of wealth from the times he raided dragon dens and hapless schmucks who caught him on a bad day! And his voice is fucking AWESOME courtesy of Bruce Campbell!
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Can't say the same for that loathesome barmaid Gwynn.
Gwynn is another player in our game. See she works at the the villain pub; at first confronted Charming for not really giving a shit about villains or general outcasts until it was convenient for him. She also wear a veil over her face and has touch aversion. Gwynn only joined of Charming helped her recover some of his dead mother's magic that she needs. They didn't get along at first.
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Eventually they get so fed up thay Gwynn challenges Chamring to a duel which he snubs at first then she cuts a bit of his hair and he's all "oh it's ON NOW!!" They fight but find they're quite enjoying themselves. However their antics piss off Bruce. He forces his son right back to etiquette training and kicks Gwynn out so she wouldn't distract him. That night Gwynn visits Charming to apologize, leading to a wholesome talk about experiencing similar feelings of inadequacy.
With Fiona she is trying to keep the resistance together but it's hard when you have ornery gingerbread cookies and apathetic Princesses. She gets intel about the uprising but also very curious revelation about her curse and that FG may have been behind it. She also learns Charming has taken over her castle and may be part of the coup.
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Back with the Shrek Clout Gang they're travelling through Camelot; Artie helping random people along the way, culminating in rescuing a maiden named Rhodanthe.. As a sign of thanks she leads them to Merlin, Artie's old mentor. They learn of the sword Calibur that can help stop the villains. Merlin tasks them with confronting their worse fears, and after passing this challenge they're able to move forward. He tells them he doesn't have the sword on himself but that it is located in the heart of one's kingdom. Realizing it's in FFW; the Shrek Clout Gang and Rhodanthe head to FFW using a magic map.
By then Fiona and her team manage to storm the castle and confront Charming. However he came prepared actually Bruce's doing and has them cornered. He throws them in the dungeon and waits on Shrek. In fact he's so excited about his prospects that he goes ti visit one of his mommy's old friends a fortune teller - the teller warns him an ominous fate awaits him (his canon fate from the movie). Putting him on edge. At this stage Bruce is also acting very weird especially when Godmother or Fiona gets brought up, causing Gwynn's suspicions to grow.
The Shrek Clout Gang enter FG'S abandoned factory to find potions to help them. However the villains and Charming catch up with them. Both Charming and Artie are taken aback to how similar they look but The latter quickly brushes is aside and has him put in tbe dungeon. Rhodanthe and the babies are taken prisoner inside the castle; everyone else gets thrown in the dungeons. Shrek is sent to the local Colosseum which is set up as a massive stage play - to put him on trial for treachery.
Which is just a bs excuse to execute him.
In the dungeon Artie finds Fiona but doesn't recognise the ogre lady before him. She tells them it is her that she was cursed as a baby but decided to stay an ogre. She thanks Artie for helping her, and after a pep talk Artie finds the strength to keep fighting and concocts an escape. He says he has FG's diary which Fiona concludes her as the responsible party for her curse.
Insert badass Princesses Fight Scene:
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Donkey and Puss free the rest of their friends and rounds them up to help Fiona.
At the castle Rhodanthe is sad. But seeing how oblivious the triplets cheer her up. A dressed up Gwynn comes in with food. Gwynn who by that point was regretting getting involved with the Charmings, is sympathetic and decides to help Rhodanthe escape. Gwynn shows them a secret exit, explaining that she is staying behind to keep an eye on Charming. Rhodanthe manages to catch uo with Fiona and reunites the Triplets with her. Fiona is thankful; Rhondanthe says she'll keep an eye on the sky. Once they secure triplets somewhere safe hands the entire Resistance heads to the colosseum.
The play begins: Gwynn gets into her damsel role as instructed. She can't help but laugh as Shrek proceeds to roast the heck out of the unlucky actor. Angered Charming attempts to kill the tied up monster The Resistance barges in and a massive battle is about to start but Artie intervenes and attempts to appeal to Charming's better nature. The misguided prince scoffs but then Artie pulls out something very interesting and hands it to Charming. In FG's diary - which her son was told was lost - she talks about finding and losing her true love; and had made Charming the inheritor of her estate. That's when Bruce appears and try to take FG's diary put his hands. Charming demands an explanation.
It turns out Bruce previously told him that there wasn't any documents for Charming. But there was. He lied solely so Charming wouldn't get anymore distracted. Feeling betrayed Charming questions why daddy would hide something so big when Artie speaks up to refer to Bruce as Uther. Everyone is shocked to find out that Uther & Bruce are one and the same.
His ruse broken Uther admits that he has been the one to curse Fiona years aho because he was mad ove getting passed over for a frog. Gwynn comes down and says she tried to warn Charming that daddy was a deadbeat. Fiona is saddened to learn that her own uncle was behind everything. Realizing that his father only saw him as a tool Charming takes off the crown is about to hand it to Fiona when Uther snatches it out his hands! He pulls a dagger out to finish the job.
Suddenly Rhodanthe as a black swan swoops in and tussles with Uther. In the commotion they knock over the tower. Artie pulls Charming out of the way just in time. The window part passes over Uther harmlessly, the stress of it all causing him to faint. The crown rolls out his hand and Fiona scoops it up to put it back on her head.
Everyone has a brief celebration but then Artie shouts Rhodanthe's name and cradles her dying body. She thanks him for helping her and passes in his arms. Artie begins to weep; everyone grieves her and Charming feels immense guilt. But then Gwynn notices she still has some of FG's magic powder on hand and decides to use the rest of it to heal Rhodanthe. But they need water first. Fiona deduces using the castle fountain - the very on her parents first met - as a vessel.
Immediately Artie and the heroes rush back the castle and head to the courtyard. Using Gwynn's powder Artie mixes it into water and place Rhodanthe's body in it. Everyone waits and just as they're about to give up the water starts to glow pink and lifts up- changing and healing Rhodanthe. She's back to being human complete with a beautiful gown and sword - Calibur. She hands Artie the sword and the two friends embrace.
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The next day Fiona gets right to work rebuilding the town. Uther gets thrown in jail and after much maneuvering she decides to forgive Charming BUT not without community service. The villains also reform and become more accepted into society. Finally she signs into law that things like slavery and persecution against magic creatures be illegal. Shrek finally got over his fears of being a parent. Harold and Lillian come back and resume their duties. Fiona decides to abdicate the throne to be a full time mother and protector of magical creatures; leaving Artie as the once and future king.
In the epilogue Shrek and Fiona celebrate the triplets first birthday at the swamp; with Harold Lillian and Artie visiting.
After serving his punishment Charming returns back to his mom's factory and with Gwynn's help turns it into a spa/theatre school so that EVERYONE gets chance to be beautiful and Gwynn is able to be a singer full time (and is slowly opening up about her past). Artie has Merlin become his advisor and, Rhodanthe is given title of Lady of the Lake. She also granted the ability to turn into a swan at will.
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Now everyone - including Charming - gets their happily ever after! Artie has an actual character arc and there's plenty of mushy found family fluff + romance to go around!
Except for Uther he lost Happily Ever After Rights <3
He does get a visit from an peculiarly odd stranger who offers him a deal....
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years
The Queen of Hearts gave birth to the Evil Queen.
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Snow White and Prince Chamring gave birth to the Swan Princess.
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Gothel and Captain Hook gave birth to Alice in Wonderland (and other places)
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Cinderella gave birth to Sleeping Beauty.
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Hanging out with friends ( Jaylor Fanfic )
Joe stayed over at Taylors house and helped her preapre a bunch of food, and snacks for there friends. She invited Ed, Camila, Ryan, Blake, Selena, over for dinner tonight. None of her close circle has meet her new boyfriend yet. She was glad to have a mer distraction to preoccupie her mind from growing anxiety and stress. She can be a bit of a drama queen when things dont go her way. Ed and Selena were the first ones to show up at the house, Blake and Ryan were the second, Camlia was the last one. She loved coming over to Taylors house, spending time with her cats Oliva and Merdith, eating yummy food. She was quite curious as to why she was invited over here in the first place. She was not the kind of singer who asked other artist about there personal lives outside of work / or touring. Ed greeted Joe as if they were old bros. Since they were both from England. He found it easier to bond with the red-headed britsh guy. He could not keep his eyes away from his girlfriend. Selena Gomez picked up on some intense chemistry in the room. She felt in her bones, hips each time her best friend was around the blonde haired boy. Something was defently going on between them. The pop singer was different with him. He moved, she moved like magagents. It was the same way for her and Justin Beiber. He wasnt able to come with her tonight. He needed to get up early the next morning, head straight into the recording studio. Camila was quite, stayed in the living room so she didnt make a mess on the floor. Ed and Joe joined her so the former fifth harmony singer did not feel left out. She met Ed a few times on tour, they never actually got to hang out. Taylor brought extra trays of food, drinks and set them down on the little tables. Blake and her husband Ryan joined everyone. She also picked up on some intense eye contact between her and Joe. Something was clearly going on with those two. She did not bring it up, out of respect. Ryan whispers softly to his wife "What is up with Taylor and Joe?. I cant stand to be within five inches of them." Blake mutters lowly to Ryan "I know dear, unless Taylor or joe say something to us you should just keep it to yourself." Ryan could not ignore the signs of true love in Taylors eyes, or Joes. They were more then friends. His wife was right, it was not his place to point out the obvious chemistry. Camila enjoyed Joes knowlege on all things british, Eds thick accent. He was a total goof ball and jokester.He shared funny stories about him and Taylor when they were on tour together. She blushed bright red, ducked under her boyfriends arms. Blake picked on Joe each time he blushed like a young school boy who had a crush on a girl that didnt even know that he existed. She knew that one of them would eventually crack. Taylor cleared up the plates, wine glasses as Joe followed her into the kitchen. He helped her wash the dishes, clean the counters. He missed there one on one time, but being around friends made it more fun for him. He never got to meet anyone in her squad. He whispers softly "Do you think that anyone knows about us?." Taylor murmers "Im sure that everyone will figure it out babe. I will say something when im done cleaning everything up. I was just waiting for the right time." Joe wraps his arms around her small waste, pulls her in close. She tucks her neck into his chin. Camila and Ed walked in on a private moment, hid in the hallway. Yup they were dating. It was not right to barge in, have them act as if they dont know each other. Ed grumbles to Camila "I know there dating. I was not allowed to say a single thing. Hes a great guy. He treats her well. Lets go back into the living room and give them some privacy." Camila nods her head in agreement. Joe was Taylors prince chamring, she was his princess. They were living in a fairytale. Much like her favorite star-cross lovers Romeo and Juliet, aside from all the dying. Taylor of all people deserved true love, pure happiness. Camila peeked her head into the kitchen as Ed draggs her back into the living room before one of the two love birds saw them.
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johnnys-silver-cock · 5 years
i ethan eat an appley apple to be snow white plz be prince HRrrrgnn chamring - ethan
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No 17 pls - who would be your ideal partner? Detail it as much as possible. Just wanted to get an idea about the Prince-Charming in your head.
Hey there anon. I hope you’re doing well! I don’t know I think that “Prince chamring” exists only in fairy tales. However, my ideal partner would be loyal, compassionate, witty and smart, down to earth, respectful, mature enough to share life with as equals, someone with whom I can gag about our inside jokes and have a deep conversation with at the same time. Someone who is honest and open. Someone who really listens to your rambles when you have a bad day or just that enjoys your company. Someone who has empathy for others and who’s ambitious and passionate about what they do/love. Maybe you’ll find these a bit vague but i guess once you meet someone and click with them you’ll find out whether they’re right for you or not. Have a nice day ahead anon🌹
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sadiiomane10 · 8 years
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lorisk21125 years of passion, tradition and success. Happy birthday @liverpoolfc! Proud to be part of this great club 🔴🙌🏼🔴 #YNWA #history
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years
Prince Chamring/David Nolan for the Character thing
First impression: A bad ass who would do anything to protect his wife.
Impression now: A strong, flawed man that will do anything to protect his family and yet also allows them to shine. 
Favorite moment: When he fought off Regina’s guards with a baby in his arms and she got away without a scratch.
Idea for a story: At this point, my David story ideas are a bit tapped out.
Unpopular opinion: I really, really loved his centric in S6.
Favorite relationship: Romantically, Red Snowing. Platonicly, him and Emma.
Favorite headcanon: After he found out that Robert died a hero, he suggested to Snow that they make Neal’s middle name, Robert.
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