#prince!eren and knight!kasa
Knight!Mikasa is from the purged/fallen house of Ackerman. The Ackerman house is a family of strong knights, members have been trained since they can walk. They lived in isolation (basically some shit went down). The royal family at that time treated it as an event... the huntings... They (Every noble house like Yeagers, Arlerts, Kirstein, Braus, Braun, Leonhart, Hoover, etc) were all invited.
(9 or 12 years old?)Eren explored the forest and when he first saw Mikasa, he instantly knew she was an Ackerman... No hesitation on his part when he hid her in his carriage's luggage compartment. Eren whined and pretended to be sick so he'll be sent home with Mikasa.
He hid her in his personal chambers for a long time. They don't talk about what happened to her family during the day but at night as she silently cries because of her nightmares, he holds her tight. They hold each other. At night, they whisper about their pains and dreams.
When Eren became a prince because of some twist of fate... He didn't know how his father did it... things got harder. They can no longer sneak around the kitchen for some sweets and spar together at the training yard... Until one day, an opportunity presents itself to solve their growing problem.
"...what's this tourney for?"
"To choose your personal knight, my prince."
They argued about it but Mikasa was determined to be finally let out of his room and earn her right to exist... "You exist... I see you..." Eren said sadly but knew she was right.
His friends looked at Eren strangely as he cheers hard for a random knight who doesn't even have a family emblem, a commoner with no backing. Eren didn't care, he watched with equal admiration and elation as "Ser Mik" defeats everyone with ease.
(He'll definitely tease her about this later) He giggled when she awkwardly presented a rose crown to a random lady. Lady Louise blushed and accepted the red roses, officially crowning her as the tourney's queen of love and beauty.
Royal advisor, Erwin Smith looked at the parchment containing the mute mysterious knight's conditions strangely. Trying to compute what's happening.
Stay at royal highness Eren Yeager's side until the end of my time.
"How insolent for such a lowly blood!" Eren ignored the nobles' outrage and asked Ser Miks to kneel to have her officially knighted.
"This wouldn't be so bad." he thought to himself. She can never remove the helmet, no one can know who she is even her true gender needs to be hidden... but at least they can openly be together now.
OMG Y'ALL IS THIS NOW PRINCE EREN AND KNIGHT KASA'S BACK STORY??!?!? someone was kind enough to write it out, but yes 11/10 she's from the great Ackerman clan and he's like UR MINE NOW, UR GONNA BE MY PERSONAL KNIGHT! And homegirl is hidden, the fairest maiden of them all actually Eren's personal knight.
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My Top Posts in 2022:
not sure if this will make the btl cut yet lol!
Mikasa awakes the next morning with a pounding headache and the smell of liquor oozing out through her pores. 
It’s disgusting.  She needs a shower, and several Advil. However, she’s not given the opportunity for either of those as Eren barges into her room, looking irritated.  “Can I have my shirt back?”  “What?” She questions blearily as she rubs her eyes, struggling to adjust to the light from her window, she needs a moment to mentally recover from waking up, it’s been difficult enough. 
“My shirt,” Eren repeats, and she finally notices he is very much shirtless, and she looks down at herself in confusion, before looking around the room and noting that this is not in fact her bedroom at all.  It’s Eren’s and this is Eren’s shirt she’s wearing.  “Oh, sorry,” she mumbles, sitting back into his fluffy pillows as she fights a yawn, she doesn’t even know how she ended up in this shirt. 
“I’ll take it off in a minute, I’m gonna get in the shower.”  She blinks up at him, pleased with her answer, taking him in as he stands in front of her, miles of bronze skin over hard muscle, clear spring green eyes. He didn’t even want to come out last night and yet from what little recollection she has he’d taken her home, held her hair as she puked her guts up over the toilet and tucked her in.  He’s so nice, and so unbelievably attractive. Sometimes there is no doubt why she’s so madly in love with Eren Yeager, who wouldn’t be? 
Then, as usual, he shatters her illusion in the blink of an eye, “Sorry, I need my shirt back right now.”  Before she can even react to the statement, cold hands find her waist under the covers, and she shrieks as he grabs at the hem of the fabric.  “Eren!”  But it’s too late, he’s already tugging it up her body and she yelps as her breasts are exposed to the chilly air, his hands making absolutely no move to avoid the perky mounds, he even gives one a little squeeze as he rather brutally tugs the fabric over her head.  “What are you doing!” She sputters angrily as he rips it from her head, her hands immediately clutching at her chest to hide her pointed buds, how embarrassing.  Eren makes absolutely no move to look away from her heaving chest as he holds his prized t-shirt in his hands, straightening it out, “Getting my shirt back.”  “I was wearing it you asshole!” 
He shrugs nonchalantly, “I needed it.”  She struggles to respond to this, unsure where this entitled asshole has come from to replace her sweet roommate. 
He admires her for a moment more, eyes raking over her disheveled form, and she struggles to hide her bountiful chest, although some part of her doesn’t want to. Not when his eyes are so hungry, the way he’d stared in such rapture at the soft milky globes. 
She’s shocked still, her breath catching as one of his hands moves to trail over the tops of her perky breasts, “Nice tits Mimi, real pretty.” 
Then he turns on his heel to leave, as if he didn’t just rock her whole fucking world and Mikasa is left to pick up the pieces. 
66 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Eren has had Mikasa for a few months at most, since he found the sweet little kitty whimpering outside his law office on a chilly December night. The beginnings of snow sprinkling the skies and a blizzard stirring in the air. It was the last day the firm was open before Christmas break, Eren the last out, ever the workaholic, he stood bundled up in his winter coat staring at the sleek black little feline.  He had no time for her, none at all, he was a lawyer at a high paying firm, he worked in Big Law, upward of sixty hours a week, he lived most of his life in the office and if he wasn’t there, he was at home doing his work from his laptop. He had not time for a pet. 
And yet, how many people had walked by the pretty little kitten before him, how many had ignored her malnourished little form, and how many more would walk by after him? 
It was a moment of weakness perhaps, one that he would come to regret later, and maybe it was because he was lonely before the Christmas holidays, no family around to celebrate with, and no more work to keep him busy, but he squats down next to the little ball of fur, the most beautiful stormy grey eyes he’s ever seen on a cat. 
He holds a hand out, makes a clicking sound with his mouth, tentatively hoping to coax her into his arms to take her home. 
It doesn’t take anymore, she comes to him willingly, jingling as she goes and he discovers she has a collar, black, blending right in with her fur. The tag just says ‘Mikasa’, there is no owner information, no if lost return to address, just a name and he hums as he scoops up the little thing. 
Mikasa, what an elegant name for a cat he thinks as he heads towards his car, tucking the surprisingly docile kitten into his coat.  “Mikasa,” he hums, “I like it, maybe I’ll call you Miki for short huh?”  He looks down at her, hands scratching behind her ears as he picks up his briefcase, “You want to spend Christmas with me Mikasa?”  Surprisingly, the cat seems to nod back and Eren assumes it’s his imagination, but regardless, at least he won’t be alone for Christmas. 
Eren finds out the hard way, with Mikasa around, he’s never alone. 
They spend Christmas together and he falls in love with his cat, he’s never cared so much for another living being in his life. He didn’t realize how much he missed companionship, having a creature love you back, until he got his beloved little cat.  She cuddles with him when he watches movies, bumps her nose at his laptop when he spends too long working, whines when she desires his attention and sleeps cuddled into his back on his bed.  Eren truly loves his cat, and he pampers her endlessly. Whereas usually he spends Christmas sympathizing with the grinch, this year he goes to the pet store and buys about a million cat toys for his feline. Cat nip, a cat tree, one of those little laser pointers for her to chase. He loves his cat.  But everything comes to an end and work begins again, so he has to start leaving his beloved cat home more often.  The first day back to work is the hardest, she whines at the door as he tries to leave with his brief case and he squats down, frowning, “I’m sorry Miki, okay, I’ll be home around six, I promise.” 
He scratches behind her ears and she wilts, but relents nonetheless, stopping her whines and allowing him to leave.  She’s left with free reign of the house and the automatic feeder, and he feels awful every moment he’s at work. 
Mikasa of course feeds into this when he gets home, she’s clingier than ever, won’t leave his side even for dinner, and she whines outside the bathroom door when he tries to take a shower. 
He’s strongly considering working from home more often.  He makes it a few weeks, and their routine becomes more normalized, although he still hates it. 
He speaks to his manager, Erwin, also a cat owner, and he’s more than happy to help him out, allowing Eren Tuesdays and Wednesdays to work from home if he needs. Eren has always been a good employee, and this pays off.  He leaves that same Wednesday morning, practically beaming as he treks up the stairs of his apartment, it’s a beautiful day too, maybe he’ll take Mikasa out on her cat-harness for a walk. It’s been a while since she got out. He knows she loves to explore the park. 
He unlocks his apartment door, eagerly awaiting the image of his little ball of fur, she’ll probably come running when she realizes it’s him and not the amazon delivery guy. 
However, Eren doesn’t find a cat at all, instead he finds a mostly naked, very beautiful woman in his kitchen cooking bacon, wiggling her hips as she listens to upbeat pop.  He drops his briefcase to the ground with a thunk, and the woman yelps as she turns around, pausing the music as the lock eyes. 
“Oh my god, Eren!” 
Her voice is beautiful, sweet and melodic, she sounds immensely apologetic, quick to turn off the stove and come around the kitchen island, she’s wearing nothing but one of his t-shirts, the one Mikasa favours. 
She’s the most stunning being he’s ever seen, long sleek dark hair that falls past her shoulders in silky strands, tucked behind her ears, milky thighs exposed and long slender legs, eye’s the colour of tropical storms. 
She’s ethereal.  And she speaks like she knows him, her mouth opening and closing, but he can barely hear her, his mind at a standstill as he tries to comprehend why there is a beautiful woman in his apartment and no cat.  “Eren!” Finally, she startles him out of his trance and his freakout begins, where is his cat.  He looks around frantically, ignoring the woman for the moment, searching for his beloved black little ball of fur, “Mikasa? Miki where are you?”  He clicks his tongue as he looks around the kitchen island, he can’t deal with this right now, his brain says no.  “Eren, please stop your cat isn’t here.”  He whips his head around to look at her, his hackles rising, true indiscriminate rage roiling in his stomach, “What did you to with my cat?”  His words are quiet, but they are cutting, barely restrained with rage.  The woman just groans, “Eren! Look at me,” she gestures to herself up and down and Eren fights to keep his gaze to appropriate places.  “Lady I don’t care about you, where is my cat!?”  “I am your cat, stupid!” She finally bursts and it takes him a moment to compute.  “What?”  “I am your cat,” she repeats, much calmer, “I’m a cat hybrid, I can switch at will, here do you want to see?”  He nods numbly.  She sighs, but does so anyway, switching forms at will, right in front of his eyes, the beautiful woman shifts back into his cat and Eren is flabbergasted.  “Oh my god.” 
There she is, his beloved cat, all 7 or 8 pounds of her, the same sleek fur and beautiful eyes left under his now very oversized shirt. Eren doesn’t know what to do when confronted with the information that his cat is not just in fact a cat.  She darts behind the couch, before she changes back and a pretty face pops up from behind the cushions, delicate shoulders bare and that beautiful voice again as she speaks, “Don’t freak out!” 
“It’s too late, I’m already freaking out Mikasa! Or is that even your real name!?” 
Her face crumples at his question and he almost feels bad, but then he remembers he’s been taking care of this cat for over a month now, and only now just finding out she’s actually part human.  “Is this all some elaborate scam? Are you going to con me?”  “Eren no,” she soothes, defeated, “Just hand me my shirt and we’ll talk okay, I promise I’ll tell you everything.”  “You mean MY shirt.”  She winces, but Eren throws it to her anyway and she disappears back behind the couch to shrug it over her shoulders.  She sits him down on the couch while she takes the coffee table, glaring at her as she tries to explain herself.  “My name is Mikasa, I’m a cat hybrid. This isn’t some elaborate con to steal from you, I promise. I’m from a long line of hybrids, and unfortunately, we’re often hunted down because of course, nothing is more interesting to humans than supernatural creatures.” He continues to glare, though he softens just slightly, but he can’t give her anything! No sympathy!! She’s been lying to him! “We used to live in the mountains, but most of my family has been hunted or killed. My older cousin barely got me out and well here I am. I just—” she sniffles a little as she talks about it, tearing up.  “I’ve been hunted and burned so many times Eren, I don’t show people my human side anymore, I prefer being a cat. If people found out, especially since I’m a female, they’d take me, I know I’d be sold off. I rarely transform anymore, but I know you work often, and I thought maybe it was okay if I just stretched my limbs a little. I haven’t been human in so long, I haven’t danced. I just missed it.”  She takes a deep breath before looking up at him mournfully, “But I’m sorry, if you let me stay, I promise it won’t happen again I’ll just be your cat.” 
Eren groans, dropping his head to his hands, of course she has to have a reasonable explanation, fucking of course. 
She looks so intensely sad, in front of him, this poor girl whose probably been through hell, all alone, all by herself. 
He can’t very well be mad at her for that.  “It’s okay.”  She looks at him like he’s hung the moon and the stars, and he continues, “You can stay.”  “Oh Eren really?” She throws herself at him and he groans at her weight, both because he wasn’t expecting it and because his cat is definitely all woman, he can feel it in her every curve as she smushes her chest against his, covering his face with cheek kisses. 
“Thank you so much!” 
He sighs as he allows himself to awkwardly pat her back, “Of course. And you don’t have to be a cat all the time, I don’t care. I can afford a roommate, just umm,” he pulls back slightly to look at her, trying to avoid the creamy expanse of her legs, “Maybe cover up a bit.”  “Oh of course I will right away!” 
She’s already running off to his bedroom to steal more clothes and Eren drops his head back to the couch, exhaling a long breath.  He’d thought he was getting a cat, not a hot female roommate, he really hopes his work doesn’t suffer. 
Mikasa is amazing, she’s everything he didn’t know he needed and more. She cooks, she cleans, she steals his clothes and forces him to stop working when he does too much, and best of all, she’s a living breathing human to spend time with.  She has a personality, and she loves romantic comedies and cheesy love-stories like titanic, and she makes him watch it with her frequently. She’s sweet and soft-spoken, a little mischievous when she wants to be, but mostly she just seems to love him. She’s always worrying after his health, and doing his laundry, getting mad at him when he orders too much fast food. 
She’s his everything, everything he’s ever wants in a woman and more. Except he can’t tell her that, because that would be weird, and like he wants something more from her, something overtly more sexual, which he would never try. 
He doesn’t want to try and take advantage of her like humans past, so he spoils her rotten with gifts and luxury sushi on the way home from work, and buying her all the expensive clothes she wants. 
See the full post
77 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
Happy belated birthday Eren, I love u and I know ur dick is big 🤧
“Mikasa what are you doing?” Eren asks, he’d gone to the shower thinking maybe she’d follow him, especially after that. But no, she’s just lying on his bed in exactly the same position he’d left her in.
He finishes wrapping his towel around his waist, wandering closer to the bed in concern, “Mika, baby are you good?” She nods a little, pupils blown wide, just staring up at the ceiling fan. “Okay, you’re not convincing me,” he grabs her chin, forcing her to look at him and her eyes focus a little. “Good?” He questions again and a silly grin splits her face, “Yeah, that was, that was really good ‘Ren.”
He chokes out a laugh, “You’re ridiculous, c’mon let’s shower.” He turns again, heading back towards the bathroom where the water is still running. He glances back only to find her still in exactly the same place. “Mikasa, c’mon,” he demands, what is she doing?
“Eren I can’t move.”
“Oh my god, you’re so dramatic.” “No really, my legs are still shaking a little, I don’t think I can get up.”
“Seriously?” he whispers to himself, striding back to the bed and sure enough she’s still jittering a little.
Well, damn cross that off his own imaginary list, make Mikasa orgasm so hard she can’t move, hell yes.
“C’mere,” he reaches down and hauls her into his arms, his towel coming loose slightly.
Mikasa nestles herself into his shoulder, sleek black hair messy from the bed and getting in his face but he doesn’t mind at all as he grips smooth thighs and a strong back.
This is gonna be fun, so, so fun.
80 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
8.1 K
This is mostly fluff lol bc I didn't really have a plot for it 😂😂 so it's just mummykasa and stoner/tomb raider Eren being cute and having unneccessary sexual tension. Some of this will seem familiar bc I cut together the stuff i'd previously written and added some other stuff so I apologize if it's a bit of a mess. But the sex is definitely new lol!!
When Mikasa wakes up for the first time in several hundred years she expects a lot of things. Maybe to be met by the gods, the great Osiris. She’s not entirely sure what she’d hoped for if she’d really truly believed in the immortality their lore promised, but it was all she’d ever known so the expectation that she would live well after death was not unfounded. Her soul would be immortalized for eternity, and she’d live out the rest of her days in peace.
She’d assumed she’d wake up to some sort of great glow, maybe golden riches beyond her imagination, all the food one could eat, wine to fill her belly.
What she doesn’t expect is to open her eyes several hundred years later to a bright light blinding her forcing her to let out a little yelp which is followed very promptly by a scream that’s not her own.
She rubs her eyes, tears leaking from them as she adjusts to the now darkness, looking over to find a boy about her age laying on the floor next to her golden casket, next to some sort of light bringing contraption. “Are you Osiris?” She asks brazenly, surely this could not be the great god, although he looks to be attractive for sure, his countenance is not one of a god. He could barely pass for royalty, so what is he doing in the chambers of a princess?
“What the fuck?” Is all the boy says and Mikasa struggles to grasp his language, what is he saying? His accent is strange.
“Who are you and what are you doing in my chambers? How dare you trespass?” She asks authoritatively, for she is princess Mikasa, daughter of a great Pharaoh. She is not to be trifled with, her tomb is filled with riches, built in a pyramid all it’s own, she’d been assured by her father her grave would not be robbed before she awoke to the afterlife, so who is this man? “Fuck, I knew I shouldn’t have come down here after smoking, I’m losing my mind.” The boy is muttering to himself now and Mikasa’s fears worsen, just what is happening. “Commoner who are you I demand to know!”
The boy gets up and dusts himself off, grabbing his strange light contraption.
“I’m Eren and I’m robbing your tomb. Cool?”
He says and then promptly ignores her, going back to what he was doing before, rifling through the pots next to her casket. Mikasa awkwardly sits up, realizing she is wearing little more than disintegrating white rags, moves to cover herself with her hands.
“You should not rob me commoner, or my father’s wrath will be upon you.”
He quirks an eyebrow at her, “Yeah, yeah it’s the 2000s pretty girl, I don’t think your daddy is coming to save you.”
2000’s what ever does he mean by that?
“Is my father no longer alive, has he been buried as well?” She asks curiously, he sounds like this day and age is far from her own. “Yeah, I mean I’m pretty sure I must be hallucinating you anyway, but your family is long dead, I don’t even know why I’m down here, I’m an art thief, not an artifact thief but I needed some quick cash so I visited a minor pyramid, figured no one would notice if some of your stuff was gone.” Mikasa is appalled.
He is so blatantly stealing from her, his hands should be cut off for such a crime.
“Commoner your hands will be cut for your thievery,” she declares rather righteously. She probably shouldn’t be threatening him, but she doesn’t know what else to do, she needs her riches for the afterlife.
The pretty boy continues to ignore her, shouting a quiet “Aha!” as he comes across her gold bracelet inlaid with precious stones.
“This will work, I bet it’ll fetch a pretty penny before Levi can fence me my money from last job.” At this assertion Mikasa finally works up the courage to remove herself from her casket, although it’s a difficult job on such wobbly legs and if it weren’t for the thief in front of her she’d drop like stones.
“Woah there pretty girl,” the boy holds her up, her legs jelly and she’s forced to hold his arm for balance.
As soon as she feels strong enough she removes herself from him, she is wearing little clothing and this man is not her husband, she doesn’t feel comfortable baring herself.
“Wait, are you actually real?” The boy asks, following her out of his grasp and poking her cheek. “Yes! I am Mikasa, daughter of a great pharaoh and a princess, I am here in the afterlife to complete my journey of immortality.”
“Fuck.” The boy repeats the strange word again, bringing his hand up to his face and massaging his temples.
“Okay, I guess were doing this because I’m not just going to hand you over to the archeological society, god knows what those old bastards will do with you. I’m Eren, Eren Yeager.” “Eren Yeager,” she tests the words on her lips and finds she doesn’t hate the name.
“Eren, you can just call me Eren.”
“I am Mikasa.” She repeats and Eren nods condescendingly, “Yes I know pretty girl, you just told me that. Can you walk?” “Yes,” she responds but she is deeply confused about the turn of events.
She takes a step to show him she can in fact walk and promptly tumbles to the ground.
It is rather difficult to walk after hundreds of years not engaging in the movement.
Eren ends up just scooping her into his arms and Mikasa finds she doesn’t hate it there, he smells quite nice, something she’s never smelled before.
See the full post
90 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
this was gonna be poetic and pretty and about Queen Sovereign Mikasa and then I saw the 'met while buying condoms' prompt and i couldn't resist.
Shit, shit, shit.
Mikasa curses in her head about a hundred times as she loiters in the family planning aisle of the drug store. She's been there for ten minutes now, eyes scanning over the many colourful brands proclaiming that they offer the best protection, all shapes, all sizes, scented, unscented, latex, for those with latex allergies, even flavoured.
She swallows nervously as she squats down, leaning her knees up against the bottom shelf, eyes raking over all the possibilities. Fuck, she's sucha noob. She's never bought condoms before, is embarassed to even be doing it now. The guy has always had one rather luckily, but the other night upon stumbling into some random bedroom at a party she'd learn the hard way that not all guys kept them on hand. The adventure had ended awkwardly with Mikasa refusing to go without protection.
So, rather than find herself in the drugstore the morning after begging the pharmacist for plan B, she finds herself on a friday night scouring the shelves for condoms pre-emptively for a night out.
She curses yet again as Trojan and Durex stare back at her accusingly, competing for her attention with bright purples and dark navy hues, glow in the dark and strawberry flavoured options.
Mikasa briefly allows her eyes to skate towards the very limited sex toy section of the aisle, a few pink packaged vibrators promising her a better time than this. No hassle of having to purchase or choose which brand to buy, just a good time for the night.
Slim, manicured fingers drop the box of condoms, stopped in her tracks by a tall imposing presence behind her. Shit! She's taken too long, now someone is in the aisle with her. She can only hope it's just a really tall menacing woman. Mikasa tilts her head back just enough to catch a glimpse and it's definitely not a woman.
No, it's a tall, attractive guy who's looking at her in amusement as she squats in front of the condom selection. She whips her head back towards the condoms, pretending to browse conspicuously, dark hair shielding her face as she attempts to sink into the shelf, disappear into the wall of condoms. Hopefully, he'll leave quickly, maybe he's looking to buy pads for his girlfriend or something a few paces down. He does not and her dreams are crushed as he hums merrily, browsing the shelves above her. Mikasa tries her very best to go back to her decision, trying to choose between a few different brands, pick the best options, hoping he'll leave quickly.
Instead, after a few minutes she feels him squat down next to her, eyes very obviously on her and she peaks up at him nervously and fuck he's even hotter up close. Green eyes sparkling with mirth, a wicked smile on his face, biceps bulging as he crosses his arms over his knees. "Need some help?"
He raises an eyebrow and she deflates, "Yes, I don't know what i'm doing." Whatever, she'll give into hot stranger for a few minutes, pretend he's who she's buying condoms for, and not that he's in fact just doing this out of the kindness of his heart with a pretty girlfriend to go home too.
Mikasa lets out an actual honest to god squeak as his warm fingers make contact with her own as he snags the condom box she'd been looking at from her.
"These are garbage, they feel like shit," he comments, chucking the box to the bottom of the shelf. "Oh," she whispers, like she's her brain isn't cycling through images of this darkly attractive stranger fucking her with said condoms. Then, he grabs her next pick, pushing it to the back of the shelf, "Also garbage, almost lit my fucking dick on fire."
Her mouth parts slightly and he keeps his eyes on her, smirking at her reaction as he grabs a flavoured box. "These are good for BJs I guess, I've heard they taste okay, but pro tip, usualy head is better without condoms." He winks and if it was someone even slightly less attractive, she'd have smacked this boy upside the head for his boldness. But as it is, all she can do is nod and wish to god it was her he was talking about as he tells her each condom factoid like it's common knowledge.
Finally, he settles on an XL box with lube and ribbing along the outside and he hands it to her, "These are the ones I use," he tells her and she nervously takes the box from his large hands, thinking about all the damage a boy like this could do to her, especially using XL branded condoms. She doesn't know much but she knows he must be obscene and she shivers a little as she takes it.
As if to add insult to injury he shrugs, "That is when I actually use condoms, definitely not a preference of mine, trust me it's always better without." His eyes are dark as he says the last part, hungry and her hands clench around the box, holding on for dear life.
"Thanks," she whispers to him, eyes locked on dark green and he shrugs, "No problem, you looked like you were struggling a bit." "Yeah, like I said, I'm not exactly well-versed in condom shopping." A strange look crosses the boy's face, his brows furrowing, "Well your boyfriend sounds like a jackass, he should have at least told you what to get." Mikasa chokes on her breath, struggling to get the words out before this beautiful boy misunderstands, "I don't have a boyfriend!"
"Oh," a pleased smile crawls up his handsome face, full lips curving up and oh that's a dangerous look, "Then who were you buying them for?" "Umm, well you know just in case, you never know..." She trails off, how the fuck is she supposed to tell him she's hoping to get laid at a party without sounding like a hoe, she's just horny okay, she has needs!
She can see he's struggling to hold back a laugh, "Well I'm glad you're practicing safe-sex I guess."
"I am," she says a bit too loudly and it's awkward for a moment before she shoots her shot because fuck it, "And you, are you buying those for you and your girlfriend?"
This time he really does laugh, a dark chuckle that sends tingles down her spine, "Nah, just in case." His eyes flash viridian and Mikasa stands nervously, this ridiculously hot boy following her, dusting off his knees. "Umm, what's your name?" "Eren, and you?" "Mikasa." "Pretty name," he tells her, hand reaching up to flick at her hair, tossing it over her shoulder playfully, "Well maybe I'll see you around Mikasa, I'll leave you to your shopping, I could see you were eyeing up the vibrators." She dies inside a little, waving at him meekly, he smirks "See you around Mikasa."
She might want to die, but she truly hopes he frequents this drug store often, she will camp out if necessary to find him again. He saunters down the aisle away from view and all Mikasa can do is think about the next time she'll see him. It's five minutes later, she sees him as he comes up behind her in the checkout line, smirking as he bumps into her. She stumbles a little, falling into his arms as his hands dart out to catch her waist. He looks down at her intense, hungry and she can feel her core heat at his touch, he's ridiculously hot.
"Careful, pretty girl," he whispers against her hair, close and she can smell his aftershave, he smells nice, clean, exactly like the kind of boy she wants to take home tonight. He takes his sweet time letting her go as he steadies her, hands caressing down her sides, a feel of her ass before he pulls away, grabbing some items from his fallen basket and placing them down ont he conveyor belt. He drops a pack of gum and some candy down innocently after her own items which are decidedly not as innocent. He fights back a smile as he notices not one but two packs of the condoms he suggested, and some lube, just in case. Mikasa wants the floor to open up and swallow her whole, the only escape from this hell.
"Two boxes I see, planning a busy night huh?" Mikasa isn't given the chance to defend herself as the cashier calls her forward and Mikasa follows her items up to the register.
She spends the majority of the transaction avoiding eye contact with the cashier and trying to come up with ways to slip this boy her number. Should she wait outside the door until he's done? Should she try to ask him out? Should she tell him he needs to take it a step further and show her how to use the condoms he'd reccomended. Oh god.
She's in her own world and the next thing she knows the cashier is tapping the debit machine in front of her to scan her card and great now she looks like an idiot in front of Eren, or as she's been thinking of him, Mr. Attractive.
She gives him one last look, an apology for even existing in his presence, he probably thinks she's a desperate loser.
Those green eyes say the opposite and he winks at her, waving her off and turning to the cashier.
See the full post
159 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
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in the prince eren and knight mikasa au did they try marrying off eren himself? like how would he react
AHAH Okay so in this AU, Eren is like prince, but basically king, like he's not far off, and yes the family has definitely been hinting at it but Eren is like no fuck that, I'm out here winning u wars, deal with it. I'm not getting married (Bc he's fucking his knight and he's in love with her). So his family just kinda deals with it, but secretly the palace rumour is that he's 1000% gay bc he ALWAYS has his personal guard with him, for fucks sake Sir Mik even accompanies him to the showers lol!! I think the bigger problem, is everyone trying to marry off Sir Mik to the nearest fair maiden lol!!
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prince eren and knightkasa
Omg aww yes 😂💖 they’re so funny she’s in her gear omg it’s adorable! So cute!!
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Prince!Eren takes Knight!Mikasa out at the eve her birthday.
When Mikasa arrived at his chambers, there was a dress with a cloak laid on his bed. She stared blankly at Eren who was wearing a casual outfit. "Come on, let me take you out."
The helmet was the first one to go. He did the honors to help her remove it. Long raven locks prettily frame delicate features that you wouldn't think belong to the strongest knight of the empire. It always takes his breath away. The moonlight is nice... but he bets daylight suits her just as much.
Mikasa's birthday coincides with the five-day celebration of the Saint of Love so he secretly takes her out to go to the festival.
They were tipsy with ale, food, and good company when they arrived at a roof for some privacy.
"Don't ever leave me for some ugly princess, Mikasa..." Eren joked but Mikasa didn't miss the hint of insecurity there so even though she laughed,
"Yeah... I'll always be here," she assured him of her place.
"At my side?" Now he gets it.
They weren't looking at the fireworks anymore.
ALMOST DONE!! HER BIRTHDAY DRABBLES!! This one is the cutest 🥺🥺🥺
As much as Eren tries to cover up, it's impossible without him being the one to wear the helmet. And he knows as he interlaces his fingers with Mikasa's that tomorrow they'll be the talk of the town, everyone from the commoners right down to his maids will be wondering who Eren Yeager, first prince spent the Love Festival with. The rumours will spread, a lovely raven haired girl, more beautiful than any they've ever seen before. Eren who is only partial to his dark silver knight will have been seen smiling and spending the night slipping his fingers through this mystery woman's hair.
They'll call her the dark-haired princess, because no one but a princess could have beauty comparable to her.
The rumours will spread far and wide and he knows in the morning Mikasa will blush under her helmet. He can picture it know as she smiles at him, lighting one of the small ferry boats that are being pushed down the river that runs through the city. It's lovely, a river of shining stars, but none more beautiful than the one next to him.
The firworks are set to start soon as Mikasa is jittery with excitement, it makes him feel awful. She doesn't get this opportunity often, her helmet always on, her body always taut to fight. He wants the world for her, and one day, he promises himself he'll take her away from this life, they'll live high up in the mountains away from everyone in a little cabin he'll build himself. She'll no longer have to fight, no longer have to be so vigilant about her identity. No longer have to deal with private meetings with disgusting old men trying to pawn off their daughters. He tucks her under his arm gently, pulling his own mask down slightly so it's not as obvious that it's the prince. "Come my love, the fireworks are starting soon."
"Oh wow, I've never seen them so close up," she whispers as he leads her towards a little hill, not too far from where they're setting them off. She almost sits down but he tuts her, not wanting to dirty her silken dress and he sits first before gesturing to his lap. It might be her birthday, and in most ways he might be a gentleman but he still takes his opportunites where he can get them.
Mikasa gives him an exasperated look, but it soon cracks into a smile as she gives in, taking her place on his lap gracefully. She fits perfectly, her body just slight enough that he engulfs her, wrapping his arms around her waist and tucking his head into the crook of her neck as they both look up. The first fireworks go off, a beautiful pink colour and Mikasa makes an excited noise. He finds himself turning to kiss her cheek as she watches more. "You're never allowed to leave me Mikasa," he whispers softly into her ear. "Of course not my prince, I'll be with you forever," she replies dutifully and Eren chuckles. "But what about Eren and not your prince?" "I'll be with him even longer, an eternity if forever is not enough, and forever after that," she turns to him, eyes sparkling with love, he can't resist an actual kiss. His lips find hers, soft and sweet, tasting of the wine she'd consumed earlier, "Happy Birthday Mikasa."
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I am torn. On the other hand I can imagine KnightKasa to have a short hair cause she's technically a "guy" for safety purposes but I also like the idea of Prince!Eren removing her helmet, bringing her pretty dresses and them sneaking out at night to enjoy festivals and play around in the lake.
OMG TRUE!! okay lets compromise anon, say Eren doesn't see her face for like A LONG time bc before they get all cozy and comfortable and Mikasa realizes Eren is like crazy obsessed with her, she's very strict about her duties. Doesn't take her helmet off for anything and the last time Eren saw her face was when they were just starting puberty and Mikasa was growing into her looks, she had super short hair to fit into her helmet. but somewhere along the way when she's by herself in the few hours she gets alone and not working she's in her chambers and kinda likes how her hair is growing, thinks she's really pretty with her midnight tresses. And some deeper part of her thinks maybe Eren likes girls with longer hair, they're always the most beautiful at the balls, and women are widely famed for their beautiful locks, Grisha always telling Eren about blondes with hair down to their butt like golden sunbeams. So she keeps it long, it's a pain in the ass but she thinks its so pretty and she really loves how it looks the rare time she allows herself to wear a dress and let her hair down. And one day, finally she lets Eren take off her helmet, he's begging her, he's had a shitty day, his dad is trying to marry him off and he needs to see Mikasa's face, so she takes it off and she has this beautiful hair and pretty face, blushing and all nervous about him seeing her for the first time in so long and he's just entranced. he's reaching out to cup her cheek and run his other hand through her hair and after that they start bathing together at Eren's insistence that it's 'safer' but really he just wants to wash Mikasa's hair.
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Knight!Mikasa and Prince!Eren
They are such a riot. Like chaotic af. But you know, I imagine Prince Eren not wanting to be king. He just wants to live away from court, he aiming to have the territory near the shores/ocean to defend from pirates with Mikasa. But then, he has a strong military prowess and was popular among the common people. He's known as the god of war because he has never lost any battle he's in. Also, there's his knight that for some reason everyone wants to marry off to their ugly daughters. He never noticed it before...
"Milord, did your knight kill all of them?" he's staring at all the dead bodies. Assassins wanting to kill him. He got careless... He knows the reason. It's because to them, she's a weapon who has never lost in a fight.
"Not just her... my hidden guards did this."
Oh yes, i completely agree! He has no real desire to be king, he's just kinda there, he'd love to have a cabin in the woods with her, or live by the sea, just take his pretty girl away to look at her in all her glory all the time, not always with a knight's helmet on. but lol his hidden guards, its just the one tho! 🤣 but its a real struggle for him to keep his knight to himself, bc everyone keeps trying to marry sir mik off! when that's not what he wants! that's HIS sir mik!!
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Aside from the chest wraps what does KnightKasa wear underneath her bulky armor?
Prince Eren jokingly resting his hand on her supposed butt and chest while she's wearing that bulky armor! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
"I want to stab you later with my sword..." the inappropriate jokes! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
NOT A LOT! She probably just wears like very thin underarmour bc it's too hot in that big ass suit and she needs range of movement! omg he's such an asshole tho, he's always telling her she has very, staring her in the eye while he places a hand on her breast plate, 'firm breasts' and Mikasa straightfaced asks him if she's allowed to run him through with her sword? Eren always says no to her chagrin.
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KnightKasa with her iconic red cloak
or maybe this one?
She looks scary eitherway 😂😂😂
oooH!! I do like the side cloak aesthetic!! It's very dramatic, u know it flows behind her in the wind, all domineering and Eren is like omg step on me
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Prince!Eren sounds like a legend! He likes awful pun jokes who chooses violence 99.9% of the time... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 😂😂😂 He also has a hidden eye candy who finds him funny... How did he get do lucky?
He loves riling up his hidden eye candy too, like he lives to bother her when he knows she can't do jack shit about it. He's making the worst puns during war room meetings and all the soldiers are staring at him while he stares down his personal knight waiting for the irritated rebuttal he knows wont come
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In the knightkasa au, imagine rod Reiss trying to set up historia and mikasa 😭😭😭, and historia is so against it until she finds out mikasa is a pretty girl, idk how she’d find out, and then she takes full advantage trying to seduce her, spending all her time with her.
eren would be upset bc he thinks mikasa has actually accepted one of the proposals, but mikasa thinks she finally has a friend who she can trust with her identity, bc of how subtle historia is With her advances.
the whole situation ends when eren bribes Ymir into distracting historia by taking her to attractions in the country so she can’t be around mikasa anymore, and it ends with yumihisu running away and The only reason they know is bc they sent a letter thanking eren 😭😭
mikasa would be so bummed out bc she has no way of contacting her new friend, (btw I’m pushing my bisexual mikasa agenda here) until she’s finally back to her usual routine with eren, realsieng how much she’s missed him
Lmao exactly! Eren is exactly a conniving brat 🤣🤣 never fails.
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I am pretty sure Eren's smiling like an idiot.
Eren is SO pleased with himself, but he's also upset about the rumours of him abandoning his knight, absolutely not. He wants everyone to know his knight is unavailable too, Eren doesn't put nothing past no one! he's very suspicious of everyone having feelings for his knight he's like NO! I'm ALSO fucking my knight, he's very posessive of both female and fake male Mikasa 🤣🤣
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Do the other knights know she’s a woman? I feel like they would bc there’s no way she would’ve been able to become so good at fighting without training with others or having a teacher.
ngl I really like the idea of eren watching her train and simping over her, and at the same time panicking when she gets knocked over or something
They do not! I can't remember how they hid it anymore, i think we discussed it but yeah no one knows she's a girl, they just think of her like the scary mysterious silver knight that can destroy anything in her path!!! But ur hc still works lol, he's so cute, freaking out if she gets knocked over and all the other knights are like wtf it's Sir. Mik???Like he is the greatest knight in the kingdom what the fuck??
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What does Prince!Eren look like? I kinda imagine him as 15yr old Eren. idk why...
He has an undercut I think! Defs short hair, he's a grown mans tho, and Mikasa doesn't understand when he got so large, how easily he overpowers her sometimes even though she's the knight! His eyes are mean too, he's just like a playboy brat, he's always got a cutting remark on the tip of his tongue, not a nice boy or a wholesome leader like everyone hopes, he's reclusive and angry, but he's actually pretty good at leading the country outside of this, he just doesn't want to deal with the social aspects of it lol
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For some reason I cannot see where the Prince Eren and Knight Mikasa came from? Can you help me? I really am so turned on for their chemistry but I can't find the other asks :'<
I'll try and go and tag it anon, but it's really recent from like the past few days only and I don't think there were that many lol
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OMFG! the prince Eren au.... I am screaming and rolling in my bed cackling! Eren is a visual creature and saw the second daughter(princess) and snorts. "Mika is definitely prettier... has fuller boobs and hips too." Mikasa face palmed and is thankful for her helmet. She's blushing from head to toe. They all assumed that this "Mika" is the knight's lover...
LMAO!! He's so unimpressed, first of all the SECOND princess??? This asshole doesn't even want to give his knight the first fucking princess, no he gets spare parts second fiddle princess, which is blatantly unacceptable. And then he's scrutinizing the fuck out of this poor girl, he's talking so much shit and everyone thinks it's a royal concubine or something and Mikasa is almost hyperventilating under her helmet as she listens to Eren basically monologue over ehr beauty for ten minutes, getting angrier and angrier at the mere suggestion of wedding his precious knight off to a SECOND princess. Eren leaves out of spite, telling him the meeting is over, he's too pissed off about giving his beloved a lower class princess, it doesn't matter that she's a woman and that she's his lover, he's just offended on her behalf 😂
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