innocence-impulse · 1 year
"hey, it's alright to let it out." (from Idyia)
@primowishes ☃️ when it gets hard || sentence starters.
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Let it out? How could she do that? Telling everyone the truth about what she feels every time the sun comes out, sharing the true feelings of not being like anyone else, and how it feels when almost everyone is afraid of your abilities, even if you mean no harm?
Now given the possibility to finally reveal herself, she's speechless for some time before deciding to start talking again. This topic would be uncomfortable, if not the other person's cherished behavior. Her voice shivers as she is about to confess, feeling somewhat safe because of sensing the possibly inhuman nature of another.
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«I don't know how to tell you about this. But... I'm not a human. At least, not precisely. Allow me to demonstrate.»
Reaching out one of her hands, Alice let her skin become blue with ice consuming it, though only half. While she exhales, and her frozen breath can be seen clearly around her, she makes eye contact with Idiya as if silently permitting her to touch it if the girl gets curious and expresses the desire to do so.
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innocence-impulse · 1 year
"sleep fixes a lot of stuff. it's like emptying garbage cans in your brain." (from Lynette)
@primowishes ❄ when it gets hard
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Lately, Alice's sleeping schedule messed up because of the mechanism she was building up. She couldn't allow herself to rest before she finished or at least get closer to the result she wished for. But, in truth, she was so tired, she could barely keep her eyes open, still resisting hard the desire to sleep.
Was it her imagination, or was it really a cat girl before her? Well, Teyvat was full of wonders, so she wasn't at all surprised. Moreover, Alice feels like she's seen this particular girl somewhere before, but she was with a cheerful boy.
Perhaps she'd seen them both on the streets of Fontaine performing something like magic tricks, and she never believed street magicians. Anyway, she's too sleepy to remember clearly. Though, despite her own condition, she answers, as she suppresses a yawn.
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«I'll get to rest when I finish the project I'm working on. I can't stop in the middle apparently. »
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innocence-impulse · 1 year
"hey. you look tired. you alright?" (from Emma)
@primowishes ❄ when it gets hard
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Alice stayed in the sun for far too long this time, but she barely had a choice: she needed to sell the inventions to make money, though if she didn't need to eat much, she needed ingredients, and not all of them was easy to find in the wild. Also, she needed to pay for the house, and for studying one of the scientists she met agreed to give her.
It's strange, but the girl she passed by asks her about her well-being, making her smile softly. The drops of sweat(or, rather, water) streaming down her face, she's especially vulnerable at the moment. In this state, her abilities couldn't be use if an enemy suddenly appears, and she swings from side to side a little, which speaks without words about how exhausted she truly is.
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«Ah, yes, I'm tottally fine. There's no reason to worry. »
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innocence-impulse · 5 months
"Stay out of it. It's nothing to do with you." (from Arlecchino)
@primowishes⛄ Threatening Sentences, Vol. 1
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Father, they say. They call her Father, the orphans in the House of the Hearth, right? At least, that's what Alice heard from her father. She, on the other hand, won't ever call her that, as she considers this word sacral, and nor she's going to obey her, showing only false obediency perchance.
«...how is that so? If...is this about my fa-»
Unsurprisingly she can't hold back all of her true feelings, the way her eyes narrow, but she regains control pretty fast. Though it seems this time her emotions find their way through her body, the thin lines of frost barely showing up, still it could be caught by an attentive eye.
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«I...have the right to know what happened to my parent. If it's something about him, I must know, because I'm his child. And I don't care what's the truth!»
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innocence-impulse · 5 months
“I know you don’t trust me, yet, and that’s okay.” (from Dottore - and she probably shouldn't ever trust him either for that matter)
@primowishes 🌨️UNPROMPTED!
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Trust is such a fragile thing, especially when a girl such as herself is in the circumstances she can't trust anyone. But, this man appears in her way too often to consider it a consequence, so should she be scared or inspired? She's side with warning more than a benefit of the doubt.
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«...You're right. I don't. I never trusted strangers, you know. Parents taught me so.»
Escaping the word 'father', Alice doesn't make an eye contact with a man at all, but she's ready to run if she needs to. Good that's the weather was rainy and cold, so it won't reveal her true identity.
«...and do you even need my trust? I'm a regular human, with regular interest in mechanics. I'm not worth your time, monsiuer.»
Despite appearing confident on the surface, Alice is still worried and a bit scared deep inside. Masking that fear by the politeness she handles the conversation with, she hopes the demonstration of coldness and disinterest in his persona will discourage him from engaging further with her.
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innocence-impulse · 10 months
"I've never really been good at taking no for an answer." (from Dottore)
@primowishes 𝄞 Threatening Sentences, Vol. 1
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There's no way Alice would give the notebook to the stranger, who, furthermore, asked so unpolitely. Even if no one except her can understand the language it's written in (though still, if she understands, she can't understand it in the way of science) and it's her father's research, which she's not eager to share with anyone.
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«No way! I'm not giving it to you! It's mine!»
She held back so as not to turn him into an ice statue, or freeze the environment till her heart's content, actually escaping the demonstrating her abilities in front of this man. For some reason, his presence gave her goosebumps.
«I'm not going to give it, so why don't you go and mind your own business instead?»
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innocence-impulse · 11 months
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.) / 14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
@primowishes 𝄞 MUN MEME!
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10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
Fantasy, of course, most of the time! I stay with the fantasy theme fandoms for that exact reason. I do accept sometimes clearly romance threads or rarely read romance books. It's not really interesting to me if there's no fantasy element in fiction!
14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
Oh, that's one of my first experiences on Tumblr as a whole, it was about two years ago when I was in the D.Gray Man community. We had so much fun with other OCs and canon characters! It was so wholesome! Alice even had relationships. Though it wasn't very long, I still remember it as a positive thing. Hope I'll experience it in other fandoms as well…someday, perhaps!c;
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innocence-impulse · 1 year
"I'm going to hunt them down and kill them." (from Jeht)
@primowishes 🧊Threatening Sentences, Vol. 1
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How worried these words made Alice, even though they barely knew each other. The fatui agents were very dangerous, to begin with, involving oneself willingly might end up in a disaster. The least she wished for, is for someone to possibly sacrifice their life for…someone like her.
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«No, you shouldn't do that! Fatui agents are extremely difficult to fight! ...I...don't deserve such a danger you putting yourself in. You should think of yourself first! What if you die---»
Alice stopped in the middle of the reply, acknowledging what she'd said. No, no way, the girl shouldn't risk her life over a non-human creature like her. She won't forgive herself if something happens to her. She's not worth it.
«Please, think again. I ask you not to pursue them, and not try to pick up a fight. I'm able to protect myself, and if I fail, that's…well, my problem. It's just how life is, no more, no less.»
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innocence-impulse · 1 year
“ i’m sorry— i was gonna try to help but it happened so fast. ” (Sucrose, from this meme from your old blog)
@primowishes ❄ more injury prompts bc reasons
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Ah, she shouldn't be angry, she shouldn't be angry, she shouldn't be angry --- Alice tries to repeat to herself, as she watches the ingredients wasting away, after Sucrose presumably wasn't careful enough and dropped a good amount of it. She is very, very irritated, but it only shows her eyebrows twitching a bit.
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«...no, it's nothing. The ingredients are not that rare, I can gather them.»
Though, how much will it take? Hard to think about it, but at least she has a few potions left, but half of them ruined. She felt irritated so much, that her icy skin was revealing, and her hair partly becoming blue and white.
«Just...help me tidy everything, okay?»
With a heavy sigh, she tries to hold back herself. Well, she's certain Sucrose didn't do that on purpose, they still can have productive results, after all. Two heads are better than one, isn't it? Also, Sucrose didn't trigger her social anxieties, so she much preferred to communicate with her than others (most of the time).
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