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allengreenfield · 1 year ago
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ohthatwitchagain · 5 years ago
As a Greek, I was surprised when I found out even that Hecate (Εκάτη) existed. Why? Because in all the years that we were taught anything related to ancient Greece at school, not once was Hecate mentioned. However, she is a goddesses witch quite a rich and diverse backstory. 
Her name means "worker from afar" from the Greek word hekatos. The masculine form of the name, Hekatos, was a common epithet of the god Apollon. .She is was associated in various ways with crossroads, entrances, light, magic, the knowledge of medicinal and poisonous herbs, ghosts and necromancy.
The poet of Theogony, Hesiod, recognizes in her face the mighty Lady of the three kingdoms: earth, sky and sea. He also says that the goddess exercised her sovereignty from the time of the Titans before Zeus and his class came to power. The new ruler of the world honored her, leaving her in her original glory, and most of all giving her wonderful gifts, a share of the earth, the sea and the starry sky. Zeus, according to Hesiod, did not treat her violently, nor did he take away from her what the Titans had given her. Hekate also helps warriors in war and kings in the administration of justice. He brings honors to sports, protects hunters and fishermen and, along with Mercury, protects herds.
Aeschylus connects her with the Moon and presents her as Artemis-Hecate, while Euripides considers her the daughter of Leto, and first in Medea he presents her as the goddess protector of witches. Hecate is therefore connected and identified with Demeter, Persephone, Mercury and the Underworld, the Earth, Pan, Kyveli and Koryvantes. She was also associated with dogs, and often puppies would be sacrificed in her honor (do not do that).
It seems that Hecate was/is variously…
* The great mother goddess, giving birth to the sun every morning
* The frog-headed goddess of the primordeal waters (ancient Egypt)
* Midwife to the goddesses
* Symbol of the cycle of birth, death and rebirth
The triple goddess of the moon – waxing and waning. full, and new, or Clotho (spinning the threads of life), Lachesis (measuring life), and Atrophos (cutting the threads of life)
* One aspect of the triple-headed goddess representing three aspects of the moon – Hecate representing the dark side of the moon
* One aspect of maiden (Persephone), mother (Demeter) and crone (Hecate). *see Melia’s comment below this post
* A great witch, daughter of Aeetes, the magician, and a High Priestess (Colchis – now Georgia)
* Queen of the Underworld
* The chief goddess – queen of goddesses (what was Turkey)
* Goddess of the Night and giver of nocturnal visions, lunacy, ‘moon-madness’
* Goddess of crossroads – a point where three roads meet
Today, Hecate can be seen as a symbol of life’s cycle – as a mother and midwife bringing forth new life, as a guardian of death, and as the new moon follows the dark, a symbol of rebirth and renewal. In this sense, she is associated with The Moon Tarot card, where The Moon represents cycles, and unexplainable fear. As the ‘giver of nocturnal visions’ she is the goddess of ‘moon madness’. But stronger.
For me, it’s about being unafraid of change. It’s those root meanings in the Death card – finding the ability to stare death – whatever death means in context – in the face and pass through the transformation it brings. Realising that death is a necessary part of life, that one person will undergo many deaths and rebirths in one lifetime, and that these are a healthy, natural, scary part of our journey.
Info from:
The greek wiki page
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otoradio · 5 years ago
- Mr.'69 - - Брик-а-брак #13 (Батука)
С нами - Mr.'69 - и новый выпуск "Брик-а-брак". Отличный повод немного встряхнуться. Трек-лист: Intro 01. Telex – Cliché 02. Sun Ra – Jet Flight 03. Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band – Frying Pan 04. Malcolm McLaren - Pere Lachaise 05. Paul Beaver and Bernard L. Krause – Moogy Blues Funk 06. Sigue Sigue Sputnik - Advert From Flaunt It 07. Foetus Inc. - Himmelfahrtstransport - Primordal Industry 08. Scott Walker – Amsterdam 09. Jean-Claude Brialy – Boomerang 10. Tangerine Dream – Movements Of A Visionary 11. Bernd Spier - Heute bei mir 12. T. Rex – Universe 13. Nino Rota – O Venezia, Venaga, Venusia 14. Malcolm McLaren - La Main Parisienne 15. The Hearts - Lonely Nights 16. Psychic TV - Pregnant Pause 17. Serge Gainsbourg - Photographes et religieuses (Orchestre) 18. Paul Robeson - My Curly-Headed Baby 19. Gershon Kingsley – For Alisse Beethoven 20. Leather Boy – Shadows 21. P.F. Sloan - Eve of Destruction 22. Santana – Batuka 23. The Rolling Stones – I Wanna Be Your Man Outro
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megafullclouddaze · 5 years ago
Coronavirus: The Revenge of China and their Unlimited Ambition
Disclaimer: My quandry has nothing to do with China as a people, but rather as a country and their government, and their historical and ideological differences with the West.
A little bit of cursory research shows that China has been the ancient plague bearer of the human world. 
They’ve been the origin of dangerous plauge vectors (presumably by accident) since the times of the Ancient Romans.  In fact, a plauge nearly destroyed the Byzantine Eastern Roman Empire in the 6th century AD: a series of events known as the Plauge of Justinian.  
For context: The plauge of Justinian killed between 25 to 50 million people, which was between 13% to 26% of the world’s population.  Even Emperor Justinian got it.   The bacterial plauge was in fact carried by the same bacteria that caused the Black PLauge in Europe over 700 years later. 
Ancient and modern Yersinia pestis strains closely related to the ancestor of the Justinian plague strain have been found in Tian Shan, a system of mountain ranges on the borders of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and China, suggesting that the Justinian plague may have originated in or near that region.
So there’s a long history of China and Plauge.
Now here’s the thing.  A good deal of the media, including the Chinese media, don’t want you blaming this current Coronavirus plague on China.  China, who has been the major malfeasant in a new Cold War since 2000, is wholly responsible for this plauge.  By pointing out that this is China’s plauge you are not being racist.  You aren’t blaming Chinese people themselves as being responsible (even though a tiny percentage of them are).  You are simply pointing out an undeniable fact. 
China has conveniently recovered in the manner of a month’s time from the Coronavirus, by quarantining and locking down Wuhan.  Why did they do this and how did they knew this would be effective?  Because they prepared long ago for this situation, and they knew the West would not be able to handle it.  After being battered in the trade war, and having their illegal pursuits in the South China Sea threatened, they realized they needed to retaliate somehow.  So they relied, either wittingly, or unwittingly on their primordeal bedfellow: The 3rd Horseman, also known as Pestilence. At best, this plaugue was a fortunate accident for China, so they could recover from a weakened economy, and discover the West’s weakness and the ability to defend again the virus.  At worst, China knew all this and this was purposefully done to stabotage the West and their efforts to derail China.
And just look how China is now turning the blame on the West:  https://qz.com/1817736/china-fuels-coronavirus-conspiracy-theory-blaming-us-army/
Unprecedented and Historical Change
The idea of Regieme Change, which was codified into a convenient catch phrase by George Bush Junior during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, was almost universally panned as a bad idea and tactic when goalsetting in a war with a foreign power.  Regieme’s are not easy to change, and in the case of Iraq, it seems like it wasn’t worth it at all to even have tried in the first place.
That is not to say, on a cosmic level, it’s not necessary.  I dare say that China is a country in NEED of regieme change, even though it might be nigh impossible to do.  Their intent is plainly to force their will upon the rest of the world.  They have every intent of forcing their world view and their political culture on the entire planet, whether it is by economic means, or by force.  They believe it’s their time to rule the world.  In that light, the coronavirus seems like one of the means to that end:
China is Dangerous because:
They wield a massive nuclear arsenal
They have a relatively small value for human life, and the rights of their citizens: https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2019/country-chapters/china-and-tibet
The Wester countries are economically dependant (much less than co-dependant) on them.  Most of our supply chain is dependant on them.
They have the capability wield disease vectors to destabilize the entire world
They have ambitions to rule the South China Sea.
Make no mistake, long after Trump is gone from office, the Chinese will continue to try to arrest complete control of the South China Sea.  This is really the key in everything, and honestly this must be stopped.  With the dampening of their economy, I hoped that it would come to pass that China’s grip on this vitally strategic stronghold would come to an end, or at least be loosened: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/how-world-war-could-start-china-south-china-sea-131252
Mark my words, I’ve said it for years, the next World War will be fought over this region.  I believe that the Coronvirus pandemic and the Western power’s response to it, are key to any long term events that arise surrounding struggle in this area of the world.  And our potential future leaders: https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/03/joe-biden-is-chinas-choice-for-president/, want nothing but to re-ingratiate the United States to them.  Everything that Trump has done has been questionable, save for this one thing. He stood up to China.  China needed to be stood up to by someone, because otherwise they would have run roughshod over a world that’s willingly sacrificing their economic freedom to them.
We must be vigillant, and remember that while China is an amazing country full of rich culture and a deep history and wonderful people-it is currently under the stewardship of the Great World Enemy - the Communist Chinese Government. Their intent is to rule the world at any cost, and we must never let them do so. 
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